The Howie Carr Radio Network

MIT Faculty Member Writes Unhinged, Anti-Semitic Tweet plus Biden's Archery Skills | 3.12.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

There is more information coming out about Hur's Investigation into Joe Biden. Also, an MIT faculty member wrote an anti-semitic screed on X. Will he be fired?

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12 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Now, obviously, Joe Biden is the big story of the day, and specifically Robert Hur's testimony from the House Judiciary Committee, and we are going to get right back to that. Because I like putting up the transcript with the presser that Joe Biden gave a few weeks ago, the very angry presser, where he stormed out defiantly, because he was mad as hell and he wasn't going to take it anymore. And that seems to be backfiring, because he lied quite a bit. And I just want to clarify something, because I'm seeing all these reports out, "Oh, Joe Biden forgot what year Donald Trump was elected president. Joe Biden forgot what a fax machine is." I shouldn't say I don't care. But none of that, to me, is as important as the Bow Biden element of it, because he didn't come out and chastise anyone for trying to claim that he forgot. For example, if there was a report that, "Oh, Joe Biden forgot the name for a fax machine," and he came out and said, "How dare they try to say, "I know the name of the fax machines," and that's near and dear to my heart, and I love fax machines and their liars and blah, blah, blah." Then I would say, "Yeah, he looks like an idiot." But it's not surprising to me that he didn't remember the name of a fax machine. And also, to be fair, I forget names all the time, and I forget I lose my train of thought a lot. So I'm not judging that harshly in that sense. I'm judging harshly, because he tried to run Robert Hearr's name through the mud over the suggestion that he's some sort of callous evil person for breaking up his dead son. When he brought up his dead son, and he did, in fact, forget when his son died. So that is the thing I want to differentiate. It's not about, "Oh, of course he forgot what a fax machine is." He forgets everything. He's talking to dead people all the time. I'm surprised he remembers his own name. That part of it, to me, is kind of just extraneous. It's like, "Yeah, part for the course." But it's the bow-biden of it all, because he was so obnoxiously pompous about the fact that, "Oh, how dare he." It's not of his business. If it's not of his business, why are you bringing it up to him? He didn't ask you about it. You brought it up. So that's why I'm focusing on that. But because we're going to spend a lot of time on this today, we're going to play a lot of these cuts, I want to make sure I get in some other stories. And there's an unbelievable story, Jared, from MIT. An MIT scientist, an MIT has been involved. It might be a little bit less well-known than the Harvard Accusations and the University of Pennsylvania Accusations of Anti-Semitism on campus, but MIT was one of the big three, as I like to call them, at that hearing. And actually, their president, Cornbluth, is the only one out of the three that is still in her position. She didn't resign yet. So an MIT scientist, a thief, Akrabawi, a tax house anti-Semitism probe with anti-Israel diatribe. So the Massachusetts Institute of Technology faces a house investigation. This is how it all started. There was a lawsuit that was put together by two Jewish students at MIT. They filed a lawsuit on Thursday, and they were accusing MIT, don't let this shock you now, of violating the Title IX with its alleged approval support and enablement of anti-Semitism on campus, including tolerating harassment of Jewish students and faculty. Now, since this lawsuit has emerged, one faculty member, he's a neuroscientist, a thief, Akabawi, decided to just put out this screed, okay, and he was prompted by this letter. So he mocked Jewish students as precious, superior in divine. He blasted the IDF as bloodthirsty and perverted Nazis, and he ripped Representative Virginia Fox as a treasonous Zionist tool, genocide enabler, and a disgusting bleep stain of a human in a recent post on Twitter. So Fox, just for context here, because context is important, as Jen Psaki always told me. Fox put out a letter requesting information as part of this investigation into the anti-Semitism on not just MIT, but on the Harvard campus and on the University of Pennsylvania's campus. And so she puts out this letter and it causes this lunatic, this MIT neuroscientist, to go on this rampage on X about this woman. Now, I want to read you just a couple of other things. Mr. Akabawi responded to the committee's letter by declaring that the agenda is to crush any dissent from Zionism, and accuse Zionists or supporters of the Jewish state of controlling the West. So I don't know if he must have, in order to pack in all of these anti-Semitic tropes into one X post, he must be paying for the premium version. Like he must have the top shelf to be able to, there's