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Russia’s Secret Weapon to Defeat America – Part 2 - 10/15/2024 - Video

Bill Schnoebelen discloses astounding news on Russia’s Secret Weapons to Defeat America! Bill reveals technology the Russians have that knock out anything on the land, on the sea, under the sea, or in the air; rendering all conventional weapons of war obsolete against the Soviet energetics weapons.

Discover the new world of “scalar waves” and how they will change the world, technology, and how we conduct the war forever.

Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
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(upbeat music) - Welcome to the Prophecy Club. Our topic today is Russia's Secret Weapon to Defeat America. Leslie and I are going to minister in Honduras, and we appreciate your prayers. Also, we're gonna be cutting two, two and a half hour recordings into daily programs while we're gone. The first one is Russia's Secret Weapon to Defeat America, in my opinion. Out of the 300 DVDs we have made over a 25 year period, this is one of my favorite, it's one of the best, and you'll be glad we put it up. So Bill reveals technology that the Russians have that can knock out anything on the land, on the sea, under the sea, or in the air, any place on the globe with little to no trace of who did it. Scalar wave renders all conventional weapons of war obsolete against the Soviet energy, energetics weapons. Scalar waves has now changed how war is conducted. Scalar wave does not travel like radar from point A to B. Instead, it is interdimensional, it leaves A, and it arrives over a CD, or maybe a long way out to X, Y, or Z, without a trace. It is believed to be what took out the Thresher's submarine back in the 60s, and the Challenger is all believed to be able to kill large amounts of birds in flight dead before they hit the ground, and hit the ground, and likewise fish in water or sea with no trace of cause. It leaves no trace, except the birds simply leave the area. It is also believed to be what took out Gary Powers in the U-2 spy plane over Russia back in the 60s. They can make large portions of the atmosphere very cold, creating massive cold storms, or super hot, creating massive droughts, heat waves, hurricanes. It is also believed that they can create sparks out of thin air causing forest fires any place they want to on the globe, anytime they want to. It is suspected to be the cause of many of the super heat and super cold storms across America over the last 20 years. It is the perfect weapon because it can't be proven that it was caused by a scalar wave. It can act like an umbrella, protecting an entire city or an entire nation from all incoming missile attacks, air or water. And you can watch the whole thing plus some 300 others similar to it at Each one of them are back two and a half hours each, over 300 of them there. 20 bucks a month is all $200 a year. So subscribe anytime you want to go to Now, unfortunately I need to say that Proficy Club is in a bit of a pinch. And you've got us blessed to you and you believe in Proficy Club, believe in warning America, if you can help us, now would be a really, really good time. If you're out and about and all of a sudden you need gasoline, you need food and the credit cards aren't working, they aren't taking dollars, then one of the best things to have is right here. It's a prepper bar. Each one of these is a little bit bigger than a credit card will fit in your purse or your bill fold and it breaks into various pieces so you could give them part. Instead of maybe more silver, more gold than you need to, carry it right in your bill fold or your purse, this particular one is five bars, you don't necessarily need to carry five bars with you, but you call 844-71-1776 or, 844-77-1776. - These ideas have been out there, but this guy was regarded as a heretic. And so as the next gentleman, we're gonna mention, I've already mentioned his name. Nikola Tesla, this man was probably one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century and also one of the very least appreciated. He was decades, if not centuries ahead of his time. He was a Serb born in 1856 and even in a young age he distinguished himself as very brilliant. For example, in school they thought he was cheating because he could do integral calculus in his head. Now I'll tell you folks, I don't exactly even know what integral calculus is. I know in college I flunked out of the class that I was taking in that subject. So this guy is obviously smarter than six different humans. Anyway, at age 24 he developed the plans for it to become six years later the world's first induction engine. That's a technological advance that would change the world of electricity. He also came up with the idea for an AC or alternating current motor. Nowadays basically everything that almost everybody uses is AC current. This guy was decades ahead of his time. He had discovered he was using a new type of electrical wave. He repeatedly stated that his waves were non-hertzian and his wireless transmissions did not fall off as a square of the distance. Now what does that mean? Well what it means is, is that like if you're driving in your car and you're listening to the prophecy club on your