FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Ask the Sheriff Paul Burch - Midday Mobile - Tuesday 10-15-24

Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
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there will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping there will be no booing and no unruly behavior with that this is painful and it will be for a long time that's right this man knows what's up after all these are a couple of high stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper no step too high for a high stepper this is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 106-5 we're shot to tough guy I mean I think everybody knows that you know Sean he took some licks he hangs in there yeah what's wrong with the video we got I mean the deal we got drink pretty good don't it did you hear what I said so this is a paid council I had no doubt about them that doesn't suck if you don't like it your bad last question were you high on drugs last question right here we go FM Talk 106-5 midday mobile on this Tuesday glad to have you a long phone number it's not changed 343 0106 for a call or a text and a reminder to you can use that talkback feature with the FM Talk 106-5 app to leave us like it's like a voicemail we can play back here on the air if you're on the app on the front page there you'll see the microphone icon if you'll press that let's record a message and then we can play it back here on the show we'll get more into the app here in a little bit also of course with the show opener the very famous show opener here for midday mobile quoting governor IV about the high-stepping turkeys happy birthday to the governor she's in town for the birthday celebration of course tonight you've got Troy come to town playing south south has an adult and talked about this morning touched down half or something like that advantage in tonight's game so go south pulling for the jags governor's gonna be there now yesterday on the show I did point out that I think she was a Libra I read the the star sign the zodiac deal for the governor we read through what the traits of the Libra we might get to that again later in the show but governor IV in town for her birthday so that's a big celebration going on out at the wit all right I don't know if they're gonna have like birthday cake I don't know how this is all going to work but the governor's in town for that so just thought it lay that out also if you didn't hear earlier the announcement made Mobile City Council today announced moon pie overmobile think they did pretty good here pretty good makes your Clint Black Grayson caps local and local jukebox brass band love those guys you hear them I play them some for bumper music toward Mardi Gras they're all going to be there for moon pie over mobile so that announcement was made at City Council today did they ever do any other things at City Council I don't know because all Twitter tells me is who's playing moon pie over mobile but we'll get to that later on all right it is a it is a Tuesday and I mentioned here that the sheriff of Mobile County Paul Birch would be joining us it's good to see him I just got to hang out at each stake with him at smoke on the farm on Friday and we're both still in kind of like a I'm kind of pairing back the eating at this point yeah yeah the meat sweats are real right so here's a situation y'all so Joey Mason had smoke on the farm and so we go into this you know like where they're serving people as you get there and I said well how much steak can you how much she said oh you can have more and I'm like that's not a good thing to give me open a ended steak out there it was fantastic I probably over indulged a little bit but just a little and you know to make matters worse even if you weren't ready for more they like bring it anyway that's right and then what are you gonna do you can eat it you have to be nice you're gonna gonna eat it good to see you get you back in studio not to talk about here I wanted for a second to just things I saw it smoke at the on the farm and we'll get into y'all's questions at 343 0106 how big is that airboat there boat your right out there the thing is also it's I don't know the exact you know because we had two of them right and this is the newest one so I don't know exactly the length of it but is that is that specifically like man by deputies or is that the auxiliary or is it the flow teller yeah photo or volunteers and you know they they man the airboat as well as some other boats we have you know primarily for certain rescue well I mean think about where we live and the amount of you know in the Delta and those and then we got me thinking about it is how the heck people got airboats up into Western North Carolina and all that people haul them from the coast I guess those things became godsense for search and rescue up there do you think airboats in the mountains but absolutely there yeah when you have no roadways and nothing but you know new waterways right where the roads used to exist you know and a huge flood like that that's about all you can that and wave runners yeah I mean as a heck of a tool so it's good seeing that out there okay so we and I'm sure we can get some airboat talk on the text line but before that this is something Dalton now we're talking about before you got in here and it's something's been the news recently not that it doesn't happen quite a bit how do you all coordinate when you've got somebody fleeing you know being a border County somebody's fleet cuz I've we've talked about jurisdiction and your jurisdiction Sheriff's Department is the entirety of Mobile County even with municipalities