multiple tropes here. There's multiple slurs that he's able to throw in and insinuations. He says, who you cannot criticize informs who controls you, said Mr. Akabawi in a Saturday post. In the Middle East, it's the monarchies in China, the CCP, in America, in much of the West, it's the Zionists. MIT landed on the committee's radar from the Washington Times after Miss Cornbluth, along with then Harvard President Claudine Gay, a new pen president, Liz McGill, told the panel at a December 7 hearing that weather calls for genocide of Jews violate the campus conduct codes would depend on the context. Now, keep in mind, Claudine Gay, who later was embroiled in a plagiarism scandal, the embattled X president of Harvard, was embroiled in a plagiarism scandal, and Miss McGill had both resigned, but Cornbluth. Cornbluth is still there. And I'm wondering, and you know what she probably is feeling like, Jerry, she's probably like, I survived the storm. You know, I held on, I held on tight. The storm came and knocked me around a little bit, but I'm here. And then you have this neuroscientist who enters the mix, and I have a feeling that he's putting her career back in the limelight. He's putting her position back in jeopardy. And later it says, in his latest post, Mr. Akrabari, also called U.S. officials, including President Biden, loyal prostitutes of Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu. And I don't know, Jared, you told me I could say this as long as it's a quote. Okay. He also said that President Biden and U.S. officials are loyal prostitutes of Bibi and eager cucks for defense contractors in APAC, which is the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Despite working in an isolated laboratory over the past five years at MIT, mining my own, believing business and having no interactions with these precious, superior, and divine Jewish students, they fear me, he said. Now, Kenneth Marcus, and I really like this. I was thinking the same thing. How do you manage to include, like, every anti-Semitic trope, every nasty thing that conspiracy theorists and, you know, hateful people online put into their daily diatribes? How do you manage to condense it all into one thing? And Kenneth Marcus, who is the founder and chairman of Brandeis of the Brandeis Center, he said, "It's hard to find a more condensed distillation of anti-Semitic stereotypes and definitions outside of Nazi or neo-Nazi propaganda." That's saying something to that MIT neuroscientist. I don't know how MIT will respond. I may lose my job. Maybe not. This is the neuroscientist. I guess I am the litmus test of whether freedom of speech truly exists in America. Sure you are. Sure. Yeah, you're the litmus test. I love -- this is the part of the argument that I find really amusing because a lot of this stuff is obviously -- it's just terrible. And it is so dangerous. And I do really -- I feel for all of these Jewish students at these schools who feel totally alone, and, like, they've just been abandoned by the schools, by the faculty. But the part of this that I do find -- not funny, ha-ha, but now is that all these people who would freak out if, like, Riley Gaines showed up on campus to talk about a swim meet, they would freak out. It's dangerous. It's violence. It's the violent rhetoric. Like, they were apoplectic at the thought of Ben Shapiro showing up on campus. They'd pick it. They'd freak out. But now they're posting these screens about Zionists, you know, all these terrible things, treasonous Zionists tools, genocide enablers, disgusting bleep stains of a human. That's what this guy's posting, and he's like, "I'm the litmus test for free speech." This is free speech. And by the way, it is free speech, but here's the thing. What we've learned is that these Ivy League campuses are not really safe havens for free speech. In fact, they're usually pretty critical of what they call hate speech. So it will be interesting to see if calling someone a bleep stain of a human and calling Biden and U.S. officials -- what was the last part? Eager cocks for defense contractors in APEC, I don't know if that's going to violate the free speech. Because certainly, you know, using the wrong term to describe anybody else would get you in free speech, would get you tossed out of these universities typically. 844-542-42. When we come back, we'll go back to this testimony. I just -- I had to get that story in because it's crazy what you can get away with if you're on the side of the social justice warriors. And clearly, the neuroscientist from MIT is on that side. We will be right back. We'll take your calls. We will go back to this transcript. I think what I'm going to read next is Joe Biden talking about his Corvette. And also, Jared, there was another part of this transcript that's getting a lot of attention. Well, we'll go through it all when we come back. So just hang with us. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Octions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities. Octions are not a fire sale at a discounted price. Rather, auctions are an accelerated sale with competitive pricing. So just because your neighbors sell their house a certain way or your family members sold their house a certain way, it doesn't mean you have to. J.G. 