FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Alabama Republican Party's ALGOP Chairman John Wahl - Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 10-15-24

Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
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[music] When I'm back to the jumpboard show it up, I'm talking about 065. A quick programming note, I failed to do this in the last hour, sometimes I forget. Coming up on tomorrow's show we'll have Susan Dubos, who's hosted a event down here on Monday, I believe, at the Fair Hope First Baptist Church, dealing with Title IX alongside Congressman Barry Moore, who will be on later this week on Thursday, and Attorney General Steve Marshall, who I'm also trying to have on here, and then also in the program tomorrow, our Wednesday regular Joey Clark from New Stock 93-1 in Montgomery, and we're up with our current Congressman, Jerry Carl, always a pleasure to bring on Congressman Carl, that's coming up on Wednesday, so please tune in, or I should say tomorrow, please tune in. Joining us now, we do this on Tuesday, about this time every week, John Wall from the Alabama Republican Party. Chairman, good morning, are you? I'm doing well, it's good to be on the show. Hey, thank you for making time for us. Let me start off here and just kind of talk about this, the success of the Alabama Republican Party, especially on the fundraising level. I don't think we talk enough about this, and this is a good opportunity to bring this up, but you've really kind of righted the ship here a little bit, right? Well, look, I always like to talk about what we're doing well, that's a good rule of politics, talk about what you're doing right, and don't talk about what you're doing wrong. That being said, the Republican Party has moved really moved into several areas, or gotten stronger in several areas over the last few years, and one of those is fundraising, and I love that, because fundraising gives you the resources and it gives you the power to be a more effective component. And in the end, that's for the Republican Party's goal, right? We want to be a good influence, both in winning elections, but perhaps it's as important, and this is another area the Republican Party has grown, has gotten much more involved in his policy. And there's some people who don't want Republican Party involved as much in policy, but I think it's incredibly important, because we're the party that sets the platform, the party absolutely has a role in the values and in what happens, and if we're not in there, and if we don't make sure that we stand for the principles that made America great, the principles that that that, you know, our founding fathers fought and died for, or a veteran fought and died for it, then we just, we will continue to get watered down into the resources. Well, I think, I mean, policy is a big part of it. I think people, to be honest with you, Chairman, maybe they don't think about specific policy or whatever, but it's, this current policy doesn't work. This policy is not going well, it's not meaning expectations, and that's more of a driver of an election, right now the margins where these elections are won and lost. And yeah, it's a policy, but people don't want to, I have to think very deeply about it, and what they see now is not working. So we need to, we need to do something here different. Yeah, no, that's right, and in a lot of it does go back to that fundraising component, right? Because in order to get you a message out, you have to have the money to do it, because I'll tell you one thing, in today's world, the media is not going to get your message out for you. A lot of times they don't even interview conservative threats to make sense. So the mainstream media is not going to get your message out. So the media limits your message, they censor conservative messaging. And so really it comes down to, okay, can you actually raise the money needed to get your message directly up to the voters? And that's why, unfortunately, in today's world, and in the law-sided, you know, pillars of our society that work against conservatism, money becomes more important because we have to go directly to the American voters and explain why the Republic's party policies are best due to COVID-19 America being more successful. And so I think, you know, that's why one of my big targets has been, but it's been raising the Alabama Republican Party's profile as well, whether that's through bigger name speakers coming in, whether that's through the first, you know, Alabama's first presidential debate, both here in Alabama, but on the national level, the leader, the bold, don't be afraid to talk about the values that we believe in. I mean, we have way too many Republicans on the national level to have a weak background. They don't want to talk about it. In general, in general chairman, watching one and it just, it's getting more hyperbolic, more outrageous, more, I mean, the media are getting more desperate. Do you sense that? Do you sense a desperation because I just like some of this stuff is so easily debunked and they're just hoping to me, it looks like they're just hoping something will stick. And what does that tell you? It tells you that in general, it's whatever, whatever the Democrats are doing isn't working. And this is where it's particularly true. Yes, it does feel like it's trending for Donald Trump. But some of these down ballot races, chairman, especially Senate races are really, you're starting to see a little bit of panic from Democrats in Congress, I think, and that's a bigger sign there's, and I, you know, I don't know how long this trend last. My opinion, and this is based on historical precedent, this trend is going to go on for about another week and a half. And as it always does in the last few