favorite Christian station, okay? And if you're getting driving away from the radio station, what happens? You start losing the signal, you start getting static and then finally there's nothing left. That's because radio radio waves fall off as the square of the distance. His waves don't do that. His discovery was apparently so fundamental and his intent to provide free energy to all mankind was so clear that it was responsible for the withdrawal of his financial backing, his deliberate isolation and the gradual removal of his name from all of the history books. So in other words, this guy went down the memory hole because his great dream, he had two great dreams. One was to produce free electricity for everyone. He arrived in 1928 in New York City. He had only four cents in his pocket and some of his mathematical equations. He also had a letter of introduction that would enable him to meet the master of electricity, Thomas Alva Edison. I tell you, I would have liked to have been in that meeting. I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall. But anyway, when he met with Edison, he tried to convince him to use AC power. Now Edison was running on DC current and he saw AC power as a competition. DC means direct current. So Edison did what everybody did in this situation. He hired the guy hoping to co-opt him. Well, that didn't work. Tesla was too noble for that. And Tesla soon resigned from Edison's company and eventually managed to get financing to start his own. He then developed the principles for AC power generation and transmission that are now used all over the world. Fortunately, I'm sure many of you have Westinghouse appliances, something like that. The guy who started that company, George Westinghouse, believed in Tesla and helped setting financing him. Here, for example, is a photo of Tesla. He's a gentleman on your right, explaining his model of a rotating magnetic field to Westinghouse engineers. Here's the deal. Finally, with Westinghouse's help, Tesla built his power station, Niagara Falls. But Edison wasn't going to let this happen. And so he used dirty tricks. He used marketing wars. He used everything he could to try and destroy Tesla and Westinghouse's work. And at the same time, in comes JP Morgan. Now, JP Morgan was the consummate Bankster of his generation. This guy was like the most powerful man in America, economically and politically. And he's the guy who helped put together the Federal Reserve, by the way, just so you know he was kind of a skunk. In any way, he weighed in with Edison and joined force with Edison and they just started to squeeze Westinghouse. And in order to save Westinghouse, Tesla graciously gave up his rights and all of his royalties, the inventions that he achieved under Westinghouse and backed out of the company. So that's the kind of guy he was. He was very altruistic, very generous, very noble. Some people would say very stupid. But he was very smart about electricity. Look at some of the stuff he achieved. He developed neon and fluorescent lights. He explored high frequency electricity. In '90, '18, '91, he patented the Tesla coil, which is really now the only thing you'll ever read about in history books about Tesla is that he invented the Tesla coil. And that was probably the least of his achievements. In 1890, he developed short range wireless power. And he was on his way to building the radio. He had developed the ability to send out radio waves, and he was about to test those waves with transmission 50 miles away to West Point, New York. Unfortunately, there was a mysterious building fire and it destroyed his work and that really slowed him down. And so along comes Gully Elmo Marconi, who instead got to the patent office first. And he is the one who's credited in the history books with inventing the radio. He came up with more amazing inventions, in 1898 and 1898, he came up with the world's first remote controlled boat. It was equipped with what he called a borrowed mind. And that was the birth of robotics. He worked to develop broadcast power through the air. In other words, just in the last 10 or 15 years, we've gotten to the point that we can send, like we can have wireless mics and wireless other things. And now we even have wireless internet connections. Well, he was doing that a century ago. In Tesla-- in public, I'm sorry-- Tesla speculated about ways to use electricity to control the weather. And this is where he started moving into the scalar dimension. He also believed one could draw energy from the earth itself to achieve virtually infinite electrical power. And his dream was to have a little box, not much bigger than a bread box. You could put in any house in America and that that would draw power from the earth and give every home in America free electricity. He said this to J.P. Morgan. When wireless is fully applied, the earth will be converted into a huge brain capable of response in every one of its parts. No wonder J.P. Morgan was scared of him. During World War I, Tesla conceived what would become radar but could not get the financing to develop it. Because all of these people were telling everyone he was a nut. He also warned about what would become V2 rockets and guided missiles. In 1931, Tesla told the press he was on the way to developing an entirely new source of energy from a new and unexpected source. 