
Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
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Every four years it seems, we the people are told that we will face the most important election ever held in America, that for the President of the United States, and of course, the 435 representatives of the House in Congress, and as many as 35 U. S. Senators, in addition of course to state and local elections as well. EVERY FOUR YEARS!
But many politicos, and even so very many Christian and evangelical leaders do state unequivocally that elections 2024 are THE MOST IMPORTANT ever held in the history of our great country. Franklin Graham is one of them. And so is Tony Perkins. And so is Brent Bozell of Media Research Council. And very passionately so is Dr. James Dobson, he of Family Talk ministries, along with his very own Gary Bauer and Michelle Bachman. It may very well be, my fellow Americans, the most important election year in the history of our great country and so I ask:
And, as you vote, will you really know the candidates, the issues, what will happen if certain individuals are elected and will you render an:
Will you?
I for one, and so many others in the Crawford Broadcasting Company, say to you, our faithful and loyal listeners and the Christians who get daily value from our stations that:
I believe it is your duty as a Christian, and in the case of these elections, clearly your duty as an American citizen (a legal American citizen) to:
Again, I say unequivocally:
America, says Franklin Graham, has drifted far from the biblical values that once stood as our rock-solid foundations. We have turned our back on God and the results have been devastating.
Progressive, liberal thought and activism, says Graham, have so contaminated the mainstream of American life and culture that once unthinkable abominations such as same sex marriage, abortion on demand, and transgender advocacy have become dogma in one major party’s platform! It is not difficult at all to identify to which party Graham refers. That is clearly the Democrat party, and the head of that Democrat ticket, Kamala Harris and indeed every bit as much so Tim Walz, the would-be Vice President, and so many others. That leads to the question, rightly posed:
The answer of course is a resounding:
Democrats champion government control, not only through a socialistic (socialism) approach to government, but even in some extreme ways to the brutal Marxism itself. Democrats are by no means persuaded by the realistic and right-on philosophy of Winston Churchill, Great Britain’s great Prime Minister who said:
And more from Churchill:
The socialistic approaches of the Democrats and Harris-Walz will lead America down the path of socialism and worse in the four years to come if they are elected.
Harris is an avowed, open, fully supportive advocate of absolutely no restrictions of any kind by federal, state, or local governments, on:
Democrats do not want to leave abortion decisions to the states but wish the codification of the old Roe v. Wade so that, as binding federal legislation, it is the law of the land, and applicable in every state, all 50 states! That indeed is more evidence that no thinking, caring, spiritual, born-again Christian can vote for Harris, is it not? As US Senator, Harris was rated by GovTrack as “the most liberal senator, of all 100 senators,” THE MOST LIBERAL! Harris voted in favor of legal infanticide, she vowed to force taxpayers to fund abortion, she believes that a religious test should be applied to judicial and supreme court nominees. She sponsored the unbelievably radical EQUALITY ACT, which in many ways would put an end to religious freedom in America, she promoted legal prostitution. Harris opposed homeschooling and school choice legislation, she fully supported Planned Parenthood, and Harris openly lobbied for girl’s restrooms, locker rooms, showers, sports and even women’s prisons to be open to biological men. So, the question is posed again:
So, if we the people, the Christian people, the real Christian people that is, wish to be the SALT AND LIGHT which our Lord tells us we must be, then we cannot vote for Harris. It seems as though our only choice is to vote for Donald Trump and JD Vance as President-Vice President, and republicans who are far more likely to uphold traditional American and Christian values.
Harris and Walz are major proponents of the:
This brutal act, if passed, would allow male-bodied transgender women (biological males) to utilize women’s private spaces such as bathrooms, locker rooms, shelters, and participate in women’s sports and sports leagues. Employers would be forced to provide healthcare insurance coverage for hormone treatment and sex-reassignment surgery for individuals with so-called gender dysphoria. Parents would be federally banned from seeking counseling for their children struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion.
If Harris-Walz are elected, this brutal, freedom-extinguishing act may very well become law, and every Christian and Christian family will be subject to its horrible terms and conditions. This is yet another reason why no thinking, caring, real, true-born-again Christian can vote Democrat and absolutely cannot vote for Harris-Walz.
