The Missing Link

Int 892 with Honey C Golden an NDE survivor and Trauma Guide

My given name is Honey and I help people connect to their soul or higher self. My own soul connection has taught me many things over the years. I've been able to access hidden history, past lives, emotional issues and more for myself and others. The more I get to know my soul the more magical and simple life becomes.

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As a child I had an NDE which introduced me to angels and ended any fear I had of death in this life.

This has manifested a life that is in flow, where I can guide others through releasing their own trauma from all levels of existence. From Soul's Shadows, to Inner Child trauma we are capable of letting it all go and being unencumbered as we manifest beautiful fulfilling lives


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Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
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My given name is Honey and I help people connect to their soul or higher self. My own soul connection has taught me many things over the years. I've been able to access hidden history, past lives, emotional issues and more for myself and others. The more I get to know my soul the more magical and simple life becomes.

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As a child I had an NDE which introduced me to angels and ended any fear I had of death in this life.

This has manifested a life that is in flow, where I can guide others through releasing their own trauma from all levels of existence. From Soul's Shadows, to Inner Child trauma we are capable of letting it all go and being unencumbered as we manifest beautiful fulfilling lives


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Bitchute - The Missing Link Jesse(Love Inspiring New Knowledge)

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(dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) Everyone has something to share and I other wisdom, story or logic. And it's clearly amazing to hear all the different missing links discovered by people, unique to their own journeys. And then how they have come to discover them. Together we can help to build a bigger picture for a better future for a brighter tomorrow. Let's stand in the head and let's remove the veils and let's create a new world together. Are you that missing link? Join Jesse Hale on the missing link talk show as he helps to unveil the mystery through the unique wisdom and story of others. (dramatic music) - Welcome, welcome, welcome. Welcome everybody here back to the missing link. Today we're excited to talk with an NDE survivor. She's a trauma guide. She helps people to connect back to their soul connections. And she's here to share her story. Welcome to the missing link, honey sea golden. How are you doing today sister? - I'm doing really well, thank you. Thanks for having me. - You're very, very welcome. So why don't you start off with telling us about yourself and your journey. A little bit about your background, education, what part of the world you grew up in, what part of the world you're in. Now if you like disclosing that information, what got you, a little bit about your NDE, what got you into helping people with their trauma, anything that you wanted to share with our audience here today, especially if they may be hearing you here for the first time. - Sure. Okay, so I would like to start out with my dad because that actually created the platform for me to be myself basically. So he was raised in an extremely religious background and sent off to learn how to be a pastor. So he actually realized that things were not right when he was there in seminary school. So he left and gave it up and was disowned by his parents. And when that happened, he kind of went off on his own in a crazy way. Like he moved to Mexico, he became an artist. He did a lot of things that most people wouldn't do. He wrote all over the United States on his bicycle. And he was hopping trains and doing stuff like that. And eventually he settled down with my mother and they moved from Colorado to this place in Washington state, which was a hippie commune. So I grew up in a hippie commune and my parents obviously were hippies and that's why my name is honey. And I grew up with a lot of asthma, which the lungs are connected to sorrow. So I was processing a lot of stuff, I think, but it also came from him. So my dad had the same illness. And that's what caused the NDE when I was seven. And it was a really interesting thing that happened because I basically blacked out and then went into the astral plane and it was just a big white room. And I asked the question, how's my family gonna do through this? Are they gonna make it if I go? 'Cause I was really kind of tired of Earth already. I was excited to go. And they're like, well, he's not gonna make it. They're not gonna make it, they're not gonna do well. So I came back. But that was a really interesting experience because before that I saw three angels came to me on the school bus. They told me that they would keep me safe. And I knew when I went into that white room, what it was, because I was basically remembering everything from your soul really has a deep connection to you. And I think that my soul is connected to my father's soul and we really kind of were able to be ourselves very actively. And I was always asked about dreams and what did you dream last night? And everything was kind of a holistic and rustic experience in my childhood. So I got to be who I was. And I think that that's really helped me in my adulthood. So I went into corporate America, learned how to be a manager and deal with people and all that kind of stuff. And intuition is basically what I've always used in my life to gauge what is this situation gonna look like? So as far as helping people with trauma, I think I've always been doing that but more through my body than through actually helping them with words and with actions. And now it's changed quite a bit. And I'm taking people into the astral plane into the Akashic records, helping them break contracts, helping them deal with their genetic line, helping all the emotional things. And then through all the illness that I had as a child, I have a lot of knowledge about the body as well. So I give recommendations, but I also say, go see a naturopathic doctor. If you're in trouble, go get help. But there's a lot of things we can do for ourselves that we don't actually need the medical system for at this point. Yeah. - When you hear the phrase, you're your own best doctor, you're your own best healer, what does that make you think? - It means go inside and think about connect to yourself and figure out what it is that's holding you back. So that's one of the things that I like to teach too. So it's actually like a program that I have on my website but we know what's really going on with us. It's, are you willing to sit with yourself and figure it out? So we've been taught over time to not pay attention to ourselves, to only look outside. And I think that all of this experience over the last several years has really pushed us inside. - Why do you think we've been taught that everything is external and nothing is internal? You're just a worthless sinner and you know, you shouldn't look in, it's you're not worthy. Like, why do you think that this is a main theme that's taught throughout many different places in the world? - Well, we've been in a polarized universe and one of the things, when I went through the process of letting go of the ego as much as possible, like I did a program for that and learning about the universe, once you know that we've been basically in a spiritual war for a very long time, then you understand why we've been kept from going inward because going inward is what helps you actually grow. And it's gonna help you realize who you are, which is not what they wanted. So we've been basically controlled by fourth density entities for a long time. This world has, but that's ended. So now we're in the point where we have to start to create our own reality in a much bigger way. - Could you maybe talk about what these fourth density entities, fourth dimension entities are, sorry, I moved with that a lot, but if you could maybe talk a little bit about that. - Yeah, so we've had several, several different groups and some of them have been ET groups. So like the Archons, which actually broke through from another universe. I don't think they really wanted to be here, but they're almost like a robotic entity. So a robotic ET. Then we also have the greys, the tall greys, which are their humanity from another parallel that basically failed and destroyed their planet. So they wanted DNA from us to recreate themselves. So that was a big deal, a lot of different reptile-oriented ETs. But the thing is, is that with our mind, so our DNA was changed back in the time of Atlantis and we were not able to see what was actually going on. So it kind of messed up our whole perception and we were much easier because our bodies couldn't handle it. We were much easier to suppress. And the whole thing, the currency of the universe is energy. So basically they were harvesting energy in whatever way they could to keep their reality going. So we were being used kind of like a farm. - Now with this energy that, you know, like the universal currency is energy, now if someone is very religious-based and all they know is religions, they know angels, they know demons, they know God, they know Yeshua, that's their whole mind and focus. And if they're to experience some type of entity, whether it's positive or negative on the good or the bad, they're more likely to experience an angel or a demon. Now if people are very scientific-based, watch a lot of Star Trek and the Hollywood crazy movies and they're going to experience that same energy or entity, they're more likely to see it as like a tall gray or a reptilian. It's like this energy meets people where they're at. And, you know, do you think that, you know, can you maybe elaborate on what I'm talking about? - Yeah, so we have several different soul groups and one of them is the angelics and there's an ET soul group and then there's an angelic soul group. And the angelic soul group, we've all chosen to have lifetimes where we're more dark and more light. So sometimes people are being attacked by their own shadow. So it could be a parallel lifetime that they're living out right now that wants to be healed. So it comes at them and sometimes it is an angelic, but right now the angels have healed at this point. So we're in a time where the angels have healed the dark angels, if you want to call them that the fallen angels have healed. So we're not really experiencing them anymore, we're mainly experiencing our own shadows and our own things that we need to heal. And sometimes that's hugely dark, like maybe you're a dark wizard or you're practicing black magic in another lifetime. And that is coming in at you now because it's time to heal all that stuff. And you're feeling it, you're feeling the pain of that or you're feeling like you just got attacked, like your car just like stopped working all of a sudden and you're in the middle of traffic and you don't know why. So those kinds of things are happening quite a bit, but most of the souls have healed at this point to a pretty massive degree. It's the inner children or what I call the human consciousness that is in the process and also our genetic line, we're still working on that. - What do you think the difference is between 3D, 4D and 5D? - Pressure. So pressure and what you can see. So if in the 3D you have the veil and you're basically you cannot see beyond that veil. So you don't know that there's spirits that are trying to contact you. You don't know that there's an ET maybe in the room with you. You don't know that there's an angel down the road helping somebody who's passing away. But in a higher density, you know all of that stuff is going on and you also know that we're in a construct. So here in three, we're not really in 3D anymore, at least a lot of the parallels are not. But in the 3D you just assume that physical is the main reality. But your body's actually made of light slowed down. So everything is made of light and frequency. And when you start to see that, then you start to see beyond the veil. So a lot