Dr. Kay Fairchild

#15 The Allegory Story (What Are We Waiting For?)

#15 The Allegory Story (What Are We Waiting For?)

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12 Oct 2024
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Good to see everyone tonight. Those that are going to be viewing this on Facebook Live. I'm going to be sharing something just a little bit different tonight. I really came to a, I guess I knew it before to some degree, but came to a deeper understanding more of a quickening and what I want to share with you tonight from Romans chapter 8. So if you have your devices and you want to follow along, your Bibles, whatever you use, I'm going to talk tonight on lesson 15 of the allegory story and I'm asking the question what are we waiting for? What are we waiting for? Now let me just say this to help you out a little bit in those listening. Our interpretation of Scripture will be based upon, if it's a correct interpretation, if it is by the Spirit, it's going to be based upon the big picture. For example, if you read in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5, where it says to be absent from the body is free present with the Lord, most people say, well, that's dying and going to heaven. But if they would keep it in context and read verse 1, he's talking about our idea of us just being a physical body is dissolved, thoroughly loosened into the understanding that we are a temple not made with hands eternal in the heavens. So when you come to those scriptures then further down verse 8, I believe it is to be absent from the bodies to be present with the Lord and you know what the chapter says and you know how we've dealt with that many many times. If you don't keep it in context, if you don't have the big picture, you have no clue and you'll be making it about dying and going to heaven. So if we're going to properly interpret the scriptures, we've got to come and from the big picture. Let me give you several examples of that. Number 1, what do you think about eternal conscious torment? If you believe in eternal conscious torment that some people are going to be endlessly torched and scorched, then that's going to play into your interpretation. If you believe that heaven is a physical place with streets of gold, gates of pearl, rather than people being in a dimension of the cloud of witnesses that have gone on and physically died, that's going to play into your interpretation. If you believe that we were in Adam, you're not seeing the big picture. If you realize we came here upright, then that'll go into the interpretation of what you're going to come out of whatever verse that you're studying. If you believe that we came here with objective salvation and as we receive it, we walk in it spiritually, that's going to play into your interpretation. So in other words, if we don't see the big picture, if you believe that Jesus shed his blood so we could be forgiven, that father could not forgive us without the shed blood and you believe in penal substitution, that's going to affect your interpretation. And if you believe prayer is for something rather than from something that's done, that's going to affect your interpretation. If you believe more than one power, more than one presence, that's going to affect it. See what I'm saying is, to rightly divide, to understand the truth and hear it by the Spirit, we've got to see the big picture. If we don't see he is our health as us, if we don't see that we're blessed with all spiritual blessing in the heavenlies, then you're not going to interpret the scriptures properly. And so what I want to do tonight is read some scripture in Romans chapter 8. I want to look specifically at verses 19 and 23, and in both of these verses of scripture, and I wrote a post about this, some of you probably saw what are we waiting for post, if we can understand that there are different meanings of weight, W-A-I-T, it'll change the whole meaning for you. I remember years ago, probably 40 years ago, doing a teaching on Isaiah 40 verse 31, which says, "They that weighed upon the Lord shall renew, it's really exchanged their strength, they'll mount up with wings of eagles, running up beware, walking up faint." But the word weight there was not, when I taught that in and begin to do some word studies, the word weight was not like, "Well, we're waiting on you Lord, whatever you're going to do, we're just waiting and hoping for a revival or for you to move." But weight there actually means to serve like a waiter. So those that serve, in other words, serve out this truth, they're the ones that experience it subjectively, and their strength is exchanged, their natural strength for his strength, and they mount up with wings, and you know, as the verse goes on. So we have to understand there are some different meanings of the word weight. So let me read here in verse 19, Romans 8, 19, for the earnest expectation of the whole creation, of creation. Notice the next word, Elizabethan English, Waidath, because this is a King James version, Waidath for the manifestation of the sons of God. So in other words, all of creation, one translation says, as you know, is on tiptoe, looking, looking, looking for the manifestation of the sons of God. Why? So that they can be delivered into the glorious liberty of the sons of God, or in other words, experience what this first group company is already experiencing. So they're waiting, they're waiting. All creation is waiting for something, simply because they don't know they're not aware. So they're still waiting. Many would say, "Boy, you know, I can't wait till this life is over, I go to a better place, or I can't wait till, you know, I receive a blessing, and life is easier for me." They're waiting. Many of them don't know what they're waiting for, but they're waiting. They're not aware that they're waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God, but