1934 New York Times headline. Tesla at 78 bears new death beam. The article reported that the new invention will send concentrated beams of particles through the free air of such tremendous energy that they will bring down a fleet of 10,000 enemy airplanes at a distance of 250 miles. Tesla stated the death beam would make war impossible by offering every country an invisible Chinese wall. That was his other dream. He wanted to stop war because he'd seen what happened in his own homeland with war. And what he wanted to do is give every country this invisible shield that would prevent it from being invaded or attacked by enemy aircraft. What Tesla's proposal apart from the usual run of fantasy death rays was his unique vacuum chamber. And it was had one in open of the atmosphere. He devised a unique vacuum sealed by directing a high velocity air stream at the tip of the gun to maintain high level vacuum. The necessary pumping action would be accomplished with a large Tesla turbine that he developed also. Tesla dreamed that his concepts would make war obsolete. He tried to go to the US government with this, the Department of War. They weren't interested. He tried to go to the British. He tried to go to the French, tried to go to the Germans. None of them were interested. Unfortunately, the Soviet Union was interested. And they wrote him a check for $25,000 and began work on his concepts in 1939. Now, you got to remember, back then, Russia was supposedly our ally. This is right at the dawning years of World War II. Just before his death, in 1843, he issued a statement that he had, indeed, perfected his death beam. But right after his death, his nephew, Sava Kasanovich, went in his room and found that all of his papers have been rifled through. Many important things were missing. And a black notebook was missing that had hundreds of pages that Tesla kept, including a lot of pages that were marked government. The FBI came in, our wonderful FBI. And they said that the government was vitally interested in preserving Tesla's papers. Yeah, real good. Now that the guy's dead, they wouldn't pay attention to him when he was alive. Two days after Tesla's death, representatives of the office of alien property went to his room at the New Yorker Hotel and seized all of his possessions. See, Tesla never became a US citizen, so he was considered a resident alien. Most of his remaining papers eventually made their way to Belgrade, Yugoslavia, where a museum was created in Tesla's honor. And because at that time they had the communist Tito regime there, all access from Western scientists, Western analysts, was shut off. But of course, the Soviets could look at anything they wanted. And that brings us up to date, or more or less. Now we're in our modern era. And as early as 1960, Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev referred to his nation's forthcoming scalar weapons, he addressed the Presidium, and he said this, we have a new weapon just within the portfolio of our scientists, so to speak, so powerful that if unrestrainedly used it could wipe out all life on Earth. And now, in retrospect, we think that was probably a reference to the early beginnings of scalar weapons. Didn't take them long. The tip of the E.M. iceberg was that they used electromagnetic weapons against the U.S. embassy. They bombarded the U.S. embassy with microwave beams. And as a result, two U.S. ambassadors died of cancer. And many other people in the embassy were rendered ill and got lesser forms of cancer. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. The Russian military was not shy about using these unconventional weapons. And all of them were a whole order of magnitude under the scalar weapons that we're talking about this evening. Now, realize, most of you know, the Manhattan Project was this enormous effort that the U.S. government put toward the end of World War II to develop the atomic bomb and beat Hitler to the punch. Well, when the Russians went to work on scalar technology, they invested the equivalent of seven Manhattan projects. So imagine how much progress they made. The first time we have any evidence of the Russians use scalar weapons militarily was in the incident of the USS Thresher. That was one of our nuclear submarines. And it went down very mysteriously on April 10th, 1963. It was never found. The reason why we think this probably was scalar is because mysteriously enough, one day later, near Puerto Rico, there was a mysterious underwater explosion. Now, the authorities checked with the seismologist. They checked with the geologist. There was no earthquakes. There were no underwater volcanoes. There was no explanation for this odd explosion. Soon after that, we began experiencing various downed aircraft. And then finally, in April May of 1985-- now, this is 20 years ago-- they brought their entire power grid online. They had their entire scalar weapons defense system up and running 20 years ago. That's when things really started happening. In November, for the first time, they started tinkering with one of our space shuttles. In December of that year, they took down an Arrow DC-8, which was a military aircraft. In September of '97, they took down