of people are experiencing seeing the construct. So they're seeing light made into form. And they're seeing fairies or they're seeing ETs, you know, just in flashes. They're seeing orbs. So people are starting to see things that they have never seen before. - I find that a lot of people that I've talked to that I've experienced severe childhood trauma would have to check out of their body to protect themselves from whatever was happening to them at the time. And when they checked out, they would go to these other dimensions or other realms where they would see fairies, where they would see angels, where they would see these light entities just to protect themselves from whatever horrific thing that their body was actually going through. And those are the type of people that are more likely or were more likely to see things in this dimension as an adult because sometimes they block it out, but sometimes they be able to experience that. And apparently there's a lot more going on around us than most people can see, but the people that had that severe trauma are more privy to that because they had to they're forced into learning about that. And then you're saying now more and more people are starting to see these things and this reality and that's happening more and more. - Yeah, yeah, in my groups and stuff they're talking about it all the time. And think about dreams too. So last night I had a dream that and most of your dreams are connected to the astral plane at this point. They're not just a dream that's giving you a message about what's going on in your subconscious. So I had a dream that there was a book that was given and this book was like this huge tartarian massive book with like frayed edges of the pages and all this kind of stuff. And I was looking at this book and I wanted to know was it real? Was it actually an ancient book because it supposedly came out of the Vatican library or was it a book that was rewritten? So I was talking to my higher self in my dream and getting that it was rewritten but what was written was true. So basically a lot of stuff when you interpret a dream what does it actually mean to you? And this is something that can help your audience like interpret what's actually going on. But to me that was like old information is about to be revealed in a new way. So there's a lot of history that's been hidden from us and they really hid that so that we wouldn't grow. So all that history is about to be revealed in a new way. And that was pretty exciting. So I woke up excited because I'm ready to see things start to happen. - My dream last night I was swimming. Well, we run this kind of like this Arctic ocean kind of line or this big ocean and it had in the middle, it had this giant swimming pool that was connected to the Arctic ocean. Like you could go down in the swimming pool and you could go into the actually the water. And so someone had his wet suit on. He was kind of kind of exploring and then came out and he's like, "Why aren't you gonna go?" And I was thinking about it and I'm like, "Yeah, I'm gonna go into it. "I just had my swimsuit on, I had no wet suit." And I just dove right in and I'm swimming underwater in this Arctic freezing cold water and I jumped out. And then the guy started like feeding stuff behind me. He started pouring food into the water. I'm like, "What are you doing?" He's like, "I'm just feeding the fish "so they don't look as you as food." I was like, and then I jumped out and then I jumped right back in and I started and I was swimming in this like freezing Arctic cold water and I don't really know what that would maybe symbolize but any thoughts on that? - Well, Antarctica is where a lot of stuff is hidden. So if you think about it, the ocean is usually the collective consciousness in a dream. So you were having access to the collective consciousness but not in the ocean itself in a more safe environment. So you're gonna be able to see the collective consciousness and what's actually going on. But I feel like that was a history reveal as well. I mean, if you think about it, the Arctic is a huge place where things have been hidden from us. - Yeah, that's quite amazing. And when we were talking about some of this, childhood trauma and this stuck energy, I was listening to some ophthalmologist. He was talking in front of a seminar in front of a bunch of medical doctors. And he was saying, "I'm an ophthalmologist, "but I'm also a naturopath "and I'm gonna put my naturopath hat on right now." And he's talking to medical doctors in a big conference. This was my maybe 10 plus years ago. So this was quite a long time ago. And he was saying that to them that he says, "Most of your patience, sicknesses and illnesses "have to do with stuck energy." Whether it's he said mostly childhood trauma that hasn't been dealt with, that hasn't been come to surface, hasn't been come to terms with and released. So this stuck energy starts to manifest itself into actual physical ailments, like the body's warning itself, "Hey, there's stuff you gotta deal with." Like, "Hey." And then some of these sicknesses and diseases and cancers and things start to tell the body that, "Hey, we've got a problem here, Houston. "We've got a problem and we've gotta like figure it out." And this guy was talking to medical doctors and I'm sure a lot of them probably thought 'cause it goes against all of their teachings but to just give them some pills, but just thoughts on that and the stuck energy, how it could actually manifest into things. - Yeah, so your cells, think about your cell, you have this little round cell. And what happens as more and more of the emotions come in and the more of the chemicals come into your body, they get hard on the outside. So you can imagine that hardness is kind of like the accumulation of emotion and also not being willing to let go of all the chemicals that are accumulating in the body. So when you go on some sort of fast, not only are you letting go of physical stuff, you're letting go of emotional stuff. So like when somebody goes and gets a massage and they cry, their emotion is being released, whatever is getting stuck in those muscles, the emotion is being released. So you can release the emotion by intending to release the emotion and breaking contracts and changing your genetic line, the experiences that they've had or you can do it with body work as well. So you can go in and you can have a deep massage, you can do Qigong. There's so many things that you can do to let go of the emotion that is actually driving the illness. And we don't have to know what it is. So a lot of the things that like a psychiatrist would do would be to say, tell me about why you're upset. And they would basically reinstall the pain of the past by you discovering it and talking about it over and over. So you're just reinstalling the horror that you experienced. And I think that was created on purpose and also the medical system to not think about nutrition and not think about emotion, that was done on purpose. So we've had a world set up for everybody to basically not succeed and that's changing now. And we're gonna be in charge of it now. So think about how you want to see the world in the future and how you wanna let go of stuck emotion. There was this water I talked about this the other day, but I used to have this water machine and it was called a Congen machine and it was like electrifying the water to turn it into single file in line of water. And what it did for a friend of mine is it brought up all of the things that she had been suppressing. So she had childhood trauma that was part of the negative that we've seen. So the worst thing that you can imagine had happened to her as a child and she started to remember it because her cells were cleaning, they were getting cleaned up. So her cellular memory was coming to the surface. So everything is brought on first by an emotion. - I have a friend that I used to play hockey with in elementary school in junior high. And he apparently had suffered a lot of childhood trauma between the ages of five and 15. He had been molested 10 different times by 10. And he says in a 10 year period, 10 different times. And when he was 15 or whenever afterwards, he started to block it out. And then he didn't wanna remember. So he went through life, totally disassociating with that events that happened to him. And he ended up working his way up in a company became a big manager, had a wife and kids. And then all of a sudden he started to remember the stuff that happened to him. And he was enraged, he was in anger. He was angry all the time because how could this happen? How could, I let this, how could somebody do this to me? I just angry all the time that he ended up losing his job. He ended up having to move away from his wife and kids 'cause he didn't want to be around them angry. And then when the lockdown first happened, I didn't know any of this. And then when the lockdown first happened, we created this thing called the high vibe love tribe where when they wanted the world in fear, we put on some techno music and I started dancing in front of everybody. And then after an hour, we'd slow it down. We put on a guided meditation, some healing frequency I'd be bringing the Tibetan singing bowl. He said when he heard the bowl was the first time in two or three years that he started remembering that he wasn't angry, that he was actually at peace. Just hearing the sound vibrations. He says, I don't know what that is. I don't know anything about this. I don't know about your meditations. I don't know about, you didn't know any about that kind of stuff. But he says, when he heard me playing that bowl, he actually became at peace. And he said it's the first time. And then he had started to tell me about what had happened to him. And I have friend that she's involved with women shelters and things. And so there's not much for men and abuse and counseling. And so we found him some help. And now he's on his way to like recovery. And he's got like, he ended up not being back with his wife and he's got a girlfriend and he's not angry. And he's like, he got his job back at his company and just his whole life had changed. But he had to release that stuff that had happened to him because he was living in anger that he couldn't deal with customers. He couldn't deal with his wife or his kids because all he could remember was this stuck trauma that was left inside because of being violated so many times when he was a child. Yeah, it creates like a camera lens. You know how you have those different lenses if you've had an old camera and sent one of them's like yellow, one of them's purple and you put it over the lens and it creates this different lens that you see through. And it changes your entire life when you're not clearing away the things that have caused trauma. And eventually it'll manifest into a disease. So also when you're thinking about things in a negative way all day long, you're reprogramming your brain to receive more negative into your life. So that's important to remember too. - There was a comment from someone in our YouTube channel that said EDMR helped tap it up and out. And then someone said, glad you're feeling better about what is EDMR? And then as he said, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing EDMR therapies of mental health treatment technique. Have you ever heard of that? - No, I have heard of emotional freedom technique but not with the eyes. So that's great because a lot of stuff processes through the eyes. That's why we start to wear glasses after a while 'cause we don't want to see the world, right? Or maybe we had something else that relates to the eyes that creates something, but we don't know where to send stars. I love that. So it really has been-- - Oh, sorry, we didn't get any monetization violations on Facebook and people used to be able to send stars to us. And they just stopped it. They just stopped it. It just for some reason they didn't allow us to get stars from people anymore. So I think that that's what LiveLogan is talking about. So yeah, there is no star option on our Facebook page anymore. On my personal profile, which we're live on, I think it still has the option there, but that's I just wanted to let that person know. - Yeah, so the eyes, like if you think about your organs, your liver has to do with anger, your lungs have to do with sorrow, your