The Howie Carr Radio Network

FBI Bombshell in the Karen Read Case | 3.12.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Howie details the FBI's testimony in the pre-trial hearings of the Karen Read case in Canton, MA, with the feds saying John O'Keefe's fatal injuries are not consistent with a motor vehicle strike. Grace joins to further break down the narrative of what happened that night.

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12 Mar 2024
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Investing in precious metals may seem daunting to a beginner, but now maybe one of the best times to begin doing so. Find out why in the latest episode of Meet the Experts with Howie Car. With this week's guest, Silver Dave, of Local Silver Men, wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcast. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. The very port represents the complete and total exoneration of President Biden. So this lengthy, expensive, and independent investigation resulted in a complete exoneration of President Joe Biden. Because you report a total and complete exoneration. That is not what the report says. So the statement by the ranking member is incorrect. Yes. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Nobody suggests he's seen now. My buddy, John McCain, my predecessor friend who went, that's how he ended his career. Joe Biden is a competent, good President Joe knows American values. I can handle things I'm smart, not like everybody says. Who's your captain, Howie Car. I knew that for my decision to be credible, I could not simply announce that I recommended no criminal charges and leave it at that. I needed to explain why. My report reflects my best effort to explain why I declined to recommend charging President Biden. A senile. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. Welcome. You think the Democrats have been out of control of some of these earlier hearings today was as bad as they've ever been with Robert Herr, the special counsel who investigated dementia, Joe's violations of various federal laws about classified documents. It was, it was really stomach churning how bad they were. But we'll get that in just a moment. First thing I want to say today is that there's been big news in the Karen Reed murder case down in downtown. They had the last pretrial hearing here. She's going to be on trial for a second degree murder of her boyfriend, Boston police officer, who was allegedly run over. So there's been a federal investigation and it's been under seal. The defense attorneys, the prosecutors in Norfolk County have not been allowed to discuss it. But today it came out in the final pretrial hearing. And there were several, I think they're bombshells, you know. And the big one is, and this is from Alan Jackson, the defense attorney for Karen Reed, who's being supported by Turtle Boy, the blogger who did 60 days in the Dettom jail, Norfolk County House of Correction. He's going to be on at six o'clock with us. But you know, again, they say this guy was killed. The cops say that this Boston police officer, John O'Keefe, was killed by Karen Reed's car. They were, she would, she drove over them. They were, she was drunk. He was drunk. Everybody in the house was drunk. Here's what Karen Reed's lawyer said this summer. The federal investigators, these people hired by the feds, the US Attorney's Office and the FBI has been investigating this case because it smells so bad. The federal investigators hired independent of us, meaning the defense. We had no idea and independent of the Commonwealth, the prosecution, hired a professional reconstructionist, three PhDs, to look exactly into this issue. Who, how did John O'Keefe die? Did Karen Reed's car, did her SUV make contact with John O'Keefe? And their conclusion to a person was his injuries were inconsistent with the damage on the car. The damage on the car was inconsistent with having made contact with John O'Keefe's body. In other words, the car didn't hit him and he wasn't hit by the car. Now, if that's the case, then she didn't murder him. And obviously, she never, they wouldn't have gotten us a murder charge conviction. But they just threw that in to give her something to plea bargain and they'd get her for manslaughter, voluntary or involuntary manslaughter. But it appears to me that if this is what the feds are saying, I believe that's going to be reasonable doubt. And the lawyers for Karen Reed want the case thrown out before it goes to trial, obviously. But there were other things. This was in January. I apologize if people are new and they don't understand this case, but it's a very big case. Turtle Boy, the blogger who's been back in care and Reed went to jail. Again, I repeat for 60 days for being involved in this case. He was charged with witness tampering or something like that, even though they say there were no witnesses. But apparently, there was a Google search from inside the house where the body was found out on the outside of how long to die in the cold. That was a 227. And this was in January. So it was very cold. It would seem to add credence to the defense case that they knew when he would die when they throw him outside after