The Daily Mind

Bonus episode 1 (Pilot): Worst pot luck meals

Potlucks are hit and misses. Could be the very last meal one can ever bring to a gathering. Some of the worst potluck meals to ever grace a potluck!

tik tok bonus episode! Follow me @austin.edwards070

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Broadcast on:
13 Oct 2024
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- Hey, what's up, everyone? Good evening. Welcome, happy Saturday evening. Welcome, welcome to a unprecedented bonus episode of the Daily Mind podcast, that's right. For the first time in the show's two year history, this is the first time I've actually done a bonus episode. Now, I've done an episode before during, what was it? December 31st of last year, it was kind of like a PSA kind of deal, kind of sending off 2023, but it wasn't really considered a bonus episode. It was just something I did for a few minutes, giving my thanks and, you know, all about 2000, about last year, 2023 and all that other stuff, but this is the first time I've ever done a bonus episode. Now, earlier I did do a show and it was on dating red flags that you find when you're on your first date, you know, red flag signs to look out for and everything like that. I did that, that's actually, that was episode 389. This is not included in the queue of episodes. This is basically just its own bonus episode. And what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to find a niche or trying to find my footing and finding out what's the best time to do these episodes, whether it be the morning, the noon, the night, whatever, still trying to find my footing as I'm, you know, currently live streaming the show on TikTok, still trying to figure it all out. However, though, if you've missed the earlier episode, of course, go on Spotify. It's available currently right now, trying to find out or figuring out what are the red flags on a first date that you should look out for. It's actually a pretty interesting episode. If you've missed the stream, I'm sorry, don't worry about it. I'm always gonna do some streams. And tonight, what I'm gonna do on this bonus episode is I'm gonna do an episode on potlucks, the worst potluck meals ever. Now, the crazy part about this is that I don't know where the inspiration for this came from, considering that I don't know, 'cause normally when I come up with an episode, it's always in regards to some sort of inspiration from the day, somehow, out of nowhere, when I came up with the concept for the bonus episode, first thing that came to mind was potluck meals, but not really good potluck meals. It's about the worst things that people have to give. And me and Donuts, thank you. I appreciate all the love and the likes, thank you. But if you're joining this is what the episode is about. This is the very first episode, and I'm doing that as a bonus episode. And it's gonna be about the worst potluck meals you have to, that mankind has ever been offered. Now, some of you in the may have not been to a potluck. What a potluck essentially is, it's just a gathering. It could be at your job or whatever. People bring their own dishes. Sometimes they bring a traditional dish from their culture or whatever, or they bring a more conventional dish. And it's all types of food. You never know what a potluck is, right? And it's something that goes back from what I've read centuries ago. But in today's society, we do potlucks. It's usually on our job. And of course, that parties and stuff like that. And then, yeah, as everybody just bringing some really good food that you hope is good, everybody just essentially having a good time. Well, sometimes some people strike out. Some people bring foods that they hope that people like. And then it turns into foods that they don't like. And on top of that, you know, you might have somebody named Karen or Susan bring you a dish of collard greens and raisins. Because for some reason, they thought that this would be delicious. Absolutely not. You will never be invited to another party. In fact, you're fired. If you ever bring something like that to the party or the potluck or raisin casserole or tuna fish nuggets or some crazy dish that somebody thought was going to be inventive fun, it's going to get you fired, all right? So what I did was I looked up of course a list of some of the worst potlucks ever bought into a job or whatever. I don't know, I got this one from BuzzFeed. Lately, BuzzFeed has been giving me a lot of cool little funny things, a list of things to read off. So what I found in this article was written just last December and it gives 26, I think, of some of the worst potluck meals ever, at least to these people, ever given. Now, these are just actual people, actual testimonies of people, I guess, from whatever they had a party or whatever and they basically was given, you know, potluck and just wasn't, somebody's luck ran out that day, I'm just going to say that. And thanks everybody, Damien Starry, kaleidoscope, thanks for joining, appreciate it. Stick around this episode is about the worst potluck meals out there. This is actually a bonus episode, I did one earlier, this is a bonus, I'm just kind of throwing for people, you know, I got nothing but time, so why not? All right, bet. Now, again, this article was written on December 10th, 2023 on BuzzFeed and it was written by Claudia Santos. Shout out to whoever Claudia Santos is, I guess she's one of the writers. All right, the title it reads, people are sharing the most disgusting thing they've seen someone bring to a potluck and I'm feeling a little queasy. So needless to say, if you don't have a strong stomach, I mean, listener, viewer discretion is advised, I'm telling you right now, it's probably some of the most queasy stomach churning foods, somebody attempted to ever bring to a potluck. So, yeah, all right, bet. So again, I guess they went to the Reddit community, that's where all the stuff seems to come from. I'm telling you, if you don't have Reddit, it is a very bizarre place. Just the most unimaginable things. That's just like the other website, Quora, that I do my Friday episodes based off, that's another strange place in itself. QUORA, Quora, download it, take a look at it. You don't even need to download it and make an account, just read some of the questions and answers that are said on that site and I'm telling you, you'll really know that there's a such thing of a stupid question, I promise you. All right, so I'm gonna just get right into it. I'm gonna get into the first, the first odd potluck. All right, here's number one, get ready for this. Had a guy bring in his specialty corn, specialty corn. It was a legit canned corn and a crockpot with spices. The thing is, he told us, yeah, my wife took it to her potluck on Tuesday. They didn't eat it, so I