Omega Church with Ronnie Allen

Devil-Stomping Prayer Part | Tray New

Broadcast on:
13 Oct 2024
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Good day to you. This is Ronnie Allen coming to you once again from Omega Institute of Learning. Delighted that you're with us today. Right here at Omega Church here in San Antonio, you can go to You can see the various social media platforms we use. You can find out about our Christian daycare, King's Kids' Daycare. Email us your prayer request. If you make Jesus a Lord of your life through these teachings or through this study, then guess what? We want you to email us. Tell somebody about it and we'll send out material to you to bless you. That's what we want to do to establish in the truths of God's Word. We're here to see a nation turned toward God. By the way, if you would like to register your children for Omega Leadership Academy, always go to our website at Thank you for being with us today. We hope this message equips you to follow God's voice. We believe that if you're searching today, your search is over. Thanks for being with us and enjoy. And we've had church already. I just I just feel like that. As needed was praying, I just heard the Spirit of Lord say just go for it. Just go for it. So there's some that have had dreams and desires. You have gifts and talents, and you say what? I wonder if I if I could use that to bring in some kind of income. You've had that thought. That's a God seed. That's a God seed. Well, what if I do it and I feel do you know how many things I've done and failed? You just you just get up and you just keep doing it. Amen. If it doesn't work, go on going to the next. But sometimes we just give up on stuff too quickly. Or maybe that dream is for is not for that time in that moment, but it's something down the road. Maybe God's been getting you prepared. Maybe the job that you're at right now has been getting you prepared to do this thing. I don't know what it is. I can't tell you what it is, but to do this thing that's outside of the box. Okay. Could be. So just go for it. What if you fall in? Well, here's the thing. What if you succeed? Well, that the first thing that always comes to our mind is what what if what if we fail? What's going to happen? The money or the investment or the time that I put it into? What if I don't get it? What if I fail not in and I don't get it back? That's the first thought. What if it succeeds? Man, that what can I do for my family? What could I do to advance the kingdom of God? Man, if this thing really works and I'm and I stay persistent. You know, what kind of value? Amen? Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. How many of you were here Wednesday night? I was here Wednesday night. We're gonna be continue to talk about prayer. Before we get started, let me pray. Father, I just thank you that I hear your voice, the voice of a stranger, I will not follow. I thank you, Lord, that you give me clarity of speech, Lord God. I thank you for your anointing that removes every burden and destroys every yoke in the name of Jesus. I think that you're setting the cap is free, and yes, Lord, I thank you that you're teaching us to pray. In Jesus' name. And everybody said, Amen. So Wednesday night, we started, we're still talking about prayer, but as the Lord, you know, is impressing me. Oh, one, yeah, 180, 180, y'all can go. I almost forgot about it again. Thank you, Jesus. So, sorry, we're still talking about prayer, and as, you know, as the Lord leads me, He gives me titles, and then we just kind of dig into it. But Wednesday night, the title of the message was keys to devil stomping prayer. You know, I love kicking some devil butt. How about you? Usually everybody should enjoy kicking some devil butt because that's the reason Jesus came. He came to destroy the works of the enemy. Okay. And so if he's going to destroy the works of any of you, that means he's given us the power and authority that, you know, in Luke chapter 9 or 10, he says, he's given us all power and authority over all the works of the enemy. Okay, so you have power as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, you have power and authority over all the works of the enemy. And by no means shall anything harm you or hurt you. Okay, but it's whenever we don't know that we have this authority, that the enemy beats up on us, as pastor says, he'll, he'll, he'll steal your sack lunch, eat the lunch, and then pop the sack. Okay, so we have to know who we are in Christ and what, what benefits that we have as we, as we walk in his authority and who we are in him. And, and so kicking some devil butt ought to be on every believer's agenda every day. Amen. Are you, are you afraid of the devil? All right then, it's time for us to stop acting like we are. Okay, the devil's where he's, he's under our feet. Okay. I can't remember who it was. I don't know if it's in the book of Revelation or where it's at, but they said once the enemy is going to reveal, then, then we're going to say, who is this? That caused all this, all this trouble. He's just a little pipsqueak. You know it, but, but let we, we allow him to run rampant in the world today and also in our lives because we just allow it. Okay, he see, he, he runs around seeking whom he, who he may devour. That word may means to give permission. Okay, so Wednesday night we kind of opened up with some keys to devil stomping prayer and I want to encourage y'all to go back and listen to Wednesday night. I'm going to review just a little bit here, but we're not going to, we're not going to review very long because we have somewhere that we need, we need to get to. Okay, so in second Chronicles chapter number 7 verse, verse number 14 through 16, let's go there. Second Chronicles and this was our theme verse for Wednesday night, verse number 14. It says, "If my people," so who's he talking to here? Us, talking to us, "which are called by my name shall humble themselves." Okay, so we see here that a key point to