Nefarious Things

Are One Of These Movies The Best Of The Year?

Probably not (haha we just saw the substance so get excited for that!)

In this episode we joke around about Jelly Roll, and tell you some HAUNTING details about him, and then dive into movies like Cuckoo, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice and a few others! Join us!!!

Broadcast on:
12 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

- [MUSIC] - [LAUGHTER] - We're back! [LAUGHTER] - We're back. - What's up? - This is going to be so chaotic, you guys. If you're listening to this, this is just going to be pure chaos. We are doing a comfy, big comfy couch pod today. Ashley has a lot of things in the works. Check out my horror channel, check out my main channel. So we are just going to do a pod at home, not in the pod lab today, chaos reigns. Anyway, now that we have our guy who also doesn't give a shit about us at all, now he's up in our shit while we're trying to record. - Yeah, the cat, this guy. - [LAUGHTER] - If you guys are watching or you might get a cat cameo. - That's why I didn't want to set this up and then have the table in front of us and then the tables in front and then they're walking in front because they don't know how to act, but now they're off to the side. - Can I just say you and Logan are way better at this than me? [LAUGHTER] - We're a little bit more comfortable with the soundboard. - Yeah. - We just don't have it today because it's easy to set it up. - Yeah, well, we've just got a lot going on recently. It's been the end of the summer, beginning of spooky season is always the busiest because I feel like I am directly in-- - It goes right to-- - Yeah, I'm in content mode. It goes right from Halloween right into Christmas and I feel like my brain is just going a mile a minute. So forgive me because it's my fault that we have not done our pod. - Well, I mean, it's not really your fault. It's just like you just-- It's mainly because you haven't been feeling good, but it's not really like your fault. - Oh, yeah, Ashley took a tumble the other day. - And then she took a tumble on top of not feeling good, so there's that. - Yeah, I went to go get up to go to the bathroom the other night and the way our fan in the bedroom was set up, it's very-- you guys, it's relatable. - It's fine, it's fine. We don't have to. - I tripped over the cord for our fan and I just went flying. And I really did a number on myself. So Ashley is still recovering from like everything. - Yeah, we have AC, but it's like in here. - Oh my God, yeah, we have so much to catch you guys up on. - It's the, you know, the bedroom. And the bedroom for some weird reason gets really hot at night. And so we, there's, he had to make an appearance. But he's about to be annoying as you can see him stalking. - He's stalking his sister. - You can now stalk, no stalking, no stalking on the pod. - No pod stalking. - No pod stalking. - You can hang out, but no stalking. - We had, you know, we had the AC on, it's just hot in there. So we have fans going and then we just have this janky set up for our fan and then the cord was too high and you're already having leg problems and that didn't help when you tripped it. - You know what? - You know, fella. - It's, that's live. (laughing) - Yeah, honestly, yeah. So we're just trying to get, we're just trying to get back into the swing of things. Also, like on top of this, I work a whole nine to five every day. (laughing) - Yeah, like a lot, you know, like there's those content creators that like sit at home all day. And then like Aaron Guilfoy, you know, Aaron Guilfoy from Carly and Aaron and their only friends podcast, we were literally watching a vlog. - Shots fired. - We're watching her vlog today and she's like, oh my God, I have so much to do. And then she's like, I have to catch up on emails and drink my coffee and then return some. - And watch episode of "Real Housewives." - Yeah, and we're like, I looked over at her, I was like, what? - You're working, you're working like a whole job and doing content and we're trying to do a vod. - I'm drowning. - And we're running a business. It's just-- - Oh my God, this. - We're trying to run a business release. We're trying, Aaron. - This is me drowning. - People are just trying to get our stuff. - Wait, should we crack our coat? Hold one before we get too far to this. - Yeah, we should, but hold on. We have been trying to sell our, and yeah, it's fine. Listen, you don't have to buy it if you don't have money. That's fine, but also everything's like really fucking cheap. And we're, it's like really cheap. It's like so cheap that it's like, we're losing money on it. That's how cheap it is. Like some of it's almost free. - And it's like, I feel like I'm in the mentality of like, I don't wanna, I work in retail and I see people come in all day, every day and complain that they legitimately cannot afford a single thing. So my goal was to be able to make affordable art. - Right, but the only thing is, is like, we're still like, okay, like, and then we find people like local. Maybe they're like, oh, let's like, you know, I'm trying to, or she's like, oh, here's like, we have all this extra inventory. We're gonna make it really, really, really cheap, like $2 a necklace cheap. And then they're like, well, can I just get this like this? But like, can it be like, actually something completely different in costume? And also it's only still gonna be $2. And then we're like, that's not how this were. - Yeah, it's, I have kind of run out of supplies and I'm just gonna use this as an example. My mom. - Speaking of necklaces, by the way, we're gonna be posting stuff like this. - Yeah. - I mean, you can't really see it, but there's resin. - It's all always necklace, okay. My mom is like a walking advertisement for our shop. - Yeah. - She's always wrapping our stuff. But I, like she wears my hair clips to work and she went to the grocery store by her work. And someone there had asked if I could make rainbow hair clips and I had some made of resin. And I was like, okay, like, you know what? You can just, you can tell her to just give me $2 for these because I already had them made, no problem. She sent my mom back and said, no, can you actually just have her make me my own custom, like hair clips, but I only want to pay $2 for them. And it's like, I was giving you them for $2 because I already had the made. - We had an extra stock, yeah. - And like, I was trying to get rid of our old stocks, make room for new stock because those were from Pride. - Yeah, exactly, exactly. And that's just the rant and-- - I have cat hair in my mouth. - And then there's just like a million people on here being like, we have so much to do. And then all they do is like watch shows and go on like what-- - Does it normally, does it normally? - Sorry, there's like cat fur in my mouth. (laughs) Sorry. (laughs) But yeah, anyway, but in the meantime, you know, I've been working on music and we have our other channels and stuff that we've