The Prophecy Club - All Broadcasts

Spirit of Prophecy Sunday Service 10/13/2024 - Audio

Sunday Teaching: Index Cards Revisited Sunday Teacher: Danny Miller

Sunday Message: Yom Kippur - The Day of Atonement Sunday Teacher: Pastor Jonathan Gallo

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13 Oct 2024
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Well, good morning, Spirit of Prophecy Church. Welcome to church this morning. It is October the 13th in this beautiful Plano area. So we have teacher Danny here. He's a pleasure of mine to introduce. If you know anything about him, whenever you see Danny, at least for me, I see index cards. So today he's gonna continue his installation of teachings on the index cards. And the topic is index cards revisited part two. Part two, so stay tuned, everybody. It's a lot of good information, and I always get inspired by it. So let's bow our heads and pray for the service today. Lord, in the name of Jesus, we come before you. Today is a day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. We pray, Father, that you would cover us with the blood of Jesus from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet. That you would use your servant Danny. You would speak through him, and that you would teach us what we can find in the word of God every single day, whenever we put our mind to it and have our diligence through writing scripture down and hiding it in our hearts, Lord. We thank you, Father, and I just pray, Father, you give him boldness like a lion, and that you give him peace up here on stage as he preaches your word of God. We love you in Jesus' name, we pray. Amen. - Thank you, Pastor, I do appreciate it. And he will be giving the main service when we do the, I call the main service. He's very good, he's very good at explaining things, so please stay tuned to listen to his words. Well, today, we're gonna talk about index cards revisited. And just do a quick recap. This started because as I was reading my Bible, I would see verses, and I would say, wow, that's a verse I should probably memorize. In the circumstances always vary, but there was something about that verse, even though many times I had already read it in previous readings, there's something at that point in time, at that moment that said to me, this is a verse you need to start memorizing. So I have a pack of index cards, and I have them there at my desk, and every time I get that feeling, I write them down. Because I'm an old man, see, I don't have much hair up here, and I forget things, real easy. So I use the index card system. We're gonna look at four, well, I put into the presentation four different areas, and we may get to the fourth one, we'll see how it goes. My goal is always that you don't hear anything from me. I am nothing more than a vessel who is explaining and giving you the words that God and his son, Jesus, know you need to hear today. So hopefully I will be faithful in that endeavor. So the first area is God's power. I think we've forgotten about that. I look at the news and let what's going on in the world. I'm like, aren't you guys afraid of what might happen? I mean, God's up there, and he's seeing what you're doing. Do you really wanna incur the wrath of God? And so in all cases, these verses are selected partially to remind me of the different areas of my Christian faith. It helps remind me, and in some cases, I read it like puts me in my place 'cause I'm coming a little bit too inflated with my own self. And so I read the verses and they go, yeah, I don't think so. So we're gonna first look at God's power. Isaiah 48, 13. And what I wanna do, not so much read diverse, but I wanna show you a little bit different perspective. Why did I choose this verse? What was it that meant span or caused me to say, I need to memorize this? My hand has laid the foundation in the earth. My right hand has spanned the heavens. Think about just the degree of power that it shows to make the earth, but he's not just limiting himself to the earth, which he graded. He's talking about the heavens. And what's not in there is think about it. The solar system, the galaxies, they were all made by God. We can sometimes make buildings or bridges that hold up over time. So who are we to be acting like we have no God or God's not present or that we are greater than God? And there's a lot of people doing that these days. Look at the TV and some of the statements you hear. They sure think they are. So this helps me remind me of the depth and of just the amount of power we're looking at here. Is equal 24, 14? I have spoken it. It shall come to pass and I will do it. I will not go back. Neither will I spare, neither will I repent. According to thy ways and thy doings, shall they judge thee? Couple things here. The Lord has spoken it. It will come to pass and I will do it. Do you see any time stamp there? It doesn't say and I will do it within one day, one week, one hour. Doesn't say one year. And that's not important that he does. He is going to do it. Regardless of what that course of actions is, he's going to do whatever he says. So many, how long were the Jewish people under slaves under Egypt before Moses took them out? Many years and yet they were told they would have their own land at some point in time. But they didn't necessarily say the exact amount. We are in impatient people. We have become where we want the instant gratification. And ladies and gentlemen, the Lord doesn't always give instant gratification. Sometimes he waits. Sometimes he makes you wait. And we've gotten to the point where we don't like it and we sit there, you know, what are you doing? I want it now. Well, you don't get it now. There are things I have prayed for over 35 years and they haven't happened yet. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. But I understand that if it's God will in his timing, when he's ready, then it's going to happen. The other thing too, notice where it says, according to thy ways and thy doings, God's not necessary cast in judgment. Your own actions are causing the first part of this first to occur. Sometimes, how do I put it? God is going to respond to what you do. And in this case, it is equal. This is a period of time where God has sent Ezekiel and many prophets prior to Ezekiel, telling the Jewish people to repent, to turn from their ways, and they didn't do it. And I think it is the saddest commentary when it gets to the point that God's saying, I will not spare, I will not repent. You must have really done some bad stuff for God to get to that point. Yes, God's a God of love. But God has standards and he expects us, especially if we call ourselves Christians, he expects us to follow through and do them. And if we don't, there are going to be consequences. And they may not occur right now, maybe down the road. And the consequences can be good or bad. Sometimes you do God's plan, you do God's will, but it still takes time before he manifests the blessings. Where's your reliance? If you need something done, do you say, I can do it all by myself? I don't need anyone's help, I don't need anyone's help at all. In some cases, you don't, in some cases, you do. And that's what this verse says to me. It's a reminder that there are many things I can't do on my own. There are many times there are things I need to happen. And I am limited in the actions I can take to accomplish that. And that's what this verse is why I wanted to do it. Through thee, the thee is in reference to God. We will push down our enemies. Notice verse six, "For I will not trust in my bow, neither shall my sword save me." How many times have we relied on things we have to prevent something from happening? Sometimes we rely too much on those things. And we forget that God above has ultimate power. And sometimes it is him that we have to go to, to correct a situation or resolve a situation. This one, again, it just helps show what the depth of God's power is. Stretch forth the heavens and laugh the foundation of the earth. That's a pretty big span, isn't it? Again, it's just inform the spirit of man. God's the Creator. And whether you, you know, some people are what I call evolutionists. So we came out of the primordial soup and all that. And I sometimes have asked him, and I've never been able to get a straight answer. Okay, well, we came out of the soup who put down the mechanism that caused that to happen. It didn't just happen. Even if we came from the primordial soup, there still was a process that had to occur, right? Someone had to set that process up. It didn't just happen. Something, someone set the process up. And they can't, they fumble around, they can't tell you. I can tell you, it was God. Real simple, it's not that hard. Colossians 1, 16, one of the things I think we