FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Quin Hillyer Kamala Harris interview - Mobile Mornings - Tuesday 10-15-24

Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] News, sports, weather from Dr. Bill Williams, traffic info from Kane, and one of the Gulf Coast's most familiar voices. It's Mobile Morning's with Dan Brennan and Dalton R. Whig. Good morning from Dan and Dalton. FM Talk 10065, Mobile Morning's at 8.07. Good morning, y'all. Good to have you along. And overcast guys right now, 61 degrees. A little on the cool side. We haven't had a chance to say that very often. No. Dr. Bill said it's going to be cooler tomorrow with a high, not even touching 70 degrees and winds whipping around. So get ready, then the weekend, then into the weekend, things look really, really nice, kind of moderating temperature wise. 7 after 8 with Mobile Morning's. Yeah, and that's why we have so many festivals and events in October. Perfect. Because the weather ends up being so nice. And we have Greek Fest coming up this weekend. October 17th through 20th, Greek Fest. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. And all the great food and things that come along with Greek Fest. They actually brought us some of those great little desserts a week ago. So I'm looking forward to Greek Fest coming up this weekend. It is a Tuesday. That means it's time to talk with Quinn Hillier. You can read his work at the Washington Examiner. And of course, the self-titled website, Quinn Good morning, Quinn. Good morning, guys. So I want to get into this Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples Day and Kamala Harris's comments from the past, which she, I guess you could say, doubled down on in a Twitter post yesterday regarding Indigenous Peoples Day, just for context. And I know you've probably already seen this clip, Quinn. But I want to air a minute of this so that folks know what we're talking about. This was from, I believe, 2019. Right. That's what I tell. I think she also did something similar maybe in 2021. So this isn't a new clip, but it went viral again yesterday with it being Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples Day. Here was Kamala Harris talking about just that just a couple of years ago. It is an honor, of course, to be with you this week as we celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day, as we speak truth about our nation's history. Since 1934, every October, the United States has recognized the voyage of the European explorers who first landed on the shores of the Americas. But that is not the whole story. That has never been the whole story. Those explorers ushered in a wave of devastation for tribal nations, perpetrating violence, stealing land, and spreading disease. We must not shy away from this shameful past. And we must shed light on it and do everything we can to address the impact of the past on Native communities today. So that went viral again yesterday. And it's just, you know, I know she wasn't running-- well, she may have been running for president, but she made some of those comments in 2020. But it's strange to me that we have a premier presidential candidate-- I mean, she's the last one standing in the Democrat Party-- saying things like that about Columbus and his crew. Quinn, your comments on this? Well, first of all, every word that she said was true. But so far out of context, that it was obnoxious. I mean, yes, the European explorers did the things that she said. But they came to an age where just about everybody was doing them, and the people here that they did them to, that they were basically talking about what was known as Latin America, had civilizations, the aspects, the minds that were more brutal than the ones that the Columbus and his people themselves were. I mean, the human sacrifice, the gains of-- I've been to teaching it on the mind, and then so on. Unbelievable structures. Nomad, et cetera, et cetera. They still have the arena, the arena where the penalty for losing was death. If you lose a ball game, literally a ball game, you got put to death. You got brutally destroyed, mangled, eaten deliberately as a result of losing. So that's the first thing. The second thing is, of course, we're celebrating Columbus Day because of-- I'm not a huge Columbus fan. But it took unbelievable courage for him and his people to do what they did, coming across an ocean where they didn't know what was at the other end, braving an ocean on ships that, here to four, the ships, were not necessarily good enough to do it. They didn't know what they were going to find. They didn't know whether some of them thought they would fall off the edge of the Earth, because that's what most people thought at the time. So there's an exploration that we love. But here's the thing I really want to talk about is her hypocrisy. She talked about the disease that they brought, as if they knew that they were going to kill the native populations by disease. That's not the fault of the explorers. They did not have any way to know that they would bring diseases to which the natives would not have immunity. They didn't even know what immunity was. They didn't know bacteriology. They didn't know virology. 