The Father's House Audio Podcast

Where's Your Worship: A Different Kingdom- Jude Fouquier

Where's Your Worship by Pastor Jude Fouquier.

Broadcast on:
13 Oct 2024
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Broadcasted live from The Father's House, Vacaville, CA.


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- Welcome to the audio podcast of The Father's House. We hope and pray you are both challenged and encouraged by this time in the word. - Morning church. Hey, can we welcome all of our campuses, Napa, Roseville, East Bay, and Canada. Our prison campuses, everyone watching online, the family rooms. One church, many locations. Hey, take a seat. Turn your neighbor, say I'm glad I'm sitting next to you. (congregation mumbling) - Awesome, well, I'm really excited to preach today 'cause I get the privilege and honor of concluding our series that we've been in called A Different Kingdom. How as Christ followers, we live in a Babylonian culture and it's been an awesome series. Pastor Dave preached a really amazing word last week. If you have not heard it, I would encourage you. Go on YouTube, listen to it. He talked about the fact that if this idea of, if we make a determination beforehand, before the dilemma, God will always deliver us. So if we as believers make a determination now, before the dilemma, God will deliver us. And last week, as I was sitting on the front row, I'm listening to this amazing message. In my mind, I'm thinking I have to preach next week and follow this up. And I was also thinking, Pastor Dave's preaching from Daniel in the lion's den, which is a classic story. And I was thinking, after chapter six, after that story, there are no more good stories in the book of Daniel. So I'm thinking, what am I gonna preach next week? 'Cause if you look at chapters one to six, there are some classics. It's amazing history talking about how Daniel and his friends navigated living in exile in Babylon. You know, you have the story of the fiery furnace. You have the story of Daniel on the lion's den. These have been seen on felt boards in Sunday school for generations. Like even if you don't go to church, you kind of know about those stories. But then you get to chapter seven and it gets weird. Have you ever been reading your Bible and you read something like, yeah, that's weird. Get ready, this is chapter seven. So if you're new to church and it's your first time here, get ready to buckle up 'cause things might get weird for a little bit. 'Cause we're gonna dive into chapter seven. Here's what happens in chapter seven. It goes from a history talking about the events that happen in Babylon to these series of apocalyptic visions that Daniel receives from God. So we go from the fiery furnace to Daniel having this vision, this dream. He has this dream of a giant sea. And on this sea, wind is blowing normal at first, but then all of a sudden, beasts begin to rise out of this sea and it goes in great detail describing these beasts. And there's four of them. There's four beasts that is described in Daniel chapter seven. And the last final beast is bigger and more treacherous than the previous three. And it's described that from this beast, there's a bunch of horns protruding from its head. You can Google image, you know, monsters in Daniel seven and you'll see artists rendering of these. I don't know if they're accurate, but it says there's a bunch of horns. And then Daniel describes that there's a little horn coming from the center of his head. And this horn can talk. And this is very concerning to Daniel. Like I said, things get weird really fast in Daniel chapter seven. But then he begins to have this vision of God seated on his heavenly throne. He describes them and he describes them as the ancient of day, seated upon his throne. From his throne comes fire. And around his throne are thousands of saints worshiping at his feet. And that's where we're gonna start reading at. So we are in Daniel chapter seven in verse 11. And it says this. And it says, I look then because the sound of the great words that the horn was speaking, remember the little horn speaking, the sounds of the great words that the horn was speaking. And as I looked, the beast was killed and his body was destroyed and given over to be burned with fire. And as for the rest of the beast, their dominion was taken away, but their lives were prolonged for a season and a time. I saw on the night visions and behold, with the clouds of heaven, there came one like a son of man. And he came to the ancient of days and was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom to all peoples, all nations and languages to serve him. His dominion was an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away and his kingdom won which shall not be destroyed. And as for me Daniel, my spirit within me was anxious and the visions of my head alarmed me as they would me if I had them too. And he said, I approached one of those who stood there and asked him the truth concerning all of this. So he told me and made known to me the interpretations of these things. He said, these four great beasts are four kings who shall rise out of the earth, but the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever and ever. Let's stop there. This isn't your average Bible story. We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto. Like this isn't the, they don't teach this at Sunday school. This is a bit strange. This is a bit confusing. I wanna help you because I don't know about you. There have been times where I'm trying to read my Bible. It's like, oh yeah, this