Bible Study
This is Barajulos and again, we are now going through the teachings of our post support in this letter, the second episode of our post support to the Thessalonians is what we are going to go through. In the first letter of our post support, we mentioned that it was addressing one particular issue, but he actually talked around it concerning those who classified as the busy bodies in the midst of the congregation of the Thessalonians, but they were not walking, they are not having any job, maybe they claim to be ministers, or they want to be ministers, and they expect the church to be feeding them. And at least they say, "Get your own job, do your own business," and so on. He really mentioned it only when he gets to this letter of the second episode to the Thessalonians, that he actually put the hidden nail in the head as people say, and specified it, talking about he had some of you living as busy bodies and not walking after, but in the first Thessalonians, they only talk around it. Then that same also, the first letter that I thought I would mention about the rapture, so the people we believe us, we often hope that if people died, the believers among them, they shouldn't lose hope because they are going to be very low, and Christ is going to bring them back in the resurrection. Before the end of the world, before the end of all things, there would be a rapture, and it pointed out one of the first Thessalonians of chapter 4, when he said, "I don't want you to be ignorant, if you believe Christ is resurrected, do that and daily in Christ we will bring with him." He said, "Thessalonians of chapter 4." Now he is going to address those two things also in chapter in this second episode because when the people received the letter of the possible, they could be too excited, over-excited, they would be going to go sell their properties, who in the Lord's Commission, he wanted to calm them now. So he is going to address that in this second letter of the apostle Paul to thessalonians. Also he is going to address those who are not having job at all, he was being visible and trying to explain the body of Christ to freedom. He is also going to address that in this chapter. So at least, the second episode is very short, only three chapters, boogers and three chapters. Let's go on and read it. And I will read, just get your Bible and follow along, and when I get to the point I will explain. Chapter 1, verse 1, "Paul and Sylvanas and Timotius, unto the church of the Thessalonians in God are Father, and in Lord Jesus Christ. Grace unto you and peace from God are Father, and in Lord Jesus Christ. We are about the time God always for you, brethren, as it is made because that your feet grow it accidentally, and the charge of every one of you, all to what you should have about it." Now many people have been wounded, they are possible, so we are saying God are Father, and in Lord Jesus Christ. As if they are too defensive, we have to remember Christ came as the Son of God, when he came on the earth, and he always for to Father. And when he was going, we say we should call God our Father, our Father in heaven. And he is like medito for us, in new mind. That's why he took his body off. But you see, it is the same Spirit, one Spirit that manifests to man as Father and as Son, and he really goes in the earth. So it was the one Lord, one Spirit, one baptism. One Spirit, we preach that in many other Psalms, where we refer to the Book of Revelation chapter 4 and 5, that God was manifesting who he really is, as he was and he is and he is so come. And in the kingdom, in the New Zealand, there is only one throne, not two or three truths, one throne. And the throne is called the throne of God and the Lamb. It is only one throne and only one person and that throne. And that one person is going to be wearing a face as we can see. And that is why it is coming from a Lamb of God in the human body. Because you cannot see something that is invisible. That Spirit is invisible. But he wants to live among God. So the only way he can live among God is to put on the human body. And that is why he came as the Lord Jesus Christ. So when we build the New Zealand, we are going to be a physical place in the universe, in the physical universe. The New Zealand will be a physical city, in the physical universe. Then there are way up to be God among God. Not the invisible one that cannot see, he has to put on the flesh. That is why he came as the Lord Jesus Christ. That is why he said, "I am my Father, I am my Father." So that is why. But when the Apostles are writing, they are still writing that Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Because that is how it is present to them. The deliverance coming through the same one Lord, one Spirit, one Spirit, manifest to mankind as Father, to the Old Testament, Son, to the New Testament, the Holy Spirit is just the Spirit of God in us. We open a present Spirit. But when you shall be ready from the New Zealand, it is only one throne. And that throne is the throne of the God and the Lamb. Because God will be inside the Lamb so that we can see him as human beings, like humanity, in the glorified body. Without which you cannot see God because he is invisible. The Spirit that we want to see him, because we want to be living in this physical body, like he created Adam in his own image, put his physical body upon him so that Adam can see him go back and forth from the Spirit to the physical. From the Spirit to the physical. And that is what Christ is. He is from the Spirit that can come out of the physical body and we are going to be here in the top of the body also, going to the Spirit and back into the physical. Like Christ can do with it, which I will be like him. Now let's continue this letter of opposite Paul to the 2nd and 2nd, the 2nd, and the 2nd. Let's say we are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is me, because your faith grows exceedingly and the church of every one of you toward each other, about it. So that we, our says glory in you, in the churches of God, for your patience and faith in all your passiquitions and tribulation that you endure. So like I said, we all have to endure the passiquitions, because the devil that is ruling the world right now is going to pass a kid those who are trying to overthrow him. Because we in the sense of God are going to overthrow Satan in the end. And he knew about it, so that's why he is releasing passiquitions against us, to dissuade or to pass to him, because he is discouraged. But he has lost the battle, because this guy is what he wants, but it's five. And Paul says this is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God that we, ye may be counter worthy of the kingdom of God for which he also suffered. So when we suffer by the kingdom, then we are worthy of this kingdom. That's what God said. He is going to give it back to the people of the sense that the most I go. They are worthy because they suffer for it. But since Satan is the righteous, then we go to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you. God is going to give tribulation to those that are troubling the sense of the Christians. They will suffer in the end, inherit. And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed for heaven, which is mighty angels, in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that no, not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. So that's the summary of what Paul said, that the Lord is coming to avenge the Christians. In flaming fire of us, taking vengeance on them that no, not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. That is how they are going to destroy themselves. Also, world war, nuclear blast, the sky turned into the sky burning. And people who are not scared and they are destroyed on that, it's coming, it's coming forth, nuclear war is coming. But the sense of God, we escape all those things. And that's why I would say that it's like God coming in the flaming fire to take vengeance on them that no, no, no, you say, well, it's the God that is going to do it, or it's through the moment that I'm going to fight. God sometimes used nature to yogurt men. And look at what happened in the days of Noah. God said, I will destroy them. And what happened? It looked like rain. People who called us just nature, rain, rain, rain, until rain never stopped. You see, but God said he did it. The ocean came over the floor, all of them, until the land was over to the mountains covered. And all the mountains only died. God said he did it. Scientists may say it's just nature, something happened in nature. God created nature and God can use nature to enjoy this sin as one believer. And that is what is going on. And that's what's going to happen again. They have made themselves a build nuclear bombs now. It's not to destroy the world so many times over. And devil is one, I make them do those things. But when they fire the war, God says it's going to allow them to destroy themselves. But God says it's going to take place. But say in the flaming fire, God says it's going to be in flaming fire to take vengeance. So when God takes vengeance, you don't see an angel. Sometimes you see, God can use an angel. The most of the time he just used men to fight one another and destroy one another. So that's why you have to feel God. God can use an angel. The Bible says in the story of the Bible, when the king is a king of Judah and does this, and the Assyrian soldiers came against Jerusalem and surrounded it for many many many days. And when the Assyria was praying, Isaiah the prophet was praying with them. When God was going to fight for the Assyria, and he initialized, what angel went overnight into the camp of the Assyrians? And few, I think it's 185 or 186,000 soldiers, overnight in the years, the rest woke up and found that 185,000 didn't wake up. What happened? It played. What happened? The rest fled. They have the kind, the corpses are run. God can do it that way. They sometimes God doesn't want to do it that way. You got to look like so gross on them. Look at dead corpses everywhere. Almost like what is going on right now. This is a corona virus all by the world. Thousands are dying in this country. Thousands are dying in that country. Thousands are dying in that country. Because of something they cannot even see. They call it the virus. Sometimes God will be allowed something like that. Sometimes God will be the one that releases the virus. The same way when we go to fight nuclear war. God will allow them to fight it through the old nuclear bomb that he made up. So God can use the nation to judge men. God doesn't have to send in years to destroy them. But we have to fear God. It's the same thing that I do. He said this is how to escape this thing. If you repent, it will not come upon you. So that's why we are warning people that fear God and turn to Christ, the Savior of the world, so that you may be saved individually. Nations may not repent, but in the video passage may be part of the kingdom that's to come. That's