Knights of the Night

620- BitD It Sounds Stealable. I’m Optimistic

Broadcast on:
13 Oct 2024
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Sneak into a rich party and a duel happens... wait, including one of us?

(music) Hello, and welcome the Knights of the Night actual play podcast. This "Blades in the Dark story" machination is written in run by our GM, John. And now please enjoy episode 620. Titled "It Sounds Stelable", I'm optimistic. Actual play begins immediately. (music) Hello, and welcome to Knights of the Night actual play podcast. I'm your GM and host, John, running our "Blades in the Dark" campaign machinations. And the players with me today, starting on my left, are... I'm Thomas, and I'll be playing Adrian's Briar, or Burning Briar while on the job. I'm a leech, which is a saboteur or technician, which specializes in the creation of all chemical reagents. I dabble in medicine and magic. I'm in a Rovian runaway demon air. It takes the form of a burning bush, but I've been housed within a body, which currently looks like an accuracy man with a healthy build and no stock. I've got six struts of nine, and a level one harm, which is my lame foot, which I could recover at some point, or magically enchanted to react properly. Hello everyone, I'm Scott, playing Teslin Vale, otherwise known as the Bevel of the Abyss. Teslin is a Saverosi Whisper, who does the dirty work for the Archive of Echoes, exploring the past via ghosts with her mentor Lord Pendren. Teslin is a petite brunette, who is partial to petticoats. She has flowing auburn locks, olive skin, and green eyes. Most disturbingly, she has a dead hand sewn on to her left arm, which she is morbidly embarrassed about. Teslin has five struts and has a level one harm of painful cuts on her left wrist. Hello folks, I am Jim. I am playing the silver tongue slide named Skivind, being also known as busy. He is a socializing and enterprising, handsome young, echo rosy noble. When not working on crew business, the very busy busy spends his time behind the scenes trying to revitalize the finances of the bean coal mining family. He calls himself busy because he's always working hard, trying to find the ways of profiting from both the good and bad fortune of others. Currently, he spends most of his days disguised as a spirit warden Delegos. I currently miraculously have no stress bucks. I'm Tom. I'm playing Esther Roland. She is an ex blue coat captain who goes by the name of ghost because of her pale skin, eyes, and hair. And also because to a bit of a degree, she frightens people as a powerful spirit and nasty ghost. Her class is a cutter who is a dangerous and intimidating figure, but she also does her best to keep all of her crew members safe and help them in any way that she can possibly assist and protect. She currently is having about her normal amount, five stress, but she has no injuries or any trauma yet. I'm Michael playing Gordon, a young, thin, good, natured, scolvish work. As a lurky specializes in infiltration, allowing him to bypass most security measures. Gordon currently has five stress. Okay. On the last, we left off. Ghost, I'm thinking we might want to take. Orlin with us. Up the stairs to the airship. So as not to leave him behind and leave evidence behind of our deeds or somehow conceal him. I mean, I'm sure there's a lot of tarps in. As far as plausible situations go, there are like chase lounges in here near the fire. Yeah, we could just take his shoes off or whatever and make it look like he's sleeping on the job. Yeah, it could be. Also an option. Yeah, what do you guys prefer? Do we put a tarp over him and hide him in a corner so they don't see him and it looks like the room is empty. Or do we have him sleeping on a couch? I think sleeping on the couch might be someone wanting to wake him up. If they can't find him, they can't mess with him. Yeah, that seems a little bit stronger. So let us do that then. Does anyone have survey to hide him? Just the one. Yeah, me too. Well, then together myself in Gordon will try to hide him effectively under some tarps and some two by fours and just make it look like it's a bundle of whatever some material under the tarp when it's actually him. It could still be him catching an app. Just saying. Yeah. Just the idea of laying on the couch, right? It's like hiding in the corner. Yeah. Want to make that roll? Gordon, we both have one dot, so I'm okay with either one of us doing it. It's fine. Or we need to roll it all. John, is it just something that happens? The success here will get a clock started. Or all right, I will spend a stress and assisting picking up the body making suggestions. Morning in an area and the three of us took him away. That gives your next or die. Okay, and it's a survey. I think survey sounds good. It says you could try to spot a good ambush point. Look for telltale signs of trouble before it happens might uncover opportunities or weaknesses observe a situation and anticipate outcomes. Yeah, sounds like it's at least in the ballpark. Unless you got a better one, John. Sounds good to