forget about is that we are in spiritual warfare. This verse helps reminds me that we don't necessarily look at what is seen. We look at what is unseen. And this verse helps. Look toward the third and fourth line. Visible and invisible. Okay, so it's showing that, hey, there's stuff we can't necessary see with our sense of sight that's out there that's real. Thrones, dominions, principality of powers. That's pretty well gets the gauntlet, doesn't it? And a lot of times, dominions and principalities, I have noticed, referred to the realm of Satan, of demons, and stuff like that. But again, that's pretty expansive. That covers just about all the basis. Thrones, dominions, principality, powers. And notice it says, created by him. Who's the him? Well, ultimately is God. But Jesus was also there and helped in it. Because remember, as Christians, we, God, the Father, God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And they all existed at the time the creation was made. I say, does say, of the Lord, the heavens, my throne, the earth, and my foot still. Where is the house that you built unto me? Do we really think that this, like, just take this building, that this building contains all of God? I don't think so. Solomon's temple, when he built the temple, when God was there, was that it? There was no other, how do I put it? There was no other place he was at? No? Just because he resides there does not mean that also defines the limits of his existence or of his power. And this house, again, remind me of that. Where are we going to build? Can we top creating the entire world in universes? I don't think we can do that. And this first, to me, help points that out. Heaven and throne, look at the depths, the area that encompasses. Do we really think that we have the capability of matching that totally? We can build great buildings and build wonderful structures, but we can't duplicate everything. And people, I think, have forgotten that. All right, oh, good. God's sovereignty, I should have also put this Jesus, I was thinking of putting God's in Jesus' sovereignty. Because people are forgotten that. People think they're, they are God. It's all under their control. And they don't have to worry about nothing because they're the God and they got it under control. These verses help me, I call these sometimes they come to Jesus' verses because they help remind me, do you really think you're greater? So here's some a sample. Anyone that tells you that Jesus is not the only way, this is a good verse to throw in their face. That to name a Jesus, every knee she'll bow, a things in heaven, things in earth, things under the earth. Now, I don't know how again, look at the depth that he's talking about of things in heaven, in and under. Everyone at some point in time is going to bow down to Jesus. Whether you do it now or when Jesus comes, you're sure going to do it then. We need to remember that. Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. I think an interesting is as Jesus Christ is Lord. Sometimes, and we'll come to a verse here in a little bit. The ego's translation of the Bibles don't do justice to the original text. I wish that somehow we could see that, where it says Jesus Christ is Lord, that it shows that's parody. And I wish I could remember what the word for Lord is, but if I remember correctly, the word Lord is a very word that is used in some of the original Texas and manuscripts that equals God. But Jesus is going to be acknowledged at some point in time, and this verse helps remind me of that. All right, I think this is one of the most significant verses. Jews said they are not 50 years old and has seen Abraham. Before Abraham was, I am. This is a good to me, a really good case. It is translated, I am. But again, if you look at some of the original manuscripts, I am is the translation for the word God in some of the original manuscripts. Anyone says, some members of other faiths say Jesus never said he was God. Really? Here you go, there's your verse. That word I am or what we translate, word I am, is God. In the verse, I didn't put it on, but in verse 59, this was done in a group of the religious leaders. They tried to stone them on the spot, and it's interesting that they knew and accepted exactly what he was saying. That word that we have I am, that word is God. It's one of the translations for God. So don't let anyone tell you, he never said he was God. He didn't write there, there's one probably the best example. Yes, brother and sister, Jesus said he was God. And you better find a way to reconcile that one way or another. He said it, here's one verse that shows it. Again, I wish, almost wish they would have put the original Greek or Arabic Jew, or forgot whatever the original word was to help convey that. Here's a note on that on 858, this is one of the eternal names of God proving that he existed before Abraham. The Jews understood that he applied this name to himself, thus declaring his deity. Brothers and sisters, Jesus said he was God, case closed. Let me ask you this, how are you saved? Is it through works or the acceptance of Jesus? Is acceptance of Jesus, right? And yet, how many religions rely on works for salvation? Yes, he's right, Bill just said all of them and he's right. I don't know of a single religion, I don't know of a single founder that has made the claim of Jesus or did what Jesus did. Let's be clear about this, Jesus was crucified on the cross. We have eyewitness accounts, he was buried, we have eyewitness accounts. He rose three days later, eyewitness accounts, first part of Acts, the last half of Matthew, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John talk about the instances after Jesus rode where they saw him. Thomas, he said, unless I had touched the scars, I won't believe. And he did, and he believed. No one else did that. And to me, that's one of the strongest arguments for the Christian faith because Jesus did something that no other religious leaders claimed that his followers claim and that they did. He's the only one. You have to decide whether you're going to accept it. So works isn't salvation, works is important because of rewards. Yes, sometimes Christians treat the word reward as a dirty four-letter word, but no, we do get rewards. And works is the method and the means by which those rewards are going to be determined, but works do not, do not, do not equal salvation. It is through accepting Jesus. And another reason, and you look at today's world, if it was the case, can you imagine the boasting people would do? They already do. I mean, sometimes listening to people, I did this, I did that. Well, yeah, maybe you did, but this is one case what you did other than submitting to Jesus as Lord and Savior. That's where you got your action that provided salvation. The other stuff is rewards. Do you really think you're going to get away with everything? This first helps me seeing, nope, because I don't know what people do when they leave here. I mean, everyone here seems to be really good people. Some people have known for over 20 years, and everything shows me when I am with them on Sunday mornings, and sometimes in other venues, they're pretty good people, but I don't know exactly what everyone does once they leave disability. And it's not important, what I know really doesn't matter. But if you think you're getting away with it, and let's be real, sometimes people do get away with stuff. Sometimes people do stuff, and no one else knows for years and years and years. Hey, guess what? There's someone that knows the second you do it up there. He knows, and this verse helps remind me, I may keep it secret from other people, but it's no secret to God. And this verse helps remind me of it. Anyone tell you that Jesus is not the way? Here's another verse that shoots that down. John 6, this is one of my favorite. I am the living bread which came down, and the bread I give is that he shall live forever. What else do you need to hear? He shall live forever. He is in reference to the people, or to the first part of that, where he says, "He may eat of this bread." I mean, come on, this structure makes it clear. The reference is to Jesus and his actions, not necessarily to us. And what was the bread? Flesh, which is another way of saying I gave up, I endured the cross. Because that's how he gave his flesh, he hung on a cross. Something like this, he hung on it. And he gave it because he loves the world, and he knew that was the only way it could happen. Psalm, we've got time. This one is not so much God's power. It just reminds me where my strength lies. Okay? And that's verse two. This is where my strength lies. It's the Lord. I don't always do good in following it. I don't always successful in doing everything God wants, but it's