they are waiting. Now, look at verse 23. And not only they, now, listen, I'm going to go real slow with this verse, because this is my punchline. And not only they, in other words, not only the groaning creation, but ourselves also. What are we waiting for? I want to tell you right now, nothing. But it sounds like it here, where it says, and not only they, not only creation, but ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit. In other words, our mature, our mature in this truth, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption. Now, adoption is a metaphor for just maturity. Okay? What would they do in the east when the sons and daughters would mature, they would have a ceremony, call it the bat mispron, the bar mispron, because they had matured. And so the son especially can handle the business just like the father in the stead of the father. So adoption speaks of maturity. But it sounds here like not only is creation waiting, but we also are waiting and groaning within ourselves, waiting for maturity. But notice what the maturity is. It's to know something, to wit is old English for to know. So we're waiting for maturity to bring forth. I'm going to paraphrase a little bit to an add some words. We're waiting. Are we waiting? Not in the sense that we think of the word wait. And I'm going to unscramble this as we go through this, waiting for the adoption to wit or to know the redemption of our body. So adoption is a metaphor once again for maturity. And in other words, we are mature in what? In the to wit part, in the knowing. Say and I'm convinced tonight that the people that tend here regularly are mature and they're knowing. Because all of these things that I mentioned on my plane X from Arby's, all of those things I mentioned, you're established in all that. So we're not waiting to know something. We already know it. So this brings in the other meanings of wait, which I'm going to get to, if you'll wait a little bit. Now, I want us to see that this word waiteth up in verse 19 is not concerning us. It's concerning creation because creation is waiting and it's not the same meaning for waiting as in verse 23. As I said, there are different meanings for waiting. Here's another. The first one in verse 19 is waiting like we are waiting for something, an expectation, anticipating something. What are they anticipating? To see a people, even though they may not be aware, to have a people come on the scene that are mature in this and can bring deliverance by speaking the truth to them. So they can experience what the first fruits are experiencing. So they can have liberty. Okay? Now, another meaning for wait, when you study this out, is to accept from source. To accept or receive from source. Where's source within? Right? Another one is to serve as like waiting on tables. So in other words, a first fruit who arm a tour in verse 23, a first fruit, because you know if you have a tree in your backyard or a sand apple tree, there's a few that ripen first. Right? There's a few that mature first. So as in the natural soul in the spiritual, there is a few in the kingdom of God that mature first because they know something. So this first fruit in verse 23, who are mature in knowing the eternal truth because they've drawn that truth out of source within. They accepted that truth from source within, which is one of the meanings of wait, to accept from source. They now go about and they are serving it. Truly waiting on tables. Truly serving this truth. And of course we know religion is waiting for a rapture. And you know Paul said, I remember going to my cousin's funeral many, many years ago and the whole message it seemed like was, "Our hope is the rapture. Our hope is to physically die." And that's what religion believes. But I've shared with you numerous occasions salvation has nothing to do with fire insurance or ticket to heaven. Some physical place has nothing to do with that whatsoever. You know what it says in the book of Proverbs, it says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick. But when desire is fulfilled, it's a tree of life." See, because hope wouldn't Paul say about hope. It's not something in our future. Hope is Christ in you. Christ in you, the hope of glory. And the word hope has been so misinterpreted by religiosity and that is why the church is powerless today. The religious church has powered us and they're not walking in their subjective reality. So they're not a part of verse 23. They are then a part of verse 19, still waiting and hoping to either die or rapture to take place. Because you can't have anything on this earth when it's all for this earth, folks. It's all for this earth. Now what I want to do is I want to draw for a little bit here from a natural physical birth. And I want to say that there are three stages in a natural physical birth. There's of course conception. The seed is sewn into the womb in a natural birth and there's a conception, you know, the seed connects with the egg and so forth. And a conception takes place. Then there is the gestation or the time when this seed begins to be formed within the womb of the woman. And then about nine months later there is the birthing. Now let me just set this way. That baby does not become a baby when it's born. It was always a baby. I mean I could even go back as even before the foundation but I'm going to go back to conception. It was always a baby. The moment the seed and the egg connect together, that embryo begins, that fetus begins to grow and begins to form. It's why Paul said, "I travail in pain again until Christ be formed in you." Because when it's formed in our heart awareness, it's going to birth something. It's going to birth something. Now I also want to share with you that we talk a lot about planning the seed of our mind of Christ into our awareness and we already know that objectively