on top of it but when somebody's coming from another state what's that do they call y'all do you how does that work when they're chasing somebody from another state in Alabama we do if you know whether it's us chasing or another agency from out of state chasing you know that the communications department coordinates with them let's just say we're headed west on I-10 west on 90 getting you know a few miles from state line to go and coordinate with the bordering you know agency whether it be the sheriff's office or say Pascal Pee Dee and wants to be crossed state lines they will become the primary and we'll drop back and but y'all did y'all just stop the you stop the pursuit or you just drop back and let them get her we're still we still have to be there to you know discuss the underlying crime of while we're chasing so we'll drop back but they become the primary because it's in their jurisdiction so I mean like so you get on the radio and say hey we're heading to the state line I'm on this road and it's a whatever it's a vehicle yeah and that's done mainly through dispatch because they can talk with the other agencies you know usually by telephone we do have a mutual aid channel that you know does allow us to talk with some of the bordering agencies you know but you depend on how far you get into you know that next state then you may not have communication only with your dispatch not you know with the other officers okay so you're still part of the pursuit but it's now the other states now I know it's certain to sound like a smoking the bandit plot or something but if they turn around and come back in what do you what has happened on more than one okay it's a yeah here you go you drop back as you're in Mississippi now Mississippi's leading but you're still in pursuit now they make a loop and come back in Alabama y'all switch again we did yeah okay and a lot of times depending on the number of officers involved you know they'll stay with us until they there's adequate assistance there you know but you know something that I've talked about you in the past is you know we've started sending our deputies to Pitt school where you know pursuit and wrenching technique the pit maneuver you've talked about the pit maneuver and and you know that ends a chase pretty quickly we've used it we use it pretty frequently because it stops it before whatever you know gets to a dangerous situation and people can Google this in the book at it but would you describe it for us what that maneuver is so you know you if you're pursuing a vehicle your lead guess chase vehicle will position themselves in a manner behind you know the suspect and depending on which direction you want to you know have them go you can hit that opposite bumper or edge of the back bumper and it'll spin them in whichever direction you want them to go and and and to stop the chase at that point at that point chase is over you know one of the best ones I've seen recently it's about two weeks ago and it's on the interstate and it was a carjacking from Mississippi and the the deputy lined up just perfectly waited till you know he had 18 wheeler in the middle lane protecting all the traffic left of him and then did a perfect pit and put that suspect vehicle in the ditch on the right-hand side and just I mean it was picture perfect how do you all be you know you'll train for everything you do in law enforcement how do you train for this you all I mean watch a video or go actually go the close the closest schools in Georgia is where I have because you have to have adequate you know I guess space and a track and I like to be able to do it and so there's like a vehicle that you're gonna you're gonna bump right yes yeah that they you know we send them to school in Georgia and you know they do all the training you have to do X number of successful pits before you get certified and then the vehicles you know that we've started issuing as they come the new ones come in have the pit bumpers on them it's just like a brush carter what it's like a brush carber it's got two yes it has a wing on each side that's you know attached with just you know two boats on each and that way if it gets bent during during a pit you simply on both that popping doing on and you're having to read you the whole front of the correct it's have you done that have you done the training I have not yeah it sounds I mean this is I get myself in trouble here but it sounds fun I'm not taken away from what it's like in the real world but to go to a practice track and do it I kind of think that before them before there was an official pit maneuver I've not you've done that maneuver without it okay but I end up with a crunched up bumper but but they were successful pits so this is okay well they did and so there are there's a training school yeah see about having to work my way into it's it's not that by the training is only $300 but you know the you can tell them in Georgia you know it's average is being about $500 per deputy to send them through training but listen if I can I mean if I could get to go do that on track I might come up with $100 all that what we're talking traffic here - I want to come back to court chases and all that this a name texture question for Sheriff Birch I I come maybe how come slow traffic in the left lane is it is a better enforced then this is probably a voice-to-text thing but why isn't slow traffic in the left lane better enforced there you go why why isn't it better enforced because it won't let us pit slow victim just kidding this is a pet peeve of yours it is you know and it creates such a traffic issue and you know often there are you know traffic