God. He's my buckler, horn of my salvation, high tower. This verse helps remind me of that. This verse to me is the single one verse that proves and shows that Jesus is the only answer. Why did the Jewish people have sacrifices? Because how did salvation or how did repentance occur through the shedding of blood? What did God do in the Old Testament? He had the people build altars and do sacrifices. Why to, as the vehicle, the means of obtaining salvation or repentance. Verse 25, and that's why I liked the word blood through faith in his blood. He doesn't say his words. He doesn't say his words. It says his blood. You know, if I cut myself right now and I'm bleeding down, okay, that's blood. And that's what he had to do. He had to use his blood. And what did that bleed? Notice the, about the third line, for a remission of sins. That's how the remission occurs. Not through our works, but through his shed blood. And you look at the history of the Old Testament. That's how the remission of sins occurred. It was through the blood of goats and bulls and all sorts of creatures, but they were temporary because even with that, it wasn't enough. So if you want to send his description of Jesus to declare what he does and what his work was all about, here you go. 24, 25 is the two best line or the descriptors to tell the emission of Jesus and what he did. Here's another verse where, look at verse 12, first part. Neither is salvation in any other. Acts makes very, very clear. Even the gospels themselves make very clear. That Jesus is the only way. And at some point either you're going to believe or you're not going to believe. I choose to believe because the evidence shows that he is the man that he said he is. All right. So this last 15 minutes, we talked about God. I hope to give you some encouragement this morning. These are verses that when I've been down and I've got solutions or situations I don't know what to do. I'll give you a quick example. Had a guy come out and look at the AC because the bills have been way, way higher than normal. Basically he says you need to trash his because this thing's about at the end of his limits. I spent, and I forgot the year, but the last two years I was at living in my house on Vanderbilt, I spent two years with no air or heat. Why? Because if they ran, if I ran into heat, the system was so whole, plugged with holes, I was going to get carbon monoxide poisoning. And in fact, three companies said they weren't even going to touch the system because of that. Because if I tried it and ignored them, then they would be held criminally liable. So I spent two years without it. It's not easy. Thank God for portable fans that's the only way I survived the summers. But, you know, and I don't say this to solicit money. Right now I don't have the money for a new system, period. And when he first told me that, "Oh, whoa, it's me. Why are you doing... Why are you allowing this to happen? I don't have the money. I don't know how I'm gonna get it. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Well, whoa, Danny, shut up. Just shut up and read your scriptures. And those scriptures help me. So let's look at some scriptures. Do you know everything? I mean, you got the answer for every situation you've gone to. Well, I'll just tell you, I don't. Air conditioning is a good example. So what does this say? We have someone we can go to. That's what this first is saying. We have someone we can go to that has the answer. And he wants to give it to us. Again, there's no time stamp here. It doesn't say they give it to all men within two minutes of the request. Doesn't say that. Doesn't say in the hour or day or even a year. And he does it without judgment. A parade is not. He's not going to chastise you for coming to him. He's not going to say, "How many times I got to tell you this? I've sent this over and over again. He's not going to have that attitude. But notice, he says, "Ask in faith." Faith is important. According to this verse, it sure is. This was a late edition. So within the last two weeks, I think I wrote this in. "Neither have entered the heart of man the things which God has prepared. We don't have the overall view. I can't see what's gonna happen for a hundred percent. What's gonna happen tomorrow?" But God does. Notice it says, "Predict them that love him." I was watching a video. There's a guy named Cliff, and I don't know how to say his last name. But he is a great evangelist. And he answers the tough questions. I mean tough ones. And so many times people will make fun of him and of God because they don't see God acting in their lives. So they just assume they're not acting in everyone else's. But we got to love them. We've got people expect God to do things for him, but they don't want to give anything in return. Do they want to give him his worship? Do they want to give him his adoration? Do you want him to do something? You don't pray or read the Bible? You gonna do something. It's not just, "Okay, bring it down. I'm ready." No, we don't. Don't work like that. We are new creatures. It's sometimes hard to remember that. And especially if we have a sin and we repeat it and we start self-inflicting ourselves and chastising and criticizing them. We are new creatures. And it says, "Oh things are passed away." We do have that victory. This first helps remind me that that previous life is the old life and that if I'll just let God's power through the Holy Spirit work in me, then those old things over time are going to pass away. Isaiah 40, I think to other person Isaiah, these are two of my very favorite. God can renew your strength. I know there are times I'm sure I felt it. I am sure where you say, "I can't do it anymore. I can't handle anymore." And maybe you by yourself can't, but there's someone who can do it for you. And that's what this first reminds me. It shows me that if I go to God with a pure heart and willing to give myself up, He is going to renew their strength. Mount up with wings as eagles. On this recent train trip, I spent a lot of times watching the scenery and all the things going out in front of me. And some of my favorites is in some of the Rocky Mountains, some of the eagles were flying and we were able to catch them. And just watching them, you know, they just do it. And they do it with such ease and grace. And they clearly, they are animals, they have power as you watch them, do some of the maneuvers that they do. I mean, these are powerful things. Jesus is saying that power that you will possess, I can give you that too. This is the second. I will strengthen the, "Yeah, I will help thee. I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." God's there and He's willing and wanting to help us in our times of sorrow, in our times of need. And then He will provide the strength that we don't seem to have. But you got to go to Him. He ain't going to happen again. It ain't going to happen. Sit on the couch. All right, I'm ready. Let's start. Don't work like that. There's one I want to get to. I'm probably backtrack, but I'm starting in short at time. Yeah, I thought I put it in. But I remember 1 Corinthians 10, 13, there have no temptation overtaking of it such as this common demand. But God is faithful who will not suffer for you to be tempted beyond that you are able. But with the temptation, provide a way of escape that you may be, that you may bear it. I thought for sure I put that in. That's probably my favorite scripture. He's telling us that He has it. At first, you can survive it. You can bear it because at first He will not serve you to be tempted beyond that you are able. So it's time temptation in trials. It says temptation, but I always also apply it to any trials or tribulations that I'm going through. Whatever you're going through, whether you're here in person or there, you can bear it. If you are willing to accept God and Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then whenever you're going through, you're going to be able to bear it. It's not easy. It's extremely hard sometimes to the point maybe where you're crying at night because the strain is so great. I understand that can happen. I've done some crying myself in each situation, but I'm telling you, experience has shown me that if I am going to be faithful and I've just persevere, then their situation gets resolved. Now, I don't know how it's going to necessary to be resolved at the time and sometimes I say, "Lord, I want it this way." No, no, no. The answer to the question would be, "Lord, however you want it resolved, resolve it that way." My personal likes in this situation doesn't matter. I want God to resolve it in a manner that is fitting and in accordance with what God's will is for me and my situation. He can provide that answer, but we have to be