Rabbi Aryeh Beer

Hilchos Tefilah Siman kuf chaf daled part 1

Broadcast on:
13 Oct 2024
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(speaking in foreign language) Okay, we're gonna begin Sima Khufra of Talid. Now, I'm gonna try, but in other, in the middle of this, in this custom, this Sima, there's a lot of use, I just here, about being Iite, and some of them have very interesting relevance. (speaking in foreign language) So, this is a Sima in dealing with Khasar Sashats. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) After the tip was finished, I have an Englishman yesterday. (speaking in foreign language) Now, why is the Sima saying Khasar Sashats? So, the Mahabhar says, (speaking in foreign language) So, the bigger reason for the Takano of Khasar Sashats was to be might see somebody who does not know how to dive. So, he would come to Shul, and he would hear the Khazin saying the Khasar Sashats, and he would be Iite. That's what the purpose of Khasar Sashats was. Now, today in most Shul's, right, most communities, the one is in order to say Kedusha. In order to say Kedusha, you need a Tibu, and it was instituted as the Khuf Khafdall, 294, and it was instituted as in the third rakh of Shun'es, right? We say Kedusha. The Khasur Khafdall means also interesting. He brings in the midst of Birkhaz Karanim, needs a trailer, needs Khazar Sashats. You cannot just say Birkhaz Karanim without being a hailic of the trailer. Some want to say that Piski Chew was brings, and maybe to say, (speaking in foreign language) But I saw an interesting thing in the Chubus Van Haggis from Ramaishish Thumbur, and he, he said, (speaking in foreign language) and he says a very interesting, however, you all know that if you establish one essay, I mean, I don't know if you all know, we learned it. You did have an essay, and you didn't have Khavana in the first rakha, your mind was wandering, you weren't thinking about what you were saying in the first rakha. So, according to the Chubus Van Haggis, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) So, really, you have to dive in over. Comes along the Ramao, and he says, no, we do not dive in over. The person didn't have Khavana the first time, too bad, right? He doesn't dive in over, because who says he'll have Khavana the second time. That's more or less what the Rama says. So, comes on Ramaish Thumbur, and he says, wait a minute. You can save it. Listen to his also shots. Of course, listen to his also shots, not easy. To listen to all from an essay. The person that has a problem having Khavana probably would be very difficult. But, according to the fact that his mind wanted, which sometimes happens, he ran into shore, and really, his mind wasn't there at the beginning. It was something that was bothering him, you know, in the shore, and it's too late. Now, he's already after the first barra. So, he just finishes. But, so, he says, he should listen to his also shots. - But, every bounce, feel the whole sense to have a mind. You might see-- - After that, he, that's his question. Right, that's a good point. So, in the old days, that wasn't true. Because, when they first made the Takanopra's also shot, there were people who didn't know how to dive in. Not everybody, we live now in a society where everybody's literate, and you learn how to read. It wasn't always that way. You know, people who, you know, it wasn't such an established school system that we have today. So, a lot of people who never learned how to dive in. So, they would come to shore, and they would listen to the husband. I thought they were right. So, he clears this question. You have to ask the shield to see what to have you in mind. The Meuka then, you don't. He clears it, but Meuka, then you don't. Because, since he's davening with the Takanopra, right, Takanopra's hazal, and the purpose of Takanopra's talking to the moatsy anybody who needs to be right, say, La Jure, it works even today, without. But, it might be a milder to say, but it will, Mysie says no. But he says, what does a person do? We don't daven over. (speaking in foreign language) And anyhow, this is very important. Because, a lot of times, you talk a don't have kavana. And so, therefore, he suggests that that's what you should do. Somebody who's afraid that he didn't have kavana the first time. Let him, let him, he can't dive in over, right? You can't dive in over. But, this is innate. He can, he should be able to hear it from the shots. (speaking in foreign language) No, no, no, we go like this. Oh, no, no, no, no. (speaking in foreign language) No, you don't have to. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) You don't have to ask. Now. (speaking in foreign language) I meant to ask if you, you talk, you made up your mind, you're gonna have kavana right now. - Right. - Are you allowed to say it over? - No, no, you can't go against the kavana. - I'm asking you always, it's just you. - No, he's asking. Now, once you're asking, you cannot dive in over. No, you can't do it. You know, it's, whatever reason, you know, you don't dive in over for kasen kavana. You don't do it. Only if you make a mistake and things like that, you left something out. Okay, okay, so that's what he says. So, and then. - So, the kind of comment made it that you automatically, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) - You already say you, where are my, where? (speaking in foreign language) No, where are you, again, the kasen is divining because of the takanas kahami. The purpose of the takanas kahami was to be mitzi, somebody who needs to be right say. So, if you wanna be right say, if you're eligible, most people are not gonna be eligible. But if you're eligible, eligible means like this. If you dive in already, see, normally you have to be an inner buck. You don't know how to dive in. If you don't know how to dive in, then that's takanas kahami, you should be right say. That's what it was for. There were people who didn't know how to dive and they have to hear kasarasas shots. There's no other way for them. They're insured, they have to hear it. Now, we're talking about somebody who is a bucky. So, officially, if you are a bucky, you can't be able to hear kasarasas shots. But there will be situations, a bunch of them. - I'm going by the, what mechanics is? - The mechanics is that the, the mechanics of what, let's say you have a mitzi bar. - He doesn't know to be your kid. - He doesn't have to. - He doesn't have to. - Does the, does the, does the, does the kahami create? - Oh no, automatic, automatic, automatic. - I think. - So even if a person doesn't have you, might, mitzi somebody, you want to keep your feet. - No, no, only, only when there's a takanah, careful. When? - That's what I'm asking. What does the takanah do? - The takanah, it, takanah is, you are, anybody who goes to the Amid, dove into our pit, takanas kahami. You can't just go and dove into tushmana s-race. There's al-Akhah that there's kazos or shats. What is the kazos or shats? To be mitzi somebody who, you know, who needs to be, I'd say. So you are doing that. Yeah, for example. - But, but, but, let's say the person doesn't know that. - He doesn't have to know it. - The fact that, I can't, I can't, - I can't dove into tushmana s, right? - What? - It can't, it can't, it's on to know that the person has to. - Not on to know, automatic. Automatic, you don't need the dots. That's what it's for. That is what it's for. Since that's what it's for, that's how I understand it. (speaks in foreign language) Now, you wanna, in, in, in, as long as you're doing it, al-Stakanas, the kanas kahami, that there's kazos or shats, I don't think you need special kahami. I really don't. - No, the, the, the, my question is, is the kahami's come create the special kahmala or, or, or, or, shall it, right? - The purpose, you're doing something to be mited to the island. That's what you're doing it. So you don't have to have kavana to do that. - You don't even have to know that, you don't have to know that. - If it's at the kanas. (speaks in foreign language) - You don't even have to know it's at the kanas kahami. You just have to know that, okay. - Well, if you're doing that at the kanas kahami, yeah, the, the barber to know who doesn't know why is, why, I don't think he has to know. I think it works. It works. I think it works. That's at the kanas. I mean, now, so, so. Now, the person who's been here to, we'll, we'll get to that shortly. Let's first deal with this basic issue. So look at (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) So the (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) So somebody who knows how to dive in himself cannot say, "I'm gonna just listen and be here." Cannot do it. (speaks in foreign language) 'Cause at the kanas, the kazorsa shat has to be daftra if there is a minion. Now we come to very important questions. And it's discussed, interestingly enough, it's not here. It's discussed in (speaks in foreign language) And I'm very surprised, honestly, that (speaks in foreign language) does not say a word. Now, if he doesn't say a word here, okay, he should say something here too, but he doesn't. But where it is, he doesn't say anything. So what is this (speaks in foreign language) There is a difference between Rosh Hashanah and the rest of the year, which we will not deal essentially now, and that is that the, the fearless of (speaks in foreign language) even in the time, even today, but certainly then, not everybody knew those feelers. That's a once in a year, it's feeler. And there are a lot of people who didn't know it. And even if they did, they made a takana that Rosh Hashanah Musaf, (speaks in foreign language) the chasm can be (speaks in foreign language) even a buck. Even if you know how to dive in, that was the takana. Now, since it's very hard to be (speaks in foreign language) by listening, and we'll soon see there's another major problem. So obviously we all die, everybody dive in Musaf themselves. 