prayer for us to be effective in our prayer life is humility, to humble ourselves. Pride will not pray. Pride will not come before God and ask for help. Pride will just basically stay away from God, okay? Humility is the byproduct of humbleness. Proverbs 16, James 4, 6 says, "God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble." And so God resists or holds far off the proud. Proverbs 16, verse 18 says, "Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall." And so I talked about how, you know, in the cowboy world, you know, cowboy pride is a real thing and that's the culture that I was raised up in and cowboys don't think they can do anything wrong and they think everybody else is wrong and they're doing everything right. I mean, not them as a whole but that culture is really tough, okay? And so they tend to want to take care of everything themselves and there's a real competitive spirit there and, you know, and I've found out in the rodeo world, the one that's doing the most bragging is the one that's not going to do the most winning, okay? characteristics of humility, humility, submits. So first of all, we are to humble ourselves before God. So people aren't to humble us, circumstances can't humble us in a way, but really we are to humble ourselves. So humility submits, humility is teachable, humility honors, humility doesn't think of itself too highly, doesn't think too highly of itself. James 4 verse, verse 7, it says submit yourselves to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you. So what are we doing? We're submitting ourselves to God and then we, in doing that, we resist the devil and he will flee. The Lord told me this, he said resist the lesser, we resist the lesser by submitting to the greater. Y'all should write that down. We resist the lesser by submitting to the greater and then we read that verse of scripture out of the Passion translation, so I encourage you to go read that there, verses 7 through 10. Pride will not run to God, it will not come to God. And then Matthew 11 verse 28 through 30, it says come unto me all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. And then in that verse of scripture there, I mentioned that pride carries the load, humility releases it. So pride wants to carry the load, pride will not come to God if they're burdened down with heaviness, they're going to try to take care of themselves instead of coming to God with it and releasing it to God. So pride carries the load, humility releases it. So we are to cast all our cares upon Lord because he cares for us. Jesus in that next verse, you know what let's go over there because I believe we need to kind of camp out on that. Let's go to Matthew 11, because I believe it's really important. Matthew 11 verse number 28, what I just read, it says come unto me all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Rest as the realm of God. Okay, we're resting in his finished work. And then in verse number 29, he says take my yoke upon you. So in other words, he's saying, hey, my ways are easy. Take upon me in my ways and my ways are easy. How many of you like to hit the easy button? I'm for hitting the easy button. It's called grace. Take upon, take my yoke upon you and then he says something very interesting right here. He says learn of me. Learn of me and then Jesus describes himself. Really this is the only place in Scripture where he he describes his character and describes himself. He says for I am meek. What does meek mean? He means to be teachable. Okay, he says for I'm meek and lowly. What is lowly in heart mean? It means he is humble. So the king of kings and the Lord of lords, the creator of all creation, he was with God in the beginning and he was there and everything that is made, everything that we see was made by him and for him. And so the creator of the universe is describing himself as being teachable and being humble. Amen? He came to he came not to be served but he came what? To serve. And so he's teaching his disciples, hey, bring all of your cares, all of your heavy load, bring it to me. I'm going to give you rest and he says watch me. Watch how I do things. Learn of me for I am teachable and I am humble and I am lowly. Learn of me and he says and you'll find rest and you shall find rest for your souls, your mind, your will and your emotions. He says for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Isn't this good news? They mean that we can come and cast all of our care on him but pride will not do that. Pride would rather carry the load and carry the anxiety of everything instead of releasing it to God. So he says learn of me. In Matthew chapter 14 Jesus I believe John the Baptist had just been had just been executed and he was trying to get away from from town but the multitudes followed him. They followed him wherever he went because of the signs of wonders and the miracles they wanted to be be with Jesus and so they followed him and they came and he taught them and then before too long his disciples this is a paraphrase. His disciples said hey it's getting late. It's getting late it's time to send them home so that they can go buy food so they can have something something to eat. Okay and then Jesus said something very interesting in Matthew chapter 14 he said you feed them. You feed them and so all of a sudden Jesus had just got through telling them to bring all of your care all of your weight all of your worry to me and I will give you rest my yoke is easy my burden is light. So I could just see them why you putting this load on us Jesus. He wasn't putting the load on them it was a learning moment and so he said but what do you have? They said we don't have we don't have enough food. How are we going to do this? What were they doing? They took on the weight of it. They took on the care of it. They were carrying it. They said what are we going to do? We just have five loaves and two fish. What is that among so many people? How in the world is that going to feed anybody? And Jesus usually