Sheep Get Sheared

Why Younger Women Are a Better Option: A Realistic Perspective

Broadcast on:
13 Oct 2024
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I'm your host, Austin Creed, but friends, we're going to talk about the conversation of younger women versus older women today. Raise it being that there are some of us men in this community who are not fully in on going your own way forever. They believe in maybe believe in monk mode, which is important. They believe in having relationships selectively, which, you know, it's interesting to even have that discussion because, you know, my friends, I want to be totally honest with you. I'm in a very interesting situation myself, and that I move around a lot with the jobs I've done over the last couple of years and moving around different parts of the country, but it's hard for me to have a consistent relationship in the same way that a lot of dudes who, for example, let's say you can't get a girlfriend, you're not going to fully understand why guys like me and guys on the side of the internet, we talk about not having a girlfriend, not having a wife, not having these things. The reason is not because we want you to suffer. The reason is not because we want to flex so we get girls and you don't or anything else like that. That is goofy. It's stupid. The reason is because relationships are not what they once were. If you look at the ghost of Christmas past, you look at the world out used to be and when you look at how the world used to be, the role that was a lot simpler back in the day, the world was men ran things, women followed, and of course I'm very oversimplifying, but when we look at the modern world, modern world is we're living in a reactionary period. But even in history, we look at guys like Benjamin Franklin who allegedly, and I put allegedly, he allegedly said that a younger guy should be with an older woman because they tended to have more sex because they were, you know, you got lower standards as a guy and you had to kind of just take what you can get. And of course, I'm paraphrasing him. I'm not quoting him exactly, but that's what he's talking about allegedly. And when I look at a quote like that, I say, you know what's funny? He's not totally wrong. In the sense that you look at the fact that a lot of older women are now talking about how they're dating 19 year olds, 20 year olds, 21 year olds, and they're like 40, 50. Now, this is this is nothing new, this has been going on forever. But when we get into the conversation, guys doing it like guys are 40, 50, 60, and they're dating a woman who's 20, are all of a sudden, oh my gosh, he's a pervert, he's no good, he's creepy, he's weird, blah, blah, blah. And I see it even in my own, I see it sometimes even in my own profession. Now, am I sitting here and telling you you should do this? No. Am I telling you that it's the right thing to do? No. I'm telling you that it's legal, number one, let's get that straight. And number two, it's a lot of times more normal than you think. We put it to you in perspective, when we talk about older guys, that usually means guys who are five to 10 years older than the woman they're dating or older woman, woman's five to 10 years older, men, naturally, we take time to accumulate resources. We take time to build ourselves in our industry, build ourselves with our lifestyle, and build ourselves in a way where people respect us. Okay? Now, people want to say that, oh, you should get married in college, or you should date someone that's the same age as you, or I think the normies say, what is it, your age divided by two plus seven, I think is what most people say. Now, the reason I don't subscribe to that is number one, I'm kind of on the younger side, so it doesn't really affect me yet. And number two, if it's legal, as in, if it is legal to do in your country, if it is legal to do in your state, if you live in America, then it's nobody's business. Number one, and number two, a lot of times as a guy, you're not going to hit your stride till you're in your 40s. Sometimes in your 50s, sometimes beyond that. So why the hell would you bust your behind, worked your absolute heart out, just to get something that you don't really want? Why in the world would you go out there, sacrifice, risk, eat plates of crap day in and day out from the, from the boss, work hard at the gym, take risks in your career and your personal life? Why would you do all those things if there wasn't a reward for doing it? That's one of the reasons why I hate socialism and communism, because there are systems of government that subsidize people's own sloth, and it enables them to make money and make a living out of other people's work. Now it's one thing if you set up a business to run autonomously, that is not at all the same thing, but when you have some systems of government that allow you to just sit back as a gender and make as much money as a doctor or a lawyer or whatever, that's not going to work. That's not sustainable. In the same way that guys will risk, they'll take a ton of risk, they'll take oftentimes a lot of else on their way to building themselves, their brand, their image, their reputation, and then they want, they're expected when they hit 35 or 40 to get with a woman who's 35 or 40, who when he was 20 years old, when he was 18 years old, was telling him that he wasn't good enough, he was garbage, he was dusty, he was broke, he was no good. He now has to wipe up that woman, oh I don't think so, oh hell no, why in the world would you do that? Why, why should that person who didn't build with you, who didn't invest in you, who didn't take a chance on you, why in the world should that person eat the fruits of your labor, why should those people be rewarded for being pieces of garbage, why should they be rewarded for betting against you. Now this is just one of the ways you can look at this conversation. The other way you can look at this conversation is to say men especially are naturally attracted to women who are fertile, who are pleasant, who don't have a lot of baggage, and all these things are normal. In