95% of the native populations that were killed were killed by disease, not by the limited action of Columbus and his people. And yet she acts as if, oh, they came in a fact. You listen to the clip, she's almost saying that they committed genocide. That was not their fault. And yet she wants to blame them for it. Here's the hypocrisy. In 2020, when China created a virus in a lab, when China knew how lethal it was, when China understood the virology, they covered it up. They did not tell the rest of the world. They unleashed it upon the world. And yet, when we called it the Chinese virus or the Wuhan virus, she said it was racist. She literally, literally put forth a resolution in Congress to denounce the words Chinese virus as racist and to ask the Justice Department to look into prosecuting hate crimes that grew out of the supposedly racist name of Chinese virus. So she's going to blame us for calling something what it absolutely was for people that were absolutely guilty of it. But then back then, she wants to blame the people that weren't guilty of it for the deaths of people that they didn't know they were killing. She talks about the Columbus ushered in this era of perpetrators of violence and stealing land and all that stuff. I've got to ask you, so were Indigenous people living this serene, peaceful existence or weren't they often warring with each other? Well, that's what I said. They were some of the most violent, brutal civilizations, known to man, certainly among the most violent and brutal in 1492. I mean, the level of human sacrifice, the level of destroying each other, there was, according to the Islanders, the Islanders told Columbus. Columbus put it in his notes and said it's some of his men, the Islanders told them that they were afraid of the mainland people because the mainland people would eat them, they were cannibals. And not only that, but there was widespread slavery in the Mayan and Aztecs civilizations. I mean, vicious, horrible slavery. It's not like we bought black slaves over later, which was terrible. They enslaved each other and were brutal to each other. So again, the lack of context, the blame, the European so-called white men first that she shows is absolutely outrageous. - Well, and the hypocrisy. - Yeah, well, hypocrisy, that's nothing new. As someone pointed out, you know, Columbus was just an immigrant looking for a better life, Quinn, right? And he was just looking for a better, this just, it fits the narrative that we've seen so often with so many on the left where they make it a, almost like a black and white issue, which it certainly isn't. Like it's just colonizers versus the colonized. And we, we continued to see that today in their take on Israel and things going on in the Middle East, but it's not that simple. And honestly, if Columbus hadn't shown up, someone else was going to show up and do exactly the same thing or possibly worse. I mean, this can't poll well, right? If you were, and I know she did this a few years ago, she kind of doubled down with a post yesterday talking about indigenous people's day. She wasn't nearly as outspoken as she has been in the past, but this certainly, there's no way that this would poll well if you put this out to potential voters, right? - Well, especially among the Italian-American communities in New Jersey, which probably is going to go with there anyway, and Pennsylvania, which I think they have a million and a half people of Italian ancestry, to whom, by the way, Columbus is an absolute hero, okay. There are also a number of Italians in Nevada. There are Italians, of course, all across the country. There's a fairly large Italian-American community in North Carolina, which is not correct. This is not doing here any good, you're absolutely right. - Is Columbus a red line for so many Italians? I didn't, I mean, I knew that Italians love them some Columbus, but with someone maybe going to vote for Kamala, and then they see she said this, and they're like, "No, I'm out." No, not after she said that about Columbus. - Columbus can be a, it can be, - Well, it's a great Sopranos episode too, of course. - It's a cultural thing, this is... - Cultural, yes. - This is yet another cultural marker. People don't necessarily vote on ideology as much as culture. I mean, some people do, but a lot of people possibly a large plurality vote on cultural cues. And what, and I mean, this is so much part of her, I call it coastal, woke land ideology and culture. She does not even understand that somebody can think differently from her, that somebody can have a different culture than her. She was preaching to the woke choir, and that's who she is, that's what she believes. And people see that, and they're on the fence. Do I vote for her? Do I leave it blank, or do I leave