makes sense. I kinda get this and then you get to a chapter or a verse like this and you're like, I have no idea. Like what are we talking about? I wanna help you if you've ever been there before. If you've ever been reading your Bible and you're like, and I don't understand what this is saying first off. I wanna say that's okay. Like shout out to you for attempting and trying to read your Bible. I wanna let you know that as your obedient to read, it's only gonna become clear and clear. But a practice I have when I come to something that I don't know or it's confusing, what I like to do is simply zoom out. Zoom out. The illustration I give is if you're putting together a puzzle. I'm not much of a puzzle person, but I've done a few in my life. Some people are really into puzzles and that's awesome for you. You'll know what I'm talking about. When you're putting together a puzzle, first what you do is you set up the box, has the picture on it, then you try to put together a framework of here's the edge pieces and then you put the puzzle together. But you might get to a piece and you're like, what I have no idea where this fits into the overall picture. What do you do when you get to a piece that you don't know where it fits or it's kind of confusing and you don't know where it goes? You look at the box. You go look at the box, why? Because on the box is the big picture of what you are trying to piece together. So if we look at our Bible like a puzzle piece and the chapters and verses are different or a puzzle, the chapters and verses are different puzzle pieces. What is the overall picture, the big picture of scripture? Let me tell you, it's this, it's the gospel. It's the fact that there is a God who created everything including us. And he created us for a purpose. What is that purpose to reflect his image? What is reflecting his image? It is worship. So we were created to worship God, but we chose to worship something other than God. And because we chose to worship something other than God, it brought sin and brokenness and destruction and evil into the world. But more than that, it separated us from God who wants to be in relationship with us. And God loving us so much was not okay with this. So even though we worship something other than him, rebelled against him, went our own ways, did what we thought was right. God actively sought out to restore us back to relationship with him. How did he do this? Through his son Jesus Christ, he was fully God, fully man, came to earth and died on the cross for our sins, laid down his life so that we could be raised back to life and restored into relationship with God. This is what the picture of the Bible is all about. It points to Jesus, everything points to Jesus. He's the main character, he's the main person in the story. We're not the main character, Jesus is. So this is the gospel. You were created, created for a purpose to worship God. We worship something other than God, which separated us from our purpose, but God through Jesus Christ wants to restore you back to your purpose. Your purpose is to worship God. Maybe you didn't know that and you've been searching your whole life. Today I wanna let you know that what you've been looking for is your purpose and your purpose is to reflect the image of God. So when we look at Daniel, when we look at it through that lens, we begin to understand what's being said here because even, let's look at how the children of Israel, God's people, God's covenant people ended up in Babylon. It was because of this, God made a covenant with them. He said, you are my people, but he's told them this. You shall worship no other gods but me. But what did the children of Israel do? For hundreds of years, they chose to give their worship to something other than God. They allowed their worship to be stolen by something else. And they began to worship something other than God and God is so good, he's so faithful. His mercies extend so much further than we could possibly imagine. For hundreds of years, he kept pursuing them and they kept turning their back and worshiping other gods. He would send prophet after prophet. He would show up and say, hey, turn back to me, worship me. I wanna be in relationship with you, but they continued to turn to other gods and worship other gods until finally, because God's good like this, he gave them what they wanted. You see, before they were ever exiled to Babylon, they were worshiping like Babylon. Wherever your worship is, that's where you will go. Your worship is leading you. And so they were taken from their homeland and sent to Babylon. Notice this, Babylon didn't just show up and take them. God sent them. God sent them to exile into Babylon, why? Because sometimes God has to send you out so he can get your worship back. So he can take you back to your purpose. He has to remove the things that are distracting you and take you to a place where you remember your dependence on God, and that's why the children of Israel found themselves in Babylon. And when we look at Daniel, the whole book is about worship. We see those, there was a few, a remnant, Daniel and his friends who chose to worship God, no matter their circumstances, no matter the fact that they were in a foreign land with the foreign people, they continued to worship God as God. And what happens? Fiery furnace, they're preserved and protected. Lions then, they're preserved and protected. What does this show me? When you choose to worship God, he will preserve and he will protect you no matter what the situation you might be facing. Where's your worship? And