The Professional Podcast Network

10457 Richard G Tracy-10 14 24-Psychic Training-Phill

Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

Welcome to the Professional Podcast Network, where brilliance meets business, elevate your brand, and supercharge your revenue with inspiring insights and innovation. Hey there everyone and welcome back to the show. This is your host Phil, and our next guest here today is Richard G. Tracy, based out of Sudbury, Ontario with his business called Circle of Mystics, how are you doing today? Hi Phil, I'm doing absolutely excellent. I'm really excited to be here, and thank you so much for having me on today. My pleasure, and Richard, tell us a little bit more here about yourself and what you do there at Circle of Mystics. Certainly Phil, so my name is Richard G. Tracy, and I have, for the last decade, I've been deeply studying and practicing the mystic arts and the old cult find, helping spiritual seekers and psychic to gain confidence in their spiritual path. And at Circle of Mystics, my primary focus is to do exactly that. So I have a signature program that's known as the psychic competent power package, and this package is designed to help unlock the psychic potential, and to provide tailored guidance through a combination of different esoteric and mystic arts and skills. All right, gotcha. So how long have you been doing Circle of Mystics for? Right, so Circle of Mystics has been in business for over two years. And through a decade of study and practice, I've developed the psychic competent power package to help provide the psychic with tools and techniques needed to trust and embrace their intuitive kit. But I've been practicing professionally for about a decade. Okay, so you've been doing this for a pretty long while, I'd say then. Yes, sir. All right. So tell us a little bit more here. So when you're helping out these people and teaching them all these different things, like how do you start with them? Is it like a program? Like how does it work? Yeah, that's a great question. So the way it typically works is I offer specialized training programs for people. And so I work closely with clients to provide them with a confident in clarity and practical tools that are needed to help them on their journey. So someone will typically come to me because they're a natural intuitive or a psychic or they're curious about spirituality. And we do a type of psychic evaluation. So in addition to that, I will also help people with energy healing through Shocker reading and customized action plan. So my primary goal is to help in aspiring intuitive and mastering their gift. Got it, okay. So what was it that kind of gave you this idea to pursue something like this and help out people this way? That's another great question, Phil. So my journey began about 10 years ago and I had something that was known as a Kundalini Awakening. And around that time, a Kundalini Awakening, it's kind of like when it feels kind of like when you have a million motivational speakers all running through your body. And it's essentially a type of spiritual awakening. And I had a lot of questions around that time about what was going on in my life. And so during that experience, I wanted to have a community or other people to be able to talk to about these experiences and I wanted to have guidance and mentorship. But it was difficult to find that at that time. So along that path of this 10-year journey, I've noticed some patterns and problems that people frequently run and do which is feeling confident in their abilities and to how can they know that they're not just "making it up." So I decided that I would create a customized program to help instill that confidence and belief into people who are having these types of experiences. Makes sense, okay. So is there anything else here you'd like to tell us today, anything else you think we should know about all this? Absolutely. So I have a burning desire to teach the mystic art to the spiritual speakers. And I am deeply passionate about helping people to step into their spiritual and psychic power. And so I have a customized package called the psychic confidence power package which is created to provide aspiring psychics and spiritual secrets with everything they need to develop their gift and gain confidence. So my mission is to offer practical guidance that's grounded to help people unlock these abilities they've always had but can't fully trust yet. So if anyone wants to go deeper into their intuitive development, I would absolutely love to help them along their journey. Sounds good. That's the best way that we could all reach out to you and talk to you more about this. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So I'm on all sorts of different social media, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, thread. They can email me at Richard at Circle of Mystics. But one of the best ways is through my website there is Circle of Mystics. It's And they can find all of my socials from there. And yeah, you can find me on Instagram at Circle_ Mystics as well as Facebook at Circle of Mystics. All right, sounds easy enough. And thank you again, Richard, for joining us here today. Thank you so much, Phil, for having me on. I just want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. All right, thank you so much. You have a great one. Take care. You too, Phil. Thank you so much. You're welcome. Bye. The rest of our listeners, stay right here. We'll be right back after this short break. Welcome to the Professional Podcast Network where brilliance meets business, elevate your brand, and supercharge your revenue with inspiring insights and innovation. (upbeat music)