saved it on the low in the crockpot and bought it here. It was Friday, corn was brown, nobody ate it. He kept eating it saying it was so good. The following Monday, his new name I worked was Corn Cobb Rob. Okay, so this man bought this corn that his wife made that no one ate at her potluck and decided, well, you know, honey, it's not that you're a bad cook. Let me take it to my job and basically see if anybody likes it. You need us to say, no one likes it. What were you thinking? No one's gonna eat this, corn with spices. I don't care what type of spices you put in this corn, no one's gonna eat it. Period, that is gross. Just should've left the corn alone. You should've just made a whole, especially if it's canned corn, it's not like you're ripping it out of the fields. You could've just made a whole thing of corn. Just pouring in there, that's it. That would've been it. Why sit here and pass off this, you know, this old corn thinking like, okay, people are gonna eat it. No, this is terrible. Don't ever do that. Just, you bring, all right. If you do a potluck, bring fresh food. Do not bring leftovers of what you may have eaten the previous day, night or week. Just don't, especially the corn is brown. Come on now. That to me is, that's, that's, that's, that's sheisty work. All right, back. Next one, number two, we had a potluck today and someone bought some Doritos. People started eating them and complaining that they tasted like dirt. We looked at the bag, it had a promo for mocking J part one. The chips expired in 2014. This was a mixed apartment potluck and we haven't found the person that bought the nine year old chimps. Hell no. Oh my God. Anytime somebody brings a Doritos bag. All right. It's 2024. If someone brings a Doritos bag and it has a promo for the Star Wars Clone Wars, kick 'em out and more than like them chips are old. Kick them out is no way. I would have been like, nah, you gotta go. You gotta go exit left right back for however you got in. That's the direction you get out. You don't bring old potato chips to a freaking potluck. And no matter a fact, I mean, who brings potato chips to a potluck? I don't know. I guess that's almost like the equivalent of bringing generic non-name brand soda to a cookout. Listen, I saw a picture of that on Facebook and people were ripping the guy in the picture for bringing, 'cause I guess it was a meme to make fun of people who bring off brand generic food. Let me tell you something. A cookout, sometimes the off-brand generic sodas tastes better than the actual sodas. I'm not lying. Some of that ginger ale, like a mountain, instead of Mountain Dew, Mountain Pepper, or whatever, off-name brand. They're usually a lot better than the actual name brand sodas. But yeah, just, again, don't bring old Doritos to a potluck. Number three. Ooh, that's a terrible picture. I'm looking at this picture of the brownies. This one is about brownies and the picture looks absolutely terrifying. It says, "Someone made brownies with ground meat." And then for a church potluck, my vegetarian friend discovered this when she bit into one. She was more confused and horrified about the existence that she was upset about eating meat. I thought she had to be wrong. Then I tried them, it was beef. I was disgusted and really, really, really confused. This person made a ground beef brownie. Okay, there's one thing that needs to be clear when we do these potlucks is you have to find out if people are allergic to certain things. Some people's stomachs can't take particular spices and particular addings and whatever little toppings you put on your food. It is wise if you're gonna host a potluck to ask everyone what kind of, does anybody have any particular food allergies, shellfish, dairy, nuts, those kinds of things. That I think is an important common courtesy for everyone is to ask this very, very life-saving, potentially life-saving question. Who's allergic to this? There's always gonna be one vegetarian or vegan perhaps at your potluck. Let's be honest, if you're working at some corporate office and you have a potluck, there's always gonna be like one person that's a vegetarian and vegan and that's okay. However though, this is one of those things where you have to ask someone, what are you allergic to? Is anyone here allergic to anything? All right, Ben, now I can bring my pork casserole and everybody can enjoy it the same. Number four, she opened a can of tiny shrimp and poured it out, liquid and all. On top of the block of cream cheese, that was it. I guess we're supposed to eat it with crackers and I'm gonna have to hang up that call and I have to hang up on my wife unfortunately. It sucks, I'm doing a live feed. I'm assuming this is her cue that she's on her way home, which is fine. Again, I'm gonna read this 'cause I kinda got sidetracked. Again, if you're joining the show, this is about some of the worst potluck meals that people have bought to, oh my God. I'm not answering this, I'm gonna hang it up. She has to know that I'm on the show, but God's sake, this woman sometimes. I'm gonna read this again. She opened a can of tiny shrimp and poured it out, liquid and all. On top of a block of cream cheese, that was it. I guess we're supposed to eat it with crackers. That's disgusting. Tiny shrimp in a can, poured it with the liquid. You know how like sometimes you get tuna fish? Tuna fish has like the canned tuna fish. You got the water in it or whatever, the oil. Terrible, right? That's even worse. Okay, look, this woman sometimes she's getting on my nerves. If I'm not, if I'm hanging up the phone, I'm probably doing a podcast, but who knows? She's probably, God damn it, I don't know. Hey Lucas, thanks for the likes, man. Appreciate it, thank you, thank you. Sorry, my wife's kind of calling me too. Definitely keep shooting the likes. Again, you're just joining, hot looks. And, oh my God, I'm gonna kill this woman. I swear to God, no, I'm not gonna kill this woman, right? She's my wife, TikTok, don't ban me, all right? I'm just playing around. All right, number five, someone bought double eggs and instead of sprinkling paprika on them, they use cinnamon. Listen, that's not bad. Considering double eggs is disgusting. I don't eat double eggs, but if there's anything to kind of throw off the taste of a double egg, just add a little cinnamon on it. Sure, why not? Add a little cinnamon. Hell, you might as well add some sprinkles and some chocolate chips to it too. Just throw some of that on the other side. I'm looking at this too, it's terrible. Actually, it doesn't look bad. I mean, if anything to kind of get rid of that taste, I guess, why not just throw that on them? Number six, we're getting good at this. At my previous job, I had a coworker who would frequently cook food because it was his passion. There's nothing