been pumping out. And then also in the meantime, that's why I've been, I wanted to do like the podcast with Logan 'cause like, you know, we, I don't know, I wanted like, I wanted to like hang out with him even virtually and I figured maybe we could just like use this as like a hang out thing and then also talk about how movies and-- - You know what, one day, one day Logan, hello, I know you're not watching this, but-- - I should send it to him. (laughs) - But one day I'm gonna come onto your podcast and it's gonna be over for everybody because I feel like our humor together is just, it's over for you bitches. (laughs) - Ram, what do you mean? - What, no, like for you, 'cause I feel like-- - Oh, because you get him, you understand his humor. - I understand his humor. - Right, right, right. - You know, yeah, yes. - And don't talk to me or my son ever again, me and Logan. - Right. - Yeah. We are mom and dad, don't talk to me or my son ever again. - We're just gonna do like a Nathan for you, huh? And I'm just joking, there's no one. - I can't, no, actually, you know what? Okay, now that we're like done with this buffer, let me, let me get, let's crack a cold one so I can get comfy and let's do it, let's say today, Ashley is in her drinking air, uh... - First of all, don't let that, don't let that fool you. - I'm gonna drink half of it, don't sleep. - It's just not gonna hurt back. (laughing) I mean, we got it to, like, you know, I already drank one of mine, like the other day, but... - Yeah, you know what, I just, I don't drink, I'm nine years sober, I don't ever really, if I have a drink, I drink like half of one of these cans and I'm like, I can't do any more of this. So we just got, you know, to do a podcast, we're just, we're Lucy Goosey, we're loosening it up. - And yeah, we, we usually do, you know, as you guys are aware, we do cracking open of cold one. - Speaking of cracking, I just cracked both my ankles moving. - And the, and today we're doing actual beer. But that's what, we were like, let's save these for the pot, this would be a good idea. - Yes, because I got a... - I don't know what the hell that is. - Let me tell you, let me tell you, with the works, it has horse radish, when we were in the liquor store, I was like horseradish, it's horseradish, and I couldn't get it right. - Right. (laughing) - It's so funny. Oh my goodness. - And I don't know, this is Ryan Hart's cider. - It's a blackberry cider. - 'Cause did, I got this brand for Apple and I drink the Apple one already, but I got blackberry to try this flavor. - Also, let me just clarify, when I say I'm nine years sober, I don't mean from alcohol because I never ever had a problem with alcohol. - I was cracking it. So, I'm okay. - Should we tell them when we were talking about the other? No, I'm just joking. - Sometimes I tell Alex. - The things you use, the deviant things you used to do, and it's shocking. - I feel, it's shocking. - We don't have to go enjoy it. - No, but there's a guy on TikTok that's like, I used to smoke meth out of a carpet, I don't care that I drink Mountain Dew and it's like, I get it, man. - I get it. (laughing) - All right, should we crack these open? - Yeah. (clapping) (laughing) - All right. - Oh wait. - There you go, yes. We do it for the ASMR bit. - I'll just blur my body out. - I should have shook this before I drink it. - Shake it? - Should we do it? - The smell of yours is like melding with mine and it's the vegetables and fruits mixed together. - Yeah, well get that shot out of here. - You've got weird shit over there. - Alex hates when I eat anything pickled. He hates when I eat like my weird lunch meats. Hey, do a cheers. You gotta do, we gotta do what Rosanna Pansino did earlier. We are in our row-- - Oh, look at each other. - Yeah, we're in our Rosanna Pansino era. Okay, we gotta look each other in the eyes when we do the cheers. - It's when you drink it. - And cheers. - Oh, okay. - Okay, okay. (laughing) - Oh my God, okay. (laughing) - I can't stand you, I'm looking away. - What are you-- (laughing) - How do you drink and talk at the-- - You don't. (laughing) - I'm not sure I like this blackberry flavor, but I'm gonna drink it. - Oh yeah. - I probably should have gotten two apple flavor ones because I like apple cider. - This tastes like sitting out back at my Aunt Debbie's house on a nice Sunday afternoon by the pool. - And you drink vegetables? - And I would drink my vegetables. - And I'm only saying that because I would drink-- - You're out of all the vegetables. - No, because I would drink virgin's Caesars because I was scared of drinking alcohol on the sun 'cause I didn't wanna throw up because I'm very sensitive. - Oh. (laughing) - I was a crack head and here I am scared of drinking alcohol on the sun. - I know, you're like-- - Terrified to eat the chicken that's the slightest bit pink and I'm like, I-- - It's not even the pink, it's like cooked and you're like, I can't. - It was barbecue in oven at 400 for 20 minutes. It's cooked. (laughing) - Oh my God. - Well, what movies should we talk about today? - Oh, hang on. Guys, I'm sorry for being so-- - You have more stories? - No. - You're all over the place today. - Because it's been a while since I've been on camera with you. (laughing) We should do more reactions together. - Actually, that's a great idea. But I have had a suggestion perhaps. How would you feel about maybe the next time we do an app if we took it back to our roots and do it like we did on the Discovery Channel? I'm just kidding. And do it like we used to do when we were like long distance. This is so chaotic. - What do you mean? - You caught me at my second wind of energy, okay? I have all my spoons back. - What do you mean, what are you talking about? - Remember how when we first started our pod, I would pick a movie, you would pick a movie, and then we would do like a movie roulette situation and watch that movie. - Right, yeah. What if we did that for our next episode? - Okay. - That way we have like a structured kind of, you know what you're talking about. I'm coming, I'm bringing some stuff to the table. - Well, maybe we can also, I mean, I like that idea for today, maybe we can talk about like the movies that we-- - Girl, I was not talking about today. - I know. - Okay, 'cause we have too much to catch up on. - I meant like movies, like the more popular. We're not going through our entire letterbox, but-- - In the time that we have not caught up with each other, like us, with you, like our close personal friends here, we have probably watched-- - Us in, or hideout. - Person's gonna walk. - Hi, Kenzie. - Hi, Kenzie. (laughing) - Shout out. - Yeah, Shout out, Kenzie. I, we have probably watched a good almost two, why was it a hundred movies? - Right. - 'Cause we watched 60 in one month. - Yeah, but we-- - We watched like more than a hundred movies. - Yeah, I mean, yeah, exactly. - We're cranking 'em out. - We are-- - Cranking 'em out, cranking them out, cranking them out, cranking them out, cranking them