it blank versus even though Trump sort of makes me angry, and I won't get a vote for him. Maybe I'll vote for him after all, rather than leave it blank. That makes a difference. There are literally millions of people out of 330 million people in the country, but millions of people, several million across the country, that are going back and forth, not between Trump and Harris, but between leaving it blank or casting a right in, and voting for one or the other. And if they move off-center to one, or from one back to the center, meaning you know, vote, that makes a difference. Remember how close the last election was. - Yeah. - 10,000 votes in Georgia, 11,000 votes in Arizona, 22,000 votes in Wisconsin. All it takes is that few dates in those few states to say, you know what? I'm not voting at all, instead of voting for Kamala Haskis. It is just something about her. I just can't do it. - Yeah. - It makes a difference. - Well, you can also vote for Cornell West or Jill Stein. Don't forget that. Those are our options. Quinn, before we go to the break, I did want to ask you, your take is Dan, I've kind of been batting this around off the air a little bit this morning, but quite a risk that Kamala Haskis taking tomorrow night, going on Fox News for an interview with Brett Baer. I know some people are trying to say that Baer is going to do like we saw with 60 minutes, right? Kind of pre-record and then edit it to look favorable for Kamala Haskis. I don't see what he would have to gain by doing that, but this is a big risk she's taking tomorrow night, an interview on Fox News with Brett Baer. This could look really bad for, I guess, since in some alternate universe, it could turn out well. - She's done so badly in every interview that she's done, I can't imagine that it would turn out well, but it shows that her poll numbers are slipping and she's desperate to reach out to new voters or to reassure people who are worried about her and show that she's brave. Brett Baer, I saw a tweet from him. He said, if they edit it, which they probably will, but it will only be for non-essential profit, will be for filler. And he said they will release the transcript unlike what 60 minutes did. So if they release the whole transcript, you can see whether or not they've got anything that's essential and you can see what that is that they have caught and so that's a much better journalist to practice. - I just, I'm going to go to break now, Quinn, but I just put her on live and do, I just hate this leveling it. Yeah, this level of secrecy in a way that can bring on any kind of conspiracy or just, you know, dissatisfaction for the voters. Just go on the darn show live and answer the question. - It should be easy, right? - Yeah, no, it's not for her, evidently. It's 822 FM Talk 106 5 Mobile Mornings with Dan and Dalton and Quinn Hillier. (upbeat music) - Good morning from Dan and Dalton FM Talk 106 5 and Mobile Mornings. And Tuesday, continue our conversation with Quinn Hillier. Read his work at The Washington Examiner and Quinn Make sure you sign up for that newsletter and Quinn. Be singing Happy Birthday tonight. The Jags Troy Game Governor Kay Ivey will be in attendance her 80th birthday. I'll be singing Happy Birthday to her. Dan was wondering if the head of the VA would be in the same box as Governor Ivey tonight. - Hey, Todd, maybe make a little, make nice tonight. This Veterans Administration and Governor Kay Ivey brew ha ha as you labeled it. Kind of going away, slipping out of the news headlines. - Well, except about four days ago it was back in the headlines because, okay, so what happens is there's actually a Veterans Board that actually hires the head of the State Department of Veterans Affairs. - The one she wanted to dissolve, right? - Yes, exactly. So she demanded the resignation of the very popular head of the department. Can't say this, we're tired, Admiral, great guy. And so she put pressure on him and he said he would resign by December 31st. Well, the Board met last week and unanimously passed a resolution asking him to reconsider basically telling the Governor to get lost in what is what they did because they said he's doing a good job. And now granted, she can fire each one of them but then it's outside organizations that nominate their replacements and it's sort of a complicated system. So she does have some power over them but they basically dared her to fire them all because they said, we don't care what you say, this guy's doing a good job. Can't Davis deserves to be and our veterans deserve to have him as head of the State Department of Veterans Affairs. I haven't heard yet whether Can Davis has decided not to withdraw his resignation and stay on. I hope he does, obviously most of the veterans groups around the State hope he does and Kay Iby was absolutely dead long to ask for his resignation. - If I remember correctly, I think he reiterated what he had said earlier that he's not interested. I may be wrong on that. I think he basically