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To learn more on how to get your commercial, residential, or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or visit Call Charlie today at 800-521-0111 or go to and get your real estate sold. By the way, I'm not sure if people saw this good news about the Oscars. The ratings are in and boom, plummeted. Not a successful night for Jimmy Kimmel. The only person I was really happy for at the Oscars, not the only person, but somebody I was happy for is Kelly and Murphy. I really like him. I think he's a classy, classy guy. I was glad he won for Best Actor in Oppenheimer. But besides that, these celebrities, they all had the red pins on. They were all virtue signaling and it didn't translate to box office gold. No shocker there. We'll be right back with more. It's The Grace Curly Show. Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. ♪♪ ♪♪ This is The Grace Curly Show. ♪♪ ♪♪ Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us. The number if you want to join in is 844-542-42. And let's do the poll question. Before we get into the only real serious exchange between Robert Herr occurred when he was talking to Republicans, including James Comer, and of course, Jim Jordan. And I think Jim Jordan so far, it's still early, had the best back and forth with Robert Herr. The most informative, it was able to shine some light on the actual investigation that Herr conducted as opposed to the other people that were questioning Her who made it all about Donald Trump. They cut up all these different, you know, little shorts, little movies to play of Donald Trump. And they were asking Herr about an investigation he has nothing to do with. And by the way, they'll have plenty of time to grandstand about these things when Jack Smith is sitting there and they can slobber all over him and talk about what a great job he did and how terrible Orange Man is. But that's not what this one was supposed to be about. And you know, Jared, we oftentimes talk about the dramatics of politics nowadays, the grandstanding and how a lot of its become theater. And we were discussing it with the State of the Union and you said, "Oh, this whole thing could be an email." And I disagreed, I said I liked it, I liked it back and forth. This is the kind of stuff I could do without. We are not learning anything. Or I shouldn't say anything. We're learning very little from this giant reality show that we're watching. It's just a chance for Democrats like Raskin and Swalwell to smugly make fools of themselves and show videos and hold up props and try to prove a point that they're not making. I just think it's a colossal waste of time. Yeah, after her statement, we didn't really need any of the rest of this. I mean, it was concise, it was cogent, it was informative. It was like just five minutes of what you would expect a top lawyer in the Department of Justice would deliver. But he stopped his intellect, Jared. Do you think he's intimidated to be going up against mental giants like Eric Swalwell and Hank Johnson? Do you get that sense? If he is, he's hiding it very well. He's quite the poker face. No, you're right. Today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning, whether residential, commercial, or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now to learn more on how to get your property sold quickly and contingency free. Charlie Gill, you can contact him at 800-521-0111, or you can go to with over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients. You can be the next one. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which Democrat has been the most annoying during the her hearing? Adam Schiff, Jimmy Raskin, Hank Johnson, Jerry Nadler, Sheila Jackson Lee, or Eric Swalwell? They're all so good at what they do. You know, they're all such leaders in their field that it's hard for me to just pick one. But I'm going to go right now with Jamie Raskin, because I really, I really was thrown off by his speech. He jumped right into Ukraine, money, Nazis, Hitler, before anyone really got going. Raskin now at 28% that second place in the lead is Schiff at 42%, 10% each for Nadler and Swalwell, 8%, for Sheila Jackson Lee, and 3% for Hank Johnson. One thing I talked to Howie about a lot is books, because a lot of these politicians like to claim that they make their millions, and in examples Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders used to rail against millionaires and billionaires, and then he became a millionaire. Now he rails against billionaires and trillionaires. But if you ask him how he became a millionaire, he'll cite his books, his memoirs, and people who are actually in the book business, which I am not, but I know some people who are. And they say that it's hard to make big money off of books, unless, unless you're, you know, it's your first one, and you've got a story that these public, these