beating him up, which is the defense theory of the case. And also the lead investigator or one of the lead investigators for the state police assigned to the district attorney's office. Apparently, he had a relationship with the family that owned the house where something happened to Officer O'Keefe. And he did not tell anybody about that. And they have texts of him saying, "Thanks for what you did for us. Can we give you a gift?" And he texts back, "Yeah, I'd like something for my wife too." And apparently, he also used one of the alberts, that's their name, as a babysitter. This is the cop who's investigating and getting the documentation to arrest and indict a woman who now the feds are saying, "Didn't hit the guy she's charged with murdering." So it's a very interesting case. And it's just really roiling the town of Canton, where this is all going on. And again, we'll have Turtle Boy on tonight at six to discuss this. And what makes it even more interesting is that there's a meeting tonight of the Canton Town Council or Board of Aldermen, Board of Selectmen, whatever they call them. And one of the people on the board is one of the alberts who did time himself for killing someone in an automobile accident. And another one is a guy named John Connolly, who's the same name as the crooked FBI agent who was convicted mob hitman down in Florida. And John Connolly, he's like a Mr. Five by Five, and his face looks like a red tomato, an overripe red tomato. He may actually explode the meeting tonight. He's a town, he's town, he's for Canton. And they're going crazy over this. It's quite a story. It's quite a story. 844 542 42. And again, you know, this is a this is going to be a Netflix movie for sure now. And the Turtle Boy, just the blogger just tweeted out, he said. So if O'Keefe's injuries that killed him are inconsistent with being hit by a car, then why did they find many hours later 35 pieces of taillight SUV taillights like, but like would have come off of Karen Reed's car at the scene of the crime. Did someone plant that evidence? If the federal investigators are correct in there, there was no, there was no car backing over the police officer. And of course, the other thing is they on the on the officer's hand during the autopsy, they found these cuts, but look like the kind of cuts that would have been made by a large dog if you were biting said person. Well, they had a large dog in this house that had a history of biting people. And shortly after Roger John O'Keefe ended up dead in the snow, said dog. Isn't it hit her name is Chloe was Chloe vanished and either lives on the farm with major commander or perhaps something else untoward. There's Chloe. I would tell Chloe to roll over, but I know I don't want my arm bitten off. 844 542. This is a this again, this is a big this is a big story. And the the main the deep state media in Boston doesn't really know how to handle this story. They're they're just kind of perplexed. They, you know, they they, you know, they their motto is afflict the afflicted and comfort the comfortable. So they they they just want to go along to get along with the district attorney's office. And you know, the question is if Michael Morrissey, I call him past the gravy, other people call him meatball. He's another guy, a Mr. five by five. If if if if he presided over this, even if he just let it happen, while he was while he was, you know, having another helping of canoles. I mean, how how can this guy be allowed to remain in office? On the other hand, he's never had a real job. I mean, he had, you know, some job, you know, messing around with wills or something when he was in the legislature. He's never really worked. And you know what he makes for for salary now is a DA district attorney of Norfolk County, 191,000. You ain't praying past the gravy out of this job, even with the jaws of life, he's going to hang on to it to the bitter end. He doesn't care what the feds do to they take down some of his steak cops in his office. They take down some prosecutors. He doesn't care. He's going to keep cash in that paycheck. How else is he going to pay for the all you can eat Chinese buffet and Quincy, what they like to go to? 844 542 42. It's really is 508, says this Karen Reed case really is unbelievable. How it is. That's why I spent that's why I started out to show with it just because it's it's just amazing, just amazing stuff. These these kind of cases very rarely come along. And this this was huge. What happened today? And we'll be talking with a turtle boy about it. It's in less than three hours from now. 844 542 42. Your description of Conley sounded like past the gravy morsey. You know what? Hey, Harry from where? Has anyone ever seen Canton selectman John Conley and and DA Michael past the gravy morsey in the same room? I never have and I live in that county. 