then we see worship from Babylon, from the king's perspectives. You know, we see the king who has a dream about a great statue that represents his power, his might and the might and power of the kingdoms of this world. He worshiped himself in what happened to him. He went crazy, was made like an animal and was humbled. And then we see another king who saw a great tree and thought, oh, this is all my power, all my might and worshiped his own self, his power and his might and his earthly kingdom, what happened to him? He ended up dying. Whenever, hear me, whenever our worship is misplaced, it will lead us to either living subhuman or lead to death itself. We wonder why our culture is in such a spiral and such a mess, a devaluing of life, maybe it's because we've given away our worship. Instead of worshiping God, we worship sex, we worship money, we worship power, we worship comfort and comfortability. We worship political parties and people thinking that they're the answer. And we wonder why it seems like culture is falling apart, there's division, there's hurt, there's pain and there's chaos because we're not doing what we were created to do, worship God. So we see that Daniel, the book is all about worship. So today I wanna ask you this question, where is your worship? Where have you placed your worship? So I wanna give you four keys to help us answer that question. Where is our worship? The first key is this, worship starts with a revelation. Worship starts with a revelation. And this is where we find ourselves back in Daniel chapter seven, like some of you are like, "Hey, you said you were gonna explain it, "you haven't explained it, I'm gonna explain it to you." So imagine Daniel, he's living in Babylon, following God, honoring God, going through trial after trial, but still worshiping God. You have to imagine Daniel's like, "Hey God, when is this gonna get better? "Like when are you gonna save me from exile? "When are you gonna destroy Babylon "and send me back to Jerusalem? "God, when is that gonna happen?" I love Daniel though, he worship no matter what. But God shows up to Daniel and what we see in Daniel chapter seven is that God gives Daniel a revelation. What is a revelation? A revelation is a heavenly perspective of your earthly situation. It's God revealing himself in his point of view to his people. You have to understand this about a revelation. A revelation always is initiated by God. God wants to reveal himself to you. So Daniel has this revelation of God in God's heavenly perspective. This is what he sees. He sees first off this, that kingdoms come and kingdoms go. But the kingdoms empower structures of this earth, the things we value, the things a lot of us build our life on are temporary. In the end, all the beasts die. It's over. What does that show Daniel? That the nation of Babylon and the other nations to follow and the power systems that we see even at play today, one day will end. Babylon is temporary. But then he got a vision of Jesus, the son of man, seated on his throne. And it said that his throne will not be destroyed and his throne will last forever. What is the revelation that God's kingdom does not end? Babylon is temporary. Zion is forever. God's kingdom is forever. So he has this revelation of Jesus seated on a throne and he sees him in all his glory and might empower. The question I wanna ask you today, have you had a revelation of Jesus? Because the only way we can truly worship and the only way we could place our worship in its rightful place is if we have a revelation of Jesus. A revelation is different than information. You can know about Jesus and come to church but still not have a personal revelation. Some of you, you could hear it during worship. You are having a revelation of the goodness of Jesus. That's why you're lifting your voice and raising your hands. Why? Because you had a revelation. You have a revelation of his beauty and his majesty and his grace and his mercy and his peace. Have you had a revelation? If not, I wanna let you know this. God deeply desires to reveal himself to you. Can I share with you one of the main vehicles in which God chooses to reveal himself to his people today? It's right here, it's your Bible. It's your Bible, it's scripture. A lot of us, we want God to show up to us like he did to Daniel in a vision. Guys, we have a better revelation than Daniel had. We have the entirety of scripture, the fulfillment of all that was shown to Daniel is in this and we see Jesus can come alive to you when you open up your word. Why are a lot of Christians so quickly to give away their worship? I think it's because they have information but they haven't had a revelation. A lot of you, no, I don't wanna say that, a lot of us. It's easy to live life off of second-hand revelation. We come to church, we hear a pastor's revelation, we hear a small group leader's revelation. When God wants to reveal himself to you personally. He's offering you a fresh stick of gum but we settle for chewing someone else's gum. God wants to reveal himself to you. He wants to have relationship with you. He wants to talk to you. He wants to show you his grace and his beauty but we have to open up our Bible and read it. And if you don't know where to start, start in the book of Mark, Luke, John, any of the gospels and just begin to read about Jesus. And as you read, read through it slowly and allow Jesus to reveal his goodness and his grace to you. It will transform your life forever. You cannot worship well without a revelation. Second thing is worship leads to a reposition. You see, when you've experienced a revelation it requires some action. Just like some of you today, you stepped into this atmosphere and you're like, what is this? You begin to cry. You don't, it's a response to what has been revealed to you. It's a repositioning. I love this, it says in Daniel chapter nine, verse three, this is Daniel after he had the vision. It says, "Then I turned my face to the Lord God." I love that. Daniel turned his face to the Lord God. You can be living in Babylon but still choose to face God. Set your attention, set your gaze, set your focus on him. I turn to face the Lord God seeking him by prayer and by pleas for mercy, with fasting and sackcloth and ashes. What is this? What is he talking about? 