The All Gritt Podcast

Episode 8. The Detroit Lions Demolish Dallas Cowboys

Broadcast on:
14 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

what are we what makes us what we are and what we're going to be I think it's that right there script and we're that the all grit podcast how we feeling fellas what a crazy game we just got over on Sunday afternoon football here Caleb your humble host with Adrian and plaques plaques looking like a man smith over here is that the one that you just got with your dad it is really looking for an opportunity to throw it out again the only dusting off for the occasion for those of those of you not watching we are flax has a black what looks like a Garth Brooks type cowboy hat it looks very good very clean Adrian how you see everybody very clean mix the motions most of all you know super happy with the with the lions how they performed like just today everyone everyone's talking about us just the butt whooping that we we gave the cowboys which was a historic butt whooping just the numbers how many how many points we put up to their offense so great game and we'll get into it we'll talk about hutch yeah I want I want to get our sponsor in quick and then we'll get right into hutch because yeah I don't want to I don't want to spend too much time on his two depressing so this week sponsor comes to you from plaques plaques what you got for us a very special shout out special sponsor this week the Iron Sanctuary gym in Flint Michigan we're inspired a good friend Duance Robertson are you looking for a personal trainer looking to transform your body this winter check out this week's sponsor Iron Sanctuary in Flint Michigan you can find them on Instagram and Facebook to find Duance at Duance underscore gym life media and that's all one word it's at DAWA and TA underscore gym life media and if you don't live in Flint he also offers virtual trainings so you can get a good workout in wherever you're located no one gets your results like Duance and if you have some little ones tagged along with you not to worry at Iron Sanctuary they have a child cares so the build right into the gym that's perfect thing to one stop shop however boy Duance thank you so much for this week's sponsor awesome thank you'd want a I might bring my kids over there just let you watch them while I won't get my workout in that's actually brilliant to think about it so I love it she's a monster all right man well like we said what a historic day but all of us we still left with a little bit of a gut punch hutch out for the year broken tibia had surgery on it at a local hospital that night and estimated time of return believe is eight eight months something right in there eight to ten months eight yeah so yeah done for the year if we're playing a super bowl and he wants to maybe test it he could he could come back for that but any thoughts I mean it's just I'll let you guys take it from here I'm too depressed to talk about it they've I want to hear your thoughts I haven't talked to you about it yeah you know it's just sitting there on the couch cruising to a nice little victory everything's feeling good a couple brew skis in hand and I see I'm like you know there's hutch gets in good pressure I see him kind of slow down at the end and then but still like finish the tackle and then I just look down broke some notes and I look back up and his whole hands on deck and yeah I did not understand the severity at first and then it was like you can just tell by you know the announcers Tom Brady the guys on the field you can just tell us one of those ones is different and you know I don't know the guy personally but he seems like a good dude not only is it such a lot for the football team but you know man it's it's hard to see hate to see anybody come out with something like that that was so that sucked I definitely put some peepy in the in the water yeah I mean the game they played in all facets but that one's tough we're gonna have to rally the troops by committee to try and help replace him but yeah it's a tough law for sure so Adrian like to get your thoughts on it it's kind of you kind of put some stuff here in the notes do you think it's time with this injury for the GM to go ahead and reach out or do you think we have enough in-house and on the practice squad it's hard for me to say because I am not a coach and I'm not there every day to watch practice to see how the guys are performing but I would like to see Brad Holmes at least get some people in for tryouts you know maybe a Tuesday tryout there's guys sitting on the couch right now like and Gakwai Yanyik and Gakwai he's out there just as a free agent and of course the the trade market so the tread that trade deadline is November 9th I believe like three weeks from tomorrow November 4th or November 9th I don't expect the lines to make any moves in the following two weeks most teams usually wait to see how things play out like let me give you a good example the Bengals so if the Bengals keep winning the next couple weeks you know they're gonna try to push the season but let's say they just lose the next three games and they're three and six they might make a decision decision to just kind of blow things up and sell and towards the end towards the trade deadline that's when Brad Holmes would probably make a move for someone like Trey Hendrickson or someone that makes sense but probably not gonna happen any time soon they're probably gonna try out a couple players and keep kicking the tires on on guys that they have in-house on the practice squad but like Dave I think every Lions fan went through the five stages of grief when the hut