more passionate than food, right? And he would bring it in to share with everyone on a few occasions someone would get ill after, but infrequently enough that people wrote it off as a coincidence. This coworker goes out on a PTO and asks another coworker to feed his 12 cats. While he's gone and a scoop, the litter boxes. All right, where are we going with this? Unfortunately, it was discovered the coworker was cooking and serving us food in the same pan. He was also sometimes using as litter boxes for his bushel of cats. When confronted, he stated that he thought it was fine because he washed them after. We never ate his food again. Listen, people, if the person's bringing food and somebody got sick twice, I should tell you something. Let me tell you something. I go to a restaurant and I get sick just one time at the restaurant. I'm never going there again. I'm done. I'm out of there. I'm never going back to this restaurant again. This is, and another thing, this is the psyche behind pot looks. It's like, okay, the food looks great, but you don't know what's going on in these people's houses where they're making this food. God knows what's going on. The food could be amazing, but they're sink, they're stove, everything is just the worst. They got pets all over the place. They're probably not using gloves. They're probably not washing their hands. They probably cut themselves and some of it went in the food. You don't really know what's going on, but that's kind of the risk you run even when you go to a restaurant. So I mean, honestly, you're kind of like playing digestion roulette when you go to restaurants, and especially when you have pot looks, but oh God, pets, man. I love pets. I love cats and dogs. I love cats and dogs, but they absolutely stay out of the kitchen. I don't care how much you love your dog and your cat. No reason for them to be in the kitchen. Get them out of the kitchen, period. Even if you're not cooking, just get them out. I mean, a lot of they should get around dander and stuff like that. And sometimes their dander will get in even some of the smallest of places. All right, number seven. What the hell is that? God, I wish you guys can see this. Number seven, homemade fried chicken which translated into chicken, cupboard and pancake batter and bread crumbs and dropped it to a fryer pan until the outside look cooked. It wasn't even seasoned. I'm not even gonna say who probably made this chicken. It's not seasoned and it's covered in pancake batter. Needless to say, somebody that is not like me probably made this chicken, or maybe someone actually like me made this chicken. I don't know, but that's, even try it. I woulda tossed that person and the chicken right out. Completely out. No way, that is terrible. Number eight, an apple pie. All right, somebody bought an apple pie. Now again, desserts, it's not just limited to entrees or like, you know, things like that. Desserts, all sorts of pot looks too. Desserts sometimes get a bad rap. I don't know how you can mess up a Dunkin' Hines cake. I like to bake myself. I like Dunkin' Hines cakes. I'm not a much of a cook person, but I can bake a cake. In fact, I haven't baked one in a while, but I'm gonna probably bring one of my cakes onto the show and eat it in front of you guys. Anyway, an apple pie. But they didn't have apple pie spices. Like cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg. So they used taco seasoning by accident and expected people to eat it. I, a dumb bitch who likes to torture themselves, tried it and promptly tossed it in the trash when they looked away. So this person did not put the proper spices in this apple pie. They put taco seasoning by accident. There's no way you accidentally put taco seasoning in an apple pie. You find me the person that has done that. That is like putting salt in your coffee by accident. Shit, you know what? My wife actually did that. My wife actually did one time. We were overseas and we were having breakfast at this hotel. She actually accidentally put salt in the coffee and she was like, what is this taste? And I'm like, you know, you just put a pack of salt in your coffee, right? Then it, then. But yeah, I don't know how you put taco seasoning in an apple pie, but let me tell you, you would probably have never bought, I would tell you never to bring another food in this place again. All right, Rad, hey man, what's up, man? Thanks for joining, hit me up with some likes. Appreciate it, stick around for a minute. If you can't stick around for a minute, it's all good, man, appreciate it. And Lucas, thanks for liking the live as well. All right, number nine. Kimchi, this can't be good. A coworker bought homemade Kimchi, but she admitted she didn't know how to make it and just winged it. It was fermented, wrong, and covered in mold, which she didn't seem to understand was bad. The vegetables were basically half liquefied and it smelled like dumpster juice. People, you know, they got like YouTube and all these other things where you can actually get recipes and see people make this stuff verbatim. They just don't wing food for a, you just don't wing food for a potluck. That is a terrible idea. You got to understand somebody is going to eat your food and may never breathe again after the fact. I never had my stomach pumped. I may have had food poisoning. I don't even know if it's food poisoning, but yeah, maybe a stomach bug or something. I can't imagine what food poisoning feel like. It has to feel like pure hell. Just eating something like that, I would have lost my mind. I hate the feeling of nausea and vomiting. I, if I have to count how many times I vomit it in my life, probably less than 10 times. And that's just kind of coming off the top of my head. I just hate the feel of nausea. I really do. I can't imagine eating winged kimchi with molding it. People, we got to do better. Of course, number 10, casseroles, right? Now casseroles are always a classic potluck meal type deal. All right, number 10, casserole with the side of roaches. Not even kidding. They crawled out the bag, she bought her dish in. I stopped participating in potlucks after that. I mean, what's wrong with a little extra protein in your casserole? Why not, you know, like just throw a little extra protein in there and be like, hey, you know, it's perfectly fine. Absolutely not. Absolutely not. That is terrible. And that's what I, you know, going back a minute ago when I said about the possibility that when they make their foods out for the potluck, that they have roaches in the house. Any two times you got roaches coming out of a casserole, that is trouble. It's not extra seasoning, it's trouble. And I highly advise you to get an exterminator before you bring anything. I don't care if you bring a baloney sandwich to the potluck, I wouldn't eat it. I