me. It's controlled risky controlled right now. Standard standard. There's a lot of water here. Come on, Gordo, we need you. Four five. Another minor complication. Start a four o'clock for red alert. And I'm only taking them on right now. Sounds good because it was a partial success and controlled circumstances. All right, and so then to get things back to busy eventually here. I think what we'd like to do and I don't want to speak for everyone, but I think the idea now is to head towards the airship. Yeah, do you want to sneak in there before. There's no one guarding it at the moment, so it would just be, I want to know where you are when. Esmeralda and. Steven start making their way up to it. Could you give us a couple of ideas where we might be able to hide. Yeah, as you say three story tower. The second story is full of string fords and article charts. Couple trophies. A lot of just Leviathan hunting business things. And the third story is the roof of the tower that is a mooring station has a electroplasmic generator that is powering a ghost fence along the perimeter of this roof. As well as trailing down to the edges of the. A state. Okay, and then what about the airship itself. The airship itself is a smaller affair. Intended for. At most five person travel. Is anywhere to hide it boarded. Yes, it has a storage facility, a underneath like a. Cargo area. That is accessed via a hatch on the top deck. There is a forgetting no article terms at the moment, but sleeping chambers separated from the engine that is used to pilot the craft. In this one, they are normally powered by some sort of flying geist, but this one has a demon enthralled with numerous arcane symbologies inside the engine. Keeping this thing aloft and guiding it as it. What do you guys think I'm thinking we should be on the airship itself. Hidden on the airship itself. And then we all going to be able to go in there. You're talking about a maximum of five people and we're bringing how many bodies. We're not bringing room on the deck for more if you're not being stealthy, but. Yeah. I mean, in close quarters, we could probably hide in the sleeping quarters. There was also a below deck, I believe, John, you said, as well with some storage area down there. We could have enough to fit you all in the cargo space, but then you're not having access to the sleeping chambers. Right. What's our intention here. The intention is for Stephen to get her on the ship. To go on a little joyride to talk about the inside information he has on a demon that she's hunting. And then to come out of hiding a cost her. Take her out of the picture. And then either say all the airship somewhere where we can use it or crash it somewhere. So it looks like it was an accident and her death was unintentional. That was the original plan. I'm not saying we can't change it. That was the original idea, though. Anybody. I'm just trying to shoot out of the way the screw is all up. Mm hmm. So what do you think of the idea of having Octavia. Join us in the airship. Without our knowledge, of course. Well, that's the, that was my whole idea here is to have her join this party. She doesn't want to be at and have everybody want to talk to her and have her want to leave as soon as possible. That says morelda. He's talking about Octavia, the. Octavia spooky grandma, spooky grandma. Yeah. I mean, we got a tip that she. Those two are arguing. Octavia, as morelda. They got a long time. Right. So we have a motive ghosts. You want to go back down and get Octavia and bring her onto the ship as well. And certainly good. If we think we have room. It sounds like we might have room in the cargo area, at least for we can even split up. We have a couple of people in the cargo area and a couple people in the sleeping chambers when they come on board. She's not going to go to the sleeping chambers. She's going to start steering your ship for a joyride and. Once we feel the ship moving, we'll all come out of hiding and take out two birds with one stone to people who make the world a less safe place for the common man or the common demon as it might be. I believe I could do it. Yeah. Okay. Let's do it quickly. Well, that means we're not going to be able to take the ship. We're going to have to arrange a crash or something. Right. Right. Okay. I'm okay with that. I mean, airships are cool, but they would know who it belonged to. It'd be the very high profile. Yeah. Very high profile. We're just like yelling. Here I am. Yeah. Talk about having heat on you. That would be some serious heat. All right. What's this? As a before we started this flashback. Can we talk about what usually powers airships and if we crash it, can you steal it, take it, contain it, sell it. Just so you guys know it's either a spirit or a demon normally breaking. Normally, yeah, a spirit. I would be able to contain a demon. I could find a way to work together or eat it, you know, whichever way it works. But a demonologist, I would have to check out the machine myself, which means I'll have to come aboard. She might have it run a different way. It sounds