MuSiNGs with JeSuS

From glory to Glory!

As we grow in the faith, knowledge and intimacy of God through Christ Jesus, we are transformed from inside out in ever increasing levels of glory and grace.

2 Corinthians 3.18

18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

2 Corinthians 4:6-18

6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

Broadcast on:
06 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

(soft piano music) - Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. Welcome to today's episode of Musings with Jesus. My name is Shala, and I'm your host, thank you for joining me. I hope you're well, I hope I'll be with you in your world. I've been offline for a minute, but yeah. It's just really busy, there's just a lot to do, and many times my, you know, the Bible says the spirit is really in the flesh is weak. I find out that sometimes I want to do so much, but my body's just telling me to rest, and I just have to rest, because, and I think that's the thing, I have one of this type of bodies, I don't think everybody has this kind of body, but I have this kind of body that, when my body needs to rest, my body, as it refuses to function. So, for that reason, it is very difficult for me to overextend myself, you know. So I'm not likely to be one of those people, I'm not even going, you're one of those people, you know, like who has, I'm unexpected, you know what I mean, because my body will have checked me long before, and it happens many times, you know, in, it's inconvenient, you know what I mean, I would sometimes wish that my body, my brain had an override, but yeah, my brain can't override my body, that's something, but I also believe that, God made it that way, because he knows that I had the tendency to just go on, and I don't think it was like this when I was younger. So, now that I'm thinking about it, I'm realizing that it's actually a good, inspired override. So, when my body needs to rest, my body literally doesn't, I don't know, it's not like, it's almost like shots down. I will find it impossible to continue whatever it is I'm doing. So I'll be forced to rest, I'll be forced to slow down, and my brain is still active, you know, but because my body is not cooperating, in fact, sometimes even the brain to begin to do, it's almost like setting lights have been switched off, but by the time I rest, I'm back to normal, you know. So, it's a very funny thing, but I know that not everybody has it, because I see that a lot of people carry on, and they carry on, and they carry on, and eventually they have an episode, and you know, that does that, so that doesn't happen to me. So many times, when people see me the way I live now, which is pissing myself, people don't understand it, because they feel, but they are strong, I mean, you have energy, why are you holding yourself back? They don't realize that it's not just me holding myself back, it's me now being aware of the fact that, you know, I am, my body has limitations, and it's not so much about what I want to do, but it's about what I am able to do. And in this phase of my life, I am also learning to rely on the Lord in not so, for a lot of things, I just ask him, God help me, God help me, because, to be honest, like I said, the ability to do the things is there mentally, but the ability to do it physically. Sometimes time, sometimes strength, sometimes motivation, you know, it's just not always there, so it takes God to bring everything together, where both the ideas, the abilities, you know, is all coming. And I think, perhaps I believe this is the life of an entrepreneur, because I realize also that, unlike when I was in a paid job, and, you know, there were always things coming at us in a paid job, probably about 70% of your job is determined by others. You know what I mean? You know, probably just 30% is available for your own initiative and innovation and all of that, but there is stuff that the organization that the business requires you to do, and they don't ask for your advice before throwing all of that at you. It's already there, you know, its commitments that were made, you know, above your pay grade and things like that, which you then have to deliver on. So, it's like, whether you have your own initiative or not, there's work that is already standard, so you then take an initiative to do new things, or to innovate to the problems that are of discussion that I already brought before you. It's just you then, okay, bring in your professionalism, but then there is a mandate that is given to you that you have to deliver on in the first time. It's different, so in an entrepreneurial stage, you're the one actually creating that mandate. You're the one forming that which is, you know, so there's just, I guess that's why there's so much to do because you're literally building everything afresh, and you have to be the one to them piece yourself. So maybe that's why God has activated this diva in this field, because I don't recall it wasn't like this in my work life, in my nine to five life, but then again I was younger, but I realize now that, now that as I'm reflecting and I'm saying this, I'm realizing that it is actually a God-given miracle, an advantage, a spiritual and physically, that this is the way it is for me now, because otherwise I would work myself to the ground, and that's not helpful, because there is no, you know, I am the be-all and the end-all, you know, there's nothing, wow, there's just, you know, and then on like nine to five, where, you know, you're sure of a salary, whether you deliver or not, there's no, there's no assurance of a fixed salary, so it's really the effort that you put in that determines what you get out of it, so there's always the tendency to put in more and more, but particularly when you see the fruits that the previous efforts have achieved, and then, you know, you have to keep putting in that effort day after day, month after month, you can't say that, you know, you just can't relate on your ears, to keep things going, yeah, it takes a lot from you, so yeah, so anyways, so as you can see, but I love it, I wouldn't have it any other way, I absolutely do not want to go back to nine to five, nothing would ever make me, because at the end of the day, I have my time in my hands, I can create as wide as I want to, I can dial down when I want to, I think it's perfect for my face, to be honest, now that I look at it, and I've always known this, I've always known that I was, I was born to be an entrepreneur, I was never ever intended to be in a nine to five, and