
Christ-Hope of Glory

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29 Dec 2024
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Christ in you, the hope of Glory. Everlasting Righteousness given to the Saints.
Thank you. Please, the Lord, this is Braudius Adiomy. I want to discuss today is going to be something very important that the Lord Jesus Christ mentioned that make us to know that the Lord is the Lord. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord from heaven. And the plan of God is what this is going to be all about, the plan of God of the ages. According to what our support said, it was a mystery that was revealed to him. I pray that he will give you understanding of this. I am going to start from Colossians chapter 1 verse 26 and 27. This is a topic concerning the plan of God for humanity. What was the purpose? Why God put us here? That is what this is going to really be talking about. And look at it from Colossians chapter 1. A possible power was revealing something to the Lord to deliver us in the book of Colossians. And he mentioned it and said it is a mystery that is kept in the heart of God from the foundation of the world. And it is a reveal return to his seven day prophets. And here it is. It was 26 to 27 of the book of Colossians chapter 1. It will be a teaching so I am going to go slowly so that I don't, many times when I am excited I have to speak too fast. I am a model of my words so that only people that are of my asking can easily get what I am saying. But I am going to slow down and pronounce my words clearly so that every band of believers from every country will be able to understand this mission. Because it is a very important revelation that a possible power was given that it is in the book of Colossians, also in the book of Ephesians. And I am always just exponentiate or explain it a little bit further. Here it is in Colossians chapter 1 verse 25. A possible say, "We are for I am made a minister." According to the dispensation of God, He is giving to me for you. So you see, this revelation came to a possible problem. To fulfill the world of God, even the mystery which has been hid from ages and from generations. But now it is made manifest to His sense. See, the mystery that was hidden in the heart of God, since the beginning of time, what was the plan of God? Why a critical man was on this place in this valley. And that possible and I say, it was a mystery that was hidden. This is not being revealed to the sense, not just now from the time of a possible power. We are getting more understanding of the scriptures at that time. First and second, to whom God will make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Now that is what I am going to explain. Christ in you and me, the hope of our glory. What does that really mean? That is Christ living inside us as a special reason why God is doing this. That is said, He is bringing to the Gentile. Christ in me and you is the hope that we have of glory. What glory? The Bible said, for all I have seen, I am falling short of the glory of God. So that is really what I am talking about, the glory of God. If you have believed in some of my summer, you will see that it is talking about Adam, the first man Adam lost something. He lost something in the Garden of Eden when he fell. And that is the glory of God. Let's go again to Genesis chapter 3 and see what Adam said after this sin. And I am going to put something out here in that Genesis chapter 3. When God came and asked Adam, "Where are thou?" And what is saying in Genesis chapter 3, from verse 9, "And you know God called out to Adam and said to him, "Where are thou?" God was looking for you. And he said, "I heard thy voice in the Garden and I was afraid. Because I was naked and I hid myself. Because I was naked." That is what I want to talk about. Something left. Something was covering him before. Even the Bible said, "We were naked and we were not ashamed." It was something tangibly covering them that looked like a, you see, living substance. And I am going to give you enough, given the analogy in some of my summer, that light covering was covered. Because the Bible said, "God is quoting himself with light as with the garbage." Remember in that, if you have been reading the Bible, in the book of Psalms, it is full of doubt, quoted. I say, "With light as with the gammon." But when God created man, he said, "Let us make man in our image. God made man in his own image." So which means, God plotted it with light as we gave it. So that was why they were not ashamed because something was really closing them in light. But that light was coming and manning it from inside. Think of it. This is my analogy now. Think of the electric bulb in your house. That electric bulb, as long as you turn on the light, it look like it's coated with light. And it can sometimes be very hot, not so. If an insect tried to get a lot of electric bulb, the wrong bulb because it's hot. And there could be a frequency that can drive them maybe also. That is the electric bulb we have now in our generation. Because electricity passing through it makes it glow, not so. Now, that electric bulb, if you turn off the light, turn off the electricity, it looks like it's naked. That was what happened to Adam. Something was covering him before that actually emanating from inside of him. That something that is covering his body that insect cannot come near. All those things that could, in your mama, come near the body. That by seeing him, he said, "Indeed, you have to go see the individual. Do this for a billion thing. That should die." The light died. I mean, it's turned it off. It's like when you disconnect the electric bulb from the power, from the electric system. Because the Holy Ghost is able to be like the electricity of God. Now, you disconnect yourself from the Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit. That light is quenched. That was what the Babylon also said in the many books of the Proverbs. He said, "The conduit of the wicked shall be put out. The conduit of the wicked shall be put out all these demons. They are light as they are put out. So, when they