willing to persevere and hold up. All right, let's go on to these here. Titus 2, this is another one of my favorites. How should we live? Are there verses that show us how we should live? Hey, here's one right here. Here's one right here. Denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and note this. Godly. Godly. How are you going to live Godly by reading the Bible? That is the authoritative work to go to. You want to know what God thinks. You want to know what God wants us to do. That's where you go. Are you willing to accept what God says? Are you willing to accept what God is doing in your life? This first helped remind me to do that. There are things I've longed for, for years and years, and it hasn't happened. And at first, I wanted to go to know boo-hoo poor me, but I've just come to realize, and this first is again a reminder of this, that how should I put it? It says there was to be content. Okay, yes, be content. It doesn't mean that you don't try to resolve a problem. I'm not saying, "Oh, I just sit on the couch and let it continue to happen." I'm not saying that. But what I am saying, and especially if you put in Corinthians that I just talked about, we are still able to just say, all right, this is the way it is. I am going to go to God for solutions, but in the process of that happening, I am going to be content, and I'm going to put it in the hands of God. 13, I can do all things through Christ. There's your ultimate source. Yes, God gives us talents and abilities, and He wants us to use those talents and abilities to the best that we can. But ultimately, our actions have to be funneled through God and through Jesus. All right, I've got time for one more. Which one do I want to do? This one, last verse, Isaiah 25, for that has been a strength to deport, a strength to needy. There's five different things that are listed that He is doing for people. These are examples, and that's the reason I used it, because this shows five different situations where the Isaiah is saying, this is where God works. These are areas that God is going to help, and He'll be there to help us. So, time blocks is all right, Dan, enough talking, time for donuts and whatever snacks. So, we will be back in about 15 minutes. Again, we thank you for coming, or coming. Well, yeah, for those who are here coming, and watching on the internet, we'll see you in about 15 minutes. So, I'm just going to say a quick prayer. Heavenly Father, we now come to hear from a very good teacher, and one of Jonathan's dreams so God is His ability to explain processes because of His background that you have helped Him to learn. So, Lord, help Him to show us how to do things, help Him to give us an explanation that is simple but accurate, and that we can use each and every day to our daily lives. Give Him the words, give Him the thoughts, and let Him be a vessel through which you are speaking to things that the people need to hear. In Jesus' name, amen. Well, if you are online, I don't know if you can see that my glasses are fogging up. It was quite a good worship session. I don't know if I'll have to do this without the glasses. Oh, Hallelujah. We bless your holy name, Jesus. You alone are worthy. We bless your name in this place. We thank you, O Lord. We thank you for today. Thank you, Lord Jesus. We worship you and we magnify your holy name, your precious name that is above every other name. Hallelujah. Let's give the Lord another round of applause, please. Oh, He is worthy. Thank you. How is everyone doing this morning? Afternoon. Whatever it is. Amen. I see some new faces in here, welcome visitors. This is your new home. This is the Spirit of Prophecy Church here. We take the word of God, we try to dissect it as much as possible, and we serve meat here. There's a lot of churches out there that give just the continual milk, but we try to do a little bit of both. We try to bring you in, teach a little bit of that milk, but bring you into that meat that will keep you very sturdy, that will keep your feet on the front foundation that we call Christ in this crazy world. Amen. So what's happening in this time period in Israel is Yom Kippur. And of course, whenever I said what's happening in this time frame in Israel, people's probably thinking about, oh, they're missiles flying. There's wars happening, right? There are appointed times that we celebrate and that Jews celebrate as well. And so I just wanted to talk a little bit about Yom Kippur. What does that mean for us? Yom means day. Kippur means atonement. So we're going to talk about the day of atonement, arguably one of the most important days of the entire Jewish calendar. So what does it look like for modern times Yom Kippur? Well, it started October the 9th, so just a few days ago and finished up October 10th. I know that they start evening and then morning. So keep that in mind. I know that Lou talked on this briefly a couple of weeks back. I just wanted to touch back on it. So this time frame, I just wanted to let you know that there are feasts. We're going to talk a little bit about feasts, not too much in depth. But the Jews celebrate feasts, and these are appointed times that God has appointed to them. And we see back in Exodus as well as Leviticus, God has directed his people, the people that he has got over to have appointed days for specific things. And those specific things are to point to a redemptive plan, amen? So Yom Kippur, it's the day of atonement. What is it like these days? Well, what do the Israelites do? What do the Jews do? All day, they're to wait upon the high priest, because this day is almost like praying and fasting day. They're seeing, you know, going to people and they're making men's for all their relationships. Who in here has maybe gunked up a relationship in the past in their life once or twice, right? These are the days, or this is the day, where you go to those people and you ask for forgiveness. You say, "Hey man, I know that I wronged you in this way." It's Yom Kippur, and I just want to be in right standing with you. Please forgive me. I want my name to be written in the book of life. Amen? Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. So a lot of people are asking for forgiveness. They're meeting with people. They're mending relationships. They're building up relationships. And mostly it's a time of a contrite spirit before the Lord. You're kind of broken, because you know that you're a people that is in dire need of something, and that is a savior. Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. A lot of people here are seen at the Eastern Wall, and they're praying and fasting. Oh, sorry. One thing that they say to each other, and I might butcher this, but I'm going to do my best. So it's Gomar katima tova, which means, "May you have a good final seal." And what that means is in Exodus, the book of Exodus, as well as the book of Daniel. They talk about this book of life, which people desired for the Lord not to blot their name out, but to keep their name written in there. Who in here wants your name written in the book of life and to keep for God to keep it there. Amen? Amen. So that is their prayer for one another. It's a greeting. It says, "May you have a good final seal, my brother." So this happens about 10 days after their new years. Their new years starts the feast of trumpets, where the trumpets are blown. Then they start cleaning their house. They're purging their house of all of the sin, the things that lead them to sin, all of this and that. And they're preparing themselves for this miraculous day. What else do they do? Well, you can find them as well in the synagogues praying and fasting. That is what they do. They deplete themselves, empty themselves, and they desire for the Lord to answer their call of salvation, requesting salvation. So that is the day of atonement in a nutshell that I mentioned that they are waiting on the high priest. This is a day where they don't make sacrifices. This is the high priest's calling and doing. The high priest will make the sacrifice on behalf of the entire nation of Israel. So imagine the most important day of your life. All you can do is wait. Hurry up and wait. Just wait on the Lord. That's what they do. They're blowing the shofar. Nothing but wait. That's a beautiful thing. In this day and age, who of you can wait? Man, sometimes if I'm just sitting still, I get agitated. It's like I got to do something, right? Waiting upon the Lord is so critical. All right, so we're talking about these holy days, the feasts that we celebrate. God's appointed times is what they call holy days. That's why we call it holidays. So Jonathan, I am a New Testament born again Christian. Why do I have to care about the Old Testament? I have grace. I'm good to