we are one. But do you know when you really come to know that you know that you know and the seed has been conceived and quickened within you? That is the same, that knowing, not intellectual knowing, but that spiritual knowing when it's conceived and quickened within you, that constitutes subjective experience. The knowing of it in a deep sense constitutes subjective experience. Now let me go back to Romans 819 again and read this. Romans 819 says, "For the earnest expectation of the creature," talking about who, not us, "all of creation, waited for the manifestation of the sons of God." But can I tell you this unless we see it? They ain't going to see it? We must foresee it and we must see and know, you know what you see? You can't unsee. We must see it spiritually and we must know it and until we see it and know it, they're not going to see it and know it. So we've got to see this. Now let me give you some definition. The word expectation where it says the earnest, the creature is waiting for the earnest expectation. It means intense anticipation, intense anticipation, and it means watching. We don't have intense anticipation for something to happen if we know this truth. We know that we be it and you can't become what you already be any more than you can enter a room that you're already in. Right? And it also means it'll take you this expectation word which means intense anticipation will take you to another word, 1380, where we get the word to think and be aware, to know and to be aware. But now listen, here's the question. Look who has this intense expectation and anticipation in verse 19, not us. It's the groaning creation. In fact, it's all of creation whether they realize that or not. But again, unless we see it and know it, they're gonna see it and know it. See what? What do we need to see and know? We need to see the reality that it's not manifestation that we're after, which I'm going to show you. You already are the manifestation. What it is that we're after or should be after is realization that it already is, that everything already is. Because we are not one-third or two-thirds, we're not half-baked, where salvation is concerned. We're not one-third saved or two-thirds saved. We are three-thirds saved as first as alone as 523 and the classic amplified says, we are sanctified, which means holy, and I like to say, we are spirit through and through spiritual and body. That's what we have to know. When we really know that, on a deep level, that constitutes subjective experience, you cannot know that. You can know about it intellectually. But when you really know it and it's been conceived and quickened and formed within us, that constitutes knowing constitutes subjective experience. Now, jump on down to verse 23 again of Romans 8. And not only they, not only creation, but we ourselves also, which have the first roots of the spirit, or in other words, those who are mature in knowing, home and redemption. Are we mature in knowing, home and redemption? I believe we are. We've had enough teaching of it. Okay? We ourselves also, which have the first roots of the spirit, even we ourselves, grown within ourselves, waiting. What are we groaning for? We are groaning to continually receive one of the meanings of weight from source within so that we can then serve it to this groaning creation people. So we are mature. And it goes on to say there, we are mature. I'm going to change it a little bit in knowing the redemption of our body. Now, if you know that you are spirit slowed down to visibility in every dimension of your life, every area of your life, if you know that you have salvation, you're sanctified, you're holy through and through, then I'm going to tell you tonight, you are a first fruit. And you know that you are everything that's true or truth of the kingdom of God, whether it's health or, well, whatever it is, everything, every aspect, you have the keys of, you can get into every room, you have the keys of the kingdom. And if you know this, what we have taught here, then that constitutes subjective reality or subjective experience. And you're going forth drawing on a continual basis from the source so that you can dish it out or wait on tables or give it to the groaning creation as they come one by one or however that happens in your life. That's good news, folks. We as a first root have got to quit waiting for stuff. Come on! And we need to begin to know that we already be who we have always be. Being, it doesn't explain in Acts to us that we are a living doing but a living being. And why are we groaning? We're groaning to get it out so that creation can experience this subjectively. And you know why it's so important? It's why we have war. It's why we have greed. It's why we have all the chaos that we see in the world today. Because there are people out there that are groaning creation, they're not even fully aware of it, but they're looking for something and they think maybe they can get it through war or they can get it through fighting or they can get it through. They've never been taught to take their swords and beat them into plowshares and study war no more. So you can see why we need to wait on tables, why we need to continually, meaning for wait, continually, draw from source so we have something to give the world or groaning creation. Now let me go back to what I was talking about the woman. And she conceives, when the woman conceives, when she becomes pregnant, I've already stated there is number one conception, number two gestation and number three birthing. So there you have the first trimester conception. Second trimester gestation, gestation, gestation, when it's maturing in the womb and then the birthing which is in the third trimester. Now this can be shown as outer court, holy place, holy of holies. In the first trimester you can get very nauseous with morning sickness. In that