publications really want to sell, or these publishing houses. If they really want to get their hands on it, like it's a tell-all, then yeah, on the first book, maybe you can make a good chunk of change. But when you're talking about Joe Biden, we're talking about a guy who cranks out a book, or somebody in his family cranks out a book every like six months. Hunter's got a book, Valerie's got a book. Jill's got several. And so I just, I'm amazed at how much money they're still coughing up for these books. Can I have Jim Jordan, Robert Herr, cut 18? And Joe Biden told us he knew the rules. Mr. Armstrong said this earlier. Joe Biden was deeply familiar with it. You're exactly right, because he told us when Jack Smith goes after President Trump, Joe Biden says, "How could this happen? What data was in those documents that could compromise sources and methods?" It's irresponsible. So Joe Biden knew the rules. You know he knew the rules. And Joe Biden told us he knew the rules. So Mr. Herr, why did he break them? Congressman, the conclusion as to exactly why the President did what he did is not one that we explicitly address in the report. The report explains my decision to the Attorney General that no criminal charges were warranted in this matter. I think you did tell us. I think you told us, Mr. Herr. Page 231, you said this. President Biden had strong motivations. That's a key word. We're getting the motive now. President Biden had strong motivations to ignore the proper procedures for safeguarding the classified... Oh, what a tease. We'll get to that one on the other side. [Music] Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. I think you did tell us. I think you told us, Mr. Herr. Page 231, you said this. President Biden had strong motivations. That's a key word. We're getting the motive now. President Biden had strong motivations to ignore the proper procedures for safeguarding the classified information in his notebooks. Why did he have strong motivations? Because, next word, because he decided months before leaving office to write a book. To write a book. That was his motive. He knew the rules he broke him because he was writing a book. And you further say, and he began meeting with the ghostwriter while he was still vice president. There's the motive. Mr. Herr, how much did President Biden get paid for his book? Off the top of my head, I'm not sure if that information appears in the report. Sure does. There's a dollar amount in there. You remember? I don't... It may be eight million. Eight million dollars. Joe Biden had eight million reasons to break the rules. Eight million dollars can really sharpen up anybody's mind. You know, you could be very forgetful what's a fax machine? What year did this happen? What year did that happen? Who's this? Who's that? But then you get eight million dollars on the line and suddenly you can stand trial. Suddenly you're sharp enough to lie. You're sharp enough to, you know, abscond with some classified documents. It's amazing what a little bit of cash can do. He's out of his mind. I don't think there's any arguing that that he's clearly lost a step. But I do think when he realizes that there's a paycheck involved, I do think you get to see a little bit of that old Joe Jared. It's like you get a little flashback to when he was in his glory days and he had the highest IQ in the room. And speaking of the ghostwriter, I do want to mention this. And I am going to get to a couple of other stories here. I really, I hope I'm doing a good job of weaving in the testimony from today with some other stuff because I know it's a long three hours if we only focus on the kangaroo court that we're watching on Capitol Hill. But I want to talk about the ghostwriter because the ghostwriter is a huge part of this story. And when Joe Biden came out and did that press conference way back when, he was very angry that the press was accurately reporting that he had broken the rules and he tried to say, no, I didn't. No, I know I didn't take willfully take any documents, any classified documents. And listen to this back and forth and then I'm going to play you a little bit more from Jim Jordan. I did not share classified information. I did not share it with my ghostwriter. I did not guarantee you did not. Well, no, he did not say that. He did not say that. Well, let me answer your question. Not only did he say that, not only did you share classified information with your ghostwriter, but your ghostwriter knew he had this classified information and then went on to delete it when this investigation was taking place. That's how guilty, not just Joe Biden, but Joe Biden's ghostwriter are in this situation. And so I want to play a little bit of this and don't let me forget, Jared, that I want to get back to this $8 million in a sec because I have some other questions. Let's go to cut 19. Senator Joe Biden, this is a quote, Joe Biden risked serious damage to America's national security when he shared information with his ghostwriter. Shared it with his ghostwriter, the guy who was helping Joe Biden get $8 million. And oh, by