

Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
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Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. Goody brethren. For quite some time this topic has been in my mind. This topic is about Babylon. What is Babylon? Is commonly used term in the church today and in this position we want to talk about Babylon really means different dimensions of Babylon. Is Babylonic concepts? Is it a philosophy? Is he a city? Is he a city? Is he a system? Is he a vampire? So let's talk about this topic. What indeed is Babylon? The word Babylon, B-A-B-Y-L-O-N, is derived from the Hebrew roots of the word Babel, B-A-B-E-L, meaning Confucian. So Babylon is from the Hebrew root word called Babel and it means Confucian. The power of Babel was built here in the city of Babel. Genesis chapter 11 verse 2 and verse 9. In this as position we are not going to read so much from the Bible but I'll give Bible references so that you can do this such yourself. It's better you open the Bible yourself and read it out there. I'll be slow so that you won't miss the references. So Babylon is also the Greek rendition of Babel. Babylon as used in the scriptures can mean any of the following depending on the context. It depends on where it is used and how it is used in the Bible. For we begin to say oh Babylon or Babel represents this. As a city, a country or an empire, a province, a mixture of false religions, a false religion started by name words. Genesis 11 verse 1-2-9. Ham, that weakest son of Noah, was the father of Push, who in turn was the father of name words. In Genesis chapter 9 verse 22 Ham delighted in seeing his father's nakedness and what caused his lineage in verse 25. Thus Babylon could lose a cast and confused people resulting in the cast conglomeration of religions called Babylon the Greeks, the modern of hollows or mystery Babylon. We shall dwell on that later. Babylon as a city was situated in the area of the rivers Tigris and Euphrates occupied by present day Iraq. Any wonder why Iraq is such a wicked nation today, Babylon as an empire is described as the head of good in Dania's prophetic image. Remember King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream of an image and was confused. He called all the wise many the kiddom to come and give in baptism, not good. But Dania was right there to give the answer as God marveled to him. So in Dania chapter 2, 31 to carry it, we read about this prophetic image. It is associated with a Syria empire that is Babylon. Babylon is an empire, associated with the Assyria empire and was in terms associated with the Midu-pecha empire. Yes. So we are seeing Babylon as a city, we are seeing Babylon as an empire and now let's talk about Babylon as a province. Babylon as a province is described in Dania chapter 2, 48 to 49. Babylon is also used as a symbol of opposition to God. Simple of opposition to God. Talking about Babylon Revelation 14, verse 8. Most importantly Babylon as mystery Babylon is a mixture of all religions at the end time. Made of a false protestants, denominations, the Catholics, false Jews and other religions. Together as one war church, this system will become the false bride of the Antichrist. Revelation chapter 17 verses 1 to 5. Also Revelation 18 verse 4. Our greatest importance today is mystery Babylon. There are two aspects to reach. The religious Babylon is described in Revelation chapter 17. Why the commercial Babylon is described in Revelation chapter 18. So there is the religious Babylon and there is the commercial Babylon in contemporary times. Revelation 17 and Revelation 18. In Revelation 17 this Babylon is described as the moda of all halos. Talking about spiritual halotry. The moda of all false religion. Mystery Babylon did great. It's made up of all false religion. You can think of it including false protestant denominations, Catholicism, Judaism, paganism, Hinduism and all these you can think of. There are thousands of religion in the war today but the Antichrists wants to bring word peace on put. And the strategy they are adopting is to make all these religions to come together as one so that peace will reign. In these Antichrists one word church that is coming up and it's actually called the mystery Babylon in Revelation 17 1 to 5. You are not going to mention archa pafovus 12 for example. Archa pafovus 12 says that there's no that may give you a moment where Babylon will be saved apart from the name Jesus. Such will be regarded as controversial and will be removed from the new Bible that the Antichrist would make available to the whole world. So if you got a Bible now please get to know your Bible. Get the study of Bible. Delight in study and meditate upon the world of God because the time is coming the Antichrist instead will take away the true Bible and give the so-called Bible that will please all religion. But once he has showed you scripture that say that Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior will be cleanly removed. Why? Because to be come controversial. You see that it's not only Jesus at the Savior that there are so many ways. Some people say there are so many way to climb to the mountain top. It must not be true one path. You can pass that side, you can pass that side. But that is falsehood. That is not true. John chapter 14 verse 6 says Jesus says the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father as said by him. That's Jesus Christ. It's the only mediator. There's no that mediator. Jehovah of Old Testament is Jesus of New Testament. They solely won't go. They manifest as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. One God. The