trimester, listen in that trimester you're not sure what you can eat and what you can't eat and how it's going to react with your metabolism. And likewise as in the natural, so in the spirit, likewise spiritually, there was a time when we were fed stuff that after a while it gave us a morning sickness. We got nauseated and we ate some things, listen that made us ill spiritually and brought a whole lot of confusion to us. It didn't nourish us, it didn't feed us, it did nothing for us, watch over. And for the most part I remember in my life I just went along with it to have friends. All my friends were there, all my relations were there, all my family was there, so I just went along with it. But there was always something nagging into very pit in my inner part that said, listen, this cannot be the truth. We were eating the old man of yesterday's manna and we got a bad reaction. See because in the first trimester, the first three months there is a lot of uncertainty and often that's the time that people will judge by good and evil and they'll judge by what they're familiar with. And you know as 1 Corinthians 8 2 says, you know if any man thinks he knows anything, he knows nothing as what he ought to know. And so they're in that first trimester, they don't know any better than that. So there we are to come along and help them along once they show an interest in knowing the truth. Then there's the second trimester and that's the holy place. And this is the point that you know you begin, at least beginning to know beyond the shadow of the doubt that you're pregnant. You get in that second trimester, bless God, I know for sure I am pregnant. And in this stage of pregnancy, spiritually speaking, you become more consciously aware. And you know what's happening in the natural and also happening in the spiritual and the second trimester, our borders are being stretched to accommodate the new thing that's forming within us. And we know beyond the shadow of the doubt we are definitely pregnant. You are pregnant tonight. We are pregnant and not only listen people would say yeah I remember years ago teaching and saying we're in the deliver room and the doctor saying push and we're pushing. Well the baby's been birthed folks. The baby has already been birthed. Now in the third trimester things get a bit more serious. Things began to get uncomfortable. I remember when I was pregnant for my son for about three months he had a foot in my rib. I mean I may not have been in my rib but it felt like his foot was stuck in my rib. And in the third trimester you get a little uncomfortable and spiritually the same is true when you begin to get a little uncomfortable and then someone comes along and begins to minister truth to you. You begin to realize that you are closed within and without and that he is taken over just like the baby's taken over. You're so uncomfortable that baby's taken over. You can't sleep at night. Sometimes you don't want to eat because you feel so full. There's a whole lot of symptoms in the third trimester. Well as in the spirit the same thing is true. As the baby is ruling your life as a restlessness comes to your life that same restlessness listen is in the first true company because they are groaning. They are groaning to know very deep within their very being that they have all things of the kingdom already not only within them but on the outside. And I'm going to show you that when we look at some scripture on manifestation when you're in the third trimester there are some things I'm not going to mention they get out of control and time begins to change big time begins to change big time and we're beginning to experience a culmination when we're in that third trimester. Now for some today this third trimester is just beginning to dawn upon their consciousness of people that have been hearing this a little bit. In spite of the fact that they call me a heretic I'll just say I'm a happy one. I'm a happy heretic but there are some people in third trimester that are sick and tired of religiosity and they're ready to hear something else they have gotten very uncomfortable with the old manna yesterday's manna and so therefore at this point in this third trimester Kairos time is beginning to overtake Chronos time and there is a momentum happening. Now I don't know about you but I had been feeling a momentum happening for quite a long time and that doesn't mean you're gonna birth something it has to do the momentum has to do with all the people that are coming out of the woodwork if you will to hear the truth and some are going the opposite direction and some are offended by it but you know what there are more people than ever before that are beginning to gravitate to the truth because they realized that the old way of hearing things just did not cut it for them they didn't experience what they were promised they didn't experience what they were promised by religiosity now next week I'm gonna Lord willing I'm gonna teach a message about religion because we're a little mixed up about that word and I'm going to show you how there is a pure religion and there is a false religion I'm talking about the false religion and I talk about religion and you know people say well Jesus didn't bring Christianity well can I tell you that I can show you where he brought a pure religion a pure religion of the heart I'm not going to get into that tonight I don't want to deal with that next time Lord willing we'll see now look at Romans 8 23 again we that's us the first fruits Romans 8 23 we groan and for some they're groaning louder like some women scream louder when they have babies they're some today that are groaning louder they have this word and we're talking about the first fruits here in verse 23 some are groaning louder some not so loud but at least they're groaning groaning for what well let's read on here we groan within ourselves