was down you know shock denial why us just upset depressed and once they had the card out there it was a hard road wall you know like his seasons over and it was sad to see that but if it's gonna happen to anyone hutch I think is the strongest guy on this team mentally he's the most mentally strong guy we have on the team to overcome an injury so I have no doubt that it's definitely not gonna affect his career he's gonna come back not stronger in the beginning but he's gonna come back to a level where he can definitely play elite and then just build off from there and continue what he was doing the last few a spring off of his jump with that metal rod in there it's gonna give him a little bit of a little bit of a spring moving forward a little faster get off yep I will stay this before we move on from from hutch though you know it took me you know just sleeping on it just the whole day really upset just you know it feels for a lot of Lions fans like our season may be over but I just want to say it's definitely not over there's so many teams that have won the Super Bowl without one of their best players for example the Philadelphia Eagles a couple years ago they lose their starting quarterback who was having an MVP season and then the playoffs come and they have to lean on their back of quarterback Nick Foles and he wins them a Super Bowl so you know hutch is is really important to this team but it doesn't mean we can't still go for the big one plaques you got you were you got a thought to you know just a little bit of positivity it took away from you know they had a few medical experts on sports and stuff and a lot of times those clean breaks while they look absolutely disgusting tended to be a better combat process as opposed to torn to kill ease or an ACL yeah like Zack Zener type of permission and then almost identical injury in the last game the year last year against Ohio State and he was able to get draft and he's in games right now right it looks bad I think there's but I think I think you'll be able to come back strong and still be the same type of player but of course it's all sparked a lot of trade talk and things like that so I'll be interesting to see what happens there I don't really want to more is the whole future yeah someone too big but you know I trust I trust home he's gonna be turned over all all logs and rocks and see what's available out there mm-hmm well I think we're all in agreement that although we would love Crosby wouldn't want to mortgage the future for that right no I mean some of the reasonable like there's the various men you know with like a fourth round of paper something like that you forget about that's a good one but like you said you have all these teams oh Vegas Raiders you have Cleveland Browns you have potentially Cincinnati Bengals you know you can throw in even a Patriots team these teams that are just not doing well right now you know mm-hmm all we have to do is look at their team and just wait for the trade deadline you know and and make our whatever our weaknesses if it's defensive end we can just call those teams and and try to get something so don't forget my projection from I believe two weeks ago Redick is still out there on the couch he needs to play for a team to get allow other teams to then draft or you know take care of him next year so yeah I'm still holding out hope that he can come in and just rep havocing just pick up right where Hutch left off so we'll see we'll see all right let's talk all right that thoughts out good thoughts in let's talk about that offense maybe we're four and one I mean I already know where plaques is putting I mean this is gonna be three weeks in a row he's giving the game ball to somebody but what about this I promise myself I'm not gonna do that you got it he deserves even more all right what do you comments on offense let's start with demo dude he gets a nice extension on Saturday and you knew that this was gonna be his game you know you knew that he was gonna give 110 percent on this one and and did he he only had 12 carries he only had 12 carries but it felt like he was all over the place this game I don't know why but it was only 12 carries for 80 yards but man two touchdowns running really hard each time I I feel bad admitting this but demo is way better of a player than I expected when he we got him in free agency like we got him in free agency I'm like cool we did upgrade our running backroom but I guess you know not being a bears fan I hadn't really watched him and he is just each year gotten better it's it's awesome to watch I'm glad he's on our side and then plaques couldn't agree more that's that's one thing I was thinking to Adrian like he only had 12 touches it was the same thing in the last game you just think he's got the ball in his hands like a lot mm-hmm but I think in the last game he I think he had 12 12 or 11 so he does he makes the most of it every time he touches the ball he's really starting to get get the publicity now the league it's just you know the dude just runs hard and I just think I knew when we got him from Chicago we got a good pretty good upgrade didn't really know how good but you know you put him behind the best offensive line he just seems like you know he doesn't take any plays off yeah another game another big run it's like every week back them together yeah I remember him in Chicago and I always thought he was a little shifty bat a little bowling ball shifty and was hard to bring down I never remember him just being like top five running backs in the league but when he's behind this offensive league offensive line he's one of the top I mean he saw it behind