out. - You know what, sometimes when I hear people say that, like, unironically, like cranking down, I'm like, you just don't get it. You just don't get it. - Speaking of cranking down, what is up with Wendy's using the workaholic theme song, what is going on? This is not-- - We have a habit of, like, whenever something strikes us both, we-- - You know. - I'll be sitting in my chair at my desk and we'll both be like-- - All right. - If you're not watching, it's like we both like pan over. - And do finger guns. - We do finger guns at each other all the time. - We have a standoff every day. - Right, you're thinking. (laughing) - Oh my goodness. - But-- - Whoo! - Yeah, I think that's a good idea for next pod. - I was just thinking about that today at work. - Yeah. - So-- (laughing) - Should we kind of get into-- - Oh my God, hang on, before we get into this, did you see the video I tagged you in? Or like I sent to you when I was at work yesterday. I was at work scrolling Instagram and I saw the most egregious thing ever. Yes, I listened to ICP. Yes, I do. - Oh, no. - But did you see the video of the guys that were like touching P-tips? - No, I don't think you said that to me-- - I swear, they were like the one guy was like, do you wanna touch dick tips? And the one guy was like, yeah, come here. And then the one guy with the guy interviewing him was like, what are you doing? And he goes, we're talking. Oh my God. - Anyway. - We're not doing shaming, it was shocking. - Speaking of ICP, guys, I just wanna let you guys know that we're not playing and we're on the pod, we're not gonna show it, but-- - And I know what you're gonna say. I'm just-- - I'm just-- - I'm just-- - I'm just-- - Well, first of all, I don't really care for ICP, I'm just gonna let, that's all her, that's on her. - Anyway-- - It's my cross to bear. - Yeah, that's her cross to bear, I don't, I didn't think you'd do it that. - But-- - Drake! - I mean, Drake, yeah, Drake. Jelly roll are the man, the myth, the legend himself, the guy who-- - The resident fool, who we tried to explain to Logan, Logan, Logan, hello in one of the last abs. Jelly roll, you know, the guy who just saying, like, somebody saved me or whatever on-- - Somebody save me! - On the Emmys, like, in memoriam. - Me and my self! - And let me just explain to you this video that we got subjected to watching while we were watching someone else's show. (laughing) - Okay, well, we were watching Red Bar, okay, and I'm just letting-- - We've mentioned Red Bar before. - Yeah, he's not for the faint of heart. Don't watch it if you're, just trust me, you can skip watching it. - You can give it a year if you want. - Yeah, if you-- - But, like, I recommend you, like, if you don't, if you think that we're too much for you, like, don't seek out Red Bar. (laughing) - It can be way too much for some people. But, he did show a video to us that was on Earth on the internet. - Not us, personally, like-- - Us, first, no, it was, like, us personally. - It was everyone that was watching, right? - In the stream that we were watching. - So, like, 5,000 people I watched this. - Christ. - And-- - Like, this is so hard to get to, like, I know what you're trying to allude to, and I'm, like, freaking out right now. - I don't even know if I want to say it. It's so egregious. - Well, considering you just heard what I said about the dick tips. - It's a vap, it's worse than that. It's literally-- - Imagine. - Okay, imagine, I'm gonna paint the picture. Imagine-- - No, we're not painting. Remember, first of all, remember, we're-- - This all even ties into we're hallics. - Remember the-- - The gathering, yes. - Okay, so, ICP, insane clan posse has a gathering of the juggalones. - Which, they're, hello, are Halloween, Halloween wicked thing is coming to Detroit. - I don't want anything to do with it. - You know? - But they, obviously, she just explains-- - I am a different person than I used to be. - Yeah. ♪ I'm half the man of you ♪ - She just explained to you the video that she was talking about now. - Dick tips. - Dick tips. Now, this video is similar, kind of, but involves Joey Roywers. - Yeah, some of our waywers. - Because the dick tip thing happened at a garbage can in like, broad daylight. It was just like guys waiting to touch dick tips. - Okay, guys, you guys are gonna have to sit down for this one. - This is gonna be a long time. - This is going to, this is gonna shape your life from now on once you hear this. - I'm getting off camera, goodbye. - When you hear, what I'm about to say, jelly roll. Okay, now, there's a gathering of the juggalones. I don't know which year this was from years ago. - But they do. You know what, good for them, for letting their freak flags fly. I, good for you guys, for being brave enough to be covered in what you're covered in, and not shower. 'Cause I have some sensory issues. That's why I'm saying that. - You're gonna have sensory issues after I explain. - I'm already thinking about it. - Yeah, you already know. (laughing) - So, jelly roll. And you can find this video online. I think it's like on Reddit or something. I don't know where, I think he pulled it up from Reddit. - It's probably scrubbed now because jelly roll was like-- - Yeah, it's probably scrubbed because jelly roll was trying to do like his, like, everyone loves him and he's like, it's this good. - You're good. - He's trying to do his, like, somebody save me. I'm singing at the Emmys. I'm beloved by everyone, even though I also hate trans people at the same time. He's trying to do his whole thing like that, but then there's this video where he is at the juggalones gathering and he's like a host or something. - Like of a show? I don't know, like maybe like an internet show? - And like, if you guys know what happened-- - It might have been his own show. - Right, if you guys know what happens at the gathering, like, you know. - 'Cause you were like, oh, when before jelly roll really blew up and I was like, oh, this jelly roll. Like, you were like, oh, like, I know some of his music from the juggalones. - Yes, but I used to listen to like, Technine and jelly roll. - Because he was like a rap guy. - Yeah. - Or rap, if you wanna call it that, but he, I'm just like doing a rap now, by the way. We'll get to that. But he is like, in this video and I think it was like his own show and his own like online show, maybe on his own website. And he is, he has a microphone and there's a camera guy and he's like, all right guys, come here, come here. And he's like, getting the camera guys to like run up on these, on this like crowd. Like these, there's these people that are like, crowded around two people having. (laughing) Sex and it's the most, like in a field, by the way. And it's like on near a fence or something. And jelly rolls like up on like the whole pretty much. Like, and you know what I'm talking about and he's like narrating what's happening. - I know, I'm trying to like find what Europe would have been but I can't, oh, that's Howard Stern talking, oh, a