

Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
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Restoration of our body
I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video, and I'm going to do a little bit of a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, and I'm going to do a quick video, I'm not going to go into that message. It's a different message about why the Lord said the seat of the woman and didn't say the seat of Adam. It looked like it was the problem. The struggle is between the substance and the woman and the serpent and Adam. It looked like it was between the serpent and the woman also. The woman said the serpent beguired me. Didn't come and beguired Adam. It beguired the woman. So the fight is between the serpent and the woman. And God said, I will put the enemy between the and the woman. He said I will put the enemy between the and the Adam. No, it's between the and the woman. Let me read it again. I will put the enemy between the and the woman. And between the seat and the hard seat. Well, it's actually prophetic. However, it has a consultation that is actually the seat of the woman that God was talking about. God already knew that it was going to bring the message to the seat of the woman and not to the seat of Adam. Because God Himself is going to come in the form of a man being. That's why He was saying to a woman. God Himself from heaven, the law of the man is going to come to redeem mankind. There is going to come through a woman. That's why He called it the seat of the woman and not the seat of Adam. No, it's the seat of the woman. Because He Himself is a bit of a seat. God Himself is a bit of a seat as we come through a woman to destroy the serpent. Not the physical karma, it is Satan. And let's look at where that was fulfilled. When the logistics came, you see here that the Bible says Christ has destroyed the devil. In Hebrew, in the Gospel, in the letter of Hebrew chapter 2. And point some things out to you, but maybe it will be too different. Some of you, but I know that Lord will open your lesson to see that the logical we are following is the Lord of all. And if you are not following Him, you are going to come and follow Jesus. Because my modernism islam or any other false religion will not lead you to heaven. There are all the trucks, the trucks, the devil put upon the air to make people avoid going to heaven. To make people not follow Jesus. But the truth, we set you free. And the Lord Jesus says, "I am the way, I am the truth, and the life." Jesus says, "The truth." Now in Hebrew chapter 2, there is what the Bible says that Jesus Christ has destroyed Him that tells the power of death. That is the devil. That's 14. Hebrew chapter 2 verse 14. For as much then as the children of partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself talking about the Lord God from heaven. That I mentioned in Genesis chapter 3 that the professor at the seat of the woman with bruised the head of the serpent. And He Himself will be the seat of the woman because He is going to come from every Himself and the entire woman. And the woman will be like us, as it may say it. And that's what happens when Paul in this letter of Hebrews was referred to when he said, "We are the children, we are the children, we are the protectors of flesh and blood." He also Himself likewise took part of the same. That He also took on flesh and blood. The true death, He might destroy Him that had the power of death. That is the devil. This is the devil again. That is Christ's true death. He destroyed Him that had the power of death. That is the devil. Which means Christ destroyed the devil. That is what the Bible was prophesying in the book of Genesis chapter 3 that we read that the seat of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent. He also said that sometimes he will bruise the heel. What is the heel? At the bottom of the feet. He will bruise the heel. And you see what does that really mean? It's prophesying that he will allow the devil to pass across the followers of Jesus Christ. Because we are the body of Christ. Christ is the head. And your Church of God, the Church of Jesus Christ is the body. Which means at the end of the world we see the feet part. At the end of the world we see the feet of the church. The end of the world is the feet. That is where the devil will pass across and we will be bruising the heel. Those who are the following Christ. And you see that in the book of Revelation when he said he went against those who are stepping the commandment of God and having a testimony of Jesus. The devil went against them in persecution. Now that is where God permitted that the serpent will bruise the heel of the seat of the woman. And that seat of the woman is God himself as the head and the church as the body. So I say we are walking through a movie that has been pre-recorded. So what God is telling us is that now you do well to believe. And to come to Jesus Christ and be safe. And a set is restoration so that you can be partakers of this inheritance of will that have been redeemed and going to be restored to that immortality that Adam lost in the