The Howie Carr Radio Network

Karen Read Updates, Dr. Jill's Work Husband and 2A Tuesday | 3.12.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Dr. Jill's "work husband" seems like he has a lot in common with her real husband. Also, some new bombshells in the Karen Read case and Toby Leary joins the show.

Broadcast on:
12 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattaria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. We were just discussing how the illegal alien crisis in New York City is not slowing down, and only 2% of the illegal aliens, or the undocumented migrants as Joe Biden wants to call them, are taking Eric Adams up on his reticketing idea. Nobody wants to leave, they're just, they're captivated by NYC and 978 said, "It sounds like the illegals in New York City really like the New York brand." Yeah, Eric Adams should be proud of himself. He talks a lot about the brand in New York City and how New Yorkers have a brand, and it would seem that the newcomers in this country are appreciating that brand and want to be part of it. Besides that, we also have a big update for you on the transcript story. Jared, I gotta read this back and forth when it comes to Biden's Corvette, and you might be thinking to yourself, "Oh, who cares? We've heard about the Corvette before." But keep in mind, he used this as a defense at one point. Remember when he was being asked by Peter Ducey about why he kept all these classified documents in his home, and to try to make an excuse for himself, he said he kept it by his Corvette, as though that made it better. Like, I care so much about my Corvette, so if I put the documents near my Corvette, then clearly I was being as careful and cautious as I possibly could. Didn't go over well with the mainstream media. But here's this back and forth, okay? And I believe that Crickbaum is a lawyer who's helping Joe. President Biden says, "In the meantime, my Corvette was being worked on because I had to do that show with Mr. Crickbaum says Jay Leno." President Biden says, "Yes, Jay Leno. Didn't have to. I wanted to do the show with Jay Leno. Laughs." He goes on to say, "And there was a kid who used to help me take care of my Corvette. Didn't work for me, and I can't get his name." And he pulled it in and out to work on the carburetor, whatever, get it up to the Chevrolet dealer, whatever. So there was a lot going in and out, but I don't remember when the boxes came or where they came from. Now, hold on a second. I thought that this was like Fort Knox, this garage with the damp Zappo boxes and all the crap everywhere. I thought it was Fort Knox. I thought we were supposed to rest easy knowing that these classified documents were next to your precious Corvette. We find out there's some kid, Eddie Haskell, from the neighborhood who you don't even know who he is, and he's coming in and out with the car and bringing it up to the Chevrolet dealer. I don't think you're making the point you think you're making, sir." He's like, "Oh, yeah, we had people in and out all the time. I don't know. I mean, I'm sure the kid who was fixing the car is more trustworthy than, say, Hunter Biden, who I believe at some points was living in the house. But still doesn't really bode well for the security system, a Casa DeBiden. That they have this rando coming in and out. And again, I don't think this kid fixing the car has any interest in Joe Biden's classified documents where Afghanistan is spelled wrong. He'd probably look at it and go, "I don't even know what that is. That can't be Afghanistan because it's spelled wrong, and this is the vice president's home." And then he'd probably just move on his way. But just the fact that you've got somebody coming in and out, he's not good. And he's telling this to Robert Herr. So Mr. Crickbaum says, "Do you remember whether it was when the Corvette was coming back after the Jay Leno show? So in other words, it goes out for Jay Leno. Eventually, it comes back. President Biden says, "Oh, no, it was in and out for a bunch of reasons. Ah, that's good to know." Okay, so there were a number of times where different people could come in and out where these classified documents were kept. Joe's like, "You thought it was just once that we had random strangers coming in here? Pasha!" There were several different times where the garage door was wide open. So Mr. Crickbaum says, "Okay, President Biden says this is where we get the sob story. You know, this is where Joe Biden wants to tell us how tough it is." And you've heard this before. Joe Biden doesn't like the White House. It's a gilded cage. But there's a lot of issues. He had issues as vice president as well. There were things that some people might call first world problems. But Joe is telling these issues to Robert Herr hoping that he can sympathize. He says, "It drove me crazy because I wanted to drive it." Mr. Crickbaum, who I think actually is on the other team, says, "God