Tuesday Talks with Darleen

Heart Chakra Connection and Business Insights {Ep 20}

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08 Oct 2024
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Welcome to Tuesday Talks with Darlene Podcast, the show that goes deep into the topics of spirituality, intuition, the chakras and business. I will be building on the traditional knowledge of all of these and being a rebel by busting myths. There will be solo episodes and also episodes with guests. I'm your host Darlene. Let's get started. Welcome to week one of the beautiful heart chakra. Now if you're wondering what I'm talking about, I'm going through all the beautiful chakras, what I call the nine chakras of business. These beautiful things, they're so amazing. There are actually energy vortexes within and around our body. Everything is an energy, everything's vibration. And these beautiful vortexes of energy help us to move through stuff, to understand what's happening. And so for the last four weeks, I've done the earth connection chakra, the rhubae chakra, the cycle and the solar plexus chakra. Now we're up to the heart and I call this a beautiful bridge. This is the bridge between what's called the lower chakras and the higher chakras, the higher chakras being your throat, third eye, etc. These beautiful heart chakra, as you can imagine is, you know, it's all about love. That's the biggest thing. And the reason I call it a bridge is if there's things that are happening within the lower chakra is the heart chakra, I can say, okay, let's have a look at what's happening. Is the energy feeling right? If it is, then yeah, let's move that energy through my chakra and upwards and let's go from there. If it's not feeling so right, then the heart might go, you know, I'm going to allow a little bit through. But I think it's best that you look at what's going on before we actually move to the other chakras. And it's just a beautiful, beautiful way of just looking into it or the heart chakra tells us what's going on. And it's just beautiful. Now with all these chakras, I'm talking about three aspects. There are many aspects to them all. I'm talking about one personal and two business. And that's why I call them the nine chakras of business, because I'm really looking at the business aspects. Now with personal, it's about hope. Can you imagine when you have so much hope, what your heart will feel like when you have hope in your personal life, it is truly, truly amazing. Now that's one thing that I've really had to discover. I've got, as you know, for those that have been following me for a while, if you haven't, I do have mental health challenges. I've got depression, anxiety, and PTSD. I'm dealing with all that. And because I'm working with that and moving through what actually caused all that to happen, there is so much hope in my life now. I can see a way forward. I can see the future. And I know that future will happen because of the beautiful hope that I actually have. I have so much hope in my heart now, that's making me tear up because it's just so to come from a place that I come from where I was feeling suicidal. And to now have so much hope that I can see my future and know it will happen is so incredible. If you're not feeling hope, what's going on? Have a look at what's happening in your life. Why aren't you feeling that hope? Why aren't you seeing your future and knowing that it will happen? Why aren't you feeling present? Why aren't you feeling right in this moment and loving it? Why are you feeling the gratitude or anything else that goes with that hope? Because when we don't have hope, then there's other things. We may not have joy. We may not have passion. Those actually happen. And so look at the beautiful, your beautiful personal life. See what's going on. Because what happens in your personal life does affect your business. There's no way you can get around it because you and your business are one, you're one and separate at the same time. And I call it a relationship. I have a relationship with my business. So because I've got that hope and because I've got that future vision, my business is sitting there going, wow, okay, let's do stuff. Let's get moving. Time for a rest. My business will talk to me because it knows what I need to do to move forward and when to rest and all of that beautiful stuff because I have such a deep, deep, deep connection and amazing relationship with my business energy now. And it's truly incredible for all of this to happen. Truly incredible. Now the first business aspect is giving clients time and space. What we can do is we can be on a call with someone, you know, they heard what we've got to say. And then I was thinking, oh, I want to work with that person, but I'm not sure. If you keep going, oh, look, you know, you just need to make a deposit. We can do a pay and play and blah, blah, you're not giving them the time and space to think. It is so important that we take a step back and we go, you know what? How about I follow up with you tomorrow and just see how you're going. And if you've got any more questions, we can jump on another call. Allow your clients the time and space. When you step back and allow that, you'll be amazed how many more clients will actually sign up with you. If you're on a phone saying, yep, take a deposit now, let's do a pay and pay and right now, get your credit card out. Can you, you can just feel the energy? There's something wrong with that. Yet there are so many people that do do