stillable. I'm optimistic. Do you want to start investigating that as we go to busy? Yeah, I mean, I don't have much. Yeah, as you step foot on the ship, your fire in your stomach swells dangerously. Oh my. And this is not something that's supposed to happen. Catch your briars on fire. I was double my shit. Fuck. I don't even know. You can step back and it dies down again. But there is some kind of ward here. Well, she is a demon hunter. Yeah, that makes sense. I've never had it affect me before, but it seems to me that there is some sort of anti demon ward. Gordon. Do you think you might be able to look around the ship and see if you could find where the ward is with your tinker skill and see if you can somehow dismantle it for a time being. Absolutely. All right, busy. We haven't really hung out with you. So we'll do that for a moment. Our lady is suffering far too many praises as Marola is the set with the company that is flooding in now. This is your doing, which isn't happy. Yeah, and I'm probably going to admit it. Because I'm going to say, sorry, I might have talked you up a little bit before you came down. I just, you know, you're just an amazing person. Because he has a little smitten with her. And then he's saying, I didn't realize everybody would be driving you this crazy. Maybe we could. Escape out of here. You were talking about possibly showing me how your ship works or, you know, I do have some information I'd like to talk to you about. And don't know if I want to do that here. All right, let's see how you are received, then, if I could get a role for it. I'm going to consort with her. And some points, man, it's important. I'm probably going to. Well, I can add to stress to get an extra dye that works. Yes. You can push yourself to get extra dice. Or accept the devil's bargain. Yeah, I'm going to push. I don't know if I have any other. The only other modifier I would. I could think of asking for is the fact that I think she really is looking for a reason to leave. This party. Could I try to set that up beforehand? Yes, you have to interrupt a conversation she's in with another of the nobility. To pry her away. They seem to have engaged her in a. Spirited debate. Oh, indeed about spirits. This is a member of the Dunville family who has high connections in the church of the ecstasy of the flesh. No, I'm going to go piss the him off. By stealing your away. Do it. So plus two day. For pushing yourself or for wanting to. For both pushing for the push the stress push I paid for and when here wanting to leave. You will have great effect unfortunately. Because of that, it is a risky position. Great, but risky because I'm going to. Piss somebody off. Uh huh. Plus two die. I'm going to. Is it plus two or is it plus one dying greater effect? It is one die and greater effect. That's why I wasn't sure. Finding that out. Yeah, usually the circumstances will. Oh, Jesus. I rolled a four high out of my four numbers. Well, still a partial success. Preceptor Dunville says. Going away on a trip in your craft. That sounds like a wonderful demonstration of your. Use of spirits in technology. I would love to come along with you. Oh, third wheel. Yeah. Wants to be a third wheel is your situation. We block her. Yeah. Could I give a look over to my brother and tell him give him a look like he helped me out here and see if he could talk this guy into not going or getting him into a conversation or something. At this point your brother is. Blitzed and inventing you dance moves on the dance hall. Your brother said near to well, Jim. Yes, he is. Trying to think of how I could use that to my advantage by maybe moving the party closer to where he's at and kind of positioning this guy to bump into my brother and get into an argument. Yeah, you could put him off on your brother in that way. It might require you to do some social maneuvering though. Guy, get your brother to drunkenly challenge him to a dancer. Dance battle. Your house cannot stand the shame of losing to my drunk ass in a dance battle. I can try to ask. Let's say no, let's say you did cause a complication between the two of them and will morph your complication into your brother has gotten into a duel with Dunville. Well, what funny joke. It's called wrong. Unhand me, good sir. It is not a dance tool. It is pistols. Strength. You've done it. Supplies. Two black powder pistols to the contestants. And your brother is escorted. Escorted asks if you'll be his second, you have to politely decline. Or not. It's your brother, dude. Yeah. There's your complication. And you don't really have much time. It's taking us to get prepared anyways. So it's not like you're in a rush. Maybe. Maybe. Yeah, I'm going to be his second. He says, thank God, I don't think I could aim. I got your back, bro. All right. You want to shoot him, but get him in the head. In the head. Yeah. I mean, as far as duels like this go, we usually just trying to wound somebody for first blood or people love to just kill other people. It depends on the families involved. This is probably to wound, but your brother's egg and