it. That makes sense. A beautiful car." President Biden says, "And the worst part was they said I couldn't drive it outside the driveway." I'm not going to go into why I think they probably told them to stay, you know, stay inside the premises. He says, "They said I couldn't drive it outside the driveway. It's a long driveway. So I'd get it to the bottom of the driveway, tack it up to about four grand. He makes a car sound. I'm going to just, I'm going to take some artistic license here and go vroom vroom." I'm sure his is better than mine because he's such a skilled artist and he knows everything. But that's just what I think he probably said. You would you tack it up about four grand. They start to laugh. They start to laugh because this old man who doesn't remember anything is telling them how random people were coming in and out of his garage with classified documents and now he's making car sounds. So I'm going to add in here to the transcript uncomfortable laughter, but they just wrote laughter, okay? You think I'm kidding. This is one of his big things. He doesn't like when people laugh because he wants you to know he's serious. He says, "You think I'm kidding. I'm not." Mr. Crickbaum says, "We believe you." Mr. Hur says, "I believe you." Yes. President Biden says, "Probably one of the best parts to being vice president and president. I get to drive all of these, you know, electric vehicles. I have. Damn, they're quick. More laughter." Again, I'm going to guess it's uncomfortable after. You know, think about this. You had one of those big four-by-fours. I think it's a Ford Bronco. Whatever it is. Zero to sixty and forty-six. Mr. Hur says, "Yes." Mr. Crickbaum says, "Instant torque." Mr. Hur says, "That's fast." President Biden says, "Yeah. By the way, you know how it works." It's really cool. Mr. Hur says, "Sir, I would love to hear much more about this, but I do have a few more questions to get through." In other words, rein it in, you crazy person. President Biden says, "You can take not getting the hint that it's time to move on, not picking up on that social cue." He says, "You can take thirty seconds, but you put your foot on the brake. You hit a button that's in the, and it says launch. You step your foot on the accelerator all the way down." And Mr. Hur goes, "Whoa." They tell me they're talking to a five-year-old. They're giving him the Kamala Harris treatment. Like when she talks to astronauts and she says, "The moon is so big and bright at night." They said, "Whoa." And President Biden says, "Until it gets to about six, seven grand, then all of a sudden it will say launch. All you do is you take your foot off the brake." Mr. Hur says, "It's on my bucket list." Now, I just want to point something out here. He loves to throw in the electric vehicle thing. The only time I saw him really amped up on electric vehicles in real life, like he typically likes these old cars that are not electric, that are gas guzzlers. But one, at one point, he did like electric vehicles. And I think that was when he was threatening to run over a reporter. Do you remember that, Jared? Yeah. That was a really cool part of being president. He had just become president. He was testing on an electric vehicle. A reporter asked him a question he didn't like. And I believe he floated out the idea of mowing her down. That's correct. So that's just where my mind goes. Okay, now quickly here, I'm running out of time and we do have Toby Leary coming up next, so I know people are going to want to get right to that. I wanted to give everyone, "Oh, I hope I have it here." Yes. This is from the Boston Herald, an update on the Karen Reid case. Karen Reid defends argues for her murder case to be dismissed. This is from the Boston Herald. It says, "Karen Reid and her defense team and the masses of public and media following the complex case surrounding the alleged murder of Boston police officer John O'Keefe descended on Norfolk Superior Court this morning where the Mansfield woman argued to throw out the case altogether." Now, her lawyers in this case are arguing for a dismissal of the indictment. Jackson is one of them. Alan Jackson. Jackson said that from the beginning, the investigation was compromised. A theory he says is bolstered by federal grand jury testimony from some of the investigating officers who said he admitted that they had lied about the relationship to principal state witnesses in the case. Now, this is the part that I think is very good for Karen Reid. Jackson said that Massachusetts State's police trooper Michael Proctor, and Turtaboy's given us a lengthy explanation of the Proctor family. The principal investigator in the case has an extensive history with the Alberts and had even texted Julie Albert to have her babysit his child at one point. Even more compromising, he said, was that Julie Albert had texted Proctor to offer a thank you gift for his handling of the investigation. Yeah, that