'Cause this is his response to a revelation. He sees how big and grand God is that he is the king on the throne. Then all of a sudden Daniel has a revelation of himself that I am nothing without that king. In fact, I'm the scum of the earth. I'm broken, I'm sinful. I'm the one who rebelled and he has a realization of himself. So he turns to God, how in humility and brokenness, how do we turn our face towards God through humility and repentance? It's not talking down on ourselves but it's turning to God and saying, "God, I need you. "I'm sorry, I can't do this without you. "I don't want to be God of my life. "I need you." You see, it's easy to point fingers at people or society and say this is the problem, this is the problem, this is the problem. Notice that Daniel's revelation of God doesn't lead him to pointing fingers at Babylon. It leads him to realizing the brokenness in himself. And he says, "God, forgive me. "Forgive our nation, forgive our people "because we've worshiped something other than you." Revelation leads to a repositioning. We turn our face towards God. You see, what you turn to is often a indicator of what you worship. Listen to me when things get tough, when you go through a difficult time, when things get confusing, let me ask you this, where do you turn to? What do you turn to? Do you turn to media and just zone out? Do you turn to anger? Do you turn to fear? What do you turn to? 'Cause what you turn to is probably what you worship. See, what is worship is simply reflecting God's image, but whatever we face is what we reflect. See, we can be living in Babylon, we can be living in brokenness and still reflect the beauty and the majesty and the grace and the love of Jesus if we would simply turn to him in humility and repentance. What are you facing? Revelation leads, or worship always leads to a repositioning. Number three, worship requires a redirection. It's not just I'm turning and facing God, but no, now I'm walking and taking steps towards him. The patterns of my life are changing and I'm walking in a new direction. It requires a redirection. I love what Jesus says in John 4.23 says, but the hour is coming and is now here when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. I love this worship goes beyond just us singing songs on Sunday 'cause we could worship God in spirit together and have an amazing moment, but are you worshiping and are you living a lifestyle of worship Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday when you go home, when you're in the parking lot after this service and there's traffic and that person cuts you off, are we continuing to live a lifestyle of worship? The way we treat our spouse and our kids and our boss, are we living a life of worship? Because worship is not just in spirit, but it's in truth. I love that it says this in Daniel 11.32. It says he, this is talking about the beast, he shall seduce with flattery those who violate the covenant but the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action. Babylon's trying to steal your worship. When we talk about Babylon, it's not a literal place, we're talking about a spirit. We're talking about principalities and powers. We're talking about the thing behind the thing. We look at systems, political, all the mess in the world. It's backed by a darker spiritual system and that's the spirit of Babylon. Babylon is trying to steal your worship and I wanna let you know it's usually typically not through great acts, it's usually through small seductions and flatteries that he tries to rob our worship. Thought patterns that we dwell on, fears that we feed into, things we allow into our life. We come into agreement with culture. We say we wanna change culture, but we are playing by the same rules that culture follows. We're using the same talking points that culture uses. We're pointing the same fingers that Babylon's pointing and we're allowing little things to redirect our worship. And we don't see it right away, it's just like looking in the mirror daily, you don't see it right away but you look at a picture of yourself five years ago and you're like, "Man, I've changed a lot." That's the way I think Babylon gets our worship but it says those who know their God, that's God's people. That's those who choose to worship him as God. It says they will stand firm and take action. Your worship is in your lifestyle. And the way that we worship and what we'll determine if our worship is true or not is how we live, is our worship strong enough to stand firm in the face of adversity or do we back down? The things that God shows us in his word are we willing to stand firm and say no, this is who God is, he's the king of my life. I'm not bowing down to culture, why? 'Cause he's called me to stand. And not just stand firm, he also calls us to take action. Take action. If you are a follower of Jesus, action is required. We gotta do something. We can't stand silent. Why? 