Restoration of our body
I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video, and I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video. I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video, and I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video. I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video, and I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video. I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video, and I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video. I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video, and I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video, and I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video. I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video, and I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video. I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video, and I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video, and I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video, and I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video, and I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video, and I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video, and I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video, of five you will see that the generation of Adam, they are in longevity. Aside from the book of Genesis 5 you see, Dabu said, "Pasteel said Adam lived 130 years and bigger his son in his own likeness and after his image and college name said, 'And this of Adam after he had because he said he was 800 years and he begows sons and daughters.' And all the days that Adam lived were 930 years and he died, 930 years close to his millenium. Dabu said, 'A day with the Lord is like a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.' So from that understanding we see that when God told Adam that in the day that there it is of the forbidden fruit, in that day that shall surely die. A day with the Lord is a thousand years. That's why Adam did not live to see the one thousand year mark. Now you can see the rest of all the seed of Adam from that fourth generation. The longest, the one that lived in the longest among them is when we come to Methuselah in Genesis 5 was 25. I was keeping up for a moment because this is a specific case. We are allowed to say we not see this. Methuselah lived on 187 years and begatlamic. Methuselah lived after he begatlamic 782 years and begat sons and daughters. And all the days of Methuselah were 960 and 9 years and he died. 969 years was the longest in that generation except the man that was not to see it which is Enoch. In verse 21 of Genesis 5 we see the story of Enoch. An Enoch lived 60 and 5 years and begatmed Methuselah. By the way, Enoch walked with God after he begat Mehtuselah, 300 years and begat sons and daughters. And all the days of Enoch were 360 and 5 years. And by the way, Enoch walked with God and he was not for God took him. Enoch was the exception in that generation that God took him that he should not see it. And you can see the reference of that in Hebrew chapter 11 verse 5 we are opposed to Paul the writer of Hebrews referred to Enoch the fate of Enoch that walked with God and please go to verse 5. Enoch was translated that he should not see it and was not found because God had translated him for before his translation. He had this testimony that he pleased God but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that commit to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. So we see that the first generation of mankind from Adam after the fall they live for close to 1000 years but God allowed them to to be taken away because he has given them ultimatum to Adam. He was 17. He said but of the three of the knowledge of good and evil thou shall not eat of it for in the day. In the day. That is the key. That thou eat, test thou, thou shall surely die. So a day without it as a thousand years. So that day that eat of the fruit of the forbidden fruit he did not live for 1000 years. He was caught down at 930 years, 930 years. Now I brought this to our understanding to make us to see that but from the beginning chapter 2 God did not plan for human beings to die. You can see that because he said he did that day eat of the fruit with knowledge of good and evil in that day they shall die. And that was why Adam did not clock 1000 years because 1000 years is like one day in the eyes of the Lord. So we can see God did not plan for human beings to die to put away this type of clock flesh. So when Adam and the generation of Adam were dying, they were dying close to 1000 years, 930 years and the next one now or something years and the next one and all and all. Metruzla lived the longest, he said all the days of Metruzla were 969 years, 969 years and he still died. You may say it is at the same calendar, yes 969 years, the same writer went further and reduced the ages as they moved further and further forward. However, God was revealing because God will never live himself without a witness. He was revealed to that generation after Adam that by just by revelation of the preaching of the world or the inspired inspiration of the Holy Ghost that they kindly possess what Adam lost. They kindly possess what Adam lost if they will walk with God. And you will see a Bible world that alluded to that in Genesis chapter 4 from verse 26 of Genesis chapter 4. If the Bible said when Adam is so upset and to say to him also there was born a son and he called his name Aenos, the Bible said then began men to call upon the name of the Lord. And just like Bible said if you seek me you shall find me when you just seek me with all of your hearts. So men began to call upon the name of the Lord from the from the line of self and so we can easily understand that God was revealed to them what caused death, what caused it fall. And if they will come back to God they might be able to recover, repossess what Adam lost. And when men began to call upon the name of the Lord we come to the age where Enoch was able to please God. Because faith comes by hearing and people are growing in faith and some go to this measure some go to that measure but Enoch please God and he was not forgot to him. And to slide the son of Enoch lived the longest which means he got some revelation from inside from his father out to work with God but he did not made the mark of going to go away without seeing death. However he lived the longest nine hundred and sixty nine years. Now I brought this like I said I brought this in inspiration, the version to you in this radio land and from this expression to point to the fact that God did not intend for man to die. The fall brought the death and for Uma means to be able to