Work Advice for Me

Don't let doubt become a permanent resident - Your Weekly Calling

Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
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In this week's episode of Your Weekly Calling, Brad opens up about his personal journey with doubt and its impact on his life. He discusses how doubt, while common, shouldn't be allowed to take root in our minds permanently. Drawing lessons from biblical figures like Thomas and John the Baptist, Brad illustrates that even the most faithful can experience moments of uncertainty.

He emphasizes the importance of seeking reassurance in faith and turning to Jesus when in doubt. Through prayer and trust in God, Brad encourages listeners to confront their doubts head-on, highlighting how these moments can lead to personal growth and a deeper, stronger faith. The episode underscores the value of community and support from others in overcoming doubt, with the story of John the Baptist serving as a powerful reminder that even in uncertainty, Jesus provides answers and comfort.

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(upbeat music) - Hello, my name's Kamal Grant and this is You Don't Know What You Don't Know, the latest podcast on the Hope Cast Network, where I, Kamal Grant, go talk to leaders in the consumer package goods world because I need to know more things. I'm trying to launch a new brand called Magic Middle. And I want to get it on all the grocery store shelves. So I'm talking to leaders in the industry so I can learn from them so I can learn and let the world know. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - This is the Hope Cast Network. Stories and shows you actually want to listen to. (upbeat music) - My name is Brad and this is Your Weekly Calling. I know you're thinking, wow, this is the day late. Usually your weekly callings are on Monday and you would be correct. But I took the youth to camp over the weekend. Let me tell you, I'm exhausted. It wore me flat out. I began to doubt if I could do it. If I could make it. I played football with them, I scored a touchdown. These old legs were a churned, scored a touchdown, that's pretty good. I did, I'm all, I kind of scored it over one of the students who's in like 11th grade and it felt really good. But anyway, I started to doubt and it made me start thinking what happens when doubt creeps in? And because inevitably doubt is gonna creep in to your mind. You're gonna be like, can I do this? It's not really gonna get me through this situation. I've doubted a lot of things in my life listeners. I've doubted if I could even get this job. I doubted if I was worthy to do what I do today. I doubted if I'd ever find a wife. I was like 30 when I got married. So I was like, am I gonna find a wife? God, do you have a wife lined up for me? I doubted if I could buy a house. Doubt has been a part of my story, but it's not the story, right? We can doubt, but we don't want doubt to start getting male forwarded to our brain. And when I say it that way, I mean, we don't want doubt to change their address, changes the address to your house and your mind because if it becomes a permanent resident, you become a doubt-er. We don't wanna be a doubter, right? I don't wanna be a doubter. But I wanna tell you about a quick story this morning as your weeks began already that gives me kind of peace. You know, doubting Thomas in the Bible, we all know doubting Thomas. If you don't go look him up, he doubts Thomas doubts Jesus, right, he's a doubter. But there's another guy that doubts. And that guy's John the Baptist. And if you don't know who John the Baptist is, well, I mean, he's a boss. He wore some really cool clothes and yeah, he was a boss. I mean, he baptized Jesus. And if you don't know what baptism is, it's where someone like, it's where you get immersed underwater and you die to your old life and you're raised to a new life. You see, even as an unborn baby, John the Baptist slept inside his mother's womb at the presence of Christ. Think about that for a moment. The presence of Christ is around and your baby inside is leaping with joy. He got to hear the voice of God, the Father, and see the heavens open. It's the Holy Spirit to send it on Jesus after John baptized him in the Jordan River. Think about that. That's right. Yeah, John heard God's voice thunder. This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased, pretty compelling fruit, right? That Jesus was the Messiah. See, some thought John was the Messiah. Some thought John was who God's hit and John was. No, I'm not. It won't wait. John directed his own disciples to stop following him and instead he said, "Follow Christ." I'm not the Messiah, but I love Jesus. He loves him. He said, "The Lamb of God who takes away "the sin in the world, don't follow me, "follow Christ the Messiah." The Lamb of God. He was a godly man. He was the voice of the one crying in the wilderness. Make straight the way, Lord. He said in 1st, in John 1, 23, I love John because John's sitting in a prison cell right now. We think he probably was in there a couple of years. And he's sitting there and he begins to doubt. And he said in Matthew 11, verse two. Now, John, when John heard in prison about the deeds that Christ had been doing, he sent word by his disciples and said to him, "Are you the one who is to come? "Or shall we look for another?" Think about that. See, John had doubt, but he wasn't gonna let that doubt to come a permanent resident in his mind. He sent his disciples to go straight to Jesus and he said, we'll say it again, "For you the one who is to come, "or shall we look for another?" And Jesus politely answered and said, "Go and tell John what you hear and see." The blind received their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed in the deaf here and the dead are raised up and the poor have good news, preached to them and blessed is the one who is not offended by me. I think you can hear the garbage truck in the background. Go and tell John what you hear and see, the blind received their sight in the lame walk, their sight and the lepers are cleansed in the deaf here. Think about that. So Jesus comes back to John, he knows John's death because when you're in a solitary mindset, you begin to doubt, but listeners listen to me, you have to look to Jesus. You have to, when you begin to doubt, you need to say, "God, you there, didn't you help me?" See so many times I go to myself, right? But instead I need to go to Jesus, I need to go to God. I love this because John is human. He is just like you in him. He did great things in the Bible. John's story is a great story, but I will say at the end, he died a very cruel death, but a death that he would die a kid and a kid. For Jesus. What a story. If you're doubting today, if you're like me and you doubt, don't let doubt become a permanent resident in your mind. Kick doubt out. And trusting God. And address it, address it. Let's pray. Dear God, thank you again for these listeners. Thank you for this week that is upon us. I pray right now for any doubt that's in any listener's mind right now that we just call it out in Jesus' name, we call out that doubt. We call it out because it is not gonna be a permanent resident in any of these listeners' mind or mind. God, I thank you for these listeners. I pray that more and more people continue to listen to the word that is spoken on this channel and on this podcast. I thank you again for this wonderful day. And I ask your blessings over this week to come for the listeners, for myself and for my family in your holy name, amen. My name is Brad and that was your weekly calling. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (gentle music) [BLANK_AUDIO]