'Cause it's very hard to pay attention. All Musaf, (speaks in foreign language) very hard thing to do. But theoretically it would work. And now listen to this. (speaks in foreign language) Okay, somebody didn't hear (speaks in foreign language) So, (speaks in foreign language) So even if Ruben lets say blue chauffeur ready for, he blew it already. And then he comes and he sees right, he goes home, and there's a yeet there with home bound, didn't hear chauffeur. So Ruben takes a chauffeur and blows for him. And the (speaks in foreign language) if the chauffeur doesn't know how to make the bucker, then the takana can make the buck. No problem. You don't need a minion, right? (speaks in foreign language) But let's say every yeet, he didn't dive in Musaf, shot as he can get by. But Musaf, he didn't dive in Musaf, (speaks in foreign language) Well, Ruben cannot be multi-shimming (speaks in foreign language) Can't do it. Why can't he do it? Says to Mr. Bora. Says, why? I feel him without his parlour laws, he is the British. Ruben didn't dive in yet himself, right? And he has somebody, and let's say this somebody, he can't bomb me none. He's an older person, even if he's a, his dogs is fine, but he can't see so well. And Musaf, you know, he can't read it. How's he gonna do it, right? So Ruben will say, okay, look, I'm gonna just stand here and dive in Musaf. I'll say it a little louder, and you listen, right? (speaks in foreign language) Says, can't do it. I feel him without his parlour laws. We're not talking about it, it's a second schmanasset. He's gonna be right, it's his old schmanasset now. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) He raises voice enough so that this ye can listen. (speaks in foreign language) But I feel him loyal to his parlour law as well. And this ye can't even dive in himself. He has no other answer. He can't make it to sure. He can't, he can't make it to sure. So he has no other answer, either this person dabbens for him, or he's not gonna be right, say. No, can't do it. (speaks in foreign language) That's what we're talking about here. Right, then it works. Otherwise not. Good, so that's a (speaks in foreign language) Now, comes along the Ramor, over there, and he says (speaks in foreign language) Some disagree, and they say the (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) If he can't dive in, he has no other answer. What's he gonna do? Right? He can't come to sure, only he can't dive in. So if he can't dive in, you can do it for him. Amor says, you can do it. Mr. Bula doesn't say a word. Nothing. He tells you (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Amor says (speaks in foreign language) Right? Doesn't say a word. And by also I'll say that, you need a million, you can't be right, say. So why doesn't it say anything? I don't know. What do you want him to have said? Either to say, shot in the (speaks in foreign language) and say we don't pass him that way. It's Amor, right? Now if you don't have a Mr. Bula, (speaks in foreign language) I would say, no, it's a (speaks in foreign language) if he didn't dive in himself, right? He didn't dive in himself. So when (speaks in foreign language) Why should it be different than any other broth? (speaks in foreign language) So that, (speaks in foreign language) Fela is different. When they made the takana, right, you're right. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Everything is fine, but not Fela, nothing. Because Hana is, you know, it's not supposed to, because Hana is, because it's not out of his. But here, oh, oh, what's this for it to be, I'd say? (speaks in foreign language) I have a yeet here who needs to dive in himself. If I don't dive in for him, he's not getting worse today. So doesn't he have a heave to dive in yourself, right? So that's the (speaks in foreign language) What's the, what's the (speaks in foreign language) The (speaks in foreign language) that the takana was, that to be yeet here with someone else, you need to have (speaks in foreign language) - Why is it 'cause those shots, like what? - No, no, no, you need a minion. They made a special takana to help out a person again, but because they wanted everybody to dive in himself. That's how they said it up. It's a good question. Why is it there? - It's said with a minion, it's the same-- - No, no, no, no, no, that's the takana (speaks in foreign language) There's a (speaks in foreign language) a whole takana that every takana, right? Except for my mother, because it's not, but there should be a (speaks in foreign language) Okay, fine, now wait. Comes along the (speaks in foreign language) And he says that he thinks we (speaks in foreign language) You can do it. (speaks in foreign language) The guy can't come to show up. What do you want from him? Can't come to show up. - Right there. - Right? (speaks in foreign language) - Yeah, he doesn't-- - It's not talking about here. - Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Now we have to think about that. Why do I have to (speaks in foreign language) - Where is the (speaks in foreign language) - Over there, right, okay, fine, you're right. So here-- - (speaks in foreign language) - No, the (speaks in foreign language) The (speaks in foreign language) is talking about (speaks in foreign language) I'll tell you why, let me explain. That's always my haktaama. If you're in shul, even if you know how to dive in, you can be (speaks in foreign language) with a (speaks in foreign language) because that's a remark at the end of a (speaks in foreign language) because since it's difficult, people don't know that (speaks in foreign language) even a (speaks in foreign language) could be (speaks in foreign language) by listening (speaks in foreign language) and there might even be a (speaks in foreign language) we