The Dr. J.A. Jones Podcast

Mind Matters: 77 Dear Next Gen with Ms. Cindy PT 1

Broadcast on:
13 Oct 2024
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Dr. Jones talks to First Lady Cindy Jones about her new podcast Dear Next Gen with Ms. Cindy.

J.A. Jones' service is to help others who are stuck in mental strongholds through encouragement, authenticity, and biblical wisdom. He will help you get better, be free, and live a joy-filled life.

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"The Power of the Tongue: 30 Days to Better Relationships by Dr. Jones

100 Insightful Ideas to Better Living

They have helped hundreds of people to become better with their words, actions, and behaviors. It will help to improve any relationship. Buy it and you'll be glad you did. 

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My advice is to examine your own life and to see where the pressure is coming from and take the time to get before the Lord and ask Him. What is it that you want me to do? - Welcome to Mind Matters with Dr. J. A. Jones. Dr. Jones is the head pastor of the Faith Community Church of God in Orange Park, Florida. Relationships, finances, our spiritual life, whatever it is, our problems start within in our minds. Dr. Jones explores mental wellness through the application of God's word in our lives. It's just what the doctor ordered. Let's join him now and dig into Mind Matters because your mind matters to God. - Welcome to Mind Matters. I hope you're having a good day because it's gonna be a good day. No matter when you're listening to this particular show here, if you're not, I'm so glad you tune in to the right station. This show is where we get into the principles from the Bible that shape our lives and guide our direction. It is so key to know that. And I'm excited to have a special guest who started a podcast on pot being podcast platform and she's called Miss Cindy, okay? So how are you doing? - I'm doing great. Yes, that's the podcast named Miss Cindy. - Okay, well I'm delighted to have you here to share your story on why you started your podcast and to know what it's all about. - Okay. - Because I think podcasting is important as you're on this particular platform with me today. Dr. Jones, Mind Matters and Miss Cindy, as you know, is Lady Cindy, my wife of 46 years. I'm excited to have her with me today, but it's a special episode, past special radio show today with Mind Matters as helping people to understand how they think and because their mind do matter to God, how they process life. They say we think Miss Cindy, they say we think 70,000 thoughts a day. Give or take a few. And they say some of those thoughts are recycled from the previous day, 90% of them. So if people lives are not going in a better direction, we got to change how we think. - Correct. - All right. So let's talk about or you want to share anything about before we get into your platform on part being on ease is overrated. - Well, ease is overrated. That was my second episode, but the reason I started this podcast is to encourage our younger generations that's coming behind us that it is their time to step up and step out, to let their gifts be used and to go forth and do whatever God has called them to do. - Okay. - You know, I know that a lot of the younger generations there, you don't see them in church as much as we grew up. You know, I guess each generation is different. You know, the generation before us, we didn't particularly like being in church almost seven days a week and, you know, in several hours in church. And so we cut that back and now the generation after us, they, to me, it seems like they don't see a need to be in church like we were. - Okay. - You know. - Okay. - And so, but they are the church of today and they need to know the importance of fellowshipping with one another to strengthen each other. - Right. - And I don't know, I'm not sure they're getting that on social media. - Okay. - They may not. - Right, right. - But I wanted to encourage them to use whatever gifts that God has given them to strengthen the body of Christ, which is all over the world globally. - Right, right. - And since they are not coming to the church house, I have to go to them on a podcast. - Right. - So that's why I started that podcast as an avenue to go to them. - Mm-hmm. - Because they're not, they're regularly like, like we was trained to do in our generation. - What age are you targeting as relates to the next gen, right? That's the title of it, the next gen with Miss Cindy. So what age do you think you want to target? - Well, I'm targeting mostly, I'll say 45 and below. - Okay. - Could be 50 and below. - Okay. - Everybody got something going on, and the Bible tells us that in the last days, the days would be shortened, and they have been shortened, and I'm sure everyone is still in that now. - Okay. - 'Cause time goes quickly. - Mm-hmm, yes it does, yes it does. So the second episode is called Ease Is