The Howie Carr Radio Network

Turtleboy on FBI's Bombshell in Karen Read Case | 3.12.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Aidan "Turtleboy" Kearney joins the show to give his take on the FBI's conclusion that Karen Read's vehicle likely did not cause the fatal injuries sustained by her boyfriend, John O'Keefe. Callers ask their questions about the case.

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12 Mar 2024
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Investing in precious metals may seem daunting to a beginner, but now maybe one of the best times to begin doing so. Find out why in the latest episode of Meet the Experts with Howie Car, with this week's guest, Silver Dave of Local Silver Mint, wherever you get your Howie Car Show Podcast. So this lengthy, expensive, and independent investigation resulted in a complete exoneration of President Joe Biden. Live from the Matthew's brother's studios, Joe Biden is a competent, good president of those American values. I knew that for my decision to be credible, I could not simply announce that I recommended no criminal charges and leave it at that. I needed to explain why. My report reflects my best effort to explain why I declined to recommend charging President Biden a say now. Some swabs, hacks, and moonbats beware. It's Howie Car. The Karen Reed murder case in Norfolk County has been going on now for over two years, and it's just a very convoluted, complicated story of increasingly looks like massive corruption at the prosecutorial level. Today there was more evidence of that, and there was a hearing, the trial is supposed to start next month, but who knows if it's going to start or not at this point, or it's going to be thrown out. One of the people that's most intimately involved in this case is Aiden Kearney, aka Turtle Boy. He went to jail for 60 days for basically reporting on this case with Karen Reed, and he's been reporting about how the FBI was involved in the case and the feds, and I caution him. I said don't expect the FBI to write to your rescue, and Karen Reed's rescue on a white horse. I was wrong. I'm going to say that right now. I was wrong. They did write right to the rescue today. Joining us now on the line is Aiden Turtle Boy. He just posted his own account at, which is a very complete account, a very good way to read it. The paper still just can't seem to get their arms around this story. I don't think it's totally sinister. They just don't understand the ins and outs of this, do they? I mean, I don't get it. It's one of the most exciting stories I've ever covered. It's happening in our backyard. It's one of the biggest stories in the country, and the media just seems interested in regurgitating whatever the attorney's office tells them. I mean, the story has so many twists and turns, and you could find it all just by going on Facebook and look at these people's profiles and finding things on your own. Basically, what we've done in this case. I want to read you what Karen Reed's attorney, Alan Jackson, said today, which I think this is the biggest part of it, about the car. This is FBI hired experts investigating whether the car actually killed police officer John O'Keefe, who Karen Reed is accused of murdering, second degree murder. This is what he said from the reports that were turned over to the defense and the prosecution by the US attorney's office. The federal investigators hired independent of us. We had no idea and independent of the commonwealth hired a professional reconstruction as three PhDs to look into exactly this issue. What struck John O'Keefe? Did Karen Reed's car did her SUV make contact with John O'Keefe, and their conclusion to a person was his injuries were inconsistent with the damage on the car. The damage on the car was inconsistent with having made contact with John O'Keefe's body. In other words, the car didn't hit him, and he wasn't hit by the car. Isn't that game set match or whatever they say? It should be. If the car didn't hit him, then how did Michael Proctor find 35 pieces of tape on five undocumented trips? The only logical conclusion is they planted evidence, and you're right, this should be game set match. There's only one person that gets to decide that because clearly the district attorney's office has no shame and no honor. They responded to these bombshells today by talking about how I went out to lunch with Alan Jackson in May. That's what they decided to deflect to. They didn't address any of these deny anything because why would they? They got caught. The only one person that can now step in and do something, her name is Beverly Kanoni. Up until this point, I've had the judge. I've had very little faith in Auntie Beth. Today, she did let Alan Jackson and David United talk for longer than she initially planned. It seemed like she was a little bit better to them than she usually is. If she has any honor, she will dismiss this immediately because this cannot continue. This is the first, and if they prosecute this woman and she's acquitted, that just gives them the excuse not to go after the people that actually did