religious Babylon joins up with political power and government of the world under the Antichrists. Miss Three Babylon also called Babylon the great reaches a height as the harlot woman in Revelation chapter 17. It is a mixture of all false religions of the world. Hidunism, paganism, papalism, not positive Protestantism. It is the counterfeit of true Christianity. That's what Babylon, mystery Babylon, the great represents. Remember we are talking about the topic. What indeed is Babylon? So when you mention Babylon, are you talking of Babylon as an empire? Are you talking of Babylon as a province? Are you talking of Babylon as a religious system or the amalgamation of all false religions at the end time? What indeed is Babylon? Now it is counterfeit Christianity. That is the all the false religions come together, constitute mystery Babylon or call Babylon the great. The foolish veggies are Christians. They will be part of this mystery Babylon church because they won't believe the true world of God. But I don't want to be among the foolish. What about you? You have the wise veggies and the foolish veggies. I want to be among the wise. May the law give me grace. May the law give you grace to be among the wise in Jesus name. But those who are foolish they will not take it to the total truth of the word of God. And so they will join this mischief. Magic Pentecostas going to to worship with Muslims together, worship with pagans together, Baba Allah was new and all. Think about in for a secondness because all these are religion. But they have all now been globalized and become one. The world is desperately prepared for that. So that you don't have Christianity. They want to diminish Christianity. They don't want people to talk about Jesus alone as the Lord and Savior. But that is delusion. May you know for pray to this evil delusion of the force of my permission of our false religion in Jesus name. Amen. The foolish veggies are described in Revelation chapter 7, verse 14. I want to be among the wise veggies. The wise veggies will be among those that will go up in the translation or lecture. I just want to make this one plain. Those are core foolish veggies in Matthew 25 1 to 10. They are not false actually. The false, the foolish veggies, they are veggies. Meaning that they are being washed with the blood of Jesus. But for what reason or the other, they are not full of the Holy Spirit. And like we are told in that parable, the wise had a straw oil. Or say, "It is my brother, my sister, to have a straw oil." And that's talking about the not of the Holy Spirit. Please go for it. It's not also enough to have the Holy Spirit. Oh, I can speak in tongues. Praise God. Or maybe not only speak in tongues, you have all the gifts of the Spirit as in 1st Corinthians chapter 12. It's not enough. What there is missing? When you have the Spirit of God, you need to allow the Spirit of God to lead you and to guide you. In all your day-to-day decisions. Romans 8 verse 14 says, "As many as are led by the Spirit, they are the sons of God." Amen. So be sure that when you have the Holy Spirit, you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you. When you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you, the Holy Spirit will not lead you to evil things. The Holy Spirit will not lead you to come missing. The walls of the flesh know. Holy Spirit will guide you to develop the fruit of the Spirit and you be an effective and able representative of the logical Christ as is ambassadore on this planet. Wherever you are, you become Christ-like. Because you are filled with the Spirit and you are led by the Spirit and you walk in the Spirit. Remember, he now walked in the Spirit. His ways pleased the Lord and God took him up. Hebrews 11 is fine. Enoch was translated. I should not see that. But before his translation, he had this testimony that he please God. You and I can please God today by the part of the Holy Spirit. Transbit to go for the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament it was difficult to go and obey the laws. There were so many laws to obey. But then going in the New Testament, the Holy Spirit will be given to us not only to a neighbor speaking tongues, but to a neighbor's to overcome the flesh. Philippians 2 verse 13 tells us that God, you can read it, just read it on your own. That God gives this all the mind, the desire to please him. And with the same Holy Spirit, it gives all the power to work on sin and to live in light that is pleasing to God. Is it possible to live in light that is pleasing to God? Yes, Jesus lived in light that is pleasing unto God. Are possible to leave the light that is pleasing to God. In fact, all the apostles said, Judas is carried. You know, they follow God faithfully. They say God faithfully. So by the part of the Holy Spirit, you and I can leave to please the law today. We are not going to gratify the works of the flesh, the laws of the flesh. But by the grace of God, we overcome every temptation, every temptation of lost, every temptation of lost of the eyes, pride of life, and all the like, we overcome by the part of the Holy Spirit. We only need to allow the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is in the foolish virgins, but they didn't go all the way, you know, they are all leaped out. That's what it means. The oil was not enough. To the very last woman, Jesus Christ will come. So that's why we must not relax. That's why we must not be complicit. That's why we must be zealous in reading, studying, fasting, praying, and seeking the face of God, and seeking to have the closer work with God. So that will be full of this oil, be full of this announcing