Monsters Up North Podcast

Monsters Up North - Suspiria

Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
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It's a perfect night for mystery and horror, the air itself is filled with monsters. Well hello all you monster fiends and thank you for joining us for another deep die Facto Field episode exploring Hollywood's most famous monsters. Hi I am your mistress of Terrimony's son and I am joined as always by Dan from Bleed and Marvellous. Say hello Dan. Hiya, a little bit of two peeks in a row now but I was going to speak some German and butcher that or I was going to speak some French and butcher that so I'd rather just stick with what I know please do because I'm sick of I'm sick of here in German now. Oh French can't quite tell which one it is or Italian oh three yeah all of them and hi everyone welcome to a new episode of the Monsters of North podcast. This week we'll buy ourselves it's just us and we're back to a double feature of Suspiria. Glad you said it for some reason I really struggle with it and I don't know why my brain can't put it together well enough and I start to say something completely different so I can see it I can't spell it right I'll get the disclaimer at the way with it and then we're going to crack open whatever it is that I've just watched so everything everything discussing today's episode is our opinions and our opinions alone if you'd like to discuss anything from today's episode please come and join us on our Facebook pages comment join us on the if not discord or comment section where we can have an open discussion but what we won't have is anyone coming for us and tell us our opinions are wrong because we can all agree to disagree in fandom so let's keep it fun keep it kind and keep the toxic behavior out of our nerdism don't be a dick don't do it just don't do it don't do it it's so funny I've been watching some old episodes because I've been pulling clips or TikTok it took a long time for the don't be addicted comment of this I say I was being reserved and and grown trying to be a profession do you know when you just I was just when you're waiting for something and I'm like hang on where is it where where's it gone I ended up I was looking for the clips this morning and I actually ended up watching in full our pet cemetery episode I still love that episode so much I'm like I can't wait to finish stop the sleep to now read pet cemetery even though we did that episode a year ago yeah it is a year because it was around it around this time because we did Friday the 13th because it was on October 13th do you know what we've done over 60 episodes now I think we're somewhere in that realm we're either coming up to 60 or just past 60 that's great and yeah we've been going a long time I mean we do have our little Christmas breaks because we need to climb down whatever that is time off you know we need we just need a little bit but we don't go away for long we just need enough time for our brains to switch off to be able to switch back on again I need to reboot I'm lucky to hear you need to tell me off and tell me back on you've you surprised how much that does actually work well today is a spurious yeah I did see you dancing by the way while I was seeing the disclaimer I mean that's quite fitting given that this is a dance film you wouldn't think it but it is there's a lot of that in the second one yes yeah well Suspiria is the 1977 Italian supernatural horror film directed by Dario Argento who co-wrote the screenplay with Dario Nickelodey don't know if I'm saying that right partially based on Thomas de Quincy's 1845 S.A. Suspiria Deprofen Wundes the 2018 remake was inspired by Argento's movie directed by Luca Goodegar Ganino sorry from the screenplay by David oh my goodness Cajunishiki what she said it doesn't sound right at all you can run from it you can hide from it you can't escape from it as monsters up north brings you Suspiria you can run from it you can hide from it but you can't escape from it if I can run and hide from it then I clearly surely I can escape from it that's got to be a lost in translation thing isn't it it's got to be a lost in translation because that doesn't make any sense at all but that is the genuine tagline for the 1977 Suspiria which which I said at the beginning is directed written Corrin by the Crit oh Dario Argento um yeah I know that the Suspiria actually translates in Latin to the word size I feel like I've had that written down somewhere but why what it has nothing to do with anything that we have just watched maybe that's what you're meant to feel at the end of it it's actually the second one it has its moments the second one I'm fighting for certain parts of that film but not not the majority of it there is one bit in it I will give it's credit for and we'll get to that when we go to the second one but the first one I started watching this a couple of years ago and I ended up having to turn it off because the music is too much goblin the music was too much at the time I don't know if my ears were just being far too sensitive no that is something I noticed on this rewatch it the balance of the yeah the balance of the shift and I know they do it on purpose for shop value or for taking you out of the whatever suspense making you jump whatever their reasons are behind it for me their talking was like this and then the music yeah it was like there was no balance so he was putting me off the flow of the film when did you watch it oh yeah I watched it on prime so at the beginning of the one on prime it has an explanation at the end start to say that there was a destroyed that Suspiria was a destroyed movie yeah and the rest there was a restoration team in Germany I am so paraphrasing from what this thing says and there's a restoration team in Germany who took it upon themselves to piece the film back together with what they had and they got the team the original team who did the technical to wash over it again they really did a top-notch restoration on this film there is actually bits of it that are missing still and I don't know what that made out how that affected the plot and what so ever but they did say they tried to do it to the best that they could that it floored consistently which I found quite interesting that this was a destroyed film that's been brought back to life yeah it said it was printed by using one of the last three strip technicolor machines which was the same process that movies like Gone with the Wind and Wizard of Oz used to get the colors but obviously you can see now when you watch the version on Amazon that's been digitally restored because the colors I imagine a far more vibrant than they were by using the machines he loves his red he loves a lot of things that I don't understand as well yeah so this I remember is it a palette thing with him does every movie that he has have to have a signature color because demons is blue this is red and that's the only two films I've seen of his so he's done a couple of movies because this this whole hysteria is part of a three trilogy isn't it a mother's there's the mother thing I don't know if I write the notes for that on this one or on my other one but yeah there was this thing where he likes to use graphic primary colors but he also likes to use very um what was the word he was I've gone blank on it but geometrics he likes geometric patterns it's like bright colors and that's these two like art choices he likes bow hat the bow house movement he likes everything to do with that as well which makes everything a little bit more stylized I suppose it makes sense so the films were part of the infernal mother of tea years inferno was 1980 mother of tears was 2007 and it is a trilogy all of the three mothers and yeah okay I didn't get that in cesparia whatsoever and I think you get it in the second one because it's a bit more you get it more exposition in the second world good yeah yeah the whole thing you know whilst it goes off on its own thing there is more exposition you sort of understand it a bit better than the first one the first one you're not really sure what's going on 99% of the time until the last 20 minutes I think you thought of things start to really make sense as much as they can do so yeah because there's a lot going on in this and it's written it's really slow and there's not a lot of dialogue in it so you are stuck in places for a quite a long time without a lot being said however that is not to its detriment I actually preferred that because it gave me a lot of time to actually think about things and in a nutshell Susie Banyan is the main character or Susan yeah Susie Banyan who goes to an elite dance studio in Germany yes in Berlin in Germany yeah and she arrives in a very torrential night to be turned away by god knows who while another student is leaving frantically out of the building yeah Susie goes don't know where and there's a lot there's a lot of this in this by the way don't know where and Susie goes off somewhere but we follow the friend who goes to another friend's house and we have one of the greatest depth scenes I've seen in a long long time I mean I have to be honest with you uh this is where I actually did like that if I had gone to see this in the cinema I think people would have turned around and it's me like I was gone out or something because it was the bit where he was pushing her face into the window and she was full on window licking like like whole thing