there's a teacher moment he says bring what you have bring it to me bring the load bring the cares of it. In other words use what's in your hand and Jesus took it and he blessed it and he fed the multitudes with it and there was leftover after that. Okay so y'all getting the picture Jesus had just got through telling them hey bring me the load bring the care to me learn of me. How many how often do we do that? We just the bills come in. How are we going to take care of this? I know that this is this is me man I got to get another job. I got to try to take care of this situation and most of the time the answer is you just keep doing what you're doing. You keep praying you keep speaking to the mountain you keep casting the devil out you keep you keep chipping at the mountain you just keep doing what you're doing. Don't lose focus and our focus is to what? To seek his face and then that next and then in the next verse he says my people will humble myself and do what? Seek my face. Seek my face and so so many times so many times we're looking for we're looking for God's hand just to deliver us and his and his hand is not his hand is mighty to save okay but he says if they will seek my face seek a relationship with me look me in the eye face to face come to me worship me let's have fellowship together that's what he's saying if they will seek my face seek a relationship with me in other words he's saying learn of me and then we'll find out whenever we're seeking his face we'll always find that his hand is always extended just like Peter when he got out and walked on the water Jesus told him to come and he got out and he walked on the water but then he started taking his focus off of Jesus and he started he was focusing on the wind and the waves he was certain in other words he was focusing on the circumstances of life he started focusing on that and he took his eyes off of Jesus took his focus off and then the Bible says that he began to say I don't know how you begin to sing how many of you ever stepped off the edge of a pool did you begin to sink or did you you sing I believe that he began to sink it was in a slow process because when he started to sink he turned his eyes back to Jesus and when he turned his focus back to Jesus and looked at him in his face then he found that his hand was extended okay isn't that good news amen hallelujah so we seek his face not just his hand seeking a relationship not just what he can do for us the children of Israel I believe this is what this is what they done they didn't want a relationship with God they wanted Moses to have that relationship okay they enjoyed what God had to offer until they got tired of it okay but they told Moses no you go you hear God's voice and then you come and tell us what God said that's a paraphrase you need to go study that out pastor Phyllis and I were talking about this not too long ago and they didn't desire that relationship and then because they weren't in a relationship with God they started serving other other gods okay so we're just not gonna seek his hand we're gonna seek his face and whenever we seek his face and we're in his presence and we find that his hand his hand is always mighty to save amen and then the next part of that he says if you'll repent and turn from your wicked ways then I'll I'll hear from heaven and heal your land okay repentance is a must if we're gonna have devil stomping prayer if our prayers gonna be effective there must be repentance why is repentance so important because if we're repentance is not just it's just not feeling sorry about the things that you've done that's not what it is yes a a broken heart and contract spirit God does not reject that okay but if if we just keep doing the same old thing that's not repentance repentance is turning away and turning towards God turning toward toward his way of doing things that's what it means to to seek you first the kingdom of God and and his righteousness that means his way of doing things okay and then all of these other things would be added to us so repentance is a huge part of devil stomping prayer why because if you don't repent and you have a sin conscious on you all the time because the devil's gonna let you know that you've messed up and he's gonna let you know over and over and over and over again he's gonna let you know how many are ever ever ever prayed a prayer like this and you're a believer and you prayed Lord I'm not worthy how many have ever prayed a prayer like that you say Lord I'm not worthy to count I have but that was before that was it that's a religious prayer actually that's a that's a religious prideful prayer to say Lord I'm not worthy because you're saying that the blood of Jesus was not sufficient enough to make you the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus but if we allow sin to keep bombarding us in our conscious that hey that that you're a sinner no I'm saved by grace we're not just old sinners you're saved by grace and so we got to have that attitude but if we just keep sitting then then that gives the devil ammunition to come at us that you're not worthy to come before the throne of grace because how are we supposed to come before the throne of great we're supposed to come boldly and come confidently but if we're beat down and we're still walking in the in the flesh then the enemy's gonna keep beating us up and we're still gonna keep thinking that we're not worthy to come before the throne of grace you see we have to become more righteous conscious than we are sin conscious okay I'm just not there are things that I've been delivered from that some people in the body of Christ religion says well you're just too religious and you just need to get free and you need to do it's okay if you do this guy no there are things that I've been delivered from that I'm never gonna enter into again never I'm not gonna allow the enemy to beat me up and say you're not worthy and keep me from going through the throne of grace where I can receive mercy and I can