screams conflict of interest. I'm not a police officer and I'm not a lawyer, but I don't think sending a thank you text for someone for how they handle an investigation that you were a part of. Is a good idea. An offer that Proctor not only did not decline in reports to the DA, but asked for another gift for his wife. Jackson also argued that prosecutors had failed to bring up what he called the most powerful piece of exculpatory evidence that Jennifer McCabe, Albert's sister-in-law, made a Google search for how long to die in cold before O'Keefe's body was found. Yeah, and there are a lot of parts of this case where I could see how, I don't want to say conspiracy theories because I'm not trying to diminish either side of the case, but I could see how you could argue against it and say, oh, well, that's, you know, but the Google search to me, I've never been able to square that up. The Google search and the video footage from the library. Those are the two things that my mind goes back to. Any one of these examples, the gift giving the babysitting the Google extraction would be enough to dismiss the indictments, but the cumulative effect is too much for the court to ignore. It just didn't give Karen Reid a fair shot. It just didn't. Well, we'll give you more updates on this tomorrow. I'll see if we can get more information, but I think this bodes well for Karen Reid. I think there's a lot of questions in this case. And again, when I talk about it, I get a lot of pushback and I'm not complaining because I love people reacting in any way, but they get so mad that I have turtle boy on. And it's like, well, yeah, I guess you can get mad at the messenger, but people are interested in this case and there hasn't been a lot of mainstream media attention to it. But there's no denying that the evidence that Karen Reid's lawyers are bringing up and the case they're making for her is captivating because it's managed to keep people's attention for a very long time. I have seen such passion for this case, passion that you don't see in a lot of things. And one of the points that the lawyers brought up, which I thought was really true, is that they said the state or I'm sorry, the prosecution was basically banking on the fact that the media would let this go that there would be really no interest in it that they could shape the narrative and what actually ended up happening was because of turtle boy and because of this free Karen Reid movement, a narrative they did not expect to take off has kind of dominated the conversation. And that's obviously very, very frustrating for Morrissey, for Michael Morrissey, the Norfolk District Attorney and for other people involved in this 844-542-42. When we come back, we will take your calls for Toby Leary. We got two A Tuesday after the break. Recently a Grace Curly show listener, her name is Candice, she called in and she was telling us how much she loved the thunderstorm. But this happens all the time, Jared, when Halley's back and we have VIPs, people are always telling us they bought the thunderstorms, they love them. And what I love from hearing from people is everyone has a different reason they love the thunderstorms. Some people say, I love how quiet it is, I've had air purifiers before, they're too loud. Other people say, I like how small it is, it doesn't take up any space. Some people use it in the kitchen, some people use it in the car, some people use it because they have pets, some people use it because they have allergies. So it really has multiple uses and it works really well for a lot of different people. Yeah, you just have to plug it into a regular wall outlet, there's no special equipment, plug it in and turn it on and you'll get that ionized air wherever you are. And if you're in your car, I keep one in my car because each one comes with the USB cable, you plug it into the unit, plug it into the USB port in your car and you can get that same purified air in your car, which is great for car smells or for allergies. Because what the thunderstorm does is it actually ionizes the air, creates a super oxygen and it eliminates odors, it doesn't just cover them up or create a different smell, it actually eliminates odors and allergens and pollutants that are in the air. And with a three pack special, you can use one in your kitchen, your office, even your car. So go to and use code GRACE3, that's the key. That's, don't forget to use the code GRACE and the number three. Here's the quote I was thinking of. Yannetty, which is one of Karen Reed's lawyers, usually prosecutors are used to controlling the narrative while the defense remains quiet and the media usually loses interest until the trial. In this case, their control of the narrative didn't last long. And he also talks about the DA in this case, Morrissey, who I think got himself in more of a pickle when he made that video, basically tearing apart turtle boy. And anyone interested in this case, I think that was a huge mistake on his part. We'll talk to Toby Leary after the break, so get on the lines now. It's 844-542-42. More of the GRACE Curly Show when we come back. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gunworks. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join GRACE and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is the GRACE Curly Show. ♪♪ Today's poll question is brought to you by J.J. Manning. Whether residential, commercial, or land, J.J. Manning can get your property sold now. To learn more on how to get your property sold quickly and contingency-free, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which Democrat has been the most annoying during the her hearing? Adam Schiff, Jamie Raskin, Hank Johnson, Jerry Nadler, Sheila Jackson Lee, or Eric Swalwell. I'm going to say Raskin. Raskin is at 22%. Adam Schiff, comfortably in the lead at 42%, 13% for Swalwell, 11% for Nadler, 9% for Sheila Jackson Lee and 3%. Okay, joining us now on the line is Toby Leary. He's nice enough to join us every Tuesday around this time. And if you want to talk to him, the number is 844-542. Right off the bat, Toby, I would love to get your response to Biden's State of the Union. The NRA slammed his speech as an attack on the very fabric of American freedom. And this is what Joe Biden said. He said, "I'm proud we beat the NRA when I signed the most significant gun safety law in nearly 30 years because of this Congress. We now must beat the NRA again. I'm demanding a ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines, past universal background checks. None of this, none of this, I taught the Second Amendment for 12 years. None of this violates the Second Amendment or vilifies responsible gun owners." What's your response, Toby? Grasping at straws in full modified, stationary panic, which is, you know, knowing that gun control time is short. And that's what I see. And they are really upset, great, that things have changed and that our rights are being restored, which have been so significantly taken away and infringed on. It's amazing that someone can say banning an entire class of weapons is not infringing upon the Second Amendment. The founders were so genius in their penning of the bill of rights that they wrote. Arms. They didn't say musket. They didn't say shotguns. They didn't say bowie knives or swords. They said arms. Bearable arms. Knowing full well that technology would change. So the founders were very smart people and they knew that the arms would change with the times and that the people would need access to the very arms that the government has. And so to ban modern sporting rifles or high capacity magazines or any bearable arm to that matter is just like it's akin to banning the First Amendment by limiting free speech or choosing what religion you could be or requiring a permit for Fourth Amendment protections on your house. For, you know, Fifth Amendment protections on illegal searches and seizures and then self-incrimination and whatnot. It's grasping at straws. You know, and I think it's almost comical to watch. But we'll take more calls on this, Toby, and we can talk more about it on the other side. It's 844-542-42. [Music] Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for tuning in this Tuesday afternoon. And we have a lot of people who want to talk to Toby Leary. Let's start off with David, your first up with Toby. Go ahead, David. Hi, I'm Grace. Hi, Toby. Hi. That's pretty much the best segment all week. Hello. Go ahead, David. What's your question? Okay. Well, I'm considering three rounds for self-defense handgun. And that would be 45, 40, and nine millimeter, but I'm also would like to your advice on. You know, semi-auto with, you know, a four inch, four and a half inch, whatever barrel that's a little more concealable. I carry a 357 Ruger SP 101 right now, but it's just kind of fat. I'm looking for something slimmer. Something in semi-auto. I wonder if you have any recommendations on that as well. Yeah. Are you in New Hampshire or Massachusetts, David? New Hampshire. Okay. So you're in a free state. You don't have to worry about approved weapons rosters. I personally feel very strongly about the nine millimeter, because the, it's a, the cheapest to acquire ammo for. It's also the most readily available. And it's, you know, you can find it basically anywhere you go. And it's the cheaper of the three calibers that you listed to train with consistently. And I believe it's important to train with the gun we're going to carry. So for that reason, I think nine millimeter, which is a very proven round and also in a free state, like, like New Hampshire, it holds more rounds than 40 or 45. So therefore the capacity, it edges out in capacity of a carry-side gun. In other words, you might have a 10 round mag or a 12 round mag in a free state version of a good carry gun and nine millimeter, but it might only be 10 rounds or eight