Dr. Kay Fairchild

The Allegory Story #14 (Heaven is Now)

The Allegory Story #14 (Heaven is Now)

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07 Oct 2024
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all right well it's good to see everyone tonight and those that are going to be viewing this on Facebook live YouTube and the audio platforms we are a blessed people this word this week has gone out to over ten thousand people since last Sunday and I say that not to toot my horn but to let us all know that there are people out there that are hungering and thirsting for the truth as never before and so what I would like to do tonight is teach number 14 of the series the allegory story and what I want to share with you tonight is heaven is now heaven is here and I'm going to say a few shocking things to you no doubt one of the things I want to say is people talk about home home is within and this that is called earth by people in 5d realm this that is called earth is not only heaven it's home but nearly everybody wants to go off yonder to home get out of here one way or another either through the rapture or through physical death now last week I shared with you the title was why heaven and earth are not subjectively objectively there won't we know that but why heaven and earth are not subjectively joined together yet and I shared with you how that Jesus had to come along and redefined or develop what John the Baptist said John the Baptist said at the time that he was baptizing people and the Sadducees and the Pharisees came and then later the publicans and the tax collectors he said that the kingdom of God is going to come with wrath in so many words that's what he said who's warned you to flee the wrath he told those who were going to be and desire to be baptized and so Jesus then had to come along later and develop what John the Baptist said if you recall last week Jesus came along and took what John the Baptist said turned it on its head turned it upside down and said no heaven and earth are not going to be subjectively joined together out of one man coming back and turning everything upside down and coming in the vengeance and the anger and the vindicticness of the Father Jesus said it's going to be through healing through ministering through love through peace through joy and as Romans chapter 8 around verse 23 says all of creation is on tiptoe in one translation looking for the manifestation not of one man to split the sky think about that for a moment but for the sons of God why because they want to be delivered into the glorious liberty of the sons of God they want to experience heaven and earth joined in them and of course we know Jesus prayed in his prayer in Matthew 6 like kingdom come one of the things he said thy will be done in earth when it's done in earth in here in a people that will just effortlessly be manifested outwardly in the earth out here we also found out that John the Baptist was sent to prison and while he was in prison after having all of that old mentality old covenant mentality he was sent to prison and while in prison he sent his disciples to Jesus and said are you the one we're supposed to looking be looking for or are we to be looking for another one and what did Jesus say he was really causing John the Baptist who said repent but didn't repent himself he was really once the disciples went back and told John the Baptist in prison what Jesus had said that is when he probably repented and said oh yeah it's not going to come with vengeance and anger and wrath it's going to come through the healing through the teaching through the love through the peace and through the joy and then we find out not too much longer John Gibbs gets decapitated what is that an allegory of it's an allegory of the fact that John was telling people to repent but he himself did not repent it's an allegory of the fact that let's get rid of any old covenant eschatological teaching that there's going to be wrath and vengeance meted out to people when Jesus comes back on the white horse that's all eschatology teaching none of it is the truth and they have taught as we know that you know people are going to get raptured out Jesus is going to come back on the white horse to go in trumpet they're going to be some people are going to be raptured out some are going to be left here to go through a seven-year tribulation then Jesus is going to come back with the saints that he raptured and he's going to a bit there's going to be a thousand years of peace and then he's going to roll and reign from Jerusalem and I shared with you how that is a material and a political kingdom and you know all the time the people would look at Jesus when he came in you know on the cold in Jerusalem they were expecting him to come and set up a political kingdom he's not about that he said you're in the world but none of it he said if my kingdom was of this world my servants would fight and that's why I go so far to tell you he's not a Democrat he's not a Republican and I don't believe that there's one man that our father has anointed to be the president of the United States now you can believe that or not we choose we choose and we need to have an end up wisdom about us to choose someone and I'm not saying either way but we need to have enough wisdom if we're going to vote to vote for the one that could help