getting. And let me begin to tell about this redemption. And the plan of that redemption that God was fulfilling Christ. Let me first start by telling what the angel spoke to Daniel in Daniel chapter 9. Which were all fulfilled in the Lord Jesus Christ. Daniel prayed and prayed and prayed concerning Israel. He was talking about Israel, Jerusalem, God that was where he came from. But God was going to reveal to him to Daniel which is actually revealed to the human race through Daniel the plan of God. Through the Messiah we come through Israel. It's not just the Messiah for Israel, it's not just the Messiah for Israel, it's the Messiah for the whole world. Like he was saying in the book of Genesis, the seed of the woman will come and bruise the head of the serpent. He was already having a man who is going to come. He is going to come through the line of Isaac, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God has to have a stepping stone. So he plans to come through the line of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob back through Abraham. The old world which had to be blessed is what they promised. You see the Jews that were followed up, they don't believe Jesus Christ. They are problem with that because the theology was twisted. But before that before Christ came. And so they were all in this agreement with the support that was preaching to the Gentiles. They thought they should not be preaching to the Gentiles. And the angels revealed to Dany in the Dany chapter 9. And this is what the angel was saying in the form of a cold. Telling Dany that there are seven things that are determined in verse 24 of Dany chapter 9. The angel was sent to Dany and said, from verse 33, Dany said at the beginning of that the angel said, "I am calm now to give this key and understand the old Dany. Is it at the beginning of the supplications and the commandment came forth and I am calm to show you for that I greatly beloved be therefore understand the matter and consider the vision." And this is the vision as good as telling. Seventy weeks. Now those seventy weeks are prophetic weeks. They are symbolizing something which I may not give you. There have been many many prophets, many bishops have given many of that seventy weeks. Many generally agree on the same thing that each week is representing a day for a year. It will be like seventy years for a week. And when you multiply seventy it was defined as something years and then a long week was postponed. And all those things are in prophetic in capitalism. But let me tell you what it says we are upon in those seventy weeks. Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city. To finish the transgression. Now take note of that. To finish the transgression. And we are finishing transgression. Whether we have seen transgression in Israel along with Israel, we are going to have to finish that transgression. We want you to have to finish the transgression. We have to do the biggest of all. We want to be the biggest transgression of all. We kill the messiah. That will be the biggest transgression of all the committed adultery. We went to worship idols here. They were watching men that made them to be driven away from the land in the days of Nebuchadnezzar. And they were taken to Babylon down. They were restored from Babylon back to the land. And the idea is saying they are going to have to finish the transgression. But you see, within the seventy weeks they will finish the transgression. So what will be the greatest transgression? Well, let's see the greatest transgression. If God himself comes down, I say, "Mami, are you killing?" We have to be the greatest transgression of all, transgression of all, and also. So he says to finish this transgression. And to make an end of sins, there is a purpose for this. God said, "It is still has been pre-recorded before the functional world. We are walking through a movie." Now he said, "I will be making an end of sins." Now I will point to you that all of this was fulfilled in the Lord Jesus Christ. That is making an end of sins is that redemption that is given through us, being born again. Born again experience that is said, "Unless a man is born again, he cannot see the king of God." It's making an end of sin in our individual lives. Is there anyone that is in Christ becoming a new creature? All things are passed away and the all things become new. So an end of sins is an end of the same food nature of mankind. And that is what the angel was prophesying, will be fulfilled with all these things. But everything is wrapped up in the Messiah, be crucified and be sacrificed for mankind. A tool made for sin, for human is, it is fulfilled in the Messiah. And you see that prophesied in this story chapter 9, verse 24. So, I am pointing out what the angel says to flee the transgressions in his first one, to make an end of sins, which is the sacrifice for sin. And I said to make reconciliation for iniquity. Something, what am I reconciliation for iniquity? That is God was in Christ, God was in Christ reconciling man unto himself. God was in Christ reconciling man unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them. Look