accidents people trying to get around you know that slow person left-hand lane you know it's the law you know you are supposed to stay out of left hand lane unless you're passing but for whatever reason the slowest drivers choose left hand lane and I see it every morning you know taking my daughter's school you know usually have to take another blood pressure pill about halfway there but so it is the law is it the you know because most times this would come up I imagine you're on a interstate right so is that the if you all see that as Sheriff's Department it's in Mobile County can you enforce that or is that something that's in the domain of state troopers I mean we can and you know but you know that's primarily a state trooper or you know traffic enforcement unit you know that that should be doing that you know you know we only have you know x-number deputies and their user responding to calls or you know being proactive in the areas that you know they're responsible for okay coming back more I got questions coming in here for Sheriff Birch also got a fire dog said he has five hundred dollars for a pit course hell yeah can we get a FM talk when it's a five-group discount fire dog you and I was like there's two of us let's see if we can talk to these people in Georgia that sounds like a little vacation trip I wish we had an area down here that we could do it yeah sounds fun that sounds fun covered my pack this is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 106 five all right this thing's coming together I like it fire dog I appreciate your initial text and several more have texted want to be part of this I think I can say this I've got a text here also from AL1's Congressman Jerry Carl said he's interested in doing this trip to go on the pit maneuver so enough of us together get a group discount we got a Georgia listen we go do pit maneuver all day and then we go have wings and beer at night well I'm in I can want up that we can you know have Congress fund you know the property down here and be able to do it mobile and and all for the training you think I mean it not to take away because I know they're making a lot of people happy over there not take away from Topgolf but Topgolf if y'all had to compete with the pit maneuver equivalent of Topgolf where you can go and get in vehicles and bump them off the road and then you could go up and have beer and wings I think we got a business to start talking about as long as the beer wings are afterwards that's right after you do the pit maneuver then you had the beer and wings and you recount that then you oh you know what we had the video cell video and then you say oh look at you really stunk at that or you were pretty good at that I think they're on to something that Pat says keep up the good work share of Tim and Foley said with today's technology could you put a camera in somebody's vehicle anonymous input for police to use for running red light slow traffic etc like I guess in civilian vehicles a lot of civilian vehicles do have them you know these insurance companies you know all from for free which I mean that's just collecting data for the insurance companies I'm not a fan of that because then they find a reason not to cover you if you're feeding or something like that but they're plenty of those things available nowadays by the way this is keeps coming back to this theme in unrelated pit news to the share of have any surplus share of cars also is it illegal like you just said to pit slow drivers in the left way maybe we can pitch that to the legislature you know no we do not have surplus cars we're actually hurting for vehicles right now with you told me you couldn't get the vehicles right yeah and that's why you see you know a lot of our vehicles are now pickup trucks both Chevrolet and Ford that's all we could get you know for a couple years and even with those there's a delay in getting the equipment to outfit them so we can put them on the road I still got probably 25 vehicles sitting with you know no equipment to be put in them because it's on back order do do you order I mean it used to be people say well that's a police cruiser to the they come already pre-rigger you have to take that vehicle and put the stuff on them you can do either or but getting them I guess already you know turnkey ready is a lot more expensive okay per vehicles like an extra probably $15,000 a vehicle where you know we're gonna do it yourselves outfit them still about 8500 but you know with lights and radios right you know a lot of people realize just a base unit radio you know for a police vehicle is five little over $5,000 so they're their their expensive outfit you know what and I think about it in this business too if they sell something that's broadcast equipment then it's just like three times a price I'm sure it's like you're like couldn't I get something similar that would be worked just as well but they're like well this is broadcast so it's gonna be more more money speaking of on the roads street racing story I know that we've talked about in NPDs borders but what about in the county what about there you see any of that not that's been reported to me and you know I guess they're the areas out in the county be a lot harder to I guess block off you know get that number of vehicles in one little area you know that we do get complaints once in a while about you know teenagers drag racing on a certain street but nothing to the extent of what they were seeing on paper mill road let's talk also about what else is on the road I know it's concern of years in the department about ATVs and this time of year may everybody's getting the woods deer season I