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Then it went back up $3.19. $3.29. $3.39. Now it's $3.49. And I think about that neon sign every time I drive by that marathon station right out the corner of Southern Boulevard, Dixie Highway, on the way to Mar-a-Lago. Two miles from Mar-a-Lago with that. So today a new inflation report came out. Guess what? Everything I see every morning at the marathon gas station is confirmed. It inflation in the words of the Wall Street Journal. I'm expectedly. Rose. I'm shocked. I know. I know you are. We've all we all drive by a marathon station of some kind or another or go go past a a supermarket aisle where we shop every time we go in and we see the prices just keep skyrocketing up and up and up. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far today's poll question which you can vote in at how we car is Biden says inflation is under control. What do you think? Everything is great now. Inflation is still terrible or a little better but not as good as Trump days. Inflation is still terrible. 88% say it's still terrible. 11% say it's a little better. 1% say everything is great now. Okay. I'd just like to see how many Biden people are listening to the show. So today it was so far. It's 1%. Okay. 844, 542, 42, 774 says, how can the DA possibly go on with this case? It's called pride. I mean, he's not going to throw in the towel now. If he threw in the towel now, he would be admitting that this is a terrible travesty, a miscarriage of justice which indeed it is but you just keep continuing and hope for the best. You hope for a miracle as long as it's still there. It's like Fannie Willis. Fannie Willis is hoping for a miracle that somehow she and her boyfriend could stay on the case. It's not totally analogous but it's somewhat similar. Just one Hail Mary pass after another. 844, 542. So the FBI also says that this guy is just saying the FBI is also saying that the owner of the house was calling at 2.30 a.m. when he said he was sleeping. Well, yeah, that's when the Google search, how long to die in the snow? How long to die in the snow? And she misspells, she spell instead of H.O.W. spells H.O.S. because they've all been drinking. They're all just drunk, including Karen Reed, including John O'Keefe, the dead officer. That's just one of the aspects of this case. 844, 542, 42. Ed, you're next with H.O.W.E. Car. Go ahead, Ed. I know I've tried to follow this case somewhat and one thing people don't seem to talk about very much. Obviously, I know that they hate Turtle Boy and they want to nail him. What was the motive to kill O'Keefe and to send Karen Reed to prison? Again, I think if you buy the defense theory and again, nothing's been proven, everybody was really drunk. And when people get drunk, anything can happen. And you also know the old saying nothing good happens at 2 in the morning. This was 2 in the morning. And there was a lot of tension between these people. Supposedly, according to the prosecution, Karen Reed was flirting with some guy or O'Keefe was flirting with somebody and there's another theory in the case is that there were love triangles and that's why she was angry at him. And the fact is she did say, according to witnesses, when she said, "Did I do this or I did this or something to that effect?" But again, she was drunk. And there was surveillance footage at the Canton Public Library. And it should show up. There's nobody driving by the Canton Library at 2.30 in the morning, right? So it should show her car. But guess, or her SUV. But guess what? There's a missing gap. And it's not like the gap was, you know, removed because somebody liable to somebody else like happens on certain radio shows. This just vanished. This footage just vanished and they can't seem to find it. And it's another one of these mysteries of the case. And that's why the feds are involved. And you know, originally, Morrissey said they were going after him, the DA, because he and Rachel Rollins didn't get along. Then the U.S. Attorney, when she was District Attorney in Boston, Suffolk County. But she's been gone for almost a year now. And Josh Levy is pretty much on the level. And he's still pursuing this case. 844, 542, 42, from Howie Car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Speaking of inflation being under control as Brandon says, it is 4-1-3 says, had a serious case of sticker shock last week. Well, grocery shopping, I ordered a pound of store brand rosebait store brand at the deli. It ended up being just over a pound sticker price, 24-16. I'm telling you, I've started going more to to all these where I get a lot of most stuff. A lot cheaper. Trader Joe's, even I can get cheaper than I can at Publix, which is kind of like the little pricier than Market Basket, but it's the Florida Market Basket, basically. It's just the prices aren't going down. And Joe Biden talking about Snickers bars. It really is obnoxious and obscene. All right, time now for Grace with the nose. Okay, Howie, do we want to do this? Do we want to try? What? What do you mean? Talk about Karen Reed and Canton? Well, try to explain all the players. I could give it my best shot, but I'm going to need your help because there's a lot of- Well, just call them the McAlberts, Alberts. They're a bunch of townies. Canton, in the old days, going back to revolutionary times, it's where Paul Revere had his summer home because the North End was so festering and nasty and mosquitoes and open sewers, etc, etc. So it was a place where people went to get away. And then it was slowly built up, and it's always been a