The Dom Giordano Program

Bill O'Reilly Gives Us His VP Debate Recap

Bill O’Reilly returns to the program to give his insights and takes on last night’s VP debate. There are two goalposts that decide who wins a debate, so who hit them? Should Trump do another debate, O’Reilly has an interesting take on whether he should or not and with a stipulation. Did Walz tell on himself by not directly answering abortion questions and calling himself a “knucklehead”? Then they end with a discussion on Bill’s new book.

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02 Oct 2024
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All right, nobody better that I can bring you in the country, I think, to break this down, at least looking into the mind of President Trump and where this goes next, here on the Dom Gierdano show. And just for overall being on the point given so many vantage points that he's occupied, the new book just out in September confronting the president. We've talked with Bill O'Reilly about that before. And it's just a matter of how much you know about the presidents, you are going to learn and maybe even be challenged by and challenged back the observations of O'Reilly and the historian who puts these books together with them. Let's bring in Bill O'Reilly here on Talk Radio 1210. Hey, Bill, welcome in. The big O'Reilly takeaway last night that I was following pretty closely is JD Vance, humanized himself, didn't go overboard here, was very skillful in this. Is that the biggest observation? Yeah, for me, because that's what I did in confronting the president. So I humanized all 45 minutes. And some of them were, it was pretty difficult, Dom, the humanized LBJ, I mean, my God. Oh, yeah. But that is very important, particularly in this age of social media that you are demonized and certainly Vance has been, and he was able to get by that. And I'll give you a few bullet points and then you can follow up. So one of the themes of confronting the president is that if Americans don't know who they're voting for, they are most likely making a mistake. The worst presidents were the ones that people knew nothing about. And I equate that to Kamala Harris, avoiding all exposure to any forum that might hold her accountable for what she has done. Now, there was a snap poll after the CBS debate. The poll said that Vance won the debate by one point. But that's not polls totally useless, because it was all people believing what they want to believe, not what took place before them. And Americans should know this, that most people are not capable of evaluating anything objectively. Everything is emotional. So if you look at the debate from an historical point of view, which I did, and of course I'll report it on my no spin news on below in a journalistic way tonight, but as a historian, there are two yard sticks about who wins a debate, a presidential or vice presidential debate. Number one, who helped their ticket more? Is there any doubt who helped their ticket more last night? Now, Vance helped the Trump Vance ticket more than Wall's helped that Kamala Harris ticket. It wasn't that Wall's was bad. It was that he was predictable and a little bit befuddled. Okay, so he said, would he memorize and okay, and there are millions of people who believe that? But he didn't rise up. There were no moments for him. Where Vance set the agenda. He was pleasant. He was authoritative. He answered most of the questions. He dodged the 2020 election. All right. So he helped his ticket more than Wall's. The other one is who looked more presidential? Who? Well, Vance, I mean, it's an honest. Yeah, then Turon. All right. And you know that, you know, life is going to get really difficult now with war and violence and murder and mayhem. Who do you want to go up against? Vance or Wall's? Come on. Yeah, exactly right. So Bill, moving forward with this, I was very interested in your take, or if you've been talking to President Trump, I still think does Trump get it? You can do. He's not Wall's. He's not Vance in a debate. Very few people policy are going to be on that. But it's not that hard to turn the tables on those moderators as Vance did. Right. Vance was very good with Margaret Brent because she absolutely misstated immigration law. He was much kind to her than I would have been. I'll tell you that. Now, Trump doesn't talk to me. I haven't talked him a long time. He's mad at me because I'm actually covering the campaign. He didn't care where he is. He was 100%. I'm the greatest guy that ever lived. That's what Donald Trump wants. If you deviate out of that, he doesn't like that. And I don't care. I mean, there didn't matter to me. I might have a job doing it. I'm going to do it. So I don't have any, I don't have any access to Trump at this point. He may call tonight in the middle of the night, possible. Vance did an interview with me and I want everybody to Google O'Reilly Vance and look at it. He answered the questions. And that's all I require. I don't have to agree with you. I'll tell you, but look, just answer the questions and we can get some information flow out. So, Bill, are you still in the camp, though, that Trump should do the debate, particularly if it's on Fox or wherever it is, that he has it within him. My listeners are saying, no, don't do the debate. He can't do it. Now, he's done well in his own way and other debates. You mean to say he couldn't do what Vance did in his own way last night when it came to the fact-checking, et cetera? No, he couldn't do it. Vance did. He's impossible for him to do it. He's not disciplined enough to do it. So, you would say strategically, you would say strategically, don't do another debate. No, no. If I were Trump, I would do another debate. But from what I understand, the Republican internal polling says Trump's going to win and he has bought into that. Now, I've got a guy on tonight from Brazil who runs Atlas Polling. Atlas Polling was the most accurate in 20 and this guy is pretty smart and nobody's ever heard of him and I'm putting that on a night. But I know for a fact that the Trump people think they have it. So, they're thinking is why risk anything, we're ahead. I don't know whether, you know, that's what they believe. So, if you look at all the polling comes in, it's all over the place. But it's, you know, he's one of my two. He's down by one. This is that. You can't. You can't. This Atlas guy is going to get interview because he's going to give me an overview of Trenton's and then Trenton's with five weeks out are very important. I would do the interview because I believe that Trump's record for four years is way superior to Biden, Harris. There's not even any ball game and I could handle three against one or whatever it would be. Harris never going to do Fox ever. So, the Fox out of the equation, it's not going to happen. 