you know things can help man can help to change things but I'm talking about the kingdom of Yeshua I'm talking about the kingdom of God in the earth tonight so again what I'm gonna talk about my subject tonight in this number 14 lesson of the allegory story is heaven now and I'm gonna get into some little sticky things a little later on today because your loved ones are not on some planet yes they are not on some physical planet somewhere and I'm getting ahead of myself but wouldn't you rather have them surrounded yes wouldn't you have them near you cheering you on according to Hebrews chapter 12 then off yonder yes in some planet called heaven I'd rather have them around me and I've had them around me and I've had some experiences with someone last year I've never told you about that one but I've heard my husband tell me more than once keep your body I've seen my mother I have a lot of dreams and it's crazy I told my daughter one day I don't know why I always dream about dead people why they're not dead really but I do and I had one recently of a friend I used to go to church with and she just died maybe a couple of years ago I'm not gonna name her name but you know what I received some words of life through the dream that I had about her folks they're around us heaven is not off yonder with streets of gold and pearly gates heaven is here heaven is now and we have many scriptures on that one is you're seated in the heavens Jesus said in John 70 the kingdom of God is within you now let me have you go to a few scriptures let's go to Matthew chapter three if you have your Bible or devices whatever you use Matthew chapter three verses one and two talking again about John the Baptist just want to show you a few things that we read last week and then we'll move on and we'll talk about heaven is now heaven is now we are in heaven now heaven now what does heaven literally mean it means a realm of harmony a dimension of peace a dimension of love it's all the fruit of the spirit being manifested and remember I told you a couple of weeks ago how that so many people say well you know I want to go to heaven so I can see God what is God we have used the term God God is not a person per se God is the essence of love joy and peace what is God it's a concept just that term God God is invisible the scripture says in the book of Colossians so every time see they want to go and see God I'm going to heaven tonight to see God face to face you ain't gonna see God face to face you're gonna see the father and Christ face to face when you see love being expressed out of your life and other people's lives and I'm telling you if we want to see and be a part and participate in joining subjectively heaven and earth together we've got to understand it ain't out there it's right here it's in us and it's around us which we'll talk about and I'll give you some specific definitions on that when we get there but look at Matthew 3 1 and 2 in those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying repent but remember he didn't repent what does repent oh Lord I'm sorry for my sins and now it has nothing to do with that repent means to draw our thoughts out of the realm of spirit out of our Christ mind change the way we think change the place from where we're drawing our thoughts saying repent for the king of heaven is at hand now your hand is here right your hand ate out in the future your hand is not off in some place where the perligates in the streets of gold are as a matter of fact nowhere in the Bible is the safe streets of gold it's a street of gold it's a divine walk in Revelation it's a metaphor for walking in the divine nature that you are so heaven is at hand the throttle is in our hand in other words we're the ones that's going to do something about joining heaven and earth together subjectively and experiencing heaven in the lovely here and now the throttles in our hand folks where heaven is concerned where joining heaven and earth subjectively is concerned now switch over to the next page chapter four and let's begin reading there at verse seven or read verse 17 from that time Jesus began to preach and to say here it is again repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand or it's here one translation says it's here same thing is saying it's at hand your hand is here and the throttles in our hand what do you do with the throttle you can either go slow or speed it up right it's really up to us and then mark chapter 1 14 and 15 mark chapter 1 verses 14 and 15 now after John was put in prison Jesus came to Galilee preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God and saying the time is fulfilled it's done the time is fulfilled is filled up and the kingdom of God is at hand repent and believe it or repent and believe in the gospel now we know from what we minister last week and from what I've read tonight that when he says the kingdom of God is near or at and I don't even like near because that could still be a little futuristic it's coming it's near but I like it's at hand or it's here as two different translations say now let me give you what it says in the Aramaic here and I've changed it just a little bit to for a little easier clarity here after John was arrested John went about Galilee or Jesus went about Galilee bearing the joyful message of God's sovereign presence and counsel because