manifest, they are like duck trigger. But that was said, our spirit is actually the conduit of the Lord. He said, "The spirit of man is the conduit of the Lord." That is, we actually, our spirit inside us, it's a lump. It's like trying to, when the Lord turns it on, it should grow and make the light of our body. But this collection won't drop Adam as he needs. So, whom I miss came out naked. When you are born, you are naked. Naked of the glory that you could come with it. That was what the Bible meant to say, "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." That glory, Adam lost it. "And have thy Christ Jesus has come to restore us back." That's what's called redemption. And when he redeemed us and brings us back to God, he's asked to stop from taking sin away from us. That's why Christ said, "You must be born again." A new creature is what Christ is making. Now, it's going to go beyond that, because he wants to restore that glory back to mankind. That is what Christ said. Look at it in a good step, I say, right now. This is what I just mentioned in Colossians chapter one said, "It's glory." But he mentioned in verse 27, "It's the Christ in us. It's going to be like glory. It's the hope of we getting that glory." Christ is just living inside us. It's the hope of we getting that glory back. That's Adam lost. That's what the plan of God. And now, when you look at sin forever and forever, it has been prophesied by the angels to Dania, that this is what God is planning to do. Let's look at it in the book of Dania, chapter 9. When the angels manifested to Dania, many people skipped that detail of what the angel was saying, because they only talk about, "Oh, there's going to be 78 weeks, 78 weeks." They say, "The mystery in that journey, chapter 9 was 24." It's more than just the 78 week. The rebel is talking about prophesied at the end time. We look at it, what the angel was saying. What's his to be accomplished? That is chapter 9 was 24. When the angel manifested to Dania, I'll tell him the things that will be accomplished. So 17 weeks as Dania, chapter 9 was 24. 17 weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, from what? And it's going to optimize what will be accomplished. The first one is to finish the transgression and to make an end of sins and to make reconciliation for iniquity and to bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal up the vision and prophesy and to annoy the mostly. All those things that were at least said there, all of those individual items are inside the Christ. Let's start one by one. Let me just explain it quickly one by one. To finish this transgression, what does that really mean? Finish this transgression. The Jews have been transgression against God. Remember that? When the worshipping idols got drove them out of the land in the beast of Nebuchadnezzar, they used Nebuchadnezzar to drive them out and he threw them into 70 years. And God specified in the book of Jeremiah how many wives were 70 years? He mentioned that because they have not been keeping the land in Sabbath for the land and he says it's going to be 70 years also for them to work in the place. So that was why it was 70 years ago. Now because of his transgression, he had transgression, so God drew them out. Now there were a lot of combat during the days of when he came back to the land, as he said, in the second generation of the Jews that were driven out, he came back to the land. And in the year he came and told that, in the year that time when they are going to come back, what are going to be accomplished? And he said they are to finish this transgression. But what will be finished in the transgression? Israel had been transgression back and forth, back and forth, but they are going to finish transgression. The greatest transgression is when God himself manifests as he will be, and he killed it. Oh, that is the greatest transgression. That is why he is finishing the transgression, basically for a purpose. But this was still guilty. You will go to the land, this thing like that, for a purpose. So that means that I can be crucified for a month, and this block, I am sure to redeem a month, but whoever did it is still guilty. Oh, you see that? So that is why we have to figure out. That is why we have to figure out. Because we are, we say, well, this thing, according to what we come back and look at, it looks like God planned this thing in the beginning, that is how they messaged you. Because if I cry, say they have to go to the cross, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We have to go to the cross. He has to go to the cross. He said, don't you tell them anything until after I was selected, because he didn't want this machine. When they said, when they went to the mountain of transgression, it's a gift that John said, and a lot of them don't tell this video to anyone until the son of man rules for the day. Why? Because suppose if Peter and James are going to everybody to keep their safe, do you know what he saw in the mountain? He saw just guys wanting to rise. Elijah came down. Moses came down. Are you sure? Yes. That will make them change their mind. Are you sure this one is not the right, more valuable for them? They don't tell anybody on the cross, because he drives the purpose for the cross to save mankind. He blow that he was wearing, he has to be shed for mankind to save us, like this lamb that has to sacrifice for his temple in heaven. So that is really one of the purposes. Anybody that participates in this security, you may see you that is carried, almost as if people thought, well, maybe this is planned, they said, maybe it's told you that's good with no. He says, he says, he says, this is one of his, a devil. The purpose shows that devil, man, not devil possesses, devilish man. You have to look at that. Jesus Christ was cast in our devil. When he was fishing, he was cast in our devil. Why did he cast our devil from Jesus' carried? He was so possessed by the devil, he was a devil himself. So that shows there is a seed of God and there is a seed of this serpent, like the parable of a religious guy. So when Christ is one of his, they will know that