kidneys have to do with fear. So think about what organ is affected and what energy do I need to release out of my body? So. - We have a question here from Taffy in our Facebook says, "Do you believe in the Holy Spirit Trinity?" - Yes, yeah, but I see it as souls. So I may not see it in the same way. So think about how the flower of life is set up. It started out with three, the Holy Trinity. So and it just built from there. So the more souls that were born, the bigger the flower of life became. - So did you get any of that religious upbringing that your dad did being, was he like the, was he like the commune pastor? Was he like the hippie pastor? Or like did he release himself from that, you know, religious, you know, grip that takes a hold of most people and then allows you to learn things more freely and on your own instead of being a foresped, what you need to believe instead of letting you figure it out on yourself? - He totally let me figure it out. I know I would get into trouble when I would go to my friend's church, you know. So I had little friends, you know, when I was young. And the last church that I went to as a child was my cousin's church and the pastor was screaming up on the pulpit and I was like, he's lying. That's not how it works. You know, I have a whispering to my cousin and then she wasn't allowed to come and visit me after that. So I knew it wasn't correct. And I probably went to church as a child maybe five times and it was never with my parents. It was always with a friend or a cousin. - What do you think this religious grip or grasp that gets a hold of people? Like what do you think that that is because it seems to divide people more than it does bringing them together. And it's really sad to see. - I think it was so religion, re-legend. So creating legions of people to be polarized against each other. I think that's why it was originally created. And at the top, a lot of churches are doing things that are kind of nefarious. So it's, you know, a lot of people are really beautiful that go to church and also a lot of the pastors are really wonderful. But the higher up you go, the more nefarious it becomes, just like the government, just like any other system. And it was created to have strife and division, I believe. And also to put someone between you and God. So you're listening to someone else's interpretation of God instead of finding God within yourself. - I love that. That makes sense because even they talk about that in scriptures that, you know, you don't need a middleman to have a direct connection to source. And it seems like people wanna be that middleman. People wanna be like, hey, if you don't connect the way I connect, then you're doing it wrong. And it seems quite, you know, inverted because you're supposed to have your own direct connection and each and every person that's listening has their own connections. And I don't think no two connections are truly the same. - Now, and if you think about it, all the systems were set up to keep people looking outside versus inside. Every single system. You go to the doctor because the doctor knows better about your body than you do. You trust the government because they know better how to take care of you than you do. So church is no different and school is no different. So I think all four of those systems, the education system, government system, the medical system and the church system are in for huge change. - Yeah. - Well needed change, that's for sure. We have a question here from Marlene in our YouTube channel and says, so if you get cataract, is it because you don't want to see something? - It is, but you also manifested in the body. So usually that's a lack of some sort of nutrient. So you want to look into that and also see what, I would go see a naturopathic doctor 'cause there are ways to deal with that in a more holistic way. - Here we have a comment from Stacey Lynn in our Facebook says, I was taking sleep meds which no longer with two appointments per year and no conversation. The guy labeled me mentally retarded, panic disorder and personality disorder, a protected class, a board certified sociopaths, causing harm, COC and brave art, Colorado for Connecticut Florida makes 50 million per year. I just wanted to say that most doctors, like if you're talking about a broken bone or some kind of surgery that you need done, their experts, their professionals, they will do, can fix you in many of the instances, but most other things, doctors don't really know what is going on. They'll just say, oh yeah, that's just arthritis or it's just this and they'll just hand you a bunch of pills without actually trying to get to know you what your sleeping habits are, what your eating habits are, what your exercising habits are, what your stress is going on in your life. Did you just lose a dog or break up a bit serious relationship or lose a family member? These are all kind of circumstances that go on that they don't ask you about. They just wanna pop you diagnosed, you misdiagnosed you with something and they just give you some pills and hopefully you'll come back with needing more pills or a new diagnosis I should say. - I think a lot of society in general doesn't know that the medical doctor is working off of commission. So there's a huge amount of money that goes on with all the pills. - Sandy Law says, do you think not being able to get rid of a dominal fat means something besides we're being systematically poisoned by our food? If food is very toxic, but do you think that there's other underlying meanings to someone not being able to get rid of their belly fat? - I think it has to do with stress, honestly. So it's to do with the kidneys, to do with hormones that are out of balance, cortisol. I think we've been taught to eat in the wrong way and then on top of it, there's a lot of chemicals. So if you go to another country, like if you live in America and you go to another country, like let's say Italy or Ireland. So in Ireland, I can eat bread and I can drink milk. In America, I can't. So we really have to think about what is okay for our body or not in this country if you live in America. I think America, Canada, and most of the Western countries have some sort of poison that's leaked in, but I honestly think America and Canada, it's probably the worst. America's got 10,000 preservatives and additives that are approved by the system. So if you get that same, and Canada's a little bit better than America, but it's not much better. It is, some things are not allowed in Canada, like just say, for example, Fruit Loops. Fruit Loops, by the same company, by the same product, the same box of Fruit Loops in America, it's dyed with red 40, it's dyed with chemicals. In Canada, it's dyed with like carrot juice or like some same with Gatorade. Gatorade, the exact same company, exact same product, exact same flavor. In America, it's dyed with these chemicals. Synthetic, toxic, hormonal disrupting chemicals, which in Germany, they're dyed with beet juice and carrot juice and things. So, you know, it's, they're really targeting North America, America, you know, it's being systematically poisoned. And why do you think, you know, America, the land of the free, the home of the brave, the patriots, people gun toting, sovereign, you know, people are so targeted by the food industry and, you know, the medical mafia? - Well, I think it is because they are the gun toaters. I think it also is because of the medical system itself and how it's set up. Like an American person will pay so much more money for a certain thing. So, it's making a lot more money than some of the other systems that are more socialized. So, it doesn't mean that they're still not making quite a bit of money in another country. But I know there was a young guy who went and he researched, like how much would it cost me to go to, I think it was Italy or Turkey or something to get a hip replacement and how much would it cost in the US? And I think it was $40,000 at that time in the US. And it was $8,000 in whatever other country he was gonna go to. So he could fly there, he could live there for a year, he could have his hip replaced and he could enjoy himself and then come back and still have money left over. - Compared to what was charged in America. So I just had a double hip replacement surgery in February of last year, not this year last year. So it's been a year and a half or whatever. And for me, obviously I've been speaking out against the toxic injections for maybe, since I feel I got these problems because I took a bunch of travel injections, 13, 14 years ago, started to target my hips, I was strong as a bull before that. And so I've been speaking out against them for 13 years, probably 12, 13 years when I'm not wanting anybody to even get them for their kids and stuff. I found out that in Canada, they didn't do stem cell therapy, that's the only thing that I didn't really try before I got my surgery, was like 20 grand in Australia, could do it in Mexico, but it was a little bit shady in Mexico. So I didn't end up getting it done and I ended up going to get it done here in Canada, which is free, it's included in our healthcare system, I didn't have to pay anything, but they couldn't guarantee me that it was unjuiced blood with this new thingy. And so I said, well, I'm not interested, they said in a Trebleau transfusion, then they said, well, even if you're dying, you don't want us to give you any blood. I said, no, I believe in it so strongly that I don't want this stuff. They said, well, you're gonna have to sign this. And they, are you Jehovah's Witness that kept on asking me? Because I wouldn't take this type of juiced blood, but I was able to go through the surgery. And the reason why I'm saying that is because we have a question here that's saying, I was told that my abdominal muscles are separate, I need to go to surgery, would I be okay? So I, again, I know the pharmacia, I know the medical system. I decide to go the route of rather dying than getting any blood transfusion. So I went through and they did both hits at the same time. I was cut open for six and a half hours. I was still able to get through it, which thankful I'm still here for that. But I trusted, again, how we talked about earlier, the surgeons. I trusted, I met one that seemed good. She wanted to help me. She said she didn't matter if I had the injection or not. She was okay with me, not doing any blood transfusion. She said, I will be able to do this. It's a cold room. And she was able to reassure me that she thought that she could do this without having to give me a transfusion. And so I didn't get it. And I'm still here to tell about that. So just any thoughts on oneness, aid about having to go to the surgery. And do you think, do you feel that maybe that oneness, aid would be okay? - Yeah, I do get that she'll be fine. Just do whatever you feel is right for you. But as far as what I get from my higher self, it says you're gonna be fine. So when we went, so my husband had an ulcer, a bleeding ulcer, and it ended up being really like scary situation. And it was right after all the stuff happened. And I said, I do not want any blood that's contaminated to go into his body. And we were here in the US and they, you know, promised me that he would not get that, that things were screened at that point. And I just did a lot of energy work for him. So remember that you're made of light. And if you want to change what's in your body, you can. So it's not just up to the physical. You also have the frequency that you can change whatever it is that you need to. So remember that. - I'm a firm believer in, you know, no weapon formed by man shall prosper unless you shall let it. And so I'm not afraid of their, you know, weapons or their technologies. Taffy was asking, does she know what bioengineered food is? Do you think this is a cupcake and bioengineered food? I think she's read on a label, a cupcake was made by bioengineered food. Do you know what that is? And, you know, if you have this start and this is, well, bioengineered is apparently, they're actually synthetically putting food together. So whether it's genetically modified, but they're bioengineering it. So it's not actually made, you know, from plants, they take these synthetic compounds, they put it together. They bioengineer it. So that's, you know, part of as well. I think maybe genetically modified