Derek Henry yeah he's number two I mean yeah it was better than him yeah because once he can get past the defensive line you know the big 200 300-pound guys when he goes against linebacker safeties and corners bro he's bullying them he makes it look like I could go out there and do that obviously I can't but he just looks amazing out there when he gets to the secondary yep so great great pick up great pick up what about Jmo Jmo continues to just improve week to week I love and I know you guys are gonna talk about this I love the slant he ran and dropped it and why do I love that because it's what happened the play right after I mean that's not some deliberately said no no no you need confidence we're gonna go right back to you we're gonna throw a harder ball and he catches the harder of the two passes just yeah and he gets up and does his little thing just giving him all the confidence in the world to continue to improve to be that number a good number to or shall we say 1a 1b to Amunah yeah yeah that first one was a house call man like that he was on that slant he catches that he's taken that to the house on the outside but yeah that was awesome to see you know they're giving them the jet sweeps they're getting on the right targets on the right plays he gets that nice touchdown catch on digs you know celebrates in front of their best corner I loved it so you know it's it's Jmo you know he's at the point where you know when last year we made a touchdown like that along throw it was like oh sweet like it like it felt like a gift but now we expected each game like when is he gonna get that long play and and we expected every game now he's he's at that level he's he's doing awesome yeah he's lightning in a bottle man and everything he does it just looks easy he's so smooth with it you know he's not you know 10 15 a game catch guy right now he's getting it for you know Ben Johnson's realized not realizing but he's earned his way and getting more and more touches more plays John's way and it's like every time he touches the ball you kind of it's must see TV so he had another great game I love I wrote the same thing down KOV that one hit him right in the chest came right back boom yeah so the only other offensive player that stood out to me was the person who was thrown to one time the entire game you know who I'm talking about la porta la porta yeah one catch for what a 50 yard touchdown I mean the dude and as soon as golf threw it and I saw where La Porta was I'm like he overthrew him he's he overthrew him and La Porta's fingers got underneath that ball and oh my gosh was it beautiful and it almost it almost seemed like he had to pull up at the end he was gonna pull a ham or something but you just go in the end I guess a beautiful play to what I did I love that guy man he's like he's so humble but he's he's so good you know Iowa he was the offense you see his Iowa highlights and he could demand more from Ben Johnson but he's just ready to play whatever they give him like I'm ready to block the whole game if that's what he needs to do I love Sam and he's he's awesome to have on the team he's just as good of a blocker as he is a catcher I mean yeah you know it you know a good tight end is when you know he makes a catch and you kind of forgot about the whole game right because he just blends in pulls the edge well doesn't doesn't really make too any mistakes but then when he's able to really get loose and show his athleticism but yeah I thought I thought for sure he was overthrown he he stretched out two hands snagged it beautiful so I don't have the stats maybe Adrian you haven't pulled up or maybe excuse me maybe plaques does but I believe Sam LaPorta had one throw Jmo had three and Amunra had four something like something like that but oh you do have them yeah check it out right here yeah can you go to Target right here you just receptions reception yeah three four no cleaf is four Jmo's three and then where's I can't see I'm in Ross four but doesn't that blow your mind we if I told you we scored 47 points and Amunra caught four balls LaPorta caught one Jmo caught three you would say you're better than man how did we score that much with that with that low production from our from our receivers the key is in the average per catch look at this 25 average 18 22 52 9 9 basically 10 each there's a key yeah that is true yep beautiful all right um we got a new contract with DMO we kind of mentioned that or maybe we didn't yep we'll add that to the offensive thing DMO just signed a what was it just a two-year extension yeah so he's he's with us till 2027 we're all pretty happy about that yeah kind of talked about him a little bit um golf you know two games in a row I think plaques was gonna bring up some stats about him maybe you have something but all I heard was a hundred and fifty three point eight percent QBR something crazy two weeks in a row over 150 just nearly perfect yep it's unbelievable just a little 18 for 25 315 they do loves making 18 and 18 as long as he has no turnovers bro I am happy I am happy and had an hooker he was in there he's he did one he got a completion yeah yeah it would have been nice to see him you know go for the 50 burger and keep the offense about there it was a little bit more of a oh man we have me we haven't talked about Ben Johnson guys oh my gosh all right let before we get to him Tim Patrick I'm gonna let Adrian take this because he's yeah I was texting the guys during the game I'm like after that big initial throw in the beginning of the game man what a catch dude I think that's the best catch so far this season I mean that'll compete with the I'm