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15 Oct 2024
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Things that are seen are not made of things which do appear. (Heb.11:3) "Keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babbling, and oppositions of science falsely so called". (1Timothy 6:20).
. . . . . . . . . . . I'm going to present a simple exhortation from this book called Crisis Abroad. I'm going to take a topic, actually this topic is in chapter 7 of the book. Science looks for it, that's what I'm going to talk about. If you look at this, what the value of science looks for it, this is the supernatural land that God has already ordained in the universe that is making we believe us to know about it and to be one to tap into it. But science actually is looking for some of these things, and that has to do with the fact that our body, our human body is particle. And when I was in college, there was a professor in college. When I was doing my bachelor and we were teaching us what to call quantum electronics. That was what this professor was teaching us in college in the university in Nigeria and do this. And the professor made a comment. It was a non-believer. So he saw us in the class, even when he came to the class just to remember this, he said, New Christians said that the Lord Jesus Christ went up to heaven with his body and went up without gravity pulling him down. And the man told you was just joking, but he was telling us what the fact about science. He said that would be possible, this is the quotation from the professor. He said that would be possible if we can transform from particles to wave electromagnetic waves. But he thought that's not possible because there was no way through the test tube that they can transform from a particle to electromagnetic waves. And I thought, well, God can do that. He didn't believe in God. But this is exactly what he's trying to make out to see. And I'm going to bring it to you from my knowledge of science and from the knowledge of this spiritual science, the word of God, that that exactly is what the Holy Spirit is building up in which sense of the most like when it calls to the sins. That's what I want to point out in this. And you will see an analogy or an analogy or an explanation of this in this book. That's why I say, get the book Christ abolished death because when God created Adam, the first man, the Bible summarizes and says Adam was naked but was not ashamed. However, you have to know something. You have to say, God created man in his own image. But what was the image of God? The scriptures pointed to us in many books in the book of Psalms that God now plotted, I say, with light, as with the gamut. That was an example. And in the book of his sake, he said, he saw the manifesting of the glory of God. What did he see? He said on the throne, you can go and read in the book of the sake of chapter 1. He said, on the throne, he saw the Arabs of God move flashing back and forth. And then when these two, these looked like they were carrying a throne like a platform. Like a throne that they were carrying upon their head. And on top of that throne, seated a man, he said, he looked like a man. Which means he has the traces of a man, two hands, two eyes, one loose. How do you know a man? Look at the feet, he has the flat feet like us, not hoofed feet like Hanuman. So he called him a man. But he said, he described this man, he said, from the loins up, from his waist up, was like fiery man, fiery man. Like a fire that is blowing. And from his waist down was like pillars of fire. Basically traces the shape of a man. That's why I call him a man, sitting on the throne. So that is what the logic has said, that this is the Son of Man, which was in heaven. We're going to read that in the Book of the Gospel of John chapter 3. We're just going to say, no man accesses to heaven, except in that descended, which is the Son of Man. Even the Son of Man which is in heaven. This Son of Man that he said, he saw on the throne. That he said is like a fiery man, like a light. If you describe it, you can read it in the book of a second chapter 1. And he said that was the manifestation of the glory of God. So God closed it himself with light. Or in Jesus' light, that is the man eating from him. And that was when the Lord Jesus Christ, after the logic he resurrected, he manifested to opposite John, opposite Paul on the way to Damascus. And what did the opposite say? A brighter light that was brighter than the Son, than the Son that was seen. And what was that? It was the ball of light. That was the light that Christ said, and the logic has spoke to him from inside that light. And the light was brighter than the Son, only noon day. So the Lord is now in that, the logic is now in that glory has gone back to that glory where he's glowing like a ball of light. And in short, his light is what I was talking about. That shows the Lord that Adam, and if when he was greater, he was closer with something. But that was something that was closing him. The material is light, and actually it's glowing from him rather than covering him. Something that is glowing, that is our spirit. By book saying in another place, in the book of Proverbs, that the spirit of man is the conduit of the Lord. So, you know, in what possibly means. Our spirit is supposed to be like a, I would call it a filament of an electric bomb using that as an analogy. Think of an electric bomb that brings electricity that is giving you light in your house. When that electricity is passing through that bulb, it glows, no so. And it looks like that bulb is covered with light. That is what I'm talking about. Our spirit is supposed to glue when we are connected with the Holy Spirit. And when it glows, it will cover our body with light. Our body also will be glowing with light. And we'll be able to be like, the Lord just has appeared before our possible power. You see, in the light covering. That will be the