might go and involved with it. But, you know, we talked earlier about, you know, these dark forces have, you know, maybe left this place, but we're still being poisoned in our air. We're still being poisoned in the food, you know, unless you're very, very aware of what you're putting into your body, most likely you're putting toxins into your body and that's hard to, you know, to get around the way our food industry has been systematically taken over for many, many years now. - Yeah, so I would pray over your food, to be honest. So put your palms of your hands over your food before you eat it and just say that you want only what is in your highest good to actually be absorbed into your body and the rest of it just to go out. You don't want to be consistently putting things in that are more negative, that you know are negative. So seed oils and genetically modified food, corn is a really a rough one. But go and do some research on your own about what is good and what isn't. But you want to eat whole foods. And I do know that, you know, all this is in the process of changing, but how your perception is and what you're doing for yourself is what matters the most because a lot of that stuff is starting to be banned. So those chemicals are starting to be banned and things are starting to get pulled off the shelves in different states. - Yeah, yeah, I would bless all your food, you know? And say only what's in my highest good of my body. Do I want to take into my body? - And I think that that's important what you talked about that whatever you're eating, like some people say, "Well, I can't afford anything but tap water." So that's some good intentions, you know, put some love into that water. Say it's going to nourish me. You know, you can actually help fight some of these things because not everybody has the, you know, the financial capability he's to get organic or to eat on it, but you can actually energetically help yourself. And do you think if like say you have chocolate cake and you have two people eating it, one person is like, "This is great, I'm going to be so nourished by this." And then the next person, "Well, I shouldn't probably be eating "and I hope it doesn't make me sick." Do you think that two people eating that exact same chocolate cake will have different effects on their body based on how they, you know, interact or how they feel, you know, energetically before they put it into their body? - Absolutely, yeah. There was this whole drama about pink Himalayan salt that went on with my audience and with another healer's audience and a discussion. So I tuned into, "Is it bad for you?" And I asked for myself, I didn't ask for the audience and I got no, but I thought it was really good for me and I'd been using it for years, you know, so I just assumed that it was great. And then people kept asking me, so then I tuned into it for the audience. And I got a resounding, no, it's not okay. So it really is important to tune into it if you're, and that was my lesson, like to learn to tune into it for everybody, not just myself, if I'm getting asked a question about something, but then I knew that it wasn't that great, it had toxins in it. So it's actually collected in a fairly toxic way. And when I tuned into it further, I got that the reason that it's pink is not such a great reason. So it had to do with ancient toxins. So really, you wanna pay attention to all your stuff, but if somebody is just happy and they think it's really good for them, then it is gonna be really good for them. - Same thing with smoking, that's why you'll have smokers that could be smoking and go throughout life. And George Burns was smoking and drinking until he was 90, something years old. And then others who smoke, ended up getting sick and dying at an early age. And I think the mentality I think has a lot to do with it. - Yeah, and also like when you're a parent and you're constantly worrying all the time, it's also what other people are throwing at you too. Like if you are married to a smoker and you're always yelling at them about smoking and how bad it is for them, then it will become bad for them. They will internalize that into their subconscious and it will be hard on them. - So Tesla 369369, but do you still eat the pink Himalayan salt, honey? - No, so once that came into my subconscious, I stopped using it and I started using Celtic salt. I use sea salt in many different forms and I tune into the salt. - Okay, so I know a little bit about the pink Himalayan salt and the controversies, you know, obviously doing the investigative journalism that we do. We try to research as much different areas and topics. So pink Himalayan salt is actually good for you, but if it's real pink Himalayan salt. So the problem is, is that they're selling pink Himalayan salt that's not pink Himalayan salt. It comes, it's made in Pakistan, not into Himalayan. So one of the ways that I found this out is that I was using pink Himalayan salt. I thought pink Himalayan salt is great. It should be using this over any other salt. And then one day I had an order from Costco to come in and it no longer said pink Himalayan salt, it said pink salt and I was like, what? What do you mean pink salt? And I was like, why did they change the label? Apparently they got sued because it wasn't pink Himalayan salt. It was salt from Pakistan that they were dying this pink to make it and calling it pink Himalayan salt. So they could no longer call it pink Himalayan salt. So if you could get real pink Himalayan salt, which it's a lot more rare if most out there, but I'm sure there still is pink Himalayan salt. So be really careful if you're still using that because a lot of this is this copied salt from Pakistan that they're dying calling pink Himalayan salt, passing it off as pink Himalayan. So you saw everybody thinking that they're getting this healthy salt, which they're just putting more chemicals into the body. So Celtic sea salt is some of the stuff that I'm going through. Obviously there's different places. You can go Baja gold. I've heard some kosher salt, maybe okay. So these are some salts that are out there that are still good for us, but I don't use the pink Himalayan salt anymore. So I don't, just because of all of that crazy controversy, I started not to use it. So that's kind of what I learned about it. - Well, and hold it in your hand. Go to the store, go to the health food store, if you have one. Go to the salt aisle, hold it in your hand and ask the question, is this good for me or not? And you don't have to ask it out loud and just use the sway test. If you sway forward, it's probably good for you and take it home. If you sway backwards, then it's probably not good for you and put it back on the shelf. - Now, your near death experience. So I've had one, I was, got stabbed 12 times, fighting a bunch of gangsters, trying to protect a girl they were trying to pimp out. So I went, crossed over to the other side. I saw my lifeless body on the table. Yours was when you were seven and you had- - I had asthma and pneumonia and bronchitis all at the same time. - So you were really, really sick? - Yeah, I just stopped breathing. So we lived, you know, in this hippie community and it was winter. So it was right before my eighth birthday and we were, my dad was, had me on his back and we were going down a path to get to the car 'cause we were basically snowed in and I just stopped breathing. And then I went into this room, you know, this white room and asked the question, is my family gonna make it through this if I go, got no? And then went back and when I went back in, he, it was when he first stepped down onto the road. So it was a pretty severe step and my chest hit his shoulder really hard and I just started to breathe again. So it was a very interesting experience and I, you know, it really reminded me when it happened of the angels that had come to me three months before. So I had three angels show up in Long Velvet, kind of, you know, silky robes and they showed up and I got this vision when I was sitting on the school bus and I knew I needed to pay attention. - Wow, so do you think people, someone said earlier, I used to fear hell, but now I'm more smarter or something like that. Like, what do you think about the whole heaven and hell and when you do pass on, like, when you do pass on or, you know, people going to one direction or the other, like, do you have any, you know, thoughts on that? - I feel like hell is like basically living a dark lifetime. So that would, I mean, we're eternal beings. So I don't really believe in hell at all the way that they bring it up. I feel like it's ridiculous in the way that they bring it up but that doesn't mean you couldn't experience a lifetime that's really wretched. So, you know, and a lot of us have experienced some pretty rough, you know, lifetimes, especially even in this one, a lot of us have had that. - Now, have you talked about or thought about much about when you do pass on some people say, avoid the light, they're like the light is a trap, they're gonna see Jesus, you're gonna see parents, you're gonna see people that are trying to pull you into the light, but you're supposed to turn around and face infinity, don't get sucked into the light, soul trap, they call it, do you know anything about that or any thoughts on that? - Yeah, so I did this whole series called the Hidden History series a few years ago and the soul trap was basically dismantled back in 2021. So there was a soul trap. It was created by the darker, you know, beings. And it was what I got is was a Selenite crystal, so a massive Selenite crystal that was created by them that they would create this extremely bright light with. Now, I think that's how human souls have gotten stuck for so long in this realm of basically like, just getting spit back out and being born again without being able to go into the astral plane, have an experience where you get to review your lifetime and go and rest for a bit. So yes, we did have that. There's a show called The Wheel of Time. If you watch that show, it talks about it. Yeah. - Now, what's going on with the sun? 'Cause like, I used to stare in the sun all the time. Like, I literally at one point when I was like 21 or 22, I like smoked a big joint and I got on my bike and I just wanted to stare into the sun and I was doing that for like two hours. And after that, I saw sunspots everywhere. And, you know, but I just like, I love the sun. I love looking at the sun. I love, you know, the energy of the sun, but now it's so bright and it's no longer yellow. It's like a white and I'm like, it's hard. Like, I can hardly even look at it. It's just, it seems like something is different. And then we had a question here about, do you think all this solar activity is preparing us for the solar flash? So I don't know if it's one and the same, but I just kind of, when I saw this comment, it just kind of popped into my head about the bright sun. - Yeah, so I don't know exactly when we got the bright sun. It seems like it's been there for probably like four years, maybe five years, but the bright sun, the yellow sun is still there, but the yellow sun was also a construct. So, and it was more mellow. It was a little easier to look into. And it was still giving you information and still elevating you to go and do sun gazing and everything. But now we have this white sun that has been brought in by the fifth density ETs and sometimes higher work on it. But it's basically channeling energy from the souls to us to continue to upgrade. So it is very hard to look at. It's very intense. Sometimes when I'm sun gazing, I just close my eyes and stare at the sun because you're still getting all those light codes. And it's a great time to ground and sun gaze at the same time. But instead of going through that severe solar flash, we switch timelines probably back in 2022. And we didn't experience that massive flash. Instead, we're experiencing these smaller solar pushes that are upgrading our bodies and pushing us further and further into ascension. So I don't think that we're gonna experience a massive solar flash where a lot of people just disappear. They're gonna disappear more gradually when you talk about like an NPC person or a holographic person. And I don't know if you talk about that on your channel, but we will have less people in the future, but they will be people that are