you on. Yeah, he is. But I think skivin knows better. If there was more room in the nobility, we could get up quicker. Pick ourselves up better. Yeah. I think crazy cultists anyway. If I just grace him, then I can go, but I'm thinking to myself internally, if I just raise this guy and he doesn't get me. You know what? What if I let him hit me. On purpose. You're three different personas might have an issue. Yeah. It would complicate your life of lies. How much does skivin actually know this guy? He's about to duel with. You've heard of about him before. He's part of the Church of the XC of the flesh, which is just shy of being state sponsored religion. It is a enormous cult that has a lot of money and worships. Those who have had their souls removed. Yeah. They think that the spirit is ugly. That all pleasures to be found here in life. I think this guy was on our list of people to get rid of sooner or later. Probably. There's a lot of people at this party actually that are on the list. That's a really big list. Yeah. Do we know the rules for engagement for this dual? I mean, can you just, as a second, that's going to be the effective first? Can you just apologize profusely and blame your brother's drunken or just delay for time or tool where he's not tomorrow morning or something? Just a question. Because I'm not there. I mean, if I be done. Yeah. And if I kill this guy, how big of a scandal is that going to be? Am I going to be able to walk out of this place? Or is it a duel and it is what it is? It will be the talk of the evening that you will be hard to get away from people. Yeah. It will be legal though. This guy went from third wheel to cannon. Yeah. I'm thinking that my buddies can probably pull off the heist without me as long as she goes up there and this guy's dead and I stay here. They can do what they need to do. And I don't even need to go. She does ask, is this really how you want to spend your evening? Well, wasn't the plan? I was hoping to spend it getting to know you and your ship. He's taken his jacket off and handing it to her like he's been rolling his eyes. Very well. She folds it over her arms. There's some steps down from the dance hall to the yard. With its dying grass and a hedge maze on your all the way west and east this like grove of very peculiar trees that are glowing. And you folks pull up the pistols five faces unless you want to talk your way out of it. He's going to try to sway him into talking his way out of it because I'm going to tell him that I'm a lot better shot than he thinks or knows. If you want to go through with this, I'm going to basically lie to him and tell him I'm going to kill him, but I'm just looking for first blood. You don't want to actually kill him, but I'm going to try to talk him out of the whole thing together and conceding. Before we go through with it. I'm a fine shot myself. This can be swept under the rug. The slight can be forgiven. We require a donation to the church. Does your brother have any money? I do. He's a narrative wealth for that. But I really want to shoot this guy. Then shoot him. We can handle it without you. Rejection of you. Then shoot him. Yeah. I am going to do this given thing and tell him that your family is hard on money. He judges your reaction. There's always work to be done for the church. Could benefit both of us evade this ugly affair. Decisions, decisions. I'm going through a bunch of things in my head. Like Steven is a talker. He probably would normally want to talk and go out of something like this. I don't think he wants to give him an up on anything. Yeah, you're losing face if you if you don't go through with it. That's for sure. And I think he's looking for a turning point for his family to show that they are something. I think he's going to shoot him. Yeah. All right. Let's have this. Or get shot. Yeah. We're both. Yeah. There is a skill in the Hound Playbook where I shot first. You do not have it. So I think this is going to be both of you fighting at once. No, I was hoping that contested role in this game. It's usually embarrassing. So what's up? Yeah. I was hoping. Now I'm wishing I would have took this works again, but where I could take two stress and roll my best action rating and take it as my thing I'm doing. I would have been nice. He was not lying that he's a decent shot. Yeah. For what that's worth. I'm willing to take a. What? Devil's bargain. Devil's bargain. A bullet. Devil's bargain is. You get shot no matter how this shakes out and it leaves you with a gnarly scar. It's going to make it hard for you to disguise. Will we both get shot? Yeah. If you hit. If you hit. I mean, the role is going to determine if you hit the devil's bargain is you both fire at once and you end up getting hit. Either way, and it's going to leave you with some wounds. I don't know how this corresponds with what we were doing and when we were doing it. Yeah. I'm thinking is buying you a lot of time is what's happening. That's how I fell. So if it's possible that I was going out to get the tea in the beginning. Can I assist? I see. In the sense