Overrated. And so let's share some things about that particular episode and how important it is for the next generation, the next gen, to understand why Ease, E-A-S-E, is overrated. - Well, 'cause now with social media, they spend a lot of time on there, and they're looking at other people's lives. And many times, as on TV, different avenues of media, they show that we live, we should be, it kind of dicks takes a lifestyle that we should be aiming for, like get a lots of money and multiple houses and what should be in those houses, you know? In my episode, I talked about how people want to get two large walking closets in the master bedroom, and they want several cars, and in the multiple houses, they get a vacation home, as well as a home you live in. - Okay. - And that's a lot of things that we start going after, and even in having children, they tell you to have a boy and a girl in that order, and that's supposed to be painting a picture of the perfect lifestyle, you know? Things like that. - Okay. - But, so I want to encourage them, that's not necessarily true. - Okay, okay. - You know, 'cause the Bible tells us in Luke 12 and 15, it said, Jesus said, "Take heed and beware of covetousness, 'cause for one's life does not consist in the abundance of things that we possess." - Okay, all right. All right, well, as relates to what you just said, which is so vital, because we're destroyed because of the lack of knowledge. And that I do get and I do clearly understand, but it's something in what you just mentioned, you talked about society dictating a certain lifestyle for us to follow. - Now, how do you think that societal pressure impacts our true sense of purpose? - Well, we should focus on the will of God for our individual life, our particular life, and that brings true fulfillment in us. You know, when God feels that boy, first John 2, 16 through 17, it says for everything in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, that does not come. It says, "Come not from the Father, but from the world." And the world in its desires, that's gonna pass away. - Yes. - But whoever does the will of God lives forever, you know? And so that's, we should be focused more on what does God want me to do? - Right. - And ask him. - Right. Well, ask him better what about go to the Bible, basic instructions before leaving the earth. A lot of times when we ask him in prayer, yes, we should pray, we should ask God because he will answer. Sometimes he'll tell us or he'll impress upon us things we don't want to hear, we don't want to do. But it's so important to follow the written script because it can script our lives to be in a better place, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, financially and relationally in every way. - Amen, amen. And you know, I've learned from it, you know, just from living life over the years, you know, wanting this thing and that thing. - Right. - And then when you get it, it's like, then what? (laughs) - Yeah, what's next? - What's next? - Right. - You want something else and then something else. - Right. - And there's something else and that's why that scripture where John was saying the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the eyes are never full, right? - Right, never satisfied. - Never satisfied. - Right. - You always see the next new thing and the next new thing and the next new thing because when you get it, then it's not feeling the void. - Absolutely. - You know, you're never satisfied. - Oh, I agree. - 100%, 100%. So anything else as relates to the episode ease is overrated, then you talked about your purpose and all of those things. I'm pretty sure you did as relates to that. So give me your thoughts on other things as relates to this particular episode. Ease is overrated. - Well, and you know, I know, I said, you know, if society paints us a picture where, you know, we should go after these certain things to have a perfect lifestyle or a good lifestyle, but that's fine for some people. Some people need that. It depends on the purpose for your life. You know, you may require that depending on whatever God has called you to do. - Yes. - 'Cause the bigger the task or the bigger the assignment, you may need two houses. You may need one to get away every now and then. You may need several cars to get around or even a jet. - Oh, my goodness. - Yeah, you may need these things, but it depends on the purpose and the call on your life. But if you're trying to get these things and just working and working and working, and a lot of times when people look at other people's lifestyle, they see these things and they try to go after it and they get overwhelmed and they don't take into consideration what, how much it's gonna cause to maintain these things. - Okay, okay, right. - Yeah, a lot of times we wanna get things, but then you gotta count the cost of maintenance. - Right. - You know? - Oh, absolutely. - Yeah, the maintenance of a, I'll say Nissan venture is