this. Again, the car is the bombshell development here today, but there are other problems. The state cop, one of the people that's assigned to the district attorney's office to investigate, his name is Proctor, and he told the state grand jury that he had no relations with the the Alberts where the house where John O'Keefe spent his last hours before somebody put him out on the lawn. But he did have, he did have a relationship, did he not? And he admitted it to the feds. He admitted it to the feds that he had told, he had falsely said he didn't have a relationship with the people he was, he should have been investigating how I got indicted for the same thing. His boss, Brian Tully testified that Michael Proctor is the only person in the Proctor family who is in friends with the Alberts. I guess they kept him chained in the basement when they did family visits. That's what they want us to believe. We all knew because Michael Proctor doesn't have social media, so he's not posting pictures of himself with them. But his mother is, and his sister is, and everyone else in his family is. And they want us to believe that he has no relationship with them. But now we know, now we've seen the found text messages of Michael Proctor asking Julie Alberts to babysit his kids 10 days before John O'Keefe died. Julie Alberts lives in the, she's the one, she's one of the women, one of the McAlberts as they say, as you call them. Yeah, she's one of the McAlberts. She's married to Chris Alberts and her son Colin Alberts was inside the house from John O'Keefe was there. And then she's the owner of the dog. No, she's not, that's Brian Alberts. Oh, I'm sorry, I get these Alberts confused. I know it's a big incestuous town. So basically, Julie Alberts and another text message said that she wanted to buy Michael Proctor a gift because of how, as a thank you, for his investigation on this case, an investigation that intentionally left her son, excluded her son Colin, who was there the entire time and was never questioned. And she offered to buy him a gift. And instead of saying that's improper on the Massachusetts State Police detective, he said buy one for Elizabeth, his wife instead. That's what he said. And he put that in writing. He put that in writing. Put that in the text message in a text message they both did. And it just shows that the feds have all this stuff. This is information that Karen Reid's defense team couldn't get because of rule 17 motions that were denied by Auntie Bev. And now, but now the feds have the grand power to get whatever the heck they want. And we, and you know, this, this was all introduced in open court. This is all public information. Now, did the district attorney, the assistant district attorney, Lally, did he deny any of these allegations, these bombshells that the feds had turned over to the DA and to the, to the defense? Did he deny any of it? Not once. Instead, he jumped on, he basically got up on there and talked about how bad turtle boy is. That the, well, the defense is bad because Karen Reid called an turtle boy and phone conversations. We run on his phone. They had phone, oh, no, not phone conversation between a journalist and the subject is reporting. The attorney's talked to him on the phone too. Yeah, but it's like that. That's what they talked about instead of even a dressing, the elephant in the room that everybody's jaws were dropping over that. Oh, they also confirmed that the 227 Google search, which we all that for how long to die and cold that Jennifer McCabe made. Yeah. We all knew she made all along. Right. But we, that has now been confirmed by an FBI expert. By a forensic, uh, IT specialist. Yeah. Yep. And, and they, so they can't deny it. Like before, they said, well, that's just, that's the defense. They paid off some guy who doesn't know what he's talking about. And that's not legitimate. Well, now an independent FBI expert has looked into it. They confirmed the same thing that we all knew that happened, that she searched that at 227 AM. Tyler, you know, when I was in, when I was in the can, I, I was there with Brian Walsh. Good guy who, um, yeah, who, who murdered and chopped up his allegedly chopped up his wife and they've never found the body parts. But go ahead. Yeah. Right. And Michael Proctor is the lead investigator in that case too. And what got Brian Walsh in there? All his Google searches, right? So I slipped a note under his door and I said, hey, I'm our journalist. I want to ask you some questions. If you're out for it, I said, are you aware that the same detective in your case who used all these Google searches to put you in here also is now denying the existence of Google searches in this other case in order to protect a woman named Jennifer McCabe. His lawyer wouldn't let me talk to him, but it's interesting. It's interest. I've never heard of police before saying Google searches. Oh, that's not real. Except in this case, when it protects powerful people, but now we know that the FBI, independent of all of this, has determined that that didn't fact happen, that it was never hit by a car that, that the Albert's