Revering the Word

2 Corinthians 11 You don’t find truth by putting lipstick on and rushing out the door.

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13 Oct 2024
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Good morning everyone this morning. We are in 2 Corinthians chapter 11, and this is an interesting chapter in that Paul really is Defending his character. He's he's defending his His message. She's defending the fact that he wants the Corinthians to trust in The gospel that he's proclaiming and as we've mentioned throughout this letter Paul was under attack from some false teachers who are trying to undermine Paul's authority and They seem to have some success in Corinth at this point Paul is relieved that he does believe that for the most part the Corinthian church is Responding well to him. He got a good report from Titus But you can see it's still an issue and that Paul is still concerned that People are not gonna fall in line with the gospel that he's teaching and you know It just just reminds me today of our world and even the church and let me explain You know today. There's a real battle for what's true. It's really hard to discern now I'm not talking scripturally for the moment, but just even in the world news trying to discern what's true There's competing voices all the time trying to give us messages about what's true And we have to try to discern the truth among many messages and it's challenging because there's a lot of false Media out there and and this is on both sides. So it it really is Challenging to arrive at the truth and you know what it takes some effort and it takes some spiritual discernment I would say as well and and that goes for the church too You know, I really think it does take effort to be in the truth It does take effort to wrestle with the whole council of God's Word to arrive at what is a logical rational spiritual truth from the Bible and you know sometimes That spiritual truth is also embracing some mystery You know, I think one of the challenges that the church faces is that you know a lot of people have learned whether you know from your past you've learned a certain way to think about the Bible and then you know, you don't want anything to come against that way of thinking and I mean, this is in so many different areas and what really is needed is a full researched full council Theology where you really look at what all the Bible has to say in light of the new covenant and then from that research be able to come to Whatever conclusion is required and whether that's a a black and white conclusion or whether the conclusion that maybe some people have learned There's a little bit more gray or a little bit more mystery to it Well, listen the Bible the Bible is clear except for where it's not so You know what what I would do is this like what we have here in second Corinthians is we have a competition For the hearts of the people of Corinth. Are you gonna believe Paul? Are you gonna believe these other teachers? Now they didn't even have the full measure of the New Testament word at that time now we do, you know We have this canon in front of me. I've got you know a big study Bible and You know, it's all there in front of me So now we can we can analyze it and look at it even to a greater degree than what these folks could in that day when Paul was writing This letter, you know, it wasn't part of the canon yet. Now it is so We have that advantage, but I would I would I would look at all things You know, I mean I look at when I when I look at a preacher. I do look at their character I do look at their life. I look at what they say I look at how it compares to the full counsel of Scripture and You know, that's why you know, and I just want to encourage you and and also You know compliment you that you've been going through this Podcast that you're going through the whole Bible because you know what? There's no sense arguing about Scripture when you haven't even read it all because you know, you don't even know then I mean it's so important when I'm trying to stress is it's so important to know the whole Bible and Then you're able to better rightly divide and discern what the whole Bible has to say but if you don't know that if you don't know the whole Bible, you only know what you've been taught and And some of it's probably very good But some of it may not be or may be slightly off But you wouldn't know unless you studied it for yourself and unfortunately, you know People have got an angle, right? When you're learning from a teacher, they've got an angle they've got they've come to a conclusion and when you're learning from them, you're learning from their conclusion and if you haven't read the whole Bible and studied it, you don't know how to balance the tilt that someone's giving you You don't know how to balance it against the counsel of God's word. So it's really important to take in the whole thing I will say that in in my Desire and my effort of preaching is to be clear wherever it's clear and where it's not clear to let you know and where Common doctrines teaching summary statements that people have long believed Where that's countered by God's word or where the God's word adds a little bit of mystery to that doctrine I'll I'll let you know about it and because you know, I'm not just gonna fall in line with somebody's summary belief until it lines up with all