remember kingdom means counsel counsel ship okay saying the age is over the age is over the age is over and his kingdom is here now that's the Aramaic turn to God or repent and have confidence in this joyful truth now listen folks this was the gospel that Jesus preached this was the gospel of the kingdom he did not preach the cross I'm sorry he preached about going to the cross I mean he let the disciples and different ones know that the time is gonna come that you know the religious people are gonna be challenged by him and they were gonna hang him on a cross they were gonna kill him he did say that from time to time but Jesus's message was the gospel of the kingdom and listen most people think of the kingdom of heaven as something in the future and mainly they think it's something they're going to go to either when they're raptured or at physical death and they believe because of the scripture in where is it Matthew chapter 16 verse 19 when Jesus said to Peter whom do men say that I the son of man am he said thou art the Christ and so he was given the keys not just to the kingdom of the kingdom and so people have taken that believe this or not some people have taken that and have said that when you come to the gates of heaven Saint Peter's gonna be there and he's either gonna let you in or kick you out because he has the keys and then they have this this must-up idea but everybody's gonna be in white robes that reminds me of a hospital they're gonna be in white robes in fact white robes actually means purity and originality and let me just tell you if you've ever wanted to play a harp learn how to play it now because there ain't no harps in heaven in some planet called heaven 50 million light years away a physical place let me let me ask this dumb question how could a person that has passed away in their physical body and they are now spirit now I know they have a celestial body okay but but let me just just think of this through a little bit why would they who are spirit need a tangible or a physical place to be like a mansion and we've never really understood that you know where he says in my father's house are many mansions how can you put a mansion in a house and besides that mansion means abiding places there's different levels of understanding that different levels of abiding places and so they believe that they're going to go to this physical heaven that has as I said gates of pearl streets of gold and they're gonna walk them their streets of gold and you got a climb a big stairway to get up there you ever see the pictures of heaven big old stairway you got to climb up on to get in there we've seen some crazy and heard some crazy things and as I've already stated gates of pearl and streets of gold listen in Revelation chapter 1 it says he sent the word the message to John by his angel and signified it and that means everything in the book of Revelation has to be looked at in sign and symbol nothing literal nothing literal now I know there's some things in there that were fulfilled in 70 AD but you know what they still had to see that as allegory or in sign and symbol because it doesn't literally say in any place in the book of Revelation that in 70 AD the temple is going to be destroyed it doesn't so many words but it doesn't literally said in those words so we have to look at the book of Revelation for us as written in sign and symbol it's symbolic folks it's symbolic so the kingdom of heaven we found out so far is it and it's in our reach now the throngs in our hand it's not some place we're going to go to when a person if they if if they lose their body and go where the where the grave it is not a place people are raptured up to to me that's the most acid line dog my ever heard of my life is the rapture I remember hearing faith teachers say well bless God you know if you go up in the rapture you're going to go by faith and you can't even have enough faith to get healed I remember hearing stuff like that and that's how stupid yes now in Matthew it uses the term heaven but in Mark and Luke it uses the term God like kingdom of heaven and Matthew kingdom of God in Mark and in Luke and either way heaven simply means peace and harmony now it's more than tranquility peace is more than being tranquil peace is shalama shalama or shalam in Aramic and listen to this it does mean harmony but it means to yield or surrender peace in Aramic and we've taught a lot of the last years for years around here about taking our intellect reason and our logic and our senses and our emotions and you surrender are surrendering or yielding them to our Christ mind so peace in Aramic shalama or SHLMA however you pronounce that means to yield or to surrender so if you're really going to surrender if you're really going to yield and if you're really going to experience peace out of that yielding listen to me there's some things you got to let go of because listen if we hold on to things that is an indication that we are wanting to control and when we want to control listen when you and I want to control we lose our peace we lose our peace say Jesus came I believe as a teacher and as a prophet now certainly he is the Savior and he taught wonderful truths to people that bring about Saviorhood but what was saved we didn't come here with a corrupt nature and we needed to walk the green mark confess our sin and Jesus