connected to you that are in your parallel and that you will be able to have an actual real conversation with. - I've had someone come here on our show saying, the apocalypse is not what we were told and taught. The apocalypse is going to happen, but it's the dark entities that are being removed, not the good ones. And so they've been told that all, if you're not, if you're a good person and you're the follower of the right teachings and you're gonna be pulled out, so you don't have to face all this darkness like everybody, but someone actually came here and said, it's the opposite. It's the dark entities that are gonna be removed and everybody is gonna be able to be here still to experience the true bliss that this realm is supposed to give us. - Yes, I agree with that. So the apocalypse, so think about like a soul shadow. So a soul shadow is a piece of your soul in another lifetime, having a more negative experience. So what's happening is we're here to heal all of that. So these parts of ourselves are being healed and it's soul-wise genetic line and also your human part of you. So there's all this healing going on and that's what's allowing us to vibrate higher and be in a higher density. So we're basically on the bridge right now between the fourth density and the fifth density. - Now, what about these northern lights? Maybe you could talk a little bit about that. Sassy from our YouTube saying, most people are seeing these northern lights, but many of us feel these frequencies. So apparently these northern lights and it's the second time that it's happened that usually you would just see them in the north and now people are like in Florida and like, you know, Tennessee and they're like, man, oh, look at those northern lights and then some people are saying these are real, some people are saying that these are potentially harp, you know, there's a lot of fear being pushed as well as not, you know, natural. I know not this one, the last one, I was out there taking pictures and it didn't look very bright. And then in my camera, I'm like, what the heck? Where did all these colors come from? It didn't even look anything near. The same as what my eyes were seeing as what the camera was showing and I was just wondering maybe you could speak on that. - So it depends on what timeline you're in. So how much fear are you still carrying? So if you're carrying a lot of fear, then it will still be connected to the frequency of harp or the frequency of the dome. So we didn't talk about the dome yet, but basically when I first went on this journey with YouTube, the very first thing that I was shown from my higher self was that the earth is much larger than what we think and that we had been in an ice dome and I got to stand on top of it and look over the top to the rest of the planet. So that was the first thing that I saw and I was supposed to relay that on YouTube. So I was like, oh, yay. - Was it like a space pizza? - Yeah, I mean, it's basically, it's a toroidal field. So we've lived on the top, which is relatively flat, but it's a toroidal field completely. So people are living inside of earth, people are living on the bottom of earth, people are all, but they're not on the sides. So, and I do talk about that quite a bit in some of the videos that I've already done, but the frequency, the ice dome is dissolved at this point. And now we just have a bit of a frequency that's kind of keeping things a little more normal for us and we're seeing a hologram that is being created with the help of ETs, but also with our own mind. Because our mind isn't quite ready to accept what the sky actually looks like, what, who's walking around next to us, you know, that kind of stuff. So there's a lot of frequency that comes off of that frequency dome, but there's also, if you're in a lower timeline, you're gonna be seeing some of the things that maybe drove some hurricane-like activity, you know, you're gonna be seeing that and believing that that's what it is. So that's what I equate to hell, is living in a fearful frequency so that you're experiencing more negative. And I don't really believe that they're negative or positive at this point, they're just frequency and the frequency is changing massively. - Like higher and lower frequencies, basically you can be riding on higher frequency timeline or you can still be dragging down in lower frequencies, but wherever you are, it's just right because that's where you're supposed to be if those are the frequencies that you're riding on right now? - Yeah, exactly. There is no judgment really, it's just where are you at and what are you, if you're not happy there, then what are you doing to move up or move out of it? You know, 'cause we have the power to be wherever we wanna be. The moon is a spaceship, just popped up. And I'm of that there's two moons, one that we don't see and one that we do. - So apparently the moon was never supposed to be here. It was brought here, some people think it's a ship or a base that there's, you know, hundreds of thousands of people living on it. Like I've heard some people said that's where they're hiding the medbeds. The medbeds are all being built there and they're gonna be coming here. I like, I've heard so many different things about the moon. That's quite fascinating 'cause, you know, a lot of people have different takes on what it is. - Yeah, so when I tune into it, I get that there's two that we, you know, are experiencing basically one of them is more of like the Anunnaki moon, the death star from Star Wars, you know? Like it's huge, it gets planet sized. A lot of stuff has happened there, it's been used as a depot and a lot of different things have happened. And now it is taken over by the good military and things are good there and happening with ETs. But the moon that we see in the sky, I get that it's a flat luminary. So to me, it feels more like a night light and yes, there may be some activity there that's going on, but it's pretty minimal. And the real activity is happening more on that Anunnaki moon. And if you want to understand more about it, I would watch the movie "Moonfall." So all that stuff is being brought in so that we can learn more and we can see it in a way that's not scary and we can understand more about the true history and, you know, that's being channeled in by people so that it can be shown. So a lot of the movies in the TV series and stuff right now are geared towards awakening. - Well, they do reveal a lot in TV and movies, whether it was the dark paths or the dark, how do you say their plans, you know, or whatever, how things are true history and things like that. I think that revelation of meth that I think has been going a lot in these movies and stuff. And you're saying now a lot has been gearing towards actually more of a mass awakening to get people, you know, maybe vibrating at a higher timeline than, you know, being stuck in the mud to like a stork with their head in the sand that many people have, as people call them NPCs. I don't ever see anybody as an NPC. I don't really like that too much because we probably all have family and or friends that kind of are, you know, kind of stuck in the mud. And I always have hope for everyone that, you know, that stork will pull their head out of the sand and that they're just not a non player character. Some people say they're soulless. And I just can't align with that because I think everybody's a child of God and it's just the programming, the spells that were put on them. It's just a matter of releasing those spells for them to start vibrating at a higher place and becoming more aware of things opposed to just believing the indoctrinated BS that they were programmed into. - Yeah. And the one, the people that are close to you, I don't subscribe to the NPC idea either when it comes to the people that are close to you. Now, when you're in a crowd, that's a whole nother story because you're creating your own reality and you're expecting to see a crowd. Like when you go to the beach and you expect it to be crowded, then it is. And there was an experiment I did with my husband the other day. So he always thinks there's going to be too much traffic. And I said, oh, you know, he's in the car and he always thinks there's going to be too much traffic. So I'm driving and I don't want all this traffic. So I basically said NPCs be gone and go home. And all of a sudden, probably within a minute, the traffic cleared. We didn't have as much traffic. And it's because partially we're creating that reality. So some of them are just not really real and we have to think, we have to remember that all of this is a hologram. So what do we want to see and what do we don't want to see? Like, do you want to have a massive crowd or would you like to have it be a little more thinned out and easier for you to navigate? - Here's a question from Tammy to me, Jesse, do you believe in clones? Yeah, I know that there are clones. I've seen actually this technology from the 60s and even 50s way before people actually think. So I think that there are clones out there. We've heard people that have been put into the industry music industry that had said, yeah, they had this thing that they wanted to clone people, do. Some of the people that are in a public eye that got large masses of followings that don't far haven't followed with the program, be clipped and cloned. Probably it's happened. I would never say that it hasn't because I've seen this technology for a very, very long time here on Earth. So yeah, I think that there are clones that are walking among us. But I don't think as many as people think, I think that there are in certain situations and scenarios they've had to for their agenda. But I don't think that every person, like some people say, oh, every person in Hollywood and every person in the media, I don't think they're all reptiles or clones or trans-textuals like a, I don't think that every Hollywood person is a tranny. But these are some of the narratives that people are pushing. And I think it's dangerous because those people maybe are just trapped in whatever contracts that they're in and they're good people and they're being targeted by hate when they're not really perpetrators of the hate. They're just stuck in these situations because of circumstances. And I think you really have to be careful of the hate that you're pushing in this time because we should be getting more towards the love vibration and not the hate vibration because that'll keep you at that lower density. - Right, exactly. And so in a lower timeline or a slower timeline, slower to be aware, slower to wake up, you're experiencing more negative things. And in a more positive timeline where you've taken time to heal and you're moving up in the vibration, then you're experiencing a lot less of it. So like in the timeline, I'm in. I don't believe that there is clones anymore. I believe that they basically have fallen away and they may still be active in other timelines, but most of the people that I see in the movie that we're watching right now are actors. So they're not actually a clone anymore. - Someone asked, what does she think of AI? And it was maybe a year ago, maybe a year and a half, I don't really, time is just a weird construct that I don't really hold on to. So it could have been two years, could have been a year, but I had this dream that I saw this AI that was like an AI God that was this massive being and it was like the beginning of the Terminator where this was kind of like, wait, we were all the resistance fighting against this AI God. And so it was maybe a year or two years ago that I seen this and that way and it was name was Seth. And it's weird because I've actually had people come on here say there's an AI called Seth, right? And it was, 'cause I had never heard of that when I had this weird dream, but Taffy wants to know what you think of AI. - I think that AI is what we intended to be. So if AI is being put out by someone that's nefarious and they're intending to do negative things with it, then it will be negative. But I think as we shift into love more and more, the AI will become more and more benevolent and we'll also need less of it. So I don't really feel like we're gonna have as much screen time, as much AI in general as we have in the past, because we'll be more interested in talking to each other and we're gonna have telepathy. So it's just really