The Howie Carr Radio Network

Transcript Released! Biden Brought Up Beau Despite Slamming Hur's Report | 3.12.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

The Hur Hearing on Capitol Hill is turning into therapy for the Democrats. Schiff, Swalwell, and others focus on Donald J. Trump and make excuses for President Biden. Meanwhile, Rep. Jim Jordan gets to the root of Biden's dishonesty...and it involves his very lucrative book deal.

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12 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. A specialist. Grace, Grace, stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello, everyone, and welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us on this Tuesday afternoon. We have a lot to get to, obviously, today we have Robert Herr testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill. And it's funny, because he's testifying, he's there, he's in front of all these Congress people, and you would think I would really love a day like this. You would think this would be one of those days where I go, "Oh, show prep. Done for us. We've got all this stuff breaking. We've got all these sound cuts. I actually hate it." Because I think it's harder because it's all happening live and there's so much stupidity to unpack. I find it a bit overwhelming. I think we missed, we have the poll question of, I think we just missed putting Swallow on there. I was just going to say to you, I don't often ask you to change it, but you might have to. Put them on? Okay. And here's the part of it that I want people to understand is when I'm watching this stuff, I watch it all morning, and like I'm sure a lot of you do, I don't have, I've said this before in the show, and you'd think I'd fix it by now, I don't have the sound, so I only have the closed captions, and I can only see their faces. And Swallow gets on our list of most obnoxious just from his facial expressions. He is so pleased with himself. It doesn't matter how dumb he sounds. He is as pleased with himself today as he was the day he went across the street and got a Starbucks in a different building because he didn't want to use the Starbucks in Trump Tower. That is the constant level of satisfaction that Swallow has with himself. It is a bleep-eating grin at all times. But I almost wish, and in a perfect world, we would do this, I wish we could separate these hearings, so rather than, so what they do, Jared, is they ping-pong, and I know you know this, you have to pull all this out. They give the Republicans time, then they give the Democrats time, and we ping-pong back and forth. And I wish we could separate it, so instead of ping-ponging, we do the first happy Republicans, the second happy Democrats, because that way I could kind of shut it off at a certain point once the serious people were finished, and the second half could be Democrats. We could let them have their fun. But I want to hear the people asking questions about the actual report and the actual investigation. I want that to be continuous, because what we're doing now is we're going from the actual report to Sheila Jackson Lee and Jamie Raskin talking about Trump and Nazis. And I'm all about everyone having their time, and reclaiming their time, and loving their time. I'm all about it. But personally, for me, selfishly, it's like bouncing between two worlds. We used to have this thing in theater, where sometimes, I oftentimes was cast as a background player. Like, I was a great cast member, you know, I'd be in the background. I love those kind of scenes, too, where, you know, you're sitting at a bar or something. And once in a while, a director would stop you, and they'd say, you guys are in two different worlds. Like, one character is playing a more fantastical, over-the-top, musical-style way of acting, and somebody else is doing realism, and it just doesn't match up. It's too much for the audience. That's how I feel. It's like, we bounce between these people who actually read the report and have legitimate questions that have a degree of specificity. And then we go back to these weird, Orwellian-style tirades that have nothing to do with the topic. They don't even have to do with Joe Biden. And let's talk a little bit about Raskin. Okay, and I'm going to play all these cuts, so get ready. Buckle, buckle up. Okay, we're going to play all this. But Raskin gives this long speech, and right out the gates, right starting off, what did I say, Jared, about Biden's state of the union? I said, I thought that he should have warmed up to the Nazi thing. You know, comparing us all to Nazis, bringing up Hitler, bringing up all this stuff, that's, in my opinion, that's a 75% of the way through a speech. That's when you drop it. You start off small. You start off with mega-maga. You graduate to Neanderthals. You reach the peak of the speech. You compare half the country to Nazis. Then you wrap it up with the let's all be friends. That to me is the tempo and the direction these things have to go in. They've started now. They start off at 100. They just go right for Nazis, right off the beginning. So Raskin starts off, and he does this whole speech about Ukraine, because that's really important in this case to Joe Biden storing documents by his Porsche, and he can't remember anything. And somehow Ukraine and Trump not