President Trump, this is a very generous ceremony. I am going through the question and answers that have come by email and this is another question from a brother, Daniel, from Africa. He was asking about the American government, "The President is good. It is a message I pray all this way. It is an episode of Brother Your List choice of all these nations are made in several countries. In some, it is so butted, some honours in some opposition across the Soviet Union, for those who are disloyal. Former America President Trump has been on the news as he has shown his interest to lead America again, a "reliking Trump to King in Europe" in the second case of 2014, but 2016. Trump will have to work so very hard to recover the office that most America think was stolen from him in 2020, the only way many think for America people to make such success for him is to come closer to God and repent of any sense. And it's one because if America is supposed to again make a choice for Trump to take back what most America think as the stolen from him. So that's all this prayer. The question is one is asking, don't you think America will need to ask for access so it can see the mission. All this, everything he was this, but Daniel was asking what is about America and about Trump, as he said many people believe it was to me. And this is my answer because I don't subscribe to all this joy. This is the answer I give to this product by email. Thank you for your email and questions. As Christians and believers are waiting our own kingdom of God, when the Lord Jesus has come soon, we personally, I personally don't involve myself in the politics of the world. Let's take a look at that. We don't involve ourselves in the politics of the world. We only pray for them. So that is where I stand. Oh, this one say, it was stolen. This one say that, this one say that, and they are fighting our own kingdom, and that we just pray for them. As to study the election, it is not stolen. It is a sign of the times. That's how it sits. A sign of the times. What I it was, it was stolen, that's a sign and it's safe. Not that that was happening before. What I it was just make believe everybody is claiming that it's a sign of the enemy. It's a sign of the end. Every country following the champion of democracy, every country, all over the world right now. After that of America 2020, another one in Colombia, you also say it was stolen from him, and everybody claiming that it's stolen from them. Another one in Arizona, he got stolen from them. So it's a sign of these times that everyone knows, don't want to believe anybody anymore. So that's why I call it a sign of the time. As every country following the champion of democracy, country, all claiming the election is stolen from them. And look at what the Bible says, when the fifth vow of the wrath of God is poured out in Revelation chapter 16 verse 10. Upon the seat of the beast, the seat of the kingdom of this world, all the governments of the world. As the beast, the beast system is Europe also, and Europe has been a democracy. But there will be a vow of the wrath of God power upon that sister of the beast. The beast kingdom is full of darkness. This is what if I would say, what is darkness? It means they will not trust one another anymore and violence will cover their governments. And so as well that is what darkness means. Spiritual darkness, people don't understand it. The shift in your power upon the sister of the beast is full of darkness. Darkness is what we have seen. That is, they don't trust nobody anymore. The president wanted to take over the government by force. I mean, violence is over here. That is the part of the science of the end of the defeat. That would cause something like that. Darkness is upon here. Violence, as you can see, that people are kidnapping one another for raciality. Violence is the type of the government cannot do anything about the book of Iran in Africa. And I see it so badly. Those are all things that is never seen before. Nothing. It looked like something in the days when the year when Muhammad was alive. Now, another year that's spunky. As far as this is the darkness upon the world. So that is why we see, that we see, that this is the end of the world. You have to listen to me, prepare if you are a Christian. Look up, the Lord is coming soon. If you don't believe in the gospel, then the darkness is covering your ears. So, that darkness means they will trust one another anymore. And violence will cover their governments. We saw it in democracy being challenged in America, in Colombia, in Nigeria, in Kenya, all the other places. Democracy is being challenged. If you get worse, believe us, you look up for our redemption rate, and that's why, as are the question of this brother. Look up your redemption rate now. This one you can see. Praise the Lord. Let's see what I can add in our question and answer here. Okay, I'm going to stop it right now, God bless you. Friends, I'm going through this recording, some question and answers that we see from the from emails from those that have been receiving, listening to our radio broadcast and they ask questions that pattern to life or Bible, Bible questions. And there's another question that I'm going to come, that I'm going to read and give the, I already question and I already answered that we send back to this, listening to this Christian brother sister, we send already response by email and then if I need to expansion for that, I will expansion for that answer, conclude the answer, give it. This is from sister kemi from Nigeria, Enugun State Nigeria. I said about your view points. You see, this is sister kemi writing from Eastern Nigeria. I'm very concerned about the new president in America today. Now, this was written in January of 2021, July 25th, 2021. So you're talking about the current presidency. I'm very