month ago. - Oh God. Jesus Christ. - Jelly roll on having sex at the gathering of the juggaloes from 2022. But it was probably before, yeah. It was probably before that. - But he's like narrating this like scene behind him or next to his head, like an inch away as they're like pounding Vauge and we're just like over here like. - Getting that butter zero of, you know what I mean. (laughing) - Or just like transported into another, like I literally have chills down my spine that this even exists. This is a real video on the internet. You can probably go find it. The internet is forever at night, just know. - Yeah, I can't, I can't, I can't, like if I just get talking about performing there, but. - I'm, I, like if you want, if you need me to like look for it for you guys, like I, no, I'm just, I, I'm never watching that video again. But that was, I can show you guys the red bar episode. If you guys want to see it, go check out Red. - You know what? Yeah, it's a lot. - But don't watch Red Bar because that's the type of, he will show you all dick and balls if you need, on a show. - Didn't we see Jo, you see as dick and balls? - Oh my God, yeah. In like a video that he posts on YouTube, I think. - I'm, you, you're scrubbing my brain, scrubbing my brain. (laughing) - Don't ever mention. (laughing) - Arisha Fier. - No! - Oh my God. - Oh my God. - Oh my God. - And you're ruining Kill Tony and like just essaying like 20,000 people at once. Did you know that, wait, speaking of that, did you know that people have gotten arrested for doing similar things before, like, where they just came out on stage naked or something and they've gotten arrested because that's illegal? - Arisha Fier should have been arrested for trucking for credit. - And it's not just comedy. - I mean, yeah. - It's not just comedy, okay, Bobbie Lee, who was trying to tell like George Janko that. - George Janko, think about this, George Janko, it was the voice of reason to Bobbie Lee when Bobbie Lee was like, did you see Arisha Fier's dick and balls at Kill Tony? - You know what? This podcast has gone right off the fucking rails. - We haven't even talked about movies yet, but we are so back, baby. (laughing) Jesus Christ. But Jelly Roll might have, by the way, just Jelly Roll might have scrubbed that video. - The Kill Tony one I think is still up somewhere. You can probably watch that. - Wow, that was a lot. Talk about chaos raining. - But Jelly Roll, that video exists. I just wanted to put that guy on your radar. Well, I wanted to put that on your radar because that guy is like popular right now. And just in case you didn't know, he's not the greatest guy in the world. He literally like narrated like a whole gang. I'm pretty sure it was like a gang bang situation like in a field at the juggalo. - I remember on the office when Creed was talking about the orgies and he's like, it's possible a man's like that. - Yeah, he was Jelly Roll. - What a gang, what a gang, no. - Okay, anyway. - So anyways. - Somebody, somebody save me. - Fuck, we already had one sip of alcohol. (laughing) We're a mess, we're a mess. - Oh my god. - Also, have you guys watched the Mr. McMahon doc yet? We're like three episodes in. - Yeah, we are, you know what? This is crazy because I feel like Alex and I are the same person and we lived the same life in different places. And like we're nine days apart. Like our birthday is the same year and everything. And we just had like this same, like when our moms met, like his mom came, actually firstly his mom drove from New York to Canada and we made her sit and watch the five hour in search of darkness part three when she got here. Amazing. - Right. - Anyways, our moms met and like they're talking about us individually and it was like the same story. - Yeah. (laughing) - It's so funny. - Yeah, leave a little of him. - Wrestling. - Wrestling. - Going to the shows. - Yeah. - Mm-hmm. (laughing) - Yeah. (laughing) - But should we pause and reset the camera before we go ahead and ram a lot about movies? - Yeah. - You can just consider this the first half of the pod and we're sorry. - Right. - Anyways, so just scrub that whole jelly roll story out of your minds now. - You get comfier. - So, where should we begin? Like I said, we've watched like 100, hundreds of movies. - Well, something that I talked about it in a video already but I didn't post the video yet as I can probably post it tomorrow on my own journal but who who we got the screener for before it even came out officially? - It was crazy because I was at work and you were like, oh my God, we got the screener for Kuku and I was like, oh my God, guys. We got the screener like, what movie is that? - Yeah, they're like, what? - Yeah, same way. I literally was like literally on former critics if you go watch that last episode. I'm like, oh yeah, like Logan's like, what new movies are out and I'm like, oh, Kuku and he's like dead silence and just goes, let's move on. - You know what, Logan, we need to have it. Let me just shake you down a little bit and put some movies, common sense in here. - Yeah, we got the screener from Elevation Pictures, those shout out Elevation Pictures for, 'cause they also gave us humane. - Yeah, which is crazy. You know what, when we first started doing this, I never thought that we would be able to see like movies that we wanted to see early and I feel so thankful because it feels like, it just feels unreal. Like, I literally mentioned to you that I was a crack head nine years ago and like, this is what I've always wanted to do. And I was literally in the sunken place from get out, like watching my life go on and now we're here doing this and it's just crazy to me how things work out. - Yeah, and well. - But anyways, yeah, Kuku was really good. I don't care what people say about it. I thought like, what do you want? What do you want? Do you not want original horror? Do you not want people to make things that are like a little bit kooky that you have to kind of think about? Or do you want to be spoon-fed remakes constantly or do you want original content? That's exactly how I feel about the front room. That we watched yesterday. - Can we talk about one movie before we get-- - No, we don't have to talk about it, but I'm just saying, like I feel like a lot of people are giving that bad ratings, but I really liked it. Like, what else do you want? - I mean, I didn't love it, but yeah, I mean, I get it. I get what you're saying 'cause it is like a more, I mean, it's not like super original, but it's like, I don't know, it was like kind of like more of like a black, that movie was like a black comedy. - Absolutely, it was funny. But going back to Kuku, let me tell you, Dan Stevens, let's check in with the fuck up. Fuck, see him, he's so excited, he's so excited. - So Kuku is about this girl who's like-- - Gretchen, Hunter Shaper. - She's like, he's having a problem with my stimming, okay? - She's like in this, like-- - Do you want me to go and explain it? - No, if you just let me freaking get to