what we are preaching to everybody. So that's what our possible saying, when he wrote in the second letter to the Zallians, God will come in fleeing for attacking vengeance on them that no, not God, and that will be not the gospel of all of these guys. It's, they shall be polished fast. And I say we shall be polished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power. When he shall come to be glorified in his sense, it's good to be glorified in a week of our Christians. And to be admired in all of them that believe, because our testimony among you was believed in that. So that if you believe, you are going to be rewarded and those that believe, you say, God, we come and be admired in you, that that fellow believer is saved, protected from all these services, those people will not be around you, they will say that those who know you may not be able to say that, that you will be happy that you are in good hands with Christ. So therefore also we pray always for you that our God will count you worthy of this calling and fulfill all the good pleasure of his goodness and the work of fit with power. The name of our Lord Jesus can be glorified in you and ye in him according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. So prayer is that you that is listening to this teaching also, that you will walk properly before the Lord of having given your life to Christ and follow the precepts that he has taught us in the scriptures how to walk and listen daily. No, not as you are doing for a while, and then we give it up for a while, daily is a life side. To the God can manifest can glorify himself in you. So God is glorifying himself in us when we live for him and we help other people, he is glorifying himself in us when we are instruments of Christ, just for God, instruments of help, instruments of deliverance for other people, instruments of telling people from wickedness to righteousness when we preach to them and give their life. That is why our God is glorified in us because God is love and God is good. Now go to chapter two of this second episode of the Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians. Now here it's going to begin to address why the purpose of his letter. Now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our God and together unto him, does he be not so shaken in mind or be troubled, neither by spiritual, nor by word, nor by letter as for most as that day of Christ's return. Now this is what is proposed of his second, like I said in the opening of this Psalm, that Apostle Paul is going to address two things in this second letter. It's good to address the fact that believe that when we had the Christ is coming soon, they would be eruption, they get too excited, they don't know anything, they think it's going to be so soon and many of them started selling their properties and selling their, it's coming soon, they wanted to sell their properties and go camp on the mountain waiting for him. They don't get too excited, don't get too excited. There are some things that have to take place. What is to take place? It's good to address that. So that's why I said, don't be so shaken in mind or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as for most. The letter we sent, so you don't let us shake you to the point that you, you lose your mind, begin to sell everything you have as if he's coming tomorrow. As the day of Christ is attained, there are three. Select no man deceive you by enemies. Why? For that day shall not come, accept the outcome of falling away from Christ, falling away from the truth. And that man of sin be reviewed, the son of permission. Now he's talking about the man of sin. That is what we call the anti-Christ. Where the anti-Christ in the generation, they are taking the seaside anti-Christ or somebody unless he's taking over and be the anti-Christ, as you do all those things. But see, we are still explaining that in the end of the world, it's what the anti-Christ will be. Because in the discussion that is giving up this anti-Christ, you stand in the temple of God and say it's God, it's indeed upon only a time. So definitely they will see the vision of what we have in the end of the world. A possible rule of this and more the opposite of this that pointed to this thing about the anti-Christ. They were seeing visions of future things. That's why they are reposting in that way. But he said, the man of sin is the anti-Christ that will be revealed. He says it's the son of permission. He said that has to comfort before the eruption. He said this fellow opposes an exalted himself above all that is called God or that is worship. So the he has God, since I'm in the temple of God, showing him that he is God. So that is what a character that opposes is describing here that that has to show false himself false on the earth before the eruption, before this coming of crisis that he's talking about. But first I remember that when I was yet with you at two-year distance, and now you know what we told you that it might be revealing this time, it's this anti-Christ that is going to claim to be God himself and try to go to the temple of God. People are talking about the temple in Jerusalem because that's the only temple that the Jews know. And the Gentiles are believing Christ, they only know that they say temple, which the Jews have been using before. But now we are sure that that may not be the temple then that he was talking about because let's people assume that there will be a temple that this anti-Christ we say that