concerned about the new president in America today because of his support for abortion, same sex marriage, a lot of sins in comparison. We think America is truly divided nation, that needs a spiritual revival. So many church pews are empty because so many have turned away from God and his world. Violence has also increased tremendously. The major reason is that children are not being raised up in the way of the road. I hope I can get a feedback from you on my viewpoint. In Christian love, this is kemi from Nigeria, from Enugun State. Now, this is observation from people that are even outside the country, outside America. Reading the news from Newsweek from Time magazine, seeing all that's going on. And we are giving the Enugun, of course. This is what I responded to have because those things are true, but you have to put everything in perspective with other parts of the world also. There is my response. And I said to kemi, the old world is going through bath pins, bath pins, because the end is near. And the Lord Jesus is coming soon. The kingdom of God will take over the kingdoms of this world when Christ shall come. Read the book of Revelations chapter 19 and 20. America is not alone in the wolves. Just look at the insecurity in Nigeria. Book War and play. Flally eczema, kidnapping, corruption, etc. That we are already also in the news. And of course, I say we are really in the news, because when you're good at some people in Nigeria, all you do is that already affected our crime. Those who are seen as the result today is like, hey, it's a couple of a day. A couple of a day. The same thing is what is going on all over the world. The only solution for the world is the Prince of Peace. The Lord Jesus has all we preach. It's coming soon. That's my response. Jesus is coming soon. Believe us every way as you look up, lift up your eyes for our redemption draws mine. Set your affectors on things above and north on things only as look of Colossians chapter 3 was to say. God bless you. That was our response to this email. That was pointed out before that America is going south down south in our willingness and abomination and morality. God is our abomination, homosexuals looking the world in order to push it to the rest of the world. And some countries are rejecting it because it's abomination in the eyes of God. The LGBTQ is abomination in the eyes of God. And yes, for the government to be promoting it or supporting it, there also abomination in the eyes of God. Basically, it's not only America, the world is full of all the cities everywhere because the science of the end. I was in the division many years ago, many years ago before I came to America ever. Where I saw this sky and principalities and powers of spirits that come to the world before you are moving in the sky in their different colors. All those certain spirits that have formed some form of religion and ideology you are moving from the east to the west. And I was looking at them like a different costume to your way. And at the end of those movements was the Lord Jesus Christ's movie. He also formed a Christianity upon you. And then as he passed all the voices, they are coming back, they are playing again. He's coming again in their color on the sky. And lots of them they are coming again. But the other with the flash of light, this is the option. In that case, the logical is doing what that was wearing white in that vision. And the lot to me that that means gross darkness is coming back to come by the world in the opposite time. When they are coming back to the second time, they came forming force, regions, force, ideas, force doctrines, all those all goodness from the east to the west. And now they are coming back in the advancing to get together. And that's what you see in the book of Revelation. Where they said, "The law will put on the sickle, an average sense." And then the devil, the engineer put on the sickle to average the the grips of the act and cause them to the fire. So this is average sense. That's why you see all goodness increasing. Things that look like mythology in those days now are now in the news. Because when we are growing up, what's the case? It's like we had it. That's why I got this to know that they are already here. We had in the, when we were growing up that kidnapping, racialistic way, the kidnap means and sacrifice them for either. Once in those days, like to get leg game, these stories, no, it's in the news. They look big kidnap for racialistic different parts of the world. Satanic worship was like, in those days, we had a body that is in the news. We had satanic worship as in the western part of the world, in the European country. It is harvest the time. Those satanic foods are from all those false ideas that come back to harvest. To harvest the world. And that is what we have seen. That's why I say it is some of the end-bed. We believe us as a foreign Christ, look up because it's coming solely to rapture the same before there will be a destruction of this world. That's why we are asking everybody to look on to Jesus. Repent its commission. And if you are for him, he loves you. Keep yourself. Keep your government right. See, unless you be found naked and you see a ship, God bless you. Amen. Praise the Lord. This is Baradulos Adiwami. And I'm going through this question and answers that we that we have on our website to recall for all that that don't send the question by email, they can learn by listening to the answer we give to this listeners that have listened to our rigid forecasts and the asking questions about life, about their own, about Bible questions they may have. It's another question that came in February, like 2021, from a brother called Olu, Olu. And this is from Kenya in Africa. It's a great thing. It was asking about what are the benefits of giving our Bible? What are the benefits of giving our