pushed up against us and I just couldn't stop laughing I was like she was making a stupid face I mean obviously the aim was to try and give the the suspense the suspense thing that she wasn't going to go through the window but when you've got a woman just doing this and she's all like it was it was our friend who got me and our friends like bearing him back okay so set the scene the girl is being followed by an entity she can't see she's locked the door to our bedroom and this entity manifests into a hand the literally pulls her head out of the window and this tirade of attacks happens by the way you don't ever see her leave the bedroom she just automatically ends up on the roof yeah I thought I blinked to miss it I couldn't work out what happened I was like how is she out there now but this is what I hope this is my thought process is the missing scenes there's missing things because she literally does just end up on the roof all while that's going on her friend is trying to get into the bedroom by frantically screaming and banging at the door but then she doesn't just do it at that one she goes to all of our neighbors who aren't worn by the way and she does it to them did she just it's the scream it's the scream she doesn't know what she's screaming for no um it's the the whole of that scene where you just see the arm doing all the stabbing and the oh yeah the nonsense that is Dario's arm and hand and I did think the bit that was quite clever was when they showed the the fact that he cut her like her sternum and her heartbeat and heart was showing and they showed the beating heartbeat and stabbed and then the blood coming out I thought that was clever because you're talking 1977 so they shot in 1976 when this this was shot I mean practical effects were in a good place we're talking Star Wars was 77 so we're not talking you didn't have your ILMs and your Lucas novel but there was there was a single song to progress wasn't that yeah yeah people were being able to sort of find ways to make things work and with it being a giallo movie there is the whole suspense thing because of the um black-loved man because that's the standard thing with the giallo movies as giallo is actually Italian for yellow so what it means is there was a range of paperback novels that went out in the 60s and they were called giallo novels because they were all yellow they were well known for their horror thriller and erotic elements so they were like pulp novels so you get um stylized murders they'd always be a black-loved killer somewhere in one of them oh um or you'll be having like amateur sleuths trying to find out how they solved the crime and so to see dario's arm with the black glove on was what sort of kicked off the whole um fact that it was a giallo film but um him and um luchie bob gone blank on the other guy i can see his face he did he did zombie um yeah that they are famous for doing the giallo movies in in Italy but um yeah the that scene i thought was very very clever because it was so badly acted and then you saw that bit and i was like oh it snapped me out of the laughing because i was like oh that that was clever but snap me out was just after that when he when she hung it's the way she fell from the roof and the kind of noose grabbed her neck it was like it was it was like magic like she literally just she tipped forward for the noose to like kind of go around her catcher and dropper and i thought that was beautifully executed but what then he's completely taken out of it again when you see the friend on the floor with the worst makeup job i've ever seen in my life she was still breathing by the way her eyes were moving i mean the windows ceiling window light obviously she fell through that and then that's how she hung uh she'd become hung hung herself she didn't hang herself it was something else but um and then i might ended up dead on the floor because i might didn't want to step out the way she just said they're well you know it's moving to interest to the left like anybody can gosh right in the face pretty much but it will look what she said yeah no it did oh my god that makeup job looked absolutely terrible it was shocking yeah but it set the scene you you thought she's all right okay here we are we've got lots of blood i don't know why we're here but right okay this is where we are you know the choice of the blood is um interesting it's very watery it's um a lot and it goes with every bit of red that is used in any form of clothing architecture it's exactly the same color um the architecture in this movie is fucking beautiful like i don't believe places like this exist this is like that it's almost too it's almost Hollywood like old Hollywood sets yeah these are all buildings he found that like i said had kind of like Art Deco Bauhaus kind of vibed to them because they he could manipulate the the color through lighting he could do things with it that um he's got an eye i'll give yeah i'll give a gentle that he's definitely got an eye he could walk in and it could be a white canvas you know it could look the way it looks but all the walls are white you know i'm very sort of plain and he went in with like massive gobos on the lighting systems to just completely read out a room um you know he did a lot a lot of things through clever lighting and obviously turning up a contrast when they put it through the three striking machine but yeah he was he saw things differently yeah this movie compared to the second one it's very color heavy second one is based in winter so it's very muted which maybe takes the spirit of the film away a little bit i didn't mind the palette of that one i didn't mind it and the darkness of it and i've just got other feelings on it um it had but oh forget to it i don't want to i don't want to go off on one and so when after that bit happens Susie then does make her way to the school to be taught so to be introduced to the greatest jewall i have ever come across in movie history um Miss Tanner and um Madame Blanc played by Madame Blanc played by John Bennett and Miss Tanner played by now she's credited as Alda Vally Vally V-E-A-W-L-I however her stage name is Vally right Vally Miss Tanner you i think if you look at her you'll go oh god she looks like something out of party hi this woman is fucking royalty in movies her eyes she she incredibly expressive it wasn't the fact that it wasn't a word she was saying it wasn't anything like that it wasn't her expressions it wasn't her movement it was her eyes like they were so piercing there you know they were massive as well like they were like they were all you saw on her face because there was nothing else there just the eyes she had a beautiful smile as well and she she knew this movie was going to be dubbed she knew she knew that and the only person who isn't is John Bennett John Bennett and me and star Jessica Harper if they are they're dubbed by their own voices but she over emphasized every word to make sure the person whoever was doing her voice would be able to pick up what she was saying so she spoke like that the whole way through she did it too it was a purpose decision that she made but yeah she is royalty she is the credits to her name are unreal she she equates to the likes of Marlene Dietrich that's where she is in the caliber of movies not Hollywood she didn't go to Hollywood she went she was an Italian film actress and she was she's just amazing not as amazing as John Bennett John Bennett is royalty is Hollywood royalty because she comes from a long linear of Hollywood actors to where she ended up marrying a producer and had one of the biggest Hollywood scandals that broke her career this is the last movie she did yeah I mean she died in 1980 right three years after I think it was 1980 or night did she sit normal because she saw 1986 I want to say because she was in the midst of the 90s oh she in the midst of the 80s hold on because it's quite important to the story when she died 1990 all right so the whole 80s had been so the scandal her husband who was a big Hollywood person and was a very slightly jealous man and she and her agent were walking so she her car was parked outside of a Hollywood back lot he then drove past and saw her car and went oh my god there's John's car and parked up near it not next to it but near it and he waited for John to come out and he saw John and her agent coming out and as they were about to get in the car the agent put his hands on John's shoulders he got out the car and shot him in broad daylight just in broad daylight he shot him this was like this was in the midst of the 50s 60s this broke her career he got locked up and claimed jealousy you know the whole crime of passion thing yeah and you didn't serve a lot of time the guy survived he was a shit shot all right good um but yeah and so this actually she she didn't work properly again after this scandal and she did she she clawed her way back through television but not through movies this was the last movie that she ever ever did i'm pointing to be laptop like you know what i'm pointing at um but yeah this was the Suspiria was the last movie she did she will always be grateful for our general given her that last hurrah um but yet tv is where she made she had to go back to the stage she literally had the start from the bottom and work her way up and she only ever got back into television just before she did this and she wouldn't she she proved why she is who she is because she proved it with the amount of awards