would jump in and he'd give us you know a new nature we came here upright scripture tells us we came here upright but the teaching as Jesus said he came to seek and to say that which was lost so Jesus was a teacher and in his teaching he saved us right here we were saved from the false concept in ideology religiously that we held to and so another word for that as we found out already is the word repent which is to draw our thoughts from the mind of cry it's not positive thinking it's not mind over matter it's what the rubable said to in hose was it was a hosea where he took chapter 6 he said it's not by might mental mind or positive thinking nor is it by physical power but it is by my spirit slash consciousness awareness of the Christ mind say at the Lord of Host and listen while we see all of the mess and the things going on in the appearance realm in order for us to stay in peace we have got to yield or surrender that temptation to talk about all the chaos to say all those poor people and yes we do have sympathy for them and we feel for them but yet at the same time there's got to be a people in the earth that will speak life and peace and harmony to them in the midst of their chaos their apparent chaos that's going on Paul said it this way shun shrink back from all or every appearance of evil now when we do that what are we doing within ourselves we are bringing heaven our Christ mind or our masculine principle together with our some people called soul I call it our feminine principle we are and that's the earth that is likened to the earth we're bringing heaven and earth together into one subjectively see John said it this way and he really he was really screwed up and messed up in his thinking he had this Old Testament mentality he said the kingdom of heaven and I've heard people preach this for years the kingdom of heaven suffer the violence you ever heard that and the violence taken by force Jesus had to come along and he had to develop that the John said when he said the kingdom suffered violence and the violent taken by four and he had to show us that peace is what rules harmony is what rules so for heaven and earth to be joined subjectively we need to exercise the wisdom of the father that he's given each and every one of us rather than trying to control by force or to bind or to lose remember we used to apply that in the whereas at Matthew 16 we used to apply that to prayer got a bind got a loose got a decree got a command God you know what the word command me means in the Old Testament just simply agree with me just simply agree with me and then we're told in Hosea to take our swords that we want to use you know scripture talks about the armor and Ephesians 6 the breastplate of righteousness and the sword and the spirit and the feet shot of the preparation of the gospel and all of this stuff but yeah we're told it and this is what we've done and this is what John the Baptist was doing he was taking his sword of the word that he thought was the truth and he was slinging the sword beaten fighting oh Jesus is going to come back and he's going to kick booty and turn everything upside down and make everything right but he's coming with vengeance and then Jesus had to correct imagine how those people were thinking the way John the Baptist presented it and then Jesus kind of like today Jesus had to come along and re-identify and develop those words we have a scripture there that says take your swords that you used to fight with beat it into plowshares listen and study war no more we've been studying war in that you're in religion we said that way we we have been taught to study war yeah who can fight the devil the best I'll tell you how you fight the devil the best you realize there ain't one you realize there's only one power nothing in and itself has any power except the power we give it by believing that it is a power and we believe the old demons and devils and all of that was a power though we were fought by every day and isn't it interesting once you realize that all of that has nothing to do with any outside entity whatsoever then you quit being fought half the time that you were fought in the past it's amazing it's amazing so heaven listen heaven in earth will branch out to on earth in an experience that we are supposed to have right in the level of here and now it's not for our future it's not after some rapture it's not after someone croaks it's not that is listen our hope is not going to heaven I remember my cousin was killed in an accident I went to the funeral this has been six seven eight years ago and the preacher incessantly talked about the fact that our hope is going to heaven thank goodness he was saved that he can escape hell and go to heaven that was their hope that's not what Paul said in Colossians he said Christ in you the kingdom in you heaven in you is our hope of what experiencing the joining of the two together now let me show you something in Matthew 23 if you'll turn there the majority of our religious teaching has postponed heaven on earth in the now and has curtailed it and I'm gonna stay very boldly and strongly there is not a physical place where there are mansions and streets of gold and gates of pearl in a planet called heaven that people go to when they're raptured so called or after they physically die and let me ask you that silly question again wouldn't