here's that word again waiting to know or to subjectively experience because we already know it objectively the redemption of the body do you know that when when Jesus Paul was talking about communion he said to discern and it says in the King James the Lord's body do you know the word lords is not there it's discerning our own body we need to learn to discern or discern our own body but it's very easy when we're caught up in appearances to not discern our body and think all this rotten piece of flesh you know but listen don't talk that way about your physical body it is redeemed he is your health as you your wealth as you all things of the kingdom as you he is immortality as you he is infinity as you he is eternality as you and I it's a done deal it's finished and once we come to know it I mean really know it it's been quickened and conceived and we know it deeply that's when you're walking in it you're walking in it that's the subjective experience now so many people today and I put just a little meme on Facebook today so many people today are talking about what we just mortal we're human and what I put on Facebook today if you're gonna say you're human spell it this way H U E M A N human because you you like you're a light big well how can I do that well Jesus said it this way no no man after the flesh Paul said that but Jesus said call no man on earth your father you have one father which is your heavenly father so you have his DNA and that's what we need to focus upon not any DNA that we got from our parents and you know epigen epigenetics science has discovered epigenetics and what they're saying is only 1% of disease has passed down from ancestor or father and mother in the genes to the children 1% and what they say is if you can change your environment how do you change your environment right here if you can change your environment you can be rid of any disease that would ever tempt you that's what they're saying epigenetics now let me give you another verse a couple of verses in John 1 12 and 13 to kind of help us see what I'm saying here because we are apart Romans 823 of the first fruits and we know we've come to a mature knowing of the redemption of the body not that we're going to get it but that we got it we already have it we already got it but now look what John 1 12 and 13 says but as many as received in other words to take into ourselves that which is already ours receive means to take in yourself that which has been yours from before the foundation before you even came here in the body okay and as many as received him to them he gave power or authority to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name which now here's what I want us to get to qualify what I just said which were born not of blood natural blood this is what we're to focus on nor the will of the flesh natural procreation nor of the will of man but of and of his act and it means to come out from so we must focus on the fact that we came out of spirit where spirit so down to visibility now we we appreciate we honor our parents that's not putting them down it's simply saying our focus needs to be not on human but spirit not on flesh but spirit not on duality but we've always been one in the father and remember what I shared with you a week or two ago whatever evolves out of heaven that's heaven if your spirit slowed and you are down to visibility your spirit earth came out and evolved out of heaven so earth is heaven hello but everybody wants to get out of here but earth is heaven why because it came out of heaven it manifested it's heaven spirit manifested as earth just like we are spirit manifested as a physical body you see so there are people today that are beginning to get gripped by the understanding of their true origin and what is your true origin what two words do we get when we're talking about remembering our origin born again born again an error make means to remember our origin we came out of eternity we came out of immortality and our immortality our father he's the only one that is immortal Christ is the only one that's immortal it says in second Timothy is the only one that's immortal but you're the body of Christ how simple can we make it now what is this life it is called abundant life in King James but it is zoe life and zoe life the meaning of zoe zoe life is no beginning or no end and it's the life of the father so we have and not only do we have that life in us we are that life and listen that life is immeasurable it cannot be measured can be measured now in john town Jesus said I am come that they might have oh did he bring it no he revealed it we always had it I am come that they might have and have means to conceive or to have generated within your heart awareness I've come that they might have conceived within them and have revealed unto them this zoe life or this more abundant life and it's a life that cannot be measured it's so abundant so abundant now go to James let me give you one in the book of James James chapter one verses 22 through 25 and we can see a little bit more about this one life in verse 22 it says but be doers of the word and not here is only deceiving your own selves now listen verse 23 for if any be a here of the word and not a doer he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass where he behold himself and he goes his way thinking oh oh that's just me you know just blessed just right he beholds himself and goes his way and he forgets what manner of man he is because he didn't see who he was spiritually when he looked looked in the mirror he just saw his natural face okay he just saw it through religion he just saw it as a man that got amnesia and forgot because of religiosity corrupted religiosity verse 25 but who so look up look up into the perfect law of liberty and continuous gotta hear that you keep looking you keep looking you keep looking and continue with their end