television awards that she won for her part um but yeah nobody wanted her nobody nobody touched her after that scandal but what she said was in she did an interview in 1986 and said if this happened today nobody would give two shits and i would be still working on the movies correct yeah hundred percent but because it was the 50s when they originally wrote the screenplay for this dario and the other guy that i can't remember he said his name earlier they wrote the screenplay and yeah yeah the the problem was they wanted to use 12 year old children yes um for the dancers and for the tall um but even is is dad said because obviously if you've watched the original you see his dad's i think it's Sergio Argento but Salvatore Salvatore that's it um and it comes up at the beginning and his dad was like hell no you're pushing it too fast saw companies me at the beginning i was like hang on a minute yeah Salvatore but um he told them under no circumstances was he to use children but what they did do is they didn't change the dialogue so when you listen into them all it's written for children hence why makes sense original script isn't flowy it isn't um flowery it is just very yeah to the point it makes sense that makes a lot of sense now i didn't realize that the script hadn't changed yeah um the the other thing about it was when you went and you were talking about all the dubbing um a lot of them didn't speak english yeah so what they did was they didn't actually take they didn't have a sound man on set so they filmed the whole thing through the cameras and then they went in and they did their voiceovers afterwards and they didn't always have like you say that the original person playing it wasn't always the case nor that's why she made sure her voice was emphasized but if you actually watch there are some people who are speaking in German or Italian or or French and they're being dubbed over in english yeah so the bit you will notice at the most at is where sousie goes to the college the university to speak to her friend who did you recognize her friend the young the young guy who introduces her to um the other older guy the young friend uh at the university is actually the head vampire from blade you know the the guy that um stephen dorf takes down takes him out the t is him yeah it's him remember his cut his name so i do apologize i didn't write it down usually i do but i didn't you know i see see i've just realized so i copy and paste a lot of my notes and i've just realized when the majority of the cast is actually credited as the as the english speaking person rather than the actor yeah oh okay so when you see him talking to her talking to the um the the i can't think of what his name was uh mr millius or something like that his name is weird yeah millius you're right yes she sat down with him and he's speaking whatever language it is to her and for her to respond he kept kicking her to tell her he'd finished his line so she could respond in english and then she'd smile at him or she'd do a nod or something at the end of her sentence so that he knew to when you watch it they dub over it in english but you can see he's blatantly not speaking oh there's a lot there's a lot um Olga the friend oh yeah yeah she she's not speaking english at all the last who the last um the lady who plays susie jessica Harper dario gentor really really wanted her really wanted her and he was he was gonna he was fighting for her voice not to be dubbed over so he wanted to make sure she was as clear as a bell so it didn't have to be um jessica harper turned down a huge movie for this a huge huge movie that could have completely put her career in don't get me wrong jessica harper did not do bad in life she married a sony executive who fucking runs sony so she's doing all here but she turned down why did she turn down down i can't remember any any hole that's it she turned down any hole for this and uh jessica harper he picked her for two reasons one he said she had the biggest size he'd ever seen naturally and he was just drawn to like even when she was scared they got bigger and that's what he liked he didn't have to force it out of her because it was a natural thing um and the second reason was because they've actually dubbed him the italian and i don't like this they dubbed him the italian afric hitch got because he'd become quite uh involved with the female stars not in the sense of from what i can gather i haven't seen anything that suggest i did not read anything to see that he was staying weird well does him but um from the perspective of that he gets very involved with his leading ladies like he wants them to perform a certain way he like he has to have them look a certain way he has a a list kind of thing like like the box used to but as far as i know he doesn't get to the point of where he's throwing birds in their faces and trying to tip him up outside the back of a scene but yeah no no um i didn't read anything of that nature um just that he was more involved with the performance i don't know if it's an art thing this movie is very artsy yeah that that's the whole thing about gelo movies they are incredibly art housey that's why there's like nudity that's why there's all this sort of stuff because you're just supposed to go oh well it's just freedom yeah it's completely completely freedom so she's joined this dance school miss tanner miss tanner as i teach a modern blonde girl the clothes that that woman wore were amazing did not fit the room at all um i devastated because the loss of a student has happened to found out that she's dead and they don't look devastated in all honesty um but yeah but she starts and Susie realizes that she remembers something that she said before because she saw the dead student pass was it patricia patricia um she saw her leaving in a frenzy in her dress here two words but she kind of keeps them to herself for a bit she doesn't drop that bombshell until later but yeah the um you don't really see the what what i liked about the second one is that you actually got to see them dance in this one i got to see everyone else dance but not Susie no and to consider and she spent so long learning how to become a ballet dancer for this part you see Susie on her on her toes for about 10 seconds before she flanks out on the floor yeah and i was just like she started how long for this because when you look into it i don't know whether it's method acting i don't know whether they thought that they would have a bigger part i don't know whether you saw more in a cut scene of her dancing but really there's very little dancing in the first one the second one is full of it it's all about the dance all about um but this one i he's a little bit disappointing because i think i would have liked to have seen some actual ballet dancing i think it would have helped i don't know i think it just would have helped a little bit more called the school idea yeah you know yeah it wasn't much foundation for about that other than um it was a school yeah and then she borrowed somebody's shoes and she tried to sell her shoes and she didn't want her shoes and they kept turning around going hmm at each other and i was like what hell is this what is going on um yeah she when she goes to the school she's told that her room is not ready yet and she has to go um for 50 american dollars she can go and stay with um someone from the school um which she ends up doing now this is what comfy is a life out i mean this is another bit where i feel like i've blinked and missed something so she went instead with the girl and she came back to the school and we never saw the girl again it's she she's never back in the school at all no i don't think so and i don't remember her being anywhere else at the end either you know she's she's not seen at all not heard of not spoke of it's like she didn't exist at all because when sarah something happens in the school where oh that isn't the oh no why is it um how does she end up back in the school they come to she comes to get her to take her back no she's that's it she has that that's when she has that unsettling feeling and that's when she ends up passing out and she gets put into the room she was meant to have because she wasn't going to go back to stay in the school and they end up basically keeping her there for her to recover and that's how she ends up back in the school and you never find out about this roommate at all yeah and they're slowly poisoning her aren't they yeah they're keeping her on a bland diet with red wine yeah i'm not really sure what they're doing to the food but they do you know they're doing something they're doing something it's something to keep out there basically is to is to keep our i want to see a week because i don't notice anything else they could do to her at that time that would yeah that we wouldn't see she then befriends that girl doesn't she the other american and that's when the other american becomes quite um nosy shall we say and this is the culmination of the second death scene if i'm right isn't it yeah which i do not understand for love no money many many reasons this one flummoxed me i understand visually it's an amazing thing to look at you know the blue light in the reflecting off all the silver but why have you got a room full yeah i mean i'll buy it yeah for those of you don't know she runs around and the colors change the blue in this kit and she's running around trying to escape something you don't see what it is but