The Dom Giordano Program

Misinformation or Reality?

205 - Nick Sortor joins the program to give an update from North Carolina. Why did the National Guard fly so low, destroy private citizens’ supplies, and then fly away with no explanation? How is the Starlink installation going? Harrowing news about people committing suicide over feeling abandoned by their leaders. Where can we follow Nick? 210 - Trump went after Howard Stern and called him a beta male. 215 - Dom’s Money Melody! 220 - Winner? 225 - Is Jerusalem in Israel? Scholars are disagreeing! More on the “misinformation” that hurricane response isn’t adequate.
250 - Lightning Round! Maize over Maisey

Broadcast on:
10 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

The seasons may be changing, but the deals at the sharpest rides are unbeatable as ever. Hey, what's going on, it's your girl Tasha McKeea, and I need you to join the sharpest rides for their fall into savings event, where they're offering incredible prices on their massive inventory. That's right, everything is on sale now. Shot from sleek sedans to rugged SUVs and sporty convertibles. The sharpest rides has the perfect ride to match your fall adventures, plus with their exclusive financing options, getting behind the wheel of your dream car has never been easier. Log on and shop online at, right from the palm of your hands, or check other massive inventory in person at the sharpest rides, located 2250 South Sea Home Street in Inglewood. Either way, you will fall into savings. Don't miss out, head on over to today and explore the deals that make every season better. Tell them that your girl Tasha McKeea sent you, the sharpest rides, affordable, sexy, sharp. Dear Autumn Leaves, you won't be covering roads alone this season. Toyota's lineup of cool, colorful vehicles is ready to ride by your side. Take on fall in a trail tackling Tacoma, or go for the powerful tundra. Head to for more info, or visit your local Toyota dealership today. Toyota, let's go places. My dad works in B2B marketing. He came by my school for career day, and said he was a big row as man, then he told everyone how much he loved calculating his return on ad spend. My friends still laughing me to this day. Not everyone gets B2B, but with LinkedIn, you'll be able to reach people who do. With a $100 credit on your next ad campaign, go to to claim your credit. That's Terms and conditions apply. LinkedIn, the place to be, to be. All right, it is Tom Time. Welcome in. President Trump firing back at the head of the FCC, the Federal Commission's chairwoman Jessica Rosenwort, attacked Trump in a statement Thursday after he called for the FCC. With Trump did not, she says to strip CBS of his broadcast license for interviewing Vice President Kamala Harris. Her argument is that Trump is this threat to free speech. Trump is the threat to free speech, and if reelected, what he will do is take away the First Amendment and free speech. Now let's take a look at what we know how recently these various tech companies have been engaged in this, including Hillary Clinton. We played this talking lately about social media. They use this guise of social media and the difficulties with social media, and there are difficulties. No doubt. They have another aspect there, just saw this this morning, they're using what happened during COVID, again, yes, they're using New York Post left using bogus COVID-19 research to censor their opponents. In other words, they're saying, look at what these people did from COVID-19. They can't be trusted. They have to be censored. We need more censorship here. So it's not over from COVID. You know, we've never come to a conclusion, a reckoning on what happened there. And if I had to say what happened with COVID-19 is some people made decisions. Some of them, I think, were good decisions. Some of them I wouldn't have made, but they were Americans that should be allowed to make that decision around the vaccine, around various treatments. And in some instances, people like Dr. Fauci and others were clearly wrong. Any number of so-called experts seemed to be compromised in the information they were giving. And the takeaway is, if something like that happens again, people ought to be able to make their own decision on these. Their takeaway is no. You shouldn't be able to do that. And we're going to shut down anybody or anything that is allowing any of that. So 8, 5, 5, 8, 3, 9, 12, 10, you get on board. But clearly the ones that have acted on this are Democrats in one way or another, be it a freedom of religion. I mean, I'm still waiting to know who were those people in the Richmond office of the FBI. And we keep on going back to this and they say, why do you go back to this? We go back to this because they refuse to answer. Whoever who showed up there because they went to a traditional Latin Catholic mass. Because they were looking for people that they thought were domestic terrorists. Remember writing down phone numbers, writing down license plates, looking at people. Just Catholics going to a mass that were traditional. So the argument is clear. It's easy enough to show who is it that really is trying to influence freedom of speech here. So Trump