of the Holy Spirit. Amen. See talking about the foolish virgins. Remember I told you in Revelation 7, verse 14, they are described, and they are going to be here after the rapture. They will be the first temptation, you know, to take the mark of the beast. Which today, testimony I believe is going to be a digital mark on the forehead or on the right hand without which you cannot have any financial transaction. That's what mystery Babylon religion will bring. We won't word government under the Antichrist. We don't know be our portion. The foolish virgins, like I told you, they are Christian, quite all right. Very far, they are foolish. Don't know me that you know me, Kevin. Nobody has ever said that. In Revelation 7, verse 14, you find that they saved God day and night. The Lord God shall dwell among them. Revelation 7, verse 14. They are already white roots. Revelation 7, verse 13. And the Sha'arim will crash in a thousand years. Revelation 20, verse 4. The only difference is that they were not ready when the bridegroom came and so they were left behind to feel grace and intense persecution, such as the world has never seen under the great tribulation. Very far, they are foolish virgins. They don't mean that they are not going to heaven. If they keep their feet, if they hold on to the feet that they have, but it will mean many, we have to pay the supreme price. They'll be killed. Thank God for Luke 21, verse 13. It says, "We shall watch and pray." So there will be a counter-word to escape all these evil things that are coming upon the world shortly. So brothers and sisters, an art to be sober, an art to really take a Christian calling seriously and to be able representative of the Lord Jesus Christ. Wherever you may be in your office, your workplace, your community, you know, just wherever you find yourself, be an ambassador for Jesus. Live in life that's pleasing unto him. Man, we are talking about what indeed is Babylon. The foolish virgins are genuine Christians, but being already at the translation time, they means the rapture. The foolish virgins are also describing Revelation 12, verse 17, as the remnant of Hasid. That's the true seed of God, which keep the commandment of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. For your information, the woman clued with his son in Revelation 12 represents the true church made of mainly of the man-child, verse 5, and the remnant. But make it to heaven and rule with the Lord Jesus Christ. The man-child represents those that make the rapture. Why the remnant refers to the tribulation sense, that the sense that will be left behind, that's the foolish virgins. So not all Christians will go in the rapture. Some, why some foolish. But anger we don't know and understand, so that we pursue righteousness, that will be among the first fruits, will be among the wise virgins. So don't be complacent, my brother doesn't say, "Oh, I'm baptized, the holy goes. I can speak it all. I will have the gifts of the Spirit. I can prefer to see and receive healing." That's not enough. Holy living is cardinal to preparing for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. So don't just rely on the charisma, they are loinsing on the Holy Spirit. You need to have the character of Christ. The character of Christ represented by the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5, verse 22, verse 23. We need to have these fruits developed in those. They are not gifts. But by the grace of God, by power the Holy Spirit we can't develop them. For example, patience. Do you say, "Oh, that brother is gifted with the gift of patience." Or does he say, "Is gifted with the gift of patience?" No. You learn to have patience. When you have contactions, when pressure comes against you to sing, they know I need to be patient. I need to have self-control. Holy Spirit will help you. With the Lord help us in Jesus' name. Amen. It follows therefore that even though some true Christians are tricked into the massive confederation at the end, out of which eventually we make up the Antichrist bride. That's the fallen church. Or does we discover after the racho, they shouldn't have joined the one world church of the end time. The one world church, the one world government, we fuse together. But first of all, all false religion would seek to mingle with true Christianity. That should not be. We should not be part of it. Baba still should come out of heart, my people, revolution, it's invisible. Come out of heart, my people, because the isolation are determined upon the mystery babylon during the great day of the Lord in time of the great revolution. Go with George, the Antichrist system. So we don't need to go into the Antichrist system. It don't need to be a part of the Antichrist system. The message to the bride is, "Come out of heart, my people." Revelation 18 verse 4. Please read it. The Bible will be changed finally on another one giving for the Catholics, Jews, Protestants, which is the word of the beast. I told you about that earlier. Church and state will be united together. A law will be passed, no more preaching or praying for the sick and the mark issued. To get out we cost many their life, but scores will flee to the witness. Many will flee to the witness. Where God's angels protect them, you will see they were foolish veggies, they were trapped like Eve. The wise virgin foresaw this and prayed and stored their oil, sealed by God and ruptured or translated or caught up. Because they did not agree with this massive configuration, that is why they will be persecuted and the law will take them off. If some of the good Protestants system join this magic, go class them as