go, right? Really? Okay. Well, Romans chapter 11 verse 18 and 19 details the fact don't forget Gentiles that we were grafted in by grace, grafted into what? It was the olive tree that was already created and that was the Jews. That was that was the Israelites, right? And that was their culture. So we have been grafted in. So as I read, it says verse 18, "Bose not against the branches, but thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee." So that means that you're not the one that is burying the root, but the root is burying you. You're the one that's drawing from its life, not the other way around. Thou wilt say then the branches were broken off that I might be grafted in and that is by the grace of Jesus Christ, amen? We have been grafted in so let us remember where we are grafted into. Colossians chapter 2 verse 16 says, "Let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or in respect of any holy day or of the new moon or of the Sabbath days." What does that mean? Well, if you do honor and you do recognize some of these holy days and you have anybody, any of your brothers questioning you, "Hey man, you don't have to celebrate those anymore. You don't have to do these things. We're saved by grace. Remember this verse, right? As long as Holy Spirit convicts you to keep these and honor these as you feel fit to honor your God, do them and do them with your whole heart, amen? How about this one? Jesus speaks, says Matthew 1352, "Then said he unto them therefore every scribe which is instructed or taught unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is a householder which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and things old." Man, I mean have you ever gone shopping lately and you see antiques and they are going at a pricey rate? Sometimes these antiques point to the value of something greater. Sometimes we get inventions today that wouldn't have existed unless those antiques existed. So what I'm saying is there is value and there is even greater value in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament. We have to find those values so it's the old and the new that we can appreciate together. And lastly, I want to point this out to you if that's not enough. Who's worried about Satan's agenda? You have to worry about your opponent and I say worry, I take that back. God says do not worry because we have a redemptive plan at hand and the Lord Jesus is our answer. So you don't have to worry but you must be aware. Okay? Let's be made aware today. In Daniel chapter 7 verse 25 this prophecy is talking about and he shall speak great words against the Most High. This is talking about Satan and shall wear out the saints of the Most High and think to change times and laws. So if it didn't matter then why would your opponent be worrying about this so much? You might have to ask yourself that. So let's appreciate and let's honor these feasts. Amen? All right so here they are in a nutshell. We have broken out by the spring feasts as well as the fall feasts. We have the Passover, we have unleavened bread, we have first fruits and then of course what you know of Pentecost and then we fall into the fall which started late September early October and that's where the Feast of Trumps happens. Feast of Trumpets 10 days into the atonement period and that's what we're going to focus on today and then followed by on the 15th of the month of Chishri is tabernacles for about seven days. So let's focus on atonement because that is the most important holy day, the day of atonement. So again it happened on October 9th and 10th that's where we prepare ourselves and there is such a great understanding that we would like to uncover today. Leviticus chapter 16 is what holds most of this Yom Kippur details. It's all the instructions of the priests. What the priests should wear, what the priests should do, how the priests should do it, and why. So let's start with the attire. Well first let me point out Kippur or to atone is to cover, to blot out, to expiate, to condone or cancel and these are the sins from the beginning of time. The High Priest is to wear a specific garment, a garment of praise if you will. He has a turban on his head, the onyx stones, the breast plate, the robe, the ephod. It may not get it too much into it but you see that he's barefoot. That's really interesting. Remember back in the day Moses would actually anoint the priests with blood and he would get the blood and he would mark the priests on their right ear lobe, on their right thumb and their right big toe. I don't think you can do that with shoes on so I do hear whenever they have, they don't have shoes, it's probably because remove thy sandals for you are standing on holy ground. These are priests that are working on the very ground where Holy Spirit resides, right? So that's exactly why they're addressed this way and I think there might be a deeper teaching there. I mean I always think about, I equate this to the breast plate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the feet, shah sending on the word of God, all of these things, they're equipped for a purpose. These are the priests. So this is the high priest. If I didn't mention it before, I'll do it again. Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, is the one day where the high priest can enter the most holy place the one day out of the year, no other day. Very important. So about the animals and about the sacrifices. I'll try to make it nice and simple for you. So these are the animal sacrifices laid before you. You have a bullock, a young bull, and a ram, and then you have two more goats and another ram. So splitting them up, the bull is for the high priest, for the sins, it's a sin offering to cleanse the high priest of his sins before he enters into the most holy place. What's in the most holy place? It's God's presence. That's why we must purge ourselves of sin before we go and enter into the presence of God. So in order for the high priest to enter into the most holy place, he has to purge himself through the blood sacrifice of a bull. He also must offer a burnt offering of one ram. And likewise, there are two goats, two he goats, that are gathered from the congregation of Israel. So Israel as a nation is to give up their two goats. And one goat is called Azazel. And another one is blood sacrifice. Wait, wait Jonathan, wait, go back, go back. What's Azazel? Yeah, what is that? All right, Hebrews, Azaz, to remove or to be removed, El, God, to be removed from God. Does that sound familiar? What happened in the Garden of Eden? When Adam and Eve took of the fruit, they were removed from his presence, lest they eat of the tree of life, right? And that garden was blocked off by the cherubim with flaming swords. So we see that there is a removal because of sin. So Azazel, the removal from God's presence, okay? And then the other goat is for also a blood sacrifice to cleanse the entire nation of all of their sins for that year. And then lastly, we have that one ram of burnt offering. So again, the blood, remember, that first word that we're studying is kafar, a tone to cover, to blot out. So we're expecting this blood that we're going to sacrifice these goats and these bulls. We're going to take the blood and we're going to cover our sins with their innocent blood. It's supposed to be a very impactful thing. You don't want to do it, but you have to in order to be cleansed and to be made right with God. So here is a picture of the tabernacle. And what you're seeing is a cutout of, let me see if I can back up. There you go, of the holy place, which holds them in order to light stand as well as the showbread and then the altar of incense. Let me see. I forgot how to do the laser. Ah, cool. All right. I'll be like Pastor Stan today. So light stand here. We have the altar of incense for prayers. And then we have the showbread. All of these, you could say, are depicting Jesus the Christ. Jesus is the light of the world. He is our intercessor. He's our mediator. And he is the bread of life. And then here is the veil that separates the holy place from the most holy place. And that's exactly where the high priest is to go enter. And another thing, an accessory with his garment of praise is he's going to wrap it himself with the rope. Why? Because whenever they do this wrong, if they ever enter into the presence of God and they have sin, struck and dead right there. So people have to pull them out. I don't know of an incense that happened, but just to say that that's how they do things. And then here is the arc of the covenant, the mercy seat as we know it. And within that arc of the covenant, it's basically a gold plated box. And inside that box, there is treasures to the Israelite clan that is known for. It's the two tablets with the Ten