she's trying to escape it um she climbs through a window but ends up in i don't know whether she goes through the window to get into the barbed wire room but somehow she ends up in this room of barbed wire but every mind it's not barbed wire it is just wire it is just rolls and rolls of plain wire but there is a wire right there's no races on it there's no barbs on it there is nothing on it whatsoever it's just a plain wire and she's just flailing around on it and dying and everything um before before all that we're not before all that happens it's the the reason i'm itching for is because the most horrible scene in the whole thing is the maggots fallen from the ceiling yes fuck that's for what it's worth well the falling from the ceiling was actually rice the ones falling from the ceiling was rice except for on that one person which i think was one of the girls come out and she had them all wriggling on her face didn't she um i can't remember which girl it was but one of the girls come out and then you see her sort of batting them off the bit where miss tana walks out that is actually rice falling on her before she when she starts batting it up two two things in this world i don't want to i don't mind spiders and i'm quite scared of anything they're flaps in front of us but two things that i physically i can it it makes us sick it makes us i'm itching really badly maggots is one of them here at the floppers and ants i fucking hate ants didn't realize i had an ant for beer until we had an ant issue in the house and i fucking hate them i hate them i hate them don't like them i actually i've got in one cupboard which is a very far away from my cat because it is pure poison isn't ant thing just in case that i've fuckers ever come back i hate them i hate them i hate them oh and they make us feel if she has anything oh i can handle more things but not not that and when they start it was when it was in our brush yeah everybody downstairs didn't they into the like food rain she said oh it only affected people on the top floor or something um when i looked in the loft and there was nothing in there that i could see if i remember i think and this is where you get some you get some explanation as to the creepy things that are going on so the the as the two girls are going to sleep behind the behind them and the curtain and all lady lies down and kind of growling and snoring and that is the that is the original orgy witch Eleanor Marcos yes who by the way reportedly a 90 year old former sex worker who dario agentos spotted on the streets of Rome well i have to say bravo because yes it was creepiest fuck it was creepy as fuck um but yeah you find out she's the main head witch so basically this film is about witches if in a coffin yeah if you wanted to know what a theory is really about it's about witches in a coffin who particularly don't like their students well i feel like now i don't know if i'm right here but i read between the lines and it feels like they have to sacrifice their students to be able to keep going it's key yeah it's like it's like a you it's like a youth thing isn't it it's the the typical trope of a witch is that you need to hear from the youth in order to they to keep it's August August yeah i was gonna say black flank handle yeah exactly but they are doing it by killing it's sacrificial um they just don't really go into the whole sacrificial thing you never see anyone you hear them talking about it but you never actually see that side of it and i felt like i knew where he was born with this because at the time of the 70s there was a lot of movies of this nature where yeah exactly so in that but when it wasn't being explained i was like oh just a bit more just a little bit more and you would have been fully fully there because i'm gonna put this out there i really enjoyed this movie i actually really enjoyed this and more than what i ever thought i was going to i was getting a bit sick i haven't determined me telling them down all the time i gotta admit that was a bit annoying but the characters in it the um the ending was it was so of its time just uh-huh i loved it but i also know that i remember when i first watched demons and i went on a fucking a roller coaster of a ride with that movie i was all over the place to the point where at the end when they're leaving the building in the car and i'm like it's over and as the credits are rolling up i'm like gearing myself up to go and make a take or something and then all of a sudden i just hear gunshots and it's not fucking over it's still going on and i'm like holy shit and then it just ends i thought this was going to happen there as well so i kind of waited through the credits nothing happens but it is it's perfect how she just walks away from it all houses up in flames and she's it's a smile it's like you did it so bizarre you don't really understand what the hell's going on no you have a friend and you found friend she falls into the barbed wire room she gets pinched to death or whatever the movie that happens in there and all of a sudden she's dead so they they then ransacked the room and make it out like she's done a midnight flip right and they try and tell Susie oh yeah that's what's happened then Susie's suspicions are really really up she's like she wouldn't do that i don't really know but man and then she goes and sees those people the uni she has that conversation and then she comes back but then she does this weird thing someone gives her a bit of paper i can't work out i can't remember how she got these instructions but she's creeping through the it's Sarah right it was Sarah left in north fora and and it's to listen to where they're actually gone see they say they don't stay in the house um but they never leave yeah and it's where are they going to and the creepy little nephew oh yeah why is he there uh just just be creepy kid i reckon it's like it's like you saw a village of the damden one yes one of your children yep one of them yeah um so yeah that's when she becomes batman she becomes a detective because she starts listening to them to see if they're actually all leaving the house and that's when she goes if the if the steps were gone this way they'd be going out but then not the going that and that's when she follows them and sees melon blank doing that amiss and she's got to die you just got to die the american one has to go he has to go and then she bumps into the the body of her friend Sarah who's all tied and like pinned with great big like nails to this board for a member rightly and then she's correct she's she the frankenstein lurch fella is um like he's just their man servant from what i he's like they're familiar from what i can work out um and he like you think he spotted her but she backs into a room doesn't she to try and get away and this is where she comes face to face with hellena marcotz who's the original woman who runs the dance who is technically the coven she's the main witch the head witch she's the head witch and if you kill the head witch nothing all of the witches die nothing really happens and just to just to break this a second my mother is just text me which is very unlike my mother at this time and night because she's normally a bed by harpy at the northern lights are above my house she's just sent us a picture and it's literally the northern lights are literally above my house right now he'll be buzzing that tits off the last time it happened was a few months back and it was it was huge it was massive like the whole of my outside was just purple and and greens and all it was beautiful and she slept through the whole thing but bear in mind a month before that she paid to go to iceland to see them there so yeah we where we are we have to pay to go to iceland to see them because they're never here you know we don't get my house right now sorry you broke that up that's okay i mean hellena didn't really have much to say on the subject you just hear this wheezy old chrome in the back of the room like trying to breathe and then all of a sudden you hear is susie banyan or something along those lines i knew it would be you and then i don't even know how it happened but like susie slits a throat somehow and i and that's it we're dancing who decapitates her and then all the witches set on fire and she walks out really yeah that's it yeah that's really is it it's not the great honestly yeah when it comes down to plot and such like that it's not the greatest of films i will admit that however i did come out with it and go do you know i could see i could see what he was trying to do and we don't know how much is missing we there was nothing explained as to and there's nothing that i found to see what was actually missing as in for story and plotline but i didn't mind it i can't i can't see i didn't not like it because it was all right it didn't go down to we're in the box office let's put it that way it made 1.8 million in 1977 which i didn't do the conversion on so it's probably around 15 million today's maybe 20 million today's money but i couldn't find what the budget tree you know yeah so i don't know how much it cost to make so i don't know whether 1.8 was a success or not but i'm guessing it was um that it was actually rinsed in the by review people were viewing the movie um one of the guys praised the visual style he said the the film's visuals were absolutely stunning but he didn't like the way that sousie played to demure to mindful very demure very demure very very mindful