MuSiNGs with JeSuS

God is Trustworthy

I am grateful for this phase of my life with the Lord. He has proven Himself to be worthy of trust.

Broadcast on:
12 Oct 2024
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(soft piano music) - Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. Welcome to today's episode of Musings with Jesus. My name is Sharlab, your host. Thank you for joining me. I hope you're well, I hope all is good to be seeing you overall. I thank God for... So I thank God for my life and what I've gone through and what I just thank God. I thank God for a lot of things. Next week is a big week for me because it's a week when I have the opportunity to think about a lot of things I'm just thank God for everything that he's done. This, this, you know? (sighs) I love him so much and I'm so grateful to him for bringing me to where I am. I'm so grateful for my life. My life as it is now. I'm so grateful, I'm so grateful. And, you know, solving God has not been without its sacrifices, without its pains and all of that. But it's so worth it. It's so worth it. It's so worth it. Working with Jesus, you know, learning to be him. I don't know why I was so afraid to give up, you know, like to follow him. I have so many regrets about my past, you know, when I was younger. Even though God always, you know, He doesn't like me, you know, drilling on the past. He doesn't like us drilling on the past, but I wish I knew then what I know now. God is trustworthy. He is very trustworthy. You have trust him, you know? And I think one of the big learnings of adults would for me. I want to say adults would it's like, I'm not saying each 30. I'm talking about like 50 plus, 45 plus, 50 plus, really. Because when I entered my 50s, God started on revealing things to me that I could never have imagined. I realized that I didn't really know how the world was. I didn't realize I didn't know. And that the people that I thought were my friends or the people who I thought were my allies, the people that I trusted, were the people I should never have trusted. I didn't realize that people were so calculated in the way in which they do things. I just didn't know, there was a lot. I did not know, you know? And God started teaching me and on revealing things to me. So now I trust him, I trust him with my life. God says, don't do this, I'm not going to do it, you know? And, you know, the... You know, when Jesus said in Matthew 11, 20, it's common to me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest. And it says, my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Learn of me and you will find rest for your soul. I used to read it and be like, how can Jesus say that his yoke is easy? 'Cause for some reason, all I ever saw when I read the Bible was everything Jesus says you shouldn't do either, you know? It passed on me felt to follow God was hard. I mean, you read the parable of the talents, you see how, you know, I just felt good standards are very high and it was quite difficult to meet them. That's what I thought, I never said it, but that was how I felt. And there were many things that I felt, "Oh, I do just have to be so hard." But now that I'm older, it's amazing. When you're young, you know, you have fire, your veins, you think, you know, you want to do certain things. You know, the pleasures of seeing and all of that, they seem so alluring. By the time you get older, you realize almost all of those things, they lose their attraction. You just realize what life is all about. You realize that the life is much more than food and drink. It's much more than body, the desires and things like that because you know, it's so much more. It's about joy, you know, when he babbles his righteousness, peace and joy, the Holy Ghost, yes. Because you can have all of those things and still be sad, still be depressed, still be, still be in danger of losing your life. You know what I mean. So at the end of the day, man is a spirit he has his soul and lives in his body. Man is not a spirit. Man is not soul in love and man is not a body in love. It's not just needs and bones. So I gladly, you know, I have turned over my life to Jesus and I'm glad for him to do what only him come to and I'm not concerned with living my life the way I wanted to live it before. I like his way of doing things because, and like I said, there's something I'm trying not to. I'm trying not to let something out of the bag, but once it's time I will be able to talk about it in about a week's time and once I can talk about it and I'll talk about it openly. I want that process has been like for me. And I'm just so grateful to God. And what I like about walking with God is I got what he does with me this day. I mean, he just pops surprises in my laps. As in, he doesn't, he just tells me get up and do this. He literally made me do something two weeks ago, that's 15 days before then, before he told me. I mean, as in the day before I had no clue I was going to do something like that. I right now I'm doing this thing that I always thought I would never do. So, and it shows me that God is up to something. He's actively trying to, I can see that it's not so much about where I am. It's about where he's taking me to. I don't know where it is, and you know what I don't even want to know, because I know that if I knew where it was, I'm busy over processing in my head. You know, for me, I am in that mood of today's sufficient for the evil thereof. It's, you know, for me, it's about what's automatic, what do I have to do today? I don't want to know where he's taking me to. John, as I trust him, I totally trust him. And it's funny that I'm saying this, 'cause I realize that this statement alone shows how much my life has changed and how much I have changed as a person, how God has transformed me. Because before, I would want to know where it's going, taking me to where it's the expected end. Now, I have no desire to know. I am in here for the journey. I'm enjoying the ride. Do you know what I mean? I have no desire. If he wants to tell me where he's taking me to, it's fine. But to be honest, if he doesn't tell me I'm cool with it, because I'm enjoying, you know those drives, those long road drives where you're on way, you know, okay, you're actually going somewhere. But you're enjoying the road trip so much that you're not really worried anymore. It's no longer about, oh, let's get to the, you know, to the grand canyon or let's get to it, but let's get to, you know, the safari, the Sahara, this or whatever. You are just