different than the maintenance of a Mercedes GLE. - Oh, yeah, yeah, it depends on the car. And that's clearly stated and I love what you had to say about it, but that's anything. What about a house? When you buy a house, there's a lot of maintenance in choir, required of that. When you buy a certain type of car or there's a lot of maintenance, if you get a boat, there's a lot of maintenance with that boat. You get a pool, pool has a lot of maintenance and people are trying to have a certain lifestyle, but don't understand the cost. Like you stated, the work that is required to obtain those things, but what does it take to maintain? You know, but there's work required to get it because you gotta have the money, you gotta have the credit, you gotta have what the resources, but then it takes a lot more to maintain it or appear at a time. - Right. - Yeah, because you mentioned how much work and maintenance it takes to obtain certain material things. What advice would you give Miss Cindy as relates to the next gen, to what advice would you give someone who feels overwhelmed by trying to balance their spiritual purpose with the pressure to accumulate more? - Well, I would say turn off the noise. - What does that mean? - That means turn off whatever is feeding your mind to drive you to get these things. - Okay. - You know, whether you watching social media, what are you watching or who you're hanging out with? - Okay, okay. - My advice is to examine your own life and to see where the pressure is coming from. - Right. - And take the time to get before the Lord and ask him, what is it that you want me to do? - Right. - You know, seek peace. - Yes. - You know, in James 3, the last part of James 3, which is verse 15, it goes on down, says the wisdom does not ascend from above, but is earthly sensual and demonic, where there's envy and self-seeking exists. There's confusion and everything. - Right. - Evil thing there are, you know. But the wisdom from the Lord, the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable and gentle and it's willing to yield. - Right. - We need to check where are we going? - Yes, okay, okay. No, absolutely, I like your response to that. Where are we going? Because most people are trying to keep up with the Joneses. But don't do that, please don't do that. Please don't do that. I just do like God's way. And that's the best way to-- - Dr. Jones is the pastor of Faith Community Church of God in Orange Park, reaching a hurting world with the love of Jesus. We thank you for listening to Mind Matters, and we encourage you to show support for the many community outreach ministries that Dr. Jones and Faith Community Church tend to. You can give it Faith Community's website,, or just text Money Sign and the amount you want to give to 833-435-8022. That's 833-435-8022. We are blessed to be a blessing. Now let's get back to the program. You know, because our last name is Jones. It's not about keeping up with us, right? - Right. - A Smith. - Definitely. - A whoever. So, and that's the lifestyle, right? And that has been painted. There was a movie about that, keeping up with the Joneses, which depicts the wrong way to live. You're living by material things. And I like what you said earlier as it relates to, we'll say the next gen, because I'm interviewing you or just giving you an opportunity on Mind Matters to talk about your podcast. The next gen with Miss Cindy. And I think that's so important. You mentioned the word church. The word church means echosia, the called out ones. So, it's the faith community. It's so important for every generation to be connected to a local body. - That is. - Right? - Yes. - You know, just like we have many members, but one body. - Right. - I have a hand, hands. I got eyes, we got feet. We got parts of this body and everybody plays a part, no matter your age. - You're right. - In the local body of Christ. - Yes. - The faith community. And as you are targeting this particular age or this particular group, 18 through... - 45. - 45. And many of them are missing. Sometimes Cindy, I don't know why, but people learn later in life, oh, I need to get my life right with God. Don't wait 'til later, learn from others' mistakes. Learn from others' mishaps or bad things that have happened to them based on their choices in life. So, we don't have to wait 'til it was '60, '70, '80, '90 to get life right with God or to be a part of a faith community, which is so important because iron sharpened it, iron. So, I like the thought about the next gen trying to reach the generation of today. The younger ones will say, "I'm still young." Anyway, I'm not 18, I'm not 25, I'm not 30, but I feel good in my soul. I feel good in my body. That doesn't mean that happens every day, but I'm all right because God created me in His image and likeness. So, I think that's so important. We've just talked about what it means or what we should not be doing, keeping up with worldly standards, and we should