mean bow season started today safety for that just in the woods then we could talk about on the streets yeah I mean there was a movement I think the last session I tried to legalize some of those on the roadway and it's just not safe I've you know whether it's on the roadway or in the woods you know through my career I've probably worked for fatalities of young children you know from a early team down to five or six year old you know who can't control those type of vehicles and you know they they need to you know be I guess if you're gonna get your child one get one that's the right size for the child and make sure they're wearing all the safety equipment you know possible but you know that they're not made for the roadway and with that is I mean because there's a lot of you know growing up we had three wheelers a little dirt many bikes to three wheelers to four wheelers to now majority is probably you TVs so you know these things are you know sometimes the size of a smaller car and bigger and no go as fast as a car yes they will what about on the roadway you know I think I've told you several times one of my favorite stories it's I've seen ATVs ride the roadways I pulled up behind a guy I was turning off Florida onto Spring Hill and he even did his arm and did the turn signal like we're taught in school but I mean you know he's like on a hundred four fifty four been riding through town you know I guess I would view a side-by-side much different than a four-wheeler right on the roadway you know side-by-side's not much different than a legal golf cart as long as it has seat belts in it and you know the you know licensed and such but but you know it's been probably two years ago now I was on Spring Hill Avenue close to downtown and witnessed a traffic fatality guy riding a four-wheeler down the middle street and didn't see the vehicle in front of him stop stopping and his brakes weren't functioning right and it killed him as soon as I hit it Wow you mentioned the golf cart and we'll go the break here and probably come back but the golf cart thing too that I think people had some mistakes I said well they they're legal now and then I'd see kids ride by at my house and my daughter's hey oh it's my so-and-so friends they're on the street legal golf cart and back then it's been many years ago I said but none of them are 16 never even 15 it doesn't matter for the street legal honey and that's still the case you have to be old enough to you know to drive a vehicle to legally operate a golf cart yeah just because they became street legal doesn't mean the child is street legal right that point you see in more than two problems with golf carts or people getting accidents with those I haven't really seen a lot of accidents in golf carts you know I think in the maximum speed on those things are 30 32 miles an hour you know and that'd be the difference between that and the side-by-side you know those things get 50 plus miles an hour and you don't have the protection that you do in a vehicle there's there's one out there that I think I saw does it shows 100 or 110 on it yeah it's a you can't me out yeah me too did you come right back your chance to ask the sheriff Rubio County Sheriff Paul Bartch our guest this is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 105 right 1235 FM talk 10065 midday mobile your chance to ask the sheriff mobile County Sheriff Paul Bartch our guest this is where this is turned into sheriff because I'm looking like here's James Locksley on the text line he said he's in for the local pit maneuver but also add high-speed chase maneuvers as well I'll pay an extra 50 bucks for that I'm telling you this you think top golf has something if we could go at people that don't get to do this you know for work when it's real and serious we're all kind of interested always needs the property I'm telling if we got a plan here and work this up I mean I'm a serious note there I mean your your decades in law enforcement being on a chase been on probably more than one a few what's that I mean I know this is like a big overall question and you can dial it down but what's that feel like you know it's you know it's fun you know kind of sense that you're chasing a bad guy you know but you know you really have to train yourself to you know height in your senses from you know you normally you're in a tense situation or stressful situation you get tunnel vision yeah and you can't allow yourself to do that because you have to not only watch the car you're chasing you talk on radio watch all the intersections yeah and all the surrounding things it's it's when you get finished you know I imagine the adrenaline must be insane you have to sit there for a minute and because I mean you really have expended a lot of energy just focusing on all the things you need to focus on you while you're in that pursuit especially a high speed person because I can only imagine I mean that's even though you know you're focused on job your body probably is going through a stress you know stress chemicals like adrenaline and stuff in your system yeah yeah I mean like said you get you got your lights and sirens going and you're communicating with dispatch and other you know vehicles involved watching the suspect you know make sure you're at a distance where if your slam zone breaks you don't you know ram them in the back and cause injury you know to yourself or other deputies or if they're throwing out you know contraband weapons and things like that just it just is such a heightened your senses are so just wrapped up in what's going on in front of you I can only imagine it's ever been trying to just picture that Adam asked