um he didn't like the way she was like that and he also said he called it a weak imitation of the exorcist no no i don't know how he got there from that but i can see the whole supernatural thing the exorcist came out what three years before that four years before that so you still in that weird supernatural horror yeah well kind of loop maybe yeah and yeah i'm going to come back to that later because yeah and you'll understand why and apparently this had a high kill count right i love to know what their definition of a high kill count is because what they said considering is a short film yeah there's four deaths in it right right no no no no no no 12 in total sorry 12 in total so they don't know what claudry instead in one film with less time clearly not an even if it's one there's more of a kill count in the second one there's 14 now bearing in mind the second one i i don't want to call it a remake it's not a remake or a reboot for me this is a reimagining because it's inspired totally different yeah different to the point of where dario actually lost his ship when he was asked a question about it yeah he said he said either you do it exactly the same way in which case it's not a remake it's a copy which is pointless or you change things and make another movie in that case why call it Suspiria um he said it was really absurd that he was never asked about anything concerning the remake nobody asked them about casting locations or anything yeah they're just they still gave him an executive producer title or something like that along the line so yeah they do it he was not particularly enamored by the second one they put his name into it for frankly our wrongly reasons they did it um full disclosure turned this movie off i got it's two and a half fucking hours for us to start with um i think i got an hour and a bit in um it was mia goth's yeah and i just went i can't let me give me a goth's voice she speaks incredibly well but it's very high pitched jamesy and i can't stand it frankly that's what puts me off listening to me at my but mia goth however you say have nothing named because it's so high pitched i find it very over the top sometimes too it's like one thing i didn't fucking mind i can't bear it's i tell you what it was infinity pool that did it for me if i hadn't have seen infinity pool i think i could stand mia goth the character she plays in that where she's walking um alex sander salsgar ground on a dog lead uh and she goes cainsey jamesy that's all you hear and it's like shut up i want oh and then my brain was like how the hell does charlotte buff up there but then i think oh how the hell she's got the buff yes it works both ways and i can't get away with pearl i cannot not x i loved because they're not hurt like fuck all the jib were her it was the setting of it it was the fact that we were going back into an era that you know and you didn't think you were gonna see again it was very texas chan saw it was beautifully shot and britney snore was in it and she just happened to be there oh yeah and um what's up is in beetle juice oh yeah um general taker general takers in it yeah and then pearl and i just it the most unwatchable film i've ever owned it this terrible and then i watched x and i just thought you this is not a good character to do a full trilogy on she's not a good character a lot of people love it and and i i don't i haven't seen maxine yet so i don't know that's it maxine that's the one that's it yeah that's it i haven't seen that yet so i i can't really comment on that pearl i didn't really get on with but i like the i like the original x i thought that was there should have been a one done as it was yeah people have to milk shit yeah and then they milk as we found out when as we see with this and there's a few things um i loved off the bat especially with the cast and which kind of confused is i didn't know who was who because i thought until the swint was miss tanner you know but she's not she's madam blanc she's madam blanc and she's also the german guy the little old german man that's tilda swintland what the fuck and she also plays hell in the mark last at the end what the fuck that's what we're talking this is why this film is a lot cleverer than people give it credit for because you they didn't tell anyone that was tilda swintland playing the old german guy mm-hmm they didn't tell a single fucking person and they were going to kill him off before the premiere hence why he didn't turn up the premiere uh but then they thought that was taking it too fast so then they fixed the information that tilda swintland played three characters in this film that's crazy now she's made up level for this for the for the the older there's a scene which is near the end where she's fully naked as as the guy she has a penis and everything like they went to town she insisted they gave her one because it made her feel more like the role the man the role and and and you know anybody that knows anything tilda swintlanding I egged I expect she's incredibly um stanislapsky method she's very much like in the the film she's she's gonna do what she's gonna do is get all in yeah yeah um halo by jones and mia goth and cloe grace morets more teas but i always forget her son i'm um the all three of those are in it as well um to call her jones and fuck me she looked phenomenal in this i'm not a huge fan of hers whatsoever um but she looked that hair the hair the the borny body because of the fact he's a dancer it works for her and the fact you get to see there is some beautiful movements in this it's done in the opening confuses me every time i see this one yeah i get that there's two like it opens to cloe grace going in to see the psychiatrist which just so happens to be the old guy that is tilda swintland and she starts she's absolutely batshit insane um cloe and she's harking on about all this that and the other um and she's sort of setting the scene for the the fact that she outs them all as witches at that point so you're like right okay we're going with the exposition from the start we're not waiting till the end like we did in the other film um but she gives crazy across really really well so you're like i don't know how much of this i'm believing but she put the she put the seed of thought into the psychiatrist's head at that point then because he starts like wanting to look into everything after she disappears never to be seen again until the end of the movie um patricia her name was she was the original girl that goes missing then it switches on a dime to a bunch of Mormons um no they're sorry they're menonites they're not Mormons my bad there's very very different factions of many different kind of people who turn their own butter um so they're on sheets wax their own candles you know you know these modern types yeah yeah and ohio so remind me not to go to i hi i i i don't know be welcome because she's passed as a like a rebel because she used to run away and go and watch these like big stage shows um when she was younger because she all she ever wanted to do was dance um but she was supposed to be a good men and i woman and look after her mother and her mother died and then i think that gave her the inspiration to just up and leave up and so she just from what i can gather she just turned up on their doorstep to audition i don't know whether she actually got a letter to audition or she just was bare front in like yeah because it's made clear in the original that she was very much invited there yes but in this one she just hey i'm here which she knows i should yeah i mean she they um basically from what i can gather dancing at this place it is very much like a bewitching um it's like spellcasting the dancing it's like a form of magic in itself like um every move has a meaning um which when you're someone who has started and done their A levels in performative dance i've got a b-tech too because you know A levels just aren't enough um yeah i know what are you doing i'm a spoon i'm a tree honestly honestly that's what they don't roll on the floor do a couple of funny things oh my god you have to roll on the floor lots of that and and and you know i'm not belittling what people do because they put a lot of time enough into this kind of dance but you know it is very very hard because every move has a meaning you are translating some words through movement and it's really freaking difficult to understand unless you're in that world so that kind of that kind of comes into play earlier that's a very good description of what happens later on yeah i mean you see her audition and basically she wipes the floor and all of the um all of the women that are in that have really been taking the piss out of her like oh you shouldn't really be here i don't know where you're here but you know you're not going to do that well we're not going to let you have any music you've got to do it all by yourself but she's that good that madam blanc is in the other room and she senses her dancing so she comes in the ring to watch her dance now this room is just a room with nothing but mirrors all the way around it's a horrible room horrible room it's very reminiscent of the room in over a flash dance yes apart from it's not mirrors it was windows in that this one's just very it there's something uncomfortable about it it's not a nice room to be in i was waiting for jerry jerry how they're well to pop out somewhere and start singing it's raining men at one point it was it was it just the shape of