don't do it because, please don't do it. But there's might be a (speaks in foreign language) because for Ashkenazim, we'll get (speaks in foreign language) we don't have it. When we dive in Ashkenazim, (speaks in foreign language) we have no (speaks in foreign language) the only hope that (speaks in foreign language) I'll say that (speaks in foreign language) is only by (speaks in foreign language) this as far as it today, but we don't have it. But the (speaks in foreign language) it's a la (speaks in foreign language) could be (speaks in foreign language) but now, so over there. (speaks in foreign language) what? (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) No, you do, you have to kiss when we say (speaks in foreign language) doesn't matter, doesn't matter. We can still have to kiss, I'll say that (speaks in foreign language) I won't have all this (speaks in foreign language) that's anywhere a problem. She missed it, you missed it. And I'm just saying, yeah. - This guy says (speaks in foreign language) - Yeah, (speaks in foreign language) Okay, okay, so wait, wait. And I'll listen to this. This is the issue in over there. Again, (speaks in foreign language) You could be right maybe it's (speaks in foreign language) but I don't think so, so listen to this. (speaks in foreign language) Okay, so now he says like this. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) He's saying that even if the person (speaks in foreign language) and he comes and there's a (speaks in foreign language) who doesn't cannot (speaks in foreign language) So he says he brings him here (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Now I don't think he means only (speaks in foreign language) I tell you why, 'cause if he's coming within (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Now listen to this, then he continues. (speaks in foreign language) Right over here, this (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) The mission of over there is going like the (speaks in foreign language) which he explained, I just read to you, that you can't be right there, you need a minion. (speaks in foreign language) You could be right there and it would be with any (speaks in foreign language) Now why the mission of over there didn't say anything (speaks in foreign language) Why not, I don't know, but he didn't. That's what he's saying over here. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Now, so he says (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Et cetera. And then he brings, so it sounds like the (speaks in foreign language) doesn't go with it for some reason. (speaks in foreign language) So what's the proper (speaks in foreign language) So look, you're not gonna take a chance in a (speaks in foreign language) You dab in the ready, right? And there's a (speaks in foreign language) I mean, you can't dab in over (speaks in foreign language) You're not doing anything. And you're saying (speaks in foreign language) But if you didn't dab in yet, you could do it. And I remember, if I remember correctly, unfortunately, I remember when (speaks in foreign language) was, he couldn't dab in sometimes. He could, by the way, but he had, it was so hard for him to just say one (speaks in foreign language) but he tried, but (speaks in foreign language) it was too much. He couldn't get to (speaks in foreign language) So we used to come, and the person with (speaks in foreign language) would say it out loud. No, I don't know if he was saying along something or not, but that's what we did. We, he would hear it, and he would listen. We would say, we said (speaks in foreign language) So we were going with this (speaks in foreign language) But now the second word, we didn't dab in yet. So the only thing you're saying is, you're saying it a little louder, and you're normally not supposed to dab in our loud, but for this, it's (speaks in foreign language) So that, but anyway, it is a problem why the mission of (speaks in foreign language) I don't understand it, unless you talk to hell that you can't do it. But anyway, you haven't (speaks in foreign language) it seems like (speaks in foreign language) seems that to go with it in the (speaks in foreign language) for (speaks in foreign language) situation. (speaks in foreign language) Oh, I'm saying not the way he's looking at it. (speaks in foreign language) You could tiny that, that's what that was mentioning. It's mentioned over there, but it looks the way, the way he analyzes it, it's not (speaks in foreign language) It's much more that the current and the first sheet and the (speaks in foreign language) that's it. He got to explain that this mission of war is going, (speaks in foreign language) to some of (speaks in foreign language) As far as I know, I don't know what he brings it anyway. And then, okay, so that's that. Now, if you take a look, take a look now at the first (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) It's a very difficult, (speaks in foreign language) in (speaks in foreign language) Now we all know that (speaks in foreign language) in your kipper, I mean even the (speaks in foreign language) Everybody says (speaks in foreign language) So, a lot of (speaks in foreign language) So, he says (speaks in foreign language) So, don't