several Titan 34D missiles. Now, these were several things. They were testing the ABM mode of scalar weapons. In other words, the ability to be an anti-ballistic missile weapon, to take out missiles. But they were also doing another thing. They were kind of pinging or tweaking our intelligence services, our military, to see if the military would go, gee, that looks like scalar weapons to us. But they didn't. And there's no evidence that the military had any clue of what was going on back in this time frame. Then there's the whole issue of weather. This has already been mentioned by Stan and also by Tesla. The idea that you can use scalar waves to control weather. Notice that particular Doppler weather slide there. You see that kind of odd thing down at the bottom off the coast of South Carolina. Well, those odd finger-like things, according to people I've talked to that are in the retired US Air Force radar people, that is a sign of scalar activity. They created the deep freeze of 1967, which was really pretty awful. And they began full bore weather warfare on our country on July 4, 1976, our bicentennial. And it has not abated since then. Now, here you'll see these are just examples. This is a map of the United States Doppler radar map. You'll notice that thing that's over Wyoming. That's very obviously not a natural cloud phenomenon. It's a perfect sphere. That is probably a Tesla globe. I have a friend who's an Air Force radar tech and he tells me that when you see something like that and it's mostly hollow, it's almost certainly a scalar dome, a Tesla dome. Now, look at this, by way of contrast. Here is a similar thing over Puget Sound. But notice how that's almost entirely solid. What that is is a sign of radar jamming. If you see a totally solid thing like that, that's radar being jammed. And it was probably being done by our own military, because there's a lot of military bases up in Puget Sound area. This is an example of a very unusual cloud formation hovering over eastern California. Notice how it looks perfectly straight. In fact, it has a perfect hexagonal angle there, pointing out up around northern California. Look at that. That's not natural. And what you need to understand is that with these scalar devices, they can steer clouds around the way you can steer your family car. Moving entire cloud masses. Now, this is exceptionally interesting, because this particular slide, there should be a thing coming up of a burst over Alberta of a similar kind of Tesla globe. And what you're seeing there is actually the detonation of a Tesla globe that's bigger than the province of Alberta. And what I want you to understand is that in the process of compiling all of this, there are also slides that show a very similar kind of globe materializing over Littleton, Colorado, the day of the Columbine shooting, and another globe materializing over Jonesboro when that particular place was experiencing the high school shooting. In addition to causing freakish tornadoes, the like of which have seldom been seen, the Russians also have been tampering with our oceans. Really serious weather problems can be caused by heating and cooling the oceans to create El Nino effects and other similar weather engines. So in other words, they can create an artificial El Nino. And we know the problems. We've all heard it on the news. You have droughts, you have forest fires, you have deaths due to heat waves, flooding and other fringe benefits. By fringe benefits, I mean, all of this stuff increases the people's reason to think, oh, maybe global warming is real. Oh, gee, maybe we ought to sign the Kyoto Treaty. Maybe all of the tree hunters are really right. When actually, it probably is more likely the Russians fooling around with our weather. Now, I mentioned something earlier about the school shootings at Columbine and elsewhere. It's important to realize that if you are a student as I was of psychology, I used to be a licensed master social worker, you know that if a person has a mental disorder, if they're depressed, if they're behavior disorder or whatever the case might be, and all of a sudden, there's a very sudden drop or rise in barometric pressure. You know what that does? That pushes the person over the edge. It can very easily make them snap. And so what the Russians, I believe, have been doing is they have been dropping these globes over these cities, and they're assuming that somebody there in that city is going to be a few fries short of a happy meal, and they're going to go out and they're going to do something violent. Now, I'm not saying this is the only reason for post office shootings, school shootings, et cetera. There's many reasons for them. I believe part of it is the fact that we have all this violence in our media, violent video games, lack of good parenting, and also, of course, the fact that most of the kids that are involved in these shootings and most of the adults, for that matter, are on powerful, psychotropic drugs like Prozac. And that's kind of the worst kept secret about all of this. So all this stuff is used to advance to control the gun control lobby, the drug lords, and I don't mean the ones in Columbia, folks. I mean Eli Lilly, I mean Pfizer, I mean Merck, and of course, the psychiatric lobby. And