said, no, I'm out at the end of the year but you hear the line coming from the State and then also Todd Stacy with Alabama Daily News. They seem damn sure that there was financial malfeasance with that same board you were talking about last week. They voted, they said, no, there was no malfeasance with this money for mental health. It seems like that would be clear cut, right? - No, malfeasance, I can tell you that. They got an absolute clearance from the State financial officer who looked into it and said, no, there is absolutely no malfeasance. As a matter of fact, I would suggest that if there is malfeasance, it would lay in the State Department of Mental Health reneging on their agreement to give $7 million in federal grants to veterans. - Yeah, you're right. - Look at that, look at it in her pipe and smoke. - Sure, maybe that's what you'll get for a birthday, Brad. - I told him I'm gonna have access to the governor tonight. - That's what I was told. - Wow. - By the university officials. - How are you gonna use it? I'm gonna give her a pipe and tell her to smoke and then say something. - Yeah, I'm sure about that. - Hey, Quinn, thanks for being with us. It's... - Thank you, appreciate it. - We got it. 830 FM talk, 106-5, Mobile Morning. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Good morning from Dan and Dalton. Mobile Morning, it's tomorrow. 715, throughout the day, you'll hear it. Sharon Hissey, all a fine broker from Wise Living really saves a fair hope and it's time to get real. Your subject will be things you can do in your garage to help the value of your home. So listen for that. Shannon Hissey, tomorrow on Mobile Morning. It's 835 now with Dan and Dalton. - Looking at the text line, thank you, Chris, as the show's sounding good today. He said the mere fact that Kamala has agreed to do an interview with Brett Baier shows just how stupid she is and does not deserve to be dog catcher of San Francisco, less president of the United States. I don't know if it's stupidity. Maybe, to me, more desperation than stupidity. I mean, will it look like a stupid decision if she completely falls flat on her face, which I think if there were odds makers that were somehow able to handicap a bad interview, I'd say that that's probably the odds on favor, right? Is that she screws up because we've seen it and even friendlier interviews of the past. I think, I chose the desperation that she's willing to do a sit down interview. Now, you could look at it from the other side and say, "No, it's not desperation, it's courage." She's willing to go in and do this and talk to whoever. But we've seen in the past, right? We've seen over the last four months, that hasn't been the case, that she avoided interviews for as long as possible. Now she's hammering as many as she can. And you had, what, Trump just two days ago say that he was gonna go on the Joe Rogan podcast, which is a big deal, it's a big deal. - A lot of people are waiting on Rogan to say, confirm it. - I'm in for, no, as far as like his vote. - Oh, yeah. - People are kind of waiting on that for Rogan because he's animated, you know, his interviews are sometimes two and three hours long. - They most often are three hours long, yeah. - So he says a lot of things, but what he hasn't said yet is I am for candidate A or B. So, you know, we'll see. - Yeah, and so Trump makes that announcement Sunday. We'll see, Rogan hasn't confirmed it, but then yesterday the Kamala Harris camp starts saying, hey, we're thinking about going on Rogan too. Now that, going on a Bret Baer 30 minute interview that he edits for time is one thing. Going on a long form, not just, okay, let's just say going on a long form podcast is an entirely different animal. Going on a Joe Rogan long form podcast is more of a big deal, maybe not more of a big deal than the debate. That's what I was about to say, but it's a bigger interview than pretty much any interview that either candidate has done to this point. - Well, yeah, the going on the Bret Baer thing would be like a flight from Pensacola to Sarasota. Going on Joe Rogan is you're going to the space station. - Literally, yeah. - You're going, you're really out there. You're going to be very exposed. - Yeah. - Good or bad. - You're going to be very exposed. - Because you just, I mean, you can't possibly lay out the questions for, and she won't do two hours. She won't do three hours. She's not going to do this interview. I'll go ahead and tell you right now. She's not going on Joe Rogan. They put that out there. I'll eat my hat if she goes on Joe Rogan, but it's a long form conversation. And if we've seen one thing that she's not great at, it's long form conversations, I would be all for it. I hope she does go on, I hope both of them go on Rogan. That'll definitely be interesting for us to see, and maybe air some of that here on our station, but I don't know, it's interesting. And it's not original. You know, you had Trump say it on Sunday, and then Kamala's camp say it on