The Howie Carr Radio Network

Exoneration Deliberation | 3.12.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Robert Hur, Special Counsel in the Biden classified documents case, appeared before the House Judiciary Committee today and had to disillusion the Democrat members of the panel. Howie's got all of the cuts worth hearing.

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12 Mar 2024
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Investing in precious metals may seem daunting to a beginner, but now maybe one of the best times to begin doing so. Find out why in the latest episode of Meet the Experts with Howie Car. With this week's guest, Silver Dave of Local Silver Mint, wherever you get your Howie Car Show Podcast. The very report represents the complete and total exoneration of President Biden. So, this lengthy, expensive, and independent investigation resulted in a complete exoneration of President Joe Biden. "Because your report is a total and complete exoneration. That is not what the report says." So the statement by the ranking member was incorrect, yes. "Live from the Matthew's brother's studios." "Nobody suggests he's seen how." "My buddy John McCain, my predecessor friend who went, he's how he ended his career." "Joe Biden is a competent, good president, who knows American values." "I can handle things I'm smart! I'm like everybody says." "Who's your captain, Howie Car?" "I knew that for my decision to be credible, I could not simply announce that I recommended no criminal charges and leave it at that." "I needed to explain why. My report reflects my best effort to explain why I declined to recommend charging President Biden a say now." "Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware! It's..." Howie Car. 844-542-42. Welcome to the Howie Car Show. If you would like to join us, that is the number 844-542-42. We're talking about various issues, including inflation. Inflation has unexpectedly reared its ugly head again unexpectedly to the headline writers. The Democrat operatives with press passes, not so much to the rest of us. 339 says, "For the past year I haven't been able to get out of market basket for less than 70 bucks. The past few weeks I can't get out of MB for less than $100. Thank you, Brandon. Yes, we've all noticed that, but he just keeps lying. But anyway, we're going to talk about the hearing today. I got to say, I try to watch these things pretty closely, but this morning I walked in to Newsmax and there's a big screen near where I get my cup of coffee in the morning. And I looked at it and her, the special counsel, former special counsel now, was just sitting there and Nadler was yelling at him. And so I said, "Well, this is a long question." So I got my cup of coffee, a double hit. And I looked around and Nadler was still yelling at her. So I walked into my office and I turned on the TV set. I turned on the streaming. And now her was still just sitting there. Only Raskin from Maryland was yelling at him. And I said, "You know, if this is the way the morning's going, I think I'm going to do some research on, I don't know, turtle boy. You can see what's going on in Canton." And I'm going to see what's going on with Rachel Rollins. I got other things to do other than listening to these Democrats lie. So, but you know, we got the cuts. We got the cuts and I got a lot of stuff here to get to. But if you want to get your, it was painful. I guess it's still going on 844, 542. They released the transcript finally. We don't have the actual audio, but we have the transcript. And this was what I thought. You know, they keep talking. Trump was very arrogant. He thinks all this material belongs to him. Again, he's a former president. You could make the argument under the presidential's record act, which he's making, that all this stuff, he declassifies it and whatever he says is classified or declassified. That's what's classified or declassified, right? All this material that Brandon had was, he was not president when this stuff was taken out that he absconded with. I like that word absconded. All these documents he absconded with. He was not the president. He was a senator or he was the vice president. And yet, he was at least as arrogant as Trump when he was claiming possession of these documents. I'm going to read you something from the transcript here. This is her. The materials in here, are they, were they official work related, personal, a mix? And then this is Biden's response. They were mine. Whatever the hell they were, they were mine. Whether they were official, not official. They were mine. You're a line dog face pony soldier. I'm just reading. If you think that's a lie, then we should probably release the audio so we can all listen to it, rather than have to rely on the transcript, huh? 844, 542, 42. But I'll give you an example of the way the questioning went. This is, this is Nadler. And Nadler asks her a question. And if you ask somewhat a question, you have to at least listen for a few seconds before you begin speaking over them because you don't like the answer that you're getting. Cut 17. At any point in your investigation, do you have any reason to believe that President Biden lied to you? I do address in my report one response that