that what I see it. I'm like, holy shit, and then heading off in that directing. Well, it's not really a flashback. Well, is it a flashback? Sort of kind of. I think this will be closer to the time where you're going to get the unconscious body of Octavia and. Yeah, but it's down at. Window of the tower. A dual beginning. Right. Can provide you a place to hop in. Right. And all I want to do is basically go in there and I'm. Looking. At busy so that he knows I'm there. And then when they both started, I do something that distracts the individual and gives busy a bit of a benefit. Like, I don't know, cough or say, what the hell is going on? You know, just enough to distract them. Just a slight bit that might be assistant to busy. And spend one stress. Okay. I'm going to just, I don't think I'm going to take the doubles bargain because I can. I'm going to get hit. I'm going to get hit. I'm going to spend two stress to push myself. I'm going to use finesse. I'm going to do that. Yes. So you are at three dice. To try to. Time it. With the help of my companion. I see other. Mm hmm. But how does the skill of the shooter, the opponent come into play? Does it subtract a die? Because he's good. It is putting it in a desperate situation. He's good. He gets. There will be times for contested rolls. They are usually player versus player. Which hopefully doesn't happen. But you know. So I'm going to try to actually do as much damage to this guy as I can with using finesse. Mm hmm. So click finesse. You've got two extra dice. This is a desperate action. And great effect. Two unarmored individuals with the highest class pistols you can get. Like that's dangerous. What does he need to shoot him and not get shot himself? A success. So he needs a six. Otherwise he gets wounded with a partial success. More likely. What about a failure? A failure he gets shot. It's a level three or four harm. Oh my gosh. Okay. Yeah. All right. Here we go. I believe in you. Oh my God. Right between the eyes. Oh, I wrote the one at a three. Wow. Yeah. You know, so much for that idea. It's going. Yeah. Just like I planned it. I'm going to give you a level three harm of pierced lung. Sound fair. No, sure. And your shot goes wild into the trees. Oh. I don't say anything. I'm having hard time breathing. You are. And next time you roll, you've got to push yourself to be able to take an action at all. Or have someone helping you. Esmeralda is a gas. She's got a hand over her mouth. She's pushing your jacket onto the wound to try to staunch the bleeding. I'm there. So I asked her, is there some more that you know we can take him to get healed? Maybe in your airship. The tower has some medical facilities. The privacy would help. Yes. We could use the ship. The stairs will be difficult. Can you help me carry him? Absolutely. The audience is crowding around you as you carry the body through here. There is much shit talking. These guys don't have any decorum. Right. And I like back off. Move out of the way. Got the coal on there. Bing. Having trouble. Your brother is beside himself. He ends up vomiting much of what he drank into the weeds here. And is stammering apologies and trying. He's following you up to the airship. But let's get back to Gordon as you make your way there. Actually, I'm trying to stop him before he gets to the tower. Yeah. And just tell him. We need you to help block people so that we can get him up here and get him. We'll let you know everything's going to be fine. We're going to get him healed. He's going to be all right. I don't know if it works. He acquiesces like he's too out of it to do much anyway. I think he's on the inside of the tower, bottom floor. And promises to keep people out for the evening. But yeah, people are a little more alert now. I don't know if that's two or three. Let's go with three. Gordon. As this is all unfolding. Let's have some arcane disarming from our sneak thief. I have Tinker of one. I am going to try to help him. I'm going to spend one is one. Yeah, to help him. Try to find where the disarming of the effect can take place and. Yeah, try to read the ghost field a little bit for him and see if there's anything they can do to help. In an arcane sense. To disarm the trap or the sensor. Tinker can work Gordon. You have a risky position. I think this is kind of out of the pay grade of a limited effect. Yeah, I'll just have the experience messing with demons to. Right. Undo this permanently. And you get one die Gordon. This is an electroplasmic thing. It is not. It is. It's just difficult to tell what each of the things are doing in it because it is. It's like a control panel. That's fine. Yeah, I just. There is a control panel to manipulate the demon to fly the thing. What you are looking at is the lantern that was gifted by busy. To as Meralda that contains a moat of. Briars flame. It seems to be triggered to turn the demons. Elements against itself. Tricky. Okay, so risky limited plus one. Mm hmm. You got this. Yes. Six three five one. You're going to need arcane implements to mess with this. So if you could take those off. Got