receive help in time of trouble it's not gonna happen so I don't care how many cigars preachers are smoking right now I don't care how much wine they're drinking I don't care I don't care how much if they're just if they're gonna drink a beer whatever I'm not gonna do it not just because I'm a preacher but I've been delivered from that so why do I want to return to the muck in the mire that I've already been delivered from amen so well what if you're in that setting just say no thank you just say no thank you I'm not I'm not offended by if you if you do it I can tell you one thing it's gonna keep you from going forward in what God has you to do okay I'm just not gonna do it I'm not gonna click on the bait no no bait clicking here no I can tell you how many I get free to request on Instagram and yes I would like to have a huge Instagram following so that the the word that we get out there we want to get it out there to everybody but there's just so much crap out there that I have to delete I mean most of it it's just crap just don't enter into it the Bible says give no place to the devil and if you're giving place to the devil that's gonna hinder your prayer because we want to have devil stopping prayer amen quit opening the door up hallelujah I'm just not I'm just not gonna enter into it no thank you you do you I'll do me okay oh mercy sakes and I yeah you just would not believe the stuff I've heard hallelujah not gonna enter into it I don't care if it offends you I'm unoffendable thank you Jesus thank you Lord so repentance is a huge thing so now let's get into what thank you Jesus I want to talk to you about this is going to get us over to an to an area that there is power in persistence power in persistence you see we just can't we just can't the enemy wants to hold on to your stuff and he don't want to let you have it and so we are to take back everything that the enemy has stolen from us persistence here's the definition of persistence is firm our continuance in a course of action or a course or action in spite of difficulty or opposition persistence sometimes Christians can be the most passive person on the plate on the planet earth because you just want to love everybody and so you just go along with it what everybody says and we're not persistent so here it is again firm or continuous in in a course or action in spite of difficulty or opposition just because maybe God's told you to do something maybe he's giving you that plan or that dream or that business and we take it before the throne of God and we feel like that that you know we're we if you'll practice hearing the voice of God eventually you're gonna get it right but if you don't practice you're never gonna get it right okay and you feel like that you've some kind of decision that you that you need to make and you believe that you've had you've got direction from God and then we pray one time okay God we're gonna do this but then you have resistance come up believe me if it's a God dream you're gonna have resistance there's no doubt about it and so I would I would be I would say that if you have a God dream and you feel like that just to say you feel like you're supposed to move to another city you're supposed to leave where you're at move to another city and it just seems like man everything is just falling in line and you take that as a sign that it's a God thing I would say it's probably not why because they're not any resistance there's no opposition you see we take it that the Christian life is just supposed to be the easy life yes we hit the easy button when we depend on the grace of God his power working in us to help us do with these what we couldn't do on our own but if there's no opposition I would be saying that what if the enemy's trying to lead you into a trap because if the enemy's trying to lead you into a trap there won't be any opposition there won't be any resistance why because the thief coming up but to kill to steal and destroy I've been seeing these things on the on memes that you know what we think God's plan is and it's a straight line but actually God's plan is is you're going through the valley you're coming up on the hill you're having a mountain climb you're having the dig in you're having to believe God you're having to rebuke the devil you're having to cast out devils you're having to cast you're having to cast down the thoughts that you're having okay you're having that's where the that's the biggest battlefield is going to be in your mind and in the way you think okay so there's going to be some resistance and there's going to be some opposition but we have to be persistent in prayer because there's power in persistence are you all with me everybody say I'm going to be persistent in prayer because there's power in persistence okay Jacob and Genesis 32 y'all can go read this some time but you know what let's go over there Genesis 32 I'm gonna I'm just gonna start reading it verse number one I'm gonna read this out amplified it says then as Jacob went on his way the angels of God met him to reassure and protect him and so our angels are encamped around about us to lift us up so we don't do what dash our foot against the stone okay and then the angels of God what do they do they hearken into the voice of God's word and so we put our angels are the ministering angels we put them to work whenever we speak the word of God everybody say it's time for me to speak the word of God okay so when Jacob saw them he said this is God's camp so he named that place my hand which means double camps then Jacob sent messengers ahead to his brother Esau and so we see here that Esau he's going to Esau and then they're sending messengers to Esau his brother Jacob is afraid he's kind of afraid that Esau's gonna be angry at him and so he comes in and he starts sending gifts and stuff to Esau all right and then verse number 11 he says deliver me I pray from the hand of my brother for the hand of Esau for I fear him lest he will come and smite me in the mother but