days, the race will tighten according to the polls. Maybe it's a hedge to say, hey, we were, we may not have gotten it right, but we were close or whatever, but it'll tighten in the polls and we won't really know. But right now there is a, a sort of a desperation underway. Oh, absolutely. And look, the fact I'm going to take it because I think it's just overlooked a lot. The American people want good governance. They believe that in freedom, they believe in the American dream. And when you ask the average voter across the country, which party do you think better solve or economic problems, it's the Republican Party by a global women market. If you ask them, what party do you think that, you know, a stronger, important policy? It's the Republican Party. You ask them what, what party do you trust to secure the border? It's the Republican Party. And so the values are there. The issues are there. And the fact that we can stay competitive, I'm a Donald Trump and stay competitive with the onslaught for the last 10, 20 years, with the constant demonization of the Republican Party and of our nominees. The fact that we're still competitive at all is almost a miracle. And it really is a testament to the fact that the American people want good governance. They want good policies. They still believe in freedom. And I think that's, that's what gives me the most hope is, is with all the tricks and all the shenanigans and all the censorship and all the bias talking at. We are not, we're, we're not even going to tension. We're actually in the lead. And that gives me so much hope for the future because we have a window to save the country. And I genuinely mean that. I don't, you know, if we allow these radical threats, they continue to control our education, and control all these deep state, um, bureaucrats in our administration across the country. If we allow that to stay in place, we will lose America forever. So I think we have a window. I think the American people know it. I think they're seen through this and I hope and pray that we have a victory in November 5th. It, if you are, and this is kind of a tricky question, but put a few more advising come all Harris, I mean, I, I don't know what I would say either, but clearly you look at this campaign and I think we've talked about this before. It just takes a while for campaigns to come together to start to jail, establish that chemistry and get the rocket or rolling and just kind of like, you know, just a calculated guess here that they never, they, they aren't gelling at all. There's leaks and there's all kinds of things going on between Harris and Biden that we probably won't, won't ever be aware of. We're just getting it very, very on the outside, but this, this campaign that the Democrats are running, I am just, just for your point of view, I haven't been a part of campaigns. It's just not the way to do it at all. Yeah. Now, like my first advice to Kamala Harris would have been actually run for president and actually win the primary because that somehow gives you the time to actually organize the campaign and the relationship from her four with voters and she does not have that. She's never won a, a, a, in any state, a primary for president. And so it's not just that she's, her campaign is disorganized is that she does not, she does not have a connection with the voters and look, three months ago, even the Democrats were like, oh my goodness, no Kamala Harris can't be our nominee, but now she is. And I think we're, we're, we're just, this is what happens when you have a party, because there's more about the, whoa, socialist idea that our leaders should be chosen by party rulers than by the voters. Whether you like or not, you know, the candidates who ran against Donald Trump, one thing we all know is that the Republican base was united behind Donald Trump. There were challengers. We did not see, you know, people from running against Donald Trump. We wanted that vigorous primary process to pay all those rates. Look at the Democrats. They kept Robert Kennedy Jr. from, from even qualifying. And that has come back and bit him as he now says, look, the Democratic party is not the party of other American voters, it's not the party of who, you know, the Democratic system. The party of socialism and then ruling elite two picture leaders. I think this is, this is a tragedy with a Democrat party and it will bite them as this election cycle, but in the future as well. Well, I don't know, like, tell me this. I don't know, I don't know that she could ever, you mentioned this, that connection with the voters. I don't think she could have won a Democratic party primary and she was sort of always the plea and be, I don't know, at least when Biden, there had been in the past some evidence that he could connect with people and maybe not as much anymore. But they, they're relying on what they have established as their worldview, the Democratic party and, you know, and they, but, but she couldn't have won a Democratic primary because I think the Democratic party has moved much, much farther than to the left than even Kamala Harris. And if you leave it up to Democrat voters, you get a Bernie Sanders in this day and age. Yeah. The Bernie came to the people, this is absolutely, but look, this is the problem with the Democrats is the Democratic party right now for their sake. And I, I don't see this lightly, um, the mall here, it brings the same thing to the table for the Democrats that Joe Biden did. And that thing is that she is controllable that the Democrat party elites do not want a candidate who is actually a leader and actually think of themselves. They are desperate to pull control of their system because look, even even Bernie Sanders, they can't make the thought of Bernie Sanders being their nominee because he was not