President gave to a question that we opposed to him that we deemed to be not credible. And then that was as far as he got. And then Nadler started yapping. Cut 16. At any point in your investigation, do you have any reason to believe that President Biden lied to you? I do address in my report one response that President gave to a question that we opposed to him that we deemed to be not credible. Was it clear he didn't lie? I'm sorry, Congressman. The report is clear that he didn't lie. Or that he caused his staff to lie to you. And that he didn't cause his staff to lie to you. Your report is clear on that. I agree that causing some. Let him answer. But he didn't want him to answer because the answer is going to be, of course, he lied. He wasn't not credible. It's just a polite way of saying he was lying. 844-542. So Kevin Kylie, he's a Republican Congressman, pretty new from California. He does a pretty good job answering, asking these questions. And her kept saying, and he's been saying all along, well, we didn't return an indictment because basically he's senile. So what the hell are we going to do? We can't get a conviction that he would come across as grandpa Simpson. That's what it comes down to. But Kylie asked him, well, isn't it possible that a jury could have decided that he didn't say these tarbs, but pulling events at the chin jiganti and pretending to be senile and find him guilty? Cut 24. Today, the ranking members started his opening statement by saying, Mr. Herr completely exonerated President Biden and called your report a total and complete exoneration. Did you completely exonerate President Biden? That is not what my report does. Was your report a total and complete exoneration? That is not what the report says. So the statement by the ranking member was incorrect. Yes. As I said, the report is not an exoneration. That word does not appear in my report. Based on the facts and anticipation of defenses presented in your report, could a reasonable juror have voted to convict? As I said in the report, some reasonable jurors may have reached the inferences that the government would present in its case in chief. So a reasonable juror could have voted to convict based on the facts that he presented? Correct. If you were on the jury, would you have voted to convict? I have not engaged in that thought exercise congressman. And so what I'd like to stick to is what's in the report, which is my assessment as a prosecutor. Good answer. So Pramila Jayapal, she's an appalling human being from Washington. And she's got the e-word on her. They all got that. It was like they had mass hypnosis in the Democrat cloakroom. Exonerate. Exonerate. Exonerate. Cut 22. So this lengthy expensive and independent investigation resulted in a complete exoneration of President Joe Biden. For every document you discussed in your report, you found insufficient evidence that the president violated any laws about possession or retention of classified materials. The primary law that you analyze for potential prosecution was part of the Espionage Act, 18 USC 793E, which criminalizes willful retention or disclosure of national defense information. Is that correct? Congressman, that is one statute that we analyzed. I need to go back and make sure that I take note of a word that you use exoneration. That is not a word that I'm going to continue with my questions. I'm going to continue with my questions. I know that's the term. I ultimately reached whether a sufficient evidence existed such that the likely outcome would be a conviction. I know that the term willful retention has a Mr. Hurts my time. Thank you. Do you blame me? Do you blame me for saying I'm going to make some calls on turtle boy and racial wrongs rather than listen to this. A little of this goes a long way. We'll take your calls on it. We've got a lot more to get to here. 844-542-RICH. You're next with highway car. Go ahead, Rich. Hey, how are you? I had the exact same reaction as you did when I turned that on for a few minutes this morning. I thought I was going to scream, but I don't understand they all tried to redirect the whole thing back to Trump. Everything they tried to turn back. They had the big billboards. Trump did this. Trump did that. One of them even had had a tape, right? They put tape up there. Video game. I don't understand. How come whoever is chairing this who I assume is a Republican? I can't tell how come he can't tell these people to cut the crap and pay it and go back. We're here to discuss the report about President Biden and the findings of this report, not anything with Donald Trump who has nothing to do with this guy. I don't understand why he didn't step up and put an emphasis on this stuff. Jordan's been known to take liberties with the usual standards of a congressional hearing, but you're right. This was more than usually out of control and off the reservation. This was not what they were supposed to be talking about. Donald Trump, they keep bringing up Donald Trump. Again, you read this transcript, and Biden is claiming the same proprietary rights to these documents as Trump. And Trump was the president. You could make a good argument that Trump's making it that he had the rights to all the documents that he's charged with