it. Okay. Let me check. As you do this. The demon behind you. Utters. It seems like a. A wind chime of sorts. It's made out of customer material. Kind of drapes down. It has a jellyfish or wind chimes. It has a mouth on the inside of the. I don't know what you call the top bulbous bit of a jellyfish. But it is constrained inside the compartments of this place and seeing you tinker with another demon device. It whispers such that the whole room can hear it's. Are you in the business of freeing us. Oh, it's talking to you now. Nice job. So that looked like it was successful. We're ready to go. Yes. The pain in your chest vanishes for now. Whatever circle was. Operating this device. You have disconnected the fuel supply that allowed it to burn Breyer's own self. That seems to have done the trick. And now the ship is talking to you. That might actually be a good thing. Very well could be. Yeah, let me think this through. I mean, that can be part of why it crashes. Exactly. And it escapes when it crashes. That's us fulfilling our end of the bargain. Right. And it's motivation for. Yeah. Crushing it is released. Oh, I'm more than willing to crash this, but I'm limited in what I can do. That's how she uses me. What if she was incapacitated. The machinery keeps it at bay, whether or not she is conscious. Okay, then tell Gordon how to operate the machinery. To crash it and then release you as your gift. Very well. She's approaching. We will go ahead and do what I can quickly. Whispering Gordon's here. Yeah. There is no difficulty that this creature can convey to you over distance. What it needs to. Okay. The one who are going to to really attack her and do damage is going to be. Ghost. And probably. Gordon, are you a good fighter? Are you more of a stealthy guy? Well, I can be used to sneak attack. What can be used to growl can be used to sneak attack. And that way, Gordon is. More than capable of taking someone out. Okay. So Gordon. You hide. In the sleeping chamber. And myself and Breyer will be under the. In the storage area, the cargo hold. I take it. We don't know what happened. You did hear a gunshot. Yeah, that's all you know. Okay, and so after the ship is airborne. If in five minutes, the ship is an airborne. We all come out at the same time. If the ship goes airborne after five minutes, we all come out at the same time. Just remember five minutes. Give the ship a couple minutes to see if it's airborne and that. See if it could get started because we don't know that. Busy's injured. We think they're going for a joy ride. So we get it five minutes either way. Yeah. But don't I have to do something to fulfill our end of the bargain with the. We'll talk. I think the demon will talk to you while. You're waiting in the sleeping chamber. It'll tell you how to maneuver the vehicle to crash it. And as far as releasing a demon goes, that's something I can do or Breyer can do. And ghost, you're okay with this. Ghost isn't there. Well, I'm not here yet, but I'm on the way. Bring a busy into the tower with the help of Esmeralda. It is a brother to stay behind. And there's a grandmother in the basement. I don't think we can necessarily get her this time, but. Right. It might just unfortunately not be part of the. Okay. I'm more concerned with busy. Yeah. Makes sense. Are we saying the whole coffee thing didn't happen? Coffee. Well, I'm not sure unconscious, but I didn't kill her. Well, she was. There was an idea to bring her into the vessel. So when it crashes, they were trying to kill each other. Yeah. Not going to happen though. At least in any way that I can think of because. Ghost got distracted with the dual. Indeed. Probably on her way down to get Octavia. Mm hmm. All right. Then you folks make your way up there. I would like a group. Sounds like a good hide. But who will be leading this. He's hiding us down in the cargo area before he hides himself. All right. Then let's do that. What role is this? You're doing it before people get up there. But I think. Trying to decide if it's controlled because you have time or if time is of the essence. So risky. We spend that much time. No, I think we've been away from you too long. I'm sure that dual took some time to pull off and the arguments. Yeah. So I think it is controlled for you all. That doesn't mean it won't break bad, but you do have time to find space to hide yourselves. Okay. And the effect. Standard. If it were as cluttered as downstairs, you might have great effect, but this is a smaller space. We're all rolling because it's good. Yes. There are a lot of fails. One of you succeeds. I got a six on my one dice. It doesn't include me, doesn't. I've got no. No, it was risky and standard. Correct. Yes. Er, well, but yeah. That's okay. Everyone else came through for me. Nice role, Breyer. Yes, very nice. That will be too stressed to the leader of this action. Oh, Gordon. Okay. I got one left. Oh, so if you can get away with it, Gordon is just panicked and stressed out as he's ever been in his young life. I am not. Keep your eyes down. Keep it. I rolled a two five five. Okay. As you