fact, back in the day they were very mainstream across multiple different patriarchal cultures. But the problem is today with all the pseudo psychology, all of the mad scientists out there, all the Dr. Frankenstein's, they want to come out of the woodwork and they want to say, hey you know what, your brain doesn't develop until 25, so therefore if you're 25 you're a kid. First of all, screw you, I'm not a child, I'm 24, I'm not a kid, I've served in the military as an adult, I've paid taxes as an adult, I work really hard, and I don't want to sit here and people tell me, oh you're a kid, like hell I am, no I'm not and in fact what it does is it makes a lot of young men lose out and young women as well, but I speak from a young male perspective on this and it basically enables you to be a leech, to be a mooch, to be a sloth, instead of taking risks and taking advantage of compound interest when you're younger, instead of saying, hey you're 18 or you're 16, you've hit puberty, you're starting to become an adult by animal standards, you should start acting like one, no that doesn't mean you're not going to make mistakes, it doesn't mean you're not going to do stupid things here and there and learn in the school of hard knocks and get your degree, no that's part of the game, for example I took one wrong turn here in Kansas and now I'm driving an extra hour to get home, now I could sit here and talk about how that's not fair and this, that and the other, or I could just do it, in the same way there are a lot of people, or I want to put in large work, I don't want to take eat plates of garbage, I don't want to do those things, I want to just win, I want to look at the guy who's been grinding for 15 years, oh I want to have his life, with a nice house and the car and all this stuff that he didn't have when he was starting out the same way, the year starting out, but you see you might ask Austin, what does this have to do with dating younger women, everything, everything because when a guy risks, when a guy puts his heart and soul and everybody around him is either A, not interested, or B, telling him he's not going to do it or to be careful or you might fail, whatever, and then he doesn't, or he fails and he fails and he fails and then eventually he wins, takes one huge win to make all your laws is worth it, never forget that, and eventually you start to win and when you start to win the people suddenly feel like oh, now that you're winning, let me tell you what to do with your winnings, here are some rules you need to follow, you can't enjoy yourself too much, you gotta enjoy yourself the way we want you to enjoy yourself, they say, no I don't believe in doing that, why, why in the world would a person be interested in doing that, that's my question, maybe you can answer that in the comments, to me it's the equivalent of socialism and communism because if your tour is a doctor or a lawyer that you're going to make the same amount of money as a guy who doesn't go to college, doesn't take all those student loans out, doesn't put in all this extra work and sacrifice and heartache and bullshit and all this, why would you go through all that struggle if you're not going to gain from it, if it's not going to benefit you tangibly and the way you want it to, why would you do it, is there maybe one or two out of a hundred altruists out in the world somewhere who even if they made complete pennies on the dollar, they'd still go to medical school, they'd still take out all those loans, those long nights, take all those hard tests and all that, sure I'm sure there is, but most people wouldn't and they shouldn't be expected to do that, the same way, why should a man strive for greatness if he's going to be expected to just accept mediocrity as his reward and I'll be real with you, as a guy right now who's talking to a girl who's 19, as a 24 year old man, I understand guys who are 35, 45, 55 and why they are doing what they're doing, if they choose to do this, I understand it now in a way that I didn't, when I was 19, when I was 20, I didn't get it, I thought, hey these dudes are tricks, they're cheating, they can't do this, this isn't fair, all the girls are weird for liking these guys, it's gross, no it's not gross, it's normal, it's how life works, the women want security, they want guys to have respect, they have resources who have things in life, they want to go out on, they want to go out and have fun, they want to go into the cool restaurant that just opened, they want to go to the nice VIP section at the club, they don't want to bum it with you, will they do it if they have to, yes, are they going to do it if they have the option not to, no, they're not going to do it and they shouldn't, why should they, if they don't, why would you, would you take the hard road if you didn't have to, probably not, right, yeah, women are humans just like you, I know that might shock you, but women are humans just like you, so when they don't want to take the hard road if they don't have to, don't be surprised when, if you do the same thing, and going back to the why I think younger women, they're not going to always be better in every circumstance, God knows that my generation of Gen Z, why are these people are absolutely entitled, intolerable, and a headache to deal with, I can tell you that point blank period, however, I can also tell you that when you're dealing with, there's less baggage, no, is there a baggage, yes, is there less baggage, also yes, because the older people get the more bad experiences, the more trauma, the more headiness and BS are going to have is part of life, I have more baggage than I did when I was 19, now I'm 24, can you imagine what women are like when they're 30, women live life a lot faster than men do, by the way, to the 90th percentile, if not more, women live a totally different existence than you do as a man, they are learning about stuff in their teens that you're learning about in your 20s, and they're learning stuff in their 20s that you're going to learn in your 30s and 40s, not because of man, not because you're stupid as a