Tuesday Talks with Darleen

Unlocking Creativity: Embracing Your Inner Strength in Business {Ep 16}

Broadcast on:
04 Oct 2024
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Welcome to Tuesday Talks with Darlene Podcast, the show that goes deep into the topics of spirituality, intuition, the chakras and business. I will be building on the traditional knowledge of all of these and being a rebel by busting myths. There will be solo episodes and also episodes with guests. I'm your host Darlene, let's get started. In week 2 of the Soulplexes Chakra, we are talking about creativity. Last week we talked about connection, this week we're talking about creativity. Remember, each week there's the same three aspects so it is inner strength, that's the personal one. The business is claiming your expertise and facing the fears and learning how to do it. Now let's have a look at personal, inner strengths. When we run our business, we do need that beautiful inner strength to come out, to help us be productive, to help us show up when we need to show up, to help us understand what we need to rest and integrate. All of that can take some inner strength. For me, as you know, I have mental health challenges, that is I don't have, I don't claim diagnosis even though I do talk about it. That's not me though, it's things that happen and yes, you know, I can get a little bit down, I can get anxious sometimes, my PTSD can show up, that's all awesome, yet I allow that beautiful inner strength to come up and it helps me show up in business. If I didn't have that inner strength, I wouldn't be doing these videos, I wouldn't be interviewing women on my YouTube channel, I wouldn't be doing any of that. And think about creativity, what are creative ways that you can tap into that inner strength and that allows you to tap into it much, much easier, be creative, be fun, just have, just play with it, come up with ways that work for you. It is so important that you do what's right for you. Now you can have all of this advice and yes, I'm giving you advice in this video, yet you've got to, you've got to find what's right for you. If this advice is right, great, run with it, go with it, have fun and that's what it's all about. Find that inner strength in a creative way, be creative about it and that inner strength will come through and you'll know whether what you're hearing is right. You'll know when to show up in your business, you'll know when to do certain aspects of your business. Like if you need to do finance stuff, you'll know when to do that because you're listening to your body and you've tapped into that inner strength and you've gone okay, Monday mornings, that's the day that I'm going to look at my finances. So every week, Monday morning, I'm going to spend an hour just on my finances. It might be like that or it could be Thursday afternoons, whatever it is, you find your inner strength, be creative, have fun, bring some passion into it, find that inner beautiful strength that I know you have and you know you have it, you find that. Now business, the first thing claiming the expert is, and be creative about that. When you're posting on social media, bring your personality into it, you can see with me that I love to have fun and I get passionate about things. That is why you see me talking about the chakras all the time because I'm so passionate about it, I'm passionate about my art, that all works together, the chakras and the art work together so beautifully. And I'm so passionate about it, I'm claiming the expertise, that is who I am. I mean, I'm an intuitive creator and mentor, I support you with your mindset. Love all that, that is my expertise, I'm claiming it and I claim it in creative ways. You'll see that I put different posts up on my page, that helps you to understand me personally, because I love putting personal stuff up and help to understand me as a businesswoman and what I do. Love it, I love all of this. It is just so beautifully amazing. What can you do to claim your expertise? How can you be creative with it? These videos are creative for me because you can see I love doing videos. I tell you, I didn't first because I had a fear of showing up because I wasn't happy with everything, like I wasn't happy with my teeth or anything like that. Now I honestly don't give a flying stuff. Gotta be careful what I say, but I don't give a flying stuff anymore. I am now showing up on my YouTube channel, I'm showing up three times a week, like that is incredible. And I love it, I love it. So that is how I'm one of the ways I'm being creative and showing my expertise. What can you do? I'm giving you a challenge. I want to give you a little challenge. What can you do to be creative about claiming the expertise? Now the next one is facing your fears and learning how to do it. It might be videos. You want to face the fear of doing videos. That is beautiful. Do all that beautiful self's care stuff first so that you let go of all the thoughts, patterns and beliefs that are not serving you, that are stopping you from doing videos. If you want to do videos, you do need to learn how to do it. It could be recording videos, or it could be going Facebook Live or Instagram or whatever, wherever you do live videos. It could be learning how to do that. Now Facebook, they keep changing how the lives actually happen. That's life. You've got to run with it. You've just got to learn what happens. Now when Facebook first kept changing the way they did Facebook lives, I did get angry because I wasn't connected to my body properly and I wasn't connected to my business. Now I actually laugh about it, like when something new happens I go okay this is a learning experience and I'm going to be creative with it and I'm going to have fun. I'm not going to allow it to affect me. I'm going to have fun. Now I did need to face my fears of showing up on video and I needed to face my fears of claiming the expertise. Who am I to claim the expertise as an artist? I'm not a traditional painter and drawer, yet I am still an artist. I create amazing art. I create amazing, sacred art. That is who I am. So I had to face that fear and I had to learn how to claim the expertise. When you do that, it is a truly beautiful and powerful place to come from and the ideal clients will look at you and they'll go wow I need to work with that person. This is what it's all about and that is why I'm so passionate about working with the chakras. I don't need anything else. I have my body which has the chakras. That is all I need. Yet the other things bring in fun. They bring in the creativity, they bring in the passion, they bring all of that in and that is what it's all about. Now again, personal, the inner strength. Business, it's about claiming the expertise, finding the fears and learning to do it anyway. That's week two and then next week will be week three with abundance. How exciting. I look forward to seeing you next time. Bye. Are you interested in learning how to receive, trust and believe your intuition so that you can use it within your business? Click the link in the description to book in a free connection call and let's chat about how we can work together. Thank you for listening to Tuesday talks with Darlene. Before we go, I would love for you to show some love for your favorite podcast and yes, that is mine by leaving a review on your preferred podcast player. Wishing you a beautiful day wherever you are on this gorgeous earth. [Music]