foolish. This what the man of God, dear friends, we said in an article he wrote, "Confidential to the brides." Brethren, we are in the end time. Beware of this Confederacy of churches. Our unity should be based on the word of God. I know in Revelation in John chapter 17, the law prayed for unity on church. An awful time away we are praying, say, unity. Let it be united. Thank God for unity. But it does not make compromising the word of God. Our unity should be based upon the word of God. That's what we call the doctrine of Christ. The cardinal principles upon which Christianity stands today. If we neglect those principles and in the name of unity, we compromise our faith and join with the falling protestant, denominations, hiddenism, Hindus and Buddhists, then will be class foolish. Don't join this Confederacy. Please, if you are already trapped in it, seek to come out. Ask God to help you because you are going in the very wrong direction. Some people started very well. They are compromised by joining this system, possibly for money and fame. What do we tell you? For the peace of the world. You want to bring an artificial kind of peace to the world, peace that cannot last? Jesus, the peace of peace, is only Jesus that can be re-peaceed. If you are talking of a world where there is re-peace, then wait for the millennium. For one thousand years, Jesus will reign with His sense and they'll be true. They'll be righteous and they'll be peace all over the earth. For now we are in the spiritual kingdom. You can shine your own corner as shine in mine. We can determine how we live even in the midst of a crooked and path of ignition. God, we belong to the kingdom of God and Jesus Christ is our king. He is the Lord of loss. You see, control. This however depends on you allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you. If Jesus Christ is your Lord, then allow the Holy Spirit to lead and to guide you. Holy Spirit, we're not compelling man to do anything. Therefore brothers and sisters, lead yourself to the leader of the Holy Spirit. He loves you dearly and He's be sent to help you. It's our Hepper, it's our standby. Our unit is to be based on the world of God. The unity Jesus prayed for is not for this kind of end-time amalgamation of good and evil, gods. That's John Chata 17 verse 11. It goes walk or move alone. Are you an ego sense? Beware of any unity that results in compromise of the world of God. True unity should and must be based on the world of God only. This one is important and that's why I expect so much time is explaining it. I say the name of unity. All of us come together and then you forgot the name of Jesus Christ. You are not a permitted to use the name of Jesus Christ because of peace, so-called peace. And especially the Bible says that a man of peace would call a man who who would promise peace, peace, peace, peace. He would come and deceive many. He would deceive many by promising peace, peace, peace, peace. So, watch out. Watch the news and watch people. Watch people say about peace, peace, peace, peace, peace. Very far that you want peace. I said Jesus Christ to your heart. If you want word peace, then let Jesus ring. But I know in this present age, on the translation test list, this is not our home yet. In the millennium we are going to ring with Christ Jesus for 1,000 years to be a reign of peace and justice universally. So we need to understand this very well. We have done saying that mystery Babylon is the united church system of the end time into which song would be tricked into joining. But discover to live that it should have done so. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Stay out of editing. That brings you to like ecumenism. All ecumenical movements. That seek to bring all kinds of religion, witches and wizards with Christians can have fellowship. That is certainly not of God. And that's not the unity that Christ prayed for. This amalgamation, amalgamated union of churches. Be well of it. Be well of editing ecumenism. Stay out. Stay glued to Jesus and his word. This is the remedy. This is the way out. Desire to make it in the first flight, the rupture of the sense. Aim for the best. Aim for the rupture. You can make it in Jesus' name. Because, in Luke 21, there's 36 tesos that we shall watch and pray. Who that will be accounted worthy to escape all the evils that are coming upon the world. They are soon coming. On the lighter notes. On the lighter notes. Some people saw the present thing that proper church management and administrative principles are Babylon. Please take note of this. See what we are talking about Babylon? The province? The city? As an empire? As a religious system? As an amalgamated union of all false religions in the world? And now, there are some of us, some Christians who use this technology to describe church administration and church management. This is the wrong use of the word Babylon. Remember, the topic has been what indeed is Babylon? This is erroneous and such people should know that it is proper to set up a good administration in the church. For this reason, something a church should not be registered with the government. For the same reasoning, some brethren have. A church should not have a sign board, for example. See, oh, that's Babylon. A church should not dress corporate. At least they preach us. That is Babylon, etc, etc, etc. To even be the structure of worship, where people can worship like a church building is even considered Babylonish. Some people still have this idea of today, as I'm talking to you. From the detailed study of the world, Babylon above, we see what Babylonish, what Babylon is. But, anything Babylon is