it it was just the the shape not i wasn't so much concentrating on the the windows and exterior just the shape looked exactly and i tell you what i could do not like is the sound of feet on barewood glass floor it's horrible don't like it but that's just my nippy well in this one we in the old one we had goblin do the sound the soundtrack for it in this one we had tom york from radio head he did the entire side very different just a little bit he had to be coaxed into this like because he didn't really initially want to do it he was just like oh well not really you know but they they sort of talked him into it and if you actually watch this is hardly any music in it no no from what i from from what i did the thing is or if you're comparing it against the original when it comes to the music it's always going to be night and day the best part of our goblin is that they didn't just use instruments it was their voices that's why what they were trying to do was interpret that and use it in this film by when they weren't using music when they were dancing it was the breathing and the chest banging and it sounded like they were hyperventilating half the time because you heard everything they wanted to use that as the rhythm bass basically i get that um i get that because it you literally heard everything every breath every it's like when i do yoga and i can hear me instruct a breathing oh no yeah yeah don't like it it infuriates i'm like shut the fuck up it's meant to be a meditative time i don't need to hear you again yeah yeah it's a lot i mean when she when they first got all thought oh good she's finished dancing now you know we don't have to listen to that anymore when she got put off by seeing tilda swint in the corner and then she was like oh do we over tilda swint and i've seen you do this show you know i've been a physical that's right because she proper kisses arsters and sure she's like it's when she goes you you've not seen this dance we've been doing this for four years and you think just from a viewing that you can do this and she's like i saw you perform this dance it's such and such and then she does it and it's like okay and you can see they're all like looking at each other as if to say wow she really does know this but when she's doing this dance at this point she's just moved in oh yeah the side story is very similar to the original as in she's there she's staying in the house but the acts aren't the same there's not in the the the things that happen aren't the same well the best part about this film is straight away in the open and bit it actually explains to you what the issue is and whether it be no sorry something's just totally distracted is i'm sure i've just seen something gore here and me cats aren't in the room well there's i freaked this out a bit sorry and the the the that was it in the doctor's room she tells them straight there's a coffin it switches which got supernatural so you know straight away that something's a bit off which is something they never did in the original you had to kind of figure that out for your fucking self yeah the first didn't have any exposition at all this this one is straight off the back it's like yeah here we go um but the the dancing where she's given it all the i can do it i can do it bloody blah blah and they're like this dance is principal you this is a big freaking deal i don't know if you can which is a fair assumption she's been there a day and she thinks she can dance the main lead and in their production of vocal whatever it was that she performed years before and all this sort of thing so when she's performing it she starts doing she tells her to sit down and start take a deep breath and start again and in doing so just before this happens Olga has a hissy fit and basically breaks down she's like fuck you all you're all a bunch of witches i've had enough and she goes running running away that's my little finger do i'm gonna do that there she runs away anyway somehow i'm not sure how but she ends up in the mirror room where it's like she's forced in there it's like what's like she's like drawn to it she has to go into it because there's no explanation as to why she ends up there but the woman who plays Olga um and then was Elena Fokina she actually was a trained contortionist that makes yeah the whole scene is her doing those positions genuinely by herself there was no CGI used in that scene i did keep checking and they all said no like every bit of information i found said no um the dance that Susie's doing ends up affecting Olga to the point of with every movement Olga ends up getting her like her ribs are broken her face can talk her ribs are not just broken her ribs are literally twisted around her body yeah she's like got the back of a ribcage at a front um at one point her arm is stuck behind her back to the point of where it's dislocated and it's it's around and then she the bit i did like right and i i don't mean i liked it but i thought was a really good thing because then you don't get this because it's something that people always go all that's taking it a little far i'm not going to do that she works herself yeah it's normal reaction it's that is a pet what your body would do if it was on such stress that you can't control anything absolutely petrified i almost wet myself when i'm kind of sneezed these things happen exactly the thing about it all she is is muscle yeah and muscle contracting she's been thrown all over the place and when they find her she's like a human pretzel at the end she's this is one of my favorite bits of this whole film it is this bit so well done that bit it's i don't want to use the word beautiful because i feel that it's wrong but it isn't the same it's the fact that they manage to it's the weird shot yeah that you every movement you see her do is afflicted onto Olga and it is just so beautifully timed that it i couldn't take my eyes off it even though what was happening to her was horrific i still couldn't and the makeup work that they did and the any effects that they used looked completely natural it's it was the one thing that kind of gripped us the only issue with this film and the reason i turned it up i was getting too much it was just getting far too much and i was like no i can't do this anymore it's almost like it's trying to be smart for smart sake yeah that's a that is a exactly what someone said this is a damn version this is a damn movie for smart people mm-hmm so look at how big and clever we are that's how it felt and i was like well i'm a fucking putting up with this anymore there was too much um the side story and respect of that Susie goes to a school and it turns out they're witches like in the first one that is there right yeah but there was a lot more to the story than just that in the second yeah there's a whole revolutionary thing going off there's bombs being dropped there's all sorts of things and it turns out that the witches are also a front for some sort of um terrorist group as well which is only loaded to little bit in a little bit and they sort of then sweet passes like it's unnecessary part of the story you do not need to know any of those things um meagoth plays the sera character and sera obviously is in the first one it's the one that ends up in the razor wire in this you nothing happens to sera till the like the penultimate end which i'll tell you about when we get there but um it's there's not really much more to say the kills are really um that kill is the most horrific thing you can see done to somebody's body but it is one of those things that when you watch it with the dance and they keep flitting backwards and forwards there's something very very clever about it and and you see so many horror films you see so many deaths and i love and a some a death someone's put thought into i like it when they take something and they think outside the box and get unlike anything you've seen at that point you know clever yeah we're not just talking about a creepy contortionist that can just you know like the jangly man in stories told in the dark or whatever that one was um the jangly man the guy who does that uh toy toy something he is a contortionist by by deliver that's what he does no that's a voice actor no maybe um but yeah he's um a contortionist for contortionist state where she was an actress it was a contortionist that was an actress and she was able to call this off and i just think that that was an absolute amazing death scene it was amazing performance which was in the film that no one's seen but not but not from just her but from to Korda Johnson as well how she moves about in there is just it's it's beautiful it's red it's fluent and it works wonderful with the transition over into Olga um honestly you kind of take your eyes off it and it's disgusting what's happening to her it's horrible it's the worst but at the same time you're like oh look at that i mean somewhere along the line then we get into all this exposition about witches and the German doctor is basically we get a lot more about him now he his wife he lost his wife during the war now this is supposed to be set in 77 which was when the original one came out so this is what they were trying to allude to because it's Berlin there was still a lot of um conflict yeah and they were reflecting backwards and forwards because they were right next to the wall um so they were talking about like um the the German obviously World War II so there's a lot of fixation on that from