should worship in Israel is the God. In the days of our pulse, the temple in Jerusalem was still there and it was destroyed when the Roman Empire and the Jews were fighting. And similarly it was what happened on that time anyway because the emperor that tried to put this statue in the temple of the Jews was resisted and then there was civil unrest and then war that made the temple to be destroyed by the Romans and they took away all the Jews, war was scattered and war went and the place was desolate for a thousand years. Daniel prophesied that and just got secondary that we happened to them. It was the vengeance of they not accepting Christ as you say. That's what Christ says and the day of vengeance is what Christ called it when he was given his pulse in March 24th. But that happened then when that doesn't seem to be fulfilling this anti-Christ as we say is God. But that was like a foreshadow of somebody trying to put this plaque in the temple of Jerusalem, the Jews we believe against that started the resolution of the apostles or Daniel report called it the abomination of desolation because it's putting an abomination in the temple that started the desolation of Jerusalem. That's why I call it the abomination of desolation because that abomination started the war, the root, the protest and resistance against the Roman Empire that bring them to destroy the temple and destroy all the people that are assisting them and scatter the people worldwide, take them out of their land and the place was desolate. That's called desolation for almost a thousand years the world Jew around the enemy. So that was for food then. But this anti-Christ that was for the side of the pulse was talking about this one we can't look like it will be at the end of the world because they are same visions of things as used to come. They didn't know what time frame that will be but it was telling them that don't be too kind because of the root letter that this thing is coming the rapture is coming. Don't be too kind because this has to be covered before that rapture can't take place. So that's what he was talking about here. It was seven, he said. But since now you know what we told you that it might be revealed in this time. For the mystery of the iniquity that already we have in this ongoing is the only going on. We last wanted to make them save God and they are already going on. Only he who now later we let on he be taken out of the wilderness. Whatever is restraining them so that they cannot they cannot boldly declare themselves to be God, human beings are trying to make themselves go. Something is restraining them that you not to make people to accept them and they themselves will not be bullied not to be declared themselves bullied like that. They will say it in this corner. Somebody will say it in this coming back corner. But for the world to be carried away by one particular leader that the spirit of God is still receiving them. That's why he said that later we learn to be taken out of it. Until the only ghost we draw himself, that's when that human being like that can be possessed by Satan to want to say he is God and take over the worship of God from all the people that are worshiping. That is why he said the mystery is already working. Only he who now later we let on he be taken out of it. But it's an adventure that we can be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. So that is the amount of the ruler of the world at the end that is clean to be God that is causing the world to go violent and so on so forth. That when Christ comes we have to slaughter that ruler of the world with the brightness of his coming. That's why he said that even he was communist after he was walking of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders and with all the seriousness of righteousness in them that perish. Because they receive not in love of the truth that they might deceive. For this reason for this cause God shall send them strong delusion. So God himself will send them a delusion that made them to believe this sense and follow this anti-Christ war ruler in the end of the world that he tried that he took them all to hell. That he might all be damned who believe not the truth with art pleasure and on righteousness. Because we pray because we are today we also wanted to follow their own godliness if we have saved the scientific explanation of what is going on because when the when there is a water turn to blood the scientific explanation we give from the explanation instead of turning to God no he won't do the pain. When there is plague in the land there is a scientific connection. Now you can see right now in the generation there will be no cost everywhere. Locals flew all of us and passed to Africa and they are found in Saudi Arabia everywhere the locals are flying everywhere. That is a sign of judgment. But since science we explained it to something to disrupt the locals. People say this is the big car proportion of locals where the science will give them explanation so that they will not repent. So that's what you mean that I believe I have been able to repent. You come to heaven call on Jesus to save you from sin so that you can have the hope of this kingdom of God has come. That's what we are saying. They say because they refuse to accept the truth of the gospel of Christ, go with saints and send them strong delusions. To believe in line because they accept not the righteousness of God. That's it. You see we have bound to give thanks always to God for you believe