one who's consistent in focusing that call no man on earth your father you have one heavenly father one who consistently focus not knowing himself after the flash but after the spirit right he being not a forgetful here but a doer that's being a doer that's the doer of the work this man shall be blessed in his deed now verse 23 where it says natural face he's like a man if any man be a here of the word and not a doer he's like a man beholding his natural face that word natural face should have been translated Genesis face in other words when he looked in the mirror when you and I look in the mirror we need to behold our Genesis face and really when I say Genesis face you could interpret that as linear time so when I say Genesis face I'm talking about realizing that you had a Genesis face because you always had a spirit face hello cuz we're not trying to get back to Genesis the garden we're coming to the realization of getting back to from before the foundation and only then are you gonna realize you are spirit and you're gonna know that and then you're gonna be as Romans 8 23 you're gonna be the people that are drawing out of continually drawing out of source within you so that you can feed the nations or give it to the people so this is so important here in James chapter one that when we look in the mirror we see not this flesh no no man after the flesh Paul said we don't see the flesh but we see deeper we see spirit we see our Genesis face and again when you see your Genesis face we're not trying to get back to Genesis or the garden but we're wanting to get back in our knowing in our hard awareness back to when we were in the Father in pure spirit form because you know what you're still in pure spirit form some things happen out here remember I told you here a few weeks ago when I was teaching that you were birthed out of compassion you were birthed out of compassion because one of the meanings of the womb in Aramaic means compassion so we were birthed out of the compassion of the Father but you know what on the other hand I think my mom and dad had a whole lot of fun when I was conceived they must have been having a little bit of fun but think about this way what about the compassion we were birthed out of as we were brought by Father and we were born of God in spirit realm think about that that's what we're to look at when we look in the mirror folks oh I just see that my hair is all messed up and I need this or I've got a pimple here I need to have a facelift or I need to do something here about this old flesh I'm not supposed to see that that's not supposed to be our focus look at 1st John 4 verse 17 1st John 4 verse 17 or let me just read it to you here in is our love made perfect that we may have boldness in the damn judgment now your eschatology teachers today some of them are making millions of bucks ministering current events from the Bible and I want to tell you the Bible is a spiritual book it you can make it say anything you want and I could name one right now that's on my tongue and on my mind I ain't gonna say his name he's making millions off of the books that he has written taking the Bible teaching eschatology talking about the war in Israel the war in Ukraine talking about all this devastation in the world the Bible is not for that whatsoever in Revelation he's signified it to John is written in sign and symbol you got parables and you got allegory you got hyperbole you've got all of these you know spiritual revelation for us to be able to glean and to live this life in the lovely here and now not for some other life so okay I got hung up with judgment here in is our love made perfect that we might have boldness in the day of judgment and that just means when you have a crisis it's not talking about the day of judgment when you die and you stand before God we you know another meaning of judgment is to make a decision to decide and father already decided and now we are deciding participating okay we have boldness in the day of when we have a crisis or temptation and then it qualifies it why can I have boldness when I'm going through a temptation or some kind of a trial because as he is so am I not in heaven a physical place in this world right now you're as him doesn't say you're like him as he is so are we in this world well how is he his love he's spirit he's whole he's full of life he is life not full of life he is life he is peace he is joy and listen we don't just possess those things he is those things as us because as he is so are we in this world now as I mentioned when one is pregnant it's already a baby before comes out the birth canal you didn't just suddenly give birth and that baby just appeared so you see I'm saying that to say this we're not looking for any manifestation we are the manifestation in fact let me have you go to a verse of scripture second Corinthians chapter three verse three and let me give you as you're turning there let me give you the meaning to manifest several meanings it means to unveil and then cover oh how can you unveil something that's not already there how can you uncover something that's not already there it means to render a parent to appear and to show self but you cannot unveil something someone paints a picture and they put a sheet over and the great day of unveiling comes with that picture didn't just appear it was there maybe for a long time so you see creation is waiting for something to be unveiled in a people so that they can get some help and have some hope but look what it says in second Corinthians three and verse three for as much as you are listen to it are this who you be are manifestly declared okay to be be as a state of being you be that you're you're the manifestation okay the epistle of Christ let me go back for as much as you are artificially declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us written not with ink but with the spirit