Commandments on them. There is a rod, which is Aaron's staff, that eventually budded and had a flower budding at the top. And then it also had a jar filled with mana later on. So these are very important things to be as memorabilia for the Israelites to continue to believe in the Lord that he is Jehovah, that he is of life and the resurrection, that he is their protection, even through the wilderness. All right, so this is a place where the priest enters that one day and he takes a sensor. And basically, it's like he'll take a heap or a coal that's on fire and then he'll pour some incense over it. And then there will be a cloud of mist that comes around about the throne, around about the mercy seat. And that is the very resemblance of God and the presence of God as, you know, like the pillar of cloud. It's exactly like that. It's a depiction. So that is the first step is the high priest will enter into the most holy place. He'll set up the sensor and he'll, he'll cause the incense to flow and there will be a cloud of thick smoke in that place and he'll gently back up and he'll go and he'll get the bull and he'll make a sacrifice, place both of his hands upon that bull's head and say, "Forgive me, Lord, these are all of my sins. These are the sins of my family and these are the sins of all of the priests." That bull takes care of that. Okay, you with me? I know it's a lot of teaching and a lot of detail, but stick with me. All right, so that's the bull. He takes the blood of the bull in a bull. He enters back into the holy or the most holy place. He dips his hand in the blood and sprinkles seven times onto the holy or onto the mercy seat seven times and that will atone for his sins. Now, now that he's covered and he is made right with God, he goes back to the two goats and I'll go back here to show you. Those two goats for the nations of Israel, then they cast lots over two of them and casting lots is like a lottery, like lots, lottery. Think about it like just throwing dice, right? So when you cast lots, they're trying to pick which one is Azazil and which one will be the the blood sacrifice. The one that is Azazil will be marked for the Lord and then they also what I hear is they wrap around a scarlet thread to remember this is Azazil. This is the one that will be removed. This is the scapegoat. The other one will be slain. Again, they take a bowl of this blood and then the priest will enter back into the most holy place and atone for the sins of Israel, he'll dip his fingers in and sprinkle that blood onto the mercy seat and that is how the atonement is done. So fast forward even further into the Jewish understanding. So they they also use Talmud, which is the Jewish civil and ceremonial law book. So they use that also in conjunction with their fate. In Yoma 39A, which is a piece of you know a chapter and and a I guess a verse, you can find this passage. It says during the 40 years prior to the destruction of the second temple, the lot for God did not arise. Okay, let me pause there. Let me continue to talk a little bit about this. This excerpt is telling us that there is a miracle that happens every single year that they do the day of atonement. Not only are the sins forgiven, but whenever you wrap that red scarlet thread around that around the scapegoat, it turns white. Remember in Isaiah chapter one, it says, "For your sins are a scarlet, but I will make them whitest snow." He actually changes the color of this scarlet thread. And before I continue to talk about this, I forgot to even mention the scapegoat, the most important part, right? So after you do the blood sacrifice of the bull and of the goat, then is the other goat as Azel. Then Aaron, the high priest, is to put his two hands upon the head of that goat and transfer all of the sins and confess all of the sins of Israel into that goat. And then that goat will be led out into the wilderness by a fit man, and that fit man will lead him far away, and they won't see the sins ever again. Can I hear an amen? Because this means this is actually a picture of the greater of the latter. This is the former, and we get the latter. Remember that Jesus claims that he takes our sins and tosses them into the sea of forgetfulness. Amen. That means that they're blotted. They're covered. He is our covering. He has done that for us so that we could walk free. There is a celebration, and there is a roar in this place whenever it's the day of atonement, because they know that they're purged of their sin, and they can be in right standing with God, their protector, the lover of their souls. Amen? Okay, let's speed up to here. I ask myself a lot, Kate and I, we are always, oh, when was the last time that they had a sacrifice? And what time period was that? Do they still continue to do that? So I did a little bit of research, and I researched about the temples, and of course you have the tabernacle, and that eventually turned into an actual structure, a building, a temple through King Solomon. King David received all the blueprints, but King Solomon was the one that was able to build it. And then that was broken down during the exile of Babylon, right? So that was destroyed and ruined, but then there was an additional temple that was built by the few that left the remnant of Israel. So they built up a temple, and they continued their sacrifices. So when did this all stop? When did the High Priest stop doing the sacrifices? So let's go back to the excerpt. During the 40 years period prior to the destruction of the second temple, the lot for God did not arise in the High Priest's right hand at all. So too, the strip of crimson wool that was tied to the head of the goat that was sent to Azazil did not turn white. Wow, so I guess that was the last time that all of those miracles happened, 40 years prior to the destruction of the second temple. Do you know what is that Bill? Jesus is crucifixion. Jesus is the fulfillment of the law. Do you see that there was a transition? There was a transition in High Priests. Jesus became our High Priest at that point. He was the one that became even, oh, we'll talk about it. So let me just stop getting excited here, but Jesus is our fulfillment of the law. He will not break the law. He does not, you know, a sight swept the law. He fulfills it from every yod and tittle, which means the tiniest detail, he's completed. He is perfect. Jesus is our High Priest in Hebrews chapter 9, verse 11 through 12, but Christ being come and High Priest of good things to come by a greater and a more perfect tabernacle, which is heaven, not made with hands. That is to say, not of this building, neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood, he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. Amen. There is no more times where we have to, you know, goats and all of these sacrifices and all of these things. He is our covering once and for all. We have been cleansed of our sins and we believe in his name and he is our salvation yesterday, today and forever. Continually, he is our High Priest. He is living. He did not die. He actually gave up his spirit for us on behalf of us. So he could become our High Priest. He could become even the goat, the scapegoat. He could become the sacrificial lamb on our behalf. Do you see how this is playing? Jesus, our scapegoat. Wow. Did he become our scapegoat? Remember, he became sin who knew no sin. And it says Isaiah chapter 53 verse 6, "All we like sheep have gone astray." I know we have. I know we have. I've gone astray. But one of the worst, like Paul says, "We have turned everyone to his own way and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. Even if we did go astray, the Lord took all of that. He collected all of our sins and he laid it upon himself as Isaiah as a scapegoat. Remember that the father God turned his face against the son. Remember that? That was so sad. But it all had a mission. Jesus is our blood atonement. Leviticus chapter 17 verse 11. This is my next memory verse that I'm going to learn. "For the life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your soul. For it is the blood that make it an atonement for the soul." Oh wow. God is telling this to Moses. But of course, you and I being in spirit of prophecy church, we believe in prophecy, amen? This is a prophecy right here and it's fulfilled in Jesus. Hallelujah. Oh, this is another wild one. So it took me a little second to chew on this one. So I'll also take a minute here. Jesus is our atonement covering. What does that mean? In Romans chapter 3 verse 25. Excuse me. That? Okay. Jesus our atonement covering. Romans chapter 3 verse 25. "For whom God hath sent forth to be a propitiation, a covering, expide a canceling through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of God." In Hebrews