this one is a seed of this serpent. He may follow them and be religious too, like some of those priests, because Christ told those Jews that were asking him, why do you make us do that? If you are the Christ, he knows plainly. And he says, I told you, you believe not. He says, you believe not because you are not of my disciples. No, he says, you are none of my sheep, not of my sheep. He says, my sheep here, my voice. You mean they are not the sheep, they are used here, they are not the sheep. There is the seed of God and there is a seed of this serpent. What happened in the Guardian of Eden that was summarized as, "If said, this serpent, big guy, help me." And it's much more than an animal just came and did something physical. It's actually something that's happened in the spirit that brought in the seed of this serpent among human beings. That's why many people never be able to repent because they are the seed of this serpent. God said, if you are the seed of God and this thing is many sense of you, he make you tremble before God because I don't know why I am the seed of God and that he shows me, he calls me and I respond to it. So, we never respond because they are the seed of the devil. Then we hear the same gospel that you hear, that they are not going to shame. God said, don't waste your time with them because they are just following their father. They are the seed of their father. And that's what just I was saying. When he said, if you are father of the devil, he walks with you, what are you will do? And they were defending themselves and saying, we are seed of Abraham. Say, if you are a student of Abraham, you will do the walks of Abraham. So, you say, what we are saying then is, we are two seeds or not. You seed of God and you seed of the devil. So, then, don't let the crowd of the devil don't let them pull you into the account because he is trying to get some of the seed of God to have with him. But God will not allow the seed of God to go to him. That's why the gospel is peace and somehow he is drawing you. If you are listening to this gospel, then I am preaching. So, this is a tradition that the fish are preaching and it's making you believe it's because God is drawing you. Because the logic I said, no man can come on to me except the father which sent me draws them. So, if you are believing it, it's because the father draws you. And he is drawing you because you have seed. God asked, I give him the analogy. He said, I don't have to from man understand. Think of a farmer that also plants a field and he has a bag of corn. He wants to plant in the field. And while he gets the bag of corn inside he stands like this, the enemy. That's what the Bible, the logic is because the enemy came from the plant's tears. So, I just say, well, suppose the enemy came and had some things that look like corn, seed, but they are not corn seed, and mix it with the bag and run away. And then when they started planting the corn, they have seen some tears that are growing. So, that's what the angels say, where are these coming from? And they say, an enemy has done this. That was just a part of it or something that God was sleeping because it's just a part of the plant. That's what we can say. But God knows the end of the beginning. So, we can always just say a lot and fall down before the idea. Thank you, love, for making me do what we call the only if we said that we have vessels of horn on. And there are also vessels of rough that will be vessels of rough in the end. Think of what God told to Pharaoh and Moses. When I look at this in the book of Romans, he said to Pharaoh, "For this purpose, I have raised you up that I might show my power to you, that you all may know the power of God." To the Pharaoh, that was to be destroyed. Think of that. In the same palace of Pharaoh, we are just Pharaoh that was there in the days of Moses. In the same palace, Moses was raised in the same palace. Two people raised in the same palace. One being raised by God, God said, "I raised you Pharaoh up to show my power to you." And what was the passion to Pharaoh? God allowed the ministry to hide in his side so that God can show that power. The Pharaoh was destroyed with some of these soldiers and the ministry was almost Egypt, the world was almost destroyed. They lost their first one because somehow the spirit had been filled with his side. God said, "We had in his side. That I raised him up for that purpose." And you make it feel good. Now Moses was raised in the same palace by the daughter of Pharaoh. So you can say, "You will have been cousins." If they have been adopted, they have really been read out of Pharaoh. The son of the daughter of Pharaoh is just adopted. But he ran away from that palace and God raised the same Moses up from that palace, through the junk, through the desert, and brought him back to show the power of God to him. God is showing the power of message to him and showing the power of God to him. But I raised both of them up. One for the vessel of God, one for the vessel of God. That's what I am trying to point out. The way that I show the vessel of God, which will be tanking God, we do not know why he shows us to be like that. Moses said, "I cannot go. I can't talk." He said, "No, we are going to rest for that." He said, "When God is using us, I send us, we just thank him." He comes to tremble before him and thank him for using us. That is the purpose I just want to point out. But let's go back to what we are talking about, this hope of glory that our power was mentioning, that the glory that Adam lost, God wants to restore it back to us. Nothing wants to do. That is his plan for the ages. Christ is pointing at us in this example, but let's go to Daniel, like I said. In the book of Daniel that I just read that, Daniel's afternoon was 24. He said, "I have to remind some of this and that what I said, the false one is to fill in this transgression. So they finish the triangulum by cleaning the messiah." That was what the English meant. They had got to finish the triangulum by their quality up to be driven out of the land for thousands of years. That's not just 17 years. 