then, of course, there's also our wonderful president in his program to have no child left undruged. Then, of course, there's the earthquake threat. We've already heard from Defense Secretary Cohen that electromagnetic induction of earthquakes is now recognized. And on the left side of your screen, you see there a graphic from a magazine from like many years ago showing Tesla sitting there, and the earth blowing apart in two, like an apple being split in two. You know that statement I used that at the beginning of the meeting. Something definitely is going on in the earthquake department. Seismologists noted that the frequency of earthquakes is going up faster and faster and faster. When I was out in California, someone told me they had five earthquakes out there just in the last couple of days. In the early 1900s, a normal rate of large earthquakes was two or three a year. Well, this time, like for example, in 2001 week, they had 20 major earthquakes. We all know about the tsunami that happened earlier. And this kind of stuff is going to happen more and more, partly I think because people are tampering with this. You can create an earthquake with scalar energy. You just have to be patient. You just gradually send scalar beams into somewhere where you know that there is in fact a fault line. The energy builds up. The tectonic plates gradually slip. And then all of a sudden there's this catastrophic slip. And you have a huge destructive earthquake. And let's say you live in a part of the country where there aren't many earthquakes. There's no fault lines. Well, that doesn't matter. You can use scalar technology even to create a flat plate earthquake. So you can't run. You can't hide, folks. Probably the most obvious example of using scalar energy in this fashion was the Yugoslav earthquake of 415-79. Now, why we think this was scalar is the earthquake was immediately followed by a cold explosion. And that's going to be very significant, as we'll see in a few minutes. This had a magnitude of 7.2 on the Richter scale, which is a pretty powerful earthquake. It had an epicenter of 33 kilometers deep and more than 100 aftershocks. The other significant thing is it happened in April. And somebody asked, what's important about April ice's bullets? Income tax day. But that's not really the reason. The reason is, is that in the old days of the Soviet Empire, they would have a huge meeting of the supreme Soviet. In very early May, every year, it was like their big holiday. And so usually, if they were going to do something big, they'd do it right in April, because that way they could have something to kind of brag and beat their chest about at their big meeting. Then, of course, there's scalar waves and supervolcanoes. Many of you, I'm sure, have heard about the fact that we have our very own supervolcano in Yellowstone. And essentially, what you're seeing there on the screen is Yellowstone Falls and a beautiful place. And that's part of what's called the Yellowstone caldera in geology. And there's been many things on the media, discovery channel, whatever, about how there's this enormous magma dome underneath Yellowstone, which supposedly is overdue right now for an eruption. And if it is, it would be like five or 10 times worse than Mount St. Helens, minimum. And I had a fellow come up to me at one of the meetings who was a Christian, who was a geologist. And he said, what I'm about to share with you is absolutely true. The geologists know about this. That's why it's going out in the media. The problem is that this caldera in Yellowstone has been targeted already, we are told, by scalar weapons. So they've got it in their crosshairs, so to speak. And what does that mean? Well, what that means is, if you're familiar with a super volcano, if this thing erupts, first of all, it's going to probably take out most of Wyoming, just in the first few seconds. Probably part of Utah, part of Idaho, part of Montana. The next thing that's going to happen is, because again, we're talking about maybe six, seven volcanoes erupting virtually very much close to each other in time. There's going to be huge amounts, tons and tons of ash being sent up into the atmosphere. And because the prevailing winds tend to blow from west to east, it's going to go out over the great plain states. And essentially, if you're in the great plain states, like Nebraska or even Iowa, you're going to get like five to 10 feet of ash dumped on you. And I'll tell you, I had a colleague in the ministry at Decker, who lived out in Seattle when Mount St. Helens erupted. And he was driving over the Lake Washington Bridge. And he said, that stuff was coming down. It was like the worst blizzard you've ever seen. You couldn't hardly see anything. Cars were skidding around on the bridge. Cars were stalling because this ash gets in the air filter of your car. And it was a mess. And see, that was just one measly volcano. This thing is going to be probably five to 10 times worse than that. So you might as well figure that the whole Midwest is going to be wiped out. And that even as far east as Indiana, they're going to still have a lot of ash and stuff, killing millions and millions of people, millions and millions of livestock, basically wipe out our breadbasket the whole