Bible to people? I don't know what it was doing as a kind of ministry or participation in the ministry that is giving our Bible. So I ask a question about this. This is image. Praises in the possession of Olu Jesus are not a civil. A year ago, I gave my life to Jesus Christ forever since the Lord has been doing great things in my life. Just recently, I was led to buy a case of only Bibles that I want to give to some poor believers in my area who are unable to afford it for themselves. And who asked me for one? I have the case of Bibles in my hand right now. I plan to distribute it next week. Before I go ahead and do so, I would like to know the benefits these Bibles will be to this Christian believers' lives. We get a copy to read as the first question he was asking. Will the world be abundantly for this gesture of mine? So please, can you pray for me? And then the kota konya, if you ever given up free Bibles to anyone there, can you share your experiences of testimonies with me and the fruits I have visited resulted from that? Thank you so much. This is from Kenya, a 54 year old person. Okay, this is my response to him by email. So I try to record this for you listeners that are out there. That means he ate so that you may have similar questions. Why do we have good this way? Why do we give of a phone to load this way? It's perhaps what this is about. We want to see what is my reward. And this is my response because of time people miss, miss, interpret the purposes of the, of suffering the Lord. Because of people thought, "Well, if I give God all the life, he's gonna have to give me all the life back." So they are the world. They say God give us something. They say, I'm not tired. You need what I say. So this is our exposure. And then the first reason what I say to my email to this product and then I will be expensive for that because by the time we need to explain for that, coaching scripture of our Bibles so that we are not left in that. This is my channel. The truth and the truth are making free. This is my response. Thank you for your questions. We that know the love of God, we serve him or utterly wanting to please the Lord. Not looking for your reward here or not. That is the first thing I said to this product. We that know the love of God, we serve him or utterly wanting to please the Lord. Not looking for a reward here or not. Our reward is with him in heaven. Take note of that. Our reward is with him in heaven. The book of Revelation chapter 22 verse 12 said, "And the old I come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according to his work shall be." Remember that, in the voice, we are not just trying to give to every man according to his work shall be. So if you are planning to give out Bible so that you can get a reward here or not, then you have a wrong motive. That is what I had explained to this product. If you are planning to give out Bible so that you can get a reward here or not, then you have a wrong motive. God looks for motives. First of all, have you given your life to Christ as he said, and have you been born again? If not, that is the first thing you must do to be classified as the disciple of Christ. But much after ten was done, he said, "If you shall confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus, the Lord Jesus is your Lord, and believe in your heart that God has reached him from the day you shall be saved. From the heart, man be lived on the righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Just quietly pray and ask Jesus to promise you your heart, and that you are setting up your Lord and save you. Then believe he had you, and I have saved you. From his fault, the joys that be happy, they do all for him, and not for our third reward. He promised to supply what I need also. God bless you. And that is why I want to give the man I want to explain for that, to make us to see that we are not serving the Lord so that we can get physical money reward, right here or not. Our reward is with him, he never likes to say. My reward is with me, when he shall come back, he shall reward every man according to the walk shall be. Remember the Bible you just got to give, of a householder that went on a fire journey and gave his servants job to do your capacity like hope. Occupying like hope. So you wait for your reward when he comes back. When he comes back in that parable of all ages, and he calls the servants that he has given his talents to, he won't make ten talents, make five more talents. He says, "You will know what ten cities that is." When he came back as the kingdom, he was making them to oversee the kingdom that he is, he has obtained. That is what these guys mean. We believe us are going to be positioned when Christ came back. When Christ came back, we believe us that have been serving him, faithfully we be giving the rulership of the world. Maybe you are from this tribe, this is a below way, you may be the one that is ruling that tribe, but you can't just come back and you are pointing to the ruler because you have been serving him when you are not. So some believers will be ruling nations, some believers will be ruling cities, some believers will be ruling towns, some believers will be ruling galaxies and planets on the planet, all about universities, because they have served him where they are on us. While they are not served, they just are born again in your decisions. If you have the citizens, while the servants that are ruled, they will be made rulers. That is why I told that some of the half-ten talents will rule over ten cities. This will have five talents back, the ruler of five cities. This will have two talents back, the ruler of the city. The one that went and hid hide these talents took it away from him. They will polish him for not doing anything with his talents, so you have to remember that the Lord is going to come back with