see a roach come out of your food or your bag, you're done. You're absolutely over. There's no way a roach should be coming out of any food you bring to a potluck, period. What the hell is that? Oh my God, number 11. Grandma's jello salad made with cottage cheese and celery. I'm looking at this right now. It looks like a big green fruit loop. It's terrible. Who the hell is eating jello salad? Yeah, I know, tell me about it, Ben. Jello salad, this shit looks gross. I might need my stomach, pump. Oh man, let Willis want to join. You know, it's funny, I thought about people joining on the live and stuff like that. Now, I don't know if I'm going to be able to hear you through the headphones. Well, maybe I might, because I have the headphones in my sound mixer linked up to Bluetooth on my phone. I don't know who Kid FX is to let you join. I can't even see your face. Shit, I don't know. Maybe at some point I'll have everybody chime in on the live and stuff like that. I mean, why not? Shit, the more the merrier. Listen, I'm just getting my foot in the door with this, with the streaming of the show. So I'm slowly, oh shit, Quavo, hi, yes, yes. Oh man, what's going on, man? Thanks for joining the show. I appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, you're for a real treat, man. You know how I am at work. So you can only imagine on this podcast. All right, number 12, my cousin's wife wanted to make pimento cheese, pimento cheese sandwiches for a Super Bowl party. Oh God, please listen, that's another thing. I forgot pot lugs, bringing food to a Super Bowl party can be diabolical work. Problem is she had no idea what went into pimento cheese and refused to go to the store because it couldn't be that hard. It's somebody also trying to wing this shit. So she mixed a bag of shredded cheese and ungodly amount of mayonnaise. People, mayonnaise suck. Mayonnaise is like my least favorite condiment. Mayonnaise, it's just, it's awful. Adding an ungodly amount of mayonnaise, I can only imagine what this tastes like. And for the red, and for the little red bits, marshy-no, marshy-no, cherry halves. Then dumped approximately a half cup of garlic salt in for good measure. You know, of course, throw the garlic salt in. You don't wanna mess it up. Now you gotta throw in that final pinch. I thought they were a dessert because they were pink and couldn't figure out what a pink sandwich would be. It was truly one of the worst things I've ever put in my mouth, pause. Mayonnaise, if you have to put a lot of mayonnaise on something, it's already disgusting, throw it away. Mayonnaise is not my favorite. I tolerate mayonnaise to a point, but if it came to a bur- Like I go to Burger King, you get a whopper? I say no mayo. 'Cause to me, the mayo takes away from the whopper. It takes away from the flame, broiled taste of the whopper. Or maybe a little pinch of mayonnaise, or like their original chicken sandwich, or that long sandwich, pause. They put up, some places put an ungodly amount of mayonna, it ruins the sandwich. I'd rather just have a dry chicken sandwich. Seriously, that's to me, disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself if you made that. Whoever made that, you should be ashamed of yourself. Number 13, an office potluck. That's, now we're getting somewhere. As everyone is eating, one of the girls say, quote, "I'm sorry if you find any cat hair "in the green bean casserole. "My cat kept getting up on the counter "to nibble at the edges, "cue everyone looking at each other like what the fuck." If you, I said it, cats need all types of pets, need to stay out of the kitchen. If you knew your food had cat hair in it, perhaps you should have never made it. In fact, you should have never bought it to the potluck. What do you expect people to be like, "Oh, no, it's okay, Brenda." And I'll just move the cat hair off of my casserole. It'll be perfectly fine, absolutely not. Absolutely not. No, keep them out of the kitchen. And that's my wife walking in. Podcast hunt, I'm on the podcast. Hello, I'm sorry I couldn't answer your phone. Hi, my wife just walked in, she's probably gonna throw something at me, like a casserole or something, but she's home. Are you okay? Everything's good? What's wrong? Nothing. Okay. I don't know. Number 14. I'm probably in trouble after this, I already know. Number 14, my sister would bring two crock pots, one with spaghetti sauce, the other with water, and the noodles. The noodles will be cooking in the water all day. That's not the worst thing I've heard so far, but, I don't know. That one I'm gonna leave. Number 15. I worked at a patient care clinic with mostly nurses. One nurse bought mashed potatoes inside of a Walmart bag, not inside of a bowl, inside of a Walmart bag. Mashed potatoes loose inside the bag. They couldn't previously help raw chicken throw some other gross thing in there. You know, you could get pants, a pot, a crock pot, a cup even. Mashed potatoes in a shopping bag to a potluck is crazy work. What the hell are some of these people thinking, dog? I don't know. I don't know. All right, 26 minutes in. All right, not too bad. All right, that's just crazy work. Number 16. We had a Boucher de Noel baking contest in French class and high school. And one girl bought one in that when the teacher cut it, it had a bunch of hair baked through it. This was my first experience with never trust with someone else baked at home unless you've seen the kitchen. People, I don't know why there's hair in your food. You shouldn't be brushing, if you're brushing your hair and combing your hair in the kitchen, you probably should stop because that can happen. You can have all types of weird hair in your food or whatever. You'd be surprised what people do in their sinks, man, in their homes. I mean, some people are just not clean. Number 17. A sugarless cake. A sugarless cake. All right, a sugarless cake, she realized too far into the process that she forgotten the sugar and continued with the decorating. She placed it on the table and didn't think anyone would notice the lack of sugar. We noticed that cakes need sugar. So she just basically bought a pan of dirt. Yeah, a can of dirt. All right, it's terrible. Number 18. Grandma bought the one year old fruit cake she kept in the glass bowl, cover it and foil out from under her bed to the family potluck. We're just saving food under the bed. I'm gonna read this again 'cause I'm trying to, I hope I gotta read this again. Grandma bought the one year old fruit cake she kept in a glass bowl, cover it and foil out from under her bed to a family potluck. When the foil came off, everyone gagged as it smelled like booze and death. Then she lit it off by a poor cream on it and insisted everyone to try it. It was simultaneously super dry and soppy wet. Tastes like hand sanitizer