rounds for the same gun in 40 or 45 respectively. So for that reason, I would just stick with the nine mill. Plus it's got the most, you can recover recoil live back on target quicker than the other two calibers. So that for that reason, I would go for nine and I would look at the shield plus optics ready orange. They make a performance center version with a ported barrel and they make without the ported barrel, but that would be a good start. You could look at that. You could look at the big 365 macro, that would be a great gun that holds 17 rounds and it's still a very small footprint, if you will, or the Glock 48 optics ready and you could get the shield magazines for it, which are metal mags that hold 15 rounds. So those are three choices I would look at and figure out which one fit your hand and which one you shoot well and those are both very, all three of those are easy to feel and shoot. So good luck with that, David. Thank you for the call, David, and thank you for listening. We really appreciate it. Let's go to Peter, you're up next with Toby Leary. Go ahead, Peter. Hello, I have recently inherited a seven by 57 millimeter Mauser. Ruger, falling block, single shot, and I fired nine rounds through it and it tore a muscle in my back because it's got 235 more foot pounds than a 30 odd six. And the shooter's flinch was horrible. Should I try to overcome this or give it to a young man who could probably do better work with it? Yeah, sell it to someone you don't like, Peter, no, I'm just kidding it. If you're really just going to shoot it for pleasure and target and have a cool gun, then you could always get like a Caldwell shooter sled and you can put some weight in it so it'll take some of the recoil. That's one thing about a falling block action is you're getting the full brunt of the recoil. So no matter what center fire cartridge you're using in that rifle caliber, it's going to kick. And so if you're going to hunt with it, then I wouldn't worry too much about it once it's sighted in and you take that one shot on on game. You're probably not even going to really feel it because of the adrenaline of, you know, the hunt. But if it's just for recreational shooting or whatever, then yeah, I would find something a little bit more pleasant to shoot or keep it for the cool gun factor. But you don't want to be tearing and hurting yourself. But maybe you look at those Caldwell led that you can kind of scrap it into and put some weights on it. And that's what I would do if you're going to continue to shoot it. All right, thank you very much, Peter. Let's go to Tony, you're up next with Toby Leary from Cape Gun Works. Go ahead, Tony. Hey, Toby, this is Tony, big fan from the Boston area. So I appreciate all the hard work that you get doing out there. Not a lot of FFLs out there. I'm willing to talk about a lot of the stuff that you put yourself out there and talk about. So really, really appreciate it. And you showed me that I have to be more active and supporting the second amendment. And speaking to people and getting people out there. I had two questions for you, quick questions for you and then another statement one. So Massachusetts, we know that the 10 round magazine capacity for civilians. Law enforcement is exempt from that. And as far as my understanding, it's supposed to be law enforcement and military. But I've been told different things from different FFLs. Do you know anything about that? I don't. I've never heard that about military, except in your official capacity in the military. You know, obviously the National Guard is going to have high cap mags and the Army, et cetera. The military is going to have high cap mags. I don't know about it as an individual unless the rule of thumb I always use is this in your MOS. You have powers of arrest. So, you know, if you're a military police officer or like a Coast Guard boarding agent or something like that, where in your official capacity in the military, you have powers of arrest. And I would say that the law enforcement protections do extend you. But I don't know that to be 100% true. You might want to check with legal on that as far as just if you have an MOS that doesn't, you know, cover you in a law enforcement capacity if you're covered under that high capacity magazine. Obviously, when you're training as a unit on the base, doing your military thing, then yeah, obviously you're covered. But as an individual, I'm not 100% sure on that. All right. Thank you very much, Tony. Let's go to Bill. You're up next with Toby. Go ahead, Bill. Hi, Toby. I am about a year ago, I bought an FCU unit, SIG FCU unit, and I built a gun around it and it was like, and you have like a week or two to fill out the form online to put the gun together. And when I did, I made a basically. Yeah. And when I did, I made it basically an X compact size 3.6 inch barrel and slide. And since then I've changed it. I wanted to go make it like the compact size and