of God's counsel so with that that's really what we have here We have a wrestling match between Paul and these false teachers for the hearts of the Corinthians and Paul's trying to not only turn to his teaching but also show his character in this chapter and say hey listen you can trust me because look at what I've Been through in order to proclaim this gospel and I mean gosh, it's quite an impressive record what Paul has been through It's kind of sad though that he had to go to this extreme in second Corinthians chapter 11 You know sharing everything that happened. It has a measure of desperation in it because he longs for them to listen to him And know the truth. All right with all that as a backdrop. Let's get in I wish that you would bear with me in a little foolishness But indeed you are bearing with me for I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy for I betrot you to one husband so that to Christ I might present you as a pure virgin and You know, he's he's caring for them and saying listen I taught you the gospel through Jesus And I I presented you to him and I don't want you to turn away from him and what I've taught But I'm afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness Your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ and this isn't interesting, you know the devil came along and said did God really say and you know basically The devil what he did is he got Adam and Eve starting with Eve to doubt God's word God gave them a word Not to eat of the tree Satan came and said did God really say he didn't really mean it. He got them to doubt the word of God And that's the way he thwarts people from following Jesus today, too He gets them to doubt the word of God don't doubt the word of God Revere the word of God. That's why this podcast is rewearing the word honor respect fear and Highly elevate the status of the word of God in your life that you believe it Because that is how it will have the greatest benefit on your life and once once Satan's Deceptions get in there and get you to doubt it. It can throw you It can throw you sideways in your life All right, but I'm afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ for if one comes and preaches another Jesus From whom we have not preached or you have received a different spirit which you have not received or a different gospel which you have not accepted you bear beautifully and He's he's saying listen be careful because people are going to come with a different message and Be careful that you don't fall for it for I consider myself not in the least inferior to the most eminent apostles He's saying that hey, you know what you should trust me as you would one of the other apostles He was an apostle different from the original 12 because he didn't follow Jesus during his life But he did have an encounter with Jesus and revelation from Jesus and Paul had a transformed life man He was persecuting Christians and then became one of the most incredible missionaries of all time and he's saying listen I shouldn't be considered least In compared to them. I'm like one of them, but he says even if I am unskilled in speech yet I am not so in knowledge in fact in every way we have made this evident to you in all things and you know That's important, you know, there are people out there who are maybe very persuasive Who may be very skilled and getting you to clap and you know and get excited and stuff like that and you know Praise God for the gifts of various preachers, but I would say make sure they're grounded in knowledge and that they're grounded in character And that you're just not following theatrics, but you're following substance Or did I commit a sin in humbling myself so that you might be exalted because I preached the gospel of God to you without charge and You know Paul talked a lot about money in the previous chapters and for the most part He was raising that it appears to take the Jerusalem to support the saints of Jerusalem But he he said that he when he was in Corinth. He wasn't charging them for doing his ministry But he does say this I robbed other churches by taking wages from them to serve you kind of a kind of a strong way of saying it but other churches supported him and Apparently he did not want to you know get too involved in asking for money when he was there in Corinth He didn't want people to you know be able to discredit his ministry So he got support from other churches to do the ministry He was doing there and when I was present with you and was in need I was not a burden to anyone for one the brother and came from Macedonia They fully supplied my need and in everything I kept myself from being a burden to you and will continue to do so So it's interesting because he's saying he was careful to not need money from them Yet he did spend two chapters talking about the money that he wanted to raise from them in this in this book But apparently that wasn't for himself But again for the need of Jerusalem as the truth of Christ is in me this boasting of mind will not be stopped in the regions of Achaia Why because I do not love you God knows I do he's he's saying that he wants to be able to continue to boast that he's not Having them support his personal needs He I think he's real careful for whatever reason in Corinth that he doesn't want them to you know think of him wrongly in regards to monetary giving towards