it, thank you. - She's taken care of this like resort thing, like at night, like specifically at night, and then like strange stuff starts happening. It's like your typical, this synopsis is like your typical synopsis for something like that, but then you watch the movie and it completely subverts your expectations. It's a lot different than what you're expecting when you hear that synopsis and then you go into it and like it's actually pretty good. The scenery is pretty cool too, and Hunter Shaper's good. - When I first saw the teaser trailer, I genuinely thought it was going to be HAG exploitation based on like just the-- - The front room. - Well yeah. - Front room is that, pretty much. - That is exactly what that is, but like based on like just the teaser trailer of the woman creature, I will just say, oh, I don't wanna spoil anything. She kind of looked like an old lady in the teaser trailer, so I was going into this thinking that it was like, I don't know, some sort of like, she's jealous of her for being like young and beautiful. That's what I was thinking, like a spy role, like a cuckoo like that, but it was taken into like a different context altogether and it was very well done. - One yon per pod. - Yeah, I definitely agree. It was definitely really good and they, it was just like going into it, you kind of like expected to just be like this, oh, someone's out of his war, like he can go to his war, strange stuff starts happening, and then blah, blah, blah. We've seen this movie before, since literally like the looking of '70s. - And speaking of '70s, Tillman's singer, the director, he has like a really good way of like capturing that feeling. He did that with his other movie, "Love's" or whatever, "Lose's" - Which is under 80 minutes and a fantastic watch and on "Shutter". - But he's like good at creating this '70s atmosphere, just like with not even like, you would think it's like, oh, they just, a lot of people nowadays, when they try to do that, slap like a film filter on it. But he like definitely understands like the way of like framing and how people like act in a shot to kind of capture that feeling. And that's kind of, I don't know, he's like really good at that kind of stuff. And I thought, I really liked that about the movie. - Yeah, I talking, or speaking about like the framing shots very well, I didn't get a chance to talk about long legs on this pod, which was a film that is, it's shot and framed very well, but like my personal experience with that film, Jesus Christ, scared the shit out of me. We were in the theater and like the opening jump scare, it caught me off guard so bad that I instantly started crying. And I was so afraid I had not been that scared in so long. - I mean, I didn't think it was like super duper scary, but I liked it. - No, but that opening jump scare was so effective and I feel like it just sets the tone for the film. And then when his mom was here, we were watching it again and I had my back turned and still, it still got me. - Right. - Yeah, we watched as wise already, so. - We watched that, we watched talk to me again already, which was really good again. - Right. - But we watched that with my mom 'cause she hadn't seen that yet. - She made us turn off bottoms. - Yeah, Paula, I just couldn't. (laughs) - But yeah, she didn't really like bottoms, but we were like, well, maybe we should check out talk to me. - Yeah, I really liked bottoms. - I think she liked it. - I think she vibed with it. - Because we were gonna watch bottoms and then like maybe suggest bodies, bodies, bodies, but that's 'cause that has Rachel's Senate in it too, but like maybe it's like Rachel's Senate's humor. She doesn't like, I don't know. - Which is like my, it's me, it's right up my alley. - But yeah, going back to Kooko, I really liked it, I thought it was good. And I think it subverts your expectations. So if you watch like a trailer, like go into it thinking, even though like, you know, you'll see obviously the trailer's supposed to show you some stuff. So you really get like a vibe, but it like isn't exactly what you're expecting when you go into a story like that, even though the story itself is kind of like, I kind of like explain the synopsis like the point of it, but then it gets into like some other stuff and it goes in a different direction than what you're expecting. So yeah, maybe check it out if you haven't yet. - And Dan Stevens. - And if you like Dan Stevens, you'll probably like him in this. - And if you don't. - And if you don't, then you'll just like, wait, I'm against. (laughs) - We did get a chance to see Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice in theaters. - Yeah, I wanted to talk about it. - Another movie I cried from the very, I cried as soon as like the logo for like the, like production company is already coming on the screen. Like, you guys don't understand how Beetlejuice is my favorite movie. We have watched it already twice together and I've seen it countless times. We have a whole section of our apartment dedicated to Beetlejuice because I love it so much. I was like negative five years old when the first one came out. So I didn't get a chance to ever see that on the big screen. However, seeing this one on the big screen related changed my life. It was so good and it was a positive experience and we were in there with a packed theater. The first showing that we went to that day we were gonna go and it was like pretty much sold out. There was only a couple seats left. - And that was like a Sunday afternoon. - Right, but the theater we went to was like a smaller one that like normally people don't go to, but we ate that day. - Shout out like Shore Cinema. Shout out imagine cinemas of the $8 movie deal. You guys killing it. - Right, and then $5 on Tuesdays. - Yeah, which you know what if you are a movie person it's not it to be paid 20 bucks a person to go to the theater. - Hey guys, cinema, I know like guaranteed their prices are still astronomical right now. And let's just say this before the pandemic they were definitely doing this exact pricing that we're going to in imagine cinemas right now where it was like $8 a ticket and then like $5 on like Tuesdays which is reasonable. And maybe if maybe like you know you saw a bunch of people seeing Beetlejuice so maybe like when I was younger. - They're charging 20 dollars. - Yeah, every Tuesday movies were $4. - And don't give me this like bullshit that like everyone needs to be like no, no, no, no, no, no. - No, it's just it just makes it inaccessible for people who. - These theaters are like working with like a bare bones like skeleton crew 24/7 anyway. And the theater chains are just like raking in tons of cash. And so is like the studios like when they're making a billion dollars. - Don't you're charging the amount you're charging for the crazy popcorn buckets? - Don't like try to claim that like there's like a reason to charge $20 a ticket because there isn't so. And there never will be, but Beetlejuice, it was pretty good. I