that he asked the sheriff why so often are there two cruisers in the median on I-10 near the Mississippi state line that's more than likely our interdiction units and then you know we're looking for you know drugs coming in and money going out and we get a lot of illegal you know coming through and usually there if if you pay real close attention there's usually a border patrol unit somewhere nearby so if we do interdict you know say a van load full of illegal will turn them over to border patrol and they do their processing but you know that's that's gonna be our interdiction for the most part occasionally we do get you know a bolo you know from you know say Mississippi and we're looking for a particular vehicle coming through that was involved in some kind of crime and they got ties to mobile and we'll set up and look for those as well yeah I think about this is you know out of what we're talking about here but the AL2 race and I've had both candidates on talking about it and it's you know I hear Carolyn Dobson talk about the number of people that ask her what can be done about the border I've had Shmari figures on says he doesn't hear that from from people he talks to is it a real thing in in Mobile County which is a lot of Mobile County say L2 now yeah it's absolutely a real thing and we see a lot of it and you know we we interdict a lot you know for a while all we could do is really document whatever name they told us and take a picture of them and turn that over to border patrol because they weren't even allowed to do anything that that is somewhat eased up where they'll at least take them and process them process and means what sheriff they take them back to border patrol I don't know what they do there I imagine they you know get all their information you know dot verify they are who they say they are and you know release them you know more than likely Michael asking is there any ordinance it can be enforced when gas people block the only diesel pump at the gas station there should be no no wish you know I've traveled with a motorhome you know many times over the years or fifth wheel you know which involves a diesel you know fuel truck is extremely frustrating or you know there needs to be separate lines where I like it when the diesel there's a couple out by me that the diesel is separate from the rest of the gas pumps the other thing that I would say is even worse is when I'm not going to cuss on there but thank you in particular person decides they're gonna go shop while they leave their vehicles sitting right there I'm gonna jerk yeah a jerk yeah I mean that is so frustrating one time I had the motorhome with a tow vehicle so I wasn't where I could back out reposition I sat 30 minutes while somebody was inside Bucky's shopping you know Bucky's is the worst there because I could actually spend 30 minutes looking at stuff in there you know one things you talked about over the last few months and I think about it because I travel the streets mobile just like you do up and spoke where were we with that you know trying to cut down on the people that bow and weed spoke out the stop why we're still there you know we've had had we have had a couple of operations you know kind of targeting you know gang members and such that kind of slowed us down a little bit but we're still there and I actually brought that up at staff this morning that you know let's make sure we're still getting out you know hitting these parking lots as we're able and that's that's not primary focus and you said that you're not it's if I can paraphrase and you can correct it wasn't like you're like I'm on a jihad against you know I'm marijuana search Oliver it was the fact that your constituents your voters have said like they say on the show that I stopped at the thing stop light and that is like I'm at a Peter Tosh concert yeah I mean not just at the stop light but you know you go to a grocery store you got your children with you and you know my kids know what is I mean even you know the young knows what it is which is crazy well what kind of triggered this was I've had to explain to my you know then 10 year old what that spell was I went through this and it really aggravated me and you know you shouldn't have to subject your children should not be subjected to that and so we're still doing it and we move it around a little bit okay just I got several intersections I can tell you airport let's see Bob says has Mississippi stopped transporting of the homeless to mobile does the sheriff know I can say that we haven't had a lot of reports you know lately since we had those issues you know I talked with you know the George County and Jackson County Sheriff although it wasn't them involvement it was municipalities and then the city mobile sent a letter to the respective municipalities over there and since those discussions are taking place I'm not aware of any that sounds all very polite and a very official you sent a letter to the in other words quit doing it yeah the I would say the city's letter was worded a lot stronger than please quit doing it but you know that it's you know using resources over here that don't need to be used you know a couple of those people ended up in our jail mm-hmm you know and simply because they're homeless and had no place to go and you know when they lived in Mississippi speaking of the jail how are you on capacity right now what's it look like we're 15 21 this morning and it's supposed to be 1187 okay with that is that do you see any light at the end of the tunnel of getting those numbers down or said no that I mean I would say of those the majority are violent offenders yeah and those who