Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

He Will Show You What to Do

Start your day right with this powerful morning prayer as we learn to depend on the Holy Spirit’s guidance in every decision we make. 

Broadcast on:
12 Oct 2024
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Start your day right with this powerful morning prayer as we learn to depend on the Holy Spirit’s guidance in every decision we make. 

I am next in line for a miracle come on sing it to him this is my time come on put your hands together and sing it with me I am next come on trust I am next line before a miracle this is my time this is my time to arise and be blessed I am next line for a miracle this is my time oh come on praise him somebody close read to God somebody praise him here father God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ man past Amy we give you praise we give you glory we give you honor we join our faith with your wonderful people this morning that's turning into this broadcast minister to them let the word of God be sweet to them make it so simple that even a child would understand what the Holy Spirit has said to the church minister to your people encourage them strengthen them let their faith come alive let their hopes surge to new heights David said that word oh Lord have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you your word is precious we thank you for we honor you Lord have your way this morning in Jesus name we pray somebody say amen good morning to you saints of the most high we have a great time going through the book of Ruth and now we're gonna jump into the life of David as we continue this series overcoming adversity our topic for this morning is he will show you what to do you can't do it without God I say it's up to 48 verse 7 day and he says for I'm the Lord your God who will lead you in the way that you ought to go and I'm the one who teaches you to profit I teach you how to be successful but you got to let me guide you and lead you Romans 8 says those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God now watch this as we talk about he will show you what to do we're gonna jump into the life of David first Samuel chapter 16 beginning at verse 1 through 13 and the Lord said unto Samuel how long will thou mourn for Saul saying I have rejected him from reigning over Israel why are you crying over Saul Samuel Samuel was sad because he had anointed Saul and Saul was used mightily by God but then Saul became disobedient to the word of God and he back slid and Samuel said because you have rejected the word of the Lord God have rejected you from main king over Israel so God told Samuel fill your horn with oil and go I will send thee to Jesse we ended with Jesse on yesterday in the book of Ruth who was the grandson of Ruth and Bois so Jesse is the grandson of Ruth and Bois and Jesse is the father of David I tell you this Bible is amazing so God told Samuel quit crying for Saul I'm done with Saul fill your horn with oil and go I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehemite for I have provided me a king among his sons no wonder God had to bring Bois and Ruth together and Samuel said how can I go if Saul hear it if Saul even dreams I'm coming to anoint someone to take his place he will kill me and I mean Saul was he was back sitting this man had gotten demon possessed so Samuel's telling God he will kill me and the Lord said take in half a Whitney and say I am come to sacrifice to the Lord and call Jesse to the sacrifice the grandson of Bois and Ruth wow and I will show thee what thou shall do and thou shall anoint unto me him home I name unto thee look he is gonna show you what to do in a complex in a complicated situation when you don't know which way to turn when you are afraid when your back is against the wall God will show you what to do where he guides he provides where there's a will there's a way come on I know it sounds clicheous but it's scriptural and you'll listen to me Jesus said in John 16 13 when he the spirit of truth has come he will guide you into all truth he will not speak of himself which means he'll not speak on his own a card authority but whatsoever he shall hear that is what he's gonna speak and he will show you things to come wow amazing word so God said I'll show you what to do Lord have mercy somebody needs to hear this this morning God will show you what to do she got to be patient don't get ahead of God I made those mistakes I'm telling you I know it is to get way ahead of God and oh there's a price to pay when it comes to consequences verse four and Samuel did that which the Lord spake and came to Bethlehem and the elders of the town tremble at his coming and said come a style peaceably you went when the Prophet Samuel come the town you better have it together man they shook because they honored and fed this man of God they know when he showed up Samuel didn't come to play games so verse five and he said peaceably take a deep breath guys it ain't because none of you guys have sin in your life no none of that he said peaceably I am come to sacrifice under the Lord sanctify yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice and he sanctified Jesse and his sons and called them to the sacrifice the grandson of Boaz and now he's inviting his sons as well which are the great-grand sons of Ruth and Boaz so you see David King David was a great-grandson of Boaz and Ruth what an amazing passage Lord help us now watch I want to say this don't be fool looks at us even you'll see why I'm saying this and it came to pass when Jesse's sons when they came before Samuel and it