'Cause you have to understand this. Everything you do is worship. The words you speak, the thoughts you think, the way you vote, the way you post, the conversations you have, all of it is worship. And either it's worshiping God is king or it's worshiping Babylon. Everything we do is worship. So what does the worship of your life point to? Does it point to Jesus? Does it point to him as king? Our life is worship. So let that action, let the way that you live be worship unto God. And lastly this, for worship brings restoration. Man, this is God's plan and purpose. When we worship God, he wants to be restored back into relationship with us. Man, for a lot of us, and I've been there before, we experience the here and now. The here and now can be very painful. It can be confusing. You could ask God, why? You could ask God, where are you? We can experience brokenness and we see it in our country right now where it seems like it's more divisive than ever. People are pointing fingers at each other. It seems like, man, is everything falling apart. We're living in the here and now. But I wanna let you know that God's plan and purpose is always to restore. And the beautiful thing about what God reveals to us in scripture is that in the end, no matter what, sickness, pain, death, hurt, brokenness, in the end, we win. Our worship is not determined by our current circumstances. I wanna say that again, our worship is not determined by the here and now and how we feel. Our worship is anchored to our future hope. Our worship is anchored to a greater reality. I hope this doesn't offend you, but a few weeks ago, I was watching the movie Back to the Future. Anyone seen it? No, a few of you? Okay. Watching Back to the Future, and I'd seen it a bunch of times before, but I was watching kind of the end of the movie when Doc is trying to connect that power cord so the lightning can strike and Marty can go back to the future. I'm watching this and the cord gets disconnected and remember it's hanging on his pants if you've ever seen it and he's like trying to get it. I've seen the movie before, but I'm watching it like, oh no, he's not gonna connect it in time. And I was getting all worked up. And even when I watched the movie Like the Lion King, I'm like hoping Mufasa doesn't get trampled. And there's like, even though I've seen it, but I'm watching Back to the Future and I'm getting all worked up, and then I'm like, okay, I've seen the movie before. He makes it Back to the Future. Like, I don't, he's gonna get the cord connected. You know what's amazing as believers? We can see the end. It's amazing how right here and now we can get so worked up and anxious, but we can see the end. If you don't know the end, let me show you what scripture says. Hebrews 11, 13 says this. It says this, it's talking about the saints, believers. He listed off a bunch of people who had great faith. It says these all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar. For having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on earth. If you are a follower of Jesus, we're exiles in this land. Yes, I'm grateful to live in this nation. Greatest nation on the planet. We're also, I wouldn't be living here. Like, we are blessed. And people have laid down their life to fight for these freedoms. But guys, this is not our homeland. We're exiles here. Our homeland is a greater kingdom. And if they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have the opportunity to return. I love this for 16, but as it is, they desire a better country. Where's your heart? Where's your worship? Is it right here in the kingdoms of the right now or is it in a better country? That is a heavenly one. Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God for he has prepared for them, for you, for me. It's prepared for us a city. In the end of the book, Revelation 21, it says this, and I saw a holy city, a new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. Restoration. The dwelling place of God is with man. And he will dwell with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more. Neither shall there be mourning or crying or pain anymore. For the former things, what is that? The pains of this life, the brokenness of this world, the confusion of this world, our sin, our rebellion, our shame, all of that shall have passed away. And there's a kingdom that will last. Man, I've been there where I feel confused. Don't know what to do. And I found that the greatest thing I can do in moments of confusion, hurt, pain, fear of the future is do one thing, choose to worship. Choose to worship. Right now, you might be in a trial, you might be facing something difficult. You have a choice to make. Who are you going to worship? Where are you going to put your trust? Are you gonna put your trust in a greater kingdom? (dramatic music) Because what we do when we choose to worship is we usher in right now, a restoration. Restoration's not just for the future in heaven, although we will be fully restored. As the church, we bring the kingdom of heaven down to earth. And when we worship, it brings restoration between us and God, and not just for us. Hear me for everyone around us. If my people who are called by my name turn from their wicked ways and repent. I will bring healing. That's what God says. So when we turn to God and worship Him as God, it will bring healing to our land. Yes, we are living in uncertain times. There's an election only a few weeks away, but here's what you gotta know. God is in control. All of this is temporary. He