controllable. Um, and I think this is the problem. You don't have strong leadership from the candidates because the Democrat establishment does not want people who actually lead you. And this is a fundamental difference between the open actual, you know, election, Democratic primary process and what the Democrats can have put in place where they choose their leaders or their super delegates or with their, uh, the machine they have in place with Biden really four years ago. And now you're seeing it with small Harris, where we're, they're picking their nominee. And at some point, the American people are going to wake up to that and they're going to realize a week for the Democrat voters of America, they're going to wake up to that and they're going to say, wait a minute, we're not even getting the picker nominee anymore. And once that happens, it's very, very hard for that party to survive. Um, and I think, I think the Democrat party is getting close to that backlash. I think we're seeing it in the black community where they're saying, Hey, why, why are our votes being ignored? Why, why do you not hear it all about our value? And which are, which are, you know, centered around church and family values, um, and they're being completely ignored as a democratic needs to go completely crazy in this move direction. Yeah. Uh, there's a disconnect here. The party elders and people in charge of the modern democratic party chairman, they, they don't want to leave it up to their own voters, but at some point, like, if come on Harris loses this election, let's just operate on that assumption right now. What is the, where does the democratic party go? I mean, it's not going away anytime soon, but the, the grassroots and all that emotion is not going to stay bottled up. And the people who run the party, I think have dodged some bullets here. They dodged a bullet by with Biden. They certainly dodged it with Hillary, but here it is. Like you're told, this is the guy we have to go with at the top of our ticket. You better do what we say. We're not going to have a primary. You don't get to vote. You will play along. And then if they all walk the plank for her and she loses, the, the thing we're not talking about is we're going to have a real civil war on the other side. I think. I think you're absolutely right. Like the democrat party is a very, they've been very effective. Now it helps when you have the entire mainstream media effecting you up and and reinforcing your narrative, but they've been very effective in building coalitions. They like to divide America, and that's really what this is about. You know, Republicans view people as individuals, every single person, whatever your, whatever your race, whatever your background, whatever your F now, it does not matter. We view everyone equally. The democrat party do best when they can divide. So they divide, you know, divide a space on race, where they divide a space on gender, you know, women, women shouldn't be Republican. You know, it's the Republican Party is the party of white men. That's all the vision. And it all creates these, these pockets support that then they, they, they, they try to use the stereotypes to break them off and say, what about you, your group, your different. And that's effective for what happened is at some point, these different coalitions are going to start fighting for the power positions in the democratic party. And it's a very, very strange coalition. You have the black community. Like I said, a lot of them believe in family values, at least in southern space, they'll believe in traditional, your traditional morals. And then you have these, this absolutely radical strand of LGBTQ plus, well, and they, they don't mix. And at some point, that, that's hard to keep that coalition together. I just wondered to democrat party, if they lose, will they try to moderate? They can't go any further left. I mean, they'll just be a, they'll just be considered a fringe element in our politics. And it, it, it, there's got to be a moment where the, the, the, the democratic party has to embrace like a bill of Clintonism type of movement in its ranks. They won't start winning elections again because, you know, after the years of Reagan and three presidential cycles in a row and not getting a W, not a, you know, the, something's got to change. Are, are you think they're just too wedded to this, this, this progressive brand that they have adopted? No, you've already seen it. So look at the convention where the democrat party was actually patriotic. When was the last time you saw the democrat party be patriotic? They, they have been pushing people to not, to hand over their hearts for the national anthem or, or negativity towards America. You know, America's evil because, you know, we, we did things in the past. What you saw at the convention, they have already started making a shift. They're already trying to deceive, I'm not, I'm not, I do not believe this is a genuinely shift. By the way, I think this is a complete deception. If it's for their political gain, they've already started that shift to trying to clear more moderate, a more patriotic, a more, you know, more in line with the average American voter. I don't think that is sustainable from them because, right, you know, this is not their long term goal. We are talking about people who want to control the lives of every single narrative. They believe that government, that's one people's life and that's, that people are dumb. Right. And they need government. They need the Navy fleet. Hey. Chairman, we're a long way to leave it there, but, um, as always, we appreciate your time. Let's talk again soon. Always good to be on the show. John Wall, I'll be a Republican party chairman there. We'll be right back. This is FM Talk 10065. ♪ Everything that I got ♪