FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 10-15-24

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15 Oct 2024
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[MUSIC] >> From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Poor Show. >> I don't think Hank done it this way. [MUSIC] >> Good morning, and welcome to the Jeff Poor Show. Jeff from Talk1065, we made it to Tuesday. Congratulations ladies and gentlemen, so glad you could be with us. Always appreciate you guys listening. Textline, that is the primary means of communication with this program. If you so desire, 2513430106, just you gotta use the area code if you're gonna send a text. So, why not? Give it a shot there, 2513430106, coming up on the program today. Paul DeMarco here in about a half hour, I ain't heard from Paul DeWahl. I always want to kind of keep him in the loop. Say with Bradley J. Breitbart News, you talk kind of election trends, election polling, down ballot, this will be a good segment if you're interested in that. And then finally, John Wall with the Alabama Republican Party as well. That's the 11 o'clock hour, so make sure you stay tuned for that. Well, kicking off here, I said this yesterday with Harris, it's desperation time, didn't they? I went a lot out there, Brett Barry interview, and I, who was it, it was either a community notes or gee'd say, well, you guys complain whenever, because she wasn't doing the media, now you're complaining because she is good. No complaints here. While Harris going on Fox News, it's a risky proposition. There's just no, no, no question about that. The one I don't know if I'm as much of a Joe Rogan fan boy is a lot of you out there. Do you really want to see that interview Joe Rogan, Kamala Harris? I know we got a bunch of Joe Rogan fans listing probably even at least one working to board here this morning. I, I don't know if he's going to go soft on her. He has to, right? But I was floated out there that it looks like a Trump Rogan thing is not going to happen. Harris Rogan, all that would tell me if she were to agree to it, she's going to lose. There's, I mean, this is the, this is the Hail Mary hoping to win over some male voters needing something while Harris to appear on the breakfast club, town hall with Charlemagne to God. I knew that was going to happen eventually that's an all of this media blitz and she had kind of done this early on with it made a difference. She was running away from the media. She just did a few questions here there to press gaggle. Did not sit down for an interview until after the convention and when she finally did, she sat down with him while sort of her running mate. Why not have done this earlier? Did it really take this long to get called up and get up to speed to do and then I ought to tell you some of these media appearances, it's, it's not like you really need to do a lot of cramming. If you do the pop culture ones, if you do the steve with cold bears and they're not going to ask you or specifics, I don't think this campaign is a very good campaign. Take the party out of it, take whatever you think of the candidates out of it. I don't think that she has good people surrounding her for her campaign. It is just the strategy to me at least. There's a lot of, there's a lot of head scratching. Like why, why are you waiting? Why did you wait till now? Why haven't you done this already? Why haven't you, why haven't you moved? Do you want to be president of the United States? Do you, do we think that she really wants to be the president of the United States based on, I don't think there's a work ethic there and your vice president, you ought to be competent enough to carry on a conversation in front of the world and she's just not there. So don't person, she can probably figure this out as she had to. Why did she figure it out already? No some basic talking points are doing this. Just just going to think about these policies. She should have opinions. They don't have to be the right opinion, but something that kind of bothers your worldview if they, everything else will wind up into place. I just never have really fully understood like what they were trying to do. So community. So I want to, you just, you're the first out of the gate this morning. Most people are just finally starting to pay attention. Do you really think that's the case that she waited till people were just finally started to pay attention and they cram in a hundred interviews in the last three weeks? I don't have a few practice runs. She's probably, there's either a lack of a work ethic or she's got really, really bad, bad people around her. I mean, there's another explanation for it. 2513430106 is the text slide. The Chris Rufo plagiarism stuff, we really surprised that she would plagiarize. There is a, there is a history here, ladies and gentlemen of Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton before her plagiarizing. I don't think that, I don't think this more appalling about this than her actual plagiarism is the Republicans pounce headline from the New York Times rather than just take the L for the New York Times. They feel like they got to be a martyr for Kamala Harris, the media in this case. It's incredible. So stay of the races, there's a slide here. If you really believe that Trump is the anti-Christ and that Democrats have the superior ideas of policy and character and morals and ethics and whatever, why is it she blowing him out by 10 points? Because this is how it is. It's not like there's no hedge here, there's no, well, Trump gets elected. It wouldn't be all that bad, but we'd rather have Kamala Harris, oh my God, the country's going to end if we elect Donald Trump and there's no like wiggle room there. So so my lady at Columbia comes out tomorrow is that like I think in general, the public I talked about this yesterday is just tapped out and they just like forget about it. It's not the end of the world. Whoever gets elected president, no, in fact, we could elect Bernie Sanders and he could try to like socialize everything. He wouldn't be very successful. I don't think it'd be a bumpy four years, but life goes on. So you have to have a at least have some kind of faith in the Constitution to kind of keep it together. But I think in general, people will I think the public at large is tapped out. Let me let me explain this to you because I think a lot of you are like, no, we're not. We're outracing. We're ready to you guys are always going to be there. It's like the choir, OK, the this but but in general, people or even Democrats are kind of like, yeah, we've heard this before and Hitler didn't come in 2017. It's kind of interesting to watch these Democrats go in this hyperbolic direction. So so what's going to come down to is just really where's the enthusiasm? There's more enthusiasm on the Republican side. The public me and tapped out the low IQ voter being tapped out emotionally is a good thing, I think for Republicans. People that actually care voting people that actually are like, you know, pay attention to this on a regular basis, voting and and play it a part of civic process. It's no longer that that that 25 year old yoga instructor who thinks Kamala is just a would be closer to achieving Nirvana. The Donald Trump, because he's a masculine toxic masculine male or whatever she's she's done. She's like, you know, it's just it's all bad. I'm going to go watch your runs of the batch or at or something. And I think the general public is just that they're emotionally spent. They've had enough of this. They're not. I don't know. Turn out, turn out. Me still be there, but as far as like the culture, keeping up and being just as outraged and incensed, you see it, you see it. The late night shows. It's just the jokes don't hit like they used to two, five, one, three, four, three, zero one, zero six, that's the text line backstrap writes this. So Joe Ruggar's going to eat her for lunch. She doesn't have the skill to sit down with him for a really near view. I don't know. I mean, if the vice president of the United States goes on your podcast, do you think he's going to go hard ball at her now? I don't. I honestly don't. I think she's backstrap. You guys are going to get a different Joe Rogan if that's if this does come together. So why is telling me this? The interview may not happen, but if you just floated out there enough, people have the perception that it did and it will and that's a way to court some male voters. That's what they want to do, they want to, they want to court some male voters. And at least make people think that she was willing to engage. The media trying to make a big deal out of a Trump's cognitive decline, like there's a little bit of projection here. They lied to us for five years about Joe Biden and now it's Trump with the dementia. I just, I don't think it's going to work for him. How can you be, how can you be the next fascist dictator of the world and be a sunsetting? How is this going to work? So I tell me, they're like this, I'm like, well, I'll work to get Joe Biden. Why wouldn't it work against Donald Trump? Well, well, you had Joe Biden and Donald Trump all the stage together. The media, I just, there's a lot of desperation here on that side of the ball. And they're trying to pretend like, well, I don't know what this is, this is weird. It's, they're going to lose at this rate. I mean, the internal polls, it's too late to play this card, I think, to try to start a whisper campaign about the former president's health. You should have started this three months ago. The public has a, well, wait this works. You have sort of a mental picture or a brand of something, right? It just takes a while for that, whatever you're trying to label it with, whatever you're trying to create the brand association, it just takes a while to change. So to go, uh, to go to make you patient with an authoritarian complex with 20 something days to go is like a war, we'll be right back. This is effent talk, 106 five. Good Tuesday morning to you. Thank you for staying with us on this Tuesday morning, 2, 5, 1, 3, 4, 3, 0, 1, 0, 6 coming up here in the next segment. All the markers. So stay tuned for that. Uh, let's see what we have here, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, you know, a few texts to get to a name texture. She seems desperate. And that's why she's trying to do the interviews out exactly. I, I, the polls are showing so this is all calculated, don't pretend like this was the plan on alarm because people were, are just now paying attention. This will light, then, then why have a presidential campaign at all until October of that year. There's just no rhyme or reason here, except that, hey, our polls show us down and do you want to be president? Yeah. Well, you're going to have to do a little bit more. Oh, let's see, Mariner, that is where you're mistaken. She is a dumb person. I don't think she's, I don't think she's a dumb person, I bet she's smarter than I am. Um, she's vice president of the United States, you don't get to the, that, that, you know, number two in line by being a dumb person. She's smart. She may not be educated. She may not even be able to articulate what she thinks or she's not a dumb person. So, we're no Tony, uh, would that be the demented dictator? Well, yeah, it seems to Mitch, again, in technical definition, yeah, but this is what we're supposed to think that Donald Trump is going to, um, he, he, he, if he, if elected, he has a cognitive decline, coupled with the ability to send the military to the democratic part, county party headquarters and Shabbuah, Wisconsin or something. And he's going to start cracking down like, like you hear, they've backed off of this, but they used to say things, Joe Scarborough and Mika, uh, all these events that we see us. Yeah. Like Joey Reed. Yeah. They put us in jail. If it Donald Trump selected again, they know that's not the case. Martin, I don't think Harris wanted to refer president either. She got pushed into it when Joe was being pushed out by the same people that put them there