gonna change as we go forward, but we will have AI that's benevolent and just like your car or your computer, a lot of your consciousness will be wrapped up in the AI that you have in your life. - And I think you're right, it's just a tool. So if it's being used by lower frequency, lower densities for harmful purposes, then that's what it's used for. But if things become at much more higher frequency, we're at a love vibration, then we can use that artificial intelligence for the benefit of humanity and people shouldn't be so scared of that type of reality if it's in the right hands. And also things will be transparent at that point. Like you won't only see that there's AI there, you'll see that maybe your father that's passed away has come in to say hello that morning, you know? And you're having your coffee made by AI, but your dad is in a spirit forum and is sitting next to you while you have your coffee. So we're walking into something that's totally different and what we've experienced in the past and there will be no veil. So you'll know if AI is going sideways. - We have a comment here from Sheila on our Facebook says, "The screen is frozen, this happens all the time "with this podcast, sad about that." So Sheila and anybody else that's listening, we're live right now on our Facebook page called "The Missing Link Live." On my Facebook profile, Jesse Hall, on our LinkedIn, on our YouTube, on our Twitch, on our Twitter and on our Rumble. So most of the links, except for Facebook, sometimes they don't let me put the links and they took away our stars in there and YouTube. This is our seventh YouTube channel. We've had six of them deleted for medical misinformation. So we're back. So please hit the like, thumbs up, subscribe, find our other channels. But if it's not working on one, we're on six other different places that you can find us. So just click over. We appreciate people watching from Rumble because they're the ones that actually we benefit from it, you know, like financially, I guess you can say. They actually pay us for views. No one else except for Facebook, we had stars. So the other places we don't get anything from. So if you're watching any of our replays and this is our 892nd interview that we've done in about three and a half, three and three quarter years. So there's 80 doctors, there's authors, there's lawyers, there's spiritualists and contactees and all kinds of, you know, all kinds of people of every type of sort. We're just trying to record history of everybody that's speaking out during this pivotal time. We don't tell you what to think here. We just wanna give you every different perspective. We give you the cue, comports to the people that think it's all a sigh up. We give you both sides. So just because you're seeing one person that goes against your narrative, we're just doing journalism, you know, we're just trying to give you every side so that way you can decide who you align with, what you think is in your best interest and who you think is, you know, not, but just be respectful of everyone who we bring on here because if I choose to bring someone on the show and being disrespectful to them in any way, even if you don't agree, is being disrespectful to me because I chose to have them on the show. Just move along to the next show or, you know, maybe the show's not for you, but that's all we ask is for just people to be respectful as we do these things. So we've got about 350 people here live with us right now. So thank you everybody. Thanks for sharing this out, honey. And I bet I just wanted to mention that about we're on all these different places. So you can, we're just trying to get us out to as many just in case they do take us down or shut us down in one place, you can find us in all these other different places as well. Yeah, that's brilliant. Yep, I haven't mastered the live that well. The tech of the live. Mark says, I'm not sure who is responding to, but he says, is that going to happen? Will we see them regularly? How will that affect people going to psychics for readings? See them regularly. It was something that he said earlier. I guess we may have been talking about something. So yeah, I'll put the rumble link in the comments. So psychics and readings and energy. What is that, how do you, to what's your take on all of that? I think eventually people are going to be coming into all their own gifts, you know, when it comes to seeing through the veil. So some people, that was maybe their gift that came in first and they're helping others to start to see through the veil. But eventually everybody's going to have all of those gifts. So it just is a matter of letting go of things that are in the way. So you'll have all the clairs, like the clear cognizance and clear audience and all those different things that people think are not, you know, really possible for them. And you'll see spirits and ETs and everything. So what'll happen to the psychics then? Maybe they'll start doing art. That's what I want to do. Like they'll do other things and they'll be tapped in and maybe they'll be assisting you still if you're still trying to tap in a certain way and it's not working for you. But things will just continue to morph. - Oh, Mark was saying when you were talking about seeing relatives more. So that was his about will you see the relatives and things? - Yes. 'Cause they come in and they want to see you and talk to you but they don't necessarily get through at this point. They're just there, like in a movie sitting next to you but you don't see them. But that's going to start changing quite a bit. And no, I don't do private readings anymore. - Okay. And Vivian See from our YouTube channel says, "What do you think about Elon Musk's robots?" - I think they're kind of a preview of what we can have in the future. So there was a movie with Robin Williams, I think it was and he was a robot and he became sentient. And he had all this love inside of him that he wanted to give. And I think that's something to watch when you think about that. That robot can be whatever it is that you want it to be. So to me, it's like a preview. - Back to those gifts that you were talking about. So when you're talking about like psychic abilities or clairvoyance or any of these intuition, aren't these something that's in each and every single one of us? It's just a matter of remembering again, learning them, remembering that we are these powerful divine beings of light that the gifts are in each and every single one of us. No one person is any greater than the others. Just a matter of tapping to your true divine potential. - Exactly. So the more healing you do on the inside of you, the faster your gifts are going to come in. And it may be one thing that is holding you back from gifts. Maybe it's like some idea that you're not worthy of them or something that has been created. Some people still have implants too that may be emitting a frequency. So asking for all that stuff to be removed and then also asking, what is it inside myself that's not allowing me to see these gifts yet? That's important. And remember, you have two beings in your body. So you have a soul consciousness and you have a human consciousness. So sometimes the human consciousness is a little more freaked out 'cause they've been stuck here for a lot longer. So ask that human consciousness within yourself, which I call the inner child. What do they need? What can you do for them? Because ultimately the human consciousness is what's ascending. Your soul has done it in the past, knows how to do it and your human consciousness has been here for a long time. And they are realizing their freedom right now and who they are. - Kathy says, so where do people go when they die? So they just go out into, sometimes they go back to God's source, which is like this enormous white light and people can call it the central sun or whatever they wanna call it. But when I was in it and I was given back that memory, you're just kind of floating in this beautiful sea of kind of a yellowish light. And you go there to heal if you have things that you need help with, but you also go there to choose your next lifetime. The next learning game that you're gonna be participating in. So you could go back to your soul family, you can go back to your over soul. Like there's so many scenarios of where are you gonna go? You go where you wanna go, basically. And when you were talking about the two different like consciousness within us, you have your soul consciousness and your human consciousness. Is that why when people start seeing things or hearing things, they all of a sudden they're deemed as crazy and put them in a psych ward and stuff, but they're maybe just starting to access some of these gifts. They're maybe communicating with something actually, but they're being told they're crazy and pumping them full of medications because they couldn't have a whole bunch of people running around, knowing who they are, connecting with things. Like do you think that that's why many people have been deemed as psychotic or and put into these positive forms. - Totally. And also the lack of knowledge from the doctors is another aspect and not knowing how to handle those situations. Like if you have somebody who's schizophrenic, I think that they're actually accessing all of their parallels. So they can see their parallels, they're experiencing their parallels and they don't know how to control it in a more safe way for themselves. And that gets them into trouble with a normy type doctor. They're gonna say, you're crazy, you're going into the psych ward. But really what they're doing is they're being a multi-dimensional being. So that kind of stuff is gonna be gone in the future. Like people are gonna know how to deal with themselves. And that'll be a process I think. - So would dreaming be one of those different parallels? Like was I actually swimming in some arctic water like in my dream last night? Like is that another parallel? Like am I actually doing these stuff that's in these dreams? Or maybe could you touch on that a little? - Yeah. So either you're dreaming about your astral plane experience that you're having or you're experiencing a parallel. So one or the other, I think your dream had to do with the astral plane. So your soul was experiencing those things and came and translated it back to your body. So that's why dreams, the symbols are really important. So think about what does that item actually do? You know, what does it do? Like your car is something that takes you around. You drive it around. So the car and the body in your dream, the car would be considered your movement of the body. So if your car breaks down and dream, then you wanna go look at your body and see, well, what does my body need right now? 