back and forth. I just wouldn't kid around about it. I know he does it at rallies. Our gripe would CBS today. We let off the show telling you they had an interview with this coach guy who's written a book that is very anti-Israel. But in addition to that, they got a memo, apparently, people at CBS News do not say Jerusalem is an Israel. Then where is Jerusalem? Well, it's in both Palestine and there is no Palestine. Palestine doesn't exist. What country is it? It's in Israel. Imagine never being able to say Jerusalem, Israel. That's what they were told to do, CBS News. It's idiotic and disgraceful. It's suppression of freedom of speech. All right, Nick Sorter is a heck of an independent journalist on the ground in North Carolina. First came to our attention with East Palestine when he was there second to none. We'll tell you where to find him on Twitter. Hey, Nick. Welcome back. Thank you very much for joining us. Where are you today, Nick? Yeah. So, yeah, thank you for having me and, you know, I'll give you a little update on what's going on the ground in Western North Carolina. We're still working out in the region all around, you know, not just Asheville, but all the forgotten towns outside of there, ones that, you know, honestly, you probably wouldn't know exist if it wasn't for people like, you know, you and myself and other private individuals on the ground, because, you know, the media has no real interest in talking about any of those small towns. In the beginning, you know, it was only talking about Asheville, which is, you know, a liberal safe haven in Western North Carolina, they're the ones that are getting all the attention from the regime, of course. And you know, there are still towns to this day that are having, you know, connectivity issues where you can't drive in there and you also can't land a helicopter in there. So they're trying to do air drops, private individuals are trying to do air drops. You know, as you've seen pretty much everything the government ends up trying to touch turns the crap. I don't know if you saw the videos, there were two videos in one day of, there was one of a Blackhawk and another of a Chinook that basically did a low flying pass over a distribution center, a private distribution center, you know, for supplies and such. And it ended up causing, you know, a hundred thousand dollars worth of damage from the rotor wash. And you're like, how did that happen? Yeah. And Nick, let me interject, yes. And they've admitted the North Carolina National Guard admitted they did that. And they haven't offered any reason why would you disrupt people that are actually effective? Right. And twice in one day, that's what I don't understand. It's like, is it a coincidence? How come you're not seeing private individuals, you know, that there are more private helicopters out there than government helicopters. And you haven't seen anything like that the entire time, not once. So, Nick, are you still out there with Starlink, too, given that thank God for Elon Musk on this? Yeah. And, you know, I'm proud to say that most towns at this point, 90% of towns in municipalities in western North Carolina are reconnected via Starlink, whether that be, so all the fire stations have been reconnected besides a very small amount that, you know, we just physically can't get to. And community centers, we're trying to get as many online community centers as well. But a lot of these towns, most of these towns have been brought back on the grid via at least one or two Starlink's throughout their town. And you know, that's a feat that the federal government could have done had a number one cared enough. And number two, not had tried to play politics with the entire situation, you know, but so it took so long to get some of these places back online being that we are just private individuals. We are not the government that I've heard from multiple officials in different counties because I wanted to corroborate it with different different counties as well, where they're seeing an increase, a stark increase in suicides out there because people that have lost everything that have been totally disconnected, they haven't had any food, haven't had any water, and they've just been abandoned totally by the people that we pay taxes to, you know, supposedly keep us safe, and that's a really sad development that hit me, you know, when I learned that yesterday, that hit me particularly hard, probably harder than any disaster that I've had a before because it didn't have to happen. You are the master of disaster. I mean, it is stunning to me, the stuff that you're engaged in. So where do we follow you on Twitter, your show on Twitter, et cetera? Where do we go to see what Nick Sorter, S.O.R.T.O.R. is up to? Yep. So is the place. I can give an uncensored, unfiltered view without being suspended by Tik Tok or Instagram or Facebook. So slash Nick Sorter, NICK, S.O.R.T.O.R. Thank you, Nick. Thanks very much. We'll catch up with you soon. Thank you. Stay safe out there. All right. Our guy East Palestine to now to North Carolina, come to your call. It's just a couple of quick things though, so I don't forget. Trump on True Social went after Howard Stern, calling