at that in the second chapter 5. In the second chapter 5, God was in Christ Jesus reconciling man unto himself. That is in verse 18. And you see everything the apostle was revealed in the book of the letters of the apostle Paul to the Corinthians, to the Ephesians. It is actually from the revelation that God gave to him. From all these old things, many prophets corroborated them. Like I said, this is why I recorded it before the foundation of the world. At the right time God revealed to his prophets. And when the Messiah came at the right time, he started revealing to our apostles what the planets are so that they could understand the plan of God. And that is why they are appreciating it. And we are believing, we are telling you also. In verse 17 of the second chapter 5, this is where the apostle Paul said, if any man be in Christ, that is, if you have accepted Jesus Christ as a Lord, as if he is a new creature, all things have passed away, but all things have become new. So that is the born again experience when you come to Christ and you are born again. But it is said, and all things are of God who has reconciled to himself by Jesus Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation. In verse 19, it is what I am going to read, that God was saying Christ reconciling the world unto himself. It is not just reconciling the Jews, you know, reconciling the world unto himself. Not imputing their trespasses of them and as committed unto all the world of reconciliation. So God is reconciling humanity back to himself. So you that is listening to me, it is electro-Jesus Christ, God is reconciling humanity back to himself. So if you have not accepted Jesus as a Lord and said, you need to repent quickly and accept Jesus and be reconciled to God so that you can give up a particular of this restoration back to the Adamic Garden of Eden back to the mortality that Adam lost. Remember that back to the mortality that Adam lost. So, as you will see, he said God was reconciling the world unto himself. And that was what the India was prophesying to Danny and Danny Chapter 9 was 24 that I was reading. Where he said there will be reconciliation in that same 17 weeks will be reconciliation for iniquity. And then he said to bring in everlasting righteousness. He said, wow, God is good to bring in everlasting righteousness. When people are turned from sin to sense, it becomes sense of God. He is giving us everlasting righteousness because our righteousness is not our own. It is God's own righteousness implanted into us. So they are righteousness is of me, said God. He is beginning everlasting righteousness is like we cannot see anymore. That is what God is planned for the sons of men that is making a new, is making a new creature. That cannot sin anymore. You see, where Adam is that he created a fridge from the dust, sinned. But God is saying this time he is beginning everlasting righteousness. That is, he is going to renew weight, renew these people and he will not be able to sin anymore everlasting. So you can see that the plan of God is powerful and is eternal through the Lord Jesus Christ. And say, oh, it's got to feel that everlasting righteousness by being given us the Holy Spirit that is taken over our lives. The Holy Spirit is taken over our lives. And that is what is planned. And he has not completed yet. He says he is giving us from glory onto glory onto the image of his son. We have to come to that the fullness of the structure of Christ. That is the everlasting righteousness. That's the Father I say, and my Father I want, we will become one with the Father and we cannot sin ever. Why? Because the India prophesied it to bring in everlasting righteousness. For these people, not just these people think this for you. No, this is for the people that is redeeming it. And we are asking you that you listen to me. If you are not one of us, if you are not beloved, we believe in Christ. Come and be redeemed back to God. Be reconciled to God right now. Because you can receive of that everlasting righteousness that God is bringing to the sins of the most I go. The believer in Christ Jesus. And the last thing you can say will be done is to seal up the vision of prophecy and to annoy the most holy. So those are all the things that are full of fear in the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. Because when Christ came, he said, "Unless you believe that I am here," that is the one that wants to come to do this thing. And you will die in your sins. And if they die in their sins, they are lost. Because it is only true in Jesus Christ that we have been redeemed. True in Jesus Christ, we have become a new creature. True in the Lord Jesus Christ is bringing out the everlasting righteousness. True in the Lord Jesus Christ is bringing out the reconciliation for inequity. Reconcure, reconcilement and to himself, not imping the address, process of the realm. And he has also given us this ministry of reconciliation so that we can tell people, to come and be reconciled to God. Making an end of sins, that is the new nature is created in us, as many as receiving to then give he power to become the