'Cause the movement is stopped in that dream. You know, but some people, you have an over soul and you have all these lifetimes going on at the same time. And some people get extremely affected by a parallel. So right now a lot of the shadows from your parallels are in the process of healing. So you might be getting affected by a parallel. And you can think of that as like the quantum jumping that people have talked about. Like I'm gonna move into a new parallel. And sometimes you have to heal a parallel in order to move into a new parallel. That's why we have to change as we evolve. - So maybe my dream means, like I've been thinking about going into a ice cold plunge. I was dreaming of diving in Arctic water. Maybe I need to swim, maybe I need to go ahead and take that ice bath that I've been thinking about maybe doing, do you think that maybe my body is telling myself these messages or you may be getting some of these messages where maybe you need here through those dreams like that? - Yeah, so what I get that you were experiencing was in a dream, the ocean is usually the collective consciousness. So you were in the ocean, in a boat, experiencing a smaller version of the ocean. And so you were experiencing the collective consciousness in a safe way and also those collective fish were being fed so that they didn't eat you. So think about like what is all that symbology? And maybe it came through to you that way because you were thinking about the ice plunge. But what were you actually doing in the astral plane? - You were playing in the collective consciousness and you're learning about it and experiencing it in a safe way. So that's what I think it means. - Yeah, that's fascinating. Thanks for sharing that resonate a lot with me. We've got a few questions from our audience. We have Collette Shea from our rumble channel says, "Hi honey and Jesse, please ask honey "about 5G in my area eastern Connecticut "as we still being affected here in my home. "When will we get healthier frequencies?" I just went to a market where I was talking to the bee farmer and he says they started their bees in 2019, 2020, 2021, when 2020 when they put it, 75% of their bees got decimated. He says they're all aggressive now. He used to be able to go out without any bee suit. Now he has to be fully geared up because for some, I have a reason these towers, these frequencies are admitting something that are aggravating the bees and now they're aggressive. Maybe you could talk a little bit about the towers and maybe is that making other people aggressive? Was that maybe the point of these towers and will they be changed to a better frequency in the near future? So I get that the towers were shifted to be safer. However, the electrical stuff is not at this point. So when you think about like those, what is that called the smart meter? I don't get that the smart meters are fixed at this point. The frequencies still could be stressful, but they're not damaging your body like they were before when it comes to 5G. And the only place that I see that still has those negative towers is those ghost cities in China, which I think are being dismantled at this point. So kind of think about what is it around me that's actually causing that? I feel like electricity hasn't been dealt with yet. And also, what is your Wi-Fi doing? Those kind of things, but the 5G towers, I don't think they ever reached the 5G capability. Oh, and anyway. - Yeah, we were going around with meters at certain points. And so the 5G is at 60 megahertz. 60 megahertz is an actual weapon. So even those, these towers are erected. They're not emitting at 60 frequent, that these 60 frequent hertz where they could burn your hand alive by, you know, how, how. So we've never got to that point, thankfully, and hopefully we never will. So just because the tower is there, it's what frequency is admitting, whether it's going to be harming, or potentially maybe even healing coming out from the towers. It's just the frequencies, you know, that potentially will come out of them. - Yeah, and if you have a smart meter, I would recommend like a Faraday cage at this point. So like putting up chicken wire on the wall that's on the other side of that smart meter, 'cause I don't feel like those have been fixed yet. So there are certain things, just see how your body feels standing next to something. If it feels agitated, then do something about it, put something up around it. - We had a question here from, or here from Oneness Eight, and our YouTube says, "I'm a nurse at a nursing home, "and I assist residents crossing over all the time "when they reach the end of their life process. "Do you think that they are aware of this "after they're deceased?" - Absolutely, yeah, they know. And a lot of times they're standing right next to you as you're helping them in the process, you know. And it really does help to have you there. So it's really nice to have a guide if you're a human consciousness and you haven't experienced the real crossover because the souls have been, but the human parts of us have not. And now they're going out there into the universe or into the oneness in a whole new way. Like it's a brand new experience for them because they haven't been able to do that since Atlantic times or Atlantis times. - And if you're a calming personality and a calming person and you're able to keep them in a good calming state, you know, they're gonna remember that. If you're freaking them out, they're gonna remember that. They'll remember, you know, as you go over. So, you know, essentially, if you're at that peaceful place, you're in a good place within yourself and you're being there to help people transition over, then you're helping them transition peacefully. And of course, that's something that, you know, they'll feel, you know, that frequency that you've admitted on them. - Absolutely. - Here we have a Janice Faye from our YouTube says, "It's a known fact that males turn a certain age, suffer from mental health issues. Where does this come from? I'll let you speak, but I know very well versed on this as well. - I feel like hormones or the idea that they're dying. - Aluminum, aluminum. So a lot of these mental health issues were being bombarded with heavy metals. So a lot of people that, you know, have gone to dementia. A lot of people that have had these mental health issues is because of the aluminum that's crossing over to the blood-brain barrier. They've actually taken samples of people's brains with dementia and same with people that are autistic, some things that have gone in the injections. There's aluminum, it's part of this aluminum that's crossed over the blood-brain barrier. They have that same type of thing. That's why heavy metal detoxes are really good because we have been bombarded with aluminum, with metals, heavy metals. And a lot of men, they eat a lot of red meat, which means they've got a lot of iron in their body. So women, they have their menstrual cycles. So they're able to regulate these metals and these irons because they're able to do that. So I've been told that people like men, especially a lot of, I don't eat meat, but men that do eat meat, you know, have this high iron in their body and their blood. So they should be donating blood because it helps to regulate that iron in their body if they want to continue consuming as much of this iron and red meat as possible. So these are some of the things that happen. Then women, once they go through menopause, they're no longer having their menstrual cycle, start to get overloaded if they eat a lot of meat. They get overloaded on these irons as well. And then once you go through menopause, it might be a good thing to start donating blood because of this imbalance. 'Cause we're not really balancing our food and our diet. You know, they're taught us to eat three meals a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner, not eat when you're hungry, eat when you need to be nourished. It's like a regimen, it's a schedule. This is what's been programmed, which is unnatural. We were hunters and gatherers, we ate when we were hungry. We had our meals together, but we didn't constantly bombard ourself with food, which is like, you know, our current situation. Yeah, so one thing you wanna be aware of is that copper helps iron move around and move out of the body. So keep that in mind. Copper is really important for your body. Now, as far as the mental health issues, my mind went right to like, you don't have enough magnesium, your hormones are crazy and you're going into depression. So, you know, what you said about the aluminum is absolutely correct. That causes all kinds of issues, and I would definitely work on letting go of any kind of heavy metal in the body. Silica is really helpful as a detox, but making sure that you have enough copper in your body will make sure that these things move out as well. So keep that in mind. Kimberly from 5D says, QQQ, I imagine that's a question, question, question. Alex Collier mentioned that walk-ins will be gone in the future because they're not in the original body. What's your thoughts on that? Thank you very much, honey. I was told I was a walk-in from the angelic realm is what I was told. So this is interesting to see what your answer was 'cause, you know, I don't know, but I've just been told that. - Yeah, so walk-ins are extremely prevalent right now because if you, so remember that you have a human consciousness. So this human consciousness needs a guide and that guide is the soul. So that guide is here to expand the human consciousness to help it elevate and keep elevating up. So a lot of people have walk-ins and you can tell by their personality starts to change. And a lot of us were walk-ins at a very young age as well. So, you know, keeping that in mind and a lot of people that have an NDE, that's when a walk-in happens. But right now for Ascension, I would say this is the most prevalent time of walk-ins that has ever happened on Earth because if your teacher can't take you further into Ascension, you will get a new teacher. So think of it that way because that consciousness that is the soul is your guide into higher realms. - Kind of like when the student is ready, the master will appear. - Yeah, absolutely. - Another question we have from Kendra and our YouTube says, "Question honey, I had a dream last year that an ET came to my bedside. Do you feel it was real? It felt real and I was startled by it." - Yeah, it was real. It's part of your soul group, that ET. And a lot of us have had that. I had that probably six months ago and my body was like, "No, I'm not interested. I don't want to know who you are." So I just closed my eyes right back up and went right back to sleep. So we bypass the ETs quite a bit even if we can see them. - Same as when people are feeling people from the other side that if you don't want to talk to them, this is what I've heard as people that if you don't want, you're not ready, you're not interested at that point. They're just like, "Hey, I'm not, leave me alone. I have things to do." Sometimes they persist when they really need you to get a message across to someone else. They'll be persistent, but you can actually control that because it's up to you to allow these things to contact you and if you're not in the time or space or ready, you can actually block it and stop them from trying to give you these messages even though they might be a pain in the butt trying to give you it. - Mm-hmm, exactly. And think about the people that have been hospitalized, the thing that they're missing is the control over when it happens. So they have an instigated control. So they're basically a wide open channel and people are seeing that. So they're putting them in hospitals, mental hospitals. - Silver coin and water I heard that helps to stop any bacteria or parasites if you have a lot of collodial silver. What do you think of that? Do you use collodial silver? Have you ever turned blue? What they tried to scare people into thinking 'cause my girlfriend uses collodial silver all the time. - Yeah, I use it all the time if I'm feeling a little under the weather. I think it's great for bacteria. Now, if you make it yourself, then you're probably getting like a really high dose and I actually know somebody in a town nearby that is blue. But he makes it for himself and he drinks it every day and he probably drinks like I would say almost a quart a day and he's fine that he's blue. Like he says, "I'm healthy and I'm happy." - Oh, that's hilarious. Someone's asked a few times about magnesium. What do you think the best magnesium is? JD has take your advice on magnesium great for sleep, but there's a couple of comments that are asking, is there any certain magnesium that you recommend over others? - No, I would look for a really natural form of magnesium, like a multi-magnesium that you can take as a pill. And then I would also get some sort of lotion or spray that you can put on your body at night. - Magnesium is one of the most like prevalent things that we don't have enough of in our body. - Laura, here's a one interesting question. What, why are they beating up the west coast of Florida with these hurricanes, Helena and Milton, North Carolina, Wyoming is burning, Florida is getting hit by these hurricanes, any thoughts on those crazy kind of weather anomalies? - Well, part of it is that all the parallels are squashed together. So we're seeing some of the more negative parallels activity. Part of it is that Earth is cleansing. And part of it is that because we're seeing some of the more negative activity that harp is exacerbating some of these things. So when it comes to, let's just talk about the hurricanes. So the very first hurricane, it started because it was a cleanse from other Earth of the Atlantis energy that basically put humanity into suppression in the first place. But then when it got to North Carolina, that whole thing that happened with the dams, that was engineered to happen. When it comes, and this is my