having improperly or illegally seized. Biden has no rights to these documents. And he's just basically yelling at her in the interview, under oath. 844-542-508. I watched an hour of that hearing today, and my head was spinning too, and it's not easy to make my head spin. Usually, I'm amused in some weird way by this stuff when it goes on. Even by Nadler taking a break from burping and doing other things after he eats eight hot dogs for breakfast. But not today. They were over the top. They were over the line. If you're like me, you need your sleep, not five or six hours. I'm talking about seven or eight blissful hours of uninterrupted sleep. And there's one thing that makes my night complete. That's my pillow's famous Giza Dream Sheets. They're luxurious, ultra soft, and breathable. They come in a variety of sizes and stylish colors. And right now, for a limited time, how we fans can get a queen-sized sheet set for $59.98 and a king-sized sheet set for just $69.98. The lowest prices in history. Just go to my and click on the radio listener's square. You'll find this amazing offer and deep discounts on all my pillow products. You'll even get 60% off the original Oso Comfortable My Slippers. Sleep better than ever. Go to my to get comfort and savings. You can also call them at 800-658-4965. Don't forget the code Howie. Don't love them. Don't worry. My pillow has a 60-day money-back guarantee and a 10-year warranty. Go to my or call 800-658-4965 and use the code Howie. I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car Show will be right back. The Emperor of Hate Howie Car is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Balance 7. Stop procrastinating and get your energy back. New customers can save 20% and get free shipping at with code Howie. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is Biden says inflation is under control. What do you think? Everything is great now. Inflation is still terrible or a little better, but not as good as Trump days. Inflation is still terrible. 90% say inflation is terrible. 8% say it's a little better. 1% say everything is great now. All right. Taylor, I've been noticing in the last couple of days, sometimes our poll question numbers don't add up to 100. I think it's 99 today, a couple of days ago it was 101. It rounds down or rounds up. Oh, okay. I had noticed that before the last few days. Well, now you're going to notice it a lot more. Because I just didn't notice it before it's every day is like this. Yeah. I mean, usually if you do the math on it, especially if there's more than like two answers, it's going to fluctuate. Okay. I don't recall. I don't remember. I have no goddamn idea for that is in fact what he said. And Trump tweeted out those responses. He said more than 100 times. Well, he learned from all of the other Democrat witnesses before Congress or special prosecutors under oath 844 542 42. Oh, we'll take some calls. Hey, you know, I want to play one cut where they're talking about how much money Biden made writing a book. And it's a long cut, but it comes down to $8 million he made. And remember yesterday, he said, we have two cuts of him from yesterday saying, I never made $400,000 until I became president. No, you made $8 million writing one book that nobody read and nobody bought. There was just the it was just the usual payoff from the publishers. 844 542. 42. I promise nobody. Nobody. Well, as long as I'm president or who earns less than $400,000, it's a lot more than I ever made lie lie. Where the fact checkers, Suzanne, you're next with how we car go ahead, Suzanne. Hey, I was in and out of my car all day listening, but you know, her seem to be pretty right down the middle and stuck to his document, which is nice. He was he was pretty impressive. He didn't he didn't let anything bother him. Absolutely. I thought he was awesome. And you know, the wasn't until the end, they kept bringing up the multiple brought up multiple locations, but nobody mentions. And I thought this is the biggest issue of all was Chinatown. Wasn't there document storage in Chinatown? Chinatown. Yes. And the Penn Biden Center, where that was the that was the office that was above the steakhouse in D.C. That was financed pretty much 100% by the red Chinese, Suzanne. Exactly. One more point, how in a lecture answer, but you know, distinguishing they mess together the whole situation. And they should have separated out the fact that he knew exactly what he was doing when he's been in Washington for what years he knew what he was doing. It was willful. It was intentional. And it is dementia. Now should have no bearing on on the subject at hand. I'll let you respond. Have a good night. Yeah, I just think they thought, you know, what's the point of bringing a prosecution if you can't get a conviction? Yes. But and the reason they couldn't get a conviction is not like the tainted jury pool like John Durham was dealing with in D.C. It was the fact that the guy's senile. It's hard to it's hard to get a conviction on someone who's senile in in any jurisdiction in the U.S. That's just that's just the way it is. I mean, people have this normal human sympathy for it. John, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, John. Hi, how is nobody? Nobody