Adventures Of A Black Belt Sommelier

A delicious, delightful, delovely red from Piedmont

2020 GB Burlotto Barbera d'Alba

Broadcast on:
12 Oct 2024
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2020 GB Burlotto Barbera d'Alba

What's going on? Welcome back to Adventures of the Light. Well, Celia, I wanted to share something that's really special, kind of everyday wine with you that I opened last night. Don't you just love barbera dalba? Isn't barbera dalba just like the most charming, delightful, enjoyable, extremely pleasant red wine ever? And on top of that, if you've had the chance to taste any wines from Chibi Berlotto, don't you just love their Berlotto's Piedmont Reds? I mean, seriously, they just make such extraordinary wine. And barbera dalba is just the best stuff. It's just the best stuff. So this is the 2020 Berlotto Barbera dalba that I opened last night to have a glass of a thinner. It's just, I think the word charming is just charming and lovely. It's just the perfect two words for this wine. It's so round and soft and charming and delightful and blots and lots of, you know, red fruits and soft tannins and, you know, at a relatively young age. It's just, you know, it's not the most complex wine in the world. It's not a wine. It's not a wine for contemplation. It's not a, you know, wine that you're going to remember the rest of your life, but it's a wine that just gives so much joy. It's just so delicious. It's just so delightful. I think that's, that's like that song. It's delicious, delightful and lovely. It's, that song could have been written about this wine. It's just, wow, and it's like 20 bucks. It's just so delicious. It's just delicious. Isn't there a place in the world of wine for wines that are just straightforward and delicious? Well, this is exactly that. It is a straightforward, charming, delightful, lovely, delicious, beautiful red wine, lots of fruit and lots of charm and a lot of beautiful aroma. It's the color and the glass is just gorgeous. It's just this beautiful, beautiful ruby red color and then the aromas are just so, you know, bursting with, with red fruits and flowers and, and spice and it's just, you know, gosh, it's just, well, you hit the point. It's just wonderful, wonderful, enjoyable. That's the word. It's enjoyable, underlined. It's pleasant, double underlined. It's delicious and delightful and lovely, as I think I've said three times now. Look for it. You can find, it's not ubiquitous, but they don't make a whole lot of wine, but there, if you can find a bottle of this, if you want something to spend about $20 on it for red wine for, you know, as I say, kind of Tuesday, Wednesday night pizza, hamburger wine, something like that, this is, this is the bomb. This wine is the bomb. Burlotto, Barbara Adalba, 2020, it's just a fantastic, fantastic wine. And of course, if you can find some of their crude burlos, burlos, those are even more special, but they're really expensive. Thanks for tuning into its ventures of the black belt, Celia. If you try a bottle of the Burlotto, Barbara Adalba, let me know what you thought.