Yeshiva of Newark Podcast

Hands-Full Holiday-Is Carrying completely allowed on Yom Tov?

Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
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[music] You're listening to the Yeshivov New Work podcast. I'm your host and curator Rabbi Avram Kivolovich, and I hope you enjoy this episode. [music] [speaking in foreign language] And as I mentioned, it's not a clear hat there, let's take a look. [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] Because basically, I saw it needed to be moot there. How are you supposed to bring the knife? How are you supposed to bring the eggs? How are you supposed to bring stuff to people's houses? How are you supposed to get stuff if you're missing them and you have to go to the neighbor's house? I saw so crucial for ethical nephish. So once the terror have to be matter of ethical nephish, other things snuck in under the door as well. But they have to have some connection to the ontibs we're going to see from the Ramo. For example, it's a cotton volulov. Carrying to get a lot of many people. This year, people carry the volulov to full, of course, on the second day of the ontib, and a safer terror, and kaolim. However, the Ramo says, even though it talks about kaolim, the Ramo says, "Hot three come like trash. They have to have some necessity. They can't-- there's got to be some connection to the ontibs." Another heather, do you have for caring? Shouldn't miss your racially, you won't be a sharpsite. That's sort of like a heather because-- and again, you have to think about why we give this heather. If it's-- is it also darissa? There's no purpose for it. So it must be, again, if you're allowed to carry something away from where you think gonofum are going to be able to ambush it, and take it, and prey on it, you're not allowed to be ever an ister darissa to save money. So it must be the way this is true from the smock that really-- let me explain it better. The terror had to be maturite, so completely. Bahazal wanted to rein it in and said, "Make it connected to younger from some way unless you're-- we're afraid you're going to-- it's going to get stolen, you'll lose it. Darhasal give you a complete heather to hide it somewhere. If they give you-- if you're allowed to hide it, even though it has no connection to the ontibs at all, it must be that hot saw becomes totally moot there. Now, I'm not sure if everybody agrees to that. But that is what the-- as you can see here, from the smock, and it's not in the Mahabir, but it is in the Ramah. We'll see if there's a Makhleikus between the Ramah and the Mahabir on that case, on that point or not. I think it's a very important issue. How much we allow caring on the ontibs. The Mahabir does say clearly, "Avenem vikiyotsaben ossir, things which you cannot connect to the ontibs stone." And we're not talking about using the stone to wipe yourself in the bathroom. That would be ossir on the ontibs. You're not allowed to carry. Now, you could say the stone is mukso. But we're not talking about the den of mukso here. We're talking about the den of carrying. So it seems like that the stone is not mukso, but it's still ossir, because it doesn't seem to have a ontibs purpose. This is something, of course, that was used by the rabbis of Detroit. Richard would appreciate this more, I think, than Moshe. But the Detroit Tigers, in 1940, as you can see here, in 1934, they led Hank Greenberg play on Rosh Hashanah. What was the allowance he wanted to, even though he wasn't religious, he was worried, because everybody, all the Jews, looked up to him. He had-- other than Babe Ruth, he had, I think, he was the number two, the record, in terms of the home runs in the season before Roger Maris came in. I think he had 59 home runs. So he got upset from the rabbundum, and it was based on our sim in here in Schulman, or after we're reading right now. It says, "Mutter Liskoc." This is from the remote, "Mutter Liskoc Pecador." "Aftiyo Bishu Sarabim." "You're allowed to play ball." "In Rishu Sarabim." "Haf al Ghabshayno Ela Tiyo Balma." "Even though, well, what do you gain from it?" "You're allowed to play ball on Rosh Hashanah." So therefore, this was the sock that they told Greenberg, and you can go and play. "Vimhi Niyaf Eiros." Let's say it's not a Rishu Sarabim. Let's say this city has-- it's not a caramelist. They fixed it up, they closed the doors off, they set up Mihizzos. And now there's an average in town. So it's not even a Rishu Sarabim at all. (speaking in foreign language) Again, this is all from the Ramallah. That if this place has an A roof, it's not even a caramelist at all. It's all considered like mavos. It's considered like hot zeros. So as long as the thing is in Moqsa, you're allowed to carry everything. It's much more of a hat there, right? So this makes enough kamina, by the way. Rishu finds things speaks about this. In terms of carrying keys on a key ring, right? I need my key to my house. Do I need the key to my car? Do I need the key to, I don't know, the office? I keep it on a key ring. Yeah, what's the head turn? What possible purpose does your office key have for you? Right, none. So Ramosha says, if it's not a place with an A roof, you need to take those keys off. You're allowed to take out your house key, but you have to, I always like having a set of keys so I don't lose them. I don't know if that's a good enough hat there. Ramosha doesn't think so. However, based on this Ramallah, if you have an A roof in town, so that might make an Afkamina. And if you realize this, by the way, for example, let's say you're taking your, you know, let's say taking your Talus bag with you. Why do I take my Talus bag? Does there is Surah Yountif at all? What's the Surah Yountif I have to take my Talus back with me, right? On Yountif, right? No, I have some Surah with it, I don't know. If there's an A roof, it's not a problem. But if not, you might have a problem taking the Talus back with you on Yountif. Let's take a look at a little bit of Mr. Puri here. Actually, Mr. Puri has a lot to say here. We'll start with the Mr. Puri, and then we'll do a little bit of the Bara L'Auffa, shall we? (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Really, this idea's me, Toh. That everything becomes moot there. Isn't just the de no vaiso. Avara, which, of course, you can't cook anything without fire, usually. Shreta, baking. Those are connections. Those are Ikhonnafik's connections. I'm reading, but we say about all of them, says the Mr. Puri. (speaks in foreign language) Which means it's gotta be Ikhonnafik. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) The ones that, if you would draw up on a, in your mind, connected to Ikhonnafik, all of those are a hundred percent moot there, even though they're not connected to Ikhilah here at all. The Tearik have to be moderate. Now, that is the sheet of the Mahabir. The Ramallah limits it to (speaks in foreign language) And the Ramallah would argue when it comes to Afiyyah and Vishwan Ha'vara as well. Now, according to the Mahabir, let's say the Mahabir and the Ramallah agree. I'm not sure if they do. But the Ramallah definitely says there's got to be some Sahyrukh and bringing the baby. So what's the Sahyrukh and bringing the baby and carrying the baby out? Into the ritual Sahyra ibn. So, one thing is, if I don't carry him, he's gonna cry, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) In other words, yeah, look, I got my kid with me. If I don't carry him, he's gonna cry. If he's crying, I can't leave him. And it's gonna make me upset. So, if it stops his crying, that's already a Sahyrukh, (speaks in foreign language) How bad if you could leave him with your mom, leave him with your wife who's staying home? Or your mother? You're still allowed to, (speaks in foreign language) And who doesn't, right? Well, grandchildren, I would say, who doesn't? Maybe with children. There might be some who could say, I've had enough of my son, can somebody else please take care of him? The grandson, you're never gonna say that, right? Moshe, I can tell you that. So, the point is, a grandson, you definitely wouldn't be that way, but if a father just loves having his son with him, and his father loves taking him with him, it's also motor, 'cause that's also a sin, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) It's kind of some connection to Yontif. So, Mr. Brewer says, well, that's especially when it comes to vessels or utensils. So, how about a utensil, like we saw in Beth's film in the other day? (speaks in foreign language) It's not gonna use it on your own tip, but, you know, it looks good on you, right? That's the thing that looks a little bit, yeah, it looks pretty cool. Then, we're gonna use it, but yeah. (speaks in foreign language) There's no connection to Yontif at all, when you're caring, (speaks in foreign language) I've owned it. And here we see about what I talked about at the games, you can take the (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) This is where, this is not the key to the house, this is the key to the food, this is the key to the red box. And if you need the key to make sure that you're afraid to leave it there, 'cause somebody may come and take it. As I said, the Ramallah is not there, 'cause he holds the whole thing, just the Ramallah, and we're gonna see it's in Bangladesh. Let's say you're afraid that the item's gonna be stolen, you can just carry it no matter what. Says the (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Therefore, you can take the key, that's the key to your storage box with your money in it. Why? Because you're worried about it. Now, what's interesting is, is that the Mishneh Bura says, is that it still works with the same header. It's somehow connected to Yomtit, 'cause you'd be upset if you would lose this money. Really, you should be above it. It shouldn't bother you. But we know humans are humans, they care about money. So therefore, since by having the key with them, by having this thing high hidden, they know the prying eyes and hands are gonna get to it, and they're not upset. That's called (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Who's gonna look on the Ramallah? Take a look. The rush, the tour. The mario. The (speaks in foreign language) So we have a lot of (speaks in foreign language) who really disagree with this (speaks in foreign language) that the Ramallah is bringing from, obviously, based on other (speaks in foreign language) It's more like we've shown it. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) But heft said, "Mom and it wouldn't be a hetter." And again, I think this (speaks in foreign language) is totally in how you understand the idea of the (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) It's good to be (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) That's also what (speaks in foreign language) If you can find someone else in the house that you don't have to carry it, of course, that's the best thing. Now, what about (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) What are you worried about? You're worried (speaks in foreign language) Someone's gonna steal your mosh, sir. I don't know what type of guy this is. I guess he likes to learn. He likes what's he, it's beautiful, I don't know. It's pretty strange, a person who want to steal somebody's mosh, sir, but it could happen. (speaks in foreign language) I finished ovening already. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Why (speaks in foreign language) Here, we have to let you carry it back. 'Cause if not, in low-kang, well, you'll be in between the basis (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) And the mosh, they're already there. They belong to the shore, or you brought them before you hunted. So, if you don't really need them at home to look something up, you should not carry them back home to your house. (speaks in foreign language) 'Cause it doesn't have the header. In other words, normally we'd be afraid. Normally we'd go like the rush who holds that just because something's gonna get stolen, you don't have a header, because mito has not 100% of allowance to carry. There's gotta be some connection with sai rakiancov. But if you're afraid of the object, it's gonna get stolen. There's no header. It might even be us or darissa, if it's a rish or sai rakian. And if there's a error, this wouldn't be an issue. But for that an error, it might be us. However, what about if there's no moxering shul? So there, we say, well, you wouldn't have brought it unless you could take it home. But if you've already brought it before, so we know you're gonna have it there already. So in such a situation, you don't have a header 'cause you have to be mochmer, like the rush. That's why he says it's no chamma hafmer, not to take them after home, isn't that pretty easy? It gives you a little bit of legal work. And he says over here, a few in sai rakiancov, Shani shoyontas. Even if you need 'em for tomorrow, let's say, it's a two-day yonta. But there's no purpose for it on today. So it's interesting, again, that we are hoshing for the sheet. And again, when we have an error, things are different. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I hope you liked what you heard. 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