work in class town. But lately, in the last few years, it's been kind of yuppified. And the townies, a lot of townies still live there. They inherited the houses from their parents, and they're there, but they don't like the yuppies moving in. And so there's this kind of undertone to this whole controversy, because the townies are behind the McAlberts, or the Alberts, and the other ones. And the McCabe's, I think the name is. And the Proctors. And the Proctors, right. And then you have Karen Reed is kind of an outsider, even though she's a local, really, and O'Keeffe is from Boston. And so the town is like split into these two factions. One wants to get behind the townies, the McAlberts, and the other one, the new people, some of whom are like from 10 miles away, but they're still outlanders, as far as this crowd, the townies are concerned. And I understand that. I understand that phenomenon. But, you know, it's just gotten really nasty. And this meeting tonight is going to be really something. It's going to be really, you know, daggers out on both sides, I think. So we had gotten a call during one of the breaks about they don't really understand what's going on. This is a really tough case to follow. So without too many subtleties in the case, can we just try to describe all the players and the circumstances? Basic summary. I would say the most important thing for people to know is that the body of John O'Keeffe was found outside of the Alberts home, allegedly according to, you know, the story that they're trying to tell us. He was hit by Karen Reed. They thought she backed over him with her car when she was pulling out. And then all been drinking heavily. Everybody had been drinking heavily. And apparently John O'Keeffe, the cop, it had had words with one of the Alberts. I think a kid who was like a high school football player and Turtle Boy has been printing pictures from social media. And they all have these tattoos on themselves and they're all, you know, on the camera giving each other the finger and drinking beers and stuff like this. And, you know, that doesn't necessarily make them terrible people. But, you know, it doesn't add to your confidence in them behaving themselves, especially after they've had about a million drinks. So basically an internal boy can give more detail when he joins your show at six o'clock. But basically she freaks out. She can't find him. They're driving around. And then what her people are saying, what her case or her lawyers are saying, is that something happened to her boyfriend when he went in the house, that she dropped him off for the party. He went in the house. And that's when something nefarious happened that led to his death. Like how he said a lot of the cuts on him. Some people think it looks like something a dog could do to you. Some people think he might have fallen down the stairs. There's a lot of different theories. But they're trying for all of the above too. That's another theory. All of the above. But they're trying to make it seem like she backed over him with her car. So then it becomes a question of a cover up. Now, as how he said, the home is owned by the Alberts. The, I think the lead investigator is this guy proctor who has ties with the Alberts. It's all very incestuous. He has ties with the Alberts. And so there's just a lot of questions about whether or not they set her up. And one of the Alberts, one of the Alberts, I think the one that's the selectman went to prison several years ago for running over a Johnson and Wales exchange student or killing him in a car accident. And the the sun was it was a football player at Bridgewater State. But when this investigation began, he he quit the team. And I believe he, I think he dropped out of Bridgewater State. And then there's there's one of them owns a owns what Turtle Boy always describes as a mediocre Italian restaurant in the town on the main street. They call him chicken parm Charlie. Everybody's got a good nickname in this case too. It seems like the Alberts are a very powerful family in Canton, like in the community in Canton. And that's why a lot of people think that something where there's something that we're not being told. And the only other thing I'll add in here is that when this body was discovered, and I'm using air quotes because there's controversy about, you know, the timeline of that, when this body was discovered, nobody that the person in the home, who I guess I think was a cop how he didn't come out to ask any questions about it didn't talk to any of the officers. And the follow up investigation into John O'Keefe and how he was killed was handled in a very weird way. And I remember when I talked to Turtle Boy about this the first time, this is when it was all really starting to heat up. I said to you, what's a good question for Turtle Boy? And you said to me in regards to the investigation that people are starting to poke holes in, you said, well, cops make mistakes all the time, you know, incompetence isn't anything new when it comes to these type of things. And so I asked him that. I said, why should people believe that something nefarious happened as opposed to just incompetence? And he had a really good answer. He said, yes, cops