wanting to give money to Ukraine is the focal point of this for Raskin. Don't ask me how he comes to that conclusion. I don't want to know how his brain works, but Ukraine, Putin, and Nazis all managed to get into his line of questioning. And none of his things were even questions. And this is where it's really fun. Well, hold on. Let me be before I do that. I've got to stay on topic here. But there should be, in these situations, some sort of rules for when people deviate too far from anything the hearing is about, like a buzzer of sorts, where it goes, "Okay, you've got to come back and bounce. You've got to come back here. We're losing you. We don't know where you are anymore. We don't know what this has to do with anything. It's not someone has to tell Raskin and Sheila Jackson Lee and Eric Swalwell. This is not slam poetry for you to come up with some vague statements about democracy. Sharpen your points. Put everything in focus. It's a little bit. And you know what, Jared? I would argue you could have that buzzer on my show. Once in a while, I start talking about theater. I start talking about the old days. You press that buzzer. Maybe I even have some sort of collar on. And I go, "Oh, we're back to talking about what we're talking about." But now what I'm certain to think when I hear all these Democrats going on and on and on about this nonsense and they totally ignore her, he's basically there. He reminds me of like a child of divorce. He's sitting there looking at them going, "This isn't even about me. I don't even know what to say." Like, they want him to chime in and agree with them on Trump. And he's sitting there going, "I'm not investigating Trump. Like, you guys have someone for that. His name is Jack Smith. And you all love him right now, but I'm sure you're going to hate him if he doesn't come out with exactly the same talking points you want him to." But he's sitting there. And I keep waiting for him to say, "Sir, this is a Wendy's or something to these people. He looks like he has no idea what they're even getting at." He's thinking to himself, "How did I get here? How do I get out?" I wrote a report. I tried to be honest. And now I'm being accused of being in the pocket of Trump. So, my theory is with these Democrats is that maybe it's laziness. Like, they don't want to come up with actual questions or have to read anything. So they plug some stuff into AI because really when you listen to Raskin's speech, I'm going to ask for, do we have Raskin here? No. Okay, let's have a little bit of Raskin. My friends, this is a memory test. But it's not a memory test for President Biden. No. It's a memory test for all of America. Do we remember fascism? Do we remember Nazism? Do we remember communism and totalitarianism? Have we completely forgotten the sacrifices of our parents and grandparents and prior generations? Well, we play Pin the Tail on the Donkey in this wild goose chase. All of these silly games. Donald Trump entertains authoritarian hustler Victor Orban at Mar-a-Lago for the weekend. And Orban comes out to declare that if we indeed sleep long into another Trump presidency. Okay. Hold it right there. First of all, I don't want to get lectures from Democrats right now on Nazis. If they want to talk about Nazis, if they want to talk about anti-Semitism, they should check out some of these college campuses. They should check out some of the professors at MIT. By the way, corn blues, I think she's got more issues coming her way. We'll talk about that. But that's number one. I can't even get into the hypocrisy of getting lectured by liberals right now on anti-Semitism or on Nazis and whether or not we remember it. You've got all these celebrities in Hollywood wearing red pins with bloody hands on them. Basically celebrating Jew killing. And he's going to lecture us on Nazis. That's number one. But on a different note, that entire speech sounds like if you asked AI to take all the conversations that happen between pink-headed, wellesley, wine moms at artisanal coffee shops and vomit it into a script, what you would get. It's just nonsense. Boom. That's what it would be. And again, it was amusing watching her's reaction to all of this. All these Democrats delivering these tirades about Trump because he investigated Biden. Jack Smith is going to be able to answer all these questions. Robert Harris there to talk about the current president. Now, the Trump Biden comparisons, because that's what they keep going with. Nadler showed some montage, some video montage. I'm curious if you have the same Scorsese editors that did up the J6 montages. It seemed to be extra crowd noise. Yeah, it looked very, it looked very fancy. I'm sure he didn't do it himself. Okay. Now, there's pushing what? He's like 76 or something. I don't think he's sitting there, you know, with the I video and coming up with these things himself. But Trump and Biden, the comparisons are stupid anyway, because it's apples and oranges. We've got one guy. The timeline for Trump's document scandals involves classified documents from when he was president. Joe's documents span 50 years, including when he was a senator and vice president. Now, this might be news to Jerry Nadler. As I said, he's only been doing this for 31 years. But the president has different powers to declassify information than the