in raw toe tap you know touchdown a couple weeks ago but uh yeah Tim Patrick we talked about him in the last podcast number 17 he had a great game 68 yards you know that's third on the team for receiving in this game and you could tell the chemistry but him it between him and golf is developing golf trust him as a veteran he's been in the league nine years and even with that he had a touchdown stolen like he was just inches from that end zone I wish he could have reached out to get his own touchdown the guy deserves it but I feel so happy that we have that filler for Josh Reynolds he's he's it man he's good I have to give it a quick short shout out to Adrian labra on our last pod Adrian said Tim Patrick and he gave me these notes I wrote them down he said he's gonna get 60 to 70 yards and you just said he's got 68 I mean coffee dude and the score of the game I can put it right in the middle pretty close we won't get into Ivan's you know Florida two touchdowns Gibbs two to three touchdowns hutch five sacks he was a little bored what do you say 60 30 said 50 when we got 47 he said um let's see yeah we had let's see I have it written down here oh no he said 65 to zero so yeah he was pretty shout out to Ivan yep good stuff all right so we got Tim Patrick glad he's with us yep we all agree let's do a little bit of a defense actually before we switch to defense plaques your thought on our offensive coordinator Ben Johnson and the game that he called on Sunday same thing every week seems like some Tampa the debacle with Tampa yeah like what we said you know all these guys making such big plays it feels like Montgomery's got the ball yeah Gibbs got the ball time Jmo but like you know everybody's just getting a few touches and we're scoring 47 points I mean it's so balanced the play action the play action is so lethal right now you know but it's because they got to respect it DMO gives first and second down you know you're getting this you know you're into the second level almost every play so I mean it's you know quarterbacks receivers running backs during offense I mean everything's opened up they had the stinking double pitch back swing to Penne what do we get a penalty on that one but yeah how disgusting is that that was just disrespectful bro it's like 34 to 6 like it's game over and they're running these trick plays like Ben Johnson had a personal vendetta against the Cowboys like he wanted to spite them by getting some kind of lineman touchdown he tried to make two three times a stealer decker covered I mean he's covered like glue and still tries to throw it it Taylor almost pulled it into yeah and then we didn't talk about skipper lining off lining up outside in that in the X receivers one complaint maybe you guys caught this you know you let's say the four-letter networks that we listen to we don't want to we don't want to shout them out because they're not paying for us but you know the four-letter network I watched get up this morning and they talked for the first 15 minutes about Dallas and what they didn't do how bad they said the word Detroit two times in the first 15 minutes it's so disgusting that they put so much stuff on Dallas then you switch over and you listen to good morning football and they started with the Lions and the hutch and how good they play so big shout out to good morning football give them a listen they're not paying us but I don't care they're uh they're getting a shout out right now is get up get up was disgusting all right real quick defense any thoughts I got I mean Brian branch thoughts on Brian branch and Kirby dog dogs these two are arguably the best safety do on the league right now preach like who else who else can compare to them right now Kirby's got like an interception every single game in the last three games Brian branch two interceptions he could have had a pick six yesterday and just the effort from the defense I loved the punch out by branch but if you guys know it is Terry and Arnold he first tried the one loved that and I was like yes and then branch comes in he punches it out and then Arnold recovers so I just love the mentality those guys have right now just getting thrown in overs and you know Terry on no no penalties that was great he's gonna make some improvements and man defense is looking good I thought the I thought the middle played it was probably the best the uh detacles in the middle played all year I mean oh yeah we're used to hutch getting in on the edges but they're blowing him up inside the big kneel probably had his best game I mean he had the exact but he was in there constantly yep mm-hmm yeah he had a big sack in the second quarter when they were coming down yeah he was someone I kind of that kind of popped out to me throughout the game was just blowing up that middle that middle section of the offensive line for sure he was finding holes and sack and deck 10 yards deep now read did reader um record a sack or two for McNeil one for hutch do you have any stats on reader so here's our defensive stats you got it blacks yeah one tackle one assist okay one assist yep yeah so the the guy that came in for hutch when he left did he record a sack on the first play somebody said he recorded are you talking about Trevor no wasky I think it might be no wasky yeah he did record a sack unbelievable he's a local man Saginaw Valley State graduate represent all right so we don't have any speak pipe questions did you have any IG questions Adrian no no IG questions today just just comments from our from our friends just yeah go ahead about hutch but like we mentioned earlier I will be able to get along but without without that that