Bava Basra Daf 109
Zulchufa'lai fa'baslaf kuftes, the first suhiyana daf, another mukhayr, for a father's place in the line of inheritance, the ha'vartim, before the Gmar board apostak, that a father is Yairish from the word She'airi, in another braysa, which while our race brings a different possek, the ha'vartim is nakhalose libite, you should pass his inheritance to his daughter. This teaches us that be mok embaas, a tama'var nakhlamin 'a'af, the antama'var nakhlamin 'a'af nakhlamin 'a'af nakhlamin 'a'af nakhlamin 'a'af nakhlamin 'a'af nakham, meaning the father is Yairish before the brothers. D'Gmar explains what each tana darshans with the other tanas mukhayr. Second suhiyana daf, mishpachas av kriyam mishpacha'a, and the lady who became a priest for pastel niqhayr. D'Gmar asks, according to the tana, who learns how the father's inheritance from She'airi, had as you know it's not referring to the mother, because the possek says She'air about a mother too. Rava says, the possek says mishpachtai, mishpachas av is kriyam mishpacha, mishpachas aim is nakh. The possek says, the mishpachas, mishpachas, mishpachas, mishpachas, mishpachas, mishpachas, mishpachas, mishpachas, mishpachas, mishpachas, mishpachas, mishpachas. D'Gmar asks, the possek about the person who became a priest for pastel niqhayr, and he's described as a lady. From the family of Yhuda, the Gmar assumes his father was some lady, and his mother was some Yhuda, and he's called on the family of Yhuda. D'Gmar eventually answers that he's called Menasha's descendant, even though he actually came from Aisha, because since he did actions like Menasha, therefore the Ta'ir associated him with Menasha. He's described as being from Sheva Yhuda, because Menasha was from Sheva Yhuda. Abalaza says, "A person should always cling to good people, because Misha who married the daughter of Yistrei, Yhudhison came out of him, and on the other hand, Aaron who married the daughter of Aminadav, Pymchas came out of him." D'Gmar asks, the Pymchas' mother was from the daughters of Putil, and even though this is referring to Yisif, who fought against the Zayzahara, it also signifies that she came from Yistrei, because the Shwatim were Mavaza Pymchas, and they said that you see the son of Puti, whose mother's father fat and calves of Yistrei, he should kill Anose from Yistrei. D'Gmar answers that since Pymchas was further away from Yistrei, therefore it didn't impact it. D'Gmar says, "The first Sugeh on the daff, another MacArthur, the father's place in the line of inheritance, the Havartim." Second Sugeh on the daff, Mishba Khasav, Kriya Mishba Khas, and the Labu, who became the priest for Pesson Likr. Third Sugeh on the daff, L'Oilim, Yidbok, Audemba Ta'ivim. Second Sugeh on the daff, Shwatim from Abazlaf Khuftez, is a Hatzalakit. The Hatzala members gave the daughter of a man who died suddenly, a Yerushikard, informing her that she comes first, then her grandfather, and then her uncles, while her mother cried that Mishba Khasaim is not called a Mishba Khas, under a painting of a family tree of Basaminadov, Aaron and Pymchas, titled L'Oilim Yidbok Audemba Ta'ivim. Second Sugeh on the daff, Mishba Khasav is Kriya Mishba Khasav, and the Labu, who became the priest for Pesson Likr, and the family tree of Basaminadov that had Aaron and Pymchas, titled L'Oilim Yidbok Audemba Ta'ivim, reminds the third Sugeh on the daff, L'Oilim Yidbok Audemba Ta'ivim. Third Sugeh on the daff, L'Oilim Yidbok Audemba Ta'ivim.