Here the words of the one-of-a-kind BILLY GRAHAM:
Boy, is it ever. The forces of secularism, radical, ultra-progressive, socialistic secularism are the leading, driving force in our great country. And, that is so because WE THE CHRISTIAN PEOPLE simply do not step up, STAND FOR THE RIGHT AND TRUE MORALITY, and do everything in our power to elect right thinking men and women who will govern this great country and us with it. We have indeed lost our right to ask:
Perhaps our only prayer is:
But if we the people don’t stand for what is right, and for Christian values and morality, no matter the cost, we can not expect the intervention of our God, and we will lose the America we true citizens of this republic and our freedoms have long-since taken for granted.
It is, I and so many others firmly believe, our duty, and especially our duty not only as citizens but Christians, to:
You must vote, and you must vote in an informed, intelligent, issue-oriented way.
If you are a Christian, a real true born-again, God-fearing and believing Christian, can you in good conscience vote for Harris-Walz, can you?

The Crawford Stand with the President of Crawford Media Group, Don Crawford. "Every four years, so it seems, we the people are told that we face the most important election ever held in America. That for the President of the United States, and of course, the 435 representatives of the House in Congress, and perhaps as many as 35 U.S. senators. In addition, of course, the state and local elections as well. Every four years. But many politicals, and even so very many Christian and evangelical leaders, do state unequivocally that elections 2024 are the most important ever held in the history of our great country. Franklin Graham is one of them. And so is Tony Perkins. And so is Brent Bozell of Media Research Council, a very good man. And very passionately so, Dr. James Dobson. He of Family Talk Ministries, along with his very own Gary Bauer and Michelle Bachmann. So it very well may be my fellow Americans, the most important election year in the history of our great country. And so I ask, do you intend to vote? Do you? And if you do, and as you vote, will you really know the candidates, the issues? What will happen if certain individuals are elected? And will you render an informed vote? Not an emotional one, will you? I for one, and so many others in the Crawford Broadcasting Company say to you, our faithful and loyal listeners, and the Christians who get daily value from our stations, that you must vote. You must vote. I believe it is your duty as a Christian. And in the case of these elections, clearly your duty as an American citizen, a legal American citizen. It is your duty to vote. Some people don't like to hear that, but I think it's the truth. And again, I say unequivocally, you must vote. Will you? Will you? America says Franklin Graham has drifted far from the biblical values. Far from the biblical values that once stood as our rock solid foundation for our great country. We have turned our back on God, and the results have been devastating, says Franklin Graham. Progressive liberal thought and activism have so contaminated the mainstream of American life and culture that once unthinkable abominations such as same-sex marriage, abortion on demand, and transgender advocacy have become dogma in one major party's platform. Can you take a guess which one that would be? It's really not difficult at all to identify to which party Graham refers. That is clearly the Democrat Party, and the head of that Democrat ticket, Kamala Harris. And indeed, every bit as much so, Tim Walts, the would-be vice president, and almost every other member of the Democrat ticket for election to the political offices of our great country. So that naturally leads to the question rightly posed. Can any real Christian vote for Harris, Walts, and the Democrat Party? Can they? The answer, of course, is a resounding no, at least says Franklin Graham and James Dobson and Brent Bozell. No. Democrats' champion government control, not only through a socialistic approach to government socialism, but even in some extreme ways to the brutal Marxism itself. Democrats are by no means persuaded by the realistic and right-on philosophy of Winston Churchill. Great Britain's great prime minister in the Second World War who said socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Isn't that a great quote? Not only a great quote, but it's absolutely right on. And even more from Winston Churchill, the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries. I love that one. Again, the inherent virtue of socialism, said Churchill, is the equal sharing of miseries. We are such a free and wonderful country. We've got to keep it that way, my fellow Americans, we must. The socialistic approaches of the Democrats and Harris Waltz will lead America down the path of socialism, and worse, in the four years to come if they are elected. Really worse. I fear for the country I love so much, if Democrats run the country for another four years. Kamala Harris is an avowed, open, fully supported, advocate of absolutely no restrictions of any kind by federal, state, or local governments on abortion. Democrats do not want to leave abortion decisions to