17 years in this of Nebuchadnezzar, that now when they killed the messiah, this guy said, "The army will surround you," he said, "and this people will be driven all over the nations of the world until the times of the Gentiles will fulfill that. People didn't know it would be 2,000 years, almost, nothing. Because the youth started becoming the nation again from all over the world, going back, because God promised I would bring them back. It's not the same view that was driven out of the descendants. Remember? The high priest, the chief, the religious are part. It's a bitter increase. They will be here right now, nothing. They are already in here. But the descendants of the descendants after many generations that were going back, they are still used, they are still used. They said, "Yeah, the one God is promising to them." So when God is saying, "I will bring them back," I was talking about these people that he drove away. Only the descendants have come back. Now they are back and they are forming a nation in the South of 1948, now they are the nation. One thousand nine hundred and something years. That's what the English is saying. It's going to take a long time. The resolution is what it means. That was seen in the Book of Daniel. If you read the Book of Daniel, you see the solution for this. It's been a long time. So now it's first and it's finished in the transition. They said, "To make an end of sins." That was fulfilled also in Messiah. Oh, it's making an end of sins. We must be born again. That born again experience is given to everyone that common, that color for Jesus. I said Jesus has the other answer here. Christ is making an end of sins in our life by the born again experience. The new creature is what is making our spirits be renewed. Perfected. Our spirit is perfected. It's our soul that needs to be perfected later. Why? Because I was seeing, we said, we are people of the just men made perfect. Let's look at that in Hebrews. 12 was 20 or something like that. Where I said we are, we have spirits of just men made perfect. So our spirit is already perfected. It's our soul and the flesh that needs to come in the line, come in line with the plan of God. So now he said, God is making an end of sins. That's the next opposite. To make reconciliation for inequality, what does has made reconciliation for inequality? Remember, God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself. Not imputing their trespasses onto them anymore. And I've given and told the ministry of reconciliation. So that is the reconciliation. It's making reconciliation for inequity. That is reconciling men back to God. It is all in the kingdom of God, the kingdom of God, the kingdom of God, the gospel we preach to the Gentiles is reconciling men back to God. So the Israel prophesied the reconciliation for inequity. And to bring in everlasting righteousness. Now that is the mystery. God is going to bring in everlasting righteousness. That's really what I want to talk about. Everlasting righteousness. What does that mean? That the Messiah is going to bring in everlasting righteousness. Let's look back. The Bible mentioned a key root cause Lucifer, which we know to be Satan. In the book of Isaiah 14, and he said, that was perfectly in order with true inequity was found in thee. And then the time was cast out of it. That's means what? Miss Satan was never giving everlasting righteousness. Look at that word everlasting righteousness. That means he would be righteous for ever. Satan did not have everlasting righteousness because he was cast out after many videos of yesterday. That was perfectly in life. He was still in new key to inequity was found in thee. So he said he did not have everlasting righteousness. Now let's look again. The Indians that failed with Satan. The Indians that said they were exposed by washes or not. They also disobeyed and mixed up with the shear of men. They were also not giving everlasting righteousness. That's why they faith anybody. They have materials of years and they went into a fence and seen that you are in chains like Bible said. In Jesus that look at us in the book of Jude. In Jesus that did not keep the abbey kept in chains on the darkness. That means they did not have everlasting righteousness. Adam and Eve that the devil came and sented him and they also failed. Means they did not have everlasting righteousness. That's why I'm trying to bring from that statement he learned that he decides to bring in everlasting righteousness. That's why he's taken a process that is taking place. That process may take a long time but God is applying a plan and that is why he's taking so long that he's working. We are going to bring in everlasting righteousness to this elect people that are saved. Not everybody but to the born again people. We are born again but we are not perfect. Yet as I say they are more the perfection of the saints. So the forever purpose God put apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers in the body of Christ for the perfection of the saints. So that is part of the process. Okay now everlasting righteousness what the angel said will be brought in. How was that? It's good to do that. When Satan that was said to be beautiful and perfect knowledge with until the antiquity was found in him did not have everlasting righteousness. Adam and Eve was created with hand of God. Formly clay and bridging to eat. And the work of the fresh from the and the work. Yes he didn't have everlasting righteousness. That's why he failed. But now this is the promise that he just says Christ is to bring in everlasting righteousness. God is going to implement this and that is what the revelation is. That is the revelation we are Christ said it himself. First in the gospel of John. First, let me first point out the first John chapter five. That's the official of John first John chapter five. This is how God is planned as planned to implement it. And that is why apostle Paul was saying this thing has been the out of God from the foundation of the world and is now revealing to his sins. And apostle Paul was revealing this to us in this episode. 