are repeat offenders who you know either have no bond or you know has a bond significant enough that they can't make it and those are the ones who belong in jail you know and the city has done a remarkable job over the last several months in getting their cases you know run through a lot faster so you know though they don't occupy the bed space in jail that where we need violent offenders I've said you know every time I talk about it if they're violent I'll stack them and pack them until you know they're there can't fit any more in the rooms right and because that's how we protect the community but that we're gonna have to build a new jail at some point in time okay yeah and you talked about that before it would that be where it is now a new a new footprint well there would be a new footprint that the jails they build now are a lot more efficient you know you wouldn't necessarily have to have as many corrections officers just in the way that they're built but you know we're out of real estate down where we are now so I think maybe go up or something no no we can't go up because but if the new bridge ever comes through it comes over that northeast corner of the jail so going up is not an option and so we would have to be looking to build elsewhere now learning learning new things so the bridge would impact okay all right this is why you listen to ask the sheriff right here on FM talk what it was six five coming back more your questions next this is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five right up 1248 FM talk one oh six five and midday mobile on this Tuesday good to have Mobile County Sheriff Paul Birch in studio your chance to ask the sheriff so we're doing right now this one from you know come on let's get some nicknames here unnamed texture can you please ask sheriff birch what's the deal with all the signs on the interstate saying rolling roadblocks starting 10 20 are they going to be on the interstate not our guys I'm not sure if that's the troopers or I saw one I didn't see that said rolling roadblock but I saw something you know on October 20 beginning October 20th I'll find out though um and of course I've to yeah I would almost think that's for a construction purpose though I mean that's not something law enforcement would typically do yeah why it'd be a long way out to now now with roadblocks they have to do they have to be publicized you have to say the law says that it suggests that they be publicized if it's a long share I'm sorry it's a law laws aren't about suggestions it should be is it or isn't well I shouldn't say yes there is no law no okay there's it's legal advisements that you that suggest that you you know post it ahead of time kind of defeats the purpose of my book yeah they're okay cuz I guess a several people Jeff is on the text line to see several people have seen this or texting about I did not see it yet so I would almost bet there's some construction going on and they're saying that the it'll be moved throughout the day you know in certain areas all right yeah just this is what was good because I was completely ignorant to this by the way too Adam said I'm on I-10 West now and just saw two share of screwsers with their lights on and the car stopped so maybe they'll have some news for me shortly see like the Cheshire cat sitting over here Dakota says Baldwin County has been putting cameras at every stop sign four-way area is that something y'all do and why are they doing that I haven't been over there to see that so I really don't know now and I guess are they cameras are they you know licensed plate readers you know they would all depend on whether it's for traffic enforcement or you know permanent well I guess you can do we have some permanent and some that are portable you know license plate readers yeah and if Joey thanks came back to say is Joey said I saw it between the dog track and till this corner and other one on highway 158 say the same thing so by the way the 158 thing will have the Sarah Land Councilman Wayne begs on with us on Thursday so y'all get your 158 questions get ready for you for Thursday those are those are some interesting questions all the work being done there and how much it's one things is great about having you and so many people in the show that people might think well the city is responsible for this and then it's a county thing or it's Aldot's thing or you know people just don't know who to get frustrated with them yeah I mean if it's you know in the interstate that's that's how dot yeah and you know we it's from a law enforcement you know standpoint we don't you know how much they're on the interstate other than the interdiction but if you see you know different jurisdictions with some of these construction companies that's you know side jobs that you know those companies are paying to have you know flashing lights you know for safety reasons as they're working along those projects slow down y'all we have it every year we talk about the stats for for road workers how dangerous of the gig it is not like law enforcement but still pretty spooky stuff yeah okay so this texture said about amendment three this is out of Florida I guess that's Florida amendment three marijuana legalization initiative and this texture asking do you think sheriff this will create more enforcement issues for mobile and Baldwin counties county if it passes well I mean it's you know as long as it remains illegal in state of Alabama you know don't just because it's legal where you're coming from doesn't make it legal here and again that's you know we're gonna force whatever the law is you know we're not in the you know business of making the