mean, it was like a sequel. It wasn't like horrible. A lot of sequels nowadays are like kind of horrible but also a lot of sequels nowadays give you the two and a half hour nostalgia bullshit. - And it's still two hours. - No, it was like an hour 40 minutes. - Right. - What I mean like is a reasonable time. - But like it just like well, it like wasn't anything. Like too crazy. - I loved it. I think I gave it five stars. I have no notes. - I have notes. I mean, the whole, they wasted like three characters. I mean, Willem Dafoe. They just like wasted his whole art. - No, he was so funny. - Yeah, but they wasted his entire art and same with Monica Beluche. - Yeah, but let me tell you. - Well, some of them had like weird, like they were supposed to like get somewhere and then they just like never got there and just like ended the story with like some other way. But I am very happy with the music choices. Just as for Bob, you know, it was such a good experience for me. You might feel differently about it, but I just, I love Beetlejuice. I cried at a Beetlejuice commercial the other day. - And it wasn't even for Beetlejuice. It was like something themed like Beetlejuice. - I was for a cooking show. - No, it was the car commercial. - Oh God, it's even worse. - It was a car commercial. - But anyway, so Beetlejuice, what else did we watch? That was like a big movie. Well, we were gonna see the substance, but like again, it's $20 a ticket and it's just like too much right now. Maybe we can see it, but it's playing in the film fest here. So we might go see it then. It's gonna be the same price. - Yeah, and you know what? - Better experience. - I was gonna say it would be a better experience to see it with people who actually enjoy and want to see a movie like that. - And we're not just going to the theater because they see Demi, or Demi, to me more on a poster. - I mean, isn't she a big draw? - Yeah, but I mean, like, I feel like that's not a movie for-- - You don't want to see half naked Demi more on the phone. - I never said that. I just, I feel like that is a movie that you need to maybe watch revenge first to get the kind of thing that the director is going for because she does have a lot of gore in revenge. - They're completely two different movies. I don't agree with that. - I'm just saying for her because the substance seems to be very gory. - Right. - And I'm saying if you want to kind of get a taste for what she's bringing to the table, perhaps check out revenge first. - I mean, yeah, I mean, we watched-- - This guy thinks all my takes are bad. - Never said that. But we've watched like so many things, but maybe something we can touch on and well, we watched the sopranos wise guy doc. - Very good. - It was pretty good. And if you like the sopranos, you'll like that. - You'll like the dark. - I cry it again. - It's, and like a lot of the stuff that we've been watching is like kind of older things. We went on a deep dive of the purge movies because you've only seen one of them till now. - We watched all the purge movies. We watched all of the wrong turn movies minus one. We watched all of the, well, what did we watch before wrong turn? - I mean, we were an almost traitor humming. - No. - Like you years ago. - No, we watched something fun before wrong turn. - I don't know. - Don't get it. - But we watched the, we watched the front room with Brandi. She hasn't aged today. She's not even aged an hour since like 1999. - And it's, I mean, honestly. And it, that movie is like, it's like kind of like what you expect. Like we already said Hagsploitation. That's literally like what it is. It's like an old lady and like, you know. But it's a played in like, it starts out like in like a typical Hagsploitation like "Blum How See" like horror movie. But then it kind of like goes in a different direction and things start getting funny intentionally, I think. I think it was more of like a black comedy even though like some people were like. - It's just didn't get it. And like it definitely was supposed to be played for laughs and yeah, I don't know. I thought it was like kind of funny. - No, it was definitely very funny. And I just, I don't know, I didn't know what to expect. I didn't watch a single trailer for it. And I feel like in doing so, I had no expectations for it. So I just kind of went with the flow. And looking at the reviews, the reviews are like two stars right across. And like I even a three, like I would read a three. I thought it was, it was so stressful and so much bodily fluid that made me feel disgusted. And that's what I want from a movie. I want to feel disgusted after. I want to feel that I have to take a shower. - It's like just. - Yeah, it's like kind of, there's like a lot of movement. - Lots of poop. - Speaking of lots of poop. - Right. - Got a cat here. So, wait, let's, let's end it on a rant. Let's end this, let's end this pod on a rant. - Uh oh. - About. - Can we not name names? I don't wanna, I don't. - I will be naming names. (clears throat) And she does this, I will bear this cross. (laughs) - This is a cross that I have. - This is like not a drama person. I try to like say my opinion on things on my main channel about something. And I did not want to call anybody out directly. But I feel so strongly about some things. And it's like just cut the bullshit. Just cut the fucking bullshit. Cut it. - Okay, so this guy named Taylor. Okay, first of all. - Oh no, you can, sorry, sorry. You can call him out directly. That guy is a literal piece of shit. I don't care. - There's like some people are complaining. Okay, speaking of personal fools that we were baking fun of at least, I was, I mean, I was complaining there every time this guy would post a video. I would literally be like, "I hate this guy." And I would just be going off because he's so, he's so annoying. Like his takes are the worst. He hates every movie that's like beloved by everyone. He likes like weird movies. And find like, like I said, not even like, yeah, it's fine. He's not even like judging or like hating on anyone. I guess I'm gonna finish this rant. But anyways, so yeah, this guy's name on YouTube is Taylor Complains. He's also on TikTok as Taylor Complains. He's also on Instagram, Taylor Complains. He also has a second page now called Taylor Complains Comedy. He started the second page, this comedy page. And if this cuts out, if the video cuts out, you will still be, you'll still hear audio. Just letting you know, it'll just go to like our logo. But he literally is so annoying. And his takes are horrible. I've always hated him. And so, and he kind of like came out of nowhere and like infiltrated the horror space. Anyway, so he's like kind of like, he's just like infiltrated the horror space. And there's like these bad actors that always join these like niche communities. And it's not even just like horror, it's not like a niche community, but it kind of is like, especially on TikTok. But it's like, there's these bad, bad faith people who just kind of join these