The Professional Podcast Network

10456 Dr Steven C Langer-10 14 24-Behavior Modification Hypnosis-Phill

Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

Hey there everyone and welcome back to the show. This is your host Phil and our next guest with us today is Dr. Steven C. Langer based out of Rockwall, Texas with his business called change your mind hypnosis how you doing today. Great thanks how about yourself. I'm doing wonderful thanks for asking certainly yeah dr. Langer tell us a little bit more here about what you offer at your business here well we are specialists in hypnosis and that provokes lots of different reactions from different people but we specialize here in the area of behavior modification okay so that includes people who like want to like kick certain habits or something like that it does we help the people that are not currently doing the things that they need to be doing or want to be doing to do those things but we also help people that are doing things that they don't want to be doing like things that are unhealthy or dangerous to stop doing those things got it okay so how long have you been doing this all for well our track record goes back 20 plus years okay so you guys have been doing this for a while not our first rodeo right we've been doing this quite a while all right so tell us a little bit more here about how the process works when you're working with these people sure well we generally it's safe to say that we help people with their own goals for better health and wellness now there is a reason why we call our operation here change your mind because that's what we literally do we change our clients mind but we do it at an other than conscious level in order to alter the way that they think the way they perceive and the way they behave all right got it so what got you started in this whole line of work here like what was your inspiration behind all this well looking back at every endeavor I've ever undertaken has been helping people in one way or another and I just received a lot of personal gratification whenever I help anyone who is struggling whether it that be with their own behaviors or someone who is experiencing difficulties such as trauma or people that just can't seem to get past certain things what what we discover here is that better health and wellness is a critical component for overall quality of life alright got it so is there anything else here you want to leave our listeners with today anything else you think they might want to know well many things but I would say that sometimes people the only thing they know about hypnosis and such is what they have seen in the movies and on TV and those things are almost never accurate and no one comes here that doesn't have a little bit of fear everyone seems to have a little bit of reluctance or a little bit of trepidation or or just a generalized fear but we regard that as a healthy fear because we consider it a fear of the unknown and everyone has that and it's quite normative to have that and so we encourage our clients to to to not be afraid to not take that step usually by the time people call me they're calling me as a last resort measure it's a last ditch effort because they've already done everything that they know to do without the outcome that they're seeking alright gotcha so if our listeners do want to reach out to you guys there and work with you what's the best way that we could contact you well we do have a website it is the number two change your mind dot com and the easiest way might be our phone number which is simply four six nine five four three seven nine seven five that is our business line it does happen to be a mobile phone but we do that by design because we want to be available to our clients when they need us all right excellent well Dr. Langer I want to thank you again for joining us on the show here today well I'm grateful to you I'm uh gratified to have been apart all right glad to hear it and you have a great day all right take care thanks you do the same bye thanks a lot to the rest of our listeners stay right here we'll be right back after the short break welcome to the professional podcast network where brilliance meets business elevate your brand and supercharge your revenue with inspiring insights and innovation (upbeat music)