and the Proctors were good friends for a long time, that they knew each other. And, but, but yet the D. A, like this never happens. Turtle boy, isn't the D. A saying that they have reports from the so-called state police lab saying that, that O'Keefe said DNA is on the, these, these parts of the tail light from the Karen Reed's SUV. How is that possible? Sure. I mean, it lives there, didn't he? What? How was it? They lived in the same house. I don't know. It's a, I don't trust any of these. Did you know they also found microscopic tail light on his clothing? Well, now we know he was never hit by a car. So how did microscopic tail light get on his clothing? That's not just planting evidence. That's like smashing it to smithereens and putting it in his clothing. That's diabolical. These people are capable of anything. I don't believe a word they say about anything at this point. You know, I just thought of something else that, you know, if, if this case comes down the way it's, it seems to have come, becoming down in court today, what about all of other Proctors, other investigations and all the other state police detectives who worked on cases. They're going to be, they're, their testimony is going to be impeached on every case they're involved in. That's a great point. How can any of these detectives ever take the stand in the case again? They've been caught lying so many times. The subject of an FBI investigation and how we'd be same state police who, you know, Buchanan, who is Proctor's boss and Tully, who is Buchanan's boss. Those are the two that came to my house and put me in handcuffs. Those are the two that made up these charges against me, these bogus charges against me because I had the audacity to see an injustice. I saw this murder cover up and I said, no, no, no, we can't be quiet about this. We're going to peacefully protest this and they call that witness intimidation and they came to my house, raided my house, took my phones, took my computer, took, made it impossible for me to do my job, threw me in the can for 60 days. All of this to try to shut me up because I was getting too close to the truth. And now the truth's coming out. And I'll tell you right now, they've accused the, they've accused Karen Reed's defense team of paying me before. Well, guess what? It's going to be the Commonwealth who's going to be paying me next. So they better get their checkbook ready because I'm never going to forget what they did to me ever. Well, you know, damn, well, Morris, he's not going to quit. He makes 191,000 a year. That buys a lot of donuts and crawlers and pizza. Yeah, I don't think he's even making that much in the can. You know, maybe you can get a job there making, you know, you can work in the kitchen or something like that. You probably like it, but I mean, these people are criminals before what they've done. I mean, they, they, this, we, our institutions betrayed us. And now we know that they tried so hard to not only frame an innocent woman, but to make me into a criminal, right, for simply writing about it, for making nine innocent people, we call them the can't nine who peacefully protested outside pizza shop. And we're charged with felony witness intimidation. Are you kidding me? Where does this end? They basically silenced the entire public to protect these people who, quite clearly, based on the evidence, committed a murder and then covered it up after the fact. All right. Turtle boy, you want to stick around for a little while? Sure. Sure. Okay. Great. We want to take a take some calls. We'll take some, if you want to talk to a turtle boy eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. This is the biggest day yet in the trial or the, the, the case. I don't know if it's even going to go to trial eight four, four five hundred forty two forty two. We'll be right back on Howie Carr. Listen to the Howie Carr show from anywhere. What's the story? Is this go to and click listen to start streaming Howie live and crystal clear. High definition and whispering right in your ear. Howie Carr is back. Full lines here. So we'll get to right to the calls. What do you think is going to happen at the meeting tonight though. The Canton selectment are meeting tonight eight. Oh, there'll be always be fireworks. I'm sure Rita Lombardi and crew will be down there trying to hold them accountable. But they got an election coming up Howie in a couple of weeks to turn that on seat two of the members there that kind of go along with the status quo. So. Yeah. Conley's one, right? Conley. Yeah. No, okay. He's up for reelection next year. It's C.O.R. and locker. Okay. Let's take some calls here quickly. Brian, you're next with Howie Carr and Turtle Boy. Go ahead, Brian. Aidan, how are you, sir? And Mr. Carr. Oh, we lost him. We just lost him, Brian. We're going to have to wait a second here to get him on. Hold on. You know, so a texter just mentioned Annie Dukan. Remember Annie Dukan? She was the one who the state police. She worked for the Department of Public Health, but she ended a lot of the state police investigation. She was fabricating evidence. And then