communities and will make like a whole, and this is something I mean her. We always catch these people right away and we're like, we suss them out. Just so you know, if you are a bad faith guy, we already clocked you. We know who you are. I don't care how many followers you have. There's people on here that like 40K followers, we already know who we're clocked. We're watching. But, and we won't even say who it is, but there's multiple people that we've clocked in. We're locked in, you know, clocking in for the night shift. - We are clocked the fuck in. - And just letting you know, we know that like these are the type of people that will like, then they'll get called out and then those like, pivot to some other community or they'll be like, every couple of months they'll be like, oh, we're just like, not gonna watch any more movies or we're not gonna, oh, we're just wiping our whole pages and we're gonna start over and talk about Taylor Swift or whatever the fuck else they, they just like decide to get into another niche and try to pop off there. And then it doesn't work. And then they come back to horror. That's the kind of shit that I don't like. So then this Taylor guy's definitely one of those guys and he's came out of nowhere and he got a whole bunch of followers and he was like trying to make friends with everyone. But I was like, I can see his due, 'cause his takes are not like our takes or like everyone else in the community. And he's not really super welcoming. - And not to say that we have to have like matching things, but like, no, they're not like, I mean, like the tone of like, trying to talk about movies or like... - You don't feel the passion when people talk like, when you hear someone talk about movies because they love them, you can tell. - Yeah. And then not like when he's like, I don't know why you guys make me watch Strange Darling because it just sucked. And I'm not going to actually even give you any reason why. And literally just, you know-- - When 99% of the people who've seen it have said it's like the best movie of the year. - And so then like, he's like that type of guy and then he will like never elaborate because he has no like real thoughts. He's just here to like be cringe and get views and then he'll go into the next thing. And right now he's going into comedy. So that should be good. That's probably why we hate him. He's finally, he's just like, you know, there's a little secret, but he posted before he blocked me, he was posting Sam Morel comedy, which is probably why we hate him. - And he was actively like Alex, Alex was commenting, like the situation, you'll hear in a second, but like he was deleting comments and like deleting every single one of Alex's comments and every single one of everybody else's comments that were calling him out in bad faith. - Yeah. And he's like, okay, so I'll get into like the situation after, so yeah. He's like literally like the whatever movie takes. And you know what, maybe, and I would like, you know, just like be, I kind of like was always telling her, I don't like this guy, I'm keeping an eye on him. Never really like spoke out until like, this whole situation happened, but. - So then Andrew Horner, it's a guy named Andrew. And he- - He was like a beloved horror creator on TikTok and he was fantastic. - Yeah, he was like one of our like first guys that we followed in the community. - I love Jason X. - Yeah. And you know, and so he passed away recently from cancer, but before passing away, like he would still make content. But like, the thing is, is like this guy Taylor decided to like literally less than like a week after Andrew passed away, acted like he was his friend behind the scenes, even though he literally even, this Taylor guy even admitted that he's barely ever spoken and maybe he's only like ever talked to him one time. And I've never really talked to him either. But like, I admit that, I will say like I've literally, I just like liked him from afar and he followed our pages and we followed his pages. - We supported his content, we always gave him a like, we always watched his content and I feel like that's more than we can say for someone else. - Exactly, and so he would like, but whatever. And the whole situation was sad and like really sucks and then this Taylor guy was like, making literally not even making a joke, just like making fun straight up like saying, look, I'm not even gonna repeat it 'cause I don't wanna repeat it. - It is so offensive, the verbiage that he used to describe this deceased man's appearance. - And we like watched like some comedians that, let's listen, comedy, yeah, they do crazy jokes. We were just saying, Irish if you're literally took his dick and balls out of the show. - But if you're a bad guy, like, hey, you kind of deserve to get made fun of. - Right, and like, I understand like there's comedians where like, if you're like a comedian who is like, like you can't just like do this joke that he did and then do hit, be like, it's just comedy when you don't do comedy. - And then start a comedy page after worth to cope? - Exactly, and he didn't do it before. He was just like, oh, this is just comedy now, I'm just doing comedy now, but he's talking about four movies and nothing was ever funny. And anyway, he before this, by the way, before any of this happened, he got kicked off of his other podcast that he had with somebody else that was actually a pretty popular podcast. And they'd kicked him off and he said, he spread some lies about them and saying that they kicked him off because of like whatever reason, but they came out and were like, no, he's just a bad guy and treated us poorly and that's why we kicked him off the pod. And then so then all this, that was before this even happened. And then so he literally does this joke and it's horrible and so rightfully so. And I had by this time, I had already had him blocked because I was done seeing his stupid takes. And I would, like before I blocked him, I would comment and be like, this isn't the move, you shouldn't be saying shit like this. And then he just wouldn't respond, but he would respond to other people. So I was like, you know, I'm blocking you because you're just a troll. And then I didn't even see this video with this Andrew Horr video. Somebody else did, somebody else posted it and was like, what the fuck, get a load of this guy? And I'm like. - And his sister had to come out and call this guy out. - And then his own sister, like Andrew's sister was like, - You didn't know, she literally said, your name was never brought up once in his friends. She's like, I knew his friends, you were never one of his close friends. - Yeah, and there's another girl that's like really good friends with her. And she was saying that Andrew, I might have missed this video, but like months beforehand, when he first got sick and first diagnosed, he said he was like, just so you guys know, don't believe these people, when I pass away, don't believe the people that are gonna pretend that they