Monday that they're going to go on Rogan. Yesterday was a bad day for Bill Clinton. You see that, he's out there. - Well, so back in the day, Saturday Night Live would have, there would be a play on Clinton and McDonald's. That would be Skits, where he's jogging along and then he stops him at a McDonald's and orders $17 worth of food. And he'd sit there while he's in McDonald's. - So he, a couple different instances that went viral with Bill Clinton. How old is he now, by the way? I need to figure out how old, is he upper 80s? - Yeah. - I would, they're all about the same age, right? - I guess, Trump, let's see. - 85. - Clinton age, he is 78. - 78, okay. - He's a spring flower there, 78. So he's in Georgia yesterday, and he stops at McDonald's like these politicians love to do. They're just like us, man. They just love a good burger, the end of a workday. So Clinton goes into him. - And the smile of a pretty lady. - That's right, Clinton goes into a Georgia McDonald's and God bless these employees at these fast food restaurants. So just trying to get in, get the workday done, get back home, do whatever they need to do back home. But if you're in a swing state, and you're in a fast food restaurant working, - I'm working in Atlanta where, look out. All of a sudden you have to become like a political news junkie just to know who's walking in your doors. But I don't think it's that tall of a task to recognize Bill Clinton when he walks through the door, right? Anyway, I don't know if she was the manager or what role she plays in this McDonald's, but she was a little confused here. She thought she was looking and talking to Joe Biden. She was the current president. It's kind of tough to hear, but she'll go, you know, that awkward kind of situation where you're standing across from someone and they expect you to know who they are? - Yeah. - And then so you just throw a name out there, you're like, are you? And so she goes, Joe, Mr. Biden? And then you can't hear him on the screen, but he might go like, "Oh, it's Bill Clinton." And then she goes, "Oh, Bill!" Oh, this is what that sounded like. (indistinct chatter) - So she starts saying, she's like, and now she knows. It's Bill, y'all, it's Bill. Look at him, it's Bill Clinton. So that's a tough one for Bill Clinton yesterday, but then I think the actual slip up came, as he was talking to some folks there in Georgia. And they were talking about immigration and his move, which kind of started seeing yesterday, he's saying immigration is good because we just, the birth rate in America, just like so many other countries isn't high enough to keep this country running on Americans, right? I think we're at 1.6 is the birth rate and you have to be at 2.1 to replace. It's a major issue, it's a major global issue, but that's kind of his take. That's why he's saying immigration is a good thing because we aren't making enough babies, but he brings up Lake and Riley on his own accord, the college student who was murdered by illegal immigrants. - Sure. - And he says, kind of like Tim Walz yesterday, saying, "We can't take four more years of this." It's like, "Four more years of what?" (laughs) - Of Kamal Harry Biden office, yeah. So Clinton really steps in it here. This is a big deal where he says, if the border were properly vetting immigrants, this wouldn't have happened. - Well, if they'd all been properly vetted, that probably wouldn't have happened. (laughs) But if they all properly vetted, and that doesn't happen, and America is not having enough babies to keep our populations up. So we need immigrants that have been vetted to do work. - So for years, Clinton was kind of the, while the joker and the deck, right? You bring him out there. He does his Clinton thing, which was amazing. For so many years, his ability on the campaign trail to connect with folks and just tell him. - America's first black president. - America's first black president. Tell him what they need to hear. But at 78 yesterday. - He told him the truth. - He kind of told him the truth. And I think of all the news we've seen in these two campaigns these last few days, which is a lot, that's a big deal that came out and said, if they'd been properly vetted, this wouldn't have happened. And he's talking in Georgia where Lake and Riley was murdered. - Welcome to a national ad that'll be playing over and over and over again. Bill Clinton making that statement on a GOP ad. - Well, that's what the Trump campaign has been doing, just on social media. I don't know if they've been putting on TV, but they'll take direct statements, direct video from Kamala or Walls or Clinton in this instance, where they say the wrong thing, or they say something that sheds a light poorly on the Biden administration, the Harris administration. So they'll just take that clip, the Trump campaign. And then at the end, they'll add the tag, "Vote Trump 2024," it's that easy. It's built in political advertising for their opponents. - So everybody knows who Bill Clinton