and had the texture of cat litter. Why are we keeping fruit cake under the bed? I don't know. Did you not suffer? Why are you even keeping fruit cake more than a year? Why are you keeping it under your bed of all places? I don't know, maybe she was eating it at some point or maybe she was waiting for it to like, ferment or something like that. But that to me is the, that is extremely reckless. Somebody get really sick eating food that's been under the bed for about a year. If you're doing this or you're engaging in that type of thing, please stop. Please stop. Oh, oh wow. Next one. Number 19, I have eaten chicken something dinner from their meal at Olive Garden the previous night. So somebody bought an, somebody bought Olive Garden leftovers to a potluck. Come on. What is going on here? (audience laughing) That's terrible, man. And they didn't even bring the breadstick with it either. They just bought the chicken that was left over with the little pasta. They didn't even bring a breadstick. If you're gonna bring something ridiculous like this, bring like the half-bitten breadstick with it too. Add some, add some flavor to this thing. Like, stop, don't, don't bring Olive Garden to a potluck. Come on now, just don't do that. All right, church potlucks. Now, we didn't even cover this one yet. Church is unknown for having potlucks. Nothing wrong with that, right? But even a church potluck can go wrong. And if you know church, right, especially black churches, there's always a lot of gossip about how somebody can't, you know, how Hattie Mae cooks macaroni and cheese in comparison to, I don't know, somebody else macaroni and cheese is always some sort of like competition. All right, number 20, once at a church potluck, a lady Mae chicken noodle soup. But instead of chicken, it was raccoon. I can take a guess where this might be. This might be somewhere where I live at here in Tennessee. I promise you. 'Cause this isn't New York. We're not cooking raccoons in New York. She didn't tell anyone. We found out because her sons were laughing and we finally got them to tell us why. Damn it, kids. Come on, you wasn't supposed to laugh. So it must have been like, maybe the lady was playing like a sick joke on some of the churchgoers. Maybe somebody made her so mad about something that perhaps she was like, you know what? Got it. Hey kids, look, I'm gonna put raccoon in this chicken noodle soup. Don't tell anybody, but the kids laugh. They wasn't supposed to laugh. I'm pretty sure she probably no longer goes to that church. There's no way. What the hell is that? All right, number 20, number 21, let Quavo join. All right, how do I let him join? I don't know how I let him join. I told you I'm kind of new to this. You guys gotta tell me how to let people join so I can let them join. I have no issue with, and people join, man. Listen, people, if you wanna join in on the feed, I have no issues with it. I'm new to this. Just tell me how to do it. You can definitely join in on the feed. I have no issue with it. All right, number 21, chocolate chip cookies. But she didn't really mix the ingredients very well. So there were lumps of flour and baking soda. They were god awful. And the cookies for what I'm seeing here is actually like fused together. I don't even know how that works. How do you mess up chocolate chip cookies? That's almost impossible. But then again, people mess up boiling water too. So I mean, like if you could mess up boiling water, you know how many house fires have been started because somebody left the water boiling so long and it just left a simmering pot of nothing on stove. Yes, people have messed up boiling water. So I guess you can also mess up cookies too. Sure, why not? Number 22, thanks for the hat. Look at me, I look like a, oh, my mustache going. It's like puberty all over again. Number 22, orange rolls. For those that don't know, there are cinnamon rolls that have orange zest or extract in the dough recipe. They're usually delicious. This person took a cake pan, poured orange juice in it, dropped biscuit dough in it and then baked it. Didn't even bother to like, they didn't even bother to get oranges. They were so lazy that they said, "Hey, I'm gonna pour Tropicana all inside the cinnamon rolls." I bet that stuff tastes, I bet it tastes awful. It had to taste awful, that's terrible. I can't believe people are actually doing this. There's no way people are getting away with this. There's no way, there's no way, no, no, listen. Cooking is not something you just put together. You have to take your time with what you make. You have to take your time putting things together. You just don't take shortcuts and pour orange juice in everything. God damn it. Number 23, my husband and I went to a potluck at a park shelter one time. Someone had bought vegetables and dip. I was reaching for some when my husband nudged me and told me to look closely. There were bugs all in the vegetables. I don't think they were from being outside because none of the other food had bugs. I think whoever bought the platter either didn't, notice the vegetables were full of bugs, they didn't care. Listen, it's no secret that sometimes you go to a supermarket, you might find a particular bug or something inside your romaine lettuce or your broccoli or whatever. Now you think pesticides, which is already crazy enough, would kill all the bugs and yeah. All right, who is this? Name a soccer player for an edit. Now I'm not too big on a soccer, I guess, paylay. That's the only soccer player I know. I don't watch soccer though. However though, that's the only soccer player I know. But as far as bugs and vegetables, yes. You go to a supermarket, it happens. Even in the most expensive of supermarkets, sometimes you'll find a bug. Some people have found dead frogs inside their pack of vegetables. It happens, sometimes there's some things that kind of get through the process. It's hit or miss, that's why you have to inspect your stuff. You have to inspect your veggies and make sure there ain't no foreign objects in it. 