forget now, and the (speaks in foreign language) says, you can't be right there by listening. Why? Because (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) You're not going to be able to hear, if you're not doubting yourself, I mean, if you have a (speaks in foreign language) But if you're listening to your standing over here, how long this must have take two hours? I mean, it must have takes a while. So, you're standing (speaks in foreign language) And then they're saying (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) You can't concentrate, you can't hear everything. So, he says (speaks in foreign language) So, what's not a problem? The (speaks in foreign language) are not part of the (speaks in foreign language) They're additions. And it says (speaks in foreign language) can say them, but the person who's listening he says (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Ah, so now that is a very good point. What is he telling me? So, look at the (speaks in foreign language) So, (speaks in foreign language) when we come (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) So, why is he saying (speaks in foreign language) If nobody could be (speaks in foreign language) And now, if you're telling me, maybe there's nobody who needs to be (speaks in foreign language) But it works, you're telling me it doesn't work? Once he's saying (speaks in foreign language) So, why is he doing it? (speaks in foreign language) Listen to this. (speaks in foreign language) This is a pre-me garden, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) She is (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Theoretically, it works. I mean, maybe somebody will be there and you're talking to stand next to the (speaks in foreign language) And the husband will make sure to say every word and you'll hear, you'll hear the whole thing. Long shot, by any means, but maybe, okay. That's what he say. Now, by the way, he's not talking (speaks in foreign language) He could be talking (speaks in foreign language) when they say (speaks in foreign language) 'Cause he doesn't say (speaks in foreign language) He says, anytime they're speaking to him, they used to have (speaks in foreign language) they used to have (speaks in foreign language) They didn't have to be, they didn't have to be (speaks in foreign language) And that's why he says (speaks in foreign language) Because a whole year, you have to be in a bucket to be right there, right? Now, so, the shyly is, be the avid. What's the problem with the avid? Even, 'cause the den is, remember, this person is in a bucket, he doesn't have to dab it. So even be the avid, let's say it would be a half sick. But we pass skin, there are more pass skins than unless you're not allowed to dab it, right? You're not allowed to dab it because you're the muckab or you're stomach, whatever it is. It's not an illness, just even a half sick would not be my active with the avid. So maybe it means you shouldn't do it. You shouldn't do it, you shouldn't do it. But it's a big shot of why, but I found the prima garden today, which makes it even a bigger cashier. 'Cause the prima garden is in (speaks in foreign language) and that when there's for you, Tim, you can't be mighty. It's interesting, that means, okay, that's what he says, and Mr. Boer brings it. And that's an interesting thing to know, that when there's for you, Tim, let's say somebody forgot something in Mr. Monet's life. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, that reminds me, all right. Okay, I'll just tell you what the shyly is, very interesting. This year, you could have the shyly, I will also say that. Let me tell you what the shyly is and we'll discuss a little bit later tomorrow. This year, Yom Kippur comes out on Shabbos. (speaks in foreign language) You have to dab in over. If you dab in a regular Yom Kippur, (speaks in foreign language) and you don't mention Shabbos, you are not Yeritza. Now the guy has a shyly, we make up a shyly for you. It's Nih Ila and he forgot Shabbos. Now if he, he really has to dab in over. But if he dab in over, he's gonna miss you to fail. You know, he wants to say you give him minutes, whatever it is. Can he be right there with the husband? He'll pay attention, right? He'll put, right? Can he be right there? He says if he forgot, well, let's say even better, he has a suffix. Suffic is a real problem. 'Cause Shabbos is not on the doffer, it's not. So can he be right there? He'll listen to Nih Ila. He'll have to stand near the housing and there's a, but the problem is, according to what we just said, he can't do it. Beautiful. There's a whole interruption. (speaks in foreign language) So, or, right? It's a good question. Anyway, we'll discuss it tomorrow. I think if we do, I should. Yes. We'll discuss it tomorrow, but that'll be, that's one question, but, 'cause if you lean at it, okay, we'll continue to lean at it tomorrow. We'll see that in a case of where a person did dab it, no, they will, they will let him be right to which he did, with Hazal Sashat. Where he did dab it. Only when a person didn't dab it, you have to dab it yourself. But if you dab it then the, and now you have a problem, so instead of dabbing it over, Sometimes, yes, sometimes not. So, be narrow.