is. You don't have to be, well, no, not her. But it doesn't have to be explained to you. And just the image of Clinton saying what he said there, the other thing that I'm noticing, what I'm reading, and I don't know if you've come across the, I'm sure you have, you know, when you think about the problem between Biden and Harris, it's much more than that. They have their own camps. Harris has got her own campaign now, right? She's got all these Biden people who were hurt by the way Biden was treated, but also they feel left behind. They're on their way out. They're off if they don't want to be. They're on their way out. And so a report from, I think it was Axios, many senior Biden aides remain wounded by the president being pushed out of his reelection bid and still not adjusting to being in a supporting role. Like, we've got to play nice and support you. They're like, I'm not so sure. I feel that I feel like I want to do that. - Oh, he's been supporting her. He's been saying that she was behind every decision he's made over the last four years. - Well, and that just him, but between the two camps, you've got it. That can't be good going into election day to have the Biden people and Biden pretty much. Like, how far is Joe Biden going to go to make things harder on Harris? We were joking about this, but it was kind of like he could do anything. He could say anything and jeopardize her completely if he wanted to because he knew he's mad. But it almost seems like the people behind him are even madder than Biden is himself. - Yeah, well, and how mad is he personally? I mean, I'm sure he's angry, but is he throwing up roadblocks on purpose? I don't know. I think he's just kind of doing his lame duck presidency thing. They're upset that he's scheduling hurricane pressers while she's talking at some big event that's on social media. That's one of the things that's happened a couple times where they've booked events at the same time. - Right, and last week he had a couple of those occasions where it sounded like he was kind of one-uping her in a way. - Yeah, and then I think the Harris campaign's frustrated that he seems to be, I think he's just doing what he feels is the job of president in this lame duck presidency as far as the hurricanes go. You have the Harris campaign saying, "Why is he so cozy with the Santis? "Why is he meeting with Representative Deluna down there?" - Yeah, exactly. - The exaltor conservative house congresswoman there. - That wasn't nothing. I mean, there's something going on where he's silently tossing arrows at Harris. - Well, and I was wondering, and I'd love to see the backstory for how his endorsement for Harris came down. I saw someone saying last week that he was kind of pressured. So once we knew that Biden was going to step out, like, okay, you're done, man. Remember, he held on for as long as possible. He went away for a week or so. I mean, he just, that was it. - Yeah, after the debate. - They said that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden were kind of talking to him about his future, right? During that. So, but someone said that he was pressured by the women in his circle to endorse Kamala. He said, "This is going to be a really bad look. "If you drop out of the race and don't endorse "your vice presidential candidate who is a black female, "so this is going to look poorly on you in the future." And that's kind of why he did that. He has plenty of reasons to be upset, I guess. The Democratic establishment, he'd be less upset, I think, if they hadn't let him along, thinking that things were fine all the way up until four months before the election. - And he put her in that position in the first place. He wanted to pick a black female running mate. And so he did, it was her. So without Joe Biden, she is a footnote in anybody's history book at this point, because she flamed out so famously, trying to become the presidential nominee of the Democrats in 2020. - Didn't even make it to Iowa. - She did so poorly, she would be an afterthought for all of us historically. And now she has a chance to become president. A lot of tension there. - Yeah, and what do we make of, and don't forget Biden putting on the Trump hat. If that one, Pennsylvania, the veteran got him to put that on. What do we make though of this report that you had in your three big things with Iran? And we know that the intelligence services have been saying that Iran has been attempting to assassinate Trump for some time now. Remember he had the John Bolton thing they were trying to assassinate him. They're upset about us droning Soleimani years ago, getting rid of him. And then Biden comes out, and you know this was leaked from the Biden administration. They said that any attempt on Trump's life from Iran is an act of war. And it's one thing to just assume that, right? But for them to come out and say, - And say it. - If you do anything, if you try to take Trump's life, that is an act of war. I'm having trouble trying to figure out