children okay then it says he gave all kinds of of gifts and stuff go go and read that it's not where I want to get to but anyway verse number 21 verse no verse number 22 but he got up that same night and took his two wives his two female servants and his 11 children and waited over and waited over the four of Jabba then he took them and sent them across the brook and he sent them across whatever he had so Jacob was left alone so he was what he was left alone and then it says and a man now this word man is capitalized right here came and wrestled with him until daybreak when the man saw that he had not prevailed against Jacob he touched his joint and Jacob's hip was dislocated as he wrestled with him and he said let me go so who's saying is the capitalized man okay let me go for days breaking but Jacob said I will not let you go unless you declare a blessing on me he so was Jacob being persistence yes he wasn't allowing the circumstances to keep him from getting what God has for him he was persistent he says I'm not going to let you go so you can say here that Jacob was not going to let go of the promises of God until he had them he wasn't going to let go that's what persistence does it will not let go it won't let go and what is the blessing the blessing is empowerment to prosper each and every one of us have been blessed by God empowered us to prosper in every area of life not just finances relationships everything our health he has blessed us empowered us to prosper in every area but too too many times we just let go of it why because it's not coming the way that we think it ought to come our small mentality will not see God where he's at in his plan because his plans are higher than our plans his plans are greater than our plans his way of doing things are much greater than our ways okay I would say that sometimes things don't get to you quicker because because he's because you're learning something there's some character that needs to be developed in the learning process you know so many times you know you we send our kids to these highfalutin colleges or universities and just because they get out of a four-year education and they get a degree they think they ought to go into the workforce making a hundred thousand a year and it I mean I'm not saying it doesn't happen sometimes but most of the time it doesn't why because they're learning has not stopped there's some character that needs to be developed I know that there's some things opening up to be right now that haven't opened up before that I've that I've thought about that I see okay now I see God there are some things I needed to learn before I get here some characters that need to be developed some pride that needed to be taken down some humility character development training we're in what we're in training for raining okay but Jacob wouldn't let go and so they kept on and said so he asked him what is your name and he said Jacob and he said your name shall no longer be Jacob but Israel for you have struggled with God and with men and have prevailed then Jacob asked him please tell me your name but he said why is that why is it that you asked my name so he he's saying you know who I am and he declared a blessing of the covenant promises on Jacob there so Jacob name listen he named that place Peniel which means the face of God for I have seen God face-to-face yet my life has not been snatched away so he called that place the face of God and because he had sought God all right so Jacob he was persistent and he would not let go I remember some time ago I don't know how many years it's been many years ago pastor he preached a whole series of bulldog faith y'all remember that bulldog faith you know a bulldog whenever they latch on to something their jaws lock and my my uncle he used to have pit bulls I think I don't know I think he may even use them to fight because he you know he was a character he had fighting roosters and fighting bulldogs and all kinds of stuff but I remember him having to hit that dog it got latched on the one who says I was he had to get a stick in his mouth and pride that dogs mouth open in order for it to let go you see it's that kind of bulldog faith in that tenacity and that persistence that hey God I am not gonna let go I'm not gonna let go of your promises and then we have to be persistent in and bombarding the gates of hell got to be persistent in that you become persistent in it whenever you realize or you have a revelation knowledge of the promises of God that God's not a man that's he would lie that everything that he says is the absolute truth amen you won't let go of it not gonna let go of it need it I have decided we are not gonna let go of it we're not and God's proved it over and over and over again okay let's go to Luke Luke chapter Luke chapter 18 in the Passion translation I'm gonna start reading at verse number one y'all know the story about the and the unjust judge right okay y'all realize that whenever they're whenever talking about the unjust judge in Luke chapter 18 that it's not talking about God okay y'all got that so one day Jesus taught the apostles to keep praying and never stop or lose hope never to keep praying and to never stop or lose hope does that sound like persistence yes it does he shared with them this illustration in a certain town there was a judge a thick skinned and godless man who had no fear of others opinion so he didn't care when anybody else thought didn't care and the same town there was a poor widow who kept pleading with a judge so she was being what she was being persistent in other words she was not letting go she was not going to give up now was she bombarding God no she wasn't she was bombarding the unjust judge the thick skin judge who didn't care about anybody that's who she was bombarding a poor widow kept pleading with the judge grant me justice and protect me from my oppressor he had ignored her pleas for quite some time but she did what she she kept asking persistence she could have gave up because