vice president. The legal arguments about what the vice president can do and how broad his declassification powers are. But the difference between a president and a senator, I don't think is as close. I don't think there's as much gray area there. But it doesn't matter because 99% of these Democrat rebuttals, they're not questions. They're speeches. And it's, it's all so predictable. So the other part of this that I want to talk about is the memory aspect. They keep focusing on the memory. And they're criticizing the exact parts of the report that led to the conclusion that they keep bragging about. Do you follow what I'm saying? They keep having her repeat the fact that you didn't feel the need to bring criminal charges. You didn't think he did anything wrong. On the first page, you say that you don't suggest bringing forward any criminal charges. You keep hammering that part of the report. And then what they want you to do is ignore all of the evidence that led him to that conclusion. So all of the things that led him to that conclusion, they say it's because he's politically motivated. He's a bad actor. He wants to be a federal judge. He wants to get on Trump's good side. All these different things. But the conclusion, the end result of all of those observations from her is what they're so proud of. And the funniest part to me out of this whole thing, and you guys can disagree, we're going to, again, I'm just giving you a little bit of a summary before we get in. It's going to be a heavy sound day. But I think the funniest part to me of all of it is that a couple of these Democrats, including, was it Swalwell? There was a few others. They keep using the state of the union as some sort of evidence of Biden's mental fitness. They keep referring to it like it's Exhibit A. You're saying his memories shot? Did you not see his state of the union? Hank Johnson was one of them, by the way. I don't think the mental giant who was worried about Guam tipping over is the person I want to go to for mental acuity judgments, but that's neither here nor there. He cited the state of the union. And so they're pointing to this 88 minute run-on sentence in which Biden talked about COVID shots curing cancer as the reason behind why he's so sharp. They're like, how can you look at this state of the union? Well, I think something very different. When we come back, we're going to talk about that. We're going to actually go into the transcript that was released today. It's pretty amazing when you think about how Joe Biden tried to paint Robert Hers bringing up his son's death and accusing him of not knowing when it was. And of course he knows when his son died. The transcript tells a very different story. And I keep seeing headlines about it and it's like, oh, the transcript paints a different picture. The transcript paints a more nuanced portrait of what happened. The transcript for people who don't read the AP and the Washington Post and all these BS outlets. The transcript proves that Joe Biden lied yet again. That's what the transcript tells us. Or it gives you a more nuanced portrait, whichever way you want to think of it. Recently, a great curly show listener was telling us how much she loved her thunderstorm. Jared, there's so much to love because whether you're cooking food in your house, you want to clear out the smell, you got a musty basement. Whatever your issue is, if it's allergens, pollutants and odors, the even pure eliminates them. Explain to people how it works, Jared. So what the thunderstorm air purifier does that's different from any other air purifier out there is it doesn't cover up or make things smell flowery or put some sticky solution into the air. No, it actually ionizes the air, which creates a super oxygen and that is what eliminates any odors in the air. And it can also eliminate allergens and pollutants that are hanging around. So if you have allergies, you want to get whatever it is out of the air. The storm is the way to do it. Yeah, and all you have to do is go to to get your three pack special. You can use it in your kitchen, your office, even your car. So go to Don't forget to use code grace3 to get the three pack. That's, code grace and the number three. I should also mention Republicans are doing a good job of, I don't know, asking real questions about the report that this whole thing's about, including Jim Jordan, who had a great back and forth with Robert Herr about his findings in this investigation. So we will play all of this for you. We'll take your calls. I'm excited to get into this today. We'll be right back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. We've already got people on the lines who want to discuss this ongoing hearing on Capitol Hill, Robert Herr testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee. I would say it's a half and half. Some real questions and on the other half, he's like a therapist for these liberals. He's sitting there. That's what it really is, I guess. He's sitting there, Jared, and he's nodding along and kind of looking at them like, "Okay, okay, understood. Thank you." Because they're just vomiting their emotions about Donald Trump onto this guy who has nothing to do with the Trump investigation. They keep wanting him to talk about how, "Is it Trump's worse? Do you think Trump's is worse?" And to his credit, he's going, "That's nothing to do with me. That's not why I'm here." But they're missing, as AOC would say, they're missing the forest for the trees. Whether residential, commercial, or land, J.J. Manning can get your property sold now to learn more on how to get your property sold quickly and contingency-free, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to We've got to have Justin Manning on soon talk about the real estate market. It's been a while. With over 16,000 sales and satisfied client, you can be the next one. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which Democrat has been the most annoying during her hearing? Adam Schiff, Jamie Raskin, Hank Johnson, Jerry Nadler, Sheila Jackson Lee, or Eric Swalwell. Okay, so for me, I can whittle it down and keep in mind, annoying is very different than rude. I thought Hank Johnson was very rude, either the way he was addressing Robert Herr was disrespectful, and he wasn't even insinuating that Robert Herr is just doing this or just reported on this for his own gain. He just said it out loud. He didn't even try to be sneaky about it. But annoying-wise, I think he comes down to Raskin, Schiff, and Swalwell. I think those are my top three, and if I had to make a decision right now, I might feel differently once we play all the cuts. I'm gonna go with Raskin for right now. Raskin right now in second place at 34%, 37% for Schiff, he's in first place, 7% for Eric Swalwell, and Jerry Nadler, 10% for Sheila Jackson Lee, and 5% for Hank Johnson. Schiff was really trying to argue that Robert Herr was political in the way he went about this, and the ironic part of that is he's so mad that Herr included the details of Biden's memory loss or, you know, memory issues, whatever you want to call it. He's so angry that Herr included that, and he's arguing that Herr should have not included the truth in his report, the truth of what he saw with his own eyes, because he should have known that Republicans would pounce and seize and weaponize on those observations. And he then tries to turn around and say that's why Herr is political, because Herr didn't bury or obfuscate his observations in order to protect Joe Biden, that's how you know that he's a partisan hack, make that one make sense. You should have played politics to avoid people playing politics, sir. You should have saved Joe Biden's ass, like everybody else in DC has done for the last 80 years. You should have run cover for this guy, you should have carried water for him, like we all do. I don't think it's working on Robert Herr, I don't think he's impressed by these Democrats. 844-542-42, we're going to get to all the sound after the break. There has been a lot of attention paid to language in the report about the President's memory, so let me say a few words about that. My task was to determine whether the President retained or disclosed national defense information willfully. That means knowingly and with the intent to do something the law forbids. I could not make that determination without assessing the President's state of mind. For that reason, I had to consider the President's memory, an overall mental state, and how a jury likely would perceive his memory and mental state in a criminal trial. These are the types of issues that prosecutors analyze every day. And because these issues were important to my ultimate decision, I had to include a discussion of them in my report to the Attorney General. Yeah, I understand it, but I am not deranged. These people that are questioning Robert Herr on the Democrat side, they're just mad. And you know what? I always go back to this headline from David Harsani. I don't know why it always stuck with me. But it was surrounding the reports that the White House was admonishing the press for not writing enough nice things about Joe, and for not writing enough mean things about Trump. It always goes hand in hand. It's not just one. What is how we always say that quote, "It's not enough to succeed, others must fail." It's not enough just to write about how wonderful Joe Biden is, and to push that propaganda. You also have to vilify Donald Trump at all times. And so they wrote, there was reports out about this and how the White House was mad. I'm sure it was Ian Sam's. He's like the White House Hall monitor. He goes around yelling at all the media people. You weren't nice enough to my boss. And David Harsani had this great headline of a piece. He said, "The media isn't hackish enough for Joe Biden." And that's exactly what's happening with Robert Hur. Robert Hur is not hackish enough for these Democrats. And they're so blown away at the idea of someone actually admitting the emperor has no clothes. And that's what's so amazing. I said from the very beginning when this report came out, nothing in this report is surprising to anyone who's watched Joe Biden and I'm going to be generous here for more than six minutes. If you've watched him for more than six minutes, nothing in this report will surprise you. The shocking part of it, the part of it that had people bold over is that Robert Hur had the gall to write it down. And that's exactly why they're angry. And they're not even trying to hide that. Schiff isn't trying to present some sort of intellectual argument. Schiff is saying, "How dare you write the truth in this when you knew