guy, but because you're not at the VIP at the bar, you're not getting celebrities hitting up your DMs, promising you all this, that and the other thing, you're not dealing with that, men no deal with that, women do, so when you're talking to a woman who's younger, are they going to have some trauma, yeah, high school boyfriend, maybe first adult boyfriend, maybe a sugar daddy, whatever, versus I got divorced, or I have a kid by another man, or I've been dating in these streets for four years and I've not had a relationship, basically being on the carousel for four years, guys, these are real realities out here, you act like I'm making this up, I'm not making this up, I'm in these streets right now, I understand it, I'm, I'm struggling driving through these streets, trying to dodge the hose, hurl over the nightmares, get, you know, avoid allegations, all this stuff, another year to tell you, the best way to operate is just to be upfront like I am on this show, to tell people the real, and if they don't like it, tell them to kick rocks, you're not in business to be liked, you are not doing what you're doing in life to be liked, now does that mean you're going out of your way to be annoying, no, but does that mean you're going to sit there and take people's garbage, no, why would you, why would you sit there and accept something you don't want, why would you do that, because all you're doing is lowering your standards to quote the women's lingo, but what you're also doing is you're telling yourself that that's what you should want, that's what you deserve, that's what you've earned is garbage, you are not garbage, especially not if you actually want to better yourself, if you want to become somebody and you're working towards it everyday, you are not garbage, let me repeat that in case you missed it, you're not garbage, you are on a journey, you are trying to make yourself better, so when we talk about younger women being better than older women, if you're actually trying to build anything, even if you're trying to enjoy your turn more, you're going to do it with younger women more than older women, I've dealt with older women, I dealt with a woman who was in her 50s once, last, not where was my last year of senior year of college, then Scottsdale, Arizona, I dealt with a woman who was in her late 50s, what had just gotten through her second divorce, now I didn't date her seriously, but we were kind of like friends with benefits, we hooked up a couple times, and let me tell you, she had all kinds of drama, she talked about how her kid was younger, her kid was older than me, and oh yeah, oh yeah, a lot of baggage going on with ex-husband number one, ex-husband number two, you know, having expectations for me as a guy, even though I was like a third of her age, almost like a third of her age, you know, like guys, you think that it's just dudes out here doing this stuff, you are saddling to stake it, in fact women are literally making content about this now, trying to normalize this, for God's sake, so I need to bring up the fact that a lot of the predators in the schools right now are the teachers who are in my age demographic, who are women, going after high school guys, I mean do I need to bring that up, I'll bring that up, gentlemen, this is not just a guy thing, but it's important for us to understand why certain, why certain saying stereotypes slogans exist in the space of younger women are better, or that we don't do committed relationships, or no long term commitment, et cetera, the reason we do that is because we want to protect ourselves, we want to be able to give ourselves the best chance to get what we want out of life, now it's going to look different depending on who you are, this unavoidable fact, but just remember, you should not accept something less than what you actually want, because when you do that, you're disrespecting yourself, you are telling yourself that you worked hard, hard grueling hours, for something that you don't even want, that you don't even like, and guess what, is that going to motivate you to get to the next level, no, no it's not, it's going to make you think, I've done enough, I'll kind of just coast, I don't need to push myself any harder, versus when you're redlining it and you see the finish line, you see the refreshments, you see the girls, you see the money, you see the freedom, that's there, that's going to push you to go the next mile, and all of this can be tied back to the fact that when men grind for 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, they want something to show for their hard work, and they don't want to just accept something they don't want, when a guy's on his way up, he doesn't want to pair up with a woman who's on her way down, men don't want that, but yet a lot of men are ashamed in taking that very deal, some of you are probably listening to the show right now, and I don't say that to make you feel bad, I don't say that to make you feel guilty, no, I say that because I want you to liberate yourself, save yourself from feeling like you are powerless, like, oh, I don't have a voice, it's over for me, no, it's never over, it's not over while you're breathing, sir, it's never over, just remember who you are, remember what you set out to be, and if you don't have that, then you can build it today, if you don't have a vision for your life, you don't have a purpose that you want to be working towards, that's okay, but there's a way we can fix that, there's a way for you to be a man who you never thought you could have become, now have the option, now you have the opportunity because now you've decided to not be a normie, you've decided that you want to be someone better than you are right now, and that is respectable. My friends, I think I'm going to leave it there because at the end of the day, we need to be honest with ourselves, it's very easy for us to just believe what we want to believe, to not test the theories that we hold dear, it's very easy to do that, but it's time that we did better, my friends, take care of yourselves, I'm out of here, peace out. [BLANK_AUDIO]