to start with it. It's possibly a choice between Michelle Obama and Harris. I don't think Michelle Obama wants it. I, I think she would probably have won it if she had read. I don't think she wants to be president. I'm telling you, they, yeah, the powers that be whoever they are, whoever this like, they call it the deep state, whenever I talk to these elected members of Congress or whatever, whoever it is, I don't think it's even members of Congress. I think it's more corporate than that, but they, they look at the democratic party as their best vehicle to win a national presidential election, but they don't look at the democratic party primary as the best way to do that. So you essentially have like a Republican party and a primary, but they don't really have the Democrats. It's just a different mindset and they have numbers, but their numbers, there, there is a, there's a contradiction between the grassroots and the democratic party and the people who really run the party, all this stuff about socialism and they, you know, they don't believe any of that. I mean, it's just, I think it is a very corporate boardroom heavy type leadership that calls the shots in the democratic party. They give the money to the party and the party says, okay, I mean, they, they talk about Republicans and the perception is the Republicans have all the big business and gas and oil and all that. That's not sense. There's a reason why Kamala Harris has raised a billion dollars to fund her presidential campaign. It's not coming from, you know, the, the, the hair salon owner in, in Greenwood, South Carolina. It's just not. It's not a $5 contribution or whatever, a 50 buck contribution. The Democrats have cornered the market on the big, big, big, big, fish doaters. That's, and they, they look at who can, who would run and who can win and deal, trust their own voters to make that decision. That's clearly what's going on there. We'll be right back. This is Evan Talk. One of the six. Five. Five. Five. Five. Five. Five. One. Three. Four. Three. Zero. Six. what's on your mind. She'll come on the program this morning and about an hour from now Bradley J. My colleague at Breitbart News and then we'll wrap it up with Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wall joining us now regular on the program. Always a delight Paul DeMarco from up around Birmingham joins us on the line. Paul good morning. How are you? Good morning, Jeff. Hope you're listening to doing well in this Tuesday morning. Dude, well, dude. Well, you and I are talking you got to hear Bruce Pearl speak this morning. Any any takeaways there? He was surprised how how he was ranked in the rankings if he's getting ready for SEC media days up here today. So but really talking about what's going on in Israel and everything. So he's always interesting to hear. Yeah, I'm very outspoken on that issue, which I don't know. You and I, I mean, we followed Auburn for a long time. And Auburn's not your not necessarily your basket case radical left wing type of college campus. But it's not, I mean, it's not exactly conservative anymore. It used to say Paul that like there were more Baptists who attended Auburn University than Baylor. And that's why it was such a right wing sort of place. I think that's changed in the last 10, 15 years. And so, so all that to say this, that they do tolerate a lot from him when it comes to his outspoken nature. Maybe it's just a product you got to win and winning people put up with a lot. But that that university they don't. I mean, he somehow does not. He continues to be, I guess, unscathed from his kind of right of center worldview and a lot of things. Well, I'd say two things that I do think Auburn still is one of the more conservative universities. I mean, what happened two weeks with that and y'all did a great job of reporting what really happened as opposed to what the Birmingham News or the Plains and who I used to with disappointing. I used to work at the Auburn Plains. Been so disappointing with some of that in the journalism department. But you know, you don't see those kind of things happen there. And if they do, you know, they shut them down. If you remember a couple years ago, there was this, was it an instructor that said something? Was it about Trump or just something where they, they nipped that in the bud pretty quickly, right? Yeah, they did that. Meanwhile, you look at what goes on at UAB and that professor up there does whatever says whatever and you don't hear that much about it. The space archaeology professor or whatever he is. Yeah, the double stuff like some of when Rush Limbaugh died and different things like that. But I think it's the whole Auburn still is pretty conservative. Like I said, I think that was a pretty isolated incident. But I also think that Bruce Pearl, I mean, he, he, he wears his emotions on his sleeve. He's very proud of what the support he does give for Israel, but he's also very proud to be an American. He's very patriotic. And he loves Auburn. And that was one of the things he said about in his book. You know, I thank God every day for Auburn University in Alabama. And I'm very loyal to this university and everything, opportunity. So I do think that Auburn appreciates him. Look what he has done for the university. Look what he has done for Auburn and put it where he's put it on the map when it comes to basketball. I mean, you know, beyond the Charles Barkley and all that. And look, look what Bruce Pearl is doing for Auburn. And not to go too far down this rabbit trail, but Paul, when I was at Auburn in the late 90s, early 2000s, I remember I was building sciences. Not not exactly a liberal art, but I remember my professor, I think it's like construction law professor was like very, very down on Clinton and Democrats. And I just, I just assumed, you know, like, well, you know, that's, you know, that's, that that's pretty standard fair for this part of the country. Maybe academia is not as bad as it's made out to be. And at the time, you know, listening to a lot of Rush Limbaugh and different things. And then I, for whatever reason, went to the University of South Alabama to get a journalism degree in Holy cow. Like, you have like, I remember having a teacher or a instructor or whatever telling me like how awesome move was and how they were non-partisan. And, and, and they like really, like academia really is liberal, but at the time, like Auburn, it just, it was, it was probably an anomaly. And, you know, didn't really even realize it. Well, this is a number one. Dan Quill came, came, came in kind of roaring. Welcome. Look, I was in journalism and I don't, that there was never this, you know, far left push like you've got right now that is destroying journalism schools across the country. I mean, that is the thing when it comes to journalism. I mean, it was like, you know, report the facts report the facts. And unfortunately, in journalism, I was talking to, I actually was Scott Butcher when you were regularly, we were talking about some of the local media, some of the reporters. And, you look at their Twitter, I'm like, I shot, I would have never done that as a reporter letting folks know if I was a Republican or Democrat. And now that just clearly out there, giving their opinions in it, and usually 9.5% of it is on the left, like, well, I just, I don't respect hearing you reading the news off the teleprompter now because I know what angle you're coming from. That was never taught. And this is, this is a more, either the professors are saying, it doesn't matter anymore. But it used to be, yeah, you do not let your partisan feelings when you write a story, unless you're writing an editorial. But otherwise, no. I don't know how it was. I mean, I had a advisor, let's say, who sat me down in his office when I was at South. And I mean, I was writing like these right-wing screens for the vanguard. And I mean, I already got a college degree. I was kind of like, I don't know, just for whatever reason, I wanted to be a sports writer, got sucked into politics and like really made a lot of hay out of that. And you know, this would be kind of cool to do. And I had an advisor invite me to his office, sat me down and said, look, man, you want to work in this, you want to be in this industry, you want to have a career, you want to be able to put food on the table, you got to drop, you got to drop the right wing stuff, you got to, you got to, you got to play to their, play to their songbook or whatever. I mean, and I just never would do that. I just like, screw that. I'm not going to forget to do that. I'll just take my chances here. But that's what they tell you. They tell, I mean, like, they tell you, look, you can't be this, you got to be this if you want to make it in this industry. And I just, that's, that's sort of, is it the tail lagging the dog or the dog wagging the tail here? But there's clearly like, that's the idea, that's the mindset that you, you have to be a true believer or at least pretend to be to get a job in journalism in America this day and age. Well, look, look, look at the, you know, one of the biggest stories out there right now is we were 20 plus days or 20 days to the presidential election is what's going on with 60 minutes. The old band guard of, you know, investigative journalism and the transcripts need to be released. We, you know, look, look at Dan, I mean, we've always known CBS were so far left in everything. But, you know, what they're doing, what they've tried to do with the presidential election, but it's not even nationally, right here in Birmingham, Alabama, let's talk about NBC, you grew up over here. NBC 13, one of the local television stations, on their Facebook page, what do they put? Happy indigenous day. You know, I mean, it's Columbus day, but they didn't want to, you know, they've got to be that far left. And it's the local television station. If you watch some of the local television stations that you've even worried me because you start seeing some of that. And you used to not see that up here. I don't know about, you know, the Gulf Coast, but up in, in North Alabama, in the Jefferson County with the television stations, it was more like, they're just going to report obviously a lot of crime and the weather and sports. But I have started seeing even that some of up here in our local television, more of a 10 to the left. And I've called out from the reporters and what are you doing? What is your station doing? But you know, NBC get 13 did that yesterday. It's like, okay, well, that shows their true colors. There's a a a because all these stations are corporate owned and there's like a corporate mandate. And this was true. Now, I don't have to worry about that anymore. Thankfully, because I the guy who owns the station I'm on right now is kind of a a true believer in the expression of free thought. He never tells me to dial it down. He probably should. But like, when I was a cumulus at Huntsville, we would get these memos all the times telling us, well, you need to be careful with this and choose your and they, how many conservative radio stations to like cumulus and I heart and all these different places on. And he would think, well, they're in a rush to live by a channel or whatever. And they're they're telling their local talent to dial it back a little on, you know, whatever the issue of the day is. And that's that's what's going on. No, you're right. And I don't I think sort of this now that we've consolidated the ownership of all these little stations and things, these guys are just reading the script passed down to them from a boardroom in New York City or something. Yeah, again, I heard from a lot of folks about that yesterday about, you know, there was a lot of stuff on Columbus Day yesterday, but to see some of the stuff, but then to see it like a local television station in Birmingham, Alabama play into that kind of job. I think everybody was like, okay, this is first signaling, right? And it does nothing for anybody. If you want to say happy indigenous people's day, I don't really care. But