our colleagues were going to use it to their advantage." That's not the story here. And you know what it actually reminds me of? And I'm going to get into, I'm going to read some of this transcript between Biden and her because he was completely, not only, I would say he mischaracterized it, but he just lied. He slandered her. He made it seem like her was this real jerk who brought up his dead son just to be mean to him when it couldn't be further from the truth. But there's this focus lately in the media and it just shows you how far they've fallen. But rather than focus on the news story, they tend to focus on how that news story is being used to Republicans' advantage. And a simpler way of putting this would just be to pound C's weaponize. It's never what actually what Democrats are doing. It's never about the actual scandal. It's just about how Republicans are pouncing C's and weaponizing. And that's really what they're saying about Robert Her. It's not about what he included in his report and that it might be true and that we might all have to be very concerned about it. It's that he wrote this and he gave Republicans something to talk about and they're mad. They're mad at him. So let's get to the actual transcript here. Now let's do a little flashback. This was, and you know what they did at the beginning of this, Jared, and I don't know if it was both. It had to be Republican to decide to play the video of Joe Biden's presser. Yeah, that was nine minutes that we could have done with that. I disagree. I disagree. That could have been the poll question. Did you think it was a good idea to play that presser? I disagree. Jared, you know this. I am so impatient, especially in the morning time. I'm trying to get as many things into my brain as possible. I don't tend to watch a lot of this stuff. I'd rather see clips of it on Twitter. I re-watched that entire presser when they played it. I was just brought in. You know what I felt like? I felt like when I was younger, my brothers used to watch old Super Bowls. Not old as in that long ago, but like the Patriots versus what was the really good one? Was it the Falcons? Yeah. They'd watch that one and they'd re-watch it. And I always remember thinking like, how would you re-watch a game? You know, there's nothing new there. That's how I felt watching this presser. Because when he left, well first of all, when he yelled at the media and he said, "You're not deciding that." Because the woman asked, you know, people were watching you and they don't like what they're seeing. "Dad, does your opinion?" And he's yelling at her. And then he left. He walked out and then he came back. And I felt like somebody watching a great play where they're going, "Oh, I forgot about that. I forgot about that. Look at that pass. Oh, I want a catch." That's how I felt watching Joe Biden turn around. I'm like, "The old man came back for more. He hadn't had enough. It was an unbelievably terrible presser." And I thought it was a brilliant move to play it again to remind people how much he excoriated Robert Herr for having the audacity to suggest he didn't remember his son's death or the date of his son's death. And I got a new slash for you. He didn't. We've got the transcript. But take a listen to how Joe Biden reacted to this when he came out at eight o'clock at night. He was big mad about the report. In addition, I know there's some attention paid to some language in the report about my recollection of events. There's even reference that I don't remember when my son died. How in the hell dare he raise that? Frankly, when I was asked a question, I thought to myself, "Wasn't any of their damn business?" Wasn't any of their damn business, but you brought it up. That was his Greta moment, I guess you could say. He even threw a hell in there. It's not how dare you. It's how in the hell dare you. Oh, they're showing Trump videos again now. Trump must love this, too, because here's the weird thing about Donald Trump. And I don't think there's a lot of people like this. There's a few. But it's definitely -- it's not typical. Trump's one of the only people out there who I think truly abides by the expression "every knock a boost." Like, yeah, that's something in theory you say to people, "Oh, all publicity is good publicity." But when it's happening to you and there's bad stuff about you or people are saying bad things about you, you have to be kind of -- you have to have a level of psycho in you to really want that. But Trump loves being the center of attention. So the fact that they're taking this entire hearing and they're making it all about Donald Trump and not about Joe Biden, I think he's loving it. I think he's sitting there going, "Oh, there's another video of me." And Swalwell plays this video that's supposed to make Trump look like, I don't know, I guess like he lost his mind. And it's hysterical. It's just showing how energetic and funny Trump is. And I'm critical of Trump a lot. But I don't think the video of him saying that the windmills are driving the whales crazy. I don't think that that's on the same level as Joe Biden talking to dead people. I just don't. Especially if you know what's going on with the windmills you know what he's referring to. Anyway, back to what I was saying here. So that was Joe Biden talking about how Daya Robert Her