1st John chapter five. Yeah in verse 10. From verse 10 apostle John was right. He said he that believeth on the son of God as the witness in himself. He that believeth not God as meet him in life. Because he believeth not the record that God give off his son. God give a record of his son. And this is the record. Now listen to that. That God has given to us eternal life. And this life is in his son. Now look look at that. God say I am going to save this guys. I am going to give them eternal life. God ask what will be eternal life. Eternal. Whatever, never to stop like I said under fear. We are going to be giving eternal life. I am going to give them eternal life. But this I am going to do this. This is how I am going to do it this time. I put this eternal life in my son. And it was to have said he that has this son as life. So what God is saying is that I am going to save this people. And I am going to bring in a velocity righteousness. And we are going to implement it this time. It's almost like when you have a project and you have done all these things. Now you see it's just 40 and 40 like we make a robot and it is filled somewhere in 40. I want to fix it. That's it. And we are going to say we have to fix it good so that doesn't feel a fault for the animal. God said I am going to give them eternal life the only forever. Because that was what Adam was deprived of. He said let's drive them out of this garden lest the partake of the tree of life and live forever in that state of sin. God said we don't do that. So he drove them out so we do the partake of the tree of life. So then God wants to bring us back to that tree of life. He has to fix it. And this is how you fix it. He said I am going to give these people eternal life but I put this eternal life in my son. So now you are just to get this son of God inside you and you have eternal life. What does that mean to you and to me? If you have the son of God inside you you will be controlling inside. So Christ in us is the hope of this glory. That's why Christ said without me you can do nothing. That's why Christ said no man can come on to the father bed by me. So the tree Jesus Christ, so you Muslims, you Hindus, you Buddhists, you don't believe Jesus is the only Savior, you are on your own and you have no other place to go out and head and look of fire. Because the only way to get at his own life is to get Jesus Christ inside you. I know some you just said they get every spirit inside him. He said oh I said I have Jesus, I have this, I have that, all of the people, Jesus only. You have to get Jesus inside you and then the father is in Jesus. He said this is how it's going to implement this last relationship. Like putting it inside his son, you get this son of where inside you then you have life. That's what I presume John goes straight in. He that has his son as life, that's his own life. And he that has known his son of God as his own life. That was how every last relationship is going to be given to us by we having Jesus in us. And this is what the logical setting going there in the son, last, last, last, many prayer when he was praying with the apostles. And because gospel of John chapter 17, you have to see that opposition was close to religious God. He was one that wrote this thing down to make us to see. He said, I said, I should have, you may know that you have it on our life. You already have it, you wrote it up for June chapter five. That is right. This thing so that we may know that we already have it on our way. We have Jesus in us. We have it on our life. Now, this is what the logical setting John chapter 17, when he was praying the last prayer before he went to the cross. You see that in John chapter 17 from verse 22, every last in righteousness is what we are talking about. Our God plan to implement it and it's already implemented by saying he has put his life in his son, in son of God Jesus Christ. And all we need to do is to get Jesus inside us. And that's what you get when we are born again. That's what you get when we are born again. You see that when I'm good to that by the moment. Here is gospel of John chapter 17. From verse two until you see the logical setting present, father, the hour is come glorified by his son, that his son also may be glorified as thou is giving him power over our flesh. That is you give eternal life to as many as thou as giving him. And this is life eternal. What is this eternal life? It's good to define it for us. This is life eternal that they might know thee, the only true God. And Jesus Christ whom thou are sent. That's eternal life. Knowing Jesus and knowing God. Now let's go to verse 22. See how he is implementing it. I said, verse 23. And glory which thou gave us me, I have given him, I have given him, I have given him that he may be one, even as we are born. Verse 23 is where I am going. Look at this. I in them and thou, the father in me, that's how I was able to come true from inside. You have that everlasting righteousness. Christ living in us and the father is in Christ. So they have no rebellion between the father and son because his father is the one that put on a flesh and becomes his son. And his son living inside us, that's why we have to submit to him, make him a lot of our life and he is doing the controls from inside. So there will be no way of a no rebellion like Adam and Eve. There will be no rebellion like Satan who went to himself in front of God. If he is control of himself from inside, he would have done that. He didn't have everlasting righteousness and that's why they failed. He injured a failure, he did not have everlasting righteousness. This time God is going to fix it. And he is fixing it by saying, I put this eternal life in my son. He just get my son inside you and the father is inside that son. So we are going to be control from inside. That way we are going to get that everlasting righteousness. That is how I possible said, Christ in you is the hope of blood. Now you understand. Christ living in me is the hope that we are going to get that immortality back. We are going to get that light covering back because our spirit will now have Christ living out. When it's turned on, we will grow and come to light and we