you rather have your loved ones instead of far off on some planet surrounded cheering you on as Hebrews chapter 12 talks about well I would and they can contact you from time to time now I don't believe that we should try to talk to people said don't talk to the dead well first of all being dead but secondly I don't think we have to try to get some conversation going I think they're continually cheering us on and I think from time to time we can have well we wouldn't maybe call a visitation from one and I tell you when I put that post on I cannot tell you how many people came back some of you read it and said yes I've had this experience with a loved one that is that's going on many many people responded to that stating that they had the same thing now Matthew 23 listen to this Jesus knew this and this this is why he is saying here in Matthew 23 13 he knew that the religious people were postponing heaven and curtailing people from experiencing heaven in the here and now Jesus knew that and look what he said and I'm reading from the NIV here in Matthew 23 13 woe to you teachers of the law and Pharisees you hypocrites exclamation point you hypocrites listen to this you shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people's faces you yourselves do not enter nor will you let those enter who are trying to enter so what is religion done they have shut the door to the subjective experience of heaven on earth and you know what that has caused Proverbs 13 12 I used to use this a lot heaven used it in years and I fact Sandy reminded me of it the other day hope deferred makes the heart sick put something off to the future you're gonna be spiritually ill hope deferred makes the heart sick and then it goes on to say but when the desire is fulfilled it is a tree of life it's a tree of life when the desires fulfilled in other words when you can see that heaven is here and now say we can have hell on earth but we can have heaven on earth and we can live in harmony and we can yield and we can surrender and experience that harmony and experience that heaven and everyone you come in contact is going to know it there's a scripture in Revelation that even talks about that wherever you go people are going to sense the peace they're going to sense the peace flowing out they know they know now let me read a Facebook post also that I wrote on Monday of last week here's a way here's the way I wrote this I might have changed a little bit because I didn't go back and just take it word for word but on Monday I wrote this Facebook post Jesus said back the religious shut up heaven from people entering in and guess what they still are because it's still off yonder just as religion does today by preaching that heaven is a far off place one must physically die to enter into Jesus taught heaven now kingdom lies within you how much more than could he have taught heaven is now if we lived out of heaven now we could transmute some things appearing as less than heaven into heaven and into all things of the kingdom of Father God through the heart awareness that heaven and earth are already objectively one just by knowing this can cause us to experience heaven now just by knowing this now let me give you another scripture while the same one and just read let me read it out of the King James Matthew 23 13 Jesus said but what do you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye shut up the king of heaven against men for ye neither go in yourselves neither suffer or allow ye them that are entering to go in so this shows us you see that the kingdom of heaven was right then and there and that it could be subjectively entered into and then listen to this one in Matthew 21 31 this is a real shaker upper he said that the prostitutes and the harlots would enter first whoa and he didn't even say that they had to be born again why will they go in first because they hear that heaven is on earth in the here and now and they want to have their way of life change so they know that if they can repent and draw out of the heaven that is already within them even though they weren't aware of it they could change their lifestyle and they could experience heaven on earth Wow what a declaration the prostitutes of the harlots are gonna enter in before some of you he said talking to who talking to the religious folks there so today the religious church through all their doctrines of men their false concepts their dogmas what have they done they've shut up heaven by putting it off into the future where no one can enjoy peace and harmony and love and understanding and whole isn't now and how have they taught that how have they told them by making it a futuristic event rather than something that is true now by teaching the doctors and the dogmas and that's what Jesus came to reveal he came to reveal heaven in and on earth and that's why he said repent you've got to change the way you are thinking and again repentance has nothing to do with I'm going to confess my sins that's erroneous erroneous definition repentance has to do with drawing our thoughts from the realm of spirit in the Aramaic repentance means to turn to the Father and one turns to the Father by drawing their thoughts out of the Father realm or the Christ consciousness within them and we can walk now the word heaven the literal meaning of heaven has several meanings here when I