the tilde swin and German guy character now it turns out that he was married to a woman called Angk and Angk was actually played by Jessica Harper yes but she came back into this movie which i thought was nice because they found a place for her yeah and it's it's nice to honor her yeah and i thought about it's really clever but to go into all the tiny minutiae of this film of all the subplots and plots and plots and plots basically i'll skip straight to the end because you haven't seen it and it'll help explain everything they go to a point where they're going to do their main performance and um you have the German doctor in the audience you've got madam blank to one side she missed hannah they're all there waiting for the girls to do this dance now sarah is nowhere to be found she's somewhere in the back and all you hear is this almighty scream and somehow and i think it was one of the witches that did it but you i can't really remember this bit her she has shin bone goes through her leg meagoth and and you see it sticking out she's screaming and screaming and the witches basically come up to find her and then they heal her leg they literally run their hand over her leg and it's healed and then they send her out to do the dance and they do this dance and then everything was going like they're in this pattern that was in the book of that grace was had and it's all very sort of like coming together at this point and um all of a sudden i don't know whether it's like the spell breaks or the illusion breaks on meagoth but her leg goes in the middle and she goes down like a sack of shit and the dance has to stop and they are so angry the witches that the dance had to stop because obviously the dance had a lot to do with summoning something or it was getting like some sort of um ritual part of the ritual that they needed for the sacrifice which is the next part so this is the bit that i really loved about this film which is the bit you missed a long way forward like i said to you it's an incredibly slow movie but that last sort of 45 minutes hour is is really great for me around about the time i turned it off as well you see her yeah she finds her way down into this basement and um in the basement we have madam blanc obviously tool to swim and as herself and then you've got her as Helena which is just this gelatinous old lady she looks like one of the centabytes they make her look like a centabyte like you know but of all is it with the tiny yeah the tiny layers that's what she reminded me of like a wig and she was all just skin and she was overweight and it was all like a sharp-eyed dog and she was all slimy and she wasn't crusty like the the original one she was slimy and thingy but miss tana just kept constantly stroking her head like she was a dog it was something very unsettling about that and they kidnapped the old old german guy till it just went and then put him on the put him on the plinth to witness the whole thing so he was going to be either a witness or a sacrifice you don't really find out what he was supposed to be um and then as as to kota susie's walking down the stairs you see all the other girls and they're all doing this sort of like continuous like euphoric dancing where they're stuck in loops repeating the same like moves over and over again and um there's a bit of dialogue and there's this sort of like oh i'm the you know um helena turns around and says i'm the mother i'm uh uh madam soprit uh oh god what is it she claims to be soprisian oh fuck what was it called sorry i know what it's mother um mother sisperium that's it she claims to be mother sisperium and um she's saying i want my children they need to sacrifice for me because i need to get younger i need to become one again and basically you look down and you see meagoth you see um cloe grace and then you see the third girl the third girl that her death is really passed over quite quickly she was the one who was jumping and then all of a sudden had a fit for no reason and then she's moved out of the way really quickly but the three of them are standing back to back in this kind of weird triangle you've got all the witches the school teacher witch is all sort of positioned around and you've got the girls doing this ritual dance over and over again and as Dakota fan er Dakota fanning her as uh Dakota jogs is walking downstairs she stops and she's trying to take everything in and then she starts going on helena about how she's the mother and she's this and she's that and all of a sudden Dakota you know Susie looks at her and she goes why are you lying why are you telling lies you're not the mother and turns out Susie's the mother she's mother's spirit yeah and she opens up her chest and there's a big black harp and when she opens it up uh well just before then uh helena karate chops like in the air through the air like that and she cuts the back a tool to swim and his head off madam blanc and her head's hanging down like this and she's on her knees so you think she's a goner she that's it she's done um but they they accused her of falling in love with Susie but now we know why she was because she's mother so Susie was mother but you they don't tell you whether she's mother all along or she was mother since she got there but she's mother so she completely goes haywire she goes psycho she blows up all the witches that she felt were uh disrespectful or had something to do with the lie of marco's being the true mother so she blows up all the witches heads like they go poof poof and this whole room is just covered in carrot by the end of it and she goes up to the three girls and mia goth at this point she has been drawn um and all of our intestines are on the floor doo doo doo doo doo doo there you are got no volume still can't hear you no yeah you nothing i don't know what's happening i can't hear you just when we can always cut it and then record the last little bit again if you want to why is my mic not working there you are there you are you just come back i'm just working yes just a second come back zoom totally freaked out yeah like it's yeah zoom it starts changing it started like it looked like it was going to close itself down i could see you moving i couldn't hear a word you were saying so oh my gosh um i'll find the time i was and i'll tell Paul when they could litter what were you saying um basically she made all the witches heads explode at this point i got that bit yeah the rooms are all covered in carrot and she goes down to mia goth and clarry grace and this third girl and she says to them what do you want and they said to die so she lets them all die basically she kills them but she does she just cradles them and lets them go because they're all being kept alive for the ritual they're not actually alive they're like clarry grace is all moldy and and like decomposed but nothing's falling off of them and she you can tell she's been dead for a while kind of thing and obviously like i said mia goth's been um drawn so she's not got any internals at this point and so she takes it out on them and she starts going around and she goes up to um everybody and she's looking around the room and she's trying to work out who who is uh mother marcos believer and when she she works out who is who she shuts her heart back up and she just walks out oh well yeah it's like it's very bizarre at this point the next thing you know you see um the house mother not mrs tana the house mother you know the crazy blonde head lady yeah um take german tilde swinton old guy out the door and starts walking him home and he trots off to home and he gets in bed you know completely for schnickard he hasn't got a clue what's going on and um he gets in his bed uh after he's had a shower and everything and he's sitting there starting looking at um because they make him hallucinate to bring him to the the thing they make him hallucinate about his wife and um when he sat in the bed he's reading like the aryan journals from when they were in the war him and his wife and all this stuff and next thing you know to code you know Susie is sat on his bed and she's apologizing to him after all that he's witnessed this whole thing thing in his butt nakedness and i say butt nakedness it's tilde swinton in the suit but um she she apologizes to him and said that's not my children should not have done that to you i i i cannot apologize enough that's not what we're about it's not what i'm about you know but you have to understand that there are things that i feel like i owe you so i will give you the information about your wife that you're so lonely you've been looking for for so long and basically she explains to him how his wife died because he had no idea what happened to his wife during the war she just technically vanished and he didn't know so she informs him that she was unfortunately um someone who was putting the gas chamber or died because of exposure there's it gets a bit muddy just then talking about it but she says to him like she comforts him she says you know your last her last memory was of the time you took her to the concert and that will you know when you went to see Mozart that was her favorite memory and she wasn't afraid when she died because the last thing on her mind was you and like she said i would do that for what what happened you know so i'm giving you this as a gift and uh she said but i can't let you remember what happened and she sort of erases his memory he has a fit and then she'll say she said to him you know you're