will be up with that eternal life forever, everlasting righteousness, what God call it. And I am praying that you that I listen to this, that you will understand this. If you are not committed to Christ, you better commit your life to Jesus Christ because he loves you. He came to die for you on the cross and he has completed his job. He says he is finished on the cross. His payment is made. His sacrifice is done. He says, "Tell them to come onto me or either live on every home and receive that eternal life." Christ will come and be living inside you. And that is the only hope of ever getting eternal life. Christ living inside us. That's what I possible me when the Christ is not the hope of blood. Look at this in the efficiency of that one. I was supposed to reveal the same thing when he was writing to the Christians, just like he was writing to the Colossians, telling about this mystery. Now in the efficiency of that one, verse 10, I was supposed to put some additional things he said. In the dispensation, let me start from verse 9. God have been made known to us. The mystery of his way, the same mystery was trying to explain. According to his good pleasure, which he has proposed in himself, God has had this plan in himself all along and the right time is showing you to the prophets. Some of them couldn't understand what you are writing in the Old Testament. That's in the New Testament, Holy Spirit is given to everybody that are following Christ. Holy Spirit, so that when the bishop picks it, he will explain it to you for that. That is one of the reasons why we can explain it for you, because it is the spirit of God that is the world of God is understood by revelation, not by the letter of the writings, but how you just interpret it in English. What you are seeing is more than English is the purpose and the plan of the root distance. What did he have in mind? What was it? What was it? He tried to tell us. That's what we are seeing. Not just the letters of the world. Some things cannot be written down in letters. It cannot be described properly in any language. But if you can get to the source, it will tell you what he actually tried to communicate. That is the myth, that's why we call it a revelation. Those of us who are saying this thing has been in God from the Father's kingdom of the world, and he is revealing to his prophets then at the end time he will send you to his sins, through the apostles and the prophets. And he says that in the dispensation of the fullness of times, he might gather together in one all things in Christ. He has got one together all things in Christ, all things together together in one, both which are in heaven and which are not even in him. Do you understand what he is saying? I give another analogy like this. Suppose the government wants to build a city, fresh from being crushed. We want to build a city. I know they did that in New England. We decided that they don't want to use Legos as a capital. So they went and did it also in Washington, D.C. Maybe New York was somebody in the place, that was capital in the early on, essentially. And then they decided they wanted to make you watch it in the city. So they have to carve a section of it. And then be you know all the things that need to be built. The same thing in many places. Well, to build this fresh city, then you get somebody that is going to be a program manager to oversee this project. No, sir. But when you are building a city, you are going to have to build houses, residential houses, offices, buildings, for the government that is going there, you are going to have to build roads, bridges, hospitals. And many things and those are all projects. Houses, the projects. Office building will be a project. Roads and bridges will be a project or just roads will be a project. Build is a project, restaurants, project, hospitals. Those are so many projects, just to say a city needs a city to do that. And all those projects will be headed by individual officials and they all build a one project or program manager. That's how they do it in a general environment. A one program manager who is overseeing all these things and all these projects managers are deporting to him and that's how government is known. That's how we build it. Now, God is saying the whole universe, the physical universe, God is going to bring the heavens and the earth under one person. Wow, who is going without one person? That's to be God himself, no sir. That's why God came like a woman being to go off and share this thing. It is God that manifests the universe. That's why God is with us. Jesus Christ is God manifesting the flesh because this is a priority. A woman being just a man with all the grossest noise in the mouth. God himself put all the human body to do this program in the project, to save humanity and bring them to everlasting righteousness and bring them that the glory back, connect them back to the electricity of God so that we can come back and glow again. It's a program, a project that takes so many facets and God says, I'll go through one man Abraham, from his seed I will bring the Messiah. I will come as the Messiah. From the seed I'll say the seed of the human, I'll come and brush the earth up and he'll say, I'll say, I'll say it in the beginning. And that was the plan of God. That's not just for this planet called God. He said, all this in heaven, as this universe is. And you can, scientists have told us, there are so many galaxies and the power clusters in the physical universe alone that you can see with telescope. And God said, since in heaven and since on the earth, we'll be brought under one authority, under Christ. And that's what happens. Paul was regretless. He said, it's a mystery. It was, if it's going to happen, that's not having made no one to us. The mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he has proposed in himself, that in the dispensation of the foolish after that is at the right time. So that's why it's been like six thousand years now, Christ came in the four thousand years. And now it's coming back again at the end of the two thousand years. And all this in the sense of God have been