Tuesday Talks with Darleen

Unlocking Abundance with EFT and Claire Kerslake {Ep 21}

Broadcast on:
09 Oct 2024
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Welcome to Tuesday Talks with Darlene Podcast, the show that goes deep into the topics of spirituality, intuition, the chakras and business. I will be building on the traditional knowledge of all of these and being a rebel by busting myths. There will be solo episodes and also episodes with guests. I'm your host Darlene. Let's get started. Hi everyone and welcome to Tuesday Talks with Darlene. Now I'm so excited I've got a guest speaker called Claire Curse Lake and Claire is an EFT practitioner who helps women in business attract more money and clients into their business by helping them shift any money blocks or limiting beliefs that are getting in the way. Now I'm blessed because I've known Claire for quite a while now so I was so excited when she actually said yes she wants to come on, it's like yes. So for anyone following I would love for you to actually tell more about yourself and how you got into your business and then what EFT is because some people may know it and some people may not. Yes, beautiful. We share a common background Darlene with our nursing and but wanted something more, you know, wanted to grow a business and I kind of it kind of evolved. I came across the EFT quite a few years ago as a modality it's been around about 30 years years and it was because I at the time I was a diabetes educator and working a lot with women with cravings and really I suffered with cravings myself and for anyone who has you know that you know you'll kill for to get whatever that food is that you crave and tapping came up as a really good tool to treat cravings but as a nurse you know you're pretty practical and seeing just two out there and a couple of years went by and I just became aware of the research underpinning tapping and that as a health professional really prompted me to take another look at some training in EFT and delve into it a bit more and from there I evolved and now love working with women in business because things come up to stop us and there's nothing better than saying a woman take beautiful aligned action in her business because she's overcome those fears and limiting beliefs and I guess to backtrack what is tapping so it's emotional freedom technique it's called EFT or tapping for short often because we actually tap on different acupressure points on our face and upper body and psychological acupuncture because we often say say things in addition to what we always say things in addition to where we're tapping and the research around it has been extensive and is growing all the time and that I guess is what is wonderful was a ex-health professional now I guess retired registered nurse really knows that I can step forward and offer this and not only can I say oh well I've seen it do XYZ and it is quite amazing I often think of it as having a bit of a magic wand because that's how it kind of feels because when you're stuck in a problem whether it be you know a health related problem like a craving or in your business and you know you need to send that newsletter but you can't make yourself do it now or you know you need to be more visible and do something like we're doing today which is talking podcast or start your own podcast or whatever whatever that is and you're not doing it you know often that ends up being a lot of frustration and we beat ourselves up where if we can use a tool like tapping to dissolve that resistance you just find yourself taking action like it's just incredible so it's just a joy to be able to doing work that lights me up and to see the results in the women that I work with and I and I'll freely admit this I don't use tapping you know maybe as much as I could because I've sort of got other tools that I love yeah yeah the couple of times I've done it it's like hang on this is actually really powerful like yeah there's something just simple and tapping and you're like hang on you know because you do the scoring out out of ten and you go from like even nine out of ten to like you know a couple goes and suddenly you're down to like two and you're like wow and you really feel into your body and you're like she's not affected me it's like it's it's incredible and one of the I've got a couple of little anecdotes more in the health field but I definitely see this women in business and a randomized control trials and they would follow up for one or two years after and so they might ring someone and say I'm Sue and oh Sue you know remember you're in that trial oh that's right I was in that trial and how you going with the kick cats and you'd say well kick cats remember Sue you were having ten kick cats a don't oh that's right now I don't do that anymore and so they forget that it's ever a problem and that came up with the chronic pain trial recently when they followed up people had forgotten they ever had pain and if you know what chronic pain is like so it has a whole range of effects in the body and I see this with women in business let's say I've read so I might be working with a woman who really and I find this a lot with women who are very high achievers they push themselves hard struggle to take time off and that was probably me as well yeah yep and so we'll be working on what's underneath that and then she'll quietly mention oh yes we're taking the weekend off to do this or you know I did X1Z over the weekend and I said you know you know just a short time ago that would have been absolutely unthinkable to take any time off so I love how it happens quite