now that God is even moving me into a phase of ministry, we are now learning to use the gifts that he has given to me, which I have used very well in the professional secular world, I am now God is now helping me to use those gifts for him, and I'll begin to talk about some of the things that he's telling me to do as they become, you know, as they become, as they begin to happen, but now that that's been until happened, I'm now realizing that honestly, this is, this is, this is what I, this is my life, this is, this is what I was born for. I, you know, this is what everything that I have done in my life is led, led me up to this moment, and it's not, it's not about doing work for people who have been on other, on, on the pit, full employment, nine to five times, it's about, it's about being on God's time, that's it. And I am so grateful to God to be, having the opportunity to be working for him at this time because I think, you know, his God has just achieved, enabled me to, to be able to achieve what, you know, ordinarily perhaps on my own, I would not have been able to do. And I find myself so blessed that, that opportunity has presented itself now. You know, and I am, I'm very grateful for that. It's all I would say. I am very, very, very grateful for that. And I really look forward to, you know, unless just I'm very grateful for that. I really look forward to when I would, let's just say I have always looked forward to this time and I can't go that the time is here now, you know, I really, really, really thank God for that, that that time is here now. I'm so grateful to God for that. And so it's, you know, I, I, I like where he's bringing me to, it's giving me the opportunity now to worship, to serve him in a way that I, I wasn't doing before and I'm learning more about him. And just, it's funny that, you know, now I'm not as physically strong as I used to be, but I'm a hundred times more impactful, but I like this face of my life because I know, I know that I cannot do anything without him. I know it's, I'm so physically, I do not explain it. And the only thing is that this physical frailty that I'm talking about, people don't see it because I'm actually doing, God is using me to do a lot of things. And he's helping me to redeem the time, make the best use of my time. So I have rest time, I have downtime, I have, you know, Netflix and chill time, but I also have work time. And, you know, I'm actually working very hard. I'm working so hard that, oh my goodness, I have not even been able to make proper meals for myself. You know what I mean? Most of the time, I find myself buying meals, you know, and maybe make it just the fastest thing possible. For weeks, probably I'll just be, you know, just short meals, like I can only afford to spend like 20, 30 minutes at a time on cooking and, you know, and eating. And I haven't thought about it recently, I would love to have somebody at home to be cooking for me, but right now, there's just a lot of complexity and the environment. You don't really want to bring in people that are, you have not had a long-term relationship that you don't really know, so that's what it's probably preventing me from doing that. Otherwise, I would have, because at this point, I really need it. I mean, maybe this is something that really is also the load about, I would really make a big difference to me if I could get someone trustworthy to just come and take all of that off my hands so that I could have proper meals, particularly because I'm on a very restricted diet now and have somebody just planning on my bed for me while I can then focus on other things, but it is what it is right now. So, I'm just saying all of this to say that, you know, the Bible says that His strength is made perfect in our weakness. That's what I have found out, because I am really physically not as strong as what, how I was many years ago. But in terms of impact, which is sense of purpose and fulfillment, there's no comparison. I am a whole lot more impactful, a whole lot more fruitful, the whole lot more fulfilled, satisfied, happy, content. All of that, my life is better now. It's so much better. And what is the difference, the difference is, Shola is dialed down and God is amplified, you know, like those, well, you know, when you're adjusting your sound systems, you know, there's a certain, when you want to get a certain kind of sound, you press certain dials down, so move, go down, you reduce certain things, and then you amplify other things. So, and that's that image, those came in my mind, as I said, that was the Holy Spirit. And that's it. So my tempo, me, Shola, you know, me, is dialed down. I'm God is amplified. So therefore, I am, I am so much more impactful, I am. It's amazing, I feel it, I feel, and I can see it. The Bible says, "His glory shall be seen upon thee." I can't see, I know, I can't see that people are seeing the glory upon me. Even me, I'm seeing it. Because when I look at photographs of myself now, I'm photographs of myself like 10 years ago, it's like light and day, I keep asking myself, it's like, there's a light shining from within me. And I said, I said, anybody looking at me would think that I did some skid or three things. But it's the same person, but I'm literally, there's a light that is shining, I can see. Even in photos, I can see the glory. I can see the glory, because I am no longer, and it also shows me, and I was a Christian all these years, but it also shows me, the Bible says that as we, we become more like human, transformed from glory to glory. What that tells you is that there are levels of glory. There are levels from glory to glory. If glory was a static, was a destination and not a journey, would he talk, would he say from glory to glory? And this was Paul speaking, for him to say glory to glory. That means that there are levels of glory, and we see this even in revelations, thank you Holy Spirit for dropping that, 'cause I never really thought about it, are we? The Bible talked, glory has levels, 'cause it talks about greater glory, the fullness of glory. It's just like lights, lights, volume of lights. There's blinding light, and then there's normal light, there's shadow lights. There's ring, you know, there's ring lights. Light comes in grids, just like glory. Oh, hello, hello, thank you, Jesus, oh, that was you. That is you, that was 100% good, 'cause I could never have thought about it. 