make your way into the cabin of this aircraft, she brings out a medical kit from under a bed, passing right by hands reaching right next to Gordon. Tight behind some curtains. What's it on a fold out table next to the bed? Says this will not be painless, but I can't imagine it will get much worse for you. How can you hold him down? I do. I did not catch your name and you just give her a blank stare. You need my name? I'm assisting here. I'm just communicating. That's fine. Jesus. It's important that his life. This has nothing to do with who I am. I'm just helping. Pull and chest. She pulls out a vile of really murky looking Leviathan blood. She turns the vial it's in is got some mechanics to it. Like it's what is it called? Sparkcraft. She twists it. Takes a needle, pulls from a smaller vial and injects it into the Leviathan blood. It starts pinkening, which is a verb. What is it? She then clicks it back into position and the needle pops out the top of it. Lems it into your lung. We're going to take this down to a level two harm of partially regrown lung. If you could do that, Jim, I'm not on your sheet. I got you. It is considered treated. So you are no longer going to have to push yourself to be able to do anything. It might still hurt like the Dickens. Maybe even take away a dice for exerting yourself physically. But it's not going to get in the way of just standing up and moving around. This takes a while to take effect. And during the cooldown of breath slowing getting more stable, no more like bloody wheezing as your lungs flood. You have a coughing fit to get that out. She hands you a handkerchief and does a scan around her compartments and says something's not right. And as we get to tonight. We can. Yeah, it's only 930, but. But I figured that the whole combat and then the stitching of the ship and then it might be a lengthy endeavor, but. Well, that's fine, but if I'm not mistaken, we want to take her out, right? Yeah, correct. Well, yes and no. Well, I was going to wait until after you were healed, but. Yeah. Well, busy has a little bit of a soft spot for so. But Briar. Yeah. Earlier you gave me something for the old lady that I still have. Mm hmm. Can I take her out with that? Skull fire induces migraines and incapacitating migraines. Yeah, you could spring it on her. And how does skull fire applied? Do you have any idea? If you're asking me, no, but. I was actually from overly heated Leviathan blood. So it's got to be a missed. Yeah, yeah, uncapped the vial and blow it. As opposed to her face. She doesn't react at all. Or rather, she does react by slamming you into the side of the cabin and knocking the model to the ground where it shatters and spreads everywhere. So I didn't even get to roll. No, you succeeded. It should have worked. She is immune to it for some reason. You do not know. And we will leave it there. She is not entirely human. I understand now. Not before, but now. I guess we're up against it. It's going to be a fight. Damn. I didn't want it to be a physical fight, but it's going to be. I want to release the ship's spirit demon thing. It will be an option. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't manage to do any chaos sewing, but it's fun. People. I think you gave people the means to start a lot of chaos. It's true. But yeah, it comes to experience now. We usually start with Tabula Rasa. A successful accident disappearance murder or ransom operation. You did a successful accident with grandma. This lady is about to disappear, but you'll get XP for it when that happens. Content with challenges above your current station twice on that. It's screwing you over once again. Then bolster your cruise reputation or develop a new one. I would say so with busy again into a firefight. Or dual. Express goals drives in our conflict or essential nature of the crew. I think that hit once. Yeah. We muddled over who to kill and who to take care of. If you had somehow managed to get that lady up here. The grandma, it would have been twice, but that is an upgrade available for the crew, but we'll get to that when we. Reconvene. Who's next? I can go. Well, somebody else wants to go first. You go burn a bus. Absolutely. No desperate actions for me, although somebody else got some, I think. Oh yeah, busy. However, you adjust a challenge of technical skill or mayhem. I provided the drugs to do just such a thing. That was about it. I could have done a few other things. But it's the one. You express police drives heritage or background. I was going to a couple of different ways. If I was going to get into the old ladies room, but I looked at opportunity pass me by. A struggle with his use for advice or trauma. Trauma got you trapped. Well, like that trap set off because of your instability. Yeah, that's true. I did prepare that one ahead of time for myself, making myself some problems. In that case, I pick up another point of insight. Why not finish that off? Survey. Yeah, that's what I was doing. My ability to see from multiple viewpoints. And then I'll start working on the smart craft, which I need to pick up