die there has to be the destruction of the physical body, disintegration of the physical body and that was where diseases and sicknesses crept in old age crept in to where the physical body down until they can die. So you can see that the first man Adam took nine and thirty years for that physical body to disintegrate to die. Now when you then go to Genesis chapter six let's see what we can see in the book of Genesis chapter six. Now we have come to the descendants of Noah to the generation of Noah after Metuzla came the son of Metuzla Lamek and the son of Lamek Noah. So Noah was the grandson of Metuzla being a great grandson of Enoch that never died and we are descendants of Noah so we can now claim if you believe it it means we can claim the inheritance that we have in the Enoch that never died. Some people said you can inherit the cavity even the doctors will tell you if you see some trouble in your body they said well do you grab parents of this disease do your parents of this disease and you may say it is hereditary. Now that is how far if they want to go hereditary maybe they would think that this is hereditary the cause of seeing longevity is also hereditary. So if longevity we are thinking of your grandparents. Now if I can go as far back as Enoch I would say immortality which Enoch asks is also hereditary that's how I have been pushing this immortality which Enoch asks is also hereditary and so I am claiming that hereditary of Enoch to never see this and the Lord that is going to make it happen because it is the Lord that gave it to Enoch he has said it again just like he will to the generation Enoch he has said it again to our generation in the person of the Lord Jesus I want to say very very very very I say unto you if a man keep my sin he shall never see death. I always come back to that Bible world because that is the key Bible world that the Lord Jesus Christ is like pumping his fist pumping his fist that he is the one that kept that we keep and that kept human beings and that we keep human beings he was one that kept Enoch alive he is the one that is still going to keep anyone that is going to resurrect because they bring them alive that's why he is the resurrection and he is alive the Lord Jesus Christ see he named really the fullness of the Godhead bodily the Lord Jesus Christ is the solution is the answer to humanity the answer to the problem of mankind Jesus Christ is the answer that's why we call him Savior and when he was I have what I say very very I say unto you if a man keep my sin and you use the world a man since individual if a man keep my sin he shall never see that this is not a fully given right it's an individual claiming it like he double said he listed the generation of Adam and it's individual person Adam lived this long and he died and the next one lived this long and he died the next one lived this long and he died and he died and then he come to Enoch he said if a man is individual go reveal to them they can only possess what Adam lost and there comes one man Enoch and he walked we got and he pleased God I go say this we don't see this if a man keep my sin he shall never see this now we are to aspire to keep his sin pursue after Christ and we shall never see that it is a ready tree it is not just fully given it is individually you can repossess it repossess it from God that's really what it is God gave it to Adam freely Adam lost it God is trying to say every any individual can come back and repossess it individually something that the old marriage would have inherited just by being human beings through Adam Adam lost it first man lost it so now it is now individual come back to God and collect it and Christ came to bring it close after us to the deep mankind and now this is we are really I'm going this someone because you will see that God promised that he promised restoration isn't it now when you see we restore we're going to see how this thing degenerates so that you can see our restoration also we come to take place it degenerates from Adam that was expected to have immortality and he lost it and then he ended up dying in the day that he ate this forbidden fruit that day he died not so then degeneration from that time of in dying at 100 and 800 years 900 years now Adam night on a 30 years metusala 969 years and down and down it gets lower and lower and when he comes to guarantee after six the baba said terrible more terrible things were apparent body out I read verse three I'm going to skip the section where he talks about the sons of God and the daughters of men because the immorality the the trouble troubles increased because of this knowledge of good and evil same was introduced into the human human race same was introduced from kin and the knowledge of good and evil brought more in equity most in the baba said the sons of God the daughters of men they in tamarit and there have been many people that believe that those are the angels that try to be washed over the earth they became fallen angels that indeed these are interactive with women on earth so what I believe that it was the line of Cain that got sent in anyway because Cain seems to be not he's only seal of Adam and he was the seed of this happened so that man of Cain separated from from line of set and after many centuries they intermarried again that is what many people believe really was being describing whether they were fallen angels or the land of king both are possible because fallen angels have been noticed that evil they are still manifesting in these generation doing some evil things so that is why this we come to you in chapter six verse three and the last said my spirit shall not always thrive with man for that he also is flesh yet is there shall be an hundred and twenty years now i brought these baba was into this someone to make to see that this is the fourth time that it was declared how long human beings will live he said is this shall be an hundred and twenty years so from Adam living for nine hundred and some of them live in eight or eight years and but to slowly for nine six nine years on and on back of four back of one disappeared not seeing that then God said even more unique it was increasing sons of God and daughters of men of intermarity that giants were pointing out and God said i will just call their life short to one more than twenty years so that was first mentioned in Genesis chapter six verse three so you can see how the how the humanity begin to degenerate from immortality that they used the true of the true of art to Adam coming to one one day they never leave for one day nine or something years which is close to one thousand but they didn't quirk one thousand years that's one day in the mind of God and so then come to this Genesis