sits on the throne forever. Where are you gonna put your worship? Who are you gonna worship in this season? Because if the church would choose to worship, I believe God can heal our land. I believe you could bring healing to your family if you choose to worship. You could bring healing to your soul if you choose to turn your attention and your gaze towards Him. And when we worship, it connects us with an eternal kingdom, a greater peace, a greater joy, a confidence knowing the kingdom's come, kingdoms go. But one kingdom remains forever. And I love what it says at the end of Daniel 12, 13, and here God tells him this. He says, but go your way till the end. What does that mean? Don't give up. Keep worshiping. Go your way till the end and you shall rest. I love that. Your soul is looking for rest. It finds it in worshiping the king. Your purpose and you shall rest and you shall stand in your allotted place at the end of days. Before you were ever born, God has prepared a place for you. Some of you have been searching your whole life. God is welcoming you into the family. He has a place for you. What does that let me know? No matter what you face in this life, if you worship Him as king, He will get you through what you're facing. And He has a place prepared for you. The greatest card the enemy could throw at us is death. Even in death, we still win. Why does death is temporary? God's kingdom is forever. Even in pain, when people turn their back on you, God's kingdom is still forever. That's temporary. It's beautiful nation we get to live in. It's temporary. It's not forever. God's kingdom will last forever. What are you choosing to worship? Where is your worship? Who has your worship? All the other campuses you could take it. Here in the room, I wanna pray for some people. So if you bow your head and close your eyes, I wanna ask you this question. Do you have a relationship with Jesus? Let me ask it another way. Do you know where you're gonna go when you die? Do you believe that one day you'll stand before Jesus face to face and he will welcome you into his kingdom? If not, if there's any apprehension, if you're like, man, I've made mistakes, I've done a lot of bad things. I don't know if God loves me. I wanna let you know. He deeply loves you. And the Bible says this, if we believe in our heart and confess with our mouth, what is that? We put our faith. We put our trust in Jesus. That he died on the cross and that he rose again. We can be saved. And in this moment right now, God wants to restore you to your purpose. So if you would say, you know what? I wanna start a relationship with Jesus or I don't know where my relationship's at and I want that restoration. I want to be in a relationship with him. I want forgiveness for my sins. On the count of three with no one looking around, I just want you to raise your hand. One, two, three. Awesome, I see you. I see you. Best decision you could ever make. God loves you. This is the beginning of your future. I see your hand up in the risers. I see you. I see you. I see you right here. I see you. I see you. God's for you. He's not against you. He's gonna give you a greater peace, a greater purpose. Awesome. You put your hand down as a church. Can we all pray this prayer together? Out loud, say Jesus. I believe you died on the cross. And I believe you rose again. I know that I'm a sinner. I ask that you would forgive me of my sins. I believe in you. And from this day on, I choose to follow you all the days of my life until I see you face to face. In Jesus' name, amen. Can we give it up for every person who prayed that prayer? Come on, you are loved. Welcome to the family. You're a part of an eternal kingdom. (upbeat music) If you prayed that prayer, as you leave, some kind people have these yellow cards. Grab one of these, head up to the connect area. We love to give you a Bible, meet with you, talk to you and help you on this journey. Here's what I wanna do before we leave. I wanna pray for all of us. So if you'd stay into your feet, and if you're comfortable, would you just lift your hands in the air? It's a sign of worship to God. Here's what I'm believing for for all of us. A fresh revelation of Jesus. 'Cause it starts with revelation. Don't let Babylon steal your worship. So Jesus, I pray for every person here. God, you know what they're going through. You know what they're facing. And in this moment, God, we are asking for a fresh revelation of the beauty and the majesty and the power of Jesus. God, it would not just be an idea in our mind, but God, it would transform the core of who we are. God, that we would see you for who you are. And God, I pray that in this season, we would choose to place our worship in you. God, we're not gonna give our worship to Babylon or the things that Babylon values. God, we trust you. So God, I pray that in this season, we acknowledge you as God. And God, we pray that our life would be worship to you. Everything we do, everything we say, the words that we speak. God, I pray it would be worship unto you. So God, I pray you would protect our hearts. God, in this season, there would be no fear. But God, there would be peace knowing that you are king on the throne and your kingdom lasts forever. So God, we honor you and we love you. In Jesus' name, amen. Thank you for being at church today. Hey, if you need prayer for anything, we're gonna be upfront. We'd love to pray with you. And I will see you next week. - For more information on our church, log on to our website at or check out the TFH app. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)