chapter 9 verse 5 it says, "And over it," and this is talking a lot about the mercy seed. It's talking about the tabernacle in Hebrews. It's a beautiful concept. In fact, I really encourage you to read Hebrews all the way through and compare it to Leviticus and how it compares and how Jesus is the fulfillment of everything. Okay, back to Hebrews chapter 9. "And over it," which is the Ark of the Covenant, the cherubims of glory shadowed the mercy seed. Remember the cherubims with the wings, the six wings, and they shadowed over this mercy seed. Wait, it says mercy seed. Wait, but it's the same strong word. You see G 24 35. So in the blue letter Bible, you are able to translate some of these words back to the original meaning or get a greater context. So in this way, the word that we're looking at is helastarion, which is the covering, an atonement covering. But in Hebrews, it uses the word mercy seed, the same word that we use for mercy seed. So could Jesus be our mercy seed? Could he be the covering for us? Amen. Amen. He is our atonement covering. He is the propitiation for our sins. Amen. Amen. And that's an additional part. So we have Bill mentioning and reminding us that Ron Wyatt was talking about whenever Christ was crucified, the blood did drip down and drip upon the mercy seed. Amen. Jesus is our eternal atonement. So we don't have to do this every year like we talked about. That is amazing. By the which we are sanctified through the offering of the blood of Jesus Christ once and for all. And every priest standing daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices. Let me pause right there. And every priest, so you can see what the priests perform. You can see their job description here in this sentence. Every priest stands daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifice. So they pray and they offer sacrifices and they purge people from sacrifices and they deliver. This is the purpose of a priest. Keep that in mind. Which can never take away sins but this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever sat down on the right hand of God from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool for by one offering he had perfected forever them that are sanctified. Amen and hallelujah. Jesus is the way to the Father. He is. In fact we see him as the holy veil that separates the holy place from the most holy place. In Matthew chapter 27 verse 51 it reads and behold the veil of the temple was rent in twain from top to bottom. This was whenever Jesus was crucified and after he gave up his soul then there was an earthquake and the rocks rent as well. In Hebrews chapter 10 verse 19 and 20 it says having therefore brethren boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus by the new and living way which here we go he hath consecrated for us through the veil that is to say his flesh his flesh. Remember whenever he talks about for you must eat my flesh and drink my blood and through it you will have eternal life. Well the word was made flesh and dwelt among us the word was made flesh and the you know breaking of the bread and he broke the bread and gave it to his disciples and said take this all of you and eat from it for this is my body which will be given up for you. So now we see that his body is being rent in two so now we have direct access to the heart of God. Amen. All right so I talked about priests who in here is a priest. Okay we have a couple okay. Well a priest is one who offers sacrifices and in general in busied with sacred rites and two I want you to focus on this second definition. It's a metaphor of Christians because purified by the blood of Christ and brought into close intercourse with God or communion with God they devote their life to him alone and to Christ. So it's a devoutness right whenever you are a priest you are devout to the one that you worship. Well in Exodus chapter 19 verse 6 father God spoke to Moses and says and he shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and in holy nation and these are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel. Oh but that's New Testament yeah okay well okay did I say New Testament I'm an Old Testament this is New Testament here. First Peter chapter 2 verse 9 but ye are a chosen generation a royal priesthood and holy nation a peculiar people. Does that sound familiar? You see it playing back and forth we see the old we see the new and the plan hasn't changed it's just perfected in front of our eyes that ye should show forth the praises of him that ye shall show forth the praises of him who had called you out of darkness into this marvelous life. Wow it sounds like he's talking to us now huh are we priests okay let's find out Revelation chapter 1 verse 6 and this is Jesus Jesus had made us kings and priests unto God and his father to be to him be the glory and demean forever and ever amen. How many kings and priests do we have in here huh everybody should raise your hand wow you didn't know that you're a priest until today let's give the Lord a round of applause so great now you have a new title what does that mean you know that priests are working and toiling all day all the days of their life for one cause to worship their creator to worship the one that they worship right so dwelling in the garden of Eden that was Adam and Eve they were toiling for God they were technically priests right and of course don't don't stone me that's just me thinking outside the box okay relax all right dwelling in a tabernacle the priests are there and they're working day and night they're sacrificing and then there's a day of atonement that you know we talked about Yom Kippur then we also have the dwelling in the temple so the priests also worked there and then we also have dwelling in heaven all of these are important because it shows you that in the garden of Eden we had a perfect communion with the spirit of God and then as as Azel we had the removal from the presence of God because of sin and then the dwelling of the tabernacle was a portable temple so that we could try to wash ourselves clean so we can get back into the presence of God and then the dwelling in the temple is just a better version of that but an even better version is heaven so we are to enter into the most holy place with Jesus the Christ with our high priest in heaven and that is the place where his his glorious presence is where there will be no more weeping and he will wipe our tears there will be no more pain and no more death and no more suffering does that sound good okay we're priests now what all right first Corinthians chapter six verse 19 you must sanctify the temple that you're working with well in first Corinthians six 19 says what no you not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost which is in you which you have of God and me not on your own you are the temple of the living God the body of Christ where the spirit of God can reside in you so imagine what power that has whenever you have the word of God in you remember we're made kings and priests kings are the ones that were given authority by God and God alone and they had the authority to speak a word and that word became law so if they were a king for God they were to take his word and to mandate it over their domain that they ruled over what is the domain that you rule over you are a king you are a priest you have the word of God you have been given the title king you've been given the title priest where is your domain at work at your house right we don't lord it over people however we have the word of God and we have the domain that we are to be enacting these laws in sorry got an next slide here yes so the next slide is i am a priest now what in john chapter six it's honor the appointed times and events from god jesus sent to them amen amen i say to you unless you eat of the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you do not have life with you whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and i will raise him on the last day for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink so next week we're going to have communion and i want to draw your attention to this because whenever we saw that the veil was rent into we saw that jesus gave us his body which is he calls bread and we're to eat of it which we know that his body is the word made flesh and dwelt among us so when we take of his word and live on every single word that proceeds out of the mouth of god we will have life and when we drink his blood which is the blood of atonement which perfects us and covers us in perfect atonement which we can do once and for all whenever we take his blood we are coating the entered walls of our body and we're saying lord in this temple i am taking the hissep i'm dipping it in this in this unblemished lamb i'm