mess up things when it comes to these investigations. But cops don't show up to the death of another cop and, you know, make it as sloppy as this was. Like cops take it very seriously when it's one of their own. And no one in the house, they see the body outside. Nobody in the, and they, I would assume they could recognize the body because they've been drinking with this guy. No one came out of the house when they, when the body was discovered. And another thing is that they were the cops, these state cops from the district attorney's office were investigating, you know, taking down witness statements. And they, by the way, they didn't take down some important witnesses who could basically provide exculpatory evidence for Karen Reed. They didn't get around to that night. It was snowing. There was a plow driver who could have held them. Guys, guys name was lucky. But they also, they, they, in one case, one state cop, he interviewed four people that had ties. They weren't there at the house, but they had ties somehow. And he misspelled all four of the names. Now, again, I've read a million police reports, you know, their problems with police reports, with grammar, spelling, sometimes, but to get four out of four wrong, that's, that's not likely. But you know what that means, Grace? It means it's harder for, for the defense attorneys or their private investigators that they hire to, to, to do background checks. It's harder for them to, to do the background checks, if everybody's name is misspelled. Yeah. And do I have this right? And I apologize if this is something that I'm misremembering. But did they sell the house? How he shortly after this? Yes, they did. They filled in the pool. They filled in, they got rid of the dog that, that had for seven years and had a record as long as his paw, if I could use that expression for biting people, then they, they filled in the pool and then they sold the house. And I think they did, they did, they did something to the basement too. Yeah, they read the basement too. Yeah. So there's a lot of things that if you took them by themselves, you might say, eh, that's not, but once you start getting all of these things added together, that's how this kind of created a free Karen Reed movement of all of these internet sluice, who are very interested in this case. And by the way, how I should say this, there are people who are so into this and into the details who are probably listening to this and screaming in their car is going. Yeah, they probably are. They're saying these guys, yeah, you don't have it right how we use it. It's not chicken parm, Paul, Charlie, it's veal parm. I'm sorry. If I, if I've got a few things wrong, we'll get them straightened out with Turtle Boy tonight. Exactly. And there's also people who are listening going, I don't know what's going on here. So you just kind of have to be somewhere in the middle. You could wait for the Netflix movie, but it's going to be interesting as it develops. I think it's only going to get more interesting. You know, I think there's a possibility that the judge could throw it out before it even gets the trial. The other part of it too that stuck out to me is someone who consumes a lot of true crime and is very, I love those kind of documentaries and those kind of podcasts. The fact that nowadays, how we, there's so much ring footage, you know, everybody's got ring cameras. And oftentimes when I watch Netflix documentaries on murders, that's how they get people a lot. Even if they don't have it on, they have a timeline based off the cars and the ring footage. There's a missing chunk of footage. I think it's from the, the Canton library. Yeah, that's the one I was mentoring. I mentioned that. Yeah, that's very, very strange. And so again, one of these things might not be enough. But once you get them all together, you start going, maybe they're on to something. Yeah, somebody says, 508 says that fact that two minutes of surveillance footage is missing from the library is all you got to know. Yeah. Yeah. Grace's news is brought to you by TuxTrucks GMC and Hudson Mass, where you can enjoy a buying experience that is easy, personalized and moves at your own pace. Truck buying the way you want it to be. Visit I think the other part of this too, and this comes back to the DA, Michael Morrissey, and Karen Reed's lawyers talked about this today, is that they never expected this narrative to take off because usually the prosecution has control of the narrative. The media would lose interest in something like this. And you know, the other thing is the media has collapsed. We've gone over this a million times. It used to be to Patriot. They used to be a thing called a Quincy Patriot ledger, and you had two people in brain tree, three people in in Weymouth, you know, five or 10 people in Quincy. Now you got nobody. You got nobody. And the people from the Boston papers are just kind of blow-ins and they're not paying attention. So they figure they can just, you know, get get away with anything. And you know what? In 90%, 99% of the cases, they can get away with anything. But every once in a while, something happens. Yeah, but how the only thing that has made me skeptical, and I've