there's there's people that are mandating that you say that who think they are really making a difference in somebody's life or somebody's sense of it. It's nonsense. You know, what it is nonsense. And I'm going to like, if you want to do it, just pick another day other than Columbus Day, because you wouldn't put it on any other holiday. Are you going to are you going to go pick another day? Are you going to? No, well, don't do it with Columbus Day. And for 13, a lot of folks were like, again, this kind of tells you where NBC 13 is in Birmingham, that they kind of had like you said, the virtue signaling on, or maybe just true, true believers, but again, then it kind of takes away from within, how do I have any credibility you are when you reporting on any elections? Where really are you? Well, now we know. Well, you watch some of these, these older, you know, I don't know, like I could half a dozen household names in Birmingham news and where they they're not as far left. Are you like a James Spann? Everybody knows who James Spann is? 10 years ago, he was taking on the global warmers, talking about, you know, we think that we can play God with the weather. It's a little, it's a little insane. He took a lot of heat for it. And I don't like, you know, like I said, I just, I think this, there's a younger generation here that really has been impacted by the culture. And when you put them side by side and you look at them and you could just, you could just see a different technique, a different mannerism, different, you know, everything. And the left has successfully captured the press at higher academia that sort of trains the press right now. Yeah, because again, they're graduating with a, it's okay to do that. It's okay to go on your social media as a reporter or as a broadcaster in, in, while you may be just reading the, the comp in front of you. It's okay. When you, when you get home from work or during the day, just to go out there and trash Donald Trump, which again, what reputable, what professional journalism professor would ever tell a journalism student, yeah, it's okay to do that. It's okay to do that. Of course it's not. I mean, I, I, if you want to go out there and you want to talk left wing talking points, I mean, it's because, because that was this way, I was told you, you don't want to do that on for the right of center guy either. But, but the difference here is this, the, the jobs or the mainstream media jobs are going to the people who have the strong beliefs on the left. And nobody is getting a mainstream media job with the strong views on the right. And here's the other thing Paul that enables this. It's no longer a meritocracy, is it? It's no longer about the ratings you're able to get. And this is true in cable news. And I think to some degree, even local media, it's not as long as you play the company line, whatever that is, they tell you to do, which is most likely a left or center thing, you're gonna be fine because your book doesn't matter, your, your rate, your Nielsen numbers don't matter anymore. The, the corporate, you know, pharmaceuticals or retail or whatever, still going to buy ads on your programming. Yep. And again, there's all these local television stations that I had, what I'm telling me, they bring in these consultants. What do you, what do you think these consultants are telling them? You know what the consultants are telling them? Because one of the reporters told me what they're telling them. It's this and we exhausted along on the time here on this, but I think it's such an important point. It's no longer about selling your product and, you know, getting your product and the message about your product in front of as many eyeballs as possible. It's now you want to associate your product with a certain brand. And it just so happens that brand is left wing or left of center. And I think that's why, like, you know, you look at even Fox News, like the departures of like Tucker Carlson and Glenn Beck and guys like that, that they're just a little too hot for the mainstream ad buyers or whoever they are. And they just, that they're fine with Rachel Maddow. And that's what they're being told. Look, you want, you want your dopey like asthma medicine associated with a worldview that is progressive and inclusive and diversity and equity and all that stuff. And that's what enables the, that's what's contributing to the left wing push toward with journalism. And this is why you're listeners. When they, when they see that the mainstream media, like they just take it with a grain of thoughts. What about the New York Times? They're like, no, don't even start me with the New York Times. No, I'll, I'll read the New York Post before I'll read the New York Post. The Washington Post are just dying off the I mean, like, all these like mainstream media outlets are dying off a perception that was created about the 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago. Yep. That's exactly right. And, and that's why folks don't respect journalism like they used to be like, okay, let's, you know, and you don't have to go back to the Wall Street contract. I mean, it wasn't that bad until pretty recently, I, in my opinion, you don't have to go back to the 60s. Oh, yeah, we're, we're getting some sort of, you know, supposedly impartial journalism on an NBC CBS, IBC. I don't think you have to go back, you know, what, you know, 60 years, 40 years, 50 years. It seems like it's been more of a recent trend in my opinion. Oh, last question, totally unrelated or not tangentially really to, I suppose, uh, the, uh, the election, uh, in November 5th, yeah, I just think that, I don't know how they stopped this bleed, but it's trending against Kamala. I don't know if it could be accurate to say it's trending for Trump, but she's, she's losing ground. I think let me, let me give you a real quick, story. I just came back from Houston, Texas. And, you know, we talk about what are these issues, obviously, economy, but then we talk about the, the, the, the, the, the lawless border and crime. The Democrat district attorney in Houston and Harris County in Houston is a county is endorsing Ted Cruz. The Democrat district attorney, they say, no, I'm endorsing Ted Cruz because he's going to do something about crime in the border. And I think that's, that's a trend around the country. And I think you're seeing that across the country that this has just kind of gone beyond when it comes to the Venezuelan gangs in the crime and the border and jobs at all times. It is all tied together, whether it's economy or national security or crime, it is all tied together. And I think that's going to carry the day for Donald Trump, but it comes up with a thing. Paul, as always, we appreciate your time. Let's do this again soon. Thank you, Jeff. You and your listeners have a great day. Paul de Barco, ladies and gentlemen, let's get a break here. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Porte Show on FITAC. What a 65. Because I'm going back down. Welcome back to the Jeff Porte Showed FITAC. 106 five, 56 minutes after the hour on this Tuesday morning. Next hour, we'll talk to Bradley Jay from Breitbart News. My colleague there and John Wall, the chairman of the other Republican Party. I'll see here on a texture. She had number two because of DEI. Sorry, she's stupid. She's not stupid. She may have got number two because of DEI, but it doesn't make you stupid. Like it's never this like black and white guys. There's a lot of DEI in our politics, but I mean, you still in that pool of DEI quote-unquote hires and she is a DEI hire. And these are Joe Biden's own words because Joe Biden gets, Joe Biden gets on or in front of a microphone and this is what he was still running for president and this was probably back in like July or June and talks about what a great DEI president he's been and the first person he named is Kamala Harris. He called her the guy who hired her, called her a DEI hire. But does it mean that I mean, how many other DEI quote-unquote hires could there have been? You know, you still got to rise to the top. She's she's she's vice president. The y'all can tell me that they just picked a random black woman out of the entire country or 333 million people and named her vice president. I mean, it didn't work that way, okay? She's in the US Senate, not impressive, relatively speaking, but not stupid or dumb. I just think it's lazy. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Moore show. What if I'm talking one oh six five from Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Poor show. I don't think Welcome back to the Jeff Poor show and if I'm talking one oh six five thank you for being with us. Hour number two begins right now two five one three four three zero one zero six. Had a bunch of uh text to get to. We'll get to those here shortly. Bradley Jay from Breitbart News. My colleague there coming up in about a half hour about hour and a half John Wall to chairman the Alabama Republican Party. So don't go nowhere. Stay right where you are. Uh we did if you uh I'm telling you um it is I mean it's it's all presidential election cycle stuff right now and kind of watching the uh the trend is is I I said this to Paul DeMarco in the last segment. I don't notice necessarily a pro Trump twin trend but it does feel anti-combale heroes and let me explain that core constituency is that she should have locked up. I'll say black men in general. I mean she has to have those nailed out. She cannot there cannot be any question here. Male you got to do better with male voters. Now Trump and the Republicans see the better female voters but historic like you always operate on like a set of assumptions about uh a national election and there's certain voters that you don't you don't have to worry about do you know they're always going to vote different to reliable and part of your strategy ought to be how many of these voters will you be able to turn out? Will you be able to push out to get out there to vote? What do you got to do to kind of sweeten that number to gin up that number and there they clearly have some problems here and this I I tell this I think this gets back to a a short lived hurry up campaign impromptu campaign by the Democrats. That's what it feels like and they just didn't have time to really think these things out. So uh they're in trouble they got to make up those votes somewhere and just look at battleground states and we only had to talk about traditional blue states. But what's going to further a road to show some real structural problems for Democrats is the popular vote. Trump may win the popular vote. That's always been the Democrat talking point like there hasn't been a Republican to win the popular vote and be president since 2004 but Bush versus Kerry and this may break that trend. Then what do Democrats do? How do they respond? Are they just gonna are they just gonna blame Vladimir Putin again? It will be different this time because Trump's not going to play the cautious game if he think he played a cautious game in 17 if he is elected he's gonna blow past that. It's gonna be different. It's gonna be bumpy. But it's it's it's like Democrats were caught off guard or something. Let's go to the text line. Good morning, Jeff. Let me show. Don't know if this is something you want to address when I'm hearing the C.O.L.A. cost of living for us old parts on social security is on whopping 2.5%. I don't know how they figure that it's less than $50 a month for me. How is a reasonable cost of living adjustment? I guess that is the best they can do at your taking care of Ukraine and illegal aliens. It's like the face of those who have painted all our lives and many who are veterans. I like to hear your thoughts. Thanks, Dylan Farro. This is it's not so much that this you never would have been put in this position. Had Democrats not done what they did at the very beginning of the Biden administration with the additional government spending bills. You know, it was already with that Cares Act already just egregious and outrageous