sons of God. If you receive Jesus Christ, he gave you this power, the new born again experience, to become sons of God. So that you are now a new creature in Christ Jesus. That is making an end of sins. Now, the figure of the transgenerator I have already mentioned, that was clean the Messiah, God from heaven. Being killed or not, that is the greatest of transmission. And that's what he just said, to finish the transgression. It's one of the things that more accomplished in that 17 weeks, that it is to bring in the everlasting righteousness, which goes as a plan for mankind. And you do well to believe, and to come and be a particle of this, of this divine nature that Christ has brought all through. And let me read Luke chapter 21. I hope to read Luke chapter 21, because Christ is the same way, you begin to see all the same redemption is near. The redemption that we are talking about now, is the completion of this redemption of our body. The Romans chapter 8, verse 23, opposite part mentioned, the redemption of our body. Because this thing, like I said, goes how we restore. It takes gradual, gradual, gradual changes for humanity to come to degradation. And God is going to restore us gradually also. Forcy, because in New Christian and Christ Jesus, they give us power of us, sicknesses and diseases. And in the end, we are going to, we have a total of our data and things. And then we are changing from glory onto glory, onto the image of the Son of God. So it was also gradual change that God is doing to make it everlasting righteousness. In the book of Romans chapter 8, verse 23, opposite part wrote here. That we know that from verse 23, we know that the all creation grown and traveled in pain together until now. And not only that, but ourselves also, which are the first fruits of the Spirit. Even when we ourselves grow within ourselves, waiting for the adoption to reach the redemption of our body. Now, we are talking about indigestion up till now. All of us are waiting for the redemption of our body. Now we have been redeemed, our soul has been redeemed, our spirit has been redeemed. That's when we are no more sinners. Because the Spirit is the one that is making a new creature. So that all things are possible, the atomic symphony show is completely destroyed. And a new creation in us is the Spirit, you know, that God has made a new creature in us. We are born again. Now, our physical body has not been redeemed yet. That is why we have to crucify the flame, we have to die itself. That's why the Spirit has to rule over the physical body. Instead, you have to put down, you have to modify the needs of the flesh. Now, instead, we are waiting for the redemption of our body. Because when our body is redeemed, there will be no more diseases and no more sicknesses can latch upon us. And then the death also will be a neutralized aging process will be called counsel. Because that is the redemption of our unopposed body. It's a little too easy. Even we that have got the only schools in that direction, we are waiting, growing for the redemption of our body. Because you can remember what Paul says. And turning his flesh was bothering him. And people are talking about some physical ailment at him in his eyes and so on. But whatever it is, it's a turning the flesh. That is still bothering him, which means the body has not been redeemed. And some of some time he says he left another brother sick in the place, which means the old man body. Even though we have been born again, we still are afflicted occasionally with all of those diseases. We have to be battling those things with prayer by laying our heart upon the sick. And that is because the body has not been redeemed fully redeemed yet. But now he says we are waiting, growing for the redemption of our body. However, our Spirit has been redeemed in the vision of the One, but several of you see that through the blood of Jesus Christ, we are redeemed. Our Spirit has been redeemed. Let me read the features of the One, verse 7, and verse 14. And you listen to this. In whom in Christ we have redemption. What redemption I am talking about is the package is already delivered. It may be, it may be, it may be, it's gradual, we have been, we have received the spiritual redemption, redemption for our Spirit. That is the same Christ. We have redemption, true is blood. The forgiveness of sins according to the religious of His grace. So it is a down payment. Because it is the unness of our inheritance. Unness is down payment of our redemption. It is the ego's. That has the gift of rose. It is the unness of our inheritance. However, the full redemption, we include the physical body being redeemed from sicknesses and death and everything. And that is part of the package of God that is going to complete. And it is restored. Like I say, I will restore. When God says I will restore, it may not take one day. It may be gradual, but God says I will restore. Take of when the devil afflicted Job, in the Book of Job, who now many years have took Job to forsake after he lost his children. And then he first took after many months, many years. But God restored him. Or he may get