final stage of us. That's why the Bible says, for all of sin, all men have sinned. I'm falling short of the glory of God. That glory of God is the light covering. And when God was talking to Adam, I said, in the day that you eat of these forbidden fruits, in that they shall surely die. In short, that light was quenched. That was what really happened to Adam. The light is living something. It's almost like when you disconnected the electric bulb from the electricity. The source of the electricity coming to your house. If you disconnected it, all the electric bulbs will just die off. They will quench. So what God was telling Adam was that if you do what I tell you not to do, you automatically turn off the electricity that connects you to God. And also, it's called electricity. Well, let's call it the life. The life that will be connected to God is what you turn off. If I would say the lamp of the weak edge shall be put out. So all those demons that are spirits, their lamps have been put out. So if they have manifested them, they have manifested from darkness. But when the angels manifested they are covered with light. See? When Adam then seemed, and if the light was put out, that is, their spirits stopped glowing. That same time, that spirits are glowing. That was why Adam said, "I was naked. I had your voice." But I was ashamed, and when Adam had my voice, he was afraid. He wouldn't have had himself. And he said, "Why?" Because I was naked. When the light was put off from electricity, the electricity put off from a lamp or from an electric bulb. You know what it looks like? That electric bulb suddenly would become like naked. An insect cannot attach either to the electric bulb. Also, you can touch the electricity, but it's no more hot. That was what happened to Adam. His body suddenly cooled down, the light was gone, the covering was gone, and then he could feel the elements touching his skin. He says, touching his skin, so he knew that it was naked. The crew touched his skin before. Even right now, what do you see? There is what we call ultraviolet light, ultraviolet light. That I have one of them in my house that we used to filter air. And it was reported that if there is any virus, if you think of all these corona virus, and flu virus, and all those things, if they are in the air, ultraviolet light would kill them, ultraviolet light. These are rays that you cannot see with your eyes, but some bulbs can emanate every ultraviolet light. And they kill viruses, and also jams can be killed. Now, our spirit should be able to emit that kind of ultraviolet light, that you just destroy viruses that are trying to attach to our skin. If we are turned off, when the light was turned off from Adam, all those insects, visible and invisible insects, all those viruses are invisible insects, invisible particles. The visible ones, like mosquito, would have come near Adam, because the ultraviolet light would drive them away. Now they can land on Adam, just like they can land on you, or me. Unless something makes them run away. That's why people now try to rob them, say with some chemicals, that we make those mosquitoes run away, and also when they smell that chemical. But God has actually put upon our...put upon our... what God has created in my mind is to have his own covering, which is this light, that will not allow any of those elements or insects to even come near us, or even take sticks, or even a touch, etc., so that there will be no cause for pandemic and so on. But Adam lost it when he seemed and brought you money to that grave. Now what I was trying to point out in this story that science is looking for this same change in from particle to wave, because if we can change from particle to wave electromagnetic waves, then we can generate different frequencies that we actually drive in all those things, like called ultraviolet light. Now, when we emit electromagnetic waves of the frequency we can see, that the light waves you can see, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, in the green, violet, on the other hand is ultraviolet, before the red is infrared as the heat. But the electricity, the lamp, that is, we are seeing, the one we can see, that's called white light, is the mixture of all those colors, according to physics. The white light is the mixture of all those colors, that's why it just won't be considered. That means, if I have the tone, if my light is tone on and I emit my body sheen from particle to infrared, you will not see me. Or turn to, what I call it, x-ray, x-ray is another word called electromagnetic wave. There are all different frequencies for you that no physics, you know that. They are different, the one that they use, so x-ray or shes, it's a different frequency. You can't see that it's x-ray when it gets to the bones, it prints the bone on the screen, also. But there are all frequencies of the same electromagnetic spectrum. Okay, now if I can emit or change from this particle to that type of spectrum, I will just disappear, you will not see me. If I change to a white spectrum, you see light, standing right or sitting right there, it will be light. That is 3C in the human body, that should be white light, or red light, whatever color. Now, that is what the Lord manifested to Ezekiel. He saw the one on the throne, it was like a pillar of fire, you call it fire. Fire is just like infrared, it's blowing red. So what I am trying to see then is that, what that scientist, what that physicist told us, what that professor told us in the college, that if we can shift from particle to wave, we will be able to disappear also, we will be able to go up into the sky. It's a very smooth way to do that in physical science. What I have told you is that yes, physical science may never get to it, but it's a spiritual science. Which the science is making, we believe us to get closer and closer. God is a line man to get some knowledge. His knowledge has increased. Even the physical knowledge or the