the way, Mr. Her, what did that ghostwriter do with the information Joe Biden shared with him on his laptop? What did he do after you were named special counsel? Chairman, if you're referring to the audio recordings, that Mr.Swanats are created of his conversations. Exactly what I'm referring to. He slid, if I remember correctly, and he slid those files into his recycled bin on his computer. He tried to destroy the evidence, didn't he? Correct. Even when Robert Herr, it's like you think that he's officially given up on trying to defend Biden or, you know, trying to be a good hack for the liberals? Because clearly he has some sort of scruples here. He was able to write down. He was able to say the thing you're not allowed to say. That Joe Biden's old, he doesn't remember anything and that he can't spell Afghanistan. Okay, those are all things that a typical liberal would not write down. And I know Robert Herr is a registered Republican, so he's not a liberal. But even during this testimony, he has to try his best to paint a better picture for Joe. Like all these euphemisms they use. What did he do with their recordings? He slid them into his recycled... He deleted them. I can break it down in layman's terms. He deleted them. He tried to get rid of them. What would be his explanation for what Hillary Clinton did with the bleach bit? She moved everything over. Or you know what they used to say? Wiped. She wiped it all off. She wiped it. It's like, just say what you're trying to say here. He deleted them. But I want to go back to this $8 million. I hadn't heard that number before until I saw this transcript today. When you're writing a book, this is what I've heard, is that oftentimes publishing houses will say, "Okay, we can either pay you right up front, give you a good chunk of change, or we can give you less money up front, and if the book does really well, and you hear about this in movies too, like some directors say, "Hey, I'll take less right away, and I know my movie's going to be super successful. I want a cut of all of the money that we make after the fact." Jared, I would bet that no one in the Biden family ever says, "Let's see how successful the book is, and I'll get a chunk of that change." Because $8 million, I would love to know how much they made up on the back end. $8 million. Do we know which memoir, because I know he has more than one memoir. He must at this point. Probably he has a guy like Joe Biden, a man of that stature, a man of that many amazing moments. He definitely has at least two, I'm going to say probably three memoirs at this point. So I'm curious which memoir this was, and how much money, or forget the money, how many copies did it sell? So I believe this one was with Mark Zwanitzer. I believe this was "Promise Me Dad," which I think was 2017. Let me just double check that. What year did that one go? How many books does he have, Joe Biden, in this repertoire? I'm seeing two right now. "Promise Me Dad," a year of Hope, hardship, and purpose released November 14th, 2017. And you know he's not done yet, Jared. You know we're going to get one more book out of him before he retires from public life. Well, a heart cover is only $6.99. We're going to get a book about his years in the Gilded Cage known as the White House. Okay, so we'll get back to this in a second, but there's a few other stories that I want to hit here. So yesterday we talked about TikTok, and we actually made it our poll question. We got a lot of votes on it. And I was asking people what they thought, "Should TikTok be banned?" Because you have two different camps right now in the Republican Party. You have the Rand Pauls, who lean more libertarian, who are saying, "You shouldn't be banning apps. It doesn't matter if it's owned by China. It sets a dangerous precedent." And then you have Tom Cotton. You have other Republicans who are saying, "This app is so dangerous, not only for the mental health of the youth, but also because it sends a lot of our data into this Chinese spyware app and sends it to China." And I just wanted to give an update, because Thomas Massey, and what I said yesterday was, "I'd like to see this play out. I'd like to hear the arguments from both sides of the Republican tent. Each side has a lot of members that I really respect and who I think have well thought out opinions on a lot of topics." And one of those people, Thomas Massey, went out today, and this is what he wrote, Jared. The so-called TikTok ban is a Trojan horse. The president will be given the power to ban websites, not just apps. The person breaking the new law is deemed to be the U.S. or offshore Internet hosting service or App Store, not the foreign adversary. If you think this isn't a Trojan horse and will only apply to TikTok and foreign adversaries, social media companies, then contemplate why someone thought it was important to get a very specific exclusion for their Internet-based business written into the bill. Any guesses on what that Internet-based business was that got the exclusion written into this bill? Only fans? No, not a bad guess. Actually