'Cause there's some things that kind of make it through the process. This next one should have never happened. Number 24, chocolate covered shrimp. No, not molesauce, just sweet chocolate sauce. You know, chocolate is delicious. Just not for seafood. What are we doing? Chocolate covered seafood is an absolute no. Marinera sauce is great with shrimp. Chocolate covered shrimp, no. Shrimp pizza is good too. Chocolate covered shrimp is an absolute no. Just absolute no, no, we don't do this. All right, number 25, I think I'm almost done with the list, I think. I think it was like 26, I'm not 25, so yeah, I think I'm almost done. And I'm about, well, let's see, 35 minutes. Again, this show has been going over half hour, obviously. There's a lot more input and stuff into the show, so now I'm starting to see shows starting to edge now to like an hour, which is perfectly fine. Nothing wrong with that. Number 25. Sidewalk beans. They spill beans on the pavement, scoop them back into the container with bits of street stuff. Serve it with a warning that they spill them on the pavement and there's a chance of finding pebbles in it. No, not fruity pebbles. We're talking gravel off the road, off the sidewalk inside your beans. You remember that scene from the office where the dude spilled the beans all inside the office carpet and he tries to scoop it back up into the pot? That's what they did. Listen, it's an L, all right? It's an L, toss the food away. What I would have done, I would have left that shit in the street, went to a KFC or something and just said, "Hey, here's a couple of 20-piece buckets. "Have a nice day. "My food's spilled." At least you try, if you go, and you just go buy some food from fast food, joint, or whatever, but scooping it back up into the, like you don't know what's walking on those sidewalks. You don't know what's crawling on the sidewalks. That is disgusting. Come on, people, people do better. All right, I got one more on this list. One more. Number 26, the last one on this list, went to an office potluck and someone had made a breakfast casserole. I've never heard of a breakfast casserole, but I can tell you this is probably going in the wrong direction. I cut a slice, was about to put a bite in my mouth and noticed the bottom was furry. Literally lined with cat hair. I can't understand how she didn't notice before putting the food in the dish. Keep the pets out of the kitchen. What is with you people and like making food? Like I get the movies and sometimes you have like, okay, you can be making dinner and you got the cat crawling on the countertop. All while making dinner, listen, I know family, I know like pets is family to a lot of us, but they're not that much like family. Like you can't have them crawling on top of the countertop while you're making food, especially if you're making food for people you work with. That is a terrible idea. I would toss the food away and keep the pets out the kitchen. I don't get it, that's just terrible work. I'm gonna see if I can find some honorable mentions. All right, now here's a question that people ask. What not to bring to a potluck? The five worst dishes starting with number one, fake potatoes and aluminum foil to bring to holiday potluck dinners. Male based salads, fish and seafood, nuts, and leafy green salad. There's nothing wrong with bringing a salad to a potluck. Again, some people are not meat eaters. Some people are vegetarians. There's nothing wrong with bringing that to a potluck. Fish and seafood, yeah, that's kind of a gray area because depending on, you know, it could be bad food. You know, it could, who knows? But male based salads, if you don't make them fresh, they could go bad. We're talking like, what do you call it, egg salad or whatever, or just any male based salad is just it. I'm telling you, just, all right. I'm gonna read this most recent list. It's on pickles, man. Appreciate it. I'm on the show, give it up for some on pickles. He's definitely, well, somebody I used to work with. Cool dude. He also has a game streaming channel. Definitely go check it out. Some on pickles. Yeah, he's a gamer. He's a gamer. He games. Check out his page when you get a chance. All right, I'm gonna find one more list. And what the hell is this? Okay, this is on organic authority. This was just actually published last month. I'm gonna breeze through this list as quick as possible. They put out the 10 worst things to bring to a potluck. And this is an organic page. So let's see what they, what the hell? All right, number one, 10 worst things. Rotel dip in chips. Don't bring that. What the hell is this? KFC and Krispy Kreme. It's funny, I just made a joke about bringing fast food to a potluck. Listen, if you bring Krispy Kreme to a potluck, I'm your best friend. KFC, not very much, I'm more of a Popeyes guy. Code canned vegetables. Yep, that's what happened in the last list. Somebody did that nonsense. Soyloaf, which is organic meatloaf people. Karab brownies, one bottle of wine. Why would you bring just one bottle of wine? You got like 50 people at this potluck. You bring one bottle of wine. You might as well just drink that yourself. Anyone bringing KK is my new best friend. That's KK. All right, pickles, what is KK? I don't know what that is. Is that, anyone bringing Krusty Krab, is your new? Is that, is KK Krusty Krab? You find me a Krusty Krab. Oh yeah, I'm busting down a Krabby Patty. All right, next one, macaroni salad. Pre-sampled dish. A pre-sampled dish, ill. If you're bringing a half-eaten cake to a potluck, don't even bother, you're fired. Don't even come back. Condiments. Now, bring in condiments to a potluck. You know, you figured the job. Let's say this is at a corporate office job. You figured they already have condiments and everything sent. But there's nothing wrong with bringing a bottle of ketchup, 'cause most people don't think about that. I don't see bringing a bottle of ketchup or mustard as a bad thing. But then you might come across foods that don't even require any of these condiments. And then now you're just kind of wasting your money on it. Yeah, I'd be a little careful about the condiments. All right, let me see if I can find another list. I don't know, I like this episode. I'm glad I'm doing this bonus episode for you guys. Let me see if I can go through this as quick as possible. All right, where's that list at? Okay, I'm not paying for a subscription ad to read a damn list. No, we're not doing that. But yes, if you're just joining, this is a bonus episode. I did one earlier, and it was on first date red flags. If you missed it, it is on Spotify. And I decided to do a bonus episode. It went to the bloom. I'm kind of testing the waters with TikTok and seeing how the demand is for the show. If it warrants a bonus episode or maybe the next day episode, you know, the usual. All right, I'm gonna jump on Reddit real quick because a lot of this stuff do come from Reddit. And I'm actually curious to see what our fellow Redditors deem as a terrible potluck stuff. This was actually a subreddit that was created four months ago. And it's, this is a, what's the worst food you have seen at a potluck? This person, AJJ360 said that six people bought the same Walmart potato salad. Quick and easy, right? Everybody, great minds think alike. They just figured, well, you know what? I'm gonna go to Walmart, get a potato salad. And then Todd goes, bring in a potato salad. Then Cameron brings a potato salad. She adds raisins to it. And then Bob brings a potato salad. And he ate half of it. Everybody had the same idea of bringing