said with our reasonable jury. How many Washington D.C. jury and how about Biden wasn't supposed to have those documents in the beginning? Trump couldn't have them. None of those senators got any brains. Well, they were they were reps, but they they're they're partisan. You could tell it from their their their recitation of the same word over and over again. They just kept repeating exoneration exonerated. Didn't you exonerate? And then the other the other word they used over and over again was Trump Trump. Trump did this. Trump did that. Mr. Garcia, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Mr. Garcia. Yes, I want to ask you a question. Donald Trump had to pick a vice president believe him when he entered to toxin 16. He had to search a great president can believe a hundred percent hypocrisy. How are you going to find find somebody good? Well, they'll find somebody good. Who do you want, Mr. Garcia? Who do you like? Right now, um, I don't know. Really, I don't know. It's more difficult. You also get homes, the security homes, then security secretary, you have to find somebody good. Yeah, I think the most important thing is attorney general. Can't have another Jeff Sessions. Can't have another bill bar. You got to have a loyalist like JFK had with his brother Bobby. I'm highway car. Like everyone else, you're busy. You're on the go. And you know what's the best thing to bring with you wherever you go? Raycans every day earbuds. Raycans offer amazing audio quality at half the price of other premium audio brands. They're optimized gel tips are designed to fit comfortably in your ears and to actually stay there, whether you're working out at the gym or just doing chores around the house. Raycon earbuds can come with you everywhere so you can listen at any time. With eight hours of playtime in a 32 hour battery life, you don't have to worry about whether you're up for the task. 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I'm just going to read you a little bit of it. They're asking, her is asking Biden, you know, where did you keep papers that were relevant to these things that you were actively working on? Well, I don't know. This is what? 2017-2018, that area? Yes, sir, her says. Remember in this time frame, my son is either deployed or is dying. Actually, his son died in 2015. And so it was, and by the way, there were still a lot of people at the time when I got out of the Senate. So it's 2017. He hasn't been in the Senate at this point for over eight years. When I got out of the Senate that were encouraging me to run in this period except the president. I'm not, and not a mean thing to say, he just thought Hillary had a better shot of winning the presidency than I did. And so I hadn't, I hadn't at this point, even though I'm at Penn, I haven't walked away from the idea that I might run for office again. But if I ran, I'd be running for president. And so what was happening though, what month did Bo died? Die. Oh God, May 30th. So then they, his lawyers tell him 2015. Was it 2015 that he died? Joe Biden said it was May of 2015. It was 2015 Biden repeats. This is Biden now quote, and what's happened in the meantime is that as, and Trump gets elected in November of 2017. 2017, he thought, I mean, you know, from a very early age as an American, do you not that the election isn't an even numbered year and it's in a leap year. And 2016 is a leap year. Twenty, when was the last time there was a presidential election in an odd numbered year? I'll tell you the answer is never. And he says Trump gets elected in 2017. Sixteen. This is now back to his answer. Sixteen 2016. All right. So why do I have 2017 here? That's when you left office January of 2017. His lawyer says the fact is that I don't remember. Good Lord. Eight four four five hundred forty forty two forty two. Okay, I'm going to play this cut about the edition. I know there's some attention paid to some language and report about my recollection of events. There's even reference that I don't remember when my son died. How in the hell dare he raise that? Frankly, when I was asked the question I thought to myself, wasn't any of their damn business? As you can see from what I just read you. And again, I wish we had the audio. We'd play the audio if they would release it. But they won't, obviously. He was the one who brought it up. Her didn't bring it up. But I want you to, I want to play this cut of this is her with Jim Jordan, the chairman of the committee, the Republican. And he's talking about the $8 million. And you just heard him say again from yesterday that he never made more than $400,000 until he became president. He said it twice. It's in his stump speech now that he never made more than $400,000. It's a total bald face lie. Cut 14. And Joe Biden told us he knew the rules. Mr Armstrong said this earlier. Joe Biden was deeply familiar with it. You're exactly right. Because he told us when Jack Smith goes after President Trump, Joe Biden says how could this happen? What data was in those documents that could compromise sources and methods? It's irresponsible. So Joe Biden knew the rules. You know he knew the rules. And Joe Biden told us he knew the rules. So Mr. Her, why did he break them? Congressman, the conclusion as to