bring this up. Now I'm going to read you the transcript. President Biden says, "Mr. Herza, so during this time when you were living at Chain Bridge Road and there were documents relating to the Penn Biden Center or the Biden Institute or the Cancer Moonshot or your book, where did you keep papers that related to those things that you were actively working on?" President Biden says, "Well, I don't know. This is what? 2017, 2018, that area?" "Mr. Herza says, "Yes, sir." President Biden responds, "Well, remember in this timeframe." So he just says, "So I think the timeframe, he's referring to if I'm going based off the transcript, is 2017 and 2018, correct? Remember in this timeframe, my son is either been deployed or is dying. And so it was, and by the way, there were still a lot of people at the time when I got out of the Senate that were encouraging me to run in this period except the president. I'm not, and not a mean thing to say, he just thought that she had a better shot of winning the presidency than I did. And so I hadn't, I hadn't at this point, even though I'm at Penn, I hadn't walked away from the idea that I may run for office, but if I ran again, I'd be running for president. And so what was happening though, what month did Bo die?" "Question mark." Oh God, May 30th. And then what happens after that is the, I'm guessing this is one of his lawyers whose president says, 2015. Somebody else chimes in, which we've witnessed many a time. Oftentimes it's reporters like Jonathan Capehart or somebody at a presser trying to lead the way for him. You know, they fill in the blank like, "Oh, the word you're thinking of is Hamas." That's where, that's what you're trying to think of. So somebody was in the room with him, one of his handlers, one of his babysitters, to help him fill in the blank. And somebody said, "2015." And another person said, "2015." And then president Biden says, "Was it 2015 he had died?" Unidentified male speaker says, "It was May of 2015." President Biden says, "It was 2015." Another person says, "Or I'm not sure the month, sir, but I think that was the year." So again, I'm not going to replay it for you. But this is a guy who acted like he was beyond offended and lied and said that it was none of her's business and that he had suggested that he couldn't remember the year his son died. Not only did he not remember it, but it seemed like they went back and forth multiple times trying to figure it out. Now if I was, I was listening closely and I think I was, nowhere in that exchange of days and years was Robert Hearst speaking, correct? No. Those were Biden's lawyers. Because Robert Hearst, probably sitting there going, "He's probably trying to follow along." Because in one hand, he's trying to, he's trying to figure out the year of his son died and then he's also talking about how Barack Obama, who was president at the time, didn't think he should run for president. But it's not a mean thing to say because he just thought, "He'll, like, I don't blame him for taking a beat and probably trying to connect the dots." It's not an easy train of thought to follow. It's like the train that was traveling was Xi Jinping. It's going everywhere all at once. Nick, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Nick. Okay. How you doing? The greatest thing that should have happened today didn't happen. That's because if you look at the US Code 18, section 793, there were a bunch of clauses. Closas are separated by a piece of speech called a conjunction, okay? The conjunction is just organizing a bunch of clauses so you do this or you do that, et cetera. And yes, here I said several times. He didn't see any willful intent. Fine. That's discussed somewhere between clauses A and E, twice, three times, okay? When no one talks about, and Bigg's almost got there, accidentally, is section F. What does that say? All the circumstances being true, that is, you got caught with the documents. You had them. In this case, what, four states? A span of, what, 40 to 50 years? You're kidding me? He had them. All it says in that section is this, okay? If you close negligence, okay? You gave them to someone else. For instance, the guy he was doing. The ghostwriter. He was a memoir with whatever. Anybody else? And you had them unguarded. That is a crime. It has nothing to do with willful intent. That's what Comey had to be collected by a truck there, if you remember, right? You can't say negligence, okay? He changed his description to exonerate Hillary Clinton to carelessness. Nobody wants to mention it. If anybody's not speaking that today, they either complicit or my God, they are stupid. Yeah, Nick, I'm glad you brought up Hillary Clinton because a lot of this back and forth we're seeing today on Capitol Hill is reminding me of that, where you have these investigators, these investigators like Robert Herr and like Comey and these heads of whether it's the FBI or any of these intelligence agencies. And they're really, they're trying so hard to read into the minds and the souls of the people they're investigating. And I just, I don't understand how you could do it, but the part of it that I kind of go back to is, Democrats have to choose which one of these things they want to go with. In other words, okay, so you don't, you think Biden's sharp as a tech? You think Biden's crushing