chapter six where they are now just living because say now it's gonna be one or around twenty years because of my spirit shall not always thrive with man he also is flesh that is both those that are in line of set and they are in line of king they are also they are flesh now they are both human beings they are all also all flesh and so let's just call their life to one twenty years maybe the line of sets what is where to be the righteous line the line of king were expected to be the ongoing line they could have been caught in their life short by the modern and all these we get in going on in the line of king and the line of set was living to eight hundred years they they are also mixing up because they are just called their whole life also the one on our twenty years and the engines that fall fall in ages that became a man means and put on them on flesh they were also arrested and locked up according to the book of the books of apocrypha book of you know mentions some of those things now let's go for that you can see we are in the book Genesis chapter six verse three got called the life span of mankind to one hundred and twenty years now big deal so big deal to see that when the Lord promised that he will restore you will see our restoration will also be take place but right now we are seeing our degeneration degeneration of mankind took place from Adam through one thousand years they never leave one thousand years now it's come now to one twenty years and then because of sin and weakness and also because of all the solutions in the world let's go to the book of Psalms you see in the generation of David it was so pathetic in that generation that they were not able to even meet one twenty year mark you can see in the days of Moses Moses lived for one hundred and twenty years thus God promised in the book of generation chapter six that will be one twenty years for for man that was why Moses lived for one twenty years and even then his strength did not obey so he didn't die because of all the God simply decided to take him up to let him die because of this sin that was recorded I promise it now when we came to the book of Genesis our book of Psalms here is what King David wrote in the book of Psalms but actually the most David I wrote the book was said in the book Psalm Psalm 90 in the book of Psalms Psalm 90 from verse eight and verse nine is where I'm going he said for all our days I passed away in the I wrote so we spent a while years as a child that is told and what they said in days of our years are three score years and ten that's 70 years because when you look at the age of King David you only live for about what 70 or 80 years and so David was what that was love mentioned in this Psalm 90 and he said for all our days are passed away in the I wrote we spent our years as a teacher that is told the days of our years are three score years and ten that's 70 years and if by reason of strength they before score years yet it is their strength label I'm sorry for it is so caught off I will fly away so in the days of King David he was like mentioned that the strongest among them was living only to 80 years so you can see that from 120 years I got promised in the book of Genesis chapter six that's reduced to 80 years by the time of the days of King David we can see now in generation maybe we have been able to get some America helped and many discoveries like that we said knowledge and increased that is making people to live up to 100 and something years 90 something years 120 years even now but it's still 115 120 years bigger than back as far back to the days of Moses for those that are going to live that are living that long it even in this our generation of the 2000 2015 2017 from the 1990s but the book what I'm trying to bring us to is to see that God promised restoration through the Messiah and when we believe in the restoration that God promised through the Messiah we have to believe that he's going to restore us gradually back to the days of Adam and not only that but to that immortality which is what I'm preaching we have told me to preach that he is restoring us back to immortality that's good for the to the prophecy of Joel chapter two because God started promising prophesying of what he will do through his profess even in the old Testament profess and the book of Joel chapter two God promised the restoration which is actually not just restoration of the nation of history I was talking about the human race. Joel chapter verse 25 said and I will restore to you the years and the low cost as eaten. We can come and the caterpillar and the power of my great army which I sent among you so that restoration is not just restoring their food and their drinks which we can say anybody can claim that the God's promise is can be claimed anytime anywhere we can claim the promise for for our help that he will restore us you can claim the promise of God for your life for you for your for everything you want to you can you can apply to so God is promising that even though he sent this army even the destruction of human human beings is like an army an army of diseases because if you look at what are causing diseases you say jams bacteria viruses are those living things are the living things yes if you say they are living things that are trying to live inside the body of umabis that is chilling their body down where who created living things God created living things so then you can say if you say if the is army that is sent among them among human beings so you can apply this probably was to everything that trouble you might be going to have you restore and drive that northern and so we restore to you the years that the locals the caterpillar can't come up on the form of us it migrates army so God sent all of those things upon human beings in a way you say wait god this god sent them or it's the cetera senate god was god was responsible god takes responsibility for this even those cetera employees upon human race the god took responsibility why because even in the days of group when it when group when group was a free type of solidarity this god took responsibility for it but towards the devil that implemented it set and implemented all those routes but now god has restored us back to himself class is reconciling men onto god so that we can repossess our our our inheritance and that is where this someone is giving getting us to god and say are we restore and now when he's going to restore us back to the plan of god in the beginning which is the plan of god is for them to live on this plan and subdue this act and the plan does not include death physical death so it's good to restore us god is planning to restore to you the years that the can cover us eating that is the promise of god