his ministry He's saying my love for you is genuine But what I am doing I will continue to do so that I may cut off opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the matter about which they are boasting and it appears there were some division about You know the false teachers and what they were asking for for money and what Paul Needed as far as money or what he did not request as far as money and apparently this was a point of discussion and it seems That's what he's talking about there But now he's gonna get in pretty deep to these false teachers for such men are false apostles deceitful workers disguising themselves as apostles of Christ No wonder for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light isn't that interesting and you know Satan was Considered an angel of light that got corrupt and he's basically comparing these false teachers to that kind of corruption Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness Whose end will be according to their deeds and sadly, you know what? there are people who are out there, you know on TV or maybe doing podcasts or whatever that are are really doing it for their own need and not genuine in their followership of Jesus and We've got to be careful who we're following You know, you've got to be careful when you're listening to a teacher, man You want to check their credibility? You want to just listen for their authenticity? You don't want them to be too high on On monetary things now a preacher's worth his wages, so to speak I mean the Bible talks about that so it's not wrong for someone to make a living in Ministry, but you want to you want them to be honorable in the way that they conduct their lives And you have to check and listen and compare to the word of God whoever you're listening to Remember, we're not following man And if you're following reviewing the word what what I want you to do is follow the word and follow Jesus And I'm trying to teach you rightly about him, but don't don't don't follow me so to speak You're following Jesus and and as a teacher teaches rightly about Jesus praise God But don't don't put anyone on too high of a pedestal because we're not following man And you're not following me you're following Jesus Again, I say let no one think me foolish But if you do receive me even as foolish so that I may boast a little and this is where it's kind of a interesting setting that you know God allowed Paul to get into here in talking about Why you can trust the Apostle Paul and it's quite a record of his life and what he's all been through And here's what he says what I am saying I am not saying as the Lord, but but as in foolishness in the in this confidence of boasting and that's kind of interesting because He's almost saying as though this really isn't Directly from the Lord, you know, so I don't know exactly what to make of that. It's in God's inspired word But he's gonna kind of go on a on a bit of a rant here about his You know why you can why we and they can trust him Since many boast according to flesh. I will boast also. He's actually saying he's kind of doing this according to flesh for you being So wise tolerate the foolish gladly He's that's quite a criticism. He's like you guys have listened way way too much to fools in the past So listen to me for a moment for you tolerate it if anyone enslaves you Anyone devours you anyone takes advantage of you anyone exalts himself anyone hits you in the face To my shame. I must say that we have been weak by comparison I guess he's saying that they've boasted all the more than he's gonna about to boast the false teachers that The and he said that the Corinthians have put up with them and that's kind of sad in a way like Think about this for a moment, you know, let's say you weren't following me You know again, you are following Jesus, but you're not listening to my teaching or let's say you do attend the church that I teach And let's say I was gone or you attend another church And let's say it gets into false stuff and you in like you're falling for it like Paul It's kind of frustrated. Why do you guys put up with this? Why are you guys listening to this false stuff being proclaimed? And you know and and I want you to be advanced in the understanding of the whole council of God's word So that you're gonna be able to whether I'm present or absent You're gonna be able to know when someone's not teaching the truth. May that be true verse 21 Slash B second half of 21, but in whatever respect anyone else's bold. I speak in foolishness I am just as bold myself and here's where he's gonna get into it Are they Hebrews? So am I are they Israelites? So am I are they descendants of Abraham? So am I remember, you know, the Apostle Paul was trained under a gammalil, you know as a as a Pharisa Pharocitical Jew very highly trained and praise God He was because that Old Testament understanding that he had really helped him to be able to understand the foundation of the Christian New Testament gospel and were were Were blessed that Paul had that kind of background to teach from are they servants of Christ? I speak as if insane I am more so in far more labors and far more imprisonment I think Paul like he normally doesn't talk like this about himself and I think he kind of like in a way feels bad about it or like Realizes he's in the flesh or it could be misconstrued, but yet he's like just give me a