Midwestern America. And of course, if you remember when Mount St. Helens erupted, it darkened the sky for many days in parts of the country. And it was literally like the book of revelations where you could not see the sun. The sun was dark and the moon looked red at night. Because this stuff was up in the sky and it was actually changing the spectrograph of the atmosphere. So this is one thing you've really got to pray about, folks, because whether or not the scalar waves hit it, supposedly this thing can go off at any time. Then we have the Challenger disaster. This is probably the most spectacular use of scalar weapons against the US target to date. January 28, 1986. We all can remember it. That was the first time a space shuttle blew up. It was one of those catastrophic moments that seared in our memory. And there's every reason to believe that it was part, indeed, of a scalar attack. Why do we think that? Well, basically there's three reasons. First of all, the use of what are called wet runs. Now, what's a wet run? Well, you all know the word dry run. It's when you like to have a dress rehearsal or something. Well, a wet run, in the case of the military, is when you actually fire the weapon to get the range right. Now, what you need to realize is that the shuttle is kept away from the launch pad until it's approximately ready to be hooked up and launched. They keep it in what's called the vehicle assembly building, which is, I think, the largest building on Earth. And then right before the launch, the day before, they trundle out on this giant railroad car. So that means the day before the launch, there's nothing on the launch pad. And what's interesting is that witnesses reported that they were just wandering around, and they happened to notice that there were these flashes of light around the launch pad. There were cracks and boom-like sounds, or just like a second of an appearance of a white globe of energy just that quickly, and then it was gone. And people thought, well, what the heck, they thought just something out of the corner of the ride, maybe they had a speckener eye, or whatever. And they didn't think anything of it. But then later on, not that we know about what scalar weapons function like, it's very obvious they were trying to get their range right. The other thing is is the use of weather technology. We've already talked about how you can use these weapons to change the weather. Well, what happened is that was a record cold week in Florida, and even even the conventional scientific community acknowledges that that extreme cold had an impact on the shuttle's structural integrity. But there's another factor. You can also use scalar waves to soften metal. And they believe that was also done. So it was like a one-two punch. And then the third punch is, of course, when the thing finally lifted off, they sent one of these globes at it. They materialized it just I was talking about at the beginning of the program, and blew the thing to came to come. And we all know what happened. All hands on board were killed. Now, this stuff is so powerful. It even has residual after effects. And that's because in order to make this work, you have to have a grid laid down. And there is a grid that's somewhat bizarre in this function. It's called the woodpecker grid. It's been laid over North America since 1976, and it's an energy grid. The Defense Department knows all about it. They can't do a darn thing about it. And when you fire a scalar weapon on this energy grid that's over North America, it causes resonance around the grid nearby. And that's called high frequency localization signals. And what happened was is that animals, those very small brains like birds, are affected by this scalar energy on this grid. And you'll notice there's no birds flying the day of the shuttle launch. Also, a few days after that, in the early part of February, nearby, I think it was in Alabama, a little bit away from the shuttle launch area. But it was still, again, resonating on the grid. There was this whole county where all the birds just suddenly dropped dead, for no apparent reason. And the Department of Agriculture in the state had no idea why it happened. But it was like every bird and a lot of little rodents and things like that were found dead. No explanation. No viruses. No nothing. So that is, again, a sign that scalar weapons were fired. Now, the question then becomes, why are the Soviets way ahead? Why did this happen? Well, part of it is the Soviets paid attention to Tesla and we basically just ignored it. Also, the Soviets poured billions of dollars and billions of man hours of research into this. We didn't. And there's a certain level of cultural arrogance on our part. Remember this quote from the beginning? Everything that can be invented has been invented. That's how a lot of scientists think. And as I've said, they just have their minds closed to this sort of reality. Our big mistakes, number one, were assuming the Russians were ignorant peasants. We used to make jokes about that, that they're so dumb they make a phonograph record and it goes the wrong way around. Or they make a refrigerator over in Russia and you could use it to cook your dinner in. Well, maybe that's true. But you see, the problem over in Russia is