for mankind not the long term into the nation of history for mankind and Christ has come to bring us back and just this way in the book of john christ said the thief commit not is the thief sitan and everything that we have struggling with is the thief that is all being human beings of our peace of mind rubbing human beings of our health and rubbing human beings of our of our life and we put everything and it's called his sitan or the devil the christ said but i am calm but just after change gospel of just after same verse i said the thief commit not both for to steal and to kill and to destroy i am calm that day might have life and the day might have it more are born gently so Christ has come that we may have life and have it more are born gently what is this life this life that Adam lost in the beginning which is immortality god is restoring but Christ has come that we may have that life and have it more importantly so now the restoration is what Christ has brought and that is why this scripture is telling us in many wars in the second temple chapter 1 verse 10 the devil said Christ has abolished death which is actually the ultimate punishment for mankind in the day that our each day there of that is our surely die so which means is the ultimate death for mankind is the is the mortality and second temple chapter 1 verse 10 says Christ has brought life and immortality to life through the gospel in this gospel that we preach that's blood life and immortality to life second temple chapter 1 verse 10 and that was also why Christ said it is given to individual now it has to be individually called claimed Christ said of himself very very i see unto you if he might keep my saying he shall never see death it's restoring us back that when individually can come back to him which i've got called the collect or the possess blood Adam lost which is immortality which is immortality you know possible to get it he gave it to a like daddy provest where the daddy is going to come back but some people are doing that he's going to come back because he's like no that's not he's avoiding that there's a different reason for that but i will not go into that in the moment but that also part of prophecy is being fulfilled google also say oh we have to fulfill all righteousness so but i will leave that for a long time but this is gospel distribution ministry and i want you to write to ros so that you can get some more exercise i just put a law we opened your understanding to see that what Adam lost in the garden of evening Christ has come to restore us back to that paradise of God where we can partake of the tree of life because you see when Adam lost it what did i would say about the tree of life God say he has to drive them out of the garden so that they do not partake of the tree of life and live forever so this living forever which is immortality is what Adam lost and God is going to bring us back to that immortality which is what is telling me to preach and we have to believe that we have to overcome this physical death and it's part of it immortality is going to mankind at the end and this is what the Lord is saying so that they do not partake of the tree of life and live forever in their condition of sin God says they don't know he doesn't want them to be in that condition of sinful nation and living on the physical earth forever that's why he drove out of the garden and where the garden may not really be physical it's a revelation that we talked about about that later some other time but God drove them out of the garden so that they will not put forth their hands and eat of the tree of life and live in that condition of sin knowledge of good and evil doing evil forever but 32 of generation after three and it was got said behold the man has become as one of us to know good and evil and now let's he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever let's he live forever in this condition therefore it all goes same thing forth from the garden of Eden to tear the ground from whence he was sick so he drove out the man and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden shadow beams and a fleeting sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life now the revelations involving that which have not gotten that right now but we are run out of time in the next broadcast we continue this discussion about restoration of humanity of mankind back to the garden of Eden back to the mortality that Adam lost which is what Christ has brought everything is fulfilling Christ in Messiah and that is why he said he lost it to the Messiah "Exceed that, my right hand, shall I make thy enemies thy foot too" and we are the body of Christ God is making our enemies which is all the enemies of mankind is the same that brought Adam down and all the diseases that tear the body of Adam down and the death that finally destroyed Adam in the first place but God is restoring us back so that we are going to overcome this disease overcome same which is the first one overcome diseases Christ has given us the power of our diseases and diseases in my name these are cast on the loose these are lay on and the sick and the sick are recovered and finally overcome the physical death also because by the way the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death first condition after 15 was 25 the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death so you can see how God is restoring us back if you like listening to me on this radio broadcast you are not even a believer in Christ you are not partaking of this you go to come to Christ and force be safe from your sin through the Lord Jesus Christ he is the only one that can save mankind from their sin by the born again experience anyone that is in Christ you become a new creature oh it is a positive way and your earth is become new Christ has to be living inside you Jesus is his name that you have to call upon to come and live inside you and take sinful nature from you then the sin nature is death with then he gave us power to lay upon our own sick and recover then you have power over sickness and diseases so that you can overcome those and then the final thing like I said sin disease and sickness and then death the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death and this is the age that God is telling us to preach that he has given us the authority over death even the physical death so that he can restore mankind back to that immortality that Adam loves not only one person now he's going to restore the bunch of believers a band of believers saints of the most I go I go to repose that immortality and this is the age that he's going to bring it to us after all time we shall send some more exhaustion God bless you Talk to you again next time.