marking it on the door posts of my heart of my soul of my everything come into my heart this is your temple reside here holy spirit can i hear an amen amen it's very powerful next slide please as i was going through psalms i was trying to be a teacher danny over there with my little note cards and going through psalms i stumbled upon this one that i really resonated with and i wanted to share it with you i'm a priest what now psalm chapter 51 11 through 15 this is david and he he says well this is my message to you is give as it has been given to you that's the message here so cast me not away from my presence don't make me as a zel right don't cast me away from your your holy presence and take not thy holy spirit from me oh lord restore unto me the joy of my salvation of thy salvation and uphold me with thy free spirit then will i teach transgressors thy way and sinners shall be converted unto thee is this anybody's heart out there deliver me from the blood guiltiness oh god thou god of my salvation and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness amen this is this is wonderful oh lord open thou my lips and my mouth shall show forth thy praise forevermore this is beautiful because this is a story of me and this i pray is a story of you you recognize the things that have been done for you you realize that Jesus is alpha and omega today he is the beginning and the end the first and last he is the cornerstone he is a stumbling block he is as a zel he is the blood uh the blood sacrifice he is uh the worthy lamb that was slain the Passover lamb that john the Baptist talked about he is all of these things he is now the high priest that he is mediating for us he's interceding for us in the most holy place amen we are covered there is nothing that we should be afraid of because of that he is living and he is our protector he is our high priest he is our banner and our strong tower whenever we can run to in trouble times right are we living in trouble times today we could run to him right now we should not fear but we should fear the one that can destroy both body and soul and hell which is him if you fear the lord then you have already won he has made you an overcomer by his blood revelation says you have been made overcomers by the blood of the lamb by the word of his testimony and love your life even not into death amen thank you oh lord thank you that you have given us this ability to be a king and a priest for your glory we shout for joy today we shout for joy because once we were slaves and we didn't know there was another way we just thought this world was just the only way but jesus is the way so when we taste of his goodness we can rejoice amen we can rejoice in this place amen thank you lord we are priests and we are kings in this place and right now i'm expecting you guys to burst through those doors and to go and get transgressors transgressors and teach them thy ways and to go and look at sinners and convert them because they know not what they do forgive them lord they know not what they do but we know a way we know jesus is the way we know who he is and i pray today that you give your whole heart your whole soul to him because that's exactly what matters that's the only thing that matters when you look at the news you look at everything around you it looks scary but it doesn't matter because jesus is the christ and he whatever he says you abide by whatever he took his israel clan or the the nation of israel into the wilderness he taught them and due to ronomy chapter eight it says he chased into them like a father would chase in the sun he disciplined them he taught them do not go this way otherwise this do not fret or worry do not complain or even the very earth will swallow you up but follow my word because by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god that is how you will live not by bread alone amen all right so i'm excited i hope you guys are excited next slide please that is the sermon yam kapur the day of atonement that is what is celebrated in our jewish brothers heritage uh we are we've been grafted in to the culture we've been grafted in to this lovely olive tree that has life that serves yeshua that serves jesus we worship jesus amen he is the christ he is the ruler that made this world his footstool and his ways are higher than ours his thoughts are far superior than ours so give your life to christ today if you are struggling or if you feel that you have been oppressed for far too long give it a try jesus jesus is the way the truth and the life he has desires to have a relationship with you there is healing there is deliverance in his name and there is joy forever more and pleasures and peace so this is our prayer for you at the spirit of prophecy church i encourage you people online and i pray for everybody here in this room that now that you recognize that you are a priest you are in a royal priesthood and that you have a domain to be working and performing and worshiping the lord may you take that seriously especially today for today well today is the day that the lord has made we are rejoicing we're glad in it but as long as it's called today encourage one another you are my brothers you are my sisters those that do the works of god you are my brothers and sisters we bind together and let us fulfill the works of god amen let's bow our heads today i'm going to pray for everybody in the congregation as well as people online father we thank you for this word we thank you that it's even a simple word yet it's so deep and so complex and so beautiful you are so perfect in all of your ways in Psalms or in Proverbs 8 it talks how even from the beginning of time you created all things through wisdom and you have created all things for the redemptive plan of your son Jesus the Christ our Messiah we say thank you for he for he loves our soul and he cleanses us by his blood he washes us clean he makes us whitest snow we say thank you father for taking all of our sins so that we have no more burdens you say take my burden for it is easy and light today if you hear my voice online or even in here and you are struggling with something if you feel oppressed take the word of the lord and take Jesus take his yoke for it is easy and light thank you lord thank you for purging us of our sins thank you for giving us a spirit of freedom for the where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty we receive that we receive the peace that this world cannot offer us we receive that and we command it to be to be with us and our loved ones today i pray father that whoever has heard this this message will continue to hunger and thirst for your word oh lord and that they would seek and find you with all of their heart we thank you for being a good god we thank you for being a generous and gracious god for us for you have cleansed us and you have considered us who is god that is mindful of man you are so loving we say thank you and may our words come back to you in um everything that you have given us may they come back to you in in full adoration lord we love you we worship you we lift your name up high you are exalted in this place oh lord and we magnify your name and glorify your name may we have a good week and i pray that you would continue to meet us in that secret place as we worship you as we continue to do these things as priests and kings may you continue to strengthen our hand may you continue to give us wisdom or we have not may you continue to direct our paths whenever we acknowledge your presence oh lord we love you thank you for your your people in here i pray almighty father that they go with a blessing in the coming in of spirit of prophecy church and the going out oh lord that they will have a blessing with them that they will be a blessing to others and not occur so mighty father and even the people that are uh far away in onduras right now in the name of jesus continue to be there covering continue to strengthen their feet continue to give them victory in the name of jesus and even the hunter's people that are receiving them i pray father that you would have mighty breakthrough for them in the name of jesus that they will receive salvation and freedom in jesus name thank you lord and hallelujah in the name of jesus we pray amen all right so that's the service today um if you have any questions you can contact us at that email if you can see spirit prophecy like share and subscribe um and also donate because we do have a mission trip that or a mission team that is active and ready to go uh slay the enemy in all parts of the earth so let's continue to support them as well as this church here as we continue to grow and feed uh feed the body of christ we love you guys and we will see you next week thank you guys for joining praise god