is that at that time it was a socialist state and basically they could get away with making crummy stuff because that's all you had. There was no competition. And instead of spending their money making better Barbie dolls or better microwave ovens, they were spending their money developing scalar weapons. So that's why we had this idea that they were all ignorant peasants. Also, you as scientists arrogantly assumed that we knew all the laws of physics. And we don't. It's a big universe out there, folks. And we don't even begin to understand it, yet we think we do. We were also over reliant on our huge nuclear arsenal. I mean, we have all of these nuclear weapons. We have the triad base, where you have one leg of the triad is our land-based missiles, one leg of the triad is our bomber wings, B-52 bombers, B-1 bombers in the air, 24 hours a day. And then, of course, we have the best part is our nuclear submarines, which can't be detected, so we think. And they're cruising around in international waters with payloads of dozens of nuclear warheads. And we're so confident in that. We put all of our eggs, so to speak, in the nuclear basket. What if someone came along with a weapon that could totally nullify that arsenal? Because I'll tell you right now, if our information is correct, all you would have to do, if you were in Russia, is flick a button, aim a certain thing a certain way, and you could wipe out every missile in America, make them all duds in the contiguous 48 states in about five seconds. And then, where would we be? In our pride, in our technology, we forgot about Sputnik. Remember Sputnik? Those of you that are old enough? I'll tell you, I can remember it. I mean, it was the first satellite in orbit, and we didn't do it. The Russians did it. And it was scary. I can remember, in fact, seeing these big, huge headlines, and I mean, I went to Catholic school, and nuns were all scared and everything, because they kept thinking that the communists were going to come over and take over America and rape the nuns. And we heard about that almost every day, and especially after this Sputnik thing happened. They were having us pray every day to protect America from the Russians coming over and invading and raping the nuns. And I had nightmares about this. It was so scary. And I didn't even know what rape was. I was only eight years old. But it sounded scary, you know? And they were thinking that the Soviets could rain down nuclear fire on us from space. And then the other thing we forgot, who put the first man in orbit? The Russians, Yuri Gagarin. We forgot that the Soviets almost won the space race. So again, we were just so cocky and so self-confident. We let this slip by, I'm afraid. What you've been watching here is us cutting a 2 and 1/2 hour DVD into 30-minute segments. But you can watch all of it at, where you can watch some 300 other DVDs, 2 and 1/2 hours each, 20 bucks a month or $200 a year at Watch And prophecy club is in a bit of a financial jam right now. So if you can help us, if God has blessed you, if you feel like prophecy club has blessed you, then we could really use your help. Thank you. OK, the very best offer we have ever had at the prophecy club is 40 books for a gift of $100. That is help retrieve one, tribulation secrets in Daniel, God's warnings to America, miss the mark, and the secret door to understand Bible prophecy. I'll explain. As I've said many times in 2017, I memorize the book of Revelation. I've got 30 revelations, two visions, and an audible voice. God showed me a secret door, the word first fruits, which is found in vedicos and also revelation that links the feasts to the prophecies of Revelation. And perhaps for the first time, revelation can be understood. One prophetic word said, there's a lock. I put over a word in the book of Revelation. I'm going to open it to you. It will turn many books written on the end time message into obsolete books. That's this book. Secondly, I put together a collection of the very best prophecies from 32 years in Bible prophecy to meet the good of my Michael Baldale, Leslie Johnson, Henry Grover, Shane Warren, Kerry Bennett, Maurice Galar, Augusta Press, Doug Mettster, Brie Keaton, and more in God's warnings to America. Also, how do you talk to people about the market beast, especially if they worship another God? Well, simple way is given this book. It's a quick read, takes about three hours to read it. But if they'll read to three pages, they'll probably read the book. And if they read the book, they will never take the mark of the beast. It explains both the mark of the beast and also the number of the name. And it has these pictures in the book. Finally, how pre-trib won. This book explains the truth about the rapture. It gives four foundations for the real truth about the rapture. It also answers 25 pre-trib questions, one for 20, each one of these typically, but don't do that. We offer them in shrink-crapped sets. The very best deal is go and get the entire 40 book set for $100. I didn't cover every verse in the book of Daniel. Didn't need to. I just covered the verses that has to do with us in Tom Saints. And it's called "Tribulation Secrets in Daniel" one for 20, 10 for 30, 2450 at (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) You