law we simply enforce what's on the books pecan says thank you sheriff for coming on it'll be it's always great information and tell that you care and thank you Sean for having him on yeah we do this every month so this is thank you for the comments decodasking what would the tag readers before they could be a number of things they could be for suspect vehicles that we're looking for you know if you've got particular you know at least the portable ones that we use the if we've got you know particular say car burglaries go going on in a certain area you know and there's a series of them we'll we'll deploy them and you know choke points around that area to try to isolate you know potential suspect vehicles speaking of that or now there's a lot of car burglaries where somebody goes and breaks in and steals stuff out of the vehicle but I call thefts is that I mean that used to be a thing that made news all the time is that happening now or it still happens but not as much as it used to as far as you know someone comes stealing your car out of your driveway right yeah unfortunately a lot of what we are seeing is theft from dealerships we see there's a big one here what the last year or so what they I mean it continues to be a problem and you know there's you know different scams going on they'll steal them and then you know take them usually to Atlanta and get the men's switched and but there's been a number of those cases you know in successful prosecutions and those lately because it's a ring of people that's doing it yeah well I think we talked about that before that this was not just one off so this is organized yeah speaking of organizations to in a bad way gang activity let's talk about that get a few more minutes left we're seeing we're still seeing you know a lot of it you know in different areas you know there's you know little you know groups and you know pretty much every area town West Mobile the Dauphron Parkway Prichard you know we're you know got a call over the weekend that you know there's activity up in matry park you know sometimes during some of the you know kids playing ball games up there so you ask me something we'll be looking at you know real real soon and you've talked about that you know when you came into office how you you know cut you made the districts at the deputies are working right there their area and then you have a floating group of response to come into these areas that are yes our special operations unit our division and they are solely proactive and you know our intelligence which we have a pre robust intelligence unit they take in the information you know build the packages and then send them out to the special ops guys on the street you know makes for a successful operation and and again it's all bad a driven dirt digger says best tag for thugs I guess the tags on the vehicle it's a dealership tag they ride around for years with them and no insurance yeah we see that a lot and you know I can't speak for other agencies but you know we stop them frequently you be with us if somebody has written in crayon or Sharpie marker tag applied for I see that letter does that does that being you know don't bother me here that's a that's what it may mean for them but you know it's gonna more than likely get you a contact you know with the sheriff's office if you're in an area that we're responsible for or working in it's I I've been used like I have seen it in crayon before like tag applied for him like it's it doesn't work forever you know it don't and you know depending on you know the activity you know it's you know we see it a lot we see it in cars that you know you know that they just didn't bother getting a tag and typically involves you know thugs of drugs wanted to yep or both or I will say that I had a moment last week I guess was a week before so with the last name as Sullivan I had my tag in my sticker but something happened I had not put it on yet it was sitting in the passenger I did not get stopped in October but I know I had an officer not a deputy but officer behind me I'm like oh crap it's sitting right there you know like I can show it to you and got it put on very soon after Scott says Mobile's bust have a man like you serving Mobile County stay well sheriff and yeah a couple of Pat Pat says keep up the good work sheriff and then says speaking of it being legal in other states I guess that's the marijuana thing do you cut any leniency for those people if they're polite and doing everything else right you know in almost any misdemeanor type encounter you know that there is a little bit of discretion involved and you know because some people honestly may not know that they could can't pass through the state with it and you know you just kind of gaze that on an individual basis and you know that's up to those officers or deputies having contact with that person I tell you that I saw it coming out of Colorado going into driving back I think we were in Texas at that point or New Mexico come back from hunting and they pulled over because they said Alabama tags coming out of Colorado in here but you'll pull it over here yeah and I could see that and we have you know had those interdictions people come from Colorado but just you know I'll just tell you a quick scenario like that you know I'd say a couple years ago the guys did a stop on an older person who had a legitimate medical marijuana card out of I think California's okay any honestly just didn't know so you know they made him pour out what little bit he had and you know said don't do it again and you know that was that there again sheriff appreciate your time we'll see you next month right forward to it