the states, but wish the codification of the old Roe v. Wade so that as binding federal legislation, it is the law of the land and applicable, relevant, legal, enforceable in every state, all 50 states. And that indeed is more evidence that no thinking, caring, spiritual, born-again Christian can vote for Harris. Is it not? As U.S. Senator, Harris was rated by GovTrack as the most liberal senator of all 100 senators, the most liberal. Harris voted in favor of legal infanticide. She voted to force taxpayers to fund abortion. She believes that a religious test should be applied to judicial and Supreme Court nominees, even though the Constitution of the United States says exactly the opposite. She sponsored the Unbelievable Radical Equality Act, Equality Act, which in so many ways would put an end to religious freedom in America. And she actually promoted legislation which would foster legal prostitution. Harris opposed homeschooling and school choice legislation. She fully supported Planned Parenthood. And Harris openly lobbied for girls' restrooms and locker rooms and showers and sports and even women's prisons to be open to biological men, transgendered men. Oh, my soul. Oh, how can any Christian vote for that woman? So I pose the question again. Can any thinking, caring, truly born-again Christian vote for Harris Waltz? If you do, you're voting for all of that. All of that, which is absolutely contrary to anything and everything Christian and biblical. So if we the people, the Christian people, the real Christian people, that is, wish to be the salt and light in this world, which our Lord tells us we must be, then we cannot vote for Harris. It seems as though our only choice is to vote for Donald Trump and J.D. Vance as President, Vice President, and Republicans who are far more likely to uphold traditional American and Christian values. Do you see another way? Withdrawing and not voting. That's not another way. That's a give-up. That's a quit. We can't do that to our beloved America. And more, Harris and Waltz are major proponents of the Equality Act. This brutal act, if passed, would allow male-bodied transgender women, that is, biological males, to utilize women's private spaces, such as bathrooms and locker rooms and shelters, and participate in women's sports and sports leagues. Unbelievable. Employers would be forced to provide health care insurance coverage for hormone treatment and sex reassignment surgery for individuals with so-called gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria. What in the name of Sam Hill is that? Parents would be federally banned from seeking counseling for their children or gender confusion. If Harris, Waltz, are elected, this brutal freedom extinguishing act may very well become law. And every Christian and Christian family will be subject to its horrible terms and conditions. Ah, this is yet another reason why no thinking, caring, real, true, born-again, biblical Christian can vote Democrat and absolutely cannot vote for Harris Waltz. I hear the words of one of a kind Billy Graham. Billy Graham said the following, "We worship the gods of secularism and materialism. God is displeased, boy, if he was then how much more so is he now?" "And I warn you," said Graham, "that his anger is being kindled. Oh boy, I don't want to face that. Do you? The forces of secularism, radical, ultra-progressive, socialistic secularism, are the leading, driving force in our great country, really determined to bring America down. And that is so because we the Christian people simply do not stand up. Stand for the right and true morality and do everything in our power to elect right-thinking men and women who will govern this country and us with it the right way. We have indeed lost our right to ask, God bless America. How can God bless this America? And perhaps our only prayer is God help. God save America. But if we the people don't stand up for what is right and for Christian values and morality, no matter the cost, if we do not lay our all on the altar and fight this fight of faith, we cannot expect the intervention of our God. And we will lose the America we true citizens of this Republic and our freedoms have long since taken for granted. We will lose them. It is, I and so many others firmly believe our duty, especially our duty, not only as citizens, but as Christians, as Christians to vote and vote informed and vote the right way. My fellow Christians, you must vote. And you must vote in an informed, intelligent, issue-oriented way. And again, and finally, if you are a Christian, a real, true, born-again, God-fearing and believing Christian, can you, can you, in good conscience, vote for Harris Waltz, can you, I say, no way. The views expressed here in the Crawford stand are those of the speaker. And I hope you'll let Mr. Crawford know your views. Remember, it doesn't matter if you agree or disagree, Mr. Crawford wants to hear from you. His email address is When you write, be sure to tell Mr. Crawford on what station you hear the stand. His email address again is When you want to review what you hear, go to our website, The Crawford stand is a public affairs presentation of Crawford Media Group and this station, serving God and Country. I'm Bill McCormick.