were my friend. And look at what happened. Exactly what he said was going to happen. This guy is pretending to be his friend and then making fun of him. Making fun of it is like, bodied the way it looked when he was like, decaying and dying. Like that's fucked up, man. And it's not even funny, like there was no punchline, there was no joke. They would just send this and it goes out. - He was laughing at his own joke. - And then when he got called out, instead of like apologizing, he was like, I don't care, it's just comedy, I'm going to keep doing it. And then kept repeating it, he repeated it like three times and then said something even worse about it after that and goes, I don't care, I'm gonna keep doing it. And then that's when everyone was like, this guy's horrible. So then he just started deleting all the comments, block everyone, started a whole new page that has like three followers. He'll never get fucking famous ever. And yeah, so we all fucking bam's guy unblocked him. And I kept harassing him to the point where he blocked me 'cause he kept deleting my comments and I would keep commenting and I would go into other pages and keep commenting. He was finished. And by the way, I have all of his videos saved. So every one of them, the Andrew Horror one where he made the jokes, all of his other videos, had everything saved, all of his comments, all the things he was deleting, he's finished. So if he ever tries to get, 'cause he was trying to get an opportunity from Fantastic Fest, but I don't think that ever happened. But if he ever does get an opportunity, he's done. And it's like, you know what, it's like, you shouldn't be worried about people in showing movies because they like movies. You should be worried about the people who are literally horrible people and demonizing people for no reason. There's just like some bad faith people in the community that I feel like, I don't know, just rubbing me the wrong way, especially that tailor. Other people I won't, I won't call out by name, but you know, we talk about them for them just saying, there's like a lot of hypocriticalness. There's a lot of bad faith people and a lot of just garbage going around. - Listen, I think we can end this podcast by saying we eat, sleep, breathe, live horror. We love horror. - We love horror. Every wall in our house, besides literally the bathroom is at all, or even the kitchen has horror. - And like two shelves, we have two shelves that are dedicated to non-horror movies. - And even those have horror on them. - And those have horror on them. So I mean, like we literally-- - There's horror memorabilia in here. Like there's every-- - Everything is horror. - Yeah, and it's fine. Like I'm not saying like, you know, there's no like wrong or right, maybe some people are just starting their journey and that's fine, but there's just like people who like are, they do this thing where they join a community and then they're like kind of like a bad faith actor and then they don't pop off because no one, they, everyone sees through their shit and then they hop into like a different nation and they come back and then they complain about it. And it's those kinds of guys that I really suss about. - Hey, let me just, let me just end it by saying here, stop making people feel bad about their movie decisions. We don't make fun of, we don't make you personally feel bad for listening to Joe Rogan. - Currently, I'm just joking, no, I mean, yeah, don't listen to Joe Rogan, don't listen to Sam Morrell, by the way. - If you can do, if you can go ahead and listen to these bad guys and support these bad guys, people who are doing nothing and not harming a single person are the least of your worries. - Yeah, yeah, there's just, yeah. These people, I just don't like their bullshit. Especially that Taylor guy, he's just an asshole. I just don't know. I don't like the, I just don't like it. And yeah, they're comedy. Don't be like, oh, this is just comedy now. Like after getting called out and everyone hates you now. - Because we're not saying is comedy after calling you out 'cause it's not funny. - Yeah, it is not funny. And like we're not like even trying to be like these, these cancel guys, like I get it. Like there's, cancel culture doesn't exist, but I know you're gonna throw it out there. - It's just like it wasn't even a full week after Andrew passed away that he was making these jokes. - And it's all the other stuff. - On the platform that he was popular on. - Exactly, and if he was like a good friend, like me, I probably still wouldn't have said any or done any of that, but like even like, it's just like all of his takes altogether. Everyone saw through his, started see through his shit. All the like the more popular people that you see on horror talk, trust me, they all saw through this guy's shit. And we can all sauce out these little people who were like kind of suck. And it's not even like, oh, you took a, oh, you like, you know, you like movies and you talk about them a lot and you take off a few weeks. That's fine. That's literally what we do all the time. We fucking disappeared for like months. But like, it's just like, there's people who like, you know are just bad faith guys. - And I will also end it on the note. - Well, let's end it with some positive shit. - Okay, firstly, stop saying that you're reacting to a song for the first time when it's on the radio every single day, when you've heard probably ever long, 6,000 times on the radio. - That's a whole other thing. - If you can mouth the words to a song, it's not your first time reacting or hearing it. I'm just saying that also pisses me off. Don't act like you're doing something for the first time for views. People want honesty, people want transparency. - That is happening in the music community, sorry. - The music community and the reaction community, which we are also very much a part of. It's happening everywhere. Stop acting like you've never seen these things. People want honesty. People want authenticity. People want you to be honest with them. People don't want you to be chilling bullshit. - Everyone is just cool. We're just trying to be cool. Drink and I'm pissed off. - Right. But I'm just gonna, we're trying to be cool. This is a cool pod. We're welcoming, come hang out with us. - Okay, we're back. We had a lot to say. We had to get a lot off our chest. We've been holding a lot in for a while. - And I do want to end it on a positive note by saying that we do have a lot of stuff coming to our store. It's positive. That's kind of where we kind of like disappeared, but like Ashley's been making a bunch of jewelry and decor and paintings and stuff. So go buy some stuff. - I have a little inch inspired paintings. Yeah, we've got horror inspired things. We've got random things. We've got everything. - And don't listen to Joe Rogan. - Don't listen to Joe Rogan. - Don't listen to Joe Rogan. - Don't listen to Joe Rogan. - Don't listen to Joe Rogan. - Don't listen to Joe Rogan. - You've heard it all here first.