that. They get you on the call and they go, okay, great, you want to work with me? Let's take a deposit, get your credit card out right now. If you can't, then obviously you don't want to work with me, you know, like all of this kind of, I don't like that. And that's me. And the same thing, there's so many potential clients out there that don't like that either. So that's the first aspect of giving clients time and space. The next one is when you're on a call with them, when you're actually working with them, if all you're doing is doing loads of talking and not allowing space, then the beautiful clients don't integrate. It doesn't matter what you do. It doesn't matter if you create a website and you're on a call with them and you're going, okay, let's do this, let's do this, need this, need this. Okay, great, get me that. See you later. You're not allowing the clients to go actually. I don't want that page on a website. I don't need that page at all because you've got to listen to what your clients want. And by giving them the time and space, you're listening to them. And I tell you, when a client is heard, wow, that is powerful and they will tell everyone about you. But if you're all about, I need all of that stuff right now, let's go. Or, okay, this is what's, if you, you know, like you might be doing mindset or healing. Okay, this is what needs to you need to do. This isn't this. Okay, let's do a meditation right now. Okay, let's do some gene boba. Boom. Hello, time and space. Give your beautiful clients time and space. And I learned how profound that could be when I was doing the diploma of counseling. We would say something and then we would just stop and we would allow that silence. And that is when the profound healing happens because you just need to ask a question. And then suddenly the client goes, wow, they might sit in silence for a bit. And then suddenly they just open up and so much comes out. And that's what can happen no matter what service you've got, what you offer, if you allow your clients time and space and you're so much more profound, what actually happens. And they are much more likely to get out there and recommend you. But if you just push and push and push and don't allow any integration, any time and space, then they may not recommend you allow your clients to have that time and space. It's so powerful when you do. Now, the next one is expansion. Now, that is you. What happens when you expand? So think of your heart. You allow your beautiful heart to expand. Imagine the potential clients what they're feeling because they can feel your energy. They may not understand. There's a lot of people out there that are not aware of energy. Yet when you put out the right energy and you expand and you open up your beautiful heart, they feel that. And then they actually think, I need something. I need something. They go searching and they find you. How powerful is that? Allow that beautiful heart to expand. Allow your business's energy heart to expand as well because yes, your business energy does have chakras as well. It's also got an inner child. Allow both of your hearts to expand. And when those potential clients feel that love and they feel that compassion, they feel all of that. Imagine what happens. They want to go looking for you and they want to see what you're about. How amazing is that? It's incredible. Now, let's just go over those again. Personal is about hope. Do you have hope? And if you don't feel you have hope, then have a look and see what's happening. The next one is allowing your clients to have the time and space. And then the last one was expansion, expansion of your heart and your business's heart chakra as well. That's this week's week one. It's all about connection. And I love it. And it's just, it's truly beautiful. When you can connect to your beautiful body, connect to your business's energy, all of this is even more powerful. And just, you know, just sit in silence and just go into your body. What is happening? What can you feel? What can you see? What can you know? Whatever your ability is use that to go in your body and find out what's going on. It's amazing what happens when you really connect and you connect to your business's energy. The more you connect to it, the more you know what's right for your business. And that's what I love about this work is the more that you connect to yourself and your business, you know what's right. Even when you get advice, you can turn around and go, actually, yeah, that advice is really good. I'm actually going to take that on board or know my body, my business is saying, no, it's not right. You have the confidence and the courage to be able to stand up and go, you know what? Great. I'm glad you're a business coach, yet that advice is not right for me because it's so powerful when you can stand up and go, I know you're a business coach and I know you've made great money, yet this is my business and I know what's right. So truly powerful to do that. Are you interested in learning how to receive, trust and believe your intuition so that you can use it within your business? Click the link in the description to book in a free connection call and let's chat about how we can work together. Thank you for listening to Tuesday Talks with Darlene. Before we go, I would love for you to show some love for your favorite podcast and yes, that is mine by leaving a review on your preferred podcast player, wishing you a beautiful day wherever you are on this gorgeous earth. [MUSIC] [MUSIC]