the way money was just just shoveled out the door in Washington, D.C. And remember the the Kelly left floor, David Perdue, over time, election in Georgia in January, where the Senate balance was at stake and Republicans didn't show up, Mitch McConnell did a terrible job with the NRC. I mean, he controlled the campaign funding mechanism or Senate leadership fund or whatever, sent people to that state who didn't want to be there. And the Senate went Democrat. And remember, they passed ARPA. And then they passed the inflation reduction act. And all that did was make inflation even worse. And I mean, I know I had to go like esoteric in big picture with you here, Dale, but the reason they can't afford your cost of living adjustment reason your cost of living is gone up because with these the title is because of Democratic party policies. So I don't know the answer to that. I mean, one would assume that if they're going to cause an inflationary spiral that they had to take the, uh, at the bite the bullet for it, but they're not. Uh, Jimmy, Jeff, do you think Michelle Obama would have done a better job at Kamala? As far as Kennedy was, she had done a better job running. I think slightly better. I don't know that she could have won. I think all the people think she would have been a lock. It is, she became sort of a, a version of her husband. I think she would win the presidency. We would Barack Obama spoke at the DNC in Chicago. I was, you're just sitting there and you're thinking, man, I'm glad we're not running against him again because he is such a more talented politician than Biden, than Harris, that Bill Clinton even, and Bill Clinton went bad. Bill Clinton now is kind of, did you see yesterday? Bill Clinton, uh, seen better days. Barack Obama right now, he just, he's a compelling, his speech was a little longer to DNC, but he is, um, he's a guy. I think people could be persuaded to vote for just based on his own abilities. It's, it's not, it's a, it's just enough, just enough red meat for the left, just enough without coming off as angry or demagoguery or whatever. And Michelle Obama were able to like implement that. I don't know how she does because I, I think she's more of a firebrand than her husband. I mean, I think she has some radical beliefs, and I think she's got some pent up emotions. They had to take her off the campaign trail in 2008, if you remember. And I don't know that that sales out there. Florida man, have you seen the integral Carlson reveal and musculos is it's some of the biggest owners to come all, well, they have seen clientless. The only way they can keep it quiet is to make sure they let come on Trump is supposed to release the list, wouldn't surprise me, uh, Florida man. Anderson, I want to have Choctaw Indian and Columbus Day is closed state. Nothing else. Christmas is Christmas. Christmas Thanksgiving is Thanksgiving. I, I, you know what it is? It's not so much that people are that bothered by giving me, you know, Christopher Columbus is a kind of sacred figure in our history or something. They're just tired of this BS. They're just tired of it. And they're tired of like, they are sick and tired of everything having to revolve around a virtue signaling media complex. The indigenous people's day is like too many syllables. We've always done Columbus Day. No one's thought twice about it. It's fine. There's no, and when you start just like meddling, when it, when this is all this is, it's just like a meddling sort of like do good or apple polishing thing virtue signaling phony baloney. You don't really mean it. It's inauthentic. And the public at large rejects that that they may not think about it when they go vote, but people are kind of like, this is stupid. Okay. Gee, talk about Sinclair and their TV and their propaganda. You know, they need to know, the lot has cooled off on their anti-synclaire, jihad, gene. I'm gonna tell you a little secret. And you may not like this answer. Yeah, I think Sinclair is a stridently socially conservative media corporation. But the real reason that they'll allow to the media matters and the the places wherever you go to get your morning talking points to listen to the Jeff Porsche show. The truth be told Sinclair was trying to complete this merger a few years ago. And you know, a step at standing in its way. Well, it wasn't like other TV corporations or anything like that. The real fight was this. The Googles, these tech giants, yahoo, they did not want Sinclair having as big of an advertising reach because they did not want to compete head to head with Sinclair. Google ads, they're all fighting for advertising dollars. And this was just this is the whole thing with Sinclair. And why Sinclair was, I think unfairly targeted by the left. It wasn't for anything they believed. It wasn't that at all, because you know, the right can make the same case anytime a left wing corporation wants some kind of acquisition and merger and the FCC standing in the way or the FTC or whatever, SEC. But the the the people that were bankrolling that propaganda campaign against Sinclair, that made you crazy, because you thought that they were trying to convert you to Christianity, which might actually be a good thing, Gene. Because they didn't want to compete head to head with them for the ad revenue. They did what this giant TV company and all these markets around the country having to reach the Googles have that Facebook. It was it was it was big tech bankrolling that anti Sinclair movement and the left is cooled off on that because I think while Sinclair still I'm not going to deny that they're right of center, but they they're out their TV stations, five openly rebel against them. The talent on Airtown is given a lot of leeway. It's the voice they're anti Republican way of thinking. Josh, I agree that she is probably not stupid. I know if you're rich and nor powerful people that are stupid and clueless, it shows being smart enough and having initiative is sometimes not enough. Um, I mean, she was certainly helped along the way, I'm sure. I am we're a superficial country. We we really are. We are a judge a book by its cover. I don't like the way that guy looks. That's the kind of country that we live in. And I think she's I mean, an attractive black woman throughout the years, just got to get some opportunities that you and I aren't going to get. And you do with that what you can and look what she's done with it. Finally, I'm not sure the country is ready for Big Mike to be president and he would be a disaster for our country. Says backstrap stackers. Let's get a break it here. We're right back. This is the jetport show. What I'm talking about. I can't get to sleep at night, barking lot so loud and right. He hasn't worked in 20 years. Probably never made a single person cold, but I can't say the same for me. I've done it many times. Welcome back to the jetport show that the talk was of six five. Did you stick it around on this Tuesday morning at took me a minute to get the Big Mike stuff. Guys, come on. Two five one three four three zero one zero six. If you want to be in touch with the program, please do so still coming to program the next segment. Our friend from Breitbart News, Bradley J. I like that Bradley on he is from he's from Monroe County and worked for Congressman Byrne and Congressman Moore. I believe one other member of but anyway has since moved on to forever reason. Join the the join this this this glorious profession of journalism and as we cover a girl in this program, which were always appreciative also in the program coming up John Wall from the Alabama Republican party, the chairman of the Alabama Republican party. So anyway, back to what we're talking about. Dude, Democrats are starting to play really hard for Georgia. How do we, uh, what do I don't think they can win Georgia and I was watching Bill Clinton yesterday and he stumbled in it and he's in Fort Valley, Georgia. They still maybe this is where they think they can cheat quote, unquote, maybe this is where they're in Fulton County. They think that they got a shot here a flip at Georgia by talking to the other day. And some of these states, Trump's under pulled, right? He ever performed and under pulled and the Georgia polls are kind of what they are. Georgia isn't one of those states or he necessarily under polls. I think the others are. I think Pennsylvania and Georgia seem to be do do the Harris folks think that they got that they have Wisconsin and Michigan locked up, sewn up. Anyway, looking at the big picture, the strategy seems to be this, the deploying assets to the ground and they're always going to have a good ground game. Democrats will have a good ground game, but there's a big picture approach that they're trying to take here and hitting certain demographics across the in these nationwide situations. Oh, wait, wait, wait. We're like, get the media that Trump is doing as long as Trump lays low, it doesn't make it about him. And they're just looking for anything. I'm telling you to make it about Donald Trump. As long as this is a referendum on number one, Kamala Harris and her competency and number two, just a referendum on the status quo, they're going to lose. This does not look like your wedding presidential campaign. Anyway, 2513430106. Also, the media are really playing playing hard on the hurricane response and that anything, any criticism, and this is still out there, by the way. This is still out there. We're not talking a whole lot about it. They downplayed it a little bit, but in North Carolina, they're claiming conspiracy theory, conspiracy theory, and what I think is the problem is there. This is a vulnerability and the way the party and the regime, if you will, the Biden regime is dealing with it, is they're telling you that all of this discussion, they did this with Mike Johnson. And this is important. My Johnson speaker of the House, by the way, any criticism of FEMA and the federal response is the same as the conspiracy theory, Marjorie Taylor Green or Weather Machine or whatever it is creating these hurricanes. The paint people who are legitimately frustrated with the federal response has learned it takes. This is just cynical or just awful. But the national perception, you're never going to win the national media. The local people of North Carolina see this and it's kind of, it's kind of constant or Carolina, I predict. More so today, quit talking about the lieutenant governor there, watch for them to pull out of North Carolina soon. We'll be right back. This is FIB Talk one of six, five, living on the road. My friend was gonna keep you free and clean. [Music] We'll go back to the JetPort show with F and Talk one of six, five. I think you're sticking around on this Tuesday morning. Text slide, you want to be in touch with the program. All you got to do is hit me up there, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. That's the best way to correspond with the program. So they're coming to the program. Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wallace will stick around for that as well. Joining us now on the line, he is my colleague at Breitbart News. Yes, I still work at Breitbart, now going on 11 years. But Bradley J is with us. Bradley, good morning, how are you? Good morning. It's wonderful to be with you, Jeff. Well, let's just talk, you know, good old textbook X's and O's. And I mean, I haven't like, I watch a lot of media, you know, and I watch a lot of cable news. The trend just feels, you can feel it, you can feel it in the air, you see it in the coverage, you see it in sort of the talking points that are like so like blatantly telegraphed when the media read them, you just know what they are. But the trend, I don't know, essentially a pro truck trend, but it's certainly a, I don't see anti Kamala Harris, just maybe she's a little underwhelming and she's starting to leak a little oil trend, it seems. Jeff, I think you're right. And that's something that the Trump campaign warned about not long after she got into the race. You know, there was an internal memo that was leaked out from the campaign that said, look, Kamala's gonna have her little campaign bump. We don't know how big it will be, but there will be a bump. But then things are going to start to normalize. Voters are going to, the shine will start wearing off a Kamala. Voters will start looking at the issues, starting deciding if they want to have a continuation of the Biden-Harris administration and perhaps even more importantly, Kamala's going to do what Kamala does. I mean, look back at 2020 when she ran, she didn't even make it into 2020. If she quit in 2019, she was the first candidate in the Dem primary to get out of the race. Didn't even make it to Iowa. So this is always, I think, been Trump's race to lose, at least going back to early summer, late spring. And what we're seeing right now, I don't think should be surprising. I mean, you're right. And this was what she did in 2020. She had a, like a sugar hive, you remember during the primary debates, she she backed Biden in that corner about the blessing and the segregation. And started landing some blows. And her poll numbers went up. And then maybe even it wasn't in a poll or two, she was leading. And then there was just nothing after that. It just deflated the bubble burst. And she did nothing with it. And watching her back during the summer in August, where she was going to be the nominee, it felt the same way to me. And just like all of a sudden, we're in Kamala, mania. And but she wasn't doing anything to build on it. She, she was avoiding the media. And then this, this latest iteration of her trying to do every media interview, possible, not going to work. But you know, like you get a good, you get shot out of a cannon. And she didn't really write. I mean, she didn't really make the most of the momentum she had. She did the same thing four years earlier. That, that's interesting. That reminds me of Chris Christie in the debate, gosh, way back in 2016, who was able to get some good positive press for landing some debate blows against, I believe it was Marco Rubio. But what happened after that, who in the Republican primaries does Chris Christie appeal to? Who is his base? Who gets excited about Chris Christie? Well, not a lot of people. And Kamala's the same way. She didn't make it in 2020, because she doesn't excite anybody. She doesn't even, among minority voters, they don't really see her as one of their people. I mean, she grew up in an affluent, well-to-do household in Canada. Give me a break. So you're, you're right about the sugar high wear and all. She's trying a bunch of different things out of desperation. I mean, my gosh, you're rolling out a bunch of retrans surrogates and, and Bill Clinton, and in some of these southern states, some of these rust belt states to try to give your campaign a shot in the arm. That tells you that there's a level of desperation for surrogates, by the way, or hammering her. If you look at the Gretchen Whitmer video that appeared to mock Catholics, that has not gone over well. That's angered a lot of people. Bill and him, Hillary, keep putting their, their feet in their mouth. Obama challenged the masculinity of black males that I don't think is going to be received well. So yeah, what does she do from here? I don't know. And you're going to start seeing more Hail Mary type campaign speeches. You know, she's calling for Trump to release his medical records and challenging his mental fitness. But Trump is, people are, people know who Trump is and whatever they think of him, that that cake is baked right now, that just reaches desperation. It we're just three weeks out. And who knows what crazy, crazy Hail Mary will see going forward. Yeah, that's what it is. And it's these gimmick plays. The Harris campaign was never really built in a long term meant the last way, because it didn't have to. It was, it was November 5th or bust. But you know, Bradley, we've been, we've been around politics for a little while. And presidential campaigns, you could go back and go back and remember. I mean, like, like two years, three years, sometimes even in the making. And it's not till maybe that summer before November, when you finally get that right chemistry, that right mix of people. And you know, who is good at what they do. And you know, who is going to excel in certain areas. This campaign was just thrown together. I'm sure they got the inherited some of it from Joe Biden, but that never really was a full fledged presidential campaign in 2020 are in 2024. And I just they never built on her sugar high. They should have. But right now, everything is there's a lot of, I think in terms of taking this, just a lot of high risk moves. It's it's it's and then hopefully the Trump team still just start playing pre-vit defense or whatever. But they're taking a lot of shots downfield and throwing that ball up in the air. And it's going to it's going to backfire, right? You know, going on with Brit bear just seems like a gimmick. The the possibility that come out here is will sit down with Joe Rogan seems like that could backfire as well. These are not these are these are high risk, little reward plays. And then that just like I said, it telegraphs desperation. You're exactly right. And the reason you're seeing high risk plays from Harris is because she is down. What do you see Donald Trump doing right now? Trump's doing what he's doing. He's what he's always done with always been successful for him. He's holding huge rallies. I was in Butler just a little over a week ago for his return after surviving the assassination attempt there. I mean, that's that's Trump bread and butter. He's having these conversations with all these podcasters. I mean, at this at this point, it's almost as if Trump's just out there hasn't fun. And as you say, come on, doing all this high risk stuff. And I think part of the reason, you know, you talk about her campaign not being built to last. Look, a lot of these presidential campaigns, the ones that are successful are in a lot of cases, they're the least bad. You know, these are these huge organizations that, yeah, you're right. They're planning that goes into it for years. But then boom, when they're actually being built, they're built up very quickly. The hiring goes fast and they're not built to last. There's a clear end date. You look at so many of these campaigns, I think, like Scott Walker comes to mind who had all this money and all this planning that went into it, but just almost immediately fizzled out. It's so hard to do. Folks knew that Kamala, the Democrats knew Kamala didn't have the juice to be holding a run, a significant well-oiled machine over the course of a cool campaign, which is why they installed her at the absolute last minute. But if you look at the specifically at her campaign, it's a three-headed monster with Kamala staffers, Joe Biden staffers who she inherited, and Obama staffers who were inserted into the campaign from outside. There's a ton of fighting even for a presidential campaign, where there's always some kind of hostility going on. But nobody's on the same page. You don't really know who's driving the ship. It certainly doesn't seem like Kamala. And you certainly hear a lot about all the infighting, which is intriguing from a inside-the-beltway perspective. But I think part of the reason why they're pushing all these high-risk maneuvers is they are so worried about the down-ballot races. I'm not sure that a lot of these Democrat operatives, and we heard this in Washington at the time that she was installed in her coup, a lot of these Democrat operatives didn't necessarily think that she was going to win, but they thought that she could minimize some of these down-ballot losses. And if you look at what Democrats are doing, or if you look at what Republicans are doing right now in some of these Senate races, they're looking great in these red states that they're trying to live. West Virginia is a given. I think at this point, Democrats are riding off John Tester in RSC internal polling that came out just this morning has Bernie Moreno up a belief war point over Senator Brown. And then Republicans are competing in all these other states, particularly in the in the in the Rust Belt. It's a dead heat in Michigan, Wisconsin. Who would have thought that a Democrat didn't think that Eric Hubby would would have a shot in their neck. Yeah, Pennsylvania is going to come down to the war. I think Republican may even have the edge there. What truly is that nightmare scenario? Two things here. The first question I'd ask you is this. There's no way Kamal Harris can win the Democrat could have won a Democratic primary. I think and I don't know what happens in the future with the Democratic party. I think had they left it up to the Democratic base voter, you would have wound up with Buttigieg or you would have wound up with the, you know, potentially a Bernie Sanders type candidate. The Democratic party hierarchy that needs that base of voters. They didn't and I never I never thought this. I was never a believer that they were going to ultimately replace Biden. Anyway, I always thought that Harris was the playing B and then after the assassination attempt, the first one against Donald Trump, they went with playing B, but they knew that Harris was the playing B, but she she she was not capable of winning the Democratic party primary. She just wasn't and they were too scared of what kind of candidate would have come out of the Democratic party primary. Have they left it up to their old voters? Yeah, I think you're right and it's a credit. I think you're being kind to call Kamal a plan B. She certainly wouldn't be their preferred candidate. Yeah, there are some worse ones out there. Like as you say, Bernie, the power brokers of the party just would have absolutely low and who knows what that would do down ticket, but they had no other option. I mean, that's such the Democrat party's coalition is already very tensely held together right now. If you would have thrown a side of the black woman vice president, I mean, that just would not have worked for Democrats, but yet she seems to be losing them anyway. You look at the the key demographics that the Democrat party is will lidal. They're going to Trump. Black men are going to Trump is Spanish. The youth vote. I don't think that Democrats ever thought that it would be this bad. But as you said at the top, it sure seems like all the trends are going in Trump safer right now. Well, and the other thing this gets back to what you're talking about with the down ballot stuff, I think I think first Donald Trump is in good position to break a 20 year popular vote drought for Republicans. I think that he is a good one to popular vote, but the popular vote general, I mean, she has to have, I think, a five point margin to be president in the popular vote. And she doesn't have that right now. She has to she has to run up to score to popular vote. Otherwise, this could be this is going to be an electoral college blowout. It'll I think, Bradley, that you're going to start seeing more polling come out, showing a favor favorable trend for Trump all the way up until probably like Halloween. And then it's going to tighten again, but it's going to be too little too late. But I think Trump is in a place right now as things stand today and then something could happen to change this that potentially he could win the popular vote for the first time since George W. Bush. I think you're right. And I can't say this enough. This is a nightmare scenario for the Democrats. Trump has always pulled and it's always under pulled. Clinton, of course, in 2016 was pulling ahead of him. Biden was pulling far ahead of him in 2020. I mean, he had an NBC News poll came out over the weekend that has Trump won in the popular vote over Harris. We win all the candidates during include all the third party candidates. Wow. And the reason the Democrats installed common in the first place, look, they what they are worried about just maybe as much as the presidency is the Supreme Court. Look, if Republicans have a 51 