exactly why the president did what he did is not one that we explicitly address in the report. The report explains my decision to the attorney general that no criminal charges were warranted in this matter. I think you did tell us. I think you told us, Mr. Her, page 231. You said this. President Biden had strong motivations. That's a key word. We're getting the motive now. President Biden had strong motivations to ignore the proper procedures for safeguarding the classified information in his notebooks. Why did he have strong motivations? Because, next word, because he decided months before leaving office to write a book. To write a book. That was his motive. He knew the rules. He broke him because he was writing a book. And you further say, and he began meeting with the ghost writer while he was still vice president. There's the motive. Mr. Her, how much did President Biden get paid for his book? Off the top of my head, I'm not sure if that information appears in the report. Sure does. There's a dollar amount in there. You remember? I don't think it may be eight million. Eight million dollars. Joe Biden had eight million reasons to break the rules. Eight million dollars. Can I have the $400,000 cut again? Cut the Lord. Eight million. And he said, and he lied. When people lie to your face with something that easily checked, they'll lie to you about anything. Eight million dollars. And he said $400,000. Okay, here's her talking about how Biden put the memory issue himself in the spotlight. And as you saw, as you heard from, as you heard from her, her's transcript, cut 10. The evidence and the president himself put his memory squarely at issue. We interviewed the president and asked him about his recorded statement, quote, "I just found all the classified stuff downstairs," end quote. He told us that he didn't remember saying that to his ghost writer. He also said he didn't remember finding any classified material in his home after his vice presidency. And he didn't remember anything about how classified documents about Afghanistan made their way into his garage. He didn't remember. But it was his stop. He said that. He said that it's where it came from. It was his stop. He was a senator. He was a vice president. He didn't have the power to have that stuff. But it was his because he's his word as a Biden and anyone who says different is full of malarkey. So this is Matt Gaetz or even the New York Post is calling him far-right Matt Gaetz. I mean, can't you give him the benefit of the doubt? I mean, if you're a conservative newspaper, purportedly, rather than call it, do they call, you know, Nadler far left? I don't think they do. But this is her with Matt Gaetz talking about the ghost writer and sharing the classified information. Cut 19. February 8th, the White House question, "Mr. President, why did you share classified information with your ghost writer? The president, I did not share classified information. I did not share it. I guarantee I did not." That's not true, is it, Mr. Her? That is inconsistent with the findings based on the evidence in my report. Yes, it's a lie is just what regular people would say, right? Yeah, all right. So the next one, and all the stuff that was in my home was in filing cabinets that were either locked or able to be locked. That wasn't true either, was it? That was inconsistent with the findings of our investigation. Another lie people might say, right? Inconsistent. Again, he was being very diplomatic, inconsistent. That's what he told, that's what he told Nadler when Nadler just spoke over him. And we found things, certain things that he said were inconsistent, inconsistent. 844, 542, 42. Darryl Isa from California Republican, and he's asking him about this is worth playing just because, again, he's not saying that he was not guilty. He was saying that they couldn't win at trial. That's a real distinction. Cut 21. You said, for example, that you would never prosecute someone you thought was outright innocent. Correct. In this case, did you reach conclusion that this man was outright innocent? That conclusion is not reflected in my report, sir. Right. So you did not reach that conclusion, or it would have been in your report. I viewed my task of explaining my decision to the attorney general as being based on my judgment and my assessment of the evidence, would a would a conviction at trial be the probable outcome? And I just want to make sure the record is complete in that because I think it's extremely important. You did not reach an idea that he had committed no wrong. You reached a conclusion that you would not prevail at trial and therefore did not take it forward. Is that correct? Correct, Congressman. Right. And I think 919, the text is giving me the needle here, but he says, "You keep saying her. Who is her?" It's not H-E-R, it's H-U-R, like Ben Hur. Only this is Ben Hur's grandson. This is Robert Hur. H-U-R, Robert Hur. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. I told you yesterday how on Sunday, I cooked up a pork chop from Omaha Steaks, and I gave Roscoe a couple of bites, and somebody said, "Why are you giving an animal that kind of wonderful food, that wonderful meat?" And I thought to myself, "I'm not giving it to an animal. I'm giving it to Roscoe, my dog." They're just a human being. I want my dog to have great food, and I can't think of anything better to give them than Omaha Steaks. 