
Melody Shuler, Mayodan Town Manager 10.15.24

Highlights from last night'sTown Council meeting: paving projects, Washington Mills update, Garfield Park improvements, Minimum Housing Code enforcement, changes to water cutoff rates.

Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
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Mike Moore Media. I'm taking you with our friends at the town of Maidan and town manager Melanie Schuler is on the line Melanie. Hey how are you? Hi I'm good. How are you Mike? All is well and a lot's going on at your regular monthly meeting last night so bring us up today. Let's start with paving projects first Melanie. Absolutely yes so the town council approves paving for Boswell, Blackburn, McKinney, and Jackson Street from 2nd to 4th Avenue. And so Boswell and Blackburn are narrow gravel streets that have never been paved after heavy rains these streets tend to wash out causing ruts that require smoothing out and so these streets will be widened to 16 feet when paved making them more accessible to emergency vehicles and so hooker paving was awarded the bid at $98,250 as information was provided in a timely fashion in I don't mind by street. Okay so that kind of finished up there I guess was that in your closed session then last night? Yes that's correct and then we came out a closed session and determined that we would go with hooker paving. Okay very good so that's good news for the people that live on those streets for sure. Yes. Okay all right and any other things we need to mention on paving? Not at this time. Okay very good. Well people have been watching the Washington Mills property for years and years so bring us up to date on that. Yes absolutely so good news there the plans are to develop the Washington Mills site into a park over the coming years and so currently the town is working to clean up contaminant at that site and so what that means is it'll be a process through federal and state government we won't see dirt turning there until probably a rule or May of next year that cleanup will take two to four months and sometime in there we'll be able to start building pickleball courts which the town council actually just approved at our meeting last night and also basketball courts and so Rustin paving was awarded that bid in the amount of 400 and just roughly over $400,000 the remaining amount of 61,700 for this project will be provided through fund balance and then 340,000 will be provided through recreational purposes that that the 340,000 was appropriated by the state so really appreciate our state legislators and all their support for the town of May of next year so when all those numbers add up you're looking at what around 800,000 for that project perhaps is am I close there? Well for this particular project with the pickleball and basketball it would be about 401,000 but then of course with the site cleanup right now that is estimated to be around 400,000 and the challenge there is that we don't know particularly what we're going to face once we get in there and actually start doing the work so just trying to be conservative in our estimates. Yeah okay but as you said to good news now is that at least we're getting that first phase there lots of phases to this project aren't there? That is correct yeah and so we've been working with students from NC State they've been doing a free design of that part for us that should be coming before the council in a couple months and so there will be other pieces of it like you said phases where we will be incorporating other features like a trail so the town has applied to for the connecting communities to state trails grant and so we should be hearing something back from that soon if we were awarded and so lots of little moving parts but I believe everything will line up nicely and we'll have a part in a couple years. Oh that is good news so lots of moving parts but we are moving forward and so that's always yes that's the important part. Yeah yeah okay let's talk about Garfield Park. Yes so we've had concerns from some of our residents related to Garfield Park and the town council has heard those and we're wanting to make improvements to that park and so right now the town is wanting to preserve and maintain Garfield Park as a open green space for passive play. Some of the current equipment at the park pose a safety concern and will be removed. The park will be graded and seated and a new picnic table and bench will be added to the park along with mulch at the picnic area and a barrier. The town will be seeking out opportunities to update the playground equipment at this park through grants over the coming year. Okay all right so more good news there for Garfield Park. All right okay I know there's some other things you wanted to talk about Melanie. Yes so we are continuing forward with the minimum housing list and so the town is the town council reviewed at the meeting last night a list of properties that require attention and so five properties were selected to move forward in the process. The properties are 303 South 5th Avenue 502 North 11th Avenue 309 South 2nd Avenue 200 North 7th Avenue and 101 Hannah Street so the next steps that we are looking at is the town attorney will complete a title search of these properties. A hearing will be scheduled within 21 days or at least giving the people 21 days from the time that they receive the notice and then property owners will be given 90 days to resolve the issue and a big thing to understand is that there is a system that is available that's out there and so you can contact Eric with state code enforcement at Eric at state code you'll also want to contact him if you have any complaints regarding any properties in town that look like they may need to be addressed in terms of just the structure just not looking found and so on and so he'll be helping throughout this process and I know that they are very willing to work with people. Yeah yeah in just observing him in past meetings last