there was one in western mass. Sonia Farak was doing the same thing. Turtle Boy, aren't you getting Annie Dukan, Sonia Farak vibes, out of all these amazing discoveries that the state police lab is making? Yeah, anything these guys touched this question that that includes proctor, Buchanan, Tully, any of them, because it's not just proctor. It's an institutional problem. Any other line of work, the good people, they don't accept the bad people being corrupt. That was a teacher. If there was some other teacher diddling kids, you best believe that the other teachers aren't going to go along with that and support them. But in policing, it seems like you have some obviously corrupt cop. And then his bosses just go along with it. And they don't do it. It got the end thing about it. Yeah. Brian, go back. You're with Turtle Boy again. Go ahead, Brian. All right. How you doing, sir? Real quick. I had a friend of mine the morning this happened, worked at that hospital. And they told me some information, well versed in the field, that right from the jump, that person was a little suspicious as to what was going on. I couldn't wait. I tried to get some information. And then what's Turtle Boy get on the scene with his reporting. You know, I was looking forward to. It was a matter of time until things broke the way they did. You do an excellent reporting. Congratulations to you. And it's not over yet. But if you look around the state, you know, you know, we've seen it in Fall River, Jason Correa and that crew and all that with policing. It's unfortunately our institutions. They're cracked with individuals who shouldn't be in positions that they are in. Hey, Turtle Boy, look at Rachel Rollins just got a job with working with returning citizens. Are you a returning citizen? Oh, she's so alive. No one's heard from her since an hour. She's like, she doesn't go on Twitter. I'm glad she's alive. I was worried about her there for a minute, but it's kind of funny out in this case that they're the dissent. They tried to throw Rachel Rollins under the bus and say, oh, this is all Rachel Rollins doing. She doesn't like me because she called me a racist. Like she calls everyone a racist. You're not special, Morrissey. And by the way, she's not leaving the investigation either. Josh Levy is so that one went off to do a real quick. Yeah, can you stick around for another one more segment? Sure. Okay, that's great because we have full full lines. People want to talk eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. This is a it's a big it's a big night. Where can people go to donate money to your defense fund Turtle Boy before you become a millionaire at the expense of the Commonwealth? You can just search for Turtle Boy on Go San Go. It's pinned to the top of my Twitter account at Dr. Turtle Boy, D O C T O R Turtle Boy, because if Jill Biden is doctor, then so am I. And he's he just put up his his his account of what happened today in court, T B daily and it's a very complete account. We'll be back with Turtle Boy in just a moment. I'm how we got live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Today's poll question is brought to you by balance seven. Stop procrastinating and get your energy back. New customers can save 20 percent and get free shipping at balance seven dot com with code how we tailor. What's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Biden says inflation is under control. What do you think? Everything's great now. Inflation is terrible or it's a little better but not as good as the Trump days. Inflation is terrible. 91% say inflation is still terrible. Okay, we're with Turtle Boy. He's got his own show. You can watch it at nine o'clock tonight where people see your own show, Turtle Boy. You just check out our YouTube channel Turtle Boy Live. We go live at nine o'clock. Nine o'clock. I'm sure this is going to be a big record setting night for you. It's it's just amazing. Did did Proctor lie to the to the state grand jury? Do we know that or or did he leave it to somebody else to say he didn't know the the Albert's who he was investigating? I'm not sure if no, I'm not sure if he was asked that by the state grand jury or because the district attorney's office is the one that gets to control the question. So why would they even think to bring that up at the state grand jury? But I'm just looking at your story. You say Proctor confirmed to a to the federal grand jury that he had indeed lied about his closeness with the Alberts. That's correct. Yeah, I'm not sure where who he lied to about that. But yeah, yeah, I guess who would have to do the state grand jury lied to himself, you know, because they confronted him with text messages. Like they have all their phones. They clearly and that's one thing we learned today. They have all their phones. DA Morris's office told Brian Albert, a Boston police officer and Brian Higgins, an ATF agent to destroy their phones. That's another thing we're overlooking to destroy their phones. Destroy their phones? I mean, usually they usually even in a civil investigation, they say preserve the records. That's the first