potato salad. And from Walmart, people at least try to make it. I know sometimes we don't always have time to make things. So therefore we have to improvise. Nothing wrong with that. All right. Strommer Cash said that somebody bought pizza with the cardboard cooked to the bottom. At least you know the pizza's done. Monkey Bean said, a coworker bought a homemade pizza. Nothing wrong with a homemade pizza, right? But with yogurt and fruit on it instead, like a dessert pizza. (laughs) This woman was pretty petrally sick, always coughing and sneezing. She said her kids help make it. I bet. So your kids with no sense of like, cleanliness or anything like that. They got play dough on their hands and they're sending him helping you make this salad. It said it that she had two toddlers. Looked like little finger spread out on the yogurt. I love kids, but this grossing me out more than anything else. It was the only thing that nobody touched as she was so upset. You have every right to be. And yes, I wouldn't be touching that at all. And she got upset because nobody even touched this stuff. What do you expect? These kids touching his hand, little hand prints in there. You have every right to be up. No, you have no right to be upset in fact. You should have never bought that there. And you should never be having a kid help you make a meal for a potluck, especially toddlers. Come on now, we're not doing that. We are not doing that. All right. Forecats and counting. Oh yeah, scary movie with the do with the hand and the mashed potatoes. My germs. Yeah, that to me turned me off many potluck. That scene alone. All right, bet. Forecats and counting said a meat and vegetables stew that had so much long thick black hair in it that if you told me some lady had empty hair brush into the pot, I'd be like, yeah, that sounds about right. I ain't no way somebody bought this with all that hair and thought this was OK. Not OK, people. Not OK. All right, this person with a weird name said that burn fried chicken that was still raw inside. How do you burn the chicken, but it's still raw inside? Needless to say, I bet this person did not look like me. It's possible. I don't know. No ratio, all right. All right. All right, impossible mode 3614 said that I know of a woman who bought something that was supposed to be like pulled chicken. You cook chicken and the bonnet. Put it in shreds of meat on the bun. You think that's easy? Instead, she got a cooked chicken and put the whole thing in the blender, bones it all. And then she bought it to the family reunion. You are no longer a family member at that point. If you bring a whole blended chicken, at least you could have taken out the bones, though. But no, through the bones in there for great extra measure and gristle. Instead of just taking the chicken, yeah, I would have kicked the fan. You would have no longer been my family member anymore if you did something like that. I don't even know how these people are surviving in this world doing things like that. People, we have got to do better. All she had to do was pull shreds of the chicken off. If you make it right, it just breaks off. You don't have to put it in the blender. That's just more work. I'm not eating no blended chicken. Oh my God. All right. Okay, this one looks okay. I got one. I got one. Actually, let me see how much time I got. I'm trying not to hit an hour. I'll probably read like two more and I'm done. Pickles, thanks for the love, man. Appreciate it. You got to invite me to your page whenever you're streaming. Let me know what you're doing, man, so I can send you some love, too. Well, chaotic, chaotic James. James, chaotic James said, not the worst, but certainly the most mislabeled. A bucket of KFC would assign in front of it that says lasagna. Everyone at the party deliberately called it lasagna all night. What happened was a couple had committed to bringing lasagna to the party. On the way out the door, the person carrying the literal lasagna spilled slip on the ice. The lasagna hit the pavement destroying itself and the casserole dish that it was in since they were already running late and didn't want to show up empty handed. They visited a KFC along the way. Did I not just make a joke about that, about the dude or whoever spilled the beans? And I was like, you know what? Take the beans as an L and go to a near KFC subway or whatever. But instead they took the beans off the pavement and scooped it back up into the pan. Why would you even do that? You should have just did what they did. Go to KFC and just be like, "Hey, I'm sorry, I was supposed to bring lasagna." And, you know, here we are. All right, I'd give them credit for that, man. They tried, they tried. All right, let me find a couple of more. What the fuck? Okay, conference number 6640 said, extra flavor. A bowl of unseasoned boiled potatoes. It looked like someone just gave up halfway through making the mashed potatoes. Not sure how you can even mess up mashed potatoes. I mean, I want a loan. God, give me one more. All right, okay, that one is way too long. I'm not reading it. Yeah, they wrote like a whole essay for like a college paper for this one. I'm not reading that. Give me one, give me one. I'm trying to scroll down one. What the fuck? Hold on. All right, I bet. I got one more. I'm gonna leave it alone, all right? And then we can go back to our original Saturday and I could go talk to my wife who's behind me while I'm on the couch. Faithless, faithlessness most 432. What's what you guys and Reddit with these names? This person goes to say a s'mores dessert made with marshmallow fluff. Now that sounds delicious. Now again, I'm interested in thinking about marshmallow fluff. Not all states sell it. The very first time I see marshmallow fluff was in Connecticut. Somehow New England is known for selling marshmallow fluff. And it's true. I've seen it in Connecticut, but I've never seen it in New York. Hell, I don't even recall seeing marshmallow fluff down here in Tennessee. But that goes to just learn something. The more you know. All right. Now they bought marshmallow fluff, which of course sounds delicious. But it was bought to a potluck where there was a five-year-old who was allergic to eggs that this child ate the dessert and proceeded to violently throw up at the potluck. Who bought the dessert? It was me. Who was the child's parent? Also me. I don't know where they are. I didn't know they were eggs in it. Biggest mom fail. Okay, no, no, no, seriously though. Food allergies is no joke. If you know that your kid, if you have a child with food allergies, then shopping is a little bit more careful for you, right? You know, there's dairy allergies. You know, seafood allergies, there's all different types of food allergies. Nut allergies are even more dangerous. At some point as a