give you the Hebrew and they are a make it means to be lifted up in heart awareness to be lifted up heaven means to it's Uranus in the Greek even in the Greek it means to be lifted up and it's not talking about lifted up geographically it's lifted up dimensionally that's what it's talking about now the word kingdom in Aramaic is Melkutha in Hebrew it's Melkuth and it means simply the Council of God Kingdom means the Council of God and the presence of God and again the Kingdom of God is not a physical place go to Ephesians chapter 1 and verse 13 you got to see this one Ephesians chapter 1 and verse 13 the Council of God Kingdom is the Council of God and the presence of God and heaven is to be lifted up I had someone that responded to a post this week and they also said heaven means to heave up you're heaving something up from the inside you see to heave up H-E-A-V heaven is to to heave up in thoughts in our awareness we heave up the Christ mind in us now in Ephesians 1 13 notice word says blessed are we are blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly what's the next word places now if you look in your Bible is the word places in italics yes places in the King James it's an italics okay if it's an italics it means it was added by the translators and it should not be there the fact that it uses the word places there has caused people to be confused and to think that we're blessed with all spiritual blessing in the heavenly places a physical place when we get there and it's confused people to think that it was a place so once heaven became a place we missed it and we put it out yonder in the future it's not a place kingdom of heaven kingdom of God is not a place now I had some one two people actually asked me this week after reading some posts and it's valid questions I had these questions myself years ago but what they asked is isn't it possible that there is a heaven in us but also a physical heaven that people go to when they didn't say when they're raptured but you could say that when they are raptured so-called or when they physically die so in other words can't it be both no it cannot be both my answer is when people die in their bodies why would a spirit being need a physical play they can't identify with a physical place any longer so that takes me back to Hebrews chapter 12 and the dumb question that I asked wouldn't you and this stands to reason wouldn't you rather have your loved ones that have physically passed away near you then way out there in some physical place wouldn't you rather have them surrounding you as Hebrews chapter 12 says cheering you on and that you could people say oh we're gonna see our loved one you can see them right now I know that's a sacred cow we're barbecuing you can see them right now I've seen them I've dreamt about them I've had some experiences now here's what religion will tell you if you haven't experienced with the loved one because they've come to you and you've had a visitation or they spoken something to you like my husband told me to keep my body they will tell you you can't talk to the dead well first of all they're not dead secondly they'll say that's woo-woo that's New Age that's near a Mac or see however you pronounce that word in the Old Testament and what it does say in the book of Leviticus is don't try to conjure up them let them come see let them come if they want to visit you or whatever is they want to do but here's my point heaven is not a place again where there are streets of gold why would a person who is a spirit being now without a any physicality why would they need a street of gold or gates of Pearl why would they need that when their spirit am I making sense so we can experience heaven on earth right heaven on earth and those things listen which we have interpreted as literal become a metaphor now I know there are people that have these NDE's are near death experiences and they come back and they describe heaven and no doubt they had an experience where they saw heaven but they described it as a physical thing rather than a spiritual experience that they had so when Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is at hand it simply means it's here now it's something when you see the meaning of the throttles in your hand it's something you have to do with now not in some future event I'm telling you folks we make this stuff up we've made so much stuff up in religion it ain't funny we make it up and then religion teaches well like John the Baptist Jesus is gonna come back turn everything upside down set everything straight no he's given the earth to the sons of men the meek shall inherit the earth he's told us that we as we minister this truth that we're ministering can you see now if you have heaven off yonder as a physical place how that that is going to cause you to not realize that you could be a part of joining heaven and earth subjectively together in your life today see why don't people know that it's here and now let me tell you why because nearly every be kind now nearly every church denomination on the face of this earth nearly none of them teach that the only way you're going to have love joy and peace is when you can look through the appearances not deny them oh they're there not deny them but look through them and see the whole earth here and out there full of the glory of God unless we can look beyond