where, won't he? But gradual restoration, he gets all the new cathodes and he became more familiar again. That's the restoration, the gradual restoration. The same way is how God restores his. God say I will restore. So when God is done, he is going to begin to restore. He is going to restore us. First restore us back to perfect onlyness within so that we are no more sinners. The redemption of our spirit. Gradually, our mind is newly renewed so that we think like Him. We act like Him. Then our body will be redeemed so that we have this new body. It can never be corrupted, it can never be a disease. So that we have immortality. When we are stopped fully, our body will be restored. That is what Christ promised. Christ has redeemed us from the cause of the love. That means all those diseases and sicknesses you know, they are fricking us anymore. Christ has abolished death and he has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. So immortality is being revealed and we are preaching it to everyone of us. So we know that Christ has given us this authority. We have to begin to use it though. And claim our right. And believe in this redemption of our body that Christ has promised to bring to us. And we claim it and begin to expect our body to resist all that the enemy is trained at us. Because it is faith comes by hearing and faith is expectation. A vision that I want was 14 or so said. But I know you also, Christ, we are also trusted after that he had the war of truth, the gospel of your salvation. In whom also after that he believed you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the post-shelled possession. So the place of His glory. We have the earnest of our inheritance which is sealed by the Holy Spirit. It is our down payment of what God planned to do for us. The down payment of which is the Holy Spirit being given to sins. Believe us. Until the redemption of that post-shelled, God has post-shelled us and is going to redeem us back to immortality that Adam lost. But he gave us a down payment, the Holy Spirit as an earnest of that inheritance. So when we are good, we are sure that yes, this is a proof that we are inheriting that in mortality back. We are inheriting that paradise of God that Adam lost. We are inheriting it. This is the deposit that has given us through the Holy Spirit. Again in Hebrew, Shaptani, Vastruv, where I am going to wrap it up. Hebrew, Shaptani, Vastruv. Talking about Christ also, that we have bought the Sonar redemption. Hebrew, Shaptani, Vastruv. From us, let me say, but Christ being calm, Christ being calm and I preach of good things to come. By a greater, more perfect Habanaku, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building, neither by the blood of goose and calf, but by its own blood. He entered in once into the Holy Place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. In eternal redemption, you know, they just said everlasting righteousness is what will be accomplished in this 70 weeks. God is saying eternal redemption is what Christ has purchased for us. It is what Christ has bought. And that is why it's taking a process to get us to the fullness of the Statue of Christ. It's a process so that we will be perfect. The gold, where you want to purify gold, you have to take gold through a process of purification through fire. And then the gold will come up a pure gold that cannot be contaminated. And that is what God meant by everlasting righteousness. That's why we have to be patient with Him. That is why we have to go all down with Christ. And that is why we have to believe and have the long suffering of Christ. So one of us says, well, this thing is taking too long and you jump off the boat. Many people are breathing out when they should be standing here and standing firm. Don't be allowed out of the boat. Stand firm and believe. And trust the Lord just because He has started His work in our lives and we complete it. Hola, we thank you Lord. That you are walking and walking us to bring us from glory onto glory onto the image of the Son of God. Say from glory, glory is shignous. Onto the image of the Son of God. Thank you for that. We just pray that everyone that is listening to this message will believe it. And they will begin to feel to the Holy Spirit that is walking this walking us so that we can all arrive at your feet at the fullness of the structure of Christ in the end. And you that is listening to me, if you are not a believer, come and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. If you ask Him to come to you, just say, Jesus, I believe your Lord. I accept you as my Lord and Savior. Come and live inside me and make me a new creature. In Christ Jesus I accept you and I repent for my sins. Wash me with your blood and feel me with your Holy Spirit Lord. I confess that you are my Lord and my Savior today and that you died and rose again for me. Thank you Jesus. That is His friend and the Lord is going to ask how do you. Now you begin to read your Bible and write to us which are sending some more exhortations. Gospel, Distribution for Service Box 71027 Phoenix, Arizona 85050 USA. P anintani, God bless you. [BLANK_AUDIO]