him a beta male, of course. I don't know if Stern worked today. I mean, after that growing interview, he'll probably have to take off until Christmas at least. He's starting with a willingly admit that he is indeed a beta male. Oh, there you go. So that's his defense. Beta male, all right. And a death. And I wanted to see this. She's back to WWDB days, but these two guys did something that has consequence now. And that is Bartlett and Steele. These are the guys that revealed jobs leaving America, globalization, tank towns. Remember this? Bartlett and Steele. And then when I came over here to talk Radio 1210, anytime we would discuss it, their name came up, long pieces, books on this, Bartlett died yesterday. And they were kind of like John the Baptist, even though I think they were more liberal. They were presaging who Donald Trump. When Trump ran in 2016, this was the issue. Republicans at that point were more free trade. It just hurts even more. And he's a free trader. He admits it. You know, these tariffs go down hard with him, but Trump uses tariffs, the threat of tariffs to discipline companies as opposed to actually a massive tariff system that we have out there, to threaten to punish them, to get them to, quote, do the right thing. He's a populist. That's much different than where the Republican party has been. And many times he zigs and zags to meet the moment. And that's why he's got a lot of people that have given up hope in the political system to buy into and get out there to vote. That's a question talking to Robert of Ben Salem today, mentioning all the Trump yard signs. So wherever you are, give me a sense of what you're seeing. We know the cookie sales. Good news, when it's over, it's probably going to be like 30 to 40,000 to about 2,000 over there at locals, the rallies and all that, but all that has to be connected. If it's not connected to people coming out and vote or voting by mail and ballot or early voting, then in the end, the metric won't count for much. But you've got to say over these now, what, nine years and can't know more than, yeah, nine years in counting when he came down the escalator, there's never been a candidacy like this. The cookies are an example, these merchandising stores. It's more than just the policies. It's an adventure. It's a connection. It's something that people don't want to end. They feel part of something, not just a political movement. But it only continues if they vote. It's stunning to me to see people, not is it just they're lazy? Is it they don't get it? All the art signs in the world, all that stuff is not going to matter unless we see people actually in those numbers vote. All right, phone lines are 855-839-1210. That's how you get in, AT&T and Verizon Wireless, all that I need you to do is just push pound 1210 and you're on board. Right now, though, it is time for... It stops. Money, money. Money gone. All right, I'm not sure of the price today. Somebody tell me the price here. All right, Henry, I'll have to hear one second. Yeah, go ahead, Henry. What do we have today? Is it the comedian Reagan over at the... Okay, we'll win a pair of tickets to the comedian, Brian Regan on October 18th at the Miller Theatre in Philadelphia, PA. Tickets are on sale at All right, so here we go, Dan. Yes, Dom, today we're doing a great side question of what's something that was great or perfect and then it had an addition and it made it even better and you didn't think it was possible. I'm going to take you back to the '60s, Dom, where a band was okay. They weren't perfect. They were mids, but they were putting out some decent radio played songs, they had a nice record deal, we're doing some touring, but then in the mid-70s made a huge, actually two huge editions and they skyrocketed into becoming one of the best bands of all time. But Dom, I'm going to play a reverse cover song because this song very well done by Carlos Santana and that's how it's known. It was originally done by another band and we want to know the name of that band. This is them before they made those big editions that turned them into one of the best bands of all time. We want to know the name of the band that originally did this song, Dom, this is them doing it. It's okay, it's okay, not bad, not bad, not of course, but not bad, not sacrilegious or anything. Hit it with that, who is that band? Who's covering it? Oh, that's the original. Oh, that's the original. The original, reverse cover song original, that's really not well known that the band did this. Okay. But this band really well known when they made a huge edition, Dom. Okay, hit it with that and you are going off the C, comedian Brian Regan 855 839 1210 AT&T and Verizon Wireless, all you need to do is just push pound 1210. The seasons may be changing, but the deals and the sharpest rides are unbeatable as ever. Hey, what's going on? It's your girl, Tasha McKia, and I need you to join the sharpest rides for their fall into savings events where they're offering incredible prices on their massive inventory. That's right, everything is on sale now, shot from sleek sedans to rugged SUVs and sporty convertibles. 