thing they say. And that's a civil case. This is a murder case. Just destroy it. The DA's office is ordering people to do this. Get rid of evidence. Get rid of your phone. It's just this could be the biggest story in the country when it goes down. How the question is, will, you know, it's this could be this investigation Google on for months or years. The question is, what can we go to trial in the meantime? We certainly hope that. What's your, what's your thought though? You think, Judge, Auntie Bev as you call her is going to throw it out? 50/50 at this point. Before, I thought she never would. But after today, I don't see how it's going to be extremely hard or not to throw this out. What are the, what, what, I mean, you can't quote them directly, but what are you, what's your feeling about what the lawyers think? You're Nettie and Jackson. I mean, based on their appearance that today, they seem extremely happy, extremely confident as they should be, because the facts are on their side. And it's just only a matter of time that until this goes down. Sheamus, you're next with Howie Carr and Turtle Boy. Go ahead, Sheamus. Turtle Boy, could you talk a little bit more about the 222 AM phone call when everyone was supposed to be sleeping and that contract in contrary to grand jury testimony? That's correct. Yeah, both Brian Albert said that he was sleeping by 222. And I believe Brian Higgins did the same, yet there is a phone call between them at 222. That's another thing we learned today. And how would they know that there's a phone call between them? That means they have their phones. It means they've gone through their phone records. They have everything that Karen reached the front team, couldn't get their hands on. So they've all sorts of communication. They know everything. They know what happened. And, you know, they're not going to let. I think that they, by providing this evidence, they assumed that they're not going to allow us to go to trial. But ultimately, again, it's up to Anzi Deaf. Well, I mean, theoretically, couldn't Morrissey pull the plug on it, the DA? Yeah, yeah. Well, that's not going to happen. You could also like not go for, you know, third helping is a gravy, but I don't think that's going to happen. I like the, the, his, his prosecutor said that the federal materials that were turned over were largely consistent with what they had. I mean, whatever happened to guilty beyond reasonable doubt, largely consistent means it's the case is gone, doesn't it? They said 90 to 90, 95%, which means that five to 10% of their investigation is completely wrong. And what, what part was that, you know, it's just lying here. It's just bizarre how they just going down with the ship. It's strange. Sally, you're next with Howie Carr and Turtle Boy. Go ahead, Sally. Aidan, love your show. I'm, I'm a big fan. I have a question. Has anybody come up with the missing sneaker in the belt? Or did they use that to drag the body out into the lawn? Well, the, the sneaker that was, it was not there at six o'clock when the Ken police got that they found him with one. This is O'Keeffe's. This is O'Keeffe, the dead cop, right? That's correct. So when the Ken police got there at six o'clock in the morning, his body was there, the only at one shoe on the other shoe was MIA. Luckily, after a foot of snow felt, fell down and, and the state police did a second search. They found the shoe because shoes appear after snow starts falling, apparently in Canton. So, you know, I don't know where that shoe was before, but they're luckily they found it the second, I guess the Kent police are just blind and they didn't see a size 12 shoe or whatever that you wore. As for the belt and that entirely short, but my, my belief is that that Ford Edge was parked right there. I think that they, that they took his body out of the basement. They have like a little thing in the back, you know, to go in the backyard. They went over to the fence right out. If you parked the Ford Edge, where it was seen by Lucky Locker and it would perfectly block the line of vision and you could just drag his body right there and go back into that house. Lucky is the tow truck driver. They didn't interview for what, a year, a year and a half. Tell people about the two-minute gap on the Canton public library surveillance camera. People are very interested in that. We talked about in the first hour. Yeah. So, when, when Karen Reed would have gone from 34 Fairview Road back to John O'Keefe's house, she would have gone through the center of town and the library is right there and the library has surveillance video. And so, obviously, if, if she had just hit him and her tail light was cracked and are broken or shattered or whatever, then that surveillance camera would have her tail light, right? Right. Well, coincidentally, that, you know, the Canton library video was working all night, except there's a two-minute gap that appears, 1237 and 1239, at the exact time, when he would have gone through. And who handled that evidence? Who did, I went into Canton Town Hall and I interviewed the IT director. And who did he hand