said this to Turtle Boy, so I don't mean it as anything, you know, about they're reporting on it, but there's so many people involved. And when there's so many people involved, I just, I don't know how they keep something like this under wraps. And maybe they have it. It's only your your cover-up is only as good as your weakest link. Yeah, there seems to be a lot of weak links in this situation. Yeah, if you have there's there's 13, I think there's 13 quote unquote witnesses, although supposedly nobody saw anything. So if you have 13 witnesses and you're trying to spin a conspiracy, not everybody's going to stand up. It's just not it's not possible in human history or nature. But then again, it's only been this happened at the end of January in 2022. So it's not like it's been 10 years and, you know, nothing new. It's new stuff is coming out of this all the time. So there's still hope yet. Howie, one other thing I wanted to mention here, because you brought up Rachel Rollins before, and this is a quick way to end the segment, Rachel Rollins lands $96,000 Roxbury Community College job, former Suffolk DA in U.S. Part-time. Part-time. Who resigned after being scorched in two separate federal reports last May is now a part-time special projects administrator at Roxbury Community College. It's kind of amazing how we have all of the people who have it was a nationwide search grace. I'm still surprised though. I'm still surprised she had to resign. She tried to rig an election. But nowadays, and then she lied under oath about it. Yeah. And she called the Howie Car Show. That's the most important part of the story. It may have been the straw that broke. That was her undoing how he is that she called the Howie Car Show. That's it for me. Howie, I'll be listening. All right. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Here are three reasons I need balance seven. A broken leg, a broken elbow, and a broken foot all on the left side. I take balance seven all day long. It has made a huge difference for me when it comes to dealing with joint pain. No longer do I feel sore or creaky when I get up in the morning. Balance seven works by diluting the acid built up in your body over years of eating acidic foods. 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You should give balance seven a try. Balance seven is made in America and is sold more than six million units worldwide. Order now at balance seven dot com. That's balance seven dot com. When new customers put in code word howie, you will save 20%. And also receive free shipping. Balance the number set the number seven dot com. Balance the number seven dot com. Please don't be stubborn. Do yourself a favor and order now. I'm howie car. Want more from the howie car show? Yes, always. Watch howie live at rumble dot com slash the howie car show. He's not just another pretty face. He's an extraordinarily good looking man. He's howie car. That's a little bit of a bromance going on there. He's howie car. And he's back. 844 542 42. Textor said I did sound as when I was describing Canton like I was describing every town on 128. There there is that. Yes. There are elements of it, but it's it's more so in Canton from from what I've seen. 844 542 42. By the way, speaking of Rachel Rollins another this other this nationwide search. I mean, this woman was run out of office by Democrats. How bad do you have to be to be a uber woke Democrat and get run out by other uber woke Democrats because you're so corrupt. You're trying to rig an election basically with with the corrupt city counselor who's who's trying to oust her successor as the district attorney. I mean, that's how it was bad stuff. And they give her a job $96,000 at Roxbury Community College. You know what she is? She is the part time special projects administrator for the new project to support returning citizens. Taylor is the wizard of Wokey knows he knows what a returning citizen is. What kind of euphemism is returning citizens? Actually, no, that would be newcomer or undocumented migrant. A returning citizen is a jail bird. It's an ex-con. A project to return to support returning citizens. Would that be like Representative Anna Presley's husband, who did 10 years for drug trafficking, Conan Harris? Would that be like City Councilor Tanya Fernandez Anderson's heartthrob? Oh, no, he's not a returning citizen because he's not returning because he murdered a legal alien a few years back. A legal alien, unlike his beloved Tanya Fernandez Anderson, who was an illegal alien until 2019. And now she's a Boston City Councilor hiring her her sister and her son to be her aides and getting fined $10,000, I believe, by the State Ethics Commission. I mean, this, you know, the hack-a-rama was always bad when when I was coming up and probably you were coming up and they used to have a big celebration on St. Patrick's Day, but they'd laugh at each other anyway, you know, and they'd admit it. These people, they're going to have a St. Patrick's Day party, but if you call them out on it, they'll call you a a sexist or a racist or a nativist. As far as I could see, it's worse than ever now. Come back, we're going to talk about the conventional hearings. I'm Howie Carr. (drum roll)