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Alright great dance right one of the greatest bands of all time even Bill Clinton riding that one. Gene you're a winner enjoy the comedian over at the Miller Theater. Okay a couple of things so ABC news with the French woman the day in the White House. Now the question Henry you might pick this up because I might play it it's just so ridiculous. No it's with Mayorkas it's on Grabion it's on the top line. Is Russia trying to amplify hurricane misinformation might just think about what you have to squeeze into this so she's making a judgment that mostly okay that mostly what we've been saying about this look there have been wild Marjorie Taylor green doesn't snow favors talking about the government in the weather and I'll stop it and how they're doing it even with lasers overkill but we just heard Nick Sorter out there on the ground what they haven't done to and that helicopter disrupting operations that's true this is going on they've been ineffectual they did give money to with legal immigration in all these cities all right so here is Mayorkas think of the narrative coming from ABC news asking him today are the Russians amplifying so they're claiming that in general these narratives not an occasional one they are misinformation are the Russians behind this in some way do you have any information to suggest that any foreign governments have tried to take advantage and amplify this misinformation about the response and recovery effort I have not been alerted to that phenomenon we of course have seen four nations disseminate false information for other purposes I have not seen it in the context of hurricane Elene or of the hurricane Milton which just transpired but of course we are quite vigilant in monitoring that my god to see this is how they have set the narrative here that this is mostly misinformation so that gives him a chance to not only condemn those who are condemning what's going on here with Biden Harris particularly Harris during this but also to bring the Russians into this and the Russians helping to stir this up not those people suffering in North Carolina not them now again we don't have to endorse everybody that said everything right we can go through a list but overall some points stick out that we are spending too much a dime would be too much on the legal immigration in the cities Ukraine they want to spend more on Lebanon around the world and that same tenacity what what we ought to focus on is this an elections only a month away and then change in there when all this is happening wouldn't you think just in a political sense Harris would say I'm dropping everything rescheduled she can go back and raise money I'm going right there at this point and if Biden would sum it up something to helper by doing that they couldn't even do that even with the political part of this and bring in a big check and not making a statement like 750 yeah yeah we know that's only money now how are they getting it though etc another words problem solving there lighting a fire under FEMA as best you can which is difficult and winning the day politically in a swing state in two swing states they couldn't even do that and what do we come up with I don't know how many days into these two hurricanes we are at this point the media saying you know all this misinformation this woman asking this I'd love to have a back and forth I'd like to ask her hey is Jerusalem in Israel well if that's misinformation anything they don't like anything that we challenge that they say is settled it's misinformation disinformation you're either a dope or you're with the Russians eight five five eight three nine twelve ten why are we never asked about the Chinese the Iranians etc etc etc my god in New York as well I don't know of any yet but we're going to be vigilant about that if we see Russians prowling around Raleigh North Carolina you know we're watching the vodka consumption there remember that whole thing with litits the Russians being spotted in litits because of Trump and Deutsche Bank that deal we played that we saw there were a number of Russian names there in litits Pennsylvania it's endless but listen to what she says again she's come to the conclusion that a lot of this stuff about the rescue effort is misinformation here's ABC do you have any information to suggest that any foreign governments have tried to take advantage and amplify this misinformation about the response and recovery effort with all that's going on why would that a question occur you don't get too many questions who ask a may or kiss or anybody else there why would that be on the mind of ABC News why is that the question that she has to ask there let's go to uh Liz in Quakertown and Liz you're on talk radio 1210 hey Liz good afternoon hi Dom hi Liz I'm just uh I am even though I'm from Quakertown I was Justin Doyle town and you were chatting before about the Trump signs it is amazing in Doyle's town yeah every corner that is amazing because Doyle's town is not Trump countries you know in large measure you know it used to be and then it went blue right and now it's uh it's definitely not purple well that's good news I'm sure in Quakertown now Quakertown I think of Trump country yes yes it is