all of that video to? Michael Proctor. And then Michael Proctor put it onto a CD and two minutes were missing. The exact two minutes when Karen Reed drove by. Because if they want to get her, they could get her. If her tail light's broken, at 1237, she's guilty. But coincidentally, it's just gone. It's gone. That's a tough break for the prosecution. They lost that smoking gun evidence. Yeah, seriously. Seriously. Now, I went knocked on doors on that street, like a real reporter. Knocked on doors. Every time I saw a ring camera and I asked the people who lived there, did the state police ever ask, come by and ask for a video? Because, you know, Karen Reed would have brought by on a midnight ride home. And every one of them told me no. The state police never asked for any ring video. Everything they normally would have done in investigation, they didn't do in this one. I never thought you would prevail, but I didn't think you'd prevail in this way. I mean, this is turning into a route, turtle boy. I guess they ain't think could happen, but it's looking very good for you right now. And Karen Reed. They're trying to send me back to the can on Thursday for a violation of the order. Was that when you went into the courtroom and that woman was there in the courtroom? Yeah, she showed up holding the order with she came with the McCalbert. She's never been to one before. I was evicted. I left. I went to where a cop told me to go across the street of the registry of Ethan. I stood there. I didn't see her again, but apparently they're alleging now they're making up another lie that I yelled at her on a way out. And we can prove that it didn't happen, but these people just won't stop. They're vicious. They put innocent people in jail when you challenge them. And you know, it's scary. It's scary because they have all the guns. It is. So so they you're going to you're back in court on on on Thursday, yourself as a defendant and get in the district. Yep. And as a defendant. Good Lord. Rambo, you're next with how we car in turtle boy. Go ahead, Rambo. Hey, congratulations. They're a turtle boy in the hey, how we yeah, it's a travesty of a mockery of a sham is what it is. It's and turtle boy, you you gather right with the with the hate notes left a legend notes on the Westfield state students door that time you cracked that. Oh, I remember that years ago. Oh, yeah. Well, thank you. Oh, yeah. Thank you. Yeah. All good. Come a long way since then. Come a long way. Hey, thanks to Westfield state to murders in Norfolk County. Thanks, Rambo. Kelly, you're next with how we car and turtle boy. Go ahead, Kelly. Hi, Howie. Hi, even. Thanks for taking my call. Just real quick. First, I'd like to thank Aidan for all he has really brought to this case. Aidan, you I think should be very proud of yourself for all you've done for Karen, her family. You've just you've done an incredible job. So, congratulations. And then I would like I'd like to ask you the thoughts on the tail light. I thought it was really interesting. The commentary about the car did not he was not hit by a car, right? In so many words. So, tail light all over the scene. I mean, talking definitely planted, right? I mean, you're right. You know, if they even found it there, like they were undocumented troops. For all we know, Michael Proctor could have just entered into evidence whenever he wanted it. You know, they kept finding it. Every time he went there, he'd find more tail light. He's the tail light whisperer that he may missed it the last time. He just kept finding more tail light. And again, that's that's the really diabolical part about the tail light. Now that we know is a fact that he was not hit by a car, how did all that tail light have found that shows that this was not just poor police work, but an intentional frame job. And who did that and who orchestrated it? And when did it happen? Did they even plant it there? Or did they just enter it into evidence? They don't even have to plant it. They just enter into evidence and say they found it there. It's undocumented. Why? Why? I've never understood why did they want to frame care and read for this? Well, she's the whole thing in a frame. She's the only she's the only one who's not a townie. Is that what you're saying? Basically what it boils down to? Yeah, they probably just didn't like her. Maybe she's a little bit too uppity. She's an adjunct professor and works of fidelity. I mean, these people are pretty common, some of these folks in these Chris Alberts of the world. If you meet these guys, they don't like the Karen Reed types. They're too confident and they're too educated. They don't like them. So and I just think that like, if you look at these pictures of the Albert family, like it's a huge family. They are not going to let their family get destroyed over someone like Karen Reed when she can just take the fall for them. Good Lord. Marshall, you're next with Howie Carr and Turtle Boy. Go ahead, Marshall. Hey, how you doing, Howie? Good. How you doing, Aidan? So I've been following this from the Can you hear me? Yeah, go ahead. Quickly. So I've been