reward for those that are serving him. So if you are serving him by just giving out drugs, you may not know whom the trust is minister to, but you are serving him. If you are alone, then you will print the trust with your own money, that's additional. If you just get the trust from ministries and you are taking your time to go out and give to people, you are serving the Lord. Somebody that is combating through that trust will be your account also with the Lord in this case. It's not being the account of the man that presented the trust or the man that is a righteous act. It will be added to your own account also. So all of you will share in that reward. See what I'm saying? So remember, you are serving the Lord, do all just as unto the Lord. And then he loves to say something that we are to count as if as on profitable servants. On profitability, we are not trying to get something by serving you. He says, "We have fully joined that, which is our duty to do. When you have not mine said, then the Lord is happy to reward you." If you are like saying, "I give you one dollar, you go, give me ten dollar back," and you are getting upset because you didn't give ten dollar back, you are nothing. You are not on a positive server. He says, "After we have done all that is commoner, we should just say we are on profitable servers. We have done that, which is just our duty to do. You are doing your job." It's something like when you are employed and you are the, you are the one to give forms, maybe application forms or passport forms, so people are confined. You are just doing your job. If somebody wants to give you a tip, give me a tip, give you a tip so that you can give it from you and you are learning the tip. I'm just doing my job. So they want to give you a breath so that you can do as fast as I know. I don't need a breath. I will do just the pace that I can afford. That is what he says, "We should be on profitable servers, serving the Lord, not for reward." So nobody needs to pay me to do what I'm doing for the Lord. It's my reward is later when you are come back. Very important. That is how I am going to conclude that. God bless you. And I will go to another question or answer here and see what answer we gave that by helping the listener to listen. There's a question from a brother called Eposa from from Mali. And the question is centralism. So what are the simple principles in God's world to reclaim my legacy? The cover is in Jesus' name. My best wishes for a blessed 2021. He said, "I'm glad that most people are glad to see 2020 and 2021. Right now I find myself following my personal life. My mother is going to stay and my children have lost respect for me." That is a story. He found himself floundering in his personal life. His mother has gone still and his children have no respect for him. Question, how can I find the keys to reclaiming all I have lost? I think you know that every man has a legacy, a heritage of real manhood. However, far too many of us find that legacy and music. We are not sure what the legacy is, much less out of reclaiming. Consequently, we have pursued myths, set to four substitutes, appointed all is well, when deep inside something is missing. Question, what are the simple principles in God's world I will find when consistently applying we provide that missing something that will not only revitalize my any marriage and precondent my family but we also empower me to be real man. The man of God decides me to be. So regardless of my past and irrespective of my present circumstances, I can become a man of power to go ahead and reclaim my legacy. May God bless you and see you with hope. Now that was from Bola Mike in Ugaligu, this is Mali. Now this is the response I sent to this Bola Mike. They are Mike after giving your life to Jesus Christ I've been born again. Second crisis of 5.7 if any man be in Christ is a new creature. All things are passed away and you all these are becoming. That is very important because he was talking about legacy. He was talking about wanting to reclaim his legacy. So there's joy and peace that comes with being born again, born again experience and you should keep that joy and peace in you. By daily studying the new testament and believing and practicing what you learn in it. Also seek key from the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things are being added to you. When you pursue those your questions will have been answered. That is, pursue the kingdom of God. Seek to please the Lord. Give your life to him and be born again. Say everything your life will change and then even your share. You think your number is technically ready. Begin to see a change person because when your life is changed you begin to have love, compassion, love, joy, peace. The foot of build will become manifesting you. That's even your share that you don't expect before will be good to expect you. And your mind will come back with your wife that you look like is a strange wife right now. We didn't see a strange man in your lifetime, in your kindness. Because that is the fruit of the spirit. When you are born again peace, joy, love, love, kindness, love of it, weakness. We believe in my religion from you because you are now a baby, Bible, you are all talking to Jesus and it's full of going to come and live inside you. That change in life will make you your wife to want to be part of that. The wife is not a sardine sardine. You will see a strange life. You want to follow me and say whatever you have, I want to have it. That is what makes it this. So this legacy is what we are talking about only through Jesus' guide. You have a true legacy legacy of righteousness, joy, peace, kindness, steadfastness, steadfastness in what you believe. Let you leader around your life of Christ by telling the truth in love. God bless you. I will continue this in the next recording. Amen.