of the living God not in tables of stone but in fleshly tables of the heart so in other words we and I heard spirit say this to me just a few weeks ago you are and I think I told Candidus you are now being exposed yes you are being revealed here we are 2025 people reaching over 10,000 a week we're being exposed folks we're being unveiled folks we are being revealed we're being uncovered we're being made apparent can I tell you why no matter if they call us here ticks and what we got some goods we got the goods I'm not saying we have it all don't misunderstand we published a long way to go but you know what we have it and we are it the manifestation now here's another one Colossians 126 says even the mystery which have been hid from ages and from generation but now is made manifest to his saints again some other meanings of manifest is shining you know his coming one of the meanings for his appearing and he's coming is what out shining not a man spreading in eastern sky coming back on a white horse to go from trumpet come in here to kick booty and set everything straight no no his coming is the unveiling that takes place within a people it means shining appearance open oh and no and people know you that you don't even know as a result partially what's happening here means to uncover and to unveil so here's my answer tonight what are we waiting for there's nothing to wait for why because as Romans 823 says to to whit old English for to know we know that we are spirits low down to visibility we know that he is the redemption of our body as us we know as first as long as 523 the classic amplified says that we are holy through and through spirit soul and body we know we're spirit through and through as it says so as weight means for the first fruit in Romans 823 as weight means we are consistently receiving from the source the truth deeper revelation and understanding from the source within it that we might go forth with it and serve people and give it to them so we're showing creation we must show creation that they are saved through and through now in closing let me give you my paraphrase of Romans 8 and verse 23 listen to it and not only creation but those who know and are the first fruits or mature first those who know and are the first fruits of spirit draw from source within and then serve creation the eternal truth because they know that home and salvation is an accomplished reality therefore we grown to serve them we grown to serve them yes we grown to serve them that's our groaning we don't want to see what's going on in the appearance now we can't help but see it but we have to look through it and we must see the whole earth full of the glory of God and when we can actually do that and quit talking about all the wars and all the crisis and all the democrats and all the republics all the stuff about Trump and Kamala and all this if we can just stop that and just see that the government is not our help the White House is not our help Christ in us the hope of glory or the manifestation of that glory that view and opinion of the Father is our help and it's the only thing that's going to help us and it's the only thing that's going to help the groaning creation and it's the only thing that's going to cause this world to be the way the Father created it is when there's a people in the earth now as I said earlier that scripture in Romans 8 23 popped within me this week and I saw it in a way that I have never quite seen it and the only way that I believe that I was able to see that certainly by the Spirit was because I was looking at it from the whole picture you don't see these things from the whole picture forget it apples and gold and pictures of silver you got to see the whole picture we got to see all those things I mentioned and we do here because that's all we've taught in the last 15 years progressively we've gone higher and higher and higher in our understanding but if you want to interpret a scripture do it from the perspective and I should have added to that Jesus came to reveal the love of the Father let it be let the love of the Father be filtered through your heart awareness when you're wanting to interpret a certain scripture when you're wondering what does this mean let the love of the Father that Jesus came to reveal filter through your heart awareness and see it from no penal substitution see it from salvation from before the foundation see it through all those things I mentioned when I started and I'll guarantee you you'll begin to understand like you've never understood before revelation will come revelation will come so what does it mean to wait who's waiting grown in creation who's not waiting of people in verse 23 of Romans 8 they're not waiting for anything they're realizing that have it all he is they're all in all he is all and all and all y'all he's even in creation but they just don't know it and part of our mandate in ministry is to let him know it not just run out there and tell everybody or not go on Facebook and write a whole bunch of stuff that's crazy let him come to you and they are coming I have proof of every week they are coming they are coming they are tired of what they're seeing out there they're tired of what they're seeing in the world they're tired of what they're seeing in religiosity and they are ready for some answers and Christ in through and as us is the answer father we thank you tonight for who you are for your love for your grace thank you father for the growing creation that has everything within them as well but just don't know it and thank you father that we're not waiting the way the world is waiting but what we are doing is we are drawing continually from source within us so that we can wait on tables that's our waiting to wait on tables so we can share the truth with those that are hungering and thirsty would bless you we honor you in the name of the Lord a man