naturally and so you know it might be someone who's struggled to be alive and so I know I'm doing weekly lives now and it's just quite beautiful because the actions just it's not a forcing yourself you know that feel your fear and do it anyway is just absolute you know CRAP as far as I'm concerned I'm not sure how you know what we can say on this you know instead dialects dissolve the resistance underneath and then you just take that beautiful aligned action so it does make it easy because you know as you know I my most of my followers are a lot of my followers have mental health challenges and I've really met that I do and so having something easy is just so powerful because when you're in especially if you like for me thankfully it's just little moments now but even in that moment having a simple tool that can get you out of that and then just detach and actually look at what's happening is so good because you know there are things out there that are so complicated and you're like I'm already overwhelmed and you want me to do something that's like 20 steps long no where is this is like that is all you know you are just beautifully taping and it's just like and that's the other thing as well is because what I find is if I'm actually doing something that really helps to affect my emotions and that as well like you know it it gets me in the present and that's what for me who's got you know anxiety expression or that I need something that gets me in the moment and actually gets me really focusing and that's what I love about the EFT is it does that the randomized control trials on depression anxiety that type of thing I could think it lowers your stress hormones by some amazing amount it's it's incredible just you know not only do you have the results in your real life actions you know you're taking those actions but physiologically in your body and I love and you know as you said before we're both nurses so having that those statistics out there that are you know trials and all that is so cool you can be able to say hey look at this you know it's not you know it's not something I've just made up it's actually you know it all matches and everything and yeah it's so good to have that well for women in so your clients you know you look after a lot of women in business is there something that seems to come up all the time things come up procrastination you're knowing what to do and not doing it and then that comes up beating yourself up you know why can't I do that and often I work a lot with women who are you I set very high standards to himself so they tend to be quite which you know you know that's that imposter syndrome who do I think I am to be doing this here of visibility and obviously you know social media you know it's very visible and needing to wanting to grow your business you know you need to put yourself out there so that comes up a lot and I feel a lot of those would especially relate to women with mental health challenges because you know all of those things I just went if you just like it's probably it how long is a piece of string but you know as I said we want something that's sort of short so how long would tapping roughly take just a rough sort of it well there is a bit of a question how long is a piece of string it's so individual what we do know is that it's very quick so when in some of the trials they compared it with cognitive behavior therapy for instance which was the gold standard and they actually had to extend the trial because EFT worked quicker than the CBT it stays done so the results are there so we know it's quicker it is a little bit how long is a piece of string you know how long has that issue been going on you know is it connected to trauma but I have some lovely clients that you know I work with because as you know as we grow our businesses you know things come up really at every level things take slow because we're just not ready to sort of get past them we just need that extra little bit of time and that's okay too I think of it would often talk in tapping about a table so you imagine like a coffee table it's got four legs so often an issue might have different little aspects to it and as we dissolve each aspect then suddenly it's like it's gone and it's not a problem anymore and in fact we forget it was a problem which I just love it's a little bit like a double edged sword because we forgot it was a problem you know we can't attribute it to the tapping but just when you're stuck in the mud and you've got this issue sometimes it's hard to see a way out but for that not to be an issue of not to be a problem and for us to forget you know that we ever had the problem it's just incredible and I just adore seeing women you know step into their power and take action that feels aligned they're not forcing themselves to take action it feels right you know it's aligned to their values and their goals and their dreams so and I love that because there's so many beautiful coaches out there that you know they've learned stuff and I keep saying you know just push through and just push through and it's like hang on I've got trauma I've got mental health challenges pulling up going to push through that's just going to take me out for months that's right that's so cool about this oh absolutely when I first started been around probably the business world for a while when I first started yeah I just wasn't aware of any mindset modalities at all and it was all that yeah go ahead and do it just go and do it and I wasn't that type of person you know I was terrified of everything really you know some people say well you know start at zero I think I was