called, been prepared, been perfected, that are going to inherit these things. God has built and prepared and his colleagues to go to death. If you don't know what was already, if you are one of us, thank God and be humble. Thank God and be humble. And also walk with him. If you are not one of us, you are still thinking your religion of this or that is going to help you. Or you think we all come from monkeys, you need to repent and come to pride. Let him save your soul. You can be a member of this kingdom that we see is coming. And that's a possible explainer here. In the dispensation of the fullness of time, when it is right, I'm in his eyes, he might gather together in one. All things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth, even in him. That was the plan of God. And God has given us a kind of a prototype in the scriptures. Remember the story of Joseph in Egypt? It was like a prototype. After he went through all that he went through, through the dreams of visions. It was a time before, two before Pharaoh of that generation and told the dreams of Pharaoh to Pharaoh. And he said, "Oh, where can somebody that can do this?" He said, "You, God showing you this, you must be one that has the reason to be able to come and help us do this." And Pharaoh said, "You will be over all Egypt, only be above you by all the throne." That means, it makes your sense to be like Prime Minister. And you just be free to go ahead. Whatever Joseph says, goes over all Egypt. And that was exactly a prototype of what God was saying. God will not say, "I'm going to have to put all these universes and galaxies." Such a from this planet earth. Put on that one, eight, one person, and go to control it. So he has given us a prototype like that. He will try to put the same prototype to Daniel in Babylon. When the king of Pasha, that was the king, Darius, that was ruling there, went to say, "Well, Daniel, so, so, lawyer, I'm going to put all the president to be under him." And they didn't like that. And they put reliance on it. It's another prototype. I've got one to show to them. And that was what God said. He said, "I'm going to put this show universe on that one head." It's that good wrong head. Christ. That's what he said. He said, "Who is that Christ? I think somebody that could be able to again go against, you know, is my son. God himself comes down, puts on a human flesh and be like one of us." That's what Christ is. He himself came down and be like one of us. And so he said, "That's his one. I put my life, that life, and that's son. And you get that son in you and then you have his own life. And then he's going to be ruling duo universes. And he's calling people that are going to rule with him because you can't just rule without having somebody over this planet. Somebody over that galaxy. Somebody over that to talk closer. Somebody over this thing. That is what he's calling us on to. You better come on in. Come on in so that you can be one of the officers that is calling. And that is the plan of God. That's why he said, "We are joined here with Christ." We know what was happening here. We are here it is something. Yes. We are here so good. Join here with Christ. Everything that God has created that you see, the scientists are looking at this sky and you see all those galaxies and the planets and they say, "Are they empty?" "I condemn so many and they are all empty." Wow. If they are all empty, then God has a plan for we human beings. What keeps the human beings to this place? These are the beings and people say, "Let's just keep this video." No, that's the plan of the devil. We want to keep these videos. No. God has a plan. If we want to tell us to properly this place and move to other planets, that's his plan all along. But it's not going to be true this short field that we are making because that's not going to take us far. All the engineers are already using an electromagnetic transportation. Let me call it electromagnetic. It turns into waves and we can turn into waves. We are here. We are going to run and try to build a rocket and go to shoot us and take out from even without rocket. Now how many months just to get to the moon or to get to Mars, that the galaxy is so full. That's what God is saying. He has a plan for mankind and Christ is ahead and he's now calling you to come and be in his body. We are members of his body and you are saying you do well to come on in if you are not in already. And if you are in, quickly your pace is submissiveness to the early experience and it's working, it's working us. That's all we are praying for. The Lord helps us to submit to new prompting of this field of God so that we can be perfected. Above us, we are coming the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God to be a perfect man, to the measure of the structure of the fullness of Christ and we also have to come to that fullness of these Lord Jesus Christ. That's all that this message he's talking about and I'm telling you right now the Lord loves you and is calling you. Come on in. Come and be part of this kingdom. In chapter 14, let me run around before we join chapter 14. Verse 22 and 23. John chapter 14 verse 22 and 23. That's the gospel of John chapter 14. This is the Lord Jesus Christ that was talking and actually he wanted to reveal most of this into the opposite, the also. So sorrowful, when he told them about the cross, he said, He had mentioned to say I won't be able to say right now but you will come and reveal more to him. In John chapter 14 verse 22 and 23, it's Jude who was called Jude as he. He said, not this period. He asked him a lot. Oh, you see that thou will manifest that I say unto the Lord and not unto the world. And Jesus said unto him, If a man loved me, he will keep my words and my father will love him. And we will come unto him and make our own board with him. That is the secret that is your dropping dead. The father and the son we believe in inside you, making this our board which you don't just live in your house inside us, in this universe. That's the Christ's duality in our heart by feet. So Christ is in me and because the father is in Christ, the father and the