evil and is anti-God. Babylon seeks to replace the true worship of God with counterfeit Christianity, brethren, hold fast to that which is good, and discard all that is false and counterfeit. First John chapter 4, verse 1 says, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try every spirit to prove that which is correct. Because there are many false prophets going into the world." They see many people today. Many people want that different guys. They are my apostles, I'm a prophet, I'm a bishop. They call themselves by various titles. Many, many are out to deceive. It's only where you are conversing with the Word of God if you to know that some people are in error. Science and wonders that you see, some of them are fake. They are genuine, they are counterfeit. So, if somebody is so full of anointing, shall the person's private life? Does the person have integrity? Does the person Christ like those who are away, resemble the way of Christ? Those attitudes we need to check when we are trying to prove who is true prophet and who is false prophet? Don't hide under the guard eyes, I shall not judge them. George knows that you not be judged. If you are not able to judge the rights on the wrong, how will you not commit evil with the foolish? So, you have discretion. George knows that you not be judged, means don't be critical. Don't be a false finder. There are some people who are so much concerned about false finding in other people, but in the sense full of dead men's booms. They have a lot of ills and sin in their life. But instead of checking the instead of repenting of them as in God to take absolute control, they find thoughts with Orapu. That is the critical spirit that Jesus condemns. Otherwise, Jesus expects us to have church discipline. People who are in the church, they are disciplined. It is biblical. It is scriptural. So, say, George knows that you not be judged. Somebody's in error. You live it all. So, you should not judge you. You just need to understand the scriptures. If a brother is in error, the Bible says in the spirit of love, bring that person to see the right thing in the spirit of humility. Galatian chapter 6 verse 1. If you want to correct somebody, for example, make sure you yourself, you are free from the sin. You are seen in another person. In the spirit of sickness, humility, correct one another. That's what the Bible says. What indeed is Babylon. It is Babylon. It is Babylon to allow human spirit to rule the church instead of the spirit of God. There's work of human spirit. The spirit of man. You don't see it. But this is human spirit. This is not God's spirit. When God is leading, they will silence the spirit of God and do what they want to do for selfish reasons. We should not be involved in that. Be spirit-filled and be led by the spirit of God. Check your belief system, my brother, my sister. Is there any false doctrine? Is there any false belief or tradition that is anti-war of God? Are you filled? Are you baptizing the holy ghosts as yourself? It is when you are spirit-filled, spirit-led that you can worship God acceptably. John chapter 4 verse 24 says, "God is spirit and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." There is orderliness or there should be orderliness in the house of God. First Corinthians chapter 14, verse 14. "Good administration and good management is from God." "Flip from falsehood are wrong, retrogressive beliefs." And I want you to know that what we are talking about today is for enlightenment. What indeed is Babylon. So don't just see something. Church management. Church had decision as Babylon. That is wrong use of the word Babylon. In verse we should run away from the Amagameted union of churches at the end time. One word church, made up of Christians, pigs, and all false religions, witches and wizards would be dead. Or in the name of peace, please think carefully. And if you have put your leg in this one word church, remove your leg. Revelation 18 verse 14, "Come out of half my people." This talking about the anti-Christ system now. "Come out of half my people so that you not be judged alone. They surely shall be judged. During the Great Revolution, they'll also judge the anti-Christ system." So don't be a part of the anti-Christ system. Don't be a part of what would make God angry at that time. Rather be a part with God. Take part with Jesus. Because when Jesus Christ comes the second that is coming with his bride and is coming with the angels to judge the anti-Christ system. May the law give you grace. May the law give us grace to be watchful, to be ready, and to have inclusive of God at this end time. Brothers and sisters, we have talked today about what indeed is Babylon. You may want to read or find out more about religious subjects to this. You can go to my YouTube channel. Just search John A. Gay Moment. And then you see my videos. There are some on leadership and there are some on the rapture, the millennium, and many other subjects in the Word of God. Please, when you check out my channel, like it, and subscribe to it. So that anytime we have any video released, you will be duly informed. May the law bless you. May the law uphold you. May the law preserve you, blameless, spirit, soul, and body until it's coming in the name of Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Philippians 2, verse 15, verse 25, they say, that in the midst of a crooked and power edition, we should shine as light. The power has been given to us to live holy life. Without holiness, no one comes to see God. That should be rapturable. It's my prayer. May the law bless you and all know you in Jesus' name. Have a wonderful day. God Bless Him.