enjoying the journey, enjoying the road trip, the wind is blowing your hair. Do you understand? You're eating, you're stopping at places and eating, having a lovely food. You're with the most important person in your life. You're having a great time. You're having a great time. That's exactly how I feel now. The destination is irrelevant. Of course I know that God is going to take me to a good place and I'm not even talking about heaven. Now I'm saying the destination on my earthly journey in terms of where is he, you know, I can sense that he's preparing me for stuff I can tell. I can tell that everything that I'm doing now is preparatory. I can tell because the speed at which it is moving, the way he's curating experiences for me, the way I get called into things that I'm not even, you know, I'm not advocating for it. I didn't even know just that I'm getting his, I can see that experiences are being curated for me. It's like when I used to work in my former nine to five. Whenever we had used to, you know, there's a process where we should identify who your future leaders are going to be. And once you identify the future leaders, you begin to curate certain experiences for them to have. Now, I'm going forward so that they can be ready in maybe five, ten years for the positions of leadership. And, you know, you, you, and so how the rest of us used to know is like once you see somebody, you know, being sent on certain assignments, just notice that, oh, the person seems to be having a series of really remarkable work assignments. Everybody, I mean, we all just sort of like figuring out that, oh, yeah, okay, so that means this person, this guy has been developed for something. Because otherwise, you know, he wouldn't be having this back-to-back, like, you know, you know what I'm saying, very, very high impact type profile, or, you know, curated experiences, you know, where you can actually see the logic in the assignments, and you can see that each one is opening the person up to a greater level of skill or leadership or competence or understanding or broadening their approach. You can just see the intentionality. So we used to, so I see, you know, I can feel that God is doing that for me. And it's funny that I haven't really articulated it like this before, like I'm saying it now, but when I look at, like I said, the kind of conversations I'm being brought into, I know that the God knows this up to something. And like I said, I don't even want to, I'm not interested in knowing what this is about now. It's got just helped me through the day, make every day productive, and the things that I need to do, for instance, like this podcast, I hadn't recorded it for, like, six, you know, seven days, because I was just really, really involved in this thing I was doing. But I looked at it, I was like, oh, it's almost seven days. No, I have to, I mean, seven days is like my, you know, since I started the podcast and we started in June 2020 and the Lord led me to lead it. We really tried not to, for me, usually three days is like, oh no, you shouldn't go beyond that. There was once I did 10 days this year, which was, you know, a bit of, there was a bit of an emergency that sort of, I just couldn't record. And after that, I said it wouldn't happen again. There you go, you see now, I have hit almost seven days, and it wasn't even that same kind of thing. But I, there's just a lot going on, but I'm grateful to God. I'm so grateful to him. There's, you know, there's a lot going on. But like I said, I've learned, I trust God. I just trust him. I've seen him. He's coming to my life and he's handled some things that I could never have handled by myself. He's really done something, no, me now working my life. I think that I can't even begin to talk about because no one will understand. Anybody will understand. There's just so much. Anybody will understand how significant those things is done for me are. And to be honest, I'm going to spend the rest of my life sharing him how much I value his presence in my life and how much I appreciate the things that he's done for me. So I'll just leave it at that. Thank you very much for listening and staying with us on this journey. God is good at this process. They endure forever. And I would encourage anyone to please. And back on the journey of trust. Trusting the Lord with all your heart. Leading not onto your understanding. In all your ways, I acknowledge him and he will direct your path. He's in very, very good God. And he's worthy of our trust. Not just because he's God, but he proves himself worthy. With all of us, he goes through the trouble of earning our trust. He has earned my trust a hundred times over. And that sounds like a very prideful thing to say. But I have to say that way because I know that my trust, I didn't give him that trust just immediately. I loved him. I knew he was God, but I felt, yeah, he has his own agenda and I have my own agenda. You know, I felt there was no way we could align the two. But later, I now realize that my own agenda was too big. My own agenda even sabotaged myself. I didn't know it was good enough for me. I had no right to have an agenda on my own because I didn't even know what I wanted. And I made a lot of wrong decisions, terrible decisions. Well, I tried to be self-willed. So now, I now realize that God can't plan my life better than me. And I can't tell you how much of me shifts this is for me because I didn't think so before. I had a lot of confidence in myself and I felt I knew myself. Now, I realize that my whole life was a lie. Everything that I thought of myself was untrue. Everything that I thought about the people that, you know, where I did. The family that I came from, who they were, what their motives were. Everything was a lie. I'm good new all along. So right now, my trust to be in him. You know, he's worthy. So when I say he has earned my trust, it's not that I'm saying that he, you know, I mean, he's God. I'm saying that God has my trust now. Whereas willingly, I trust him. But I didn't trust him as much as I do now. For many years, I thought that I was a child and everything, but I didn't trust him. Now, we see this with families. Some children have a deeper relationship with their parents than others. Some trust their parents more than other siblings do. It's about relationship and intimacy. I'm so much more. So I leave it like that. Thank you very much for listening. God bless you. Stay little and have a wonderful day. In the name of Allah, I say, "Hey Jesus Christ." [MUSIC]