'Cause actually, the Bible talks about glory like lights, and lights, as you, we all know it, I mean, sunrise, sunset, moon lights, they're all lights, but they're different levels and grids of lights. Oh, and of course, the blinding light, there's the burning light, the one that everybody, and when the blinding light comes, everybody takes cover. You can't even stare it in the face. You have to fall on, you just have to, and yeah, I guess that's like the ultimate of God's presence. And that's why probably, like in revelations, you found out that everything, you know, the people who kept falling down before God. Well, I think glory was just too much for that video. It was like literally, oh, my goodness, oh, please. Wow, okay, that explains it. So this is it, I mean another, I mean, in a greater phase of glory, experiencing more of God. So just imagine what it would be like if I was experiencing this a whole lot more. Everybody can like myself and see it, and call for to love myself, I'm like, even from last year to this year. Even looking at photos, I took last year, and that I took this year. Hmm. Yes, because a lot has happened. Hmm. Wow. So I pray, my honest prayer is that my God helped me to continue to. This feels like it's continue, and may I not ever find myself in a position where I'm doing the light of God in any way, in any shape or any form, but that this part I have set me on. May I continue in it? Because I want to experience more of his glory. This really, this really made it starts to me a lot now, 'cause I understand getting it. And I now understand also why the devil tries to bring distractions because if all he can do is to limit him, even if he don't know, removes the glory, if he can drop you down in bits. And now I understand there were some relationships in my life that were focused on minimizing. I used to think that they were trying to draw me away from God, but I realized that they knew that was an impossible task. That task was to dim the lights. You know, you know what you mean by dimming the light. You're not attempting to switch it off. And that's what Jesus was talking about, saying do not put your light under the bushel, because he knows he didn't say don't put out the lights. That's what you can dim it to the point that it almost, it doesn't matter that the light, no one even knows that the light is on, the light is not having any impact it's on, but it's not impactful because it has been dimmed. Something has been placed over it. It has been put in an inconsequential place that is lined into a corner. It has been made irrelevant, it has been dimmed. The Holy Spirit had just pitched a whole summer to me this morning, and I didn't come myself. Why do I allow for this to go without doing these musings? Because I kid you not. There are things that God says to me in these musings that he doesn't say anywhere else. It's probably because other times my brain is too full and I'm busy thinking of too many other things, 'cause I don't understand why did you take this music for you to say this to me this way? I needed to hear this, I so needed to hear this. Because what this is telling me is that those relationships that I have identified and now understand, 'cause I've been thinking of like, what were they trying to achieve? 'Cause I've recognized that they were a, I recognize that they diminished God's presence in my life, but I didn't understand what was the end game and I realized the end game is not to remove God from your life, they know they cannot do that, they have no power to do that. But if they can minimize the impact of God in my life or immunimize the light or the glory or dial it down in bits, teammates, then it's enough. And in all these cases, what I noticed with all of them was the common thread in all these relationships that I've identified, both close and, you know, both family and friends, then put it our way. The common thread is, is doling, dimming, and attempting to dim the light of God in my life either by causing me to doubt myself, what God is asking me to do, who I am, my relationship with God, you know? Or questioning the things that God has told me or the confidence that I have in him on certain things. They are, you know, it's the common thread. Or taking my focus away from the things that God has called me to do all, just by seeing me in a particular light, not acknowledging that which God is doing in my life. And always just being that person that makes me second guess who I am in Christ and what God is doing. Because you know what it is? When you are growing in the Lord and some, you know, and the people around you are not acknowledging it, or even saying things to make you feel like, can't you see that I am, I am changing? You know what I mean? They're not affirming, not above them, but they're not affirming. They are consciously disaffirming what God is doing in your life. And it's the people that you trust. So they are demonic implants. So God has just spoken to me now. So I'm now understanding why some of these relationships lead to remain in the zone that they're in. Because the mission and the task and the mandate that God has given me is for me to be on a transformation journey of glory to glory. And that's why, and it's for everybody's gonna be different. But just like lies and just like volume. So it's not about how high or comparing yourself with another person because different, we use different shades of light for different seasons, different times, different species. But the important thing is that you are able, you retain the ability to dial up to the level that is required for the situations that you're in, for the trials that you're facing, and for the purpose of God and His calling in your life. Because if you are in the, if God needs the light to get to the fullness of its glory, for the situation that you're in, for the work that God has called you to do, for His purpose to be fulfilled, then that must be how it is. It must get to that fullness of glory. But there is a whole support system that you need to have spiritually, physically, and emotionally to get to that stage. And it's God that will show us, you and I, what we need to do according to His word. And by the leading of His Spirit, by the way, we'll never contradict His word. As in the Bible, as written in the Bible, it's left for us to then walk, we go, for God to show us what the how is. And some of that how may include casting aside certain relationships, voices, and inferences that are not of Him. I will leave it at that. Thank you very much for listening. God bless you. Stay lifted and have a wonderful day. And then in Vallod, I'll save your Jesus Christ. (gentle music) (gentle music)