absolutely well this town is and also uh you know lower bucks very very much oh yeah Trump country without a doubt thank you Liz thanks for that report I wonder down in South Philly where that real Trump country is um here's uh Joe Biden now calling out Trump we're lying about the 700 look Kamala Harris is the one that said the 750 there was no mechanism she just blurts it out on how you're getting that 750 how to get it and now they're saying that was just uh that's the first trench of aid that you'll get for incidental items but it takes forever and what's the mechanism to do it here's what Biden said about Trump though and the 750 dollars but we're providing now to make sure people have the emergency relief they need but dollars just to be able to get a prescription filled to get a baby formula done all the things that's 750 dollars that's what you're talking about but Mr. Trump and all those other people know it's a lie to suggest that's all they're going to get that's bizarre it's bizarre they got to stop this it's I mean they're being so damn un-American with the way they're talking about this stuff all right so uh there we go un-American again now what's un-American is the impulse to be more concerned about situations in Haiti, Ukraine, Lebanon, illegal immigrants in our big cities you need to say all those billions of dollars being spent by local state and federal governments they're not being taken away from somewhere else with all the millions upon millions of people that have stormed across the border of course they are uh and um CBS now Fox News reporting aired two different responses to the same question on 60 minutes from the VP so which one is it which one is the real response more galling to me CBS in August according to today's story telling their people their morning show their reporters etc do not dare say Jerusalem Israel it is Jerusalem Israel there is no doubt well that infuriates the Palestinians everything infuriates them and there's no Palestine so it wouldn't be another country this in the wake of going after that one of their morning show host on the CBS morning show just pushing back on this guy who's clearly anti-Israel if not anti-semitic that was on to promote his book that's always about race but this time also bringing Israel into it and that guy has had now to go through all kinds of internal therapy because people were angry over that all right 855 839 1210 still the question of the week people asked all the time why did we play to view some of its comic relief but Harris got more damage this week not the 60 minutes interview or the stern interview stern got cringeworthy and that when she was asked on the view well how are you different than Biden so one of her top spokespeople guy is usually a little bit better on his feet moon landrew from New Orleans he was asked that today and he said well she's different than Biden because she's a woman and she's a woman of color buddy that's not what we're asking we're asking what policies what would you do differently if you're president she doesn't want to answer she can answer so she says something it's even worse nothing I can't think of a single thing that I would do okay here's a little bit more Dan this is Biden being asked about how much time does Congress have to act until FEMA runs out of money and on FEMA funding on FEMA funding how much time does Congress have to act before FEMA or the SBA run out of money that's a discussion now I don't want to give you a mislead you I think in terms of the SBA it's pretty great at the edge right now and I think the Congress should be coming back and moving on emergency needs immediately and they're going to have to go back after the election as well because this is going to be a long haul for total rebuilding it's going to take several billion dollars it's not going to be a matter of just a little bit so he's kind of acknowledging they are running out of money sounds like a little bit yeah and look um I think Congress ought to be back there I realize Republicans and Democrats are running races no they ought to be brought back they are right now to vote on this to put the money in there like now today seven o'clock in the morning eight o'clock at night you know me it doesn't matter yeah well we got that then you're out you don't get to vote that call them back in whoever shows up and vote give them the money to get the money out there to these people in North Carolina all right phone lines are eight come out get them out of here eight five five eight three nine twelve ten eight t and t and Verizon wireless all that you have to do is push pound twelve ten coming up we'll get to decide question a little bit more and also I told you about this walkout scheduled in New York state nationwide not just New York state wide October twenty first ordered by the coalition to protect kids strong backing from the catholic church I don't know if dullens backing that and the New York Republican and conservative parties it's about transgendered males or males I'll say that way biological males in female sports how about in this area why New York why not here all right we'll get to that hey get ready to tackle the NFL action with fan dole and