night he seems very accommodating and working with people anyway can so that's great okay but that's going to get some get some things cleaned up around town. Yeah okay right a lot of discussion on on water bills and and cut offs and things like that so I didn't even include that in my story here this morning so why don't you give us the highlights overview of that if you would please. Absolutely yeah so the town council removed $150 fee that is charged the second time your water is cut off due to non-payment. The fee makes it challenging for citizens to pay their bill oftentimes people have to choose between water or food. The fee was originally implemented to deter repeat cut offs from continuing unfortunately has not accomplished this goal and so what the council decided was to implement a flat fee of $50 for cut off and so any time you're cut off the only amount that you will be charged is $50 this covers any expenses that the town encouraged related to cutting off like traveling to the property cutting it off and then traveling back there again to turn it back on. Mm-hmm so that one time flat fee of $50 that's correct yeah okay all right very good well that that's that's helpful to to residents for sure yes okay all right and that takes effect next billing cycle that's correct yes okay all right what else do we need to cover all right so that just one more thing so the town is implementing new convenience fees we've had a lot of concerns from the community we've heard those concerns and our attorney is researching these concerns and we'll be providing a determination of the route that the town needs to go and so an update will be provided to the public in the future and the town council last night voted to delay the implementation of the new fees until January 1st 2025 okay all right well thank you for the update a busy meeting and then you had the closed session and so a lot a lot of town business last night yeah but it was a very productive meeting for sure wasn't it was and you know like you said before we're moving forward yeah and one of the one of the highlights to was recognizing I think the mayor Dwight Lake made some good comments before police chief Tim Knight presented us with those promotions of those three members of the police department about that's always good when we can see people in the department moving up isn't it absolutely very proud of our guys and all that they've accomplished come to this point yep okay so congratulations to Thomas straighter and Clay Barrow promotion to patrol the tenant and David Stanley captain so that's that's great yeah all right anything else you needed to mention that's all for today yeah that's it that's a lot now if someone is listening and maybe outside of the area but I think people and may it and know know where you are there be useful building downtown but if anyone wants to find out more about may it in and the town maybe some people looking at the area to move maybe give the website or a website or whatever if that's a good way to get in touch with everyone yeah so our website is town of made and calm look us up and of course retail if you have any questions yeah our phone number is three three six four two seven oh two four one zero two zero two four one yeah so remember my numbers yeah town or may it end dot com a lot of folks moving to to to rocking him county into the western part of the county for sure so we're getting a lot of new residences and new new people coming in so that's always good all right thank you I appreciate it we all do thank you Mike have a good week you too bye bye all right there's a report from may it end town manager Melanie Shuler and some things covering last night's town council meeting that was a regular meeting and yeah and an item there that came out in their closed session they came back into session and so she was just sharing it with us as well so I remind you to shop in may it end support our hometown businesses and I do have a number of events on our community calendar special event coming up this Saturday at North Carolina Trails Day event at Ferris Memorial Park and then thanks to everyone who took part in the big festival on Saturday what hey and of course the hay bales that are on display very creative businesses and organizations and individuals with those hay bales all around town during the month of October shop with our local merchants and some new businesses that are just a recently opening there in May then thank you for your support thanks also to Dan River Insurance Services and Nadine Cobb accounting and tax for sponsoring this podcast Dan River Insurance Services those ladies air with 20 years of experience and in everything when it comes to insurance and of course a lot of people now reevaluating taking a look at their insurance coverage with the recent hurricanes and the damages and good time to maybe pull out those policies and a lot of people to discovering that they need some help in that area under insured and don't have the proper coverage they need with some things so call them at Dan River Insurance Services and or go in and talk to them personally here's our number 336-427-2955-427-2955 I'm glad to help you in any way they can and then we have Nadine Cobb accounting and tax and I can certainly speak from personal experience there because Nadine takes care of everything for us personally and for Mike more media so thank you Nadine all you need in the way of accounting and tax services Nadine Cobb has the experience and the knowledge and she's so nice too and we have that commonality there with cats we love our cats and Nadine does a lot with animal rescue and in supporting the different agencies that pit rescue and all of that too so thank you for that and that caring heart that she has here's a number for Nadine Cobb accounting and tax 336-427-9060-4279060 both of these sponsors these businesses are right across from each other on North 2nd Avenue in May at end and again the website for more information You