appear because people you know tell a little story of someone I'm not gonna mention names because you would know them they're little boy every time you ask him how he is he says terrible some of you know what I'm talking about oh just terrible and you don't want one of the men in the church where they attend you know what they had the audacity to say because they were not taught right well at least he's honest the least is honest I'm sick then we call it my backache it ain't ours my pain my disease my guess my dad why because we cannot listen we cannot see through the appearances like Paul said to abstain or shrink back from every at all appearance of evil and most places of worship when we said in a nice way most places do not teach the people but yes appearances we don't do not yes they are there we see them through our two eyes on her head but what about seeing them through the single eye and seeing Christ not the Christ calls him but seeing Christ in the midst of that and then there's gonna be hope for people then there's gonna be hope for this world once a people can look through they say do you know that the man Gandhi before he was shot all of India nearly all of India was practicing heaven and earth being won and you know that Martin Luther King Jr you know who his mentor was it was Gandhi and he was trying to bring about the same through the spirit the same thing to the earth God India was very close until Gandhi got shot of being a nation a country that were walking in the reality of heaven and earth as one subjectively and what about America what about America we tell people bless God if you don't do it our way if you don't walk a certain walk and talk a certain talk you're gonna go to hell in the handbasket split hell wide open and go to hell that's what America most of the churches in America have ministered when Jesus used the word hell this is what it means in the Aramaic he used Aramaic idioms when you refer to hell and it meant this mental torment and regret mental torment and regret in other words don't do or say things that you're gonna later regret and it'll cause a burning in your heart and in your mind because it's too late you can't take it back that's hell hell can be mental it can be physical you can live in hell on earth or you can live on what 3d calls earth which is really heaven manifested very important that we understand that very important that we understand see I believe see we are spirit slowed down to visibility let me explain earth as in the natural soul in the spiritual we came out of spirit therefore we are spirit slow down to visibility and first the saloons you know the scripture you so often from the classic amplified says we are sanctified and I coined a word spirit fight or holy through and through so you are spirit through and through in spirit and soul and body your body is just a spirit and even science is proving this your body is just a spirit is your spirit is it's just slowed down a tad bit so it can be visible now they're speeding up as we come to the understanding of this truth and as they're speeded up what's happening it's having an earth becoming one in our experience but what I meant to say is because we came out of whatever you come out of you are the same substance of that's why Jesus said call no man on earth your father you have one which is your heavenly father so if you came which we did out of spirit you are the same substance of that what you came out of so if that is true and it is let's take earth or what we call earth earth evolved out of heaven came out of heaven so it's of the same substance even though we call it earth it's really heaven in the mind of God in the opinion and view of the father glory the view and opinion of the father earth is not earth in the sense of being earth but it is heaven manifested we could say manifested as earth but we need to see it just like we see ourselves spirit we need to see earth as heaven right simple right very very simple for us to understand that now let me close with this first of all the question that was asked me why can't heaven be both I've already entered the first part of that why can't heaven be both spiritual spiritual dimension in us and physical and again the question is okay would you want your loved ones to be far away or near that's number one second reason why it can't be both second reason is because most people picture a place again of our state is let me be repetition most people picture heaven as a physical place again with gates of pearl and streets of gold so it can be both it has to be one and according to the scripture if we're gonna according to the Bible then we've got to see that heaven is now heaven is a dimension Jesus prayed that kingdom come by will be done in earth Jesus said the kingdom of God kingdom of heaven is within you Paul said you are seated in the heavens not heavenly places that's what we got messed up you are seated in the heavens now revelation says it this way and I know I've taught revelation several times but Revelation 21 1 and 2 talks about Jerusalem coming down to earth what is that referring to Jerusalem means peace so that's heaven coming to earth now we can say in us in our feminine principle soul and when that happens what do we do we are inter coursing or joining the two together and birthing something I did a message years ago