partnership with Valley Forge casino America's number one sports book because right now new customers can bet five dollars and get 300 in bonus bets if you win build a quick same game parlay for the Thursday night game 49ers at Seahawks I would take a party over receiving yards medcalf under receiving yards and Kenneth Walker anytime touchdown that's just one there's a lot of things you can play with here and just bet straight up on the game all you have to do is visit fan tool dot com slash Dom do and fan dole dot com slash Dom to make every moment more this season fan dole sports book is the official partner of 12 10 W P H T fan dole an official sports book partner of the NFL yet to be 21 plus president Pennsylvania first online real money wager only five dollar first supplies are required bonus issued is not what trouble bonus bets which expire seven days after receipt restrictions apply see terms at sports book that fan dole dot com gambling problem 1 800 gambler the wind the wind is the wind is booked I'll tell you it's horrible all right time to your dinner show now I just saw this and I'm sure we're going to have somebody on tomorrow I'm going to ask down Schmidt about this and I know I see his reaction in the inquire we get the big guy the guy making decisions setting up the election county by county working with them one o'clock tomorrow you don't want to miss that send me your questions six GOP congressmen sue to have the Pennsylvania military and overseas ballots segregated or set aside in November's election their republicans arguing that the ballots from overseas voters are susceptible to fraud because those voters are not subject to ID requirements applied to us based absentee voters now I remember back and I got to go back to the specific election where uh at the Bellevue Stratford a brawl broke out and a protest of both sides around counting the ballots think it was 2000 election of the military okay and I'm very sensitive you are to to military ballots of all people serving in war zones or potential war zones around the world being counted but I take their point here they requested this pending more stringent verification of voters identities and more detailed guidance from state of election officials to ensure that verification takes place now this is indicative of republicans going all out on this you can say well come on now Dom the military here but their point is how vulnerable is this to frauds I'm going to put this on the docket of what I asked Al Schmidt about tomorrow so you're going to get it one o'clock an inside view of exactly how he's thinking what's going to go on here in this election cycle you know and it gives me a lot of trepidation to be thinking about setting aside military ballots particularly but that doesn't mean we're not going to count them it means that there would have to be a process here it also tells you republicans are not asleep at the switch this time it also tells you how close they think it's going to be and I think it's going to be I mean could it come down to under 20,000 votes and go on for two or three days I would put that at 5050 or better that's exactly what's going to happen we also have president obama kicking off the Harris campaign tour in Pennsylvania here we go all right so we'll get somebody on him ready if you want to mark that up and ask me about it afterward you can take a look at it the inquire and we'll see who's the most likely to come on tomorrow and talk about this but we got the guy Al Schmidt tomorrow at one o'clock to talk about all these issues this just adds to it the number one issue is him putting out there it's going to take two or three days or more in some public statements I'll let him say exactly what he wants unfiltered we're not CBS you know we're not editing anything here you'll hear him live tomorrow answering these things so you got to send me more questions about this and it's not a gotcha it's just I want to bring you the guy actually involved in this so when we get to that you have a sense of how well this is playing out let me go to bill in Bucks County on talk radio 1210 hey bill good afternoon hi there uh Dom uh reading again from Bucks County and we want to tell you if you go on street road route 132 through south upper south anthem warning to war minister you will see many many many three by six foot trump dance uh-huh prominently displayed throughout county well that's all good my my only caution is we saw a lot of this in 2020 bill it's who shows up to vote because we've never seen anybody conduct rallies like this and the merchandise stores and just the trump boat parades they remember the car caravan in 2020 across the entire Bucks County yeah and they did it again and what about a week or two ago yeah exactly and they went south in the ceremony mall and they had the trump train band out there playing music it's hard to believe yeah yeah that did you make this up no anyway I had a question for you to ask al shimid okay and the question would be would you be open to suggesting to governor Shapiro that he create a bipartisan advisory committee to further improve many parts of act 77 yeah and he might say well that's a question for the