The Professional Podcast Network

10453 Kathy Ramirez-10 14 24-Personal Trainer & Health Coach-Phill

Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

Hey there everyone and welcome back to the show. This is your host Phil and our next guest here today is Kathy Ramirez based out of Venus Texas with her business called training with cat how you doing today I'm doing well how are you doing wonderful thank you for asking so you Kathy tell us a little bit more here about yourself and what services you provide to people yes thank you so in 2018 I started training with cat which is a personal training business and then a few years later I gained further further certification for health coaching so it's health and wellness coaching so I offer personal training which focuses more on the physical aspect of a person's well being and then the health and wellness coaching which is more of changing behavior or focusing on other holistic aspects of an individual gotcha so when did you start up the health and wellness coaching I believe that was about 20 I'm sorry 20 20 so a little bit later on where I wanted to add certification just to maintain my personal training certification and then also to help my clients in a different way gotcha okay so when people do like reach out to you is it because they're looking just for like advice on their like diet or advice on exercise or a little bit of bull for yes it would be a little bit of both if they want the personal training they're more focused on how do I get a leaner stronger or maybe they want to build muscle and then that would be the personal training package but if they wanted to do health coaching which is separate then they might want to focus on how do I get better rest or how I prioritize the things in my life so I'm more of a person on the passenger side and they're the driver and I'm just helping them direct their way okay and what was it that kind of led you to this whole career path like what first got you started with personal training well I was actually overweight and unhealthy for the majority of my life it wasn't until my late 30s where I started to change my lifestyle so once I started having kids with each pregnancy I wasn't changing my eating habits I wasn't exercising and so I just kept on tawling on that weight and I knew that if I didn't change my ways I wasn't gonna be around for my kids or for my husband hmm gotcha and Kathy is there anything else here you want to tell our listeners anything else you think they should know about you yes I want them to know that I've been in their shoes where you're going from diet to diet or feeling overwhelmed about how to get started if you want to change yourself but you don't know where to begin and that change is possible it takes time and consistency there's no overnight or a quick fix well said so Kathy if our listeners do want to reach out to you and work with you what's the best way to contact you they can send me an email at gains with cats that's g-a-i-n-s-w-i-t-h k-a-t at or follow me and messaging on Instagram gains with cat all right well Kathy I want to thank you again for joining us on the show today all right you have a great day and thank you for having me on you do the same and you're very welcome take care okay bye to the rest of our listeners stay right there we'll be right back after this short break welcome to the professional podcast network where brilliance meets business elevate your brand and supercharge your revenue with inspiring insights and innovation (upbeat music)