soon, I guess. I'm done. Okay. I'll go next, I guess. I rolled the desperate action. That means I in when I was using finesse. So that means I get the mark one taking my proudness, right? Yep. Which I just did. Maybe the first one you put in there. Just a challenge with deception. Or influence. I say it was more influence than deception. I agree with that. Yeah. I express my belief drives heritage or background. Yeah. Well, they were. It was front and center today. Yeah. I would say that went twice. It's how you got here and how you got here. Yeah. It's the I went against what my character would normally do socially. Because he was trying to do what he thought would be really. What his family could use for is a push to go forward. Of course, I think we step back. Yeah. I struggled with issues for vice or traumas during the session. I guess I struggled with being able to breathe. I think. Yeah. We'll give you that for getting shot so hard. Maybe four. Mm hmm. And these types of experience can go into any category. Right. Anyone want to go next? I assume do. Okay. You addressed a challenge with knowledge. arcane power. I helped Gordon disable the demon filter that was, uh, the demon circle that was hurting. Briar. Does that count if you help somebody do something? Sometimes. Yes, today. I don't think I have a lot today anyways, because I didn't do a lot. You expressed your beliefs, drives heritage and background. I think my drives. I was very focused on this mission in planning this mission and getting it successfully executed. I think Tesla took a lead role in trying to get people in the right positions. And following the plan, according to plan. So maybe one there and I didn't struggle with any issues from vice or traumas. So I think just two points tonight. Okay. It's a shame you weren't in the party center because the guy who sold out pander and was there. Oh, that would have been cool. It depends on how you got in and yours was a workman job. So that's what you're doing. I should have won his bings date. Yep. And doing mine. I don't think I did any desperate actions. But I did address the challenge with violence or version. At least once. Yeah. At the very end. But. I would be at least one. I agree. And expressing my beliefs, drives and heritage or background at least twice. I typically do that a lot. I was involved with getting rid of people that don't need to be and taking out and guarding my people on multiple occasions, keeping them safe in the tower, also trying to save busy. So there was at least two of those, I believe. Mm hmm. And struggling with my vice and traumas. Now, not that I can take off. So. I would say three total. I agree. Just a challenge with stelter evasion, just getting into the place and stealthy and. Yes. Leading the hiding. Even though was prior. You did keep us hidden. Yes, you did. That's twice. Okay. And also hit a body. So like. That was happening a lot. Just your beliefs, drives, heritage or background, not so much. No, also, if you had left your bow was here. But you were on task. It was. Stuckled to this, you send me a vice of traumas during the session. So is there any way to give him a point for. Disabling the demon field that was hurting. I mean, it's not stealth or evasion, but kind of it's evasion's. So that Briar could evade the flaming of his. He did get to for a stealth innovation. He did. Yeah. Yeah. I was just thinking some way. You're not wrong. I just don't want to double triple dip because you can't go to three. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So too. And then background and stuff. So vice and trauma. I don't think so either. But no, that should be good. I think that's last player. So we're just going to say. Thanks everyone for listening. This has been nights. The night actual play podcast. I've been your host, John of machinations. Will we have a further tangled web next time. Thank you. Well done. Good night. Thank you for listening tonight's of the night actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments or feedback, you can reach us at a number of ways, including Twitter at kotn_podcast. Or you can join our Facebook page, which is And while on Facebook, you can join like-minded folks at our fans page at And lastly, there's our blog, which is found at And please remember to join us next week for more mystery and adventure. And there is a hold on. We're not on the right screen to do. It's a shame I couldn't have pulled this off earlier. There you go. Do we want to do a quick file break? Yeah, it sounds good. But we'll resume with Gordon trying to disarm this arcane technology. It's a kick. Did you guys mention all the numbers you wrote? I don't think they did. What? Numbers? I did six on one dice. The other possible titles for this episode were available for voting on our Knights of the Night fans page. And the options were... The common man. Or the common demon, as it might be. Oh my. Oh, double my. A good way to screw this all up. Take out two birds with one stone. Your three different persona might have an issue. And dance battle. [BLANK_AUDIO]