legislature but I take your point there are infrastructure sorts of things executive decisions that he and the governor's officer making bill to actually implement act 77 they have judgment calls that they make well I think that he needs to I think they need to take a second look at what the legislature did because they did it so quickly they did it in a hurry and it was done wrong according to my observation I believe that those mail-in ballots should have went to the precincts for counting not back to the board of elections okay got your point I'll ask about that tomorrow precincts not board of elections to count and the difference in that but the main thing this breaking story here look military ballots should be sacrosanct the only issue is it is true are they open more to fraud than the other ballots that we're seeing out there I think you'll reject that but you'll hear it tomorrow all right let me go to the great Joe of extant on talk radio 1210 hello Joe good afternoon yes hello Dom and good afternoon rush limbal revolutionized talk radio and then talk radio took a quantum leap and became highly more enjoyable and listenable with the appearance of the Dom Giordano show wow oh boy that's the show we thank you for that but that's that's a tough hill to get up here man I mean that Joe that's very nice of you though and I might add nobody has a core like Joe of extant I've done this for 37 years I would go national there's nobody like you Joe so good heart it so elevated it's nothing like it I was argued that the Dom Giordano program was perfect until the edition of Joe of x there you go that's exactly right to you actually and actually making an appearance at a big event that was world class thank you Joe thank you Joe very much very nice of you to say all right let's man of any word uh he's unbelievable there's no car like that I mean over the years I've had some that were just knockdown drag out battles or they were very we had phone booth will she was in a phone booth in the pokanos calling it oh I like that that would have been a world or what was sterling what was sterling has some really interesting characters that were callers german town Joe and I had a lot friendly back and forth you know argument that were um was there somebody to a trumpet or something as well a trumpet wasn't the guy that was stalking you or oh the bugle boy you never call he just was stalking oh he's just a stalker okay he's the guy that the dignitary squad of the field off the police went and said come on you're gonna have to let Dom alone the family involved we're just giving you a warning if we come back there's gonna be trouble and he said but I have to listen and I felt bad for the guy that's not right is an addiction at that point yes yes it was it just and apparently it was I said some neighborhoods didn't have up as many flags post 9/11 during the day during 9/11 putting up the american flag that set them off for years true story so it is amazing the callers out there the characters that are out there really visit my favorite Joe moment of all time yes where to roll all my hippies made south street south street I'm surprised he did that is the elite south street what I love it what a character you couldn't make him up couldn't be an actor we couldn't have anybody to play that role I don't know who it would be keep on rocking because you only rock once all right lightning round is next it is at 8 5 5 8 3 9 12 10 I'm really happy to bring you al shmit tomorrow again don't tell me afterward yeah I should have asked this I can't read your mind but some of this I wrote down bills hit me with a few of them the big one is why in the world is it guesstimated it's going to take this small I know you can't open the envelopes and all that stuff to 7 a.m. but come on the country waiting for the decision from Pennsylvania really from Philadelphia for three days after the election to determine who the president is can you imagine all right like you're on that social's buzzing right now after that Joe calls yes say Joe laying in on usually very complimentary of Joe Joe laying on thick code Joe that's a reach from Jimmy Matthew saying that's a reach it sues loves Jeffy another one Joe sucking up well done look at that yeah it was it was a very kind call from Joe it was it was yes I take that I mean it's like being compared to Babe Ruth because of a nice person that's why yeah I mean well he's not the greatest hitter of all time that would be Ted Williams and he's not the greatest baseball player of all time that would be Willie Mates those are the easiest ones but Joe it's a tough field day damn when we get to call her the year after the election Earl Joe Scott amount Laurel Roberta Ben Salem there's a dozen others that are right in a Bruce of the Northeast even like a list their stats now yes I'm going to call we're going to have to come up with a card and what their signature line is where they're from how they stumbled upon the show what they started with what's their signature phrase I think each one of them has something like that I love it that's what talk radio is all about it's not just the politics yes for the vehicle for that it's the clubhouse it's the bond it's