kind of a bad guess, but yeah. Amazon. Oh, oh, of course. Yeah, and Rand Paul said this is ultimately a danger to our First Amendment rights. This is what Rand Paul wrote. The lengths some in Congress will go to for more authority and control over American's freedom of speech never ceases to amaze me. The TikTok bill recently advanced by the House would endanger the First Amendment and empower the federal government to ban social media platforms. So just an update, I'm starting to lean more towards not banning it. And I do not like TikTok. I do not encourage people to be on TikTok, but I don't think banning it is the way to go about things. I don't think introducing new legislation. I feel like if we can stop legislation most of the time, that's the route we want to go. Oh, Corey Bush is speaking. Yeah, Robert, her watching Corey Bush speak looks like all of us watching Corey Bush speak. Let's just take a little bit of this. Also that they can re-elect one of the worst presidents of all time. Now it is well known that I have disagreements with President Biden on certain issues. My concerns are rooted in the desire to resolve policy matters and help him take better positions that save more lives. That's not what Republicans are doing. That's not what these investigations and attacks are about. They are trying everything they can to turn back the clock on our rights and our freedoms and we cannot take the bait. Let's focus on policy, let's focus on substance, let's focus on saving and improving the lives of our constituents. She says let's focus on substance as she just throws out empty platitudes. That means absolutely nothing. Let's focus on substance as I talk about, as I regurgitate the same speech that all of my colleagues have given that goes into none of the specifics about what this investigation is actually about. But let's focus on substance. Do tell. Robert Herr is basically there right now. A lot of people on social media, they call Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel and all these shows late night therapy for liberals. Every time the Democrats get the mic, or in this case the squad members get the mic, this is a therapy session. He's sitting there like okay go ahead, get it all out of your system. But he doesn't even need to be there for their speeches. He doesn't answer any questions when they're talking. Yeah. She didn't ask any questions. He didn't answer any questions. No, she just wanted to let you know. In case you were unclear, Cory Bush hates Donald Trump. She thinks he's the worst president of all time. In case there was any confusion in your mind on where she stood on that issue. And by the way, also, Swalwell hates Trump in case you missed that one. In case you didn't get into that. What did that happen? Yeah, just very recently. Here's another headline for you from the New York Post, which I think is important to note here. Not even 2% of New York City migrants want tickets out of town. The crisis is here to stay. So remember when Eric Adams was very upset with, and he still is. He's very upset with Greg Abbott. He's very upset with Ron DeSantis. He thinks it's terrible that they are trafficking humans to New York City. He thinks it's terrible that they are putting people on planes and buses and sending them to the Big Apple and actually taking him up on his sanctuary city offer. He thinks that is obscene. But when he wants to reticket people, that's what he calls it, reticketting people to their final destination, then it's a wonderful thing. Then he's just helping people along the way to their final stop. But it turns out, Jared, nobody is jumping at the chance to go anywhere else. They show up to the empire's state and they think this is where I want to be. You can make it there. You can make it anywhere. That's what they say. It says in the latest grim news from the front lines of the crisis, the vast majority of migrants taken into the city's overtax shelter system are simply staying put once their first 30 days are up, with less than 2% of adult migrants saying yes to a taxpayer-funded ticket elsewhere. So they're offered up. You don't want to go to Montreal? They're offered up tickets. To go anywhere else, anywhere but here, as the expression goes, and they're saying no. They're saying no, we like it here. And you'd think, because Eric Adams invited everybody at one point, that he would be happy about this. Yes, every little bit helps, even that under 2% means a fractional easing of the massive pressure exerted by the 175,000 plus arrivals, a tsunami set to cost the city $10 billion through the next fiscal year. So I appreciate this story because it actually has a lot of parallels with what's going on in Boston. You have all these people who are showing up. And then you get, I got word, that some of these shelters are putting end dates on when people have to be out by. Oh, yeah, you can use the shelter for nine months, but then you have to leave. And I'm thinking, it's hard to put the toothpaste back in the tube. Like once you start opening up beds for people, giving people three meals