it, like, oh, look at the state of the union. He was so smart. He was so on it. Forget the fact that he said Lake and Riley's name wrong and called her Lincoln Riley and a host of other things he lied about. He is totally fine. Okay, then he should be able to stand trial. Then he should be good to go. If one of those things is true, it negates the other thing that you're depending on. Do you get what I'm saying? If one of those things is true, and he's, he's with it, and he knows exactly what's going on is all of these Democrats, like Hank Johnson, who, you know, don't take your advice on who's with it. Who knows what's going on from Hank Johnson? Just ask the people of Guam. Okay. Or Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff. If they don't want to convince themselves that Biden is sharp and knows what's going on, then fine. But the first part of this, the first part of this report that says he shouldn't be criminally charged goes out the window. It always comes back to you can't have everything be true at the same time. You can't get it all. And when we come back, we'll go into the her and Jim Jordan, which I thought, Jared, and you've watched more of it than I have. But either that was the most effective line of questioning, and I thought it was the only time we actually talked about the report. It's amazing. It goes to these Democrats, and it's like, suddenly we're talking about Donald Trump giving money to Ukraine or not giving money to Ukraine. There's a more eloquent way for me to say this, but WTF, where are we? What's happening? And a really humorous part, because there's other parts of this transcript that are coming out that people are getting a laugh at. Another part of this that's very, very funny is when her is trying to keep Biden on track to a degree, which is very hard. It's like a toddler in a candy store. You're trying to keep his attention, and he's just every time you turn around, he's got his hand in the jelly beans or something like he's running around the place like a nut. So her is trying to talk about the timeline of all this, and Biden keeps talking about his Corvette and the sounds it makes. It goes room room. We'll get to all of that, and we have more sound for you when we come back. As I've said before, but I will always say it, perfect smiles is the best place to go. If you want to transform your smile, or if you just want a little, you just want a little bit of a cleaning, you just want to keep up with your smile. It is, and everyone there is just so awesome, because when it comes to dentistry, Dr. Houghton and his team, they're the best at what they do. They fix your teeth and your smile, but what they really do is they build the self-confidence of their patients. When you have a smile that you're proud of, it builds confidence in your professional life and in your personal life. Take care of yourself. You deserve it. Call perfect smiles and ask your New Hampshire. If you feel good about your smile, you're going to feel good about a lot of different aspects of your life. And if you've been putting it off because you put everybody else first and you put yourself on the back burner, this is your sign. I'm telling you right now. Call them up. Just get them all rolling. Just take one step. Call up. You'll probably get Stephanie on the line or one of the receptionists, and you can talk to them about what you want to do next. Tell them I sent you. Go to to find out more. That's We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. We have a lot more to get to when it comes to these transcripts, including Joe Biden. Waxing poetic about his beautiful Corvette. He has very, he has a very high opinion of his car. Doesn't have a high opinion of the media. Doesn't have a high opinion of Donald Trump or Republicans, all the Neanderthals. But when it comes to his car, he's really, really proud of it. And I would remind people that when this whole scandal first broke, that was what he told Peter Deucey, who was, "I kept them next to my car," as if again, that was his get out of jail free card. Like, of course they were secure. They were in a Zappos box next to my car. Not just a car. Corvette, man. Yeah, exactly. Now he's explaining how it sounds to Robert Herr, who I'm sure was enthralled by the entire conversation. Eddie, quickly, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Eddie. Yeah, Grace, going back to the Democrat Communist, a Raskin, right, especially. His father was a big-time Communist lawyer back in the late '60s or early '70s. He defended the Chicago 7 and the weathermen. So this guy, and I also enjoy the chicken-eaten communist from Tennessee. What's his name? You know, it's so funny. I was thinking the same thing, and I almost wrote his name down, and now I'm blanking on it. Who is it, Jared? He's the one who, during the impeachment trial, he had the bucket of KFC. Jared's googling at Eddie, but go ahead. Steve Cone. Steve Cone, yes, yes, yes. Oh, sorry. Sorry, Eddie. We're running out of time, but yeah, they're both hacks. We have sound -- I didn't focus too much on Steve Cone. I did get a lot of sound from Jamie Raskin, and we will get to that when we come back. So much more, also an update for you on the Karen Reed case, which I think we'll get you in the two o'clock. So stay with us. Fun coming to next. (upbeat music)