physical science, he has allowed man to increase that white wave to take a space shot to go into the moon and come back, not so. But that is physical science, they say limit how far that can go. The spiritual science, the Lord Jesus Christ really don't need the rocket to go up, and is building that in, we believe us, the Holy Spirit has given us. He has put every believer, he has given the Holy Spirit. I'm not talking about the baptism of very good, the extra power. Even when you are born again, the spirit of God is deposited in you. He says, "My father has come and make our own boat with you." That's why if you are not a believer, you are out of this. But if you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, you can partake of this divine nature. It's what the Bible call it, it's that he has called us to come and be a particular divine nature. What is divine nature? This immortality is divine nature. Because that's what he gives to Adam in the first place, and he lost it. That's when he turns, if he turns you to light, you will be immortal. Because light can disappear and go to the universe at the speed of light, you will come and come back. And God is preparing the sense of God for that. That's one of the things that we are pushing in this Christ, as I already did. Let's get the book and we bless you all. The Lord is teaching us some of this, so that we can see that, that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. And what I'm pointing out then is, science is looking for this thing, but not through the test that they cannot get to disappear and appear. Some are trying to do levitation, remember? They have some levitation where they're using magnetics, magnetism, to make somebody float in the air. That is trying to bring this thing to the test to... It's logical, it went up without any levitation. A chariot of fire, why do you call it fire? Because it's going to have to make a light shah, a light shah, a light shah, a light shah. That's to make a light shah go up without gravity pulling him down. You see? And the only way the gravity will not pull you down is to shine to light. You see? So those are the patterns, I'm not going to go into that. But I'm trying to make it so that a light shah was taken up in the chariot of fire. And the Bible promised at the same time for the believer's sins of the most high God. That's why we are calling you, we are not a believer, but a command, as a Christ, as a Lord, as a Savior. The Lord just goes the only way to this immortality. Because he only has immortality. It's what his scriptures say about it, just in case. And it dwell in a light which no man can have push on to. That is the bright light that appears to have a possible pole on the way to Damascus. And he wants to change us to that bright light also in the finite end, which I be as angels, what Christ said. When we are finally done with humanity, that is created, that is redeemed. He has redeemed us from our sins. If you are not a believer, you better come and accept this also so that you can also be a particle of this divine nation. That's what we are describing. But this is the divine nation that the Lord is preparing with sins of God for. And I'm just putting this one out there for you, believe us, to know what is the hope of His calling. For those who are God, we open your eyes so that you will have the knowledge of the hope of His calling. If we change up to 1 verse 17, mention that. If we change up to 3 verse 17, also, made us to see that, knowing the hope of His calling so that I see the great power of God is manifesting through the true allergens, for us, believe us. To bring us to the level He wants us to come to in holiness, to be like Him. That's why He wants us to be like the Son of God, the Son of God Himself. As Baba said, Christ has redeemed us and is changing us from glory unto glory unto the image of the Son of God. That is unto the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. When we come to that sonship image, then God can turn on the light again, that Adam lost, so that we can also grow and be covered with light and then we can traverse the universe, just like our Lord Jesus Christ can do right now. That was said in chapter 2, I went chapter 1 and chapter 2 was 9, that Christ will bring many more sons unto glory. That is, He's bringing many more buildings unto the glory, glory of God that is in light covering. That is what Christ is doing when He has redeemed us. It's now preoccupied with making us become like Him. That's why He put ministers in His body, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers for the divine of the sins, for the perfecting of the sins, for the divine of the body of Christ, for the work of the minister for the divine of the body of Christ, she will come in the unity of the feet and the knowledge of the Son of God, the knowledge of who Christ is, the knowledge of what He seek all about, the knowledge, that's why I am teaching you this knowledge, the knowledge of what He is trying to get out of us, the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, it's what the Bible said. So that is the goal. Our goal is to become like Christ. That is what the Lord is doing, for we believe us. And when we become like Christ, then God can turn on this light and bring us back to that glory that Adam lost. So that we also will grow, we will be able to change from particle, which is our flesh, it's particle, to wave electromagnetic wave, where we can, at the speed of our thoughts, because our thoughts will be purified by a quantitative mind of God. And the Holy Spirit knows it's good to energize us and we just turn on to anything we want to and go and appear on another planet or another universe. Because this physical universe, God has a plan for mankind to properly decide, perhaps to move to other universes and other planets. God has a plan, because when you look at this planet, it looks like they are empty, according to astronomy. They don't