60 minutes now, we're going to do them both and Trump's saying I'm not going to do it unless they apologize for the 100 Biden laptop. I'm not sure that's a right strategy. But when I looked at what 60 minutes is putting on, they're putting Whitaker on Harris. Whitaker's not a tough guy. He's not Mike Wallace. Everybody knows that. And then he wants Pelly on Trump. Pelly's 100 times tougher. Yeah, exactly. Unfair on that. If I'm Trump and I'm saying you're given Harris a cupcake and you're giving me your toughest boy, he doesn't like me. Pelly doesn't like him. Why would I do it? I understand it, but I would still do it because I have the record. And if Trump would just fall back on that record and knock the emotional stuff out, the unfairness out, the anger out, I know that's easy for me to say. He's a perfect right to be angry. There's nothing one other president in our history, Dom, except for Abraham Lincoln is more vilified than Donald Trump. Yeah, without a doubt, Bill, one other thing last night, I thought this was a game plan going forward. Maybe these Republicans can't execute it on the issue of abortion because I think that Vance has been in the classic position before this, but I thought he handled that beautifully last night and he gave the way forward for how to handle this. He wasn't given an opportunity, though. They didn't in fact check what goes on in Minnesota, where doctors have the right of the baby survives to determine what to do. That's a fact. Yeah, and Walt signed that bill. He changed the bill. He changed it. Right. And the doctor has to try to save the baby's life and Walt's light about it. So yeah, but there was no fact check supposedly in that debate. That was one of the rules that Brennan broke when she hit Vance on the Columbia, Ohio thing and Vance golded her and rightly so and she made her look foolish. So Walt is an abortion zealot. Very simple question was asked of the governor. Do you support terminating a fetus in the ninth month? You wouldn't answer it. Well, that's an answer. Exactly. 99 of 100 civilized human beings would say, no, I don't bill 99 out of 100 human beings that I don't support unless the woman's going to die or the baby's going to die. There'd be that catastrophic bill. Picture for a moment to what it says about Harris and the Democrat Party. Josh Shapiro and I have crossed the words. I can't tell you how many times but if he were there last night with Vance, that would have been a heck of a debate. And I don't know that we would win Pennsylvania and yet they couldn't tag him in. Well, I don't think well, this is a good pick. If that's what you're asking me, I don't know exactly. And I don't know about this we business, Don, I don't want to be associated with any political party. I hear you. I think they're all pinheads. I'm trying to get who's going to hurt the country least. That's what I that's what I'm getting. But anyway, I don't see where what wall springs at all. No, nothing. See guy who doesn't know he was an intimate square. I mean, that was not a thing. Yeah, I can be a knucklehead. Well, I don't know if we want a knucklehead going up against Putin. I don't know if we want one like that. Yeah, exactly. Bill. No, one one other question about your book with the book out now and all the rounds you've been doing. I saw you with the Hoover interview and some of the others. What is it that has come up in this? Is there any insight you have now further insight about what you're being asked about the presidents? Most of the interviews have been very good because most of the interviews are or is like you have read at least part of the book. And they are curious about what I'm putting on the page. And that's why the book is number one on the New York Times List. And you know, that brings those people over at the Times. Great joy. The 19th time, my name has been at top of that list. And then every time I'm sure they go out and celebrate, all right, I've got another number one Times bestseller. We love that. The press that I have done is 95% fair and the questions are intelligent. It's not a lot of stupidity. I'm not doing the morning shows. I'm not doing the people who make the omelets every morning. I'm not doing them. PBS was disgraceful, but that's PBS. And that was my fault because I know they're disgraceful. Do I have the frontline documentary comparing Trump with Harris? They brought in 15 people in front-minded who are anti-Trump. One five, they brought in no one who was anti-Harris. That is a disgrace. PBS and NPR are disgraceful, fraudulent, and they are getting $550 million a year from the taxpayer. It's unbelievable. That corruption, that level of corruption. Absolutely. Well, Bill, thank you again, as always. And soon we'll be talking too about great stuff for Christmas. And this book ranks right up there. I say it all the time. For people that know a good bit about the president, it's even better. I mean, I just couldn't believe some of the details. You know, we've talked about Grant. We talked about the number that died of dysentery or something like that. It just don't see that in any other book. And dance looks exactly like you. Yes, he does. Yeah. Look at the picture. Look at the picture. I got a grant in the book. Look at that. There's going to be twins. You know, and they're about the same height. They're about the same kind of builds. Everything about them is US Grant. I guess that's good. Yeah. So anyway, Dom, I really appreciate all the help. Always a pleasure to talk with you. Thanks for having me on. You're welcome, Bill. Take care. Bill O'Reilly here on Talk Radio 1210. All right. You heard that insight now about the Trump campaign having internal polling indicating they believe now that they have the momentum to win. So why do it? Now, I haven't heard that anywhere else that that's how dead set they are on this. God knows what they have or what they believe in. I'm still believing it comes down to Pennsylvania coming down to going to be incredibly tight. I'd rather react that way than believe, well, we're just running out the clock here.