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Endless flavor and endless value, whatever kind of steak you like, strip steak, sirloin, ribeye, porterhouse, flank, fillet, any kind of steak you want, and you don't have to go to a butcher shop. You don't have to wait in line at a deli counter. Every purchase is backed by their unconditional money-back guarantee. Simply go to and shop the semi-annual sale today. And don't forget to use promo code "Howie" at checkout to get an extra $30 off your order. Hurry because this deal won't last long. There are only two a year, and this is one of the times. You can kickstart your spring grilling today. That's promo code "Howie" at checkout. Minimum purchase may apply on Howie Car. The Howie Car Show will be right back. You're listening to The Howie Car Show. 844. 542. I'm not going to even play any of the more of these exonerations. I can't take Nadler and Raskin and Cohen and the rest of them. They're just so... Cory Bush. Cory Bush said that she called Trump the white supremacist in chief. Boy, I hope she gets knocked off in her primary. She's the nut from St. Louis that wants to defund the police, and she spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on her own personal security. There are so many loathsome people in that Democrat caucus. 844. 542. I'm going to play a couple of cuts from Tucker Carlson. He had Chris Cuomo on with him, and his show was really interesting. It runs long, but there are really good bits in it. He was talking about going to visit Putin. Chris Cuomo was pleasant for Chris Cuomo like he was laying off the stuff that made him lift weights more than he could under normal circumstances. He was almost like a human being for Chris Cuomo anyway. He asked him, "Why didn't you say anything about Navalny when you were with Putin?" Tucker got into it and tried to explain it to him. Cut 25. Don't choose to live in Russia. I'm not a Putin supporter, but there's a war going on, and it's crushing the United States economy. Most Americans don't understand that, and I just want to talk about that. I made that decision as crushing the economy. It's not crushing the war economy, though. A lot of that money winds up coming back to the unified party. The corporations that do that. No, I totally agree. They always find a way to win. Kicking Russia out of swift, stealing people's stuff, the oligarch stuff that lies with nothing to do with the invasion of Ukraine. That's not the rules-based order, actually. That's the hardest-edged possible politics being played by the US government using the US dollar and the sanctions regimes to do it. What is the message to the rest of the world? Get the hell away from the United States. These people, if they elect somebody who's senile like Biden or someone doesn't like us, they will use the dollar and sanctions to destroy us. Get away. It's not a safe haven anymore. Yeah. He's just saying that the reason people have always foreigners have always invested in the US is because they believe we are a nation of laws, not of men. But you have Democrats acting like a barbecue down in Haiti with this crew of cannibals. Not all the way, but we're heading in that direction. People are going to say, "Hey, we're not going. We're not going to go in there." It's turning into the third world. We don't export the first world anymore. We're importing the third world and guess what? We're becoming the third world. This is Tucker continues about what he was trying to do when he was talking to Putin. Cut 26. That fact will change world history, change the course of American history. We're going to live with that for the rest of our lives. Our grandchildren will live with it. I don't think Americans understand that and I want them to. I want to hear what Putin's thinking is. I don't know if I achieved that or not, but that was definitely. What I didn't want to do is try to convince other journalists for whom I have no regard at all, for the most part, that I'm a good person. I don't care what they think of me. They call me a Nazi all the time, which I'm not. Their views are totally immaterial. I just want to focus on what I want to focus on. If you don't like it, don't watch it. That's my view. Exactly. Why would he be wanting to try to impress, I don't know, April Ryan, Jima Costa, Maggie Haberman, any of those people? Daniel Dale. Those people are frauds. They're not serious people and they're not honest people. For them to criticize Tucker Carlson, it's a badge of honor. That's what he was trying to get at. 844-542-844-542-781. Why didn't the House Republican leadership keep Nadler and the like off the committee like they kept Jim Jordan off the January 6th committee? Well, I understand that your point, 781, but I mean, who are the rational Democrats you would put on the House committee? Name me some rational Democrats out there. I'm waiting. There aren't any. That's the short answer and the long answer. 844-542-542. See, might as well put the real asses out there and let them make asses out of themselves and show the country who they are. What's made it? I'm Howie Carr.