player with us you know they'll there'll be opportunities for other guys to step up so did you have a shout out you wanted to give over to the UK yeah we did yeah just a quick shout out to our UK listeners in the city of Westminster and Hackney we love it that we have some letters across the pond so make sure you guys share the podcast wherever you live around the globe we would love to hear from you guys sending your questions yeah you listeners in Westminster and Hackney please send us a speak pipe question we'd love to hear your thoughts all right we're at that time so who fumbled the game ball who received the game ball let's start with who fumbled the game ball once again we're pinching pennies again I'll start with Adrian who fumbled I was thinking about this last night I'm like I'm here to ask me who fumbled and I better have a good answer because he always doesn't like who I picked but I thought about this really hard bro and I have nobody on our team that fumbled like honestly it was this was the best all-round game I've ever seen the Lions play since Dan Campbell took over wow it was great it was fantastic so if I am gonna give a who fumbled out I'm gonna give it to Mr. Jerry Jones for several reasons I like Jerry Jones will not step down as a terrible GM for the Dallas Cowboys he's in this to in his ways and it came up in that game on Sunday with the stadium the way was built with a sunset the sunset the sunset the Sun was in Dak's eyes and he throws a pic to us you know one of their receivers was gonna catch a deep ball and they said you're in his eyes because you know yeah a deep throw so all right all those plaques I don't know if this is the body or what but I like to shout out locos.vfx on Instagram we're trying to justify what happened at Dallas he says they're missing six players on defense what they taught. I don't know all I said was best best offense in the league you know it's pretty generic statements it's pretty good so we're going back and forth so yeah great some enemies online I say it's always good Dave you always get an enemies online man a lot of growth your control keep bringing that energy every week yeah I mean shoot this is a tough one you can give it to Lamo if you're dropping one ball in his chest or I mean I'm not hate to keep bringing hutch up I mean that's that's the worst part of deal there so yeah we have a few monkeys but not one to create a yeah not major yep that I remember being in huge spots I'll just go JMO for dropping that ball all right here we go who received the ball because this good this could go around the piece of pie pie chart here who received game ball from you Adrian all right I want to go Brian branch he gets that first interception I feel like I think on the second Dallas drive in the beginning of the game that just sets the tone for the rest of the game like Dak you're not gonna do anything today takes the crowd and the whole stadium out of it and we blow them out so Brian branch was all overfield he's gonna have another big game next week guess I'll go DMO hmm just another solid day 12 carries ADRs two TDs had the had the extension love how front office is really showing love and then they'll rewarding these guys I'll cut her efforts up but DMO no strong game here another sick run spun down out the one-yard line fought in so many different ways we go here but love it I'm gonna change my who fun with the game ball Jmo doesn't deserve that I'm gonna go McNeil for having one of the toughest shin bones in the world to break Hutchinson's tibia with the front of his shin I mean it and McNeil didn't feel it like I don't understand how that happens but anyway you got the fumble because if his shin wasn't there we'd still have touch and with the game ball I am giving it to well because plaques can't say it doesn't mean I can't it's going to BJ the offensive coordinator that dude was dialing up so many disrespectful plays on offense like Adrian said you're you have a 6 foot 7 350 pound offensive lineman out in the X and he's running a route and they have one of their defensive corners like guarding him like just the disrespect I mean he like you said he went in there on a mission and he did it I mean it's just amazing to see play calls that the reverse is the flea flickers it's I heard someone call into a show today and said guys is there any other team that is as fun to watch as the Detroit Lions and there isn't no you watch you watch this compared to the Cincinnati Bengals the other night in the Giants it's it's sleep TV snooze past yeah so awesome all right hit us with a little sponsor real quick plaques and yeah we'll start we'll talk after sponsor this week iron sanctuary and Flint looking for a personal trainer looking to form this winner check out this week's sponsor iron sanctuary in Flint, Michigan at the Grand Facebook you know I still find the owner and operator Duante at Duante underscored Jim life even if you don't live in Flint trust us it's worth the drive he also does virtual trainings so you can you can get it in from anywhere no one gets your results like Duante it's also got child daycare site available to handle the little little ones where you get a workout in it's got out Duante appreciate the appreciate this week let's get fit man let's get yoked absolutely all right we will see you all next week after we play the who are playing next oh the Minnesota Vikings Minnesota maybe we'll do it is is that a prelude for a pre pre game pod we'll see we might have to later this week just to talk about Minnesota so sponsors keep coming in we're just gonna keep on our boys well it's been fun thanks y'all your podcast