parent, you should be reading the ingredients to everything you buy. If your kid is allergic to nuts, you need to read every ingredient. When you go out to eat, you need to tell the waiters and whatnot. Like, hey, do you have any food that don't contain nuts? And even then that's a little sketchy, because sometimes in the kitchens, there are cross-contaminations. If you notice Texas Roadhouse, for a few years Texas Roadhouse would have you eat a bunch of peanuts on the floor. And I'd started noticing this two a few years ago. You walk into a Texas Roadhouse before, and they give you free complimentary nuts while you wait for your table or whatnot. Now you walk into Texas Roadhouse, you don't see that anymore. And probably part of the reason is that when people with nut allergies walk into a Texas Roadhouse, and the first thing they see is peanut shells and stuff all over the place, you don't necessarily have to eat a peanut to get the algae. You inhaled the dust from a peanut and it's over. So I noticed every Texas Roadhouse that I go to, no longer has nuts on the floor. It's very interesting tidbit, but no. Like, food allergies is pretty serious, man. Really, really serious. And let's see, how much time do I got here? You know what, I promise you, I'm gonna do one more and I'm really done. All right, I'm done after this. I promise you. All right, it's okay. Let's see what we got. I'm trying to find something. Squirrel and swamp cabbage, definitely Florida. Let's see, let's see. All right, I'm done after this. Listen, one little tidbit about me. I love white castle. I am a big white castle fan and what I'm about to read. This person should be banned from every single white castle known to man. Lot, a lot of cobalt. Lot of cobalt said white castle dip. Someone has bought white castle dip to a potluck. Apparently you put a bunch of burgers in the blender with mayonnaise. I'm done people, look, it was nice. No, I'm done for the night. First of all, there's not one white castle burger with mayonnaise on it. First of all, that's already diabolical work. The fact that you took a white castle burger and you put it in the blender, I need to find you. I don't know where anyone thinks that this is unacceptable. You go to white castle, put a slide as you eat them. You don't blend them. You don't do anything other than just eat the white castle burgers, do not blend and surely don't put mayonnaise on them either. They don't put mayonnaise on a white castle burger. You go to crystals. Crystals put I think mustard on theirs. Yes, crystal put mustard. And there are some white castle locations I do put ketchup. But my local white castle location does not do that. Hey, just they don't put anything except just the onions. That's it. Mayo on a white castle burger, please don't ever do that again. All right, I'm done, I'm done. I think I've read my fair share of dangerous potluck meals. (audience applauds) I'm done with it. All right, look. Sergeant Pickles, everyone else at joint. Thank you, thank you. Appreciate the likes and love, Rad. You already know, man. Thanks for joining the show, all right. This was my very first bonus episode of this podcast. Once in the blue, depending, I will throw a bonus episode here and there in between. But of course, it's not gonna happen very often unless you guys demand it. You know, it could kind of burn through topics, but there's always something to talk about. And so I pickles, man. You're my number two member and the team, man. Appreciate it, give it up for him. Check out his, check out his streaming channel. Look up, Sergeant Pickles. Yup, show him some love, tell him I sent you, whatever. He knows I sent you 'cause I'm promoting him right now. But anyway, bonus episodes, all right. Again, once in the blue, day will be a thing. Tomorrow will be an actual an episode, all right. But this episode is gonna be more towards the evening. I don't know, from what I'm experimenting, I get more listeners and likes and stuff in the evenings. So I'm gonna try to lean episodes towards that point if I'm live streaming, if I'm not live streaming, which will be once in the blue, it'll just be in the morning or whatever. It depends. It depends if I got anything going on or I don't shoot as preference, whatever. All right, thank you once again for listening to the show. I got to go enjoy the rest of your extended weekend for some of you. If you do have an extended weekend, if you're working, get that over time, get the holiday pay and stay tuned for the podcast tomorrow. I will put out a time. It's gonna be likely in the evening. So, man, thank you for the rose, pause. But yeah, I will put the time. I'll be likely in the evening, okay? I think the evening shows get more of a buzz. Tell your friends also, also. I'll go on to Spotify or however you listen to podcasts, go on The Daily Mind, look me up. Already almost 400 episodes. I've been doing it for about two years. This, I just now started streaming the show. I know it took a while, but I wasn't really a big, big fan of TikTok at the time. And now I'm using it as an ally to promote the show. Why not? You gotta get the audience, you gotta reach a broader audience, all right? Also, if you're new to listening to the show, The Daily Mind podcast at, all right? That's just the email for this podcast. You can send me some suggestions on there, what you wanna hear from me, topics or whatever. How? I'll even take complaints and issues. If you got issues in life, I'll even be your therapist. And just tell me what's up and I can probably give you some advice. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm not a disclaimer, I'm not a licensed therapist, all right? I'm just somebody that people always come to for advice for some reason. My dad's the same way, we both have that thing. Oh, you got issues, huh? Hey, you already know where to find me. I, listen, no, seriously, you got issues, you let me know you talked to me about it, all right? No shit, I'll be your therapist, all right? It's The Daily Mind. We all share this world, this mindset. Again, the show is inspired by what goes on in my head and what I see around me here, around me, inspirations. The potluck thing just came out of nowhere. I didn't go to a potluck recently. It's just one of those topics that just, my mind is doing all types of things. It's thinking of a lot of things. All right, thanks a lot, man. So I'm pickles, thanks again. Stay tuned for the next episode tomorrow. If you follow me, you get a notification. You'll know that I'm live, I'm on there. And if you guys wanna join the live, you gotta show me how to do it. Or I guess it comes up as a notification. Join the live, say what's up. Have fun with it, all right? So hey, thanks for listening. And we'll do this again next time. Stay tuned tomorrow. Have a good one.