the fun and that's what's being proven now slash at 12th and OPP she please go like and subscribe a great community that's built over there too and they're now they're now saying you know Joe we love you we love you it's all in good fun you know it's it's it's that ripping that I love from the community as well come on now keep the praise coming here all right shucks eight five five eight three nine twelve ten that's how you get in here in the lightning round the time has come for the final test uh we usually call us the lightning round that is right and Dom's lightning round is sponsored by Cherry Hill Volvo right now lease a 2024 C40 for only three twenty nine per month on a 36 month lease see store for details they always go the extra mile for their customers. That's right because relationships matter at Cherry Hill Volvo let's go to Tom in Marlton all right Tom something that was made even better what is it hey Dom and Dan hope you're having a good day hey Tom it's almost again I love it yep all right yeah it's good to hear you guys again anyway so it's nice um well you remember when we used to have a yellow corn on the cob with a little butter a little salt it was good but then when you tried the white corn the sugar corn sugar queen I think it is or anyway the white a little butter little salt that was the the gold the white is the best I would agree there the white corn is better yes the others good but this is a step up uh the Earl of takkoni what's yours today Earl okay Dom Dan yeah Danny struck me a line we need to talk about the the election special and uh real quick I'll get to my answer uh that would be the internet where you had it on your desktop and you can sit at your desk and you can look up all sorts of information and what made it even better is when they shrank it down and put it on the phone and now it's in your pocket you carry the internet with you everywhere you go thank you and soon there'll be a chip where you won't have to carry your phone it'll be right there oh what's the benefit to shrink down the internet and put it in our pocket yeah absolutely do you look up anything yeah yeah well right when you need it right let's go to bruce in the north east on their phones what's yours all right Dom you know I'm keeping with your election the answer I'm tempted to compare Dom here Dan and to Alec Baldwin's radio talk we ought to have that on speed Dom you know Greg Stocker was a producer here when he was doing that interesting that's interesting yeah let's go to the car when we come back uh oh we got some time okay well we're gonna when can we take some calls Ivan whenever we want do we have calls that are on there now no calls yeah no calls yeah for god what a moment all right bruce what's yours yeah you know chocolate chip cookies are pretty much a perfect snack but when you add a glass of cold milk to them they become even more perfect it seems I would agree the chocolate chip cookie is second to none it is the Babe Ruth of anything why even have other cookies Henry who did you like I mean those last three answers right oh yeah they're lightning round are all fantastic but if I had to pick one of them I got to go with Tom and Marleton with the white corn I love corn but he's absolutely right the white corn slaps so much harder and what do you say yeah Dan I'm gonna take one from earlier in the show Gary in Newtown just to send my love to Mazy our wives made us men better yeah I like the white corn better sorry Mazy sorry oh I'm going with white corn I don't care about the female vote you chose maze over Mazy maze over Mazy that's today's theme summarize the whole show we are back tomorrow al Schmidt don't miss that at one o'clock tomorrow follow on Twitter at Dom Show 1210 send me possible questions thank you Colonel Jimmy Matthews for calling in today rich she always next talk radio 1210 WPH the seasons may be changing but the deals the sharpest rides are unbeatable as ever hey what's going on it's your girl Tasha McKia and I need you to join the sharpest rides for their fall into savings events where they're offering incredible prices on their massive inventory that's right everything is on sale now shot from sleek sedans to rugged SUVs and sporty convertibles the sharpest rides has the perfect ride to match your fall adventures plus with their exclusive financing options getting behind the wheel of your dream car has never been easier lag on and shop online at the sharpest rides dot com right from the palm of your hands or check other massive inventory in person at the sharpest rides located 2250 South Sea home street in Inglewood either way you will fall into savings don't miss out head on over to the sharpest rides dot com today and explore the deals that make every season better and tell them that your girl Tasha McKia sent you the sharpest ride affordable sexy sharp deer autumn leaves you won't be covering roads alone this season Toyota's lineup of cool colorful vehicles is ready to ride by your side take on fall in a trail tackling Tacoma or go for the powerful tundra head to for more info or visit your local Toyota dealership today toyota let's go places. 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