came to pass when they were come that Samuel looked on Ilya and said surely the Lord's anointed is before him because Ilya was tall just like King Saul you got to understand so in Samuel's mind he's thinking oh God's gonna do it the same way he did it the last time when he sent me the first anoint saw to be King Saul was taller than all the other people so Ilya David's eldest brother he was tall and strong looking and so Samuel almost anointed the wrong man but you can't fool the Holy Ghost come on somebody he had all the outward he had all the outward looks the outward appearance like he had it together and you can't fool God and listen to what God tells Samuel in verse seven but the Lord said unto Samuel look not on his countenance or on the height of his stature because I have refused him for the Lord sees not as man sees for man looks on the outward appearance but the Lord looketh at the heart God's looking at your heart saints there will be people come around and they'll they'll fool you they'll build to see if you for a minute we talking about Samuel who knew the voice of God I mean this man flowed in some serious anointing when it came to the gifts of the Spirit and the word of knowledge the word of wisdom and the gift of prophecy and yet even Samuel was fooled by the outward appearance of David's eldest brother but thank God for the Holy Ghost I can't tell you how many times we started to trust the wrong people and Holy Ghost said I put the brakes on put the brakes on son thank God for God so God said I've refused him for I'm not looking at this the way you see it you looking at his outward appearance but I know this man's hard he disc he's not ready son he ain't the one then Jesse called a Benadab and made him pass before Samuel and and he said Samuel said neither has the Lord chosen this one then Jesse made Shama to pass by and he said neither had the Lord chosen this I mean God is just no no no just it did they walk closed doors those men represent closed doors don't try to force them open that God closed you and pay the price for it amen again Jesse made seven of his sons the past before Samuel and Samuel said in the Jesse the Lord has not chosen these so now you know Samuel's thinking did I miss God but watch this and Samuel said under Jesse I hate all that children is this all the kids you got sent me a right man and he said there remain it yet the youngest and behold he keepeth the sheep and Samuel said under Jesse send and fetch him for we will not sit down until he come you see David was he was the youngest so in his family's mind they're thinking I ain't can't be David just a little 16 17 year old boy fool over the sheep we ain't even inviting him isn't that sick he invited all the other sons except David and the very one he left out rejected by man but chosen by God the very one his family left out God say it ain't none of you bring that smelly one in here the one who smelled like sheep dung who been out in the heat taking care of the flock and singing and worshiping me in private out there in the mountains that's the one I want these ones in the unqualified no sir they ain't got it together I want that one because he's got a good heart I can work through that one that one's yielded to me that one is sensitive to the Holy Ghost he loves me with all his heart he's singing out there the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want God said that's the one I want so Samuel said you need to send and fetch him Jesse because I'm not gonna sit down until he got God got your spot preserved can't nobody have with God how for you come on somebody you know in the Bahamas we love to say what God got for me is for me oh yes indeed that David could have used that slogan right there because he wasn't even invited but God didn't forget about it God didn't forget about it I'm here to tell someone God didn't forget about you God didn't forget about you God didn't forget about you man may forget about you your family may forget about you that's why David said when father and mother forsake me then the Lord will take me up he will lift me up blessed be the name of Jesus he haven't forgotten about you saints watch this my God and he sent and brought him in now he was ready and with all of a beautiful countenance and good legal look to and the Lord said arise anoint him for this is he you can't fool God God said this is my boy this is my boy this is the next king of Israel you mean this little boy God yes that little boy right there I'm going use him I'm gonna raise him up in a short while his name is gonna be known all over the country why because he's connected to the Messiah the Messiah's coming through this one this one has everything to do in the coming of the Messiah praise God then Samuel took the horn of oil that oil began to bubble in that ram song why because he was God's choice you can't fool the oil as long as Samuel was standing before the wrong man the oil hit the oil the oil hit down in the ram song but the minute David showed up ha ha ha ma'am brokosika la la la la la la la la bakashaya the whole wrong shift the presence of God flood the whole room that's how you know when God's choice show up there is an anointing there is a presence there's a power God backs up his man 100% he backs up his woman 100% I guess I will lift your hands to heaven and say God is with me God is with me and he will show me what to do then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him anointed David in the midst of his brethren in the midst in the midst he didn't do this in private he did it in public and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward so Samuel rose up and went to Ramah my God that anointing came on David come on let's sing it to him glory glory to the lamp singing glory come on church glory glory glory to the lamp will love your Jesus glory glory glory glory to the lamp for you are glorious and worthy to be praise you're the lamp upon the throne hand up to you we lift our voice in praise you're the lamp upon the throne telling for you are glorious for you are glorious and worthy to be praise you're the lamp upon the throne hand up to you we lift our voice you're the lamp upon the throne you're the lamp of God you're the lamp you're the lamp upon the throne you're the lamp upon the throne you're the lamp now listen while I was singing right there and worshiping the Lord somebody in their right muscle have been healed by the power of God you have problems going on in that right muscle it begins to shake sometimes almost like you have some type of nerve damage there but the Holy Spirit have just healed you you I healed in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of the living God the the power of the Holy Ghost is on some of you some of you could feel the healing power of God flowing into your body but there's a person you've been healed right in that right muscle that quick didn't take along you felt the Holy Ghost moving there you know you are healed because the problem is gone just check it and let us know who you are keep it to yourself glory to God you're the lamp upon the throne you're the lamp you're the lamp upon the throne of God you're the lamp you're the lamp you're the lamp you're the lamp upon the throne you're the lamp of God you're the lamp upon the throne for you are great come on you are great sing it to him you do me because so great there is no one else like you come on I worship him this morning there is no one else like you for you are great you do me because so great there is no one else like you glory to God there is no one else like you for you are great you do me because so great there is no one else like you glory to God there is no one else like you for you are great you do me because so great there is no one else like you there is no one there is no one else like you for you are great you do me because so great there is no one else like you there is no one else like you sing it for you are great you do me because so great there is no one else like you blessing me the name of Jesus there is no one else tell him touch you are great you do me recall so pray listen many of you can feel the healing power the Holy Ghost going through your bodies many of you are being healed and many of you about to be healed just lay hands on the part of your body where you need a miracle from God the healing anointing of God has flowed through many bodies you already just begin to check yourself begin to do what you couldn't do before check your eyes check your air check your neck check your shoulders check your chest check your waist your legs where you had pain the power of God of course some of you you wouldn't even know until you go back to your doctor and they do blood work and it'll be confirmed you heal your normal some of you gonna begin to feel so much better some of you are feeling better already the power of God may have passed Amy we cover you in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ we cover you in the blood of Jesus cover you this morning we cover you listen we need you to partner with us we can't do this by ourselves we need you to partner with this ministry pray about it ask God if you can become a partner partner somebody who is standing with us standing with us Monday and Monday do what you can do what you can we pray for our we pray for North Carolina John Joe Tennessee those states that have been affected by Hurricane Helene we cover you this morning we cover you this morning we cover the people of God we cover the people of these areas who have been affected by Helene father God we pray that you would touch these families strengthen them heal them encourage them make a way for them where it seems to be an away God make a way for your people help restore them what they've lost many don't know which way to turn this morning they have suffered tremendous losses those who are deaf and their families are lost loved ones are grieving we pray that you would heal that broken out men together they're broken out bring them out of this more than a conqueror in the name of Jesus Christ we pray amen to given this offering you can visit us online at you can also give through the ministry app you can also give through the ministry PayPal account that address is ministries you can also give through the ministry's ZEL account the ministry ZEL email address is info at you can also give through the ministry cash app account the ministry cash app address is the dollar sign Sean Pinda ministries you can also give through the ministry Venmo account the ministry Venmo account is at Sean Pinda ministries you can also text to give all you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number four five eight eight eight and a link will automatically be sent to you you can also give by mailing your donations into the ministry just remember to make your cheques and money orders out to Sean Pinda ministries PO Box 2726 McKinney Texas 75070 listen main pastor Amy we love all of you we appreciate you and a tremendous a huge thank you to our to our partners who make this broadcast possible to help us take this gospel around the world we love all of you join us again on tomorrow morning for another morning prayer broadcast God bless you [MUSIC PLAYING]