called the heavens rule until we can realize that heaven is not a physical place it's closer than our breath nearer than hands and feet we be heaven will never see the joining subjectively of heaven and earth in us or even branching out to the earth out here we'll never see it now let me read a scripture in Isaiah 6 verse 3 this is where Isaiah was saying woe is me I'm a man of unclean lips you know and so forth and it says there that the serpent cried holy holy holy the whole earth is full of his glory you know what I hear in that to say that the whole earth is full of his glory even though they probably saw the appearance of all kind of chaos but to say the the earth is full of the glory of God is seeing that what we call earth is really heaven hello you still here John said it this way or Jesus said it in John 3 13 no man has ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven now listen to the rest of it even the son of man which is in heaven and he said that on earth so he said it was in heaven while he was standing on Terra firma now in closing the second closing now in closing the term heaven in Hebrew and an Aramaic is shaman or chamet now listen to the meanings it means air now we know the scripture says we're going to be caught up to meet him in the air let's not talk about air it's the word spirit we're being caught up right now it's not a rapture we're being caught up right now in the realm of spirit as we learn these things and assimilate these things and and make a decision to participate in these things so it means air now listen to this it's the visible arch in which the clouds move as well as the higher ether where the celestial bodies revolve star sun moon and it comes from the word to be lofty in Greek it's or anus and it means elevation it means the abode of God none of this gives it heaven is a place physically it means happiness power eternity air sky but never a place where departed ones go to walk on streets of gold and get up and say hi god you won't find that into place now listen to this in Aramaic the word heaven is heaven's pearl since why there are at least three there are at least three let me give them to you might want to write these down three realms of heaven none of them are a place off yonder called heaven with streets of gold and gates of pearl the first one is our immediate atmosphere our immediate atmospheres called heaven atmospheric heavens number two is the celestial heavens or outer space where the sun moon and the stars are say that's the meaning I just gave you and the third one is the home of God called the heaven of heavens where is the home of God it's in you it's in you and that's why I see that mostly in 3d we call earth earth but when we can elevate in our dimension our heart awareness to 4d and above we're gonna call earth not earth but heaven we're gonna call it heaven why because everything that comes out of spirit is of the same substance that's why you're spirit you're not your body you're not even your soul you're not your brain you are spirit slow down to visibility because you came out of the substance of spirit whatever you emerged or evolved out of that's what you be not a center not your body not your heart awareness when you think crappy stuff no you are spirit so doesn't it stand to reason then that if so-called earth came out of heaven or spirit as we did it's heaven it's heaven it's heaven folks and the heavens rule now let me one more one more scripture 2nd Corinthians 12 - I'm just gonna quote it this is where Paul the Apostle was called up into the caught up into the third heavens what did I say heaven number one is the air the atmosphere heaven number two is the celestial heavens where the sun moon and stars are number three is the heaven of heavens the home of God which is in us where his abode so when Paul was caught up into the third heaven didn't know whether he was in the body or out of the body he heard things then speakable to utter because the people were too carnal for him but he was caught up into what the heaven of heavens he was just caught up into the heaven that we're talking about so you're heaven tonight your spirit tonight that which we call earth out here if we can see it is heaven if we can see it in the view in the opinion of the glory of the Father then there's hope for us joining subjectively heaven and earth together and like I said last week we are not specifically trying to change anything out in the world out here but when we change this as far as our hard awareness out there what needs to be changed will be and it's not even so much a change but it's the earth just being what it was created to be you see so hello heaven hello heaven father we thank you tonight for revealing your truth to us sending Jesus to crucify the lies that we believe about heaven and hell and so many other things and in his resurrection to cause us to discover the truth of who we have always been from before the foundation thank you for your love for your grace for our Holy Spirit that even now is conceiving these truths and quickening them that we might not just walk in the objective truth about us but the subjective reality that our talk becomes our walk our knowing becomes who we are in every place that we go but all we'll see and desire the glorious liberty of the sons of God thank you praise you we are you (applause)