be keeping up with biblical standards. And I think that would be so key. - Yes, we need that. Well, I wanna encourage them to stay in tune with God. - Okay. - And you need to be around people with like faith. - Okay, why is that? - Because you need the encouragement, you need the strength. It doesn't mean that you have to spend a lot of time in the church house, you know, so to speak, because the church is dispersed all over the world in various industries and in various industries. - Sure, like the medical field, the engineering field. - Music, entertainment, wherever you go, the grocery store. - Okay, construction. - Construction. - I mean, yeah, janitoria. I mean, working at a school, working at a hospital, working wherever you work. - But you have to take time to take a break and come together with people locally. - Right. - And encourage one another. - Sure. - You know, spend that time. And because there is gonna come a time with special occasions in your life, such as weddings. - Yes, weddings. - A few girls. - Baby, baby dedications. Baby dedications, baby births and things like that. You need to have a church family that you can depend on. Instead of looking for a preacher when crisis happens, and they don't know you at all. - Right, right, they have sometimes, you know, me being in ministry for a while, I'm not gonna lie that I know the person. You're right, I've conducted many celebration of life services or funerals and, you know, all off the cuff, I get a phone call. They want me to, you know, help utilize their family member, but I don't know you. And they are, guess what? And if they're not a part of a local body, they're not part of a faith community. They just been living life. - Yeah. - But now the crisis happened now, bad things happens, a death took place in the family. And now that person has passed away. But I think when we pass or transition, we gotta do that with dignity. And you do it by staying like what you're saying, staying connected to a faith community. That doesn't mean it's a perfect community. Let me say that, I want that to be put out. No. - Anywhere there's people, you're gonna have flaws. - Oh yeah, you're gonna have flaws. - 'Cause we all have flaws. - People gonna not necessarily do the right thing. They may not say the right thing. They may not act the right way. - Yes. - But it's still a community that is needed for our society. No matter if you're 18, 25, 35, 27, 45. - Own up. - Own up or own down. It's important, so because even from a household standpoint, a husband and a wife, the Bible said, or a single parent, whatever that situation, it says train up a child in the way they should go. And when they're old, they will not depart from the training. And I think that's so key in our society, especially the next gen you're trying to reach the next generation based on your, the title of your podcast on pot being with Ms. Cindy. So. - Yeah, a lot of what we hear nowadays is about mental health. - Okay. - And you know, getting therapy. - Yes. - That wasn't so much in our generation because he was in church. But of course, the church can't provide all of those, meet all of those needs. - Right. - You need mental health assistance, you know. But a lot of it was not needed because we had a church family. - Right, right. - You know. And nowadays, I think everybody needs a natural family as well as a spiritual family. - Okay, okay. - And a lot of that mental health assistance will come from being and being in the house of God and hearing the word of God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. And the more you around people of faith and getting the word of God, it will help with those situations that you're dealing with in your mind. - Yes. - That's why you have this mind matters. - Right, oh yeah, absolutely. That's why I have mind matters right here on Praise 107.9. Absolutely, I am excited. I've been doing this for a while now and I think very grateful for this opportunity to help people to understand that God cares about their life. God cares about their heart. God cares about their need. God cares about what they want because God cares about what we care about. And you're right, that's why I have mind matters to help people to understand how to think better so they can live better. And guess what happened, they become better. - Yes, and the word tells us out of the abundance of the heart. And a lot of times that word heart means mind to in the word of God. - Yes. - And so out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speed, what's going on in your mind is gonna come out through your mouth. - Yes. - And so having a spiritual family and getting that word tells us to encourage one another, uplift one another. If people would get that, this next generation would get that. - Right. - You know, that will relieve them from a lot of stress and frustration and things like that, you know. - Right, I think there's some barriers to that. And as we know, there's