he just wasn't hearing it and he was ignoring her eventually he said to himself this widow keeps annoying me it's time that y'all start annoying the devil you can annoy him keep telling him who he is keep telling him that he's already lost keep telling him he that he's the the pimp squeaked out he is keep telling him that he's a liar annoys a fire out of him I don't know if he can do that but because he's gonna burn just keep annoying him how do you do that you keep bombarding him let go of my stuff you can't stop me I'm more than a conqueror thanks being the God who always causes me to triumph in Christ Jesus you bomb barred him with the word of God keep bombarding keep bombarding the enemy with the word of God demanding her rights and I've in a and I'm tired of listening to her even though I'm not a religious man and I don't care about the opinions of others I'll get her off my back by answering her claims for justice and I'll rule in her favor then she'll leave me alone Jesus continued did you hear what the godless judge said that he would answer her persistent request in other words just keep bombarding keep being persistent now this is not begging God this is not begging God right here begging is not prayer I would say that prayer and you can back it up in the word prayer is not so much about asking as it is declaring it's not so much about asking as it is being thankful and receiving what Jesus has already paid for you see this was before he went to the cross now that he's already went to the cross and he has paid the sin debt and he has already made everything that could ever be made available when he said it is finished that means it is finished and whatever heaven has to offer now you can have it and all we have to do is receive it because all of the promises of God are in him are already yes and amen which means so did and so it's just up to us to receive it to declare the word declare the promises of God and not ever let go of them if you don't leave here with anything else today I want you to leave here knowing that the promises of God are in him yes and amen and for you to latch on to him like with bulldog faith and never let go of them again amen don't ever let go and so but answer her persistent request don't you know that God the true judge will grant justice to all his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night he will he will pour out his spirit upon them he will not delay this is he will not delay to answer you and give you what you ask for God will give swift justice to those who don't give up you know so many times I think that we when we pray we have already given up and given up in our heart that the answer is not gonna be there that God's not gonna answer that prayer he has already said yes and amen to it don't give up so be ever praying and ever expecting so be ever praying and ever expecting in Daniel chapter number 10 Daniel was fasting and he was praying the Bible actually says that he was warning for three weeks so this is where the 21 day Daniel fast comes in okay let's go with their Daniel chapter 10 hallelujah remember we're talking about devil stomping prayer kicking some devil but come on we need some devil stomping devil but kicking faith in Jesus name Daniel chapter 10 and so Daniel had been fasting and he had been praying and then all the sudden he said lifted up my eyes and look behold us this is verse number 5 then I lifted up my eyes and look and behold a certain man clothed in linen whose loins were girded with fine gold of Upes his body was also like the burrow in his face as the appearance of lightning and his eyes the lamps of fire and his arms and his feet in color to polish brass and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude and Daniel alone saw the vision for the men were with him that were with that were with me saw not division but a great quaking fell upon them so that they fled to hide themselves and so and so Daniel saw the vision but the men who are with him didn't see it but they they felt the presence because there was a quaking come upon them therefore I was left alone and I saw this great vision and there remained no strength in me for my my cumulus was turned in me into corruption and I retained no strength yet heard I the voice of his words so what do you hear the voice of his words and when I heard the voice of his words then I was in a deep sleep in my face on my face and my face toward the ground and behold a hand touched me which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands and he said unto me oh Daniel a man greatly beloved understand the words that I speak unto thee and stand upright for unto thee I am now sent and when he had spoken his word unto me I stood up trembling then he said unto me fear not Daniel from the first day don't get that from the first day that thou did is set that heart to understand and to chasten I simple for me thy words were heard and I am come for thy words and so the very first day that Daniel turned his heart towards God whenever he was praying and fasting God heard him God heard his words from that very moment now let's keep going so he was being for the 21 days what was he doing he was being what he was being persistent he wasn't letting go and when he had spoken this word of me I stood trimming verse number 13 but the prince of the kingdom of Persia was stood me so what happened as soon as Daniel prayed God heard but then his answer was on the way and the prince of Persia the enemy was stood his answer was stood what was coming to him but Daniel didn't give up right he kept praying but the prince of the kingdom of Persia was stood me one and 21 days but low Michael one of his chief priests came to help me and I remain there with the kings of Persia now I am come to make the understand what shall befall that people in later days so anyway he saying look as soon as you prayed God heard and he heard them because of his words and our angels harken unto the voice of God's word and so the angel was