us, we love it and we know because God has from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth. So God has chosen us to sanctification to holiness and to start salvation. We have chosen, you know everybody is called, build that asset because you are elected to accept. You are elected, you are chosen to accept and you should be grateful together. We are all grateful together. We are set the colors and we are set the record in the middle to accept the coin. Last 15th, they have a brain and stand fast. All the traditions which he has been taught whether by world or our species. Now a lot of Jesus Christ himself and God even our Father and wish has loved us and has given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace comfort your hearts and establish you in every good world and work. That is round of that talk about the Antichrist and the Rapture. As you see, look at Carri De V as he is coming. But you have to remember, catch yourself ready at all times. Lift for Christ as he is coming today. Lift for Christ as he is coming today. Lift for Christ as he is coming today. So the way you die in Christ, you will die before that time you die in Christ and you going to meet with him in paradise waiting for that resurrection. And if he comes today, you are ready accepted by him. That is why I say, lift for Christ as he is coming today in your holiness, sanctification, touch of your cleansing, God bless you. Shaptah 3, go to continue this letter of a passport into the last chapter I said. Finally, brethren, pray for us that the world of the Lord may have free cost and be glorified as it is with you and that we may be delivered from our reasonable and wicked men, for all men have not faith. But the Lord is faithful who shall establish you and keep you from evil. And we have confidence in the Lord, touching you, that you both do and will do the things which we command you. But I say, the Lord is faithful with establishes and keep us from evil. So it is the Lord that has got the people from evil, where your car to envy will deliver us. It is the Lord that is walking in the north, both to will and to do with good pleasure. But we have to cooperate with the Spirit, cooperating with the world of God. That's how we year ourselves to him and we get him to walk his walk through us. Now, verse 5, "And the Lord direct your hearts unto the love of God and to the patient waiting for Christ." Verse 6, I say, there are two things I want to address in this letter. The second thing is about the believer that we are not walking out of any job and they are just becoming busy bodies among the believers, spreading the body of Christ or church to feed them. And it's good to address this last chapter. But since now we command you, brethren, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh this holy. I'm not after the tradition which he received first. So what is the tradition that he received? He was telling them in the first letter that, look at me, I walk, I have a job and I'm making salary or I'm making things and selling it and making money and using that money to fund the gospel so that I'm not bonding some to you guys. I'm not bonding some to anybody. The Lord is our witness. We are not doing this thing for money or for uncleanness, or for goodness of mass money for us. That was what he presented to them in the first tutorial chapter, the first letter to this tutorial. And he said, "That is the tradition you have received from us." He said, "But there are some people that are walking disorderly among them and they are not walking at all." That's what he said, it was seven in chapter three. For the second, we ought to follow also. We behave not ourselves disorderly among you. Neither did we eat any man's bread for not. He hardly said. But a rot with labor and traffic night and day that we might not be shudgeable to any of you. So that was what he was saying. This is how we present ourselves. How we are walking up our own job and have salary to be able to fund for our ministry and fund dollars. I was trying to say, no, because we have not power. But to make ourselves an example to you to follow us, not that we could have, say, contribute money, please try it so that we can not money to go to the next city, contribute money, pay your time to have enough money to do the work of the law. He said, we are not doing that because we want to make ourselves an example of you. That's how you are commanded to do it. So even when we were with you, last 10, this week commanded you that if any will not walk, neither actually eat. He said what he was talking about now. So he's not really putting the heat in the nail on the head. What he was referring to in the first letter, which we were talking about now, that make sure you do your own work, because you work with your own hands. He didn't need it. Now he didn't need it. He said this people didn't get what was seen. So therefore, even when we were with you, this week commanded you that if any will not walk, neither actually eat. Therefore, we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly. Walking not at all, but at busy bodies. So now, then that our source will command an exhort by our lodgings like that, which quietly walk and eat our own bread. See, so that's why I said we are expected to have a job, have a salary, so that we can help the ministry of the gospel, so that we can help other people. But not that the church will be paying to keep us doing the gospel. No. We do this work because we love the Lord and we are there.