vote majority in the Senate, that's not great, but you've got your Lisa Murkowski. You've got your Susan Collins in there. The Democrats could still maybe salvage some Supreme Court picks. If he gets to where, uh, Republican says 52, 53, 54 seats in the Senate and a Donald Trump. You're talking about the ramifications that can last in the Supreme Court for another. I mean, we're talking another gym or another generation of a conservative court. Again, that's why I think you were going to see more of these high risk Hail Mary type maneuvers from from Democrats. As you say, maybe things tighten up over the next three weeks. Don't count anything out. Bradley folks are to find you online. I could do so. You find me on Twitter at Bradley AJ and at We're going to follow every bit of news, every bit of polling. We're going to provide all the analysis that you need heading into the election to be on. Bradley Jay, ladies and gentlemen, Bradley. Thanks again. Thank you. All right. We'll be right back. This is a Jeff Moore show and I'll talk one of six five. Under the barbershop, oh, they set me up in the chair. The old school was our repair. Here we got the rebel bags, blind and close. Why is it here? Cleaning snow in the middle of June. Oh, I'm hot and murky. Yeah. [inaudible] Welcome back to the Jeff Moore show and I from talk one, oh, six, five, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, uh, me a touch with the program gene does pulling underestimate the women's vote. I don't think so. I think it exaggerates it. Um, I think it exaggerates. It calls, and then there's just certain constituencies, pollsters really believe it. It just depends on the pollster and the pollsters judgment, but the circumstances that they think getting a response from is meaningful and more meaningful than say, joke you white guy. They believe, see, I think that the conservatives are less likely to respond to a pollster, but they think the conservatives are way more likely. They believe the dad that conservatives will respond to a pollster. And maybe it varies. I mean, the human, the human nature is just very even geographically. So I don't know a G. I think it's just a judgment call. I think certainly African Americans, they, they tend to, when they poll, they tend to, uh, count them more. There's a science here, and everybody's got a different formula. And it's, it's their scientific basis for this. And they believe that having this many female responses mean more than, and then they're always trying to strive to achieve that because I think these people, most of them, now some of them just operate to play sort of a propaganda role for a campaign. But others, I think really do try to get it right. And they really want to be accurate, but their worldview is just in their way. They view the world through a different prism. King of all named textures of hair sort of wind. What would the reason have been performing better in some of these battleground states than her people are expecting her to. We'll be right back. We'll talk more about the other side. This is FM Talk 10065. From bucks pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porchow. I don't think hang down in this way. Welcome back to the Jeff Porchow at the Talk 10065. Thank you for staying with us on. On this Tuesday morning, text slide 2513430106, if you want me to touch it to show, I can do, is text me and we will, we will respond accordingly. Silly Cub, John Wall from the Alabama Republican party. Stay tuned for that. That would number three right now. Guys, you're going to see the media talk about this. Well, Trump was showing like some weird behavior, just stood there and danced for a half hour. He was. You know what's going on in the crowd though? The media aren't telling you. There was like a medical emergency. Sarah, like when there's like something like that going on, and there's cameras involved, trust is not going to keep speaking or give do the usual campaign rally. Okay. You cannot hate the media enough for trying to turn this into Trump's some kind of Alzheimer's patient. Why would the music be playing? Well, they were like, in on it. Hey, let's, um, let's showcase this cognitive decline here and just play music. These people are so dishonest. They are so terrible. Republicans have to stop enabling. Look, there is no longer a meritocracy. See it in an MSNBC, don't draw all the numbers that Fox does, but Fox has a harder time at maintaining a profitability because the corporate overlords are enabling the lower rated channels because they agree with their politics. What Republicans had to do? They had to stop going on these shows and face the nation. Mike Johnson, the speaker of the house, they did, they did what they did with the hair of 60 minutes interview. They edited it out. So you'll see this from time to time. I cover a lot of events and I'll interview people and the handler will record their own copy of whatever the interview is. So when Johnson goes to appear on face to nation the other morning, the staffer sat there with her phone out and recorded her old version of the speaker's interview, which was later edited by CBS and they have it. It's up on social media. You got to see this. These people are so damn dishonest. So now they're trying. This is, he's got a, the Trump has some kind of disability now, an elderly disability thing. For four years, they covered it up for Biden and told people, anybody said otherwise that he wasn't fine was some part of some misinformation campaign propagated by the Russians or whoever. But they're talking about this dance party right now, Dana Bash, who's equally as terrible. And what he was doing, he was there while there was a, there was a medical emergency in the audience and they were just waiting until that cleared up. Do they think this is going to work? Hey, we lied to you about Joe Biden for four years and now we're going to that. These people are not that, they're not that bright because they think that this will work with the American people to cast a plot of doubt over Donald Trump. And what is even, you know, they want to do that. That's fine, but they're not doing it on their own volition. They, they're just, they're taking a memo from a presidential campaign. And as these people get increasingly desperate, to create narratives, it's going to be this, this frustrating to watch. Uh, back to King. I didn't have enough time on this sort of parasorta. What would the reason have been Trump voters just didn't show up. Um, I don't think she's got a lot of head rubber. I think she, and then there's the people who are in the Democratic party. Getting a little feedback there by ear. Uh, the people who are, who are, uh, going to go vote and adult the Democratic side, I think are locked in. I think there's still a little more ceiling for Donald Trump, but if they don't show up, then King, the, I mean, it's, it's still possible she could win. I told Bradley Jay this from Breitbart News in the last hour. The, the momentum is going to continue in a Trump direction, but I'm probably about, let's see, look at the calendar now. So about a week from now, but that weekend, that last, the second to last weekend, it, you get into Monday and it's going to start, the polls always tighten at the last minute. Historically, except for Reagan, I think just went in a completely different direction where we were told the polls are saying this. It's going to come down to the wire. He just blows both of his opponents out, Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale. But I think it'll tighten just some of this desperation from the media. I don't know this going to work. Uh, Leo, Jeff, what happens when Congress refuses to confront the electoral votes as they win for Trump? There enough rhinos to team up with the Democrats to stop it. I don't think that'll happen. It'll expose the hypocrisy. Because I think there are going to be some Democrats who won't certify this election and they're looking for that reason right now. And maybe the predicate is this with the Trump's unhinged into Trump's dance for a half hour weirdness, uh, that they're trying to lay the groundwork for a 25th amendment thing. But these are, but this is what the media do. This is the fact that it was just like one pundit making this observation. And no, but it's, it's when there's like a uniformity in the talking point on, you know, the same buzzwords. They're reading from a script. They're digging. Trump has lived the American dream. If he doesn't fix this country, his shoulder will suffer. So he is saving this country for we the people and his children. He doesn't need money. But if the country collapses, the dollar will fall, make America fall, make America great again. God, please bless our country again. And God, we trust. Mr. Platt, do you think Tulsi hurt Kamal in a primary debate? Not really. Um, maybe it didn't hurt in the court of public opinion. Maybe God said Kamal Harris has had a little. She doesn't, she doesn't like that kind of adversity. Well, what have you ever seen her in a, in a challenging sort of situation? The debates, right? It's not like, uh, there hasn't been an interview she's done where she's been really pressed on something. And it's almost like when she is interviewed, it's like, I'm sorry, I have to ask you this question. Margaret Britain on face today should calls Trump former president. But when she addresses Obama, he's president Obama. Well, she's just a mean girls camp counselor. I know, I watch Norle Donald and Margaret Brennan, who watches CBS News in 2024. Now, I watch it because it's part of my job. Somebody pays me to do this. If you, why would you watch CBS over NBC? Why would you watch CBS over ABC even if you are a consumer of news and let's say you decided to skip church that day and you're like, I'm going to watch one of these public affairs national weekly programs. Who chooses face the nation? I used to like it. That was a Bob Sheefer. I thought it was okay. He was a liberal, but whatever. But face the nation's never, it's always been third place. For years and years, meet the press and this week were hour long shows and face the nation was only a half hour. They recently over the last few years made it an hour. I think they added the second half hour was optional in some markets and the DC market. It was an hour for years. Who watches this? I really mean this. Like, if you're out there and you're listening, any of the Sunday shows, including Fox News Sunday, CNN State of the Union, do you watch these programs or is it the news? I was the, this is the generated from the live broadcast. It's always generated by other outlets picking up the clips. It's what it looks like to me. I'll see what we got here on a texture of Trump with. We better keep the house because Democrats control both. They will remove him. Remember the trials also Jackson method waiting. I just, Trump will just part it himself. They can, they can try to challenge it in the springboard. It'll take years. But the Trump's, I don't believe is going to let them have a shot on goal with the law fair. I think the law fair goes away at least on the federal level. And if he pardons himself for whatever they're trying to get him in New York, then there's no crime and they can't get him for a campaign finance violation. The, the, the argument because I mean, if we're really going to have a legal argument and you're trying Donald Trump for a federal crime in state court that he's pardoned himself for, they just think starting to like kind of fall apart. It's just, it's, it's sometimes it's just destiny. I don't know. Like how do you overcome two impeachments of 34 count felony conviction to assassination attempts and asymmetric media this getting intellectually lazy or lazier by the day by the moment to be where he is. It should be close. Uh, I T Jesus, I'm waiting for those headphone earrings to stop working during one of Harris's interviews. So much, I really think that those are some kind of Bluetooth enabled device. What why if you're the democrat machine, if you are