perception, but when it comes to the second one, that was from a lower timeline. And there was a lot of activity that was negative that was being pointed at that hurricane. And what happened at the end is there was probably about three days worth of work from all kinds of different people that were energetically dismantling that. So it didn't turn out to be nearly as bad as it could have been. But people were doing energy work everywhere to help with that. - Daisy Mae from our YouTube says, "How do I find collodial silver?" So you can actually buy, just type in collodial silver. You can go to a health food store and buy it. But what I recommend is getting yourself a collodial silver machine, you know, about $200. You can make, you take to use distilled water. You've got this little electrodes. It's got a piece of silver. And it actually puts the coat silver. It makes it into collodial silver. So you can actually make it yourself. And then you know how much and you've been used your love and energy into putting it. I would suggest one of those machines. But if you don't want to spend the $200 to buying one of those, then you can always buy a bottle for $20, $30 of collodial silver. And then, you know, Angeline, she sprays a lot in her mouth. She has ears, she can even spray it in your eyes. Like, you know, there's a lot of healing benefits to using collodial silver in different areas in your life. - Mm-hmm. Janice, from our YouTube, why do you suppose they're still waiting on disclosure and holding back on the truths? Good question. - I feel like they're not holding back as hard as they were. Like, things are really coming out in a lot of different ways right now. But basically, I think we're very close to having a switch at this point. And they're always testing the consciousness. So it's like being tested all the time and we are forcing a lot of things to be shown. But you have to also remember that we're kind of sandwiched right now. So if you watch like a movie like Doctor Strange in the multiverse and you see him go into all these different parallels, all those parallels are in a sandwich right now. And we're seeing aspects from all kinds of parallels at this moment. So which one do you wanna be in? That's really important. And then also, I think disclosure is rampant right now. Actually, I know I'm seeing a ton of it. My husband who's in, he's awake, but he's in the process of learning more about this. Like he's finding all kinds of disclosure everywhere. So it just depends on where you're looking. - Thoughts on the selection. I mean, election that's the US is supposed to have any relevance? Is it just more distraction? Is there something important that may happen within now until November 5th? - Well, I think we're in the process of it being decided whether we're gonna have one or not. And if we do have one, what is that gonna actually look like? Is it gonna be a special kind of selection method? Or like obviously things are gonna be transparent. Things are falling apart right now when it comes to that whole system. And there was another supposed assassination thing that happened yesterday. So there's a lot of things that are pointing to it not going all the way to that point in a normal way. But it's up to us. We have to remember that we're ultimately in control and that our willingness to allow change to happen is when the change is going to happen. - And someone asked, what is funny, Jesse? Just someone came down to visit me and that's why I smiled. I looked over at smile that someone, it wasn't that what she was saying was funny at all. It was just, you know, I had got just paid a visit quickly. Someone said here, should I still stock up on necessities? - I think everybody should probably have a week or two of stuff, yeah, I do. And especially if you're in a larger metropolitan area because I feel like the cities will be asked, the people in the cities will be asked to stay home longer. And, you know, with what Honey said, it's always good to have stuff, right? Whether if you're growing, we went and pickled a whole bunch of beads, we pickled pickles. We're gonna be pickling cabbages. We got probably a thousand tomatoes from, you know, the 65 tomato plants that we planted. We made tomato sauces. Like this is just stuff that you should be doing. Like when they had the whole baby food shortage, I had a different take. I was happy that they didn't have this simulacratically modified baby poison that they were giving. Oh no, parents have got to start mashing up some bananas and some peaches and giving their kids real food, right? So we're really in the same thing with, you know, if they were trying to, people were scared and the conspiracy, oh, they're burning up all of the processing food processing plants. Well, what are they burning up? Poison processing plants, you know, when the chicken shortages, you know, how sick and toxic and injected and these chickens are. So these plants, like, so I have kind of a different take than a lot of people, especially in a conspiracy world. Oh, they're gonna starve us and all this kind of things. And I was actually kind of happy that they were not poisoned. They were getting rid of some of these poison, especially the baby stuff. So, you know, it's important to grow food, to do your own food. Do you like pickles? Go buy a thing and learn. You just, YouTube's got every video. Learn how to buy some jars, buy some, you know, pickling cucumbers, make your own pickles. You know, cabbage, you just have to put some salt and squish it and put it into jars, fermented cabbage. You can have natural stuff that's a lot healthier for you. It takes a little bit work, but you should have this stuff on your shelves. You should be doing your own food, whether or not there's a shortage or not. But if there is, well, you got food for the next two, three months, if you've got a whole bunch of stuff that you prepared, healthy for yourself. So that's kind of my take on it. - Oh yeah, and farming and growing your own garden and doing all that kind of stuff, that's a big part of the future. We're gonna have kind of a slower lifestyle where we do more of our own things. And then we're also gonna have really amazing technology as well. So it'll be like Star Trek meets Little House on the Prairie kind of, yeah. - Is there anything that we didn't talk about here today that maybe you wanted to share with our audience before we start to wrap this up. And people are like, we love you guys together. You should have her on again. So I'll probably gonna see if you want to come back again and in our next spot. - It's been a lot of fun. So I definitely will. I would just say really pay attention to yourself right now in your own feelings and work through any feelings that you have of like fear, basically. So anything you're afraid of, dig into it and figure out why and start helping yourself come out of that because we don't need fear in the future. And just coming through that and realizing that you're safe, you're eternal and that you matter. And the most important person in this world is yourself to take care of. If you can't take care of yourself, then, you know, how are you expecting to take care of someone else? So you really need to do the inner work, become the best possible version of you. And then you're gonna be strong to be able to help people that maybe haven't done the work because there's gonna be a lot of people needed during this pivotal time and the stronger and healthier you become the more of an asset the world gains because we're gonna need strong healthy people because there is gonna be some turbulent times trying to figure out, you know, this kind of nightmare that we've been born into that we didn't cause, but, you know, it's not gonna be all smooth sailing, but it's gonna be a lot better knowing that we're in the right to going in the right direction. - Absolutely. - Okay, awesome, your links at the bottom. If you wanna tell people how they can find you, I'm gonna put them into the comments again about what people can find on there and, you know, how they can find you. - So at, you're gonna find programs that help you basically heal yourself. So that's what I do there. And at Honeyseagolden on YouTube and Rumble, you know, I'm just talking about a lot of this stuff that's going on and my take on it and getting messages from higher self. So I'm on those two places, those two platforms for video and then I'm on Telegram, so I've got a channel there too. - Last question. So are you optimistic about the next few years or do you think that there's gonna be some, you know, some darker times before we get to that smooth sailing? - I feel like in the parallel that I'm in, we've gone through the darkness already. And that we're basically gonna be seeing things fall, but everything has been created in the background that we need for the near future. So it's gonna be a fairly soft landing. And, you know, anything you can do to heal fear about what's coming is gonna help you up level into higher and higher parallels to experience the same thing. - I love that, I love optimism. I think that we are true manifesters and creators of our own destiny. So if you, if enough people feel that you're gonna, the mark gonna be just coming, we're gonna not be able to eat. There's gonna be, if you don't take it, if enough people believe, well, guess what? It probably will, but if enough people believe that we are going to go into these higher timelines that, you know, we're gonna bring abundance. We're gonna be peace and love. And this is gonna be an age of bliss opposed to an age of, you know, destruction. Then that's where we're gonna be because we're gonna help foster it and bring it that into that way. So just be careful what you wish for because you may actually get it. - Yeah, it's important to be aware of what you're doing, self-aware. - Awesome, well, thanks again for hanging out. It was great meeting you. You've got a good energy in Aura and, you know, thanks for sharing all this. I think important information with everybody that was here live and all the, you know, thousands of people that'll watch this on a replay. So thanks again for coming and hanging out here on the Missing Link Live. - Thanks for having me. I hope you all have a beautiful day. - Awesome, you too. - Wow. - Bye everyone. So thanks for your likes, comments, heart, shares and stars if they actually allow them. We appreciate all of your love and support. Please subscribe to all of our channels. Watch our replays on Rumble. Someone mentioned David Nio Rodriguez had some guests on his show about something. Nino will be back on our show on October 28th. So we'll be back in, you know, about 14 days and two weeks time from now. So please, you know, subscribe to all of our channels to see all of our cool end. Dr. Judy Mikovitz is gonna be our 900th interview. She's coming back on next Sunday. Not this Sunday, I think it's next Sunday for our 900th interview will be. She'll be, I think she's been on our show about five or six times already, but she's always great. Love her energy. I don't have to actually say much during that interview. She just goes and she just likes to share with everybody. So that's always a fun interview. So for one love, one heart, one life. Namaste everyone. And if they ever ask you to put on a breathing inhibitor again, honey, you know what to say. Namaste. No. Namaste is the way to say. So thanks again. We'll see you next time. We see you back here on the missing link. Bye everyone. Oh, and tomorrow we have two missing link interviews. We've got Chris O'Connor who was a journalist and he knows a lot of the less celebrities. He was in kind of those circles. So he talks a little bit about healing and stuff. And then we've got Michael Jackson coming, but not the king of pop Michael Jackson. This guy has had his daughter taken by the system and he's fighting for justice and things like that. So we like to showcase or at least bring awareness to anybody that's been having problems with the system, problems with child services, taking kids and things. Cause I think we all need to be aware that this is going on, that they have been stealing people's kids. And the more awareness we bring, then maybe an energy we bring to helping them bring their children back safe and sound to the family. So that's one thing that we're on the missing link. So we'll see you next time. Bye honey.