son are in me. And that is what he was saying right. I say, if a man let me read it to you. John chapter 14, gospel of John chapter 14 verse 23. Jesus answered and said unto him and to Jude and to the rest of the apostles. If a man loved me, which is what you see, do you love Jesus? You already loved us first. If we keep my words, if you love me, keep my words, what is his word? Love one another is his word. Then I'm biding him because people say, I don't need Jesus. I just love him. Everybody says, no, you have to have Jesus in you to love everybody. Acceptably. You love everybody as acceptably before God. You have to first partake of the sacrifice that saved mankind from here. This is the world, the body of Jesus that was crucified for us. If a man loved me, if he keep my words and my father will love him and we will come to him and make our blood with him. So that is the summary of Christ in us. When we accept him as a lot as if he will come, the father and son living inside us. God says, please say, we are two or three. I got to get my name. They are a man in the midst of death. Then you will be living inside us and we will be accepted inside and we will be perfected. And then we have that glory back because when it turns on, the light from our spirit is shining and cover us with light. As our logics got manifested, we appeared to a person in the park when it was going to pass through the creases in our little Damascus. So a ball of light inside a ball of light, all the logics guys that spoke to him. He heard his voice. So that is how we at the end when we come to that glory, we will be able to legit, legit end up frequency I was given a high analogy. I said, all these things that are troubling mankind is safe viruses corona virus. People already said they are some things that are invisible microbes copic organisms that are troubling mankind and that will be loose or through the air or through the skin whatever it is. But you know that there are some electric balls called it ultraviolet light. As if you have ultraviolet light and you turn it on your house, according to that they say it killed all those integrals, those viruses. Our spirit is expected to generate those frequencies at will when it generates frequency of light that you can see the visible light as when it glows like light as you can see a ball of light. You can also generate frequencies that is invisible. If it generates, if our body turns so invisible, we will just disappear. We will just see that abnormal, you don't see me anymore. But if it generates the frequency of white light, you just see white light like a ball of light or just a trace of human beings. That was what a sicker saw. When we leave the sicker, when we got manifested in the, in the cubes. He said only the truth about these cubes was the appearance of a man. And he described this man from his nose upwards like pillars of fire. From his nose upwards like lots of fire. That is, he was glowing that light, the frequency that you can see. When his appearance changes, you can see this animal. Same way, X-ray that is used to take the photo of your bones. You can see that the extra coming through to you. That is invisible frequency that can injure us. Now if you change to extra, extra frequency, that just appears also. What I am trying to say then is, all of those jumps that, the particular frequency of electromagnetic wave will have destroyed them, they will be able to be produced from our spirit. That will make all those jumps not to push us. That's why we cannot be hurt in mortality. When we agree in mortality, that is our state. When Christians are given the mortality, because only the only, those guys say only as in mortality, Christ as in mortality. And when we are turned on into that light, we will be immortal also. And then any insect, mosquitoes biting people, we will rot off their skin, that they don't bite off. The octopus, why would be that? And then it's necessary in that play, why? Because we need some frequency that mosquitoes will all know when they come near. Visible insects, or invisible insects like microscopy insects, like insects or something, they will all not die or be destroyed by that frequency of electromagnetic waves. That is what God created in human beings, like Adam lost. Christ has brought it back, and it's asking you come and get it. That is the process to get to it. A process of perfection that we are all going to now, when we are giving us the Holy Spirit, that's why we give every believer the Holy Spirit. See, this process is on to you and to your children and to us. As many as are far over, a lot of our gods are called. So the only problem of the Holy Spirit is for every believer. So we give all the Holy Spirit that this thing is to walk, Holy Ghost is to walk this work in us in perfecting us, in humility, perfecting us in submissiveness to the Holy Ghost, perfecting us in divine love because God is love, because he wants us to walk in love to be like him. We have to be like him the way he wants us to live or not. That is why he's walking this work to make us perfect. And when we are ready, then it's going to turn us on, turn the light on and we will be glowing like the Lord's skies. For the Christ he knows his job, for that glory, like I said, and everlasting righteousness is what he has brought about. Oh, he's cementing it. Christ living inside us, we will be controlled from inside, so that we are number to fall like soon Lucifer, who fell through pride. We are not going to fall like other who fell through this ability. Why? Because now we are being given everlasting righteousness, that we are being controlled from inside. I pray that he loves to make you understand this and make you to submit to this and want it. It's like it is God that walketh and not to will and to do of his good places. So he's trying to use it so that you can also will it. If you will come to him, come to Jesus, and then he will do it through you. It's cooperation between us and the Father, between us and the Holy Spirit in us. I pray that Lord will give you understanding. God bless you. Amen. [Music] [Music] [Music] (upbeat music) (upbeat music)