not remember anything after this so she lets him have his moment you know with the joy of finding out that then takes absolutely everything away from so his housekeeper comes in the room witnesses the fit tries to calm him down and he just asks who she was he doesn't have a clue and she is so even his housekeeper memory that's gone oh my god um and then it goes back to the school where they have a new teacher i think i don't know whether she's a new teacher or she's one of the old witches that was not a marker supporter that didn't have a blown up um and you you see her teaching the girls that are left in the school um and they and she says something like oh unfortunately this amount of blanks gone away but then it cuts to the all the other witches trying to clean up all the blood like with rags in the room like trying to clean it up and then you see tilda swinton on her knees with her head hanging forward like partially decapitated and the blonde witch pulls her head back up and recollects her head and tilda swinton's alive again so every time she dropped her head she died and then she brought her head back up again and it was like a snippet of like comedy relief but you had to catch it it was it was there and then it just basically cuts out to miss tana sitting upstairs covered in blood just shocked as hell not knowing what the hell's going on and it finishes and then if you wait to the end credits you just see the coat just staring at the camera and that's it there's like an end credit scene and it's pointless really but she goes on to do whatever she's going to do as the mother and I love that last 45 minutes and I love the scene where you have the human pretzel the rest of it can get to fuck because it is absolutely irrelevant in absence absolutely relevant nonsense you know it doesn't make you know I wish I wish you told us the ending just tell us what it was and I would have read I would have watched it because that sounds much more interesting than the shit show that I had to watch leading up to the point where I went I can't fuck them take this anymore I didn't move if you decide you're gonna just get it to a point where the dancing in the red string has finished that's where it starts for me personally that's where it's well it's it's gonna be it's you know on the the phyistic where it shows you prime and what you watch that it's gonna be there for a long time so I might as well I'll get it I'll get it removed at some point but not surprisingly this film absolutely bombed in the box office it had a 20 million budget but only made 7.8 million that is bad so it was never seen by anybody and Dario didn't really endorse it it was not particularly well publicized it you know it's 2018 so it's not like we haven't met any of that and it's not that far away so there was money for 20 20 million there was money invested in it yeah but the people that they have reportedly to play in this so we're going to originally have Natalie Portman played the Susie character but obviously have he was coming out of Black Swan so it would have been too similar that's too soon yeah but also instead of Tilda Swinton they were going to originally have Judy Dench play madam blog I can understand it but practically it would practically it wouldn't have worked no I get it I get it but it's it wouldn't have I get it especially because if you're going to base it around John Bennett then yeah a totally understander like the matriarch kind of character honestly if you get bored one day go down a rabbit hole with John Bennett and her family yeah because they are oh my gosh she comes from royalty and it's been a weird movie but not something that I am not something that I'm walking away from going for them fuck that's all over with yeah because I'm having I really am having that I watched the original and give it a chance because honestly the first time I couldn't get past the music it was too it was too uncomfortable but this time I was like I know I've got to get past it and when you do it is a very beautiful movie yeah it's beautifully shot the colors are amazing um the dialogue lacks but again lost in translation I think so the first movie I would definitely put personal taste wise at a six out of ten yeah yeah second one the redeeming features of the human pretzel and the last 45 minutes put it at a three out of ten for me because the rest of it is dog shit yeah so I think it could go up to a four but that's me being on a good day catching me on a good day yeah that's not a good day and I tell you that it's a five it's a tilde swint and that takes it to a three four for me the tilde swint in this movie you would never have known it she was the guy the guy the old girl she was telling her did you have a scooby-doo um so it's just it's tilde swint like what what else I mean I think it was snorpy as a kind of opened me eyes to like shit like she will literally do anything constant and for me constantly I only watched that for the first time this year she does an amazing angel she does something stunning about her she's so androgynous and it works across the board for any character she plays whether she's playing a female a male the sorcerer supreme the the white witch in narnia you know she you know oh my gosh how she looked and i mean she looked at beautiful sim cheekbones you could literally cut glass on them yeah oh she's absolutely I do apologize if she no longer identifies as a she but as far everything that I saw yeah had her down as a she so if if her pronouns have changed or people have not paid attention I do apologize that's not my intention that is just wide red so I just want to leave it up there I mirror all that let's um let's put the spirit of bed bye bye bye that was easy um and next week and next week that's right we are heading into one of the greatest films I've made in my opinion I can't say that because I can say that about a lot and we are doing one of my favorite films though we are going into the orman if anyone missed my um appearance on the let's talk horror podcast I think that's what it's sorry if it's not um I talked about the orman I didn't really get a chance to scratch the surface of you know what I know about this movie so I can't wait to bore the shit out of it it's next week all right yeah the orman um original remake if you want to we can talk about the one that came out this year anything to do with the orman we can talk about apart from the fact that I've never seen sequels I don't think sequels are worth it although Sam now does make me intrigued there is some bits I do know and there is some there is some bits that I do know especially with endemians you know history I've grown up on that but I never watched them I might actually I don't know what else about to do I might actually watch them and so yes next week is the orman this has been Suspiria and you can catch us on youtube every Monday at eight o'clock if you want to see these pretty faces if you don't you can listen to us on iTunes Spotify or anywhere you get your podcast from and I all episodes from the nerdy up north team go up on a Tuesday you can find the links or bleeding marvellous monsters up north nerdy up north we're done down there then oh aren't you a person or not three two two oh my god that's not a thing people in the audience are not going to see Dan's and Mears and Beetlejuice Nails Katherine and Winona oh just imagine we're going up and say oh Katherine you're there and on a personal note massive congratulations to Dan and bleeding marvellous for their sponsorship of the trainer halls and for the love of horror got announced last week it's been a long time coming yeah thank you it's yeah if you come to for the love of horror which is probably the largest horror convention in the UK um you will see us um and I'm sure you see them lot as well a lot of the nerdy guys have come in and Sam not fond um we're also selling these him this fella here do you watch your arm that's an awkward position this is he's been staring at me all night it's our officially licensed terrifying bag Damien Leon actually is a requested one from us as well so this is how good it is and also he has his little glasses that attach to the bag you can take them off and put them on it's a backpack if you if you so like prefer backpacks but it's also a shoulder mounted bag as well and you have a selection of straps inside but yeah it's awesome I absolutely love this bag and I am going to flop the shit out of it it is available on the website now if you want to go purchase if not we will have them for the love of horror once they're gone they're gone though and we have a lot of them but I don't know how many people want them so either come early on Saturday or order now on the website and you can collect it there whatever day you're coming or I can send it out to you from the website it's pre-posted on it as well so yes I just thought I get my little plug in I don't don't plug often but she should she should and we're really really proud of your sponsorship with a full of horror now I also want to say a big thank you to Chris for shooting that class with Wolfman NARS which is our hot sauce that we've done with Dean of the Dead I've never seen anything so anyone does that's something so stupid in my entire life but yeah King of stupid Chris you impressed me you get that one well done Chris and we will be back next week yep so has anything else left to say yeah um bye she could beat me to it stay spooky everyone bye bye!