a day, giving people, in the case of Melanie, a cast, giving people laundry service, it's hard then all of a sudden to say, hit the road, you know, your time is up. And I don't think that's going to work. And the other part of this that makes me think of Boston is this idea, and Eric Adams says it, Mayor Wu says it, Governor Maher, Healy says it, Governor Kathy Hochl says it. It's like we're on, you know, the same wire with them. They say everything they get, they just send it on to us and we do the same thing. They keep talking about more money, more money. That's what we need. Governor Maher, Healy thinks, oh, if Republicans just passed this comprehensive immigration bill, then that would be the solution. There's not enough money in the world to make this problem go away. Money is not the solution, no matter what they tell you. Plus, and this is again from the New York Post, New York's generosity toward these arrivals borders on the pathological. Thanks to the open border progressives who hold massive sway in city government. As long as President Biden pursues his policy of refusing to keep our borders secure, illegal immigrants will continue to flood across and on into the interior. But Joe Biden's excited about this. He says that this country is made up of illegal aliens, including he was in that moment. He was having a conversation about the illegal alien who murdered Lake and Riley on her jog, allegedly. When we come back, we'll take your calls 844-542-42. In the two o'clock, I want to get into this Karen Reed update for you. You know, the Karen Reed story, Jared, every time we talk about it, we had Turtle Boy on a lot for it. People get so mad and they don't get mad about the fact that I'm talking about the case. They get mad that I'm talking to Turtle Boy about the case. And my whole thing is he was one of the only people that was drawing attention to it. And based off what I read today, on a lot of the issues he was drawing attention to, there was merit there. It was not based in, you know, nonsense. It was not based in conspiracy theories. We'll talk about this in the two o'clock. But when we come back, Dr. Jill's work husband has a lot in common with her real husband, and that could be a problem for her in the White House. Don't go anywhere. The Nossa Beach Inn just opened reservations for spring. Jared, you've stated the Nossa Beach Inn. What do you remember the most about your visit? I remember really just the serenity and tranquility that you get for being in the Cape during the off season. And spring still counts as the off season. You don't have to worry about crowds. You can enjoy the beach and when you're at Nossa Beach Inn, you really can enjoy the beach because you step outside the door of your room. You are steps from the beach. You are right there. You can hear the waves. You can sit outside and just enjoy it. And, you know, it still gets a little cool this time of year. So if it gets a little cool outside, turn on the fire pits. My wife and I, we loved sitting by the fire pits watching the sunrise drinking our morning coffee. It's pet friendly. You can bring your pet and walk along with the beach with your dog. They'll love it. And if it's really too cold for you, you can stay cozy and nice and warm in the room because every room has a fireplace and a picture window. So you can still get the best of the views of the beach and the ocean and you can stay warm and cozy. It's win-win. Yes, indeed. It's a win-win-win-win-win. And the Nossa Beach Inn is pet friendly, you can book your ocean view room, and the deals are unbelievable. So for your April stay at the Nossa Beach Inn, it's from $2.49.99 a night. And in May, the rates are from $2.59.99 a night. You can't beat that deal. Go to That's And we will be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. We'll try to get to some more cuts when we come back. We only have a little bit of time in the two o'clock. But, I mean, you got to give credit to Adam Schiff. It takes a lot for somebody to be that, to lack that much self-awareness, that the man who went on TV and talked about how, "Oh, you know, Trump colluded with Russia. I have the evidence. Believe me, the man who got pranked by Russian pranksters and complimented." And now he's out there accusing her of being a political actor, of having political motivations in this investigation. It's laughable. But that's just, you know, that's the grandstanding that happens now. I do want to read you one other part from the transcript. It's not crucial to the investigation, but it did amuse me. This is Joe Biden telling the story about when he was in Mongolia. And so they walked over and they had a target with bales of, "Hey, a hundred yards away." And these gorillas were, you know, taking shots. And I think, I don't know if it was to embarrass me or to make a point. But I get handed the bow and arrow. I'm not a bad archer, but where I can pull it back so I am pure luck, I hit the G.D. target. Back in '82, I used to be able to throw a pigskin for a mile. We'll be right back with more. Don't go anywhere. (upbeat music)