know much about it, but they are looking through the telescope thing in the world. Look like all these planets are all empty. And so you get there, you can't tell. But from what they think, they think they are all empty. So God can just create empty planets and only this earth alone is filled with human beings. God has an original plan. When you create a man, He says that they have dominion over all things that they are. And if God plans that they are going to multiply, you know that after they become billions, you will have a lot of mankind to travel to another planet, another planet. Astronomy makes us consider that Jupiter is much bigger than this planet earth. Go and read that, go and Google that. Even Jupiter is much bigger than planet earth, where it's at, for us it's empty. And God just creates empty blocks, empty rocks like that, and they are just empty. See, that is one of the ways to see the Lord. The Lord has a plan for mankind. The Lord just has a plan for us. And you do well to come and be part of it, that's what I am saying. You do well to come and be part of that planet, if you are not able to believe it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to come and be part of it. You do well to keep that understanding your mind and thank you for it and glorify your voice and then believe for all these things that is bringing to mankind that they want us to partake of its divine nature. God wants us to partake of its divine nature. That is what happens. Peter was pointing out to us in his first episode. We have been called to come and be partakers of the divine nature of God. What is the divine nature? Immortality is divine nature. We have to change from particle to a wave. That is what is doing right now. It is divine nature. When we are able to turn to waves you can fly at the speed of light to another planet. It is a transportation system. It is already ordained in the universe. Angels are already using it. But man has been blocked when Adam sings so that we don't get into it until God allows and is going to allow it for the redeemed. That is why we invite you to be one of the redeemed if you are not. And to walk with religious guys who please see. As he said, very, very I say unto you, if a man keep my say, he shall never see it. That is part of the plan of God as he wants us to keep his say that is working with him so that he can give us that immortality and bring us to that divine nature where we are clothed with light. We come back to the glory of God in so many of his. My own fall shot of the glory of God by Christ has said is to carry the glory back with us. That is why he said, the glory that I have given to them and to who are the dead. The believers, because it is going to be living in Christ. Living in San Juan is good. It is only living inside with our believers. And it is walking in his life. He is living in his life through us. The Bible says, it is God that we walk cutting us both to will and to do of his good pleasure. So we are just to surrender to him and yield to him so that he can walk this walking us and bring us to that fullness of this search of Christ. By your obedience to his word, obedience to his instruction and walking with him in the life he has prescribed for us. And I am praying that in all we give you this understanding so that you can also begin to take the steps. The first step is to be born again if you are not. Then invite him to come and take hold of your life. Let the Holy Ghost fill you with the gifts of the Holy Ghost. And then begin to walk with him in that narrow world, the narrow world of the prophets. God bless you. I am going to read some of these to summarize what I have been describing. Let me read it to you, what we are talking about. I say, science looks for these things. Here in Imbruzata 11 was still said, things that are seen were not made of things which do appear. So note that in science, light is classified as electromagnetic wave with visible wavelength. In the rapture, the log may translate, believe us, into invisible wavelength. And we simply change particle to wave. And vice versa, non-destructively, non-destructively. Because if science is trying to change particle to wave, they have to destroy it. It has to be destroyed. You can't come back this way if you want to wash it. But we are using it in a radar system. No, sir. It is the same electrons that are rolling through the radar antennas that is generating these frequencies that is taking radio waves to your radio. That is taking television signals to your television set at this time. That is how far we could figure it out. Uma means, how far we could figure it out. We are creating electromagnetic waves through some electrons passing through some materials. Okay, that would be continuous. So which means we are not too far from there. Basically, we can't get to what I am talking about. We are departing a complete exchange to electromagnetic waves. We can't get to it, which will it test to? It is your split. And I will put a little bit of a let's go and read some of this. You can only some of this in this booklet. These are more insights that are given to me as I write down. Because knowledge has been increased. So the knowledge that gives me by allowing me to go through electronic engineering. That is where some of this knowledge came from. Comparing scriptures, prescriptions. That's where I got the understanding from the scriptures. That makes me to know what the Lord is talking about. Because he makes me to understand it from electronics and also from the spiritual aspects. Comparing it to say, "Oh, this is exactly where the Lord is taking us to." And I love it. And he wants to make us partakers of this divine nature. He says, "Divine nature." Our God is a consuming fire. It's clear they will light us with the gamut. It's what the scriptures say. And read my bodies in the description and God bless you. Thank you. Amen. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]