dispatched to bring Daniel his answer but the enemy did what resisted him but Daniel didn't give up what did he do he persisted he kept on praying he didn't give up he latched on to the promises of God and this is what we're supposed to do our answers are on the way and we are to give up and lose hope we're to keep hope alive amen so the very day that Daniel said his heart listen this set his heart to understand another he turned his heart towards God his words were heard in James chapter 5 in the amplified let's go over there this is a scripture that we've been going to again and again and again while we've been talking about prayer because we need to realize the power that we have whenever we pray I'm going to read this out of the amplified verse number 15 let's see verse number yeah 15 and 16 it says in the prayer of faith will restore the one who is sick and the Lord will raise him up does that sound like a devil stomping prayer right the prayer of faith the prayer that is prayed with no doubt no one belief believing that God if God said it then he means it if God means it then he's gonna say it amen so it's a prayer of faith the prayer of believing God and receiving what God has already paid paid for and the prayer faith will restore the one who is sick and the Lord will raise him up therefore confess your sins one another your your your false steps and your fences and pray therefore one another that you may be healed and restored the heart felt listen to this the heartfelt persistent prayer y'all see that or continue that says in the classic continued prayer not giving up persistent prayer of a righteous man believer can accomplish much when you put into action and made effective when put into action and made effective by God it is dynamic and can have tremendous power your prayers have power say it one more time your prayers have power yeah y'all should do that say my prayers have power my prayers have power so that means whenever you tell the devil to get out of your family to get out of your finances to get out of your body then what does he have to do he's got to go why because the same you see so many times the devil wants to keep you silent he wants to keep you shut up and he does it with shame and guilt and a sin consciousness now the Bible says let the redeemed of the Lord say so you know that's what this world system wants to do right now it wants to shut the believer up why because the enemy knows that if you just shut the believer up then the devil can run rampant evil can run rampant immorality can run rapid if he can just get the believers to shut up why because whenever we release the word of God then there's tremendous power that is attached with it and believe me it's the power the same power that raised Jesus up from the grave it's the same power that whenever God spoke it was it's the same creative power there listen you first preacher say this over and over again that there's a miracle in your mouth that's the absolute truth because we're made in the image and lightness of God and how are we going to create this we do it by speaking the word of God and so the Lord told me this on on Wednesday and it's kind of a little cool little slogan I think we ought to get a t-shirt made made out of it or a cool little one of the slogan or statement or whatever but we pray when we pray we say what do we say we say what God says not if we pray because believers are called to pray and it's so important that we know what prayer is prayer is not begging prayer is not saying that the prayer is not saying well if it be your will we got to know what the will of God is before we ever pray because if you don't know what the will of God says then you're gonna pray if it be your will and you just let the enemy know that you have no clue what the will of God is for your life so we got to quit praying if it be your will no he's already proved his will by going to the cross dying the death that he did raising going to hell beaten up on the devil and raising and coming to life again on the third day he's already he's already proved it he's already proved it and so when we pray not if we pray but when we pray what are we gonna pray what are we gonna say we're gonna say something right we're gonna say what God says what does God say that I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus amen that I'm the head and not the tail that I'm above only and not beneath that I'm blessed with faithful labor ham you just start getting those getting those confessions out and when if you get those confessions out write your confessions down and those confessions are based upon the word of God those are the promises of God that's how God knows you that's how he describes you that's who you are in Christ that you are royalty that you're a peculiar people that you're a blessed people amen you just keep throwing that at the devil so when we pray we say what God says and whenever we pray we we pray we say what God says and then we slay what are we slaying we're slaying all the works of the enemy in Jesus name you're a giant slayer just like David you're a giant slayer amen so if I say they say I pray I say I slay I pray I say I slay I pray I say I slay we pray we slay no we say let's start over we pray we say and we slay God has given you all power and all authority over all the works of the enemy and by no means say anything harm you is that good news just can't keep your mouth shut Christians all to be loud mouths don't be obnoxious to other people but we ought to be obnoxious towards a devil amen and before too long you'll say you know what I'm tired of messing with neither I'm tired of messing with Stacy I'm tired of messing with Sonny he knows too much it would not be something the devil come in and try to do something to us and we're just like you can't come here and the devil say you know what you're right you know too much he knows who he is in Christ he knows that he's a righteousness or she's the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus that the blood of Jesus covers him from the top of their head so's with their feet side to side in every working part in Jesus name devil you can't touch my family I pleaded the blood I plead the bloodline and gee you can't cross the bloodline all of my children are tall of the Lord and great is the piece of my children amen all of my household's gonna be safe devil you turn loose of my family right now in the name of Jesus you can't have a they're gonna serve God I don't care what it looks like where they're at right now no the promises all of my health is gonna be saved and they're gonna serve God all of them all my family every one of them in the name of Jesus every in law and every outlaw as pastor says every one of them and all every one of them that are coming into the family are gonna serve God and they're gonna be they're gonna be saved and they're gonna be sanctified and they're gonna be filled with the Holy Ghost in Jesus name I'm telling you the devil if we will get this down I'm telling you what there is nothing that the enemy can come up against us because we pray powerful prayers because we pray what God says amen and God's word has the power in itself I mean God's word is a seed God's word has the power in itself to to make itself come the past but we got to get we got to get it out there God is calling his body right now to pray because in second chronicles it says if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways turn from their wicked ways then I'll hear from heaven and heal their land listen this is this is Old Testament stuff we live in a better covenant based on better promises to where it's already all been made available and he hears us as soon as we turn our heart towards him to understand him he hears us he hears us and his answer listen his answers his answers are his promises and his promises are in him are always in him yes and amen not maybe not maybe or I don't know we'll see no it's always yes and amen I believe I really do they God expects us to get the same results in prayer as Jesus got because what he said he said he said it's better for me to go that way the Holy Ghost can come Holy Spirit can come and greater things are you gonna do that he goes so he says greater things this is this is New Testament greater things you see how can we do greater things then what Jesus does do you know that that believers have already I'm talking about the Jesus is an earthly ministry I mean from from the time of Jesus ascending to now that there's been greater work that more people have been reached right why because we all have influence he knew that we're all gonna have have influence and we're gonna touch somebody with our life amen hallelujah thank you Lord thank you Jesus y'all get anything this morning do you know him you know him amen he's your Lord and he's your Savior greater is he that's in you than he that is in the world hallelujah don't stand up and we'll pray thank you glory glory to God devil stomping prayer humility seeking the face of God not just his hand repentance and persistence power and persistence when we pray we say and we slay I know it's kind of catchy but it's gonna help you remember Jesus name father we thank you hallelujah oh you know that you know Wednesday night we spoke to Milton which believers all around the world were Mckenzie Mackenzie's house in Orlando is is fine she she got out of Orlando went to a friend's house but I didn't find out until the next day that that when I knew when we woke up that it was not near as bad now they're still damaged but it was not near as bad as what they were forecasting and then I saw video that whenever it hit the coast or whatever the eye just collapsed okay people are praying they were declaring in decree you say well they're still damaged yeah there's still damage but it could have been a lot worse could have been but what what would I happen if there wasn't any believers on the earth and that thing was just allowed to just do what it was meant to do and that was to destroy everything hallelujah thank you Jesus father we thank you we honor you Jesus we lift you up thank you just that you just wake us up in the nighttime thing that you've called us to intercede in the stand in the gap for this not for not just for a nation but for our families because it starts there our families stand the gap for our communities our church we know that we live in this world gone but we're not of it we're citizens of the kingdom of heaven but you've called us into this time we've been called into this place and this time for such a time as this to stand in the gap and to expose the lies of the end and follow when we stand praying we're gonna forgive and release those that have had any kind of all against us we're gonna become unoffendable in the name of Jesus we just declare that your kingdom come and your will your will be done on earth as it is in heaven in Jesus mighty thank you thank you if you need prayer for anything give me the host team can pray for you I can pray for you there's a something that may be going on in your body your finances or whatever or if you just want to you don't know if you know Jesus and you want to know this morning before you leave here that you're in right standing with God let me tell you what God will seal you he'll place a stamp on you and that's the Holy Spirit of promise that you'll know that you know that you know that you are a child of God before you leave her this morning amen we love y'all pastor's are ready to get back and it won't be long thank you for maybe you got anything oh ladies and then you'll sign up for that it's gonna be good it's gonna be real good invite your friends and so that concludes service thank you for joining us today I'd like to say thank you for all those who give support this ministry I pray that you've been blessed and challenged by the podcast today for more information on how to give you can visit my forward slash give thank you for believing in our mission [MUSIC PLAYING]