following this case with you, Aidan, from the beginning. I knew like the day you reported on it, I knew it was going to be like one of the biggest cases in history. And you know, you've just done an amazing job. I started watching you reporting because of how accurate you are on another situation. And you're reporting, it's just it's very it's very good. And my question is this, you know, for all the turtle riders and Karen Reed supporters on Twitter, where we have all these minions for the prosecution, like Jennifer Cough and Daffer and Grant Smith, Ellis, and Kevin from Yellow Cottage Tales. You want to know how to fight them? Is that it, Marshall? Well, are you like, because they keep putting out all this, you know, misinformation, all these lies, they keep defaming you and in all the supporters. Are you going to end up suing them? I mean, Colton Day for I'm thinking about, she's like literally making things up about me that are just completely untrue, saying that I threatened her, that I sent. She's supposed to that. She's an FBI agent, right? Yeah, she's posting things that I'm like a drug addict, that I'm like, that I sent her death threats to her children, just completely made up nonsense, you know, or you could just block. I mean, I highly recommend the block function on Twitter. It's a cesspool on there. You know, that's the beauty of it. You get to decide who you listen to and who you don't. But, you know, just watch, it's just hilarious. They're idiots. 99% of the people who look at this feel the same way that we do. Twitter is not real life. It's just a bunch of minions, fake accounts that are just spreading misinformation. And they're going down with the ship and they're going to look real dumb when these people get led away in handcuffs. Turtle Boy, congratulations. This is a big victory for you. Good luck on Thursday. And people can see you tonight on your rumble channel. What is it? What is it, Turtle Boy? Yep, Turtle Boy Live. You search for it on rumble or on YouTube and we'll be on there at night. And if you want to, if you want to read up on the case, there's a really good account of what happened today. Go to And where do people go if they want to contribute money, Turtle Boy? You just search for Turtle Boy on Gives and Go. It's pinned to the top of my Twitter account @DoxyTurtleBoy. Okay, great. Congratulations. And do you want to say anything to the Ken Board of Selectment tonight? Your guys are going down. Rita Lombardi and Tricia are about to talk to you. And then we're going to take over the other three seats. All right. Thank you, Turtle Boy. Congratulations. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. The Howie Carr Show is back. 844-500-42-42-844-500-42-42. 617 says, "I wonder if the Kent Library uses the same brand surveillance camera they had watching Epstein?" Yeah, some tell me this isn't the Kent Library's fault. What happened with that missing two-minute gap? 781 says, "A vehicle backing up has to hit an immovable object to break a tail light, another car building, etc. A person will just bounce off." You would think so. I mean, how fast would you have to be going to hit a person to make the tail light break? Pretty fast. And I don't think anybody says she was going very fast. It's just really something what's happening here. And again, they seem to have no -- the DA, the prosecution, has no response to this. And what are the state police going to say? And what does this do? I mean, I guess it doesn't affect the case like Brian Walsh, the guy who allegedly chopped up his wife. And now they've got him in prison for running a scam with Andy Warhol forgeries. But that's a whole different thing. But what about these cases, these sort of these marginal cases, just street crime in places like Quincy? I mean, I assume he's involved in a lot of these cases. They're all going to be thrown out. There are a lot of cops that just do desk duty or they're connected and they don't get thrown off because they got their own criminal problems in the defense bar always finds out about this stuff. It's a small fraternity. And they always get impeached when they try to testify to put somebody away. So they're not on active investigations anymore. If they stay on the job at all, what happens to these people that were involved in this? You know, and again, they didn't deny any of these statements that were made by Karen Reed's attorneys about what the FBI investigation turned up. They didn't deny anything. They didn't come out and issue a statement. There are no statements have been issued to the press. It's hours later now. This is pretty interesting. I'm going to go out on a limb and say, Turtle Boy will not be put in jail on Thursday. That would be my guess. But what do I know? In the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls as we all know. And it's, you know, there are a lot of corrupt states in this union, but Massachusetts is right up there. It got to be in the top five. I don't like to brag, you know, but I would say definitely the top five. All right. See you tomorrow. Watch Turtle Boy tonight at nine. I'm Howie Carr.