the play here, because part of me wants to say, okay, he's just being a good American. He's being a good president. - We're nearing election day. It's all gonna be political from this point on. It's all got a political tinge to it because of where we are in the election cycle. And so, yeah, we were, again, we'll have conversations off the air like, what's this all about, man? What do you think? I don't know. Maybe there's things that, and somebody on the text line, I'm sure is already texting to say, and it's obviously this guy, it's, well, whatever that is, feel free to text it in. But it was very interesting that that story was leaked out, and it was Biden saying we can have Iran doing these things to Trump and Bolton and a couple of others, I believe, as he pointed out. - Yeah, it was Pompeo, one of them. - Pompeo, yeah, no, Brian. - Yeah, and of course, if you look at this from all angles, including some of the angles that you're not allowed to look at it from, which would be the conspiracy angles, is there another hit about to take place? Another attempt, are we going for a reason to get into it with Iran? I mean, that's what some of the conspiracy theorists would say is, oh, they're just setting you up for when this does happen. And that we're going to strike back hard. - They're, they're, wow. - I don't know. - I don't know either, but I'd say politics has got more to do with it than anything. And even like KJP recently, she was promoted, but was unclear what she was going to, is promoted to an advisor or something like that. So is she going to be a holdover and be in the Harris administration if she wins? She's keeping Kirby from the podium. There's a lot of pushing and shoving going on over there. - A lot of infighting, which is nothing new to DC. Yeah, that whole Kirby versus KJP story is, is an interesting one. - Yeah, it's not so much the shoving that it's unusual. I think Dalton, it's the, it's not public. - People are, people are reporting on it from both camps. - I think, I think KJP is pretty firmly in the Biden camp, not really in the Harris camp. I think she'll be in the MSNBC camp in about, about four months. - You're probably correct on that. And, but who's watching that? Seriously, who is watching that? It's 8.50. (upbeat music) 8.55 FM Talk 106.5 and Mobile Mornings coming to the text, 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. This segment brought to you by 1-800-GOT-JUNK. Trey Bennett, his team, he's assembled. They're better than the Avengers. At least when it comes to making junk disappear. 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So set up your appointment today. 1-800-GOT-JUNK is the phone number and you can set it up online at - To an adult and wrapping things up right now, if there's anything you want to sneak in, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, that is our text line. - Chris says, "Rogan would destroy Kamala." It would be a joke. She couldn't handle the intelligent conversations had there. You know, I don't know if Joe Rogan would want to destroy Kamala. But I think he'd have to ask the questions. I mean, he presents himself as a serious interviewer in many ways, especially when it's a serious topic. But I don't think he would want to like, you know, kick her into the dirt. - I think he would do this. I think he would ask the questions not overreact to the answers. Let the audience decide. Because he knows his audience is pretty thoughtful, pretty, you know, let them do the attacking and he can ask, you know, he, obviously at times you've got to say, wait a minute, you're way off on this, or wait a minute, you don't really have any idea what you're talking about. But for the most part, I could see her just letting her do her thing and let us decide. - Again, there's no chance she goes on that show. - Yeah, I'll go ahead and tell you right now. Summer Del Tony referencing the McDonald's employee thinking that Bill Clinton was Joe Biden says, all white folks look the same. What is that? Role models, I love that movie Role models where the kids like, if you're white, you're Ben Affleck. He said every white person looks like Ben Affleck. So it's a pretty funny movie there. - I wish I looked like Ben Affleck but I don't. - Dan says, maybe abortion is the reason we're not making enough babies. Chris, Orange Beach says Dalton, how can you call her a black woman? That's disrespectful to real black African-American women. Kamala is not black. Kamala, Kamala looks black to me. Kamala, she's Jamaican and Indian heritage. - Yeah, Jamaican part of this. - Jamaican would be black, right? - Yeah, so yeah, Kamala Harris is a black woman. I don't know if you want to do the whole 23 and me or thing but Kamala Harris is a black woman. I don't know how we're still debating that at this point. 858 FM Talk 10065, Jeff Porsche on the way next. - Dan and Dalton, we're white. - Like Ben Affleck, I'm like Jeff Porsche, I'm Jeff Porsche. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)