moment Let me tell you all that I've been through and see if you can trust me. He says far more in prison men's beaten times without number like he can't even count how many times he's been beaten Often in danger of death five times. I received from the Jews 39 lashes They used to believe that 40 lashes would kill someone so they would only do 39 The Jesus likely received that as well and he's saying five times. I received that. That's pretty incredible Three times I was beating with rods once I was stoned three times. I was shipwrecked a Night and a day. I've spent in the deep. I have been on frequent journeys in Dangers from rivers dangers from robbers dangers from my countrymen Dangers from the Gentiles dangers in the city dangers in the wilderness Dangers on the sea dangers among false brethren I have been in labor and hardship through many sleepless nights in hunger and thirst often without food in cold and Exposure apart from such external things. There is the daily pressure on me of concern for all the churches Wow, I'll tell you what As much as Paul really didn't want to have to boast about all that it is pretty incredible that this man Faced everything he faced and he continued preaching the gospel to the end How much more should we be faithful in our cozy lives to be able to remain faithful to Jesus all the way to the end? You know, I'm grateful for the Apostle Paul. What what an incredible journey. What a remarkable man To not give up despite all that hardship Who was weak without me being weak who is led into sin without my intense concern? Paul saying, you know what part of my challenge is just how much I care about the gospel being proclaimed and and You know that that was a he anguished over that wanting the Corinthians and wanting others To know the gospel and when he left the city He was very concerned as to whether they were going to remain steadfast or not If I have to boast I will boast of what happens to my weaknesses the God and Father of the Lord Jesus he who is blessed forever knows that I am not lying and Paul saying listen everything. I just said is true. You can trust me He was a man of truth in Damascus the ethnic under Aratus the king was guarding the city of Domacines in order to seize me and I was let down in a basket through a window in the wall and so escaped his hands. I wonder if he learned that from the people of Jericho when they were hiding with Hagar, I believe something Like that happened in their lives as well Well, there we have it. What a what a chapter as I said it's kind of too bad the apostle Paul had to go out of his way to defend himself in that way and I Trust that the Corinthians Learned that Paul was authentic. They could trust him Remember we're following Jesus Christ as revealed in the word. Thank God for good teachers who point us to the truth But please make sure you're always examining what you're teaching You're being taught excuse me and compare it to the word of God and you know what? Let's say you think you heard something that you don't think lines up or you're not sure it lines up approach someone But listen some doctrines in order to understand them rightly. It's gonna take some time You know sometimes people will you know Send me a question and they want like a simple answer and it's like, you know what? It's not simple would you like to get together and that's what I'll do listen because we might have to spend an hour or two to dissect the answer to your question through a lengthy exposition of Scripture and because there's so much that goes into Discerning truth. It's not just like oh it. It's one minute one verse. Oh, we're done You know put lipstick on it. No, it doesn't work that way There are some things and listen I don't want to give you an incomplete answer or I don't want you to be short-changed in your understanding of Certain Christian doctrines because in order to really understand why I believe what I believe and I'm talking about me now You'd have to know what I know and and so now there's a lot of doctrines There's a lot of Bible to consider but if we're talking about a specific doctrine that somebody believes in We've got to look at we got to look at all the passages that relate to that doctrine to find out if it is Clear as what some people are saying and I'm willing to do that. I'm willing to put in that work But some people really they don't really want that You know what they want is they want just a summary position They want to put a bow on it and say that's the way it is and let's move on and they don't really want it They don't really want to examine it to that degree Well, if you're not willing you might not get at the truth then you might be happy with your your, you know Your summary position, but you know what it may not be true But sometimes people don't necessarily want to put in the effort You know what I'm trying to say is listen I think this stuff matters and you know if you're in proximity to me and even if you're not, you know We could get on a phone call But if you want to understand the full measure of a doctrine Be willing to put in the time then because he is worthy and write doctrine is worthy and and I'm willing to do that So I hope this helps in some way for you to Be careful with who you're learning from and to make sure you're comparing everything to a full Study of the word of God. God bless you all [BLANK_AUDIO]