some wedges in their life. There's some walls that have been put up, some of the next gen which you're targeting and trying to reach. We'll say ages 18 through whatever that age is 40 because we have the cultural norm. You know, we have a societal norm as well as how they should think. So, and I think because sometimes adverse childhood experiences, they have been through trauma mentally, adversity growing up, a single parent home. It's been through even a two-parent home. Abuse, neglect, household dysfunction. And a lot of times the next gen has ran away from things they are not facing. You know, I have this thought. What we never confront, we won't ever conquer. So we have to address some things so we can overcome some things. - Right. So Vincent Filetti was one of the chief investigators of this particular trauma called adverse childhood experiences. He worked for Kaiser Permanente and then you have the CDC. They came together many years ago and they found that treating children with medication, treating them with different things from the science standpoint did not work because of the pediatrician. They was wondering what's going on, giving you the right medication. I'm giving you this and I'm giving you that. But yet they constantly come back and they found out based on the survey, it was bigger issues than medication. The issues began in the home, began in the home. Whether it's like, is that two parent or one parent or whatever it may be? And they found out it was more going on behind the scenes than what was told to the doctor that was told to the pediatrician. I mean, they can measure, they got their codes, as far as what to give a child because of how they're acting out situations. They're screaming, they're yelling, their behavior is not calm enough and they just are everywhere even when it comes to the doctor's office. But they realized, no, something has taken place abuse, neglect household dysfunction that has literally restructured their brain. The neurological pathways are being reshaped and in order to get it back where it needs to be in the home of your stasis in our body. And that means being normal, getting a blood pressure, getting things where it needs to be. They have to understand the power of God's word. They have to understand what it means to be in a place of resilience, being able to overcome what they have faced. Because like you said, some people don't even speak about their past because it's bad abuse, neglect. - And it carries on into adulthood. - Right, childhood trauma, this is my thought. Childhood trauma becomes adulthood trauma. - Oh yes, big time. And so with science, thank God, for the scientists, thank God for everything. - Oh absolutely. - Every profession in life. - Right, 100% - All of them. - 100. - And so there's no little eyes or big use, you know, 'cause everyone plays a part in this world in various areas and it's all needed. - Yes. - But that's why it's so important to find out what is my purpose? - Yes. - What does God want me to do? And that's why I encourage the younger generation to just step back, step away from social media. That's what I meant by turn off the noise. - Okay, that's what you meant, okay. - Turn off the TV, turn off the rip. Whatever is influencing you, turn it off, turn it off, get into a place of quietness and just spend some quiet time with the Lord and examine yourself. What is it? What brings me joy, but what is it in my life? What becomes easy for me? - Right. - You know? - Right. - And ask God what He wants me to do. Just take a look, a review of your life, you know? A lot of times people talk about meditation and things like that. Spend that meditation time with the Lord. - Yes. - And see what He wants us to do. - Well, thank you. Miss Cindy? - Yes. - From next gen podcast on pot being. So guess what we're gonna do? Say what? - What? - All right, we're gonna continue this next week. We're gonna pick it up because I think it's such a vital thought as it relates to reaching the next generation. - Yes. - And because we're gonna continue this thought, ease is overrated. As you have communicated very well, and I'm looking forward to you being with me next time when we get together and we talk about how important it is for the next gen to be connected. And then we're gonna talk about everything else that you have not said. Thank you for being with me and have a wonderful day, audience. (upbeat music) - Thanks for tuning into another episode of Mind Matters with Dr. J. A. Jones. Be sure to tune in next Sunday at 5 p.m. right here on Praise 107.9. For more insightful discussion about how God's word can get our minds right. You can also hear Dr. Jones preach in person Sundays at 11 a.m. at Faith Community Church of God at 1268 Gaino Avenue in Orange Park, Florida, 32073. Thanks again for listening. Stay mindful and keep striving for improvement because your mind matters to God. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)