corporate America or deep state and this is what you got. This is what you got. This is who you want to be president. If she requires some kind of like James Bond level technology to get her through these moments, why wouldn't you just go with somebody else who can answer the questions and is competent. Why would you even bother with Harris? Seriously. Why even why struggle with this? That's why I mean, honestly, if you have to use this level of stealth, it just seems it would have been easier to find somebody better. And all the black women in America, if you had to have a black woman and else just pretend that that's what really is going on here. Why her? That's why I'm a little dismissive of some of this. I think on paper, she has a good resume. This is all on paper. This isn't this is more theoretical, I guess. I still think she ought to be blowing Trump out. And that's just how bad she is of a candidate. Why did they let her get this far? Two five one three four three zero one zero six. We get the more your tax on the other side. Please stick around. This is the Jeff Moore show on FIT Talk. One of those six five. The first thing I remember knowing was a lonesome whistle blowing. And the youngest dream of growing up to ride on a freight train. Welcome back to the Jeff Moore show. If I'm talking about those six five 24 minutes after the hour on this Tuesday morning, two five one three four three zero one zero six. I'm glad black. I am surprised that the moon pie over mobile on New Year's Eve thing is stuck as long as it has, but a clip black coming to mobile for that. In case you're interested in spending your in case you're interested in spending your your New Year's Eve, I am not. Nothing against mobile been there done that, but I think a lot of people will. Let's go to text line. We got a bunch of get to your far next guest. The Trump lives would better keep the house because the Democrats control both. They will remove him. Remember the trials. I read that already. I don't think I don't think the the Senate is Republican is just going nowhere. Fire dog of Kamala as someone in her ear and still gives words out answers. That's even scarier. I do watch Maria Barnaromo Sunday morning features that she has an interesting guest on. I'm very underrated program, by the way, uh, name texture, IQ sense after being pushed out by nominated Kamala Harris before Pelosi could get their stooge and Biden is giving them the finger on his way out. Well, who would have been the the the uh, the Pelosi stooge? I don't know. Like I should know, I, you know, who are Pelosi's loyal lieutenants? We know Clyburn and we know Adam Schiff. I had steady Hoyer was never Pelosi and Hoyer never. They got along later on, but there was a weird rivalry there to go went back to Baltimore. We watch CBS girls. We are WKR G supporters and we like the people. So it just leads over. I think CBS was always like means when they gave us Vern Lundquist and Gary Danielson. I, you know, they I've never, uh, Dan around. I mean, see, this has led us down over the years. Just Trump when merchant will send us Trump to president convicted felon that can't service president. The reason Democrats need to certify their election is doesn't make crazy at the moment. Many crazy things seem to happen in these times. Is that true? I fell and can serve as president. I mean, he is a convicted felon right now. Technically, uh, pending appeal. I don't know, Judge Murchan. I will sentence him though. I think this is a, this is a questionable crime and typically doesn't lead. Well, we don't know why at least he goes, has never been tried before. Um, you'll have a, you'll have some kind of you, you, you, it, it, the state of New York trying to put Donald Trump in jail. You would have some other states kind of team up against the state of New York trying to undermine their, their voters will you would have a new level of welfare. It's too, I think it's too, if he wins, it's too late. Um, it's a trope, vote parade still happening this weekend. I believe so. I need to. I will try to get that verified for you or Erica Thomas who is a guest on, um, Chancho regularly will know the answer to that question. Anyway, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, John Wall coming up here in just a moment. Uh, one, one, just to reiterate a point we're talking about earlier guys, the media are going to try to, the first of all, they're going to try to call Trump's health in the question. But this, uh, what he was doing at this rally yesterday, it was kind of dancing around and, and, and on camera, it looked weird. But the true story is, hey, there was like a medical emergency in the audience and he didn't want to give a fiery speech while there were EMTs in the audience or whatever there were, trying to tend to this person, these two people is what I'm told. So the media is completely dishonest. We'll be right back. This is FM Talk, one, oh, six, five. But, so if I get stoned, I'm just carrying on and on and on. He's found it down, loaded up and trucking. Are we going to do what they say can't be done? Are we cutting all the way to go? And it's short time to get there. Time is kind of what I'm landing on. What about to the Jupyter Show? What if I'm talking about those six, five quick programming note? I failed to do this in the last hour. Sometimes I forget coming up on tomorrow's show. We'll, we'll have, um, uh, well, Susan Dubos, who's hosted an event down here on Monday, I believe at the Fair Hope, uh, first Baptist church dealing with title nine alongside, uh, Congressman Barry Moore, who will be on later this week on Thursday and Attorney General Steve Marshall, who I'm also trying to have on here. And then also in the program tomorrow, our Wednesday regular, Joey Clark from New Stock 93 one and Montgomery. And we're up and up with our current congressman, Jerry Carl, always a pleasure to bring on Congressman Carl. That's coming up on Wednesday. So please, uh, tune in, uh, or I should say tomorrow, please tune in. Joining us now, we do this on Tuesday about this time every week, John Wall from the Alabama Republican party. Chairman Good morning, are you? I'm doing well. It's good to be on the show. Hey, thank you for making time for. So let me start off here and just kind of talk about this, um, the success of the Alabama Republican party, especially on the fundraising level. I don't, I don't think we talk enough about this. And this is a good opportunity to bring this up. But, uh, well, you've really kind of righted the ship here a little bit, right? Well, look, I always like to talk about what we're doing well. Um, you know, that's a good rule of politics, talk about what you're doing, right? And then, um, and don't talk about what you're doing wrong. Um, that being said, I think there's, there's probably a party that's moved, um, you know, really moved into several areas or gotten stronger in several areas over the last few years. And one of those is fundraising. Um, and I love that because fundraising gives you the resources and it gives you the power to be a more effective component. And in the end, that's, you know, that's a Republican party's goal, right? Like, we want to be a good influence, both in winning elections. But perhaps it is important. I mean, this is another area the Republican party has grown, you know, has gotten much more involved than his policy. And, you know, there's some people who don't want Republican party involved as much in policy. But I think it's incredibly important because we're the party that sets the platform, the party absolutely how they roll in the values and in what happens. And if we're not in there, if we don't make sure that we stand for the principles that made America great, the principles that, that, that, you know, our founding fathers fought and died for, or a veteran fought and died for, then then we just, we will continue to get watered down and become resource. Well, I think, I mean, policy is a big part of it. I think people, to be honest with you, Chairman, maybe they don't think about specific policy or whatever, but is this current policy doesn't work. This policy is not going well. It's not meaning expectations. And that's, that's more of a driver of an election right now in the margins where these elections are won and lost. And yeah, it's a policy, but people don't want to have to think very deeply about it and what they see now is not working. So we need to, we need to do something here different. Yeah, no, that's right. And in a lot of it does go back to that fundraising component, right? Because in order to get you or message out, you have to have the money to do it. Because I'll tell you one thing, in today's world, the media is not going to get your message out for you. A lot of times they don't even interview conservative checks to make sense. So the mainstream media is not going to get your message out. Social media limits your message. They censor conservative messaging. And so really it comes down to, okay, can you actually raise the money needed to get your message directly up to the voters? And that's why, unfortunately, in today's world and in the law side, it, you know, pillars of our society that work against conservatism, money becomes more important because we have to go directly to the American voters and explain why the Republic's pretty policies are best suited to the American being more successful. I think, you know, that's why one of the big targets has been put. It's been, you know, raising the Alabama Republican Party's profile as well, whether that's through bigger name speakers coming in, whether that's through the first, you know, Alabama's first presidential debate, both here and Alabama, but on a national level, it's the leader. Be bold. Don't be afraid to talk about the values that we believe in. You know, we have way too many Republicans on the national level to level week back up. They don't want to talk about it. In general, in general chairman, watching and it just, it's getting more hyperbolic, more outrageous, more, I mean, the media are getting more desperate. Do you sense that the sense a desperation because I just like some of this stuff is so easily debunked, but they're just hoping to me it looks like they're just hoping something will stick. And what does that tell you? It tells you that in general, it's it's whatever, whatever the Democrats are doing isn't working. And this is where it's particularly true. Yes, it does feel like it's trending for Donald Trump, but some of these down ballot races, chairman, especially Senate races are really you're starting to see a little bit of panic from Democrats in Congress, I think, and that's a bigger sign. There's and I, you know, I don't know how long this trend lasts. My opinion, and this is based on historical precedent, this trend is going to go on for about another week and a half. And as it always does in the last few days, the race will tighten according to the polls. Maybe it's a hedge to say, hey, we were, we may not have gotten it right, but we were close or whatever, but it'll tighten in the polls. And we won't really know, but right now there is a sort of a desperation underway. Oh, there absolutely is. And look, the fact, I'm going to take it because I think it gets you to overlook a lot. The American people want good government. They believe in freedom, they believe in the American dream. And when you ask the average voter across the country, which party do you think better solve our economic problems? It's the Republican party. I buy it by a global women market. If you ask them, what party do you think, you know, a stronger and foreign policy? It's the Republican party. You ask them, what party do you trust to secure the border? It's the Republican party. And so the values are there. The issues are there. And the fact that we can stay competitive. I'm a Donald Trump, and stay competitive with the onslaught for the last 10, 20 years with the constant demonization of the Republican party, and of our nominees, the fact that we're still competitive