now I have a 3.9 inch barrel and a 3.9 inch slide. Is that a problem that it's different now than when I first filled out that file? I wouldn't. I wouldn't worry about it. I don't know. I think once it's registered there, you know, you can change the barrel length up. And like whenever someone buys a factory gun and they buy like an FN 509 and decide to put a threaded barrel in it, which extends the length of the barrel, no one that I know re registers that gun. So I wouldn't worry about it at all. If you're super concerned about it, you could just get in touch with the Department of Public Safety and just send them a letter or something thing. You updated the barrel length. You want to update the barrel length of the gun that you registered. But it's not like an NFA item where you're going to be penalized federally or something if the barrel is a different length. So I wouldn't worry about it. It just, I've never heard of anyone really updating that on a, you know, registration. So I don't think they really care. They're more interested that it gets registered in the first place. All right. Thank you, Bill. I think we have time for one more. Let's go to Maz. You're up next with Toby Leary. Go ahead, Maz. Hey, guys. How you doing? Toby, quick question for you. I just bought a MMP bodyguard 380 and it's a six plus one. I was wondering, can I get a 10 round magazine for that? So I've done legally and mouse. Yes, absolutely. They do make 10 round mags for that. And they're aftermarket. They stick way down. So going to make carrying it a little bit more awkward, but you definitely can. However, I would probably look at the STIG 365, if you really like the 380, they make a great 380. That's small in size. It's probably about a little bigger than the footprint of the bodyguard, but it's a little thicker, but it holds 10 rounds. And it's definitely easy to conceal. Even if you're used to like a front pocket carry and some sort of pocket holster. So I would look at that, but the bodyguard is if you're committed to that platform, they do make 10 rounds and mags for it. I've sold them. And it's really funny. It almost looks like it should be a baseball grip when by the time it's in the gun because it sticks down so far. But yeah, take a peek at it. And it's probably better as a backup mag than the one in the gun for everyday carry, just because of the size of it. And that's the hardest part of the gun you can feel. So hopefully that happens. And I mean, that helps. And I appreciate the call, Matt. Thank you, Maz. All right, Toby. Now, let people know where they can find you, where they can follow you, and where they can listen to you. Yeah, thanks, Grace. We're having a great time with our new show on Sundays from noon to one on WXTK. You can check it out on the iHeartRadio app if you want. Also go to and get signed up to be notified whenever we go live. And we're we go live every Sunday from noon to one, like I said, obviously here on the Grace Fairly show on Tuesdays. And every Wednesday from four to six PM is our regular rapid fire show. And tomorrow in the second hour, we have Mark Smith from the four boxes diner joining us. So the second hour, that's going to be a great discussion. The law professor who's part of the Supreme Court Bar Association is going to be answering a lot of the questions. I can't answer because I'm not a lawyer. I just I pretend to be one on the radio every once in a while. No, I'm just kidding. Don't take legal advice for me, but so Mark Smith's going to join us tomorrow. And and then, you know, we do tons of social media stuff as well. So please give us a like and subscribe wherever you find us. We're at Cape gun work and at rapid fire radio. And as always, we'd love to show you around our beautiful facility down here on Cape Cod in high and it comes take a class, shoot a gun with us or check out our pro shop and would love to have you. Oh, and real quick race, if I may, the top shot invitational is live now. This is a shooting tournament that we do every year for charity on the Cape and a golf tournament. So if you go to top shot, that you'll find all the info for that. I'd love to see you guys participate in that. It's going to be an epic event this year, a 16 17. Toby, I think that's the original ad that you made where we got our ammo king sound drop from. It could have been. Yeah. We were we were doing all kinds of stuff for top shot and it's really heating up now. It's getting close. We have some amazing prizes. Scopes in Mount Red Dot site. Donated by Trigicon. The USDA is going to be a part of it. We have a number of other vendors. I'm courting a few of the big ones right now. So it's going to be great. Oh, and by the way, if anyone missed last week's rapid fire, I had three times Super Bowl champion. Matt Light on there, so head over to the YouTube or the rumble channel and check out last week's show. It was a great interview with Matt Light. So yeah, you don't want to miss that kind of stuff if you're a New Englander and love the Patriots like we do. Absolutely. Thank you, Toby. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. We appreciate your time. I'm okay. The hour. Sorry. I stepped on that. Give me one more time. I'm okay. Thank you, Toby, very much. We'll talk to you next week. Hey, two thoughts I just had. If I don't get them out now, who knows if they'll ever come back to me. One is that there's a little bit of drama brewing at the White House because Dr. Jill's top aid, like her top staffer. I guess this is big bully who makes inappropriate comments and allegedly. burnout. And he's her work husband. And according to the New York Post, he's repeatedly speculated, well, according to three sources with firsthand knowledge, he speculates in the workplace about the penis size of his colleagues, makes inappropriate comments about the size of a person's thumb and how it corresponds to all these things. And he makes very so you have her real husband husband is talking about, you know, how young people, he's talking about all these creepy, creepy things at all times. He's talking about how much he has sex with Dr. Jill Hill, how it keeps their marriage alive, allegedly. And then you've got her work husband, who's talking about people's penis sizes. I think it's safe to say Dr. Jill has a, has a type. Okay, she's got a type. They all fit a certain brand for Dr. Jill. The other thing I wanted to point out on a serious note is I'm watching these back and forth at the on Capitol Hill at this hearing for Robert her. And it's amazing to me that the Democrats who have been at best week when it comes to defending Israel. They barely said anything after October 7. And you notice how many of them Jared are using the proximity of Biden's interviews to October 7 as some sort of excuse for why he couldn't remember things that he had so much going on because of October 7. It was, it was the day after this international crisis. Oh, so you were around for that. Because a lot of you didn't say anything. A lot of you were very quiet when it came to October 7 or you said the bare minimum, but it's nice that you can use the slaughtering of Jews and the proximity of it to Biden's interview with Robert her when it suits you. I, I, it's not lost on me that suddenly it's convenient for you to acknowledge October 7 doesn't happen a lot, though. I will say that when we come back. I want to talk to how we car about this Karen Reed case. I have a question for him. And he's followed a lot of cases like this in Massachusetts. I know he's following this one. So when we come back, we'll talk to the captain. Don't go anywhere. Thanks for tuning in. I'm Toby. I'm okay. Ow. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. The car crossover is brought to you by Toyota of Portsmouth. You're all wheel drive headquarters. Toyota of Portsmouth has the trucks and SUVs built for New England Trails and your everyday commute. So shop now at Toyota of So there's a story in the Boston Globe about the Karen Reed case and it talks about how her lawyers are pointing to reconstruction efforts that show or determine that police officer John O'Keefe's injuries in this case are not consistent to being hit by a car. But there's a very important piece of this and that would be that said experts were hired by federal authorities. I wanted how we card a comment on this because I found this bit how he'd be very surprising and kind of a turn in this case. Well, yeah, I didn't think that the feds would really help him out. I told him that when we had him on him. By the way, we're going to have him on tonight at six o'clock. I tried to get him on at three right out of the box, but he's got other plans. But we're going to have him on at six o'clock to discuss this. I'd say this is a huge development in the case. And, you know, the fact that the the assistant district attorney late Lally who's prosecuting it says the well, the feds, the feds material is largely consistent with our materials largely consistent. This isn't a civil trial. This is like a guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I don't think that that goes along with being largely consistent and, you know, there are other discrepancies that they point out. Like the the Google search supposedly is is confirmed according to a Karen Reed's lawyers that it was a 227 in the morning before he died. And also that the some of the investigators may not have been truthful when they were under oath. But yeah, I think if a principal investigator is getting a thank you text for his handling of the investigation from someone who's connected to it, that is also a major problem. So how he cars got turtle boy at six o'clock and until then he's got plenty of material to cover with this hearing on Capitol Hill, Robert her testifying as we speak, we'll be back tomorrow with our Wednesday show. Thanks for listening. (upbeat music)