negative in the negative you know I was so scared of everything you know just leave my first Facebook post you know I thought oh god you know someone's going to you know and not you know sometimes our fears are not logical I somehow thought that I mean identity would be stolen they'd come and take all my money and would be bankrupt among the street you know I was terrified and I didn't have those mindset modalities such as EFT and I say which I had and that's probably why I'm so passionate about it now because you don't have to do it the hard way it's allowed to be easy and we can use those tools to help us take that easy aligned action I really want to emphasize that point because for anyone that's following if you you know if you just start a business or you've only been a few months I really want to emphasize that mindset is just as important maybe even more important business strategies because when we start we think we just need all these strategies yet if you don't have that mindset behind it those strategies you could you know just it'll get you somewhere but it won't get you as far as if you've got that mindset with it and all of it's so important you know like yes so important this is what I need to do why I'm doing it and I know something's getting like sometimes I don't know what I just know that I can't make myself do it you know whenever I know I need to go live or you know send that newsletter or you know send off my bio to a podcast host you know I do but a million other things so I'm caught up in the busy work so I don't have time and that's what I find you know I need things that help me hold me accountable as well and that's why doing these beautiful interviews now my emails are going to be more consistent but I've got the mindset tools behind it as well so you know things like EFT and all of that help me with that and that's all I absolutely it's just it's incredible isn't it like all of these tools are just so amazing and as I said when you got something simple like EFT it's just and I'm not downplaying how you know how beautiful it is by saying simple but it you know it's a process that you know it's not as complicated as I was saying before it's not complicated like other ones it's beautiful yeah so like something happened on the weekend and it did activate my PTSD so how can EFT be used in a moment of saying emergency for someone like me it comes that stress center in our brain down beautifully yeah and one of the things we know with PTSD is that talk therapy is just doesn't work we need to use a we you need to use a modality that's body focus such as EFT but definitely in the moment absolutely get tapping and just settles that down just yourself even to get that down and you don't have to often when things are really intense you know sometimes you have need the words because they're feeling a so evident in your body just tap on you know this feeling this feeling absolutely confidential and as a nurse we understand confidentiality super well but even so they might feel that I don't want to share that issue we can just tap on what's happening in the body you know this issue is this tension in my chest you know there's training in my belly so it's a beautiful way that you can dissolve that and get the results and clear what's coming up I mean you'd not realize that yeah it's like a hard moment for me it's like so amazing yes it is and often you know the more we can focus on the body and what we're feeling in the body you know our bodies are very wise you know we might not know what's behind a resistance or we might be wondering about a course of action whatever and often that has come during the session or in the next day or two it's really quite beautiful it's so cool so someone working with you say they've got something like PTSD can you give them like a short script or something that they can use so if something happens they can use it in that moment and they don't have to think about anything oh my god this is my name I can talk to you for a while I know I know you know I do know about AFT but now I'll just it's like oh my goodness there's just so much more to it than I actually realized yes this is beautiful now for anyone following in the description I have got links to where you can find Clare and all of that so please please go and look Clare up because I mean now amazing has this conversation been like I just can't I'm just actually blown away by how much information you've you know given me that I didn't even realize oh that's beautiful darling thank you it's been such a lovely conversation it's absolutely amazing so again everyone check Clare out just absolutely amazing and don't forget to subscribe to my channel because I'm interviewing just amazing people like Clare like how it's I love what I do oh fantastic darling I should be not too they all reckon oh now you are you've got your own channel beautiful thank you again thank you for your time I really really appreciate it thank you so much for having me darling and yes I love what you do and loving these interviews thank you are you interested in learning how to receive trust and believe your intuition so that you can use it within your business click the link in the description to book in a free connection call and let's chat about how we can work together thank you for listening to Tuesday talks with darlene before we go I would love for you to show some love for your favorite podcast and yes that is mine by leaving a review on your preferred podcast player wishing you a beautiful day wherever you are on this gorgeous earth. 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