at all is almost a miracle. And it really is a testament to the fact that the American people want good government. They want good policies. They still believe in freedom. And I think that's what gives me the most hope is with all the tricks and all the shenanigans and all the censorship and all the bias talking at. We're not even going to tension. We're actually in the lead. And that gives me so much hope for the future, because we have a window to save the country. And I genuinely mean that. I don't, you know, if we allow these radical progressives, they continue to control our education, they control all these deep state bureaucrats in our administration across the country. If we allow that to stay in place, we will lose America forever. So I think we have a window. I think the American people know it. I think they're seen through this. And I hope and pray that we have a victory in November 5th. If you are, and this is kind of a tricky question, but if you were advising, Kamala Harris, I mean, I, I don't know what I would say either, but clearly you look at this campaign. And I think we've talked about this before. It just takes a while for campaigns to come together to start to jail, establish that chemistry and get the rocket or rolling and just kind of like, you know, just a calculated guess here that they never, they aren't gelling at all. There's leaks and there's all kinds of things going on between Harrison Biden that we probably won't ever be aware of. We're just getting it very, very on the outside. But this, this campaign that the Democrats are running, I am just, just for your point of view, I haven't been a part of campaigns. It's just not the way to do it at all. Yeah. Now, like my first advice to Kamala Harris would have been actually run for president and actually win the primary, because that somehow gives you the time to actually organize the campaign and the relationship from her four with voters. And she does not have that. She's never won a, a, in any state, a primary for president. And so it's not just that she's, her campaign is disorganized, that she does not, she does not have a connection with the voters. And look, three months ago, even the Democrats were like, oh my goodness, no Kamala Harris can't be our nominee. But now she is. And I think we're, we're just, this is what happens when you have a party, because there's more about the woke socialist idea that our leaders should be chosen by party rulers than by the voters. Whether you like or not, you know, the candidates who ran against Donald Trump, one thing we all know is that the Republican base was united behind Donald Trump. There were challengers. We did not keep, you know, people from running against Donald Trump. We, we, we, we wanted that vigorous primary process to pay all those rates. Look at the Democrats, they kept Robert Kennedy's new year from, from even qualified. And that has come back and bit him as he now says, look, the Democrat party is not the party of American voters. It's not the party of, who unquote, you know, the Democratic system. It's become the party of socialism and in ruling elite two picture leaders. I think this is, this is a tragedy with a Democrat party and it will bite them. This election is like a bit in the future as well. Well, and I don't know, like, tell me this, I don't know. I don't know that she could ever, you mentioned this, that connection with the voters. I don't think she could have won a Democratic party primary. And she was sort of always to play and be, I don't know, at least with Biden, there had been in the past some evidence that he could connect with people and maybe not as much anymore. But they're relying on what they have established as their worldview, the Democratic party. And, you know, and they, but she couldn't have won a Democratic primary because I think the Democratic party has moved much, much further than the left to the left, that even Kamala Harris, if you leave it up to Democrat voters, you get a Bernie Sanders in this day and age. Yeah, a Bernie candidate of people is absolutely. But look, this is the problem with the Democrats, the Democratic party right now, for their sake. And I don't say this lightly. The mall here, it brings the same thing to the table for the Democrats that Joe Biden did. And that thing is that she is controllable, that the Democrat party elites do not want a candidate who is actually a leader and actually think of themselves. They are desperate to pull control of their system. Because, look, even even Bernie Sanders, they can't take the thought of Bernie Sanders being their nominee because he was not controllable. And I think this is the problem, you don't have strong leadership from the candidates because the Democrat establishment does not want people who actually leave. And this is a fundamental difference between an open, actual election Democratic primary process and what the Democrats have put in place, where they choose their leaders, where they're super delegates or with the machine they have in place with Biden really four years ago. And now you're seeing it with small Harrisburg, where they're picking their nominee. And at some point, American people are going to wake up to that and they're going to realize, hey, we are the Democrat voters of America. They're going to wake up to that and they're going to say, wait a minute, we're not even getting to pick our nominee anymore. And once that happens, it's very, very hard for that party to survive. And I think the Democrat party is getting close to that backlash. I think we're seeing it in the black community, where they're saying, hey, why are our votes being ignored? Why do you not hear it all about our values, which are centered around church and family values. And they're being completely ignored as the Democratic Party needs to go completely crazy in this move direction. Yeah, there's a disconnect here. The party elders, the people in charge of the modern Democratic Party chairman, they don't want to leave it up to their own voters. But at some point, like if Kamala Harris loses this election, let's just operate on that assumption right now. What is the word? Does the Democratic Party go? I mean, it's not going away anytime soon. But the the grassroots and all that emotion is not going to stay bottled up. And the people who run the party, I think have dodged some bullets here. They dodged a bullet with Biden. They certainly dodged it with Hillary. But here it is, like you're told, this is the guy we have to go with at the top of our ticket. You better do what we say. We're not going to have a primary. You don't get to vote. You will play along. And then did they all walk the plank for her and she loses the thing we're not talking about is we're going to have a real civil war on the other side, I think. I think you're absolutely right. Like the Democrat party is a very they've been very effective. Now it helps when you have the entire mainstream media attacking you up and reinforcing your narrative. But they've been very effective in building coalitions. They like to divide America. And that's really what this is about. You know, Republicans view people as individuals, every single person, whatever your, whatever your race, whatever your background, whatever your F now, it does not matter. We view everyone equally. The Democrat party do best when they can divide. So they divide and divide a space on race. Or they divide a space on gender. You know, women, women shouldn't be Republican. You know, the Republican party is the party of white men. That's all the vision. And it all creates these pockets of support that then they, they, they, they try to use this stereotype to break them off and say, what about you, your group? You're different. And that's effective. But what happens is that some point, these different coalitions are going to start fighting for the power positions in the Democrat party. And it's a very, very strange coalition. You have the black community. Like I said, a lot of them believe in family values, at least in southern space, they'll believe in traditional, you know, traditional morals. And then you have these, this absolutely radical strand of LGBTQ+ and they don't mix. At some point, that's, that's hard to keep that coalition together. I just wondered the Democrat party, if they lose, will they try to moderate? They can't go any further left. I mean, they'll just be a, they'll just be considered a fringe element in our politics. And there's got to be a moment where the, the, the, the Democratic party has to embrace like a Bill Clintonism type of movement in its ranks. They won't start winning elections again because, you know, after the years of Reagan and three presidential cycles in a row and not getting a W, not a, you know, something's got to change. Are, are you think they're just too wedded to this, this, this progressive brand that they have adopted? No, you've already seen it. So look at the convention where the Democrat party was actually patriotic. When was the last time you saw the Democrat party be patriotic? Like they have been pushing people to not their hand over their heart for the national anthem or, or negativity towards America. You know, America's evil because, you know, we did things in the past. What you saw at the convention, they have already started making that shift. They're already trying to deceive, I'm not, I do not believe this is a genuine shift, by the way. I think this is a complete deception if it's for their political gain. They've already started that shift to trying to clear more moderate, a more patriotic, a more, you know, more in line with the average American voter. I don't think that is sustainable from them because, right, this is not their long-term goal. We are talking about people who want to control the lives of every single American. They believe that the government, that's what people like. And that, that people are dumb. Right. And they need government. They need the nanny. Hey, hey Chairman, we're a long way to leave it there. But, um, as always, we appreciate your time. Let's talk again soon. Hey, always good to be on the show. John Wall, I'll be a Republican Party Chairman there. We'll be right back. This is FM Talk, one of six, five everything that I got. I keep a close watch on this heart. Looking back to the Jeff Porte show, never talked one of six, five. They sure were sticking around. What's left of this Tuesday morning, a little along there with the Chairman, but coming up here shortly, midday mobile. Sean, what's you got coming up today? Hey, Jeff. Yeah, coming up hour number one, ask the sheriff your chance to ask questions of Mobile County Sheriff Paul Burch. He's the guest in hour number one of the show plus hour number two, April refocal will join me. We'll talk about one of the things on my list here is the outreach as you talk about the, the throws of panic coming from the Harris campaign. They've got a plan out just for, it's an opportunity agenda for black men. So not for black women, not for white women, white men, Asians, other American opportunity agenda for black men specifically. Yeah, you went on about pandering like, Oh, we're having trouble with black men on the polling. Let's let's do something specifically for black men. And so you're saying Americans. So yeah, we'll talk about that. It's a yes, pandering, but they they're telegraphing what they're seeing behind 100% thought the same thing. I'm like, Oh, okay. Now I know what you're seeing in your polling. Okay. Yeah, I don't know how you would address